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Cesareo Iglesias

El conocimiento de los complejos y variados componentes de los costes de los accidentes de trabajo ha originado, por parte de diferentes autores, la elaboracion de modelos de calculo y prediccion para intentar determinar su cuantia... more
El conocimiento de los complejos y variados componentes de los costes de los accidentes de trabajo ha originado, por parte de diferentes autores, la elaboracion de modelos de calculo y prediccion para intentar determinar su cuantia exacta. En este articulo se describe el proceso seguido para el diseno de modelos que sirvan para calcular el coste de los accidentes, desarrollando una metodologia que permite obtener estos costes en cualquier tipo de industria. Esta metodologia nos llevo a obtener el modelo final siguiente: Costes no asegurados = 7,11 + 0,40 Costes asegurados - 0,17 Esfuerzo de seguridad
Las empresas y su entorno son cada vez más complejas y esta tendencia lejos de disminuir o desaparecer, crece día a día. Los resultados son simples: mayor dificultad a la hora de tomar decisiones, entre otras razones porque el número de... more
Las empresas y su entorno son cada vez más complejas y esta tendencia lejos de disminuir o desaparecer, crece día a día. Los resultados son simples: mayor dificultad a la hora de tomar decisiones, entre otras razones porque el número de alternativas disponibles es mucho mayor que antes debido a la mejora de la tecnología y a los sistemas de información y comunicaciones. En segundo lugar, las consecuencias de las decisiones son más difíciles de predecir pues ha crecido la incertidumbre. Finalmente, el coste de los errores es mucho mayor por la complejidad y magnitud de las operaciones, amortización y la cadena de reacción que un error puede causar en muchas partes de la organización
Research Interests:
El proyecto se ha realizado en el Departamento de Organización y Gestión de Empresas, con sede en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la Universidad de Valladolid. Los cinco profesores implicados en el trabajo forman... more
El proyecto se ha realizado en el Departamento de Organización y Gestión de Empresas, con sede en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la Universidad de Valladolid. Los cinco profesores implicados en el trabajo forman el denominado grupo de Ingeniería de los Sistemas Sociales (INSISOC). El objetivo principal es crear un documento docente que recoja los fundamentos de las aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial Distribuida (Sistema Multiagente), a la Economía y las Ciencias Sociales en general. Se ha elaborado un tutorial básico del lenguaje de programación SDML y se han incluido dos ejemplos de su utilización. Como consecuencia del trabajo, el grupo INSISOC ha consolidado una biblioteca de fundamentos y aplicaciones de los sistemas multiagente. Este trabajo ha sido presentado en otras Universidades, en congresos y workshops. El grupo INSISOC consolida un papel de 'transfer' de la investigación más avanzada a la docencia universitaria, tanto en estudio de...
Se realiza en el Departamento de Organización y Gestión de Empresas de la E.T.S de Ingenieros Industriales de Valladolid. La realiza el grupo de Ingeniería y Organización con el objetivo de desarrollar una plataforma informática portable... more
Se realiza en el Departamento de Organización y Gestión de Empresas de la E.T.S de Ingenieros Industriales de Valladolid. La realiza el grupo de Ingeniería y Organización con el objetivo de desarrollar una plataforma informática portable para la realización de experimentos económicos. El sistema de trabajo es en equipo y trata del desarrollo informático y calibrado experimental con alumnos. El proceso es contactar con otros grupos universitarios de Madrid y Barcelona. El resultado ha sido muy satisfactorio ya que favorecerá el aprendizaje de los alumnos y eficacia de las prácticas. Fomentará el trabajo en equipo. Permitirá a la Universidad de Valladolid incorporarse a Universidades de Vanguardia del Estado. Pompeu y Fabra. Los materiales empleados son el libro manual que incluye bases teóricas y doctrinales, manual del profesor e idem del alumno, así como un soporte informático interactivo. De acuerdo con la convocatoria, para su publicación, ha de autorizarse antes por la Consejerí...
ABSTRACT This book presents papers by experts in the field of Industrial Engineering, covering topics in business strategy; modelling and simulation in operations research; logistics and production; service systems; innovation and... more
ABSTRACT This book presents papers by experts in the field of Industrial Engineering, covering topics in business strategy; modelling and simulation in operations research; logistics and production; service systems; innovation and knowledge; and project management. The focus of operations and production management has evolved from product and manufacturing to the capabilities of firms and collaborative management. Nowadays, Industrial Engineering is concerned with the study of how to design, modify, control and improve the performance of complex systems. It has extended its scope to any physical landscape populated by social agents. This raises a major challenge to Industrial Engineering: managing complexity. This volume shows how experts are dealing with this challenge. CONTENTS at
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT In this paper we demonstrate that artificial socially inspired agents play strategically a two-stage game, with asymmetric information, and replicate results obtained from experimental sessions with humans. The game is inspired... more
ABSTRACT In this paper we demonstrate that artificial socially inspired agents play strategically a two-stage game, with asymmetric information, and replicate results obtained from experimental sessions with humans. The game is inspired in a negotiation supplier-client in two stages where there is not a priori bargaining power. Both sides can play strategically to get bargaining power and so get extra rewards from the expected payoff when trading on a good of low/high quality. Artificial agents are endowed with cognitive inspired mechanisms that evaluate the opponent's decisions to guess the opponent's social behavior: normative, altruist, cooperative or perverse. Each artificial player can not modify their assigned behavior in the game, but emotions lead their motivations to choose the fast and frugal heuristics that humans used in the experimental sessions, according to their own descriptions.
The interest in multimodal optimization methods is increasing in the last years. The objective is to find multiple solutions that allow the expert to choose the solution that better adapts to the actual conditions. Niching methods extend... more
The interest in multimodal optimization methods is increasing in the last years. The objective is to find multiple solutions that allow the expert to choose the solution that better adapts to the actual conditions. Niching methods extend genetic algorithms to domains that require the identification of multiple solutions. There are different niching genetic algorithms: sharing, clearing, crowding and sequential, etc.
Summary. We start from the fact, that individual behaviour is always mediated by social re-lations. A heuristic is not good or bad, rational or irrational, but only relative to an institutional environment. Thus for a given environment,... more
Summary. We start from the fact, that individual behaviour is always mediated by social re-lations. A heuristic is not good or bad, rational or irrational, but only relative to an institutional environment. Thus for a given environment, the Continuous Double Action (CDA) market, ...
... sistema multiagente, López (2001 y 2004) comprende tres niveles independientemente de suaplicación. ... Y dentro de estas entre algoritmos genéticos, ahora profusamente utilizados en modelos de aprendizaje en economía, y sistemas de... more
... sistema multiagente, López (2001 y 2004) comprende tres niveles independientemente de suaplicación. ... Y dentro de estas entre algoritmos genéticos, ahora profusamente utilizados en modelos de aprendizaje en economía, y sistemas de producción por reglas. ...
ABSTRACT In this paper we demonstrate that artificial socially inspired agents play strategically a two-stage game, with asymmetric information, and replicate results obtained from experimental sessions with humans. The game is inspired... more
ABSTRACT In this paper we demonstrate that artificial socially inspired agents play strategically a two-stage game, with asymmetric information, and replicate results obtained from experimental sessions with humans. The game is inspired in a negotiation supplier-client in two stages where there is not a priori bargaining power. Both sides can play strategically to get bargaining power and so get extra rewards from the expected payoff when trading on a good of low/high quality. Artificial agents are endowed with cognitive inspired mechanisms that evaluate the opponent's decisions to guess the opponent's social behavior: normative, altruist, cooperative or perverse. Each artificial player can not modify their assigned behavior in the game, but emotions lead their motivations to choose the fast and frugal heuristics that humans used in the experimental sessions, according to their own descriptions.
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT Recent research in computational economics and experimental economics shows that both disciplines can exploit important synergies and produce relevant issues in social sciences. In this paper we demonstrate that artificial... more
ABSTRACT Recent research in computational economics and experimental economics shows that both disciplines can exploit important synergies and produce relevant issues in social sciences. In this paper we demonstrate that artificial socially inspired agents (from a consilient approach in social sciences) can play strategically a two-stage game, with asymmetric information, and replicate results obtained from experimental sessions with humans. The game is inspired in a negotiation supplier-client in two stages where there is not a priori bargaining power. Both sides can play strategically to get bargaining power and so get extra rewards from the expected payoff when trading on a good of low/high quality. Human players revealed that in the decision process, social attitudes prevailed over "rational computational" capabilities, and that the bargaining power can emerge from the dynamics of the interactions. Path-dependency in the sequence of the good's quality, that is exogenous to both players, and the individual behavior of the supplier and the customer, determined which side of the exchange obtained the bargaining power. Artificial agents are endowed with cognitive inspired mechanisms that evaluate the opponent's decisions to guess the opponent's social behavior: normative, altruist, cooperative or perverse. Each artificial player can not modify their assigned behavior in the game but emotions lead their motivations to choose the fast and frugal heuristics that humans used in the experimental sessions, according to their own descriptions.
Research Interests:

And 38 more

ABSTRACT The simulation of social behavior in a variety of domains is an increasingly important technological tool. A reference survey of social simulation work, Social Simulation: Technologies, Advances and New Discoveries... more
ABSTRACT The simulation of social behavior in a variety of domains is an increasingly important technological tool. A reference survey of social simulation work, Social Simulation: Technologies, Advances and New Discoveries comprehensively collects the most exciting developments in the field. Drawing research contributions from a vibrant community of experts on social simulation, this Premier Reference Source provides a set of unique and innovative approaches, ranging from agent-based modeling to empirically based simulations, as well as applications in business, governmental, scientific, and other contexts. This book will be a significant reference tool for researchers, educators, and practitioners in such fields as sociology, geography, economics, environmental science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer engineering, and networks, and a valuable, interdisciplinary addition to academic libraries.