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Insan  Harapan Harahap
  • Universitas Bakrie
    Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kav. C-22
    Jakarta Selatan
  • 021-5261448
Penelitian ini membahas dampak pembangunan Terusan Kra terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dan upaya pemerintah Indonesia dalam memanfaatkan Terusan Kra. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder berupa bahan pustaka, yang terdiri dari... more
Penelitian ini membahas dampak pembangunan Terusan Kra terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dan upaya pemerintah Indonesia dalam memanfaatkan Terusan Kra. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder berupa bahan pustaka, yang terdiri dari penelitian sebelumnya, berita resmi, dan informasi dari website terpercaya yang terkait dengan rencana pembangunan Terusan Kra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan Terusan Kra akan memberikan dampak positif dan negatif bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Namun, Terusan Kra akan memberikan dampak positif yang besar bagi perekonomian nasional apabila Indonesia mampu memanfaatkan Pelabuhan Sabang dan Pelabuhan Kuala Tanjung sebagai pelabuhan berstandar internasional yang mampu melayani bongkar-muat kapal asing sekaligus sebagai hub internasional menggantikan pelabuhan Singapura. Untuk memaksimalkan dampak positif tersebut, pemerintah perlu meningkatkan implementasi tol laut yang sudah dicanangkan dan diimplementasikan sejak 2015 sebagai sarana arus distri...
- PT Jasa Marga has utilized the development of information technology by applying the principles of e-government through e-toll services. Provision of non-cash toll tariff payment transaction services has been implemented simultaneously... more
- PT Jasa Marga has utilized the development of information technology by applying the principles of e-government through e-toll services. Provision of non-cash toll tariff payment transaction services has been implemented simultaneously starting October 31, 2017. The toll payment transaction process has changed from manual to e-toll. The implementation of e-toll services aims to improve transaction services at toll gates in a good and optimal way. It is hoped that e-toll services can realize transparency, efficiency, effectiveness, safety and comfort for toll road users. E-toll is considered to be able to provide service time benefits for consumers. Toll road users or drivers do not need to have to pay toll tariff transactions for a long time. Only by attaching the e-toll card to the reader machine that is available at the Automatic Toll Gate (GTO), users can enter the toll road. The e-toll implementation also has the potential to reduce and overcome congestion due to long queues a...
This research was conducted in XYZ higher institution in Jakarta. This research aims to find out the effect of organisational culture and leadership style toward performance through job satisfaction administrative employees of XYZ. The... more
This research was conducted in XYZ higher institution in Jakarta. This research aims to find out the effect of organisational culture and leadership style toward performance through job satisfaction administrative employees of XYZ. The research was done to 61 respondents who work as administrative employees of XYZ. Data processing was done by using SPSS 16 statistical tool with double regression analysis model and with sobel test calculation to determine how much the effect of job satisfaction intervene the effect of organisational culture and leadership style. From the result of linear regression data processing, it is found that the organisation culture and leadership style have positive effects both partially and simultaneously toward job satisfaction and performance. Besides that, by using sobel test it is found that job satisfaction intervene the relationship between organisational culture and leadership style toward performance, with the equation Ŷ = 2.209 + 0.228X1 + 0.280X2 ...
Sports is an activity to ensure physical health for each individual. Furthermore, sports have prestige, special value, pride, and pride. Each country must send its national athletes to compete with other athletes in international sports... more
Sports is an activity to ensure physical health for each individual. Furthermore, sports have prestige, special value, pride, and pride. Each country must send its national athletes to compete with other athletes in international sports competitions. Achievements measured by the high number of gold medals are the main goals that must be achieved by every national athlete, especially Indonesian athletes. So that various efforts must be made to win in every sport both nationally and internationally. The history of the achievements of Indonesian national athletes experiences tidal dynamics in various sports. In fostering athletes, the government has issued several policies, such as Law No. 3 of 2005 concerning National Sports System (UUSKN) and Law No. 40 of 2009 concerning Youth. In its implementation, several supporting and inhibiting factors were found in improving the achievement of national athletes. On this basis, the Indonesian government must respond wisely as a step to improve...
Permasalahan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) di luar negeri seperti mata air yang terus mengalir yang tak ada habisnya. Kasus yang paling sering terjadi, khsusnya TKI yang bekerja di Malaysia adalah kasus human trafficking, seperti tindak... more
Permasalahan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) di luar negeri seperti mata air yang terus mengalir yang tak ada habisnya. Kasus yang paling sering terjadi, khsusnya TKI yang bekerja di Malaysia adalah kasus human trafficking, seperti tindak kekerasan, kerja paksa, gaji tidak dibayar, hingga dipenjara. Atas dasar tersebut, penulis mencoba meneliti tentang penyebab terjadinya human trafficing, sekaligus peran dan kebijakan BNP2TKI dalam melindungi TKI di Malaysia. Data dan informasi yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi studi dokumen atau kajian pustaka dan wawancara dengan Deputi Perlindungan yaitu Kepala Pengawasan BNP2TKI dan Kepala Perlidungan BNP2TKI. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa penyebab utama terjadinya human trafficking adalah banyaknya lembaga yang mengeluarkan ijin rekrut dan kurangnya pengawasan terhadap cara kerja agen perekrut. Untuk menangani atau meminimalisir kasus human traffickingtersebut, BNP2TKI telah melakukan berbagai upaya dan kebijakan, seperti sosi...
Abstrak: Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap  Kinerja Pegawai Bagian Keuangan  Organisasi Sektor Publik dengan Motivasi Kerja sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Kasus pada Pegawai Pemerintah Kota Tasikmalaya).... more
Abstrak: Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap  Kinerja Pegawai Bagian Keuangan  Organisasi Sektor Publik dengan Motivasi Kerja sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Kasus pada Pegawai Pemerintah Kota Tasikmalaya). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (2) pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (3) pengaruh Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai melalui Motivasi Kerja; (4) pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai melalui Motivasi Kerja. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pegawai bagian keuangan yang bekerja di dinas-dinas Pemerintah Kota Tasikmalaya yang berjumlah 96 orang. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan populasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah uji regresi linier sederhana dan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh positif Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai dengan R Square sebesar 0,326 terdapat pengaruh positif Gaya ...
Lee Kuan Yew merupakan Perdana Menteri Singapura pada periode 1953-1990. Dalam masa kepemimpinannya, Lee menuai pro-kontrasi gaya kepemimpinan yang  otoriter sekaligus demokratis, yang kemudian disebut sebagai mobokrasi atau hybrid regime... more
Lee Kuan Yew merupakan Perdana Menteri Singapura pada periode 1953-1990. Dalam masa kepemimpinannya, Lee menuai pro-kontrasi gaya kepemimpinan yang  otoriter sekaligus demokratis, yang kemudian disebut sebagai mobokrasi atau hybrid regime atau ‘ Demokrasi ala Asia’ yaitu membatasi kebebasan demokrasi dengan tujuan untuk dapat memelihara tradisi komunitas di Singapura. Oleh beberapa pakar, Lee digambarkan sebagai pemimpin yang kharismatik, diktator, dan sekaligus pemimpin transformasional, karena mampu memotivasi dan membawa kemajuan besar pada semua sektor. Model kepemimpinan Lee telah menjadi alat pemelihara proses politik dan ekonomi Singapura yang berkinerja tinggi dan stabil, dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Lee berhasil merubah Singapura menjadi negara maju dan negara metropolitan ketiga di dunia dengan waktu yang relatif singkat (tiga dekade). Oleh The Heritage Foundation dalam 2013 Ten Economic Freedom , Singapura mendapat peringkat kedua dunia dengan skor rata-rata 88.0 sebagai n...
This research is entitled analysis of the availability of green open space (RTH) and its impact on the citizens of DKI Jakarta with the aim of seeing the efforts of the DKI Jakarta Regional Government in providing RTH at least 30% from... more
This research is entitled analysis of the availability of green open space (RTH) and its impact on the citizens of DKI Jakarta with the aim of seeing the efforts of the DKI Jakarta Regional Government in providing RTH at least 30% from outside its area, which is the mandate of Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning and DKI Jakarta Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2012 concerning Spatial Planning in 2030. This research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The data used in this study are secondary data in the form of data and information on green open space in the city of DKI Jakarta, information from the official website, and the results of previous research related to green open space and its impact. The results showed that the Government of DKI Jakarta was only able to provide 14.9% RTH, while the time to realize 30% RTH in DKI Jakarta only had 10 years left. As a result, the city of DKI Jakarta has become an uncomfortable city and the citizens of DKI Jakarta are p...
The implementation of regional autonomy is expected to render a significant impact on the improvement of services to the community. In a meantime, local government is required to innovate in providing and improving the quality of service... more
The implementation of regional autonomy is expected to render a significant impact on the improvement of services to the community. In a meantime, local government is required to innovate in providing and improving the quality of service to the community. One of the service innovations created by the local government of DKI Jakarta is the One Stop Service (Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu - PTSP) which is now increasingly becoming the function of Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP). An Innovation that has been done by PTSP DKI Jakarta in the form of simplification of service which includes simplification of the requirement; acceleration of service process time, clarity of service procedures, and granting the right to the public for information. Until July 2017, the economy of Jakarta continues to increase, which is marked by the achievement of investment realization of 48.6 trillion rupiahs. This figure has increased by 63.1% from the same period in 2016, wh...
Social media has a considerable role in building democracy in Indonesia, especially community participation in expressing opinions and expression. The Indonesian Democratic Index in 2017 occupies 72.11 points (on a scale of 0-100) which... more
Social media has a considerable role in building democracy in Indonesia, especially community participation in expressing opinions and expression. The Indonesian Democratic Index in 2017 occupies 72.11 points (on a scale of 0-100) which means "moderate democracy" or not bad or good. This increase was also contributed by civil liberties in expressing opinions and expression through various media, especially social media. Indonesian internet user statistics in 2017 amounted to 143.26 million peoples. As many as 87,13 percents of internet users are users of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and others. Social media is considered to be able to shape individual publicity and imaging, including increasing the electability of 2019 presidential and vice-presidential candidates. Campaigns through social media are one of the effective ways of political literacy to introduce candidates because they can influence people's views and mindsets to vote. In ad...
This research was conducted in Bakrie University in South Jakarta. This research aims to find out the effect of organisational culture and leadership style toward performance through job satisfaction administrative employees of Bakrie... more
This research was conducted in Bakrie University in South Jakarta. This research aims to find out the effect of organisational culture and leadership style toward performance through job satisfaction administrative employees of Bakrie University. The research was done to 61 respondents who work as administrative employees of Bakrie University. Data processing was done by using SPSS 16 statistical tool with multiple regression analysis model and do multiple test calculation to determine how much the effect of job satisfaction intervene the effect of organisational culture and leadership style. From the result of linear regression data processing, it founds that the organisation culture and leadership style have positive effects both of partially and simultaneously toward job satisfaction and performance. Besides that, by using test, it found that job satisfaction intervene the relationship between organisational culture and leadership style toward performance, with the equation Ŷ = 2...
Lee Kuan Yew merupakan Perdana Menteri Singapura pada periode 1953-1990. Dalam masa kepemimpinannya, Lee menuai pro-kontrasi gaya kepemimpinan yang otoriter sekaligus demokratis, yang kemudian disebut sebagai mobokrasi atau hybrid regime... more
Lee Kuan Yew merupakan Perdana Menteri Singapura pada periode 1953-1990. Dalam masa kepemimpinannya, Lee menuai pro-kontrasi gaya kepemimpinan yang otoriter sekaligus demokratis, yang kemudian disebut sebagai mobokrasi atau hybrid regime atau ‘Demokrasi ala Asia’ yaitu membatasi kebebasan demokrasi dengan tujuan untuk dapat memelihara tradisi komunitas di Singapura. Oleh beberapa pakar, Lee digambarkan sebagai pemimpin yang kharismatik, diktator, dan sekaligus pemimpin transformasional, karena mampu memotivasi dan membawa kemajuan besar pada semua sektor. Model kepemimpinan Lee telah menjadi alat pemelihara proses politik dan ekonomi Singapura yang berkinerja tinggi dan stabil, dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Lee berhasil merubah Singapura menjadi negara metropolitan ketiga di dunia dengan waktu yang relatif singkat (tiga dekade). Oleh The Heritage Foundation dalam 2013 Ten Economic Freedom, Singapura mendapat peringkat kedua dunia dengan skor rata-rata 88.0 sebagai negara yang memiliki...
Political parties as one of the pillars of democracy have a very important role, one of the most important roles is preparing a national leader. In consequence, they are required to have good recruitment and cadreization mechanisms. In... more
Political parties as one of the pillars of democracy have a very important role, one of the most important roles is preparing a national leader. In consequence, they are required to have good recruitment and cadreization mechanisms. In reality, however, the majority of political parties are not currently able to carry out proper recruitment and regeneration mechanisms because of the affection of the political kinship, as well as the instant regeneration mechanisms of artists as they are able to gain votes due to their popularity. As a result, many party cadres who become national leaders are incapable of capturing the duties and responsibilities afforded, and often misuse them for their personal and family interests. Partai politik sebagai salah satu pilar demokrasi memiliki peran yang sangat penting, salah satunya adalah mempersiapkan pemimpin nasional. Atas dasar tersebut, partai politik sangat dituntut untuk memiliki pola rekrutmen dan mekanisme kaderisasi yang baik. Namun kenyat...
 Controversy related to the reclamation policy of the DKI Jakarta’s North Coast is endless. Its reclamation policy is reputed inappropriate with the prevail procedure, its policy becomes a fighting zone between authority and entrepreneur,... more
 Controversy related to the reclamation policy of the DKI Jakarta’s North Coast is endless. Its reclamation policy is reputed inappropriate with the prevail procedure, its policy becomes a fighting zone between authority and entrepreneur, beside them bribe cases and corruption was shown covering its reclamation policy of DKI Jakarta’s North Coast. Therefore, writer tried to explain whose the actor belongs to its reclamation project. This research will be descriptive, which the data and information’s used in this research contains of documentation studies and interview with the related institution whose has relation with the reclamation project of DKI Jakarta’s North Coast. The result of this research will be concluded that the reclamation project of DKI Jakarta’s North Coast has a positive and negative impact. This reclamation project can not only solve the existing problems, instead of creating new problems associated with adverse environmental impacts. In addition, the reclamation...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas dampak pembangunan Terusan Kra terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dan upaya pemerintah Indonesia dalam memanfaatkan Terusan Kra. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder berupa bahan pustaka, yang terdiri dari... more
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas dampak pembangunan Terusan Kra terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dan upaya pemerintah Indonesia dalam memanfaatkan Terusan Kra. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder berupa bahan pustaka, yang terdiri dari penelitian sebelumnya, berita resmi, dan informasi dari website terpercaya yang terkait dengan rencana pembangunan Terusan Kra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan Terusan Kra akan memberikan dampak positif dan negatif bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Namun, Terusan Kra akan memberikan dampak positif yang besar bagi perekonomian nasional apabila Indonesia mampu memanfaatkan Pelabuhan Sabang dan Pelabuhan Kuala Tanjung sebagai pelabuhan berstandar internasional yang mampu melayani bongkar-muat kapal asing sekaligus sebagai hub internasional menggantikan pelabuhan Singapura. Untuk memaksimalkan dampak positif tersebut, pemerintah perlu meningkatkan implementasi tol laut yang sudah dicanangkan dan diimplementasikan sejak 2015 sebagai sarana arus distribusi dari dan ke Pelabuhan Sabang dan Pelabuhan Kuala Tanjung.
Abstrak - Lee Kuan Yew merupakan Perdana Menteri Singapura pada periode 1953-1990. Dalam masa kepemimpinannya, Lee menuai pro-kontrasi gaya kepemimpinan yang otoriter sekaligus demokratis, yang kemudian disebut sebagai mobokrasi atau... more
Abstrak - Lee Kuan Yew merupakan Perdana Menteri Singapura pada periode 1953-1990. Dalam masa kepemimpinannya, Lee menuai pro-kontrasi gaya kepemimpinan yang otoriter sekaligus demokratis, yang kemudian disebut sebagai mobokrasi atau hybrid regime atau ‘Demokrasi ala Asia’ yaitu membatasi kebebasan demokrasi dengan tujuan untuk dapat memelihara tradisi komunitas di Singapura. Oleh beberapa pakar, Lee digambarkan sebagai pemimpin yang kharismatik, diktator, dan sekaligus pemimpin transformasional, karena mampu memotivasi dan membawa kemajuan besar pada semua sektor. Model kepemimpinan Lee telah menjadi alat pemelihara proses politik dan ekonomi Singapura yang berkinerja tinggi dan stabil, dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Lee berhasil merubah Singapura menjadi negara maju dan negara metropolitan ketiga di dunia dengan waktu yang relatif singkat (tiga dekade). Oleh The Heritage Foundation dalam 2013 Ten Economic Freedom, Singapura mendapat peringkat kedua dunia dengan skor rata-rata 88.0 sebagai negara yang memiliki kepatuhan hukum, pemerintahan yang terbatas, efisiensi, dan pasar tebuka. Selain itu, Singapura berhasil memperoleh GDP US$14.000, serta negara yang bersih dari
Kata Kunci: kepemimpinan, demokrasi, otoriter, Lee Kuan Yew

Abstract - Lee Kuan Yew was the Prime Minister of Singapore in the period of 1953-1990. During his
leadership, Lee evoked the controversy of an authoritarian and democratic leadership style, which was known as mobocracy or hybrid regime that limits the democratic freedom with the aim at maintaining the traditions of the community in Singapore. Some experts think that Lee is described as a charismatic, dictator and transformational leader because he is able to motivate and bring great progress to all sectors. At the same time, Lee's leadership model has become a tool for maintaining Singapore's high-performance and stable political and economic processes. Lee managed to turn Singapore into a developed country and the third metropolitan country in the world with a relatively short time (three decades). By The Heritage Foundation in the 2013 Ten Economic Freedom, Singapore was the second rank in the world with an average score of 88.0 as a country that has legal compliance, limited governance, efficiency, and open markets. In addition, Singapore managed to obtain US $ 14,000 GDP, as well as a country that is free from corruption.
Keywords: leadership, democracy, authoritarian, Lee Kuan Yew
Olahraga adalah suatu aktivitas untuk menjamin kesehatan jasmani pada setiap individu. Lebih jauh olahraga memiliki nilai prestise, istimewa, harga diri, dan kebanggaan. Setiap negara harus mengirimkan atlit nasionalnya untuk bersaing... more
Olahraga adalah suatu aktivitas untuk menjamin kesehatan jasmani pada setiap individu. Lebih jauh olahraga memiliki nilai prestise, istimewa, harga diri, dan kebanggaan. Setiap negara harus mengirimkan atlit nasionalnya untuk bersaing dengan atlit lainnya di kompetisi olahraga internasional. Prestasi yang diukur dengan banyaknya perolehan medali emas merupakan tujuan utama yang harus dicapai setiap atlit nasional, khususnya atlit Indonesia. Sehingga berbagai upaya pun harus dilakukan untuk mendapatkan kemenangan di setiap cabang olahraga baik tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Sejarah prestasi atlit nasional Indonesia mengalami dinamika yang pasang-surut di berbagai cabang olahraga. Dalam pembinaan atlit, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan, seperti UU No. 3 Tahun 2005 tentang Sistem Keolahragaan Nasional (UUSKN) dan UU No. 40 Tahun 2009 tentang Kepemudaan. Dalam implemetasinya, ditemui beberapa faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam peningkatan prestasi atlit nasional. Atas dasar tersebut, pemerintah Indonesia harus mensikapi secara bijaksana sebagai langkah meningkatkan prestasi atlit nasional. Kata kunci : atlit nasional, olahraga, prestasi Abstract-Sports is an activity to ensure physical health for each individual.

Furthermore, sports have prestige, special value, pride, and pride. Each country must send its national athletes to compete with other athletes in international sports competitions. Achievements measured by the high number of gold medals are the main goals that must be achieved by every national athlete, especially Indonesian athletes. So that various efforts must be made to win in every sport both nationally and internationally. The history of the achievements of Indonesian national athletes experiences tidal dynamics in various sports. In fostering athletes, the government has issued several policies, such as Law No. 3 of 2005 concerning National Sports System (UUSKN) and Law No. 40 of 2009 concerning Youth. In its implementation, several supporting and inhibiting factors were found in improving the achievement of national athletes. On this basis, the Indonesian government must respond wisely as a step to improve the performance of national athletes.
Political parties as one of the pillars of democracy have a very important role, one of the most important roles is preparing a national leader. In consequence, they are required to have good recruitment and cadreization mechanisms. In... more
Political parties as one of the pillars of democracy have a very important role, one of the most important roles is preparing a national leader. In consequence, they are required to have good recruitment and cadreization mechanisms. In reality, however, the majority of political parties are not currently able to carry out proper recruitment and regeneration mechanisms because of the affection of the political kinship, as well as the instant regeneration mechanisms of artists as they are able to gain votes due to their popularity. As a result, many party cadres who become national leaders are incapable of capturing the duties and responsibilities afforded, and often misuse them for their personal and family interests.
Keywords: cadreization, leadership
The matter about Indonesian labor abroad is like an unending water spring. The most common case, especially Indonesian worker who work in Malaysia are human trafficking, abuse, servitude, unpaid salary, till imprisonment. In this... more
The matter about Indonesian labor abroad is like an unending water spring. The most common case, especially Indonesian worker who work in Malaysia are human trafficking, abuse, servitude, unpaid salary, till imprisonment. In this research, the writer trying to analyze the causes of human trafficking, also the policy of BNP2TKI to protect Indonesian labor in Malaysia. Data and information used in this research comprising of study documents or literature review and interview with head of BNP2TKI supervision and head of BNP2TKI protection. The result of this research revealed that the main cause of human trafficiking are the lack of supervision over the recruitment agencies and there are many institutions issuing recruitment license. In order to minimize those human trafficking case, BNP2TKI have implemented various policies, such as socialization to the agencies, Indonesian labor job info, Protection before, during and after the years of service, establish cooperation with Indonesian IOM and Malaysian IOM also reporting PPTKIS and suspicious agencies to the police.
Research Interests:
The concept and the implementation CSR has grown from a simple to a complex and multifaceted notion. Among the aspects discussed in this area are philanthropy, community development, measurement of CSR impact, value creation of company,... more
The concept and the implementation CSR has grown from a simple to a complex and multifaceted notion. Among the aspects discussed in this area are philanthropy, community development, measurement of CSR impact, value creation of company, and many more aspects. Although there are various topics in CSR research, researchers rarely specifically discussed how to manage the CSR strategy in a conglomerate. Whereas, given to this structure, several challenges for managing arise such as; how to formulate the strategy for the whole corporate; how to align the CSR strategy with each of unit business strategies; what is the optimal mechanism to coordinate in order to accommodate the special context of the business and its community.
As a big conglomerate in Indonesia, consisting of 40 companies in 4 strategic areas, Bakrie Group also implements CSR strategy. Governing more than Rp.59.9 trillion (USD 6.3 billion) assets, this group intentionally has established an entity called “Bakrie Untuk Negeri” - BUN – (Bakrie for the Country). This entity is responsible in formulating and coordinating CSR strategies and programs for the group.
This study explores how BUN adopts CSR management concepts in their CSR strategic planning process. Authors have interviewed executives of BUN task-force, and members of the CSR policy making committee of the group. Questions of the interview focus on what these resources expects in formulating and implementing CSR strategies and programs as well as the what the challenges they face. In order to get different perspectives, some experts of CSR were also interviewed. As for secondary data, authors have acquired and analyzed the relevant documents, starting from Bakrie CSR report, strategic plan proposed for 2008 – 2013, and CSR Policy for groups. The data collected indicates that the readiness of the managers of each company for setting up CSR as strategy differs, both financially and behaviorally. The gap, between what should be done and what has been implemented are discussed. The improvement point will be elaborated.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) merupakan komitmen perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk secara terus menerus memberikan kontribusi secara positif kepada karyawannya, komunitas dan lingkungan sekitarnya, serta masyarakat luas. Banyak... more
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) merupakan komitmen perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk secara terus menerus memberikan kontribusi secara positif kepada karyawannya, komunitas dan lingkungan sekitarnya, serta masyarakat luas.
Banyak perusahaan melakukan kegiatan pengembangan komunitas di sekitar perusahaan tanpa melihat atau mengetahui dengan benar kebutuhan sebenarnya masyarakat yang akan dibantu. Oleh karena itu, upaya PT BNR untuk mengembangkan ekonomi masyarakat di sekitar perusahaan dengan survei kebutuhan pengembangan KUMKM di desa Beraban ini merupakan cermin keseriusan manajemen PT BNR dalam kebijakan CSR-nya.
Peran penggunaan konsep organisasi belajar (learning organization) dalam pengembangan mutu berbagai aktivitas organisasi bisnis bisa dikatakan sudah lazim. Pengelolaan pembelajaran di level individu, level kelompok, dan level organisasi... more
Peran penggunaan konsep organisasi belajar (learning organization) dalam pengembangan mutu berbagai aktivitas organisasi bisnis bisa dikatakan sudah lazim. Pengelolaan pembelajaran di level individu, level kelompok, dan level organisasi menjadi banyak berpengaruh pada kinerja organisasi. Budaya belajar organisasi dapat memenangkan organisasi dalam persaingan. Karena itu organisasi memberikan peluang untuk para karyawannya untuk terus melakukan dan pengalami pembelajaran serta meningkatkan kompetensinya, yang pada saatnya akan meningkatkan kinerja organisasi. Cara serupa dapat dikatakan masih jarang diterapkan dan diteliti oleh para peneliti pada dunia pendidikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa PTS yang memiliki akreditasi A yang menjadi objek penelitian umumnya menyediakan peluang bagi para dosen untuk secara individu belajar. Organisasi dianggap menciptakan situasi yang memfasilitasi keingintahuan para dosen. Sifat bekerja sama ditonjolkan untuk mengelola pembelajaran serta pemimpinnya menjadikan pembelajaran di ketiga level (individu, kelompok dan organisasi) sebagai sesuatu yang bersifat strategis.
This research was conducted in Bakrie University in South Jakarta. This research aims to find out the effect of organizational culture and leadership style toward performance through job satisfaction administrative employees of Bakrie... more
This research was conducted in Bakrie University in South Jakarta. This research aims to find out the effect of organizational culture and leadership style toward performance through job satisfaction administrative employees of Bakrie University. The research was done to 61 respondents who work as administrative employees of Bakrie University. Data processing was done by using SPSS 16 statistical tool with multiple regression analysis models and do multiple test calculation to determine how much the effect of job satisfaction intervene the effect of organizational culture and leadership style. From the result of linear regression data processing, it founds that the organizational culture and leadership style have positive effects both of partially and simultaneously toward job satisfaction and performance. Besides that, by using test, it found that job satisfaction intervene the relationship between organisational culture and leadership style toward performance, with the equation Ŷ = 2.209 + 0.228X1+ 0.280X2+ 0.435X3+ 0.307X3X1+ 0.119X3
X+ ε
Keyword: organization culture, leadership style, performance, job satisfaction

Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap PT XYZ di Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja  melalui kepuasan kerja karyawan administratif PT XYZ. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 61 orang responden yang bekerja sebagai karyawan administratif PT XYZ. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat bantu statistik SPSS 16 dengan model analisis regresi berganda dan dengan perhitungan uji sobel untuk menentukan besarnya pengaruh kepuasan kerja dalam mengintervensi pengaruh budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan. Dari hasil pengolahan data regresi linear diperoleh hasil bahwa budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh baik secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap kepuasan kerja dan kinerja. Dan dengan menggunakan uji sobel diperoleh hasil bahwa kepuasan kerja mengintervensi hubungan antara budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja, dengan persamaan Ŷ = 2.209 +  0.228X1 + 0.280X2  +  0.435X3 + 0.307X3X1 + 0.119X3X2 + ε
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap PT XYZ di Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja melalui kepuasan kerja karyawan administratif PT XYZ. Penelitian... more
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap PT XYZ di Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja melalui kepuasan kerja karyawan administratif PT XYZ. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 61 orang responden yang bekerja sebagai karyawan administratif PT XYZ. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat bantu statistik SPSS 16 dengan model analisis regresi berganda dan dengan perhitungan uji sobel untuk menentukan besarnya pengaruh kepuasan kerja dalam mengintervensi pengaruh budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan. Dari hasil pengolahan data regresi linear diperoleh hasil bahwa budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh baik secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap kepuasan kerja dan kinerja. Dan dengan menggunakan uji sobel diperoleh hasil bahwa kepuasan kerja mengintervensi hubungan antara budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja, dengan persamaan Ŷ = 2.209 + 0. ABSTRACT This research was conducted in XYZ higher institution in Jakarta. This research aims to find out the effect of organisational culture and leadership style toward performance through job satisfaction administrative employees of XYZ. The research was done to 61 respondents who work as administrative employees of XYZ. Data processing was done by using SPSS 16 statistical tool with double regression analysis model and with sobel test calculation to determine how much the effect of job satisfaction intervene the effect of organisational culture and leadership style. From the result of linear regression data processing, it is found that the organisation culture and leadership style have positive effects both partially and simultaneously toward job satisfaction and performance. Besides that, by using sobel test it is found that job satisfaction intervene the relationship between organisational culture and leadership style toward performance, with the equation Ŷ = 2.209 + 0.