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Meaning of "seguro" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra seguro procede del latín secūrus.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


se · gu · ro play


Seguro can act as a noun, an adjective and an adverb.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.


Click to see the original definition of «seguro» in the Spanish dictionary.
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Insurance involves the transfer of risks that seeks to eliminate some of the negative economic consequences of the claims, so that the amount of damages or losses suffered by a party is distributed among a community of persons who support it jointly, with A much smaller effect than if the damage were presented individually. From a mathematical point of view, insurance transforms the risks to which people are subjected in bearable probabilities through an organization. Insurance is configured as a basic piece of the current social structure. The institution of insurance has two major manifestations in society: ▪ Social Security, which is a compulsory system of coverage, administered by the State, aimed at providing protection and welfare for citizens, which usually guarantees an economic benefit in case of retirement, Incapacity for work, death, unemployment, etc. ▪ Private insurance that covers and protects the persons or entities that it contracts, being it possible to be a compulsory or voluntary subscription. El seguro supone la transferencia de riesgos que trata de eliminar algunas de las consecuencias económicas negativas de los siniestros, de forma que el importe de los daños o pérdidas que sufre una parte se distribuyen entre una comunidad de personas que la soporta de forma conjunta, con un efecto mucho menor que si el daño se presentara de forma individual. Desde un punto de vista matemático, el seguro transforma los riesgos a los que están sometidos las personas en probabilidades soportables a través de una organización. El seguro se configura como una pieza básica de la actual estructura social. La institución del seguro tiene dos grandes manifestaciones en la sociedad: ▪ Seguridad Social, que es un sistema obligatorio de cobertura, administrado por el Estado, dirigido a proporcionar protección y bienestar a los ciudadanos, que suele garantizar una prestación económica en caso de jubilación, incapacidad laboral, fallecimiento, desempleo etc. ▪ Seguros privados que cubren y protegen a las personas o entidades que contrata, pudiendo ser de suscripción obligatoria o voluntaria.

Definition of seguro in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of insurance in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is free and free of all danger, damage or risk. Another meaning of insurance in the dictionary is true, indubitable and in some way infallible. Insurance is also firm, constant and you are not in danger of missing or falling. La primera definición de seguro en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es libre y exento de todo peligro, daño o riesgo. Otro significado de seguro en el diccionario es cierto, indubitable y en cierta manera infalible. Seguro es también firme, constante y que no está en peligro de faltar o caerse.
Click to see the original definition of «seguro» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of seguro in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «seguro» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of seguro


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «seguro» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of seguro

Translation of «seguro» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of seguro to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of seguro from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «seguro» in Spanish.

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5 millions of speakers


 Increasingly worrying to all however were the escalating cost of insurance, servicing and maintenance.
actuario de seguros  [Experto en cuestiones jurídicas, financieras, estadísticas, etc que asesora a las compañías de seguros]
 Again, the same subject may be required for a number of reasons, e.g an article on population trends in a certain area may be of interest to the statistician, the actuary, the market research worker, the economist, the sociologist, and so on = De nuevo, pueden existir varias razones por las que se necesita una misma materia, por ejemplo, un artículo sobre los cambios demográficos en una zona determinada puede ser de interés para el estadístico, el actuario de seguros, el investigador de mercado, el economista, el sociólgo, etc.
agencias de seguros, las 
insurance industry, the
 Naturally the division maintains close contact with the insurance industry through the British Insurers' European Committee.
agente de seguros   
insurance agent
insurance broker
 The task would have been easier if booksellers had been as vigorous in their business as grocers and insurance agents in theirs.
 Naturally the division maintains close contact with the insurance industry through the British insurers' European Committee.
 An insurance broker presents an update on some important insurance issues affecting toy libraries in the UK.
compañía de seguros  
insurance company
 The author describes the achievements of one of the top eight US insurance companies drawn from adopting an imaging system.
 Naturally the division maintains close contact with the insurance industry through the British insurers' European Committee.
compañia de seguros de vida 
life-insurance company
 After all, making a stink is bad news for any public company, let alone a life-insurance company.
contratación de seguros 
insurance broking
 Prestel is being used in an increasing number of commercial applications including: travel; the motor trade; insurance broking; medicine; and farming.
contratar una póliza de seguros 
take out + insurance policy
 By taking out an insurance policy, you are transferring the risk of an unforeseen event to the insurance company.
contratar un seguro 
take out + insurance policy
 By taking out an insurance policy, you are transferring the risk of an unforeseen event to the insurance company.
corredor de seguros  
insurance agent
insurance broker
 The task would have been easier if booksellers had been as vigorous in their business as grocers and insurance agents in theirs.
 An insurance broker presents an update on some important insurance issues affecting toy libraries in the UK.
hacerse una póliza de seguros 
take out + insurance policy
 By taking out an insurance policy, you are transferring the risk of an unforeseen event to the insurance company.
hacerse un seguro 
take out + insurance policy
 By taking out an insurance policy, you are transferring the risk of an unforeseen event to the insurance company.
impreso de solicitud de seguro 
insurance form
 The term 'librarian' may confer the impression of being a quiet, respectable and unassuming person and consequently be useful on insurance forms, passports and rental agreements.
mutua de seguros  
mutual insurance company
mutual insurance society
 Their mutual insurance company did not have enough equity to cover the losses.
 Reference was made also to the fact that most mutual insurance societies systematically visited their members who were ill in hospitals.
oficina de seguros 
insurance office
 The housewife cleaning her house, shopping, cooking meals, rearing her children and washing and ironing is undoubtedly working just as much as is her husband on the car assembly line or in the insurance office.
plan de seguros 
insurance plan
 They offer a wide range of affordable insurance plans to cover your whole life and your changing needs, including your car, home and family.
póliza de seguro a todo riesgo 
all risks cover
 This is sometimes called all risks cover, because that is what it is intended to protect your property against all risks of loss or damage.
póliza de seguros   
insurance coverage
insurance policy
insurance cover
 As well as insurance coverage, library managers should consider fire prevention measures e.g. automatic detection and extinguishing systems, and staff training to recognise potential hazards.
 This article examines the potential power of hypertext technology for the domains of journal and book publishing, insurance policy management, and software engineering.
 To facilitate any salvage operation as a result of fire or flood, libraries should ensure that their insurance cover is appropriate and adequate and install smoke and water detectors.
póliza de seguros contra incendios 
fire insurance policy
 Fire insurance policies discourage the planting of trees in towns and villages because of the fear of lightning strikes.
prima de seguro  
insurance premium
insurance rate
 This article provides further information about increases in insurance premiums for toy and leisure libraries = Este artículo ofrecer más información sobre los aumentos de las primas de seguro para las ludotecas.
 Insurance rates are off the chart due to people scamming insurance companies.
seguro a todo riesgo  
comprehensive insurance
all-risk insurance
 For example, comprehensive insurance covers damage to your car if it is stolen; or damaged by flood, fire, or animals.
 All-risk insurance covers direct physical loss to property insured unless the policy specifically excludes or limits the coverage.
seguro con franquicia 
insurance with deductible
 Insurance with deductible is included in the price of the rental, but in case of damage you have to pay a deductible with a limit of 600 USD approx.
seguro contra indemnizaciones 
indemnity policy
 Software licensees should take out adequate insurance cover and licensors should take out professional indemnity policies = Los titulares de las licencia de programas deberían hacer una póliza de seguros adecuada y los distribuidores que conceden las licencias también deberían hacerse seguros contra indemnizaciones.
seguro contra indemnizaciones profesionales 
indemnity insurance
 Those of us who work as private sector consultants have been aware of liability for a long time and protect ourselves by professional indemnity insurance.
seguro de automóvil 
automobile insurance
 No-fault insurance is a type of automobile insurance where insureds are indemnified by their own insurer regardless of fault in the incident.
seguro de coche 
car insurance
 After testing 428 high school seniors on basic facts concerning credit, bank accounts, car insurance, housing rental, food and car purchase, their average score was only 42%.
seguro de coche sin determinación de culpabilidad 
no-fault auto insurance
 With Florida's no-fault auto insurance law set to expire in October, there are fears that that medical services could be hobbled.
seguro de colisión 
collision damage waiver (CDW)
 Unless you have taken out something called collision damage waiver (CDW) then having even a minor accident in a hired car could prove very expensive indeed.
seguro de enfermedad 
health insurance
 Libraries must also ensure that pertinent medical history, health insurance, and criminal background information has been obtained prior to any volunteer starting to perform duties for the library.
seguro de incapacidad 
disability insurance
 These areas are covered: disability insurance, life insurance, medical insurance, and dental insurance.
seguro de invalidez 
disability insurance
 These areas are covered: disability insurance, life insurance, medical insurance, and dental insurance.
seguro de jubilación  
retirement fund
retirement plan
 Some businesses use their retirement funds as a stopgap measure when clients are taking longer than usual to pay their bills.
 As many teachers near their retirement years, they discover that their retirement plans are insufficient.
seguro de la casa 
home insurance
 You can shave off as much as 50% or even more from your current rate for home insurance in Arizona.
seguro dental  
dental plan
dental insurance
 Information is provided on the following areas: insurance plans, dismemberment insurance, maternity leaves, and dental plans.
 These areas are covered: disability insurance, life insurance, medical insurance, and dental insurance.
seguro de responsabilidad civil 
liability insurance
 The loss of sovereign immunity makes it mandatory for libraries to acquire liability insurance.
seguro de viaje 
travel insurance
 The grant includes the registration fee, accommodation, economy class return flight and travel insurance.
seguro de vida 
life insurance
 One afternoon, after she had been on the job a month, she went downtown to apply for life insurance.
seguro de vida a término 
term life insurance
 There are two basic kinds of life insurance products to choose from: term life insurance and whole life insurance.
seguro de vida vitalicio 
whole life insurance
 There are two basic kinds of life insurance products to choose from: term life insurance and whole life insurance.
seguro médico   
health insurance plan
health insurance
medical insurance
 Fortunately his company's health insurance plan had covered his medical expenses.
 Libraries must also ensure that pertinent medical history, health insurance, and criminal background information has been obtained prior to any volunteer starting to perform duties for the library.
 The author considers the value of the Internet and World Wide Web in seeking information on medical insurance.
seguro mutualista 
mutual insurance
 Mutual insurance is one of the most common types of insurance available in the market today.
seguro mutuo 
mutual insurance
 Mutual insurance is one of the most common types of insurance available in the market today.
seguro por pérdida de un miembro del cuerpo 
dismemberment insurance
 Information is provided on the following areas: insurance plans, dismemberment insurance, maternity leaves, and dental plans.
seguro sin determinación de culpabilidad 
no-fault insurance
 No-fault insurance is a type of automobile insurance where insureds are indemnified by their own insurer regardless of fault in the incident.
seguro social 
social insurance
 Some people may require 'safety nets' or private and public forms of social insurance that contribute to subsistence in times of need.
sociedad de seguros mutuos  
provident society
mutual benefit society
 Wilson thought that most of these objectives were unattainable by provident societies, since they were governed by people of various religious denominations.
 Most mutual benefit societies formed to provide financial assistance for members who were unable to work because of illness, funeral and burial expenses, pensions for widows and orphans, and low-interest loans.
 This article surveys the causes of disintegration and the use of microforms as a buffer against imminent destruction.
 The latch lever is plastic and seems like it might snap right off if you put too much pressure on it.
  comfortable ; dependable ; reliable ; safe ; secure ; sure ; assertive ; tight ; you bet!.
 A modern comfortable library could look like that in Berlin's Tiergarten, with its opne-air gardens, or resemble Evanston's library with its comfortable chairs and elegant (and, one hopes, safe) fireplaces.
 If the supplier is a dealer, then ensure that this is a reputable and dependable dealer who can provide help with installation, maintenance and support.
 Computers are reliable, and less prone to error provided they are instructed or programmed appropriately and correctly.
 A modern comfortable library could look like that in Berlin's Tiergarten, with its opne-air gardens, or resemble Evanston's library with its comfortable chairs and elegant (and, one hopes, safe) fireplaces.
 An academic library should be secure to control user behaviour and loss of books.
 The surest way to arrive at such a decision is to be guided by principles of helpful citation order.
 I tried to say at the very outset of my remarks that there probably has not been sufficient consumer-like and assertive leverage exerted upon our chief suppliers.
 The platen was lashed up tight to the toe of the spindle by cords which connected hooks at its four corners to another set of hooks at the four lower corners of the hose.
 The article 'Computer games in the learning resources center? you bet!' discusses some of the benefits of using computer games in education.
accidente seguro 
accident waiting to happen
 More than a quarter of motorists are 'an accident waiting to happen' because they drive too close to the vehicle in front on motorways.
algo casi seguro  
a sure bet
safe bet
 The article 'The electronic boom: a gamble or a sure bet?' considers the threat of the new technology to the future of newspapers.
 Realizing that the UK market was a very hard nut to crack he moved to Switzerland which was a safer bet but it also took him time.
algo es seguro 
one thing is for sure
 Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure, it takes two to tango.
algo seguro 
safe bet
 Realizing that the UK market was a very hard nut to crack he moved to Switzerland which was a safer bet but it also took him time.
blanco seguro 
sitting duck
 The article 'Timesharing companies specializing in text: sitting ducks or top dogs?' considers the likely effects of technological developments, such as CD-ROMs, on the traditional on-line vendors.
camino seguro al desastre 
blueprint for disaster
 This was a blueprint for disaster but it is turning around.
camino seguro al éxito 
blueprint for success
 While her findings are not necessarily a blueprint for success, they do provide a glimpse into characteristics that successful people share.
camino seguro al fracaso 
blueprint for failure
 Their culture is steeped in bitterness and nihilism, a culture that is a virtual blueprint for failure.
conducción segura 
safe driving
 Having operational lights and blinkers is a must for safe driving.
conocer de seguro  
know for + certain
know for + sure
 I know for certain I was moony and lonely, feeling dissatisfied with myself, and wanted only to be alone that night.
 The whole extent of Chernobyl's damage - both in terms of human casualties and environmental destruction - may never be known for sure.
dar por seguro que  
rest + assured that
rest + easy that
 Parents who find themselves in the unenviable position of being home with a colicky newborn can rest assured that there is a cure.
 So you can rest easy that you are getting the very best.
de éxito seguro 
sure-fire [surefire]
 For example, asking where someone was born is not a sure-fire way of finding out what their accent is and may lead to erroneous assumptions.
demasiado seguro de uno mismo 
 When subjects are overconfident they stop looking for information long before they have found material that is relevant.
deportista lento pero seguro 
 A marathon is one of the only sporting events where 'plodders' can compete against world class runners having theoretically a chance to win.
desastre seguro 
disaster waiting to happen
 She's got trouble written all over her face, she's a disaster waiting to happen.
de seguro  
for sure
for certain
 It's been a tough decision, but now it's made, and I'm coming back for sure.
 One thing that is for certain is that the loss affects musicians, sound technicians, recording studios, and music stores.
de un modo seguro 
 Each binder has a locking/releasing mechanism to allow the insertion of new entries when required yet ensure that slips remain securely in place when the catalogue is consulted.
en un lugar seguro  
in a safe place
in safekeeping
 Print this document and keep it in a safe place for future reference.
 She would hold it in safekeeping until they were both free of danger, healthy, and enjoying the life he had promised.
en un sitio seguro  
in a safe place
in safekeeping
 Print this document and keep it in a safe place for future reference.
 She would hold it in safekeeping until they were both free of danger, healthy, and enjoying the life he had promised.
estar doblemente seguro 
be doubly sure
 Nothing unusual was felt in the breast exam but she sent me for an ultrasound - just to be doubly sure.
estar moviéndose en terreno seguro 
be on secure ground
 I'm not sure you're on secure ground when you frisk people's briefcases this way.
estar seguro   
be sure
make + sure
set + your watch by
 Inconsistencies are mostly merely annoying, although it can be difficult to be sure whether a group of citations which look similar all relate to the same document.
 DOBIS/LIBIS first checks the borrower's number to make sure that it is in the files and is valid.
 There are a few things you can count on; I mean really set your watch by in life.
estar seguro (de) 
be certain (of)
 Using this in-depth search system, you can be certain you are conducting your search in the most efficient and accurate way.
estar seguro de  
be confident about
feel + confident
 Such variations make it difficult for users to be confident about the form of a heading.
 Most consumers felt confident that once a letter is written and posted, no one will read it either accidently or on purpose except for the intended addressee.
estar seguro de que 
be confident that
 Nobody can be confident that the US yet has a workable solution to its banking disaster.
ir a lo seguro 
play it + safe
 Barack Obama is playing it safe in the final week of the election, but his Achilles' heel might be taxes.
ir sobre seguro  
be on secure ground
play it + safe
 I'm not sure you're on secure ground when you frisk people's briefcases this way.
 Barack Obama is playing it safe in the final week of the election, but his Achilles' heel might be taxes.
jugar a lo seguro 
play it + safe
 Barack Obama is playing it safe in the final week of the election, but his Achilles' heel might be taxes.
jugar sobre seguro 
play it + safe
 Barack Obama is playing it safe in the final week of the election, but his Achilles' heel might be taxes.
lugar seguro  [Generalmente con amigos]
safe place
 By serving teens in this way, libraries not only give young adults a safe place to hang out with their friends, they also encourage teens to identify themselves as library users = De este modo, las bibliotecas no sólo ofrecen a los jóvenes un lugar seguro para pasar el rato con sus amigos, sino que también les estimulan a identificarse a ellos mismos como usuarios de la biblioteca.
no estar seguro 
be uncertain
 Wittingly or unwittingly, they mask other questions that users do not know how to ask or are uncertain that they want to divulge to someone else.
no estar seguro de 
be unsure about/of
 The narrative may be unfamiliar in its structure so that they are unsure about the way different elements of the story fit together.
oportunidad casi segura 
a sporting chance
 By simplicity I mean the fewer the exceptions, the more of a sporting chance the user has of understanding the arrangement.
poco seguro 
dicey [dicier -comp., diciest -sup.]
 Predicting the future is dicey.
problema seguro  
accident waiting to happen
disaster waiting to happen
 More than a quarter of motorists are 'an accident waiting to happen' because they drive too close to the vehicle in front on motorways.
 She's got trouble written all over her face, she's a disaster waiting to happen.
puerto seguro 
safe harbour
 One of the proposals made to protect children from the harmful effects of violence on television is to limit the showing of violent programmes to safe harbours when children are not viewing.
saber de seguro   
know for + certain
know for + sure
know for + a fact
 I know for certain I was moony and lonely, feeling dissatisfied with myself, and wanted only to be alone that night.
 The whole extent of Chernobyl's damage - both in terms of human casualties and environmental destruction - may never be known for sure.
 Here's the question: If you knew for a fact that you only had seven years to live, what would you do?.
seguro (de) 
confident (in)
 Experience of IT in USA is associated not infrequently with the confounding of confident expectations.
seguro de sí mismo    
 A little later in the same document, in a passage dealing in a rather smug way with the then infant county libraries we read that the purpose of such libraries should be to relieve the tedium of idle hours quite irrespective of intellectual profit or educational gain.
 A good reference librarian is tactful, intelligent, imaginative, ingenious, helpful, empathic, curious, persistent, energetic, sensitive, polite, and assured.
 The image which the majority of girls have of the sports woman is as of a healthy, slim, clean, quick-moving, intelligent, strong-willed, self-assured & natural person.
 She is poised and manicured - 'prissy,' according to her friends - measuring her words with soft-spoken formality.
seguro de uno mismo 
 The author attempts to help library staff to become more self-confident and independent in unravelling their own microcomputer problems.
sentirse más seguro de 
gain + confidence (with/in)
 This assignment was designed to help students gain confidence in using print and computerized sources.
sentirse seguro   
feel + safe and secure
feel + safe
feel + secure
 The child psychologist will also be able to advise you with regards to slowly weaning her off the bottle and dummy once she feels safe and secure again.
 As a single woman, you need to ensure that you feel safe when you are at home.
 The desire to feel secure is the granddaddy of all human emotions.
ser algo seguro      
be a cinch
be a doddle
be a breeze
be a picnic
be duck soup
be a walk in the park
 The article 'Singing with Children Is a Cinch!' explains how children learn to sing and discusses criteria for selecting songs suitable for young voices.
 Sitting on top of a launch rocket waiting for somebody to push a button and send you hurtling off into outer space is a doddle when compared with diving.
 We both woke up bright and early to forage for food nearby, which was a breeze.
 Drying and stewing fruit was a picnic compared to the elaborate rituals involved in the preparation and preservation of meat.
 Even driving the Taliban out of power from Afghanistan was duck soup compared to Iraq.
 The Zionists will discover that the war they had in July was a walk in the park if we compare it to what we've prepared for every new aggression.
ser casi seguro 
be a good bet
 It is a good bet that if asked why libraries produce so much material of this type the librarian would answer by saying that it all helps members to make fuller use of the stock.
ser seguro 
be on the cards
 The strongest clue that a reshuffle is on the cards is the regularity with which the press has started to attack specific ministers.
ser seguro que + Subjuntivo 
be bound to + Infinitivo
 The repetition of the author's name introduces new esoteric punctuation which is bound to puzzle the catalog user.
ser una forma segura de  
be a/one sure way of/to
be a/one sure way of/to
 This is one sure way to watch one's health and dancing go right down the drain.
 This is one sure way to watch one's health and dancing go right down the drain.
sexo no seguro 
unsafe sex
 Banning people who have unsafe sex from giving blood makes all the sense in the world to me.
sexo seguro 
safe sex
 A sample of 105 hours of daytime soap opera programming from 1989-90 was analyzed for depictions of sexual behaviours, safe sex, and pregnancy.
terreno seguro  
safe ground
solid ground
 Broder says 'there is no safe ground' in the news business anymore.
 Before him was a morass over which a bridge had been thrown to the solid ground beyond.

Trends of use of seguro



The term «seguro» is very widely used and occupies the 363 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «seguro» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of seguro
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «seguro».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «seguro» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «seguro» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about seguro



Famous quotes and sentences with the word seguro.
Con sacrificio puede ser que logres poco, pero sin sacrificio es seguro que no lograrás nada.
Blaise Pascal
Si un artesano estuviese seguro de soñar por espacio de doce horas que es rey, creo que sería casi tan feliz como un rey que soñase doce horas que es artesano.
François De La Rochefoucauld
El más seguro indicio de que uno posee grandes cualidades nativas, es haber nacido sin envidia.
Fray Luis De León
Estar en paz consigo mismo es el medio más seguro de comenzar a estarlo con los demás.
Jean De La Bruyère
Se teme mucho a la ancianidad, que nadie está seguro de poder alcanzar.
Johann H. Pestalozzi
Tarde o temprano seguro que la naturaleza se vengará de todo lo que los hombres hagan en su contra.
Noel Clarasó
Sólo hay un modo seguro de dar una vez en el clavo, y es dar ciento en la herradura. Algunos tienen la buena estrella de dar en el clavo la primera vez. Hay que perseverar en el intento.
Orison S. Marden
El éxito es hijo seguro de la perseverancia y firmeza en el trabajo.
Por el camino de en medio irás siempre muy seguro.
Cuando una parte del todo cae, lo demás no está seguro.


Si el tirador es malo, para estar seguro, ponte en el blanco.
Abrazo de ciego, golpe seguro.
Ajo curado y vino puro, pasan el puerto seguro.
Al caballo más seguro no le sueltes la rienda.
Arboles blancos por la mañana, seguro que tienen cencellada.
Beba la picota de lo puro, que el tabernero medirá seguro.
Buen tiempo en junio, verano seguro.
Bueno es pan duro, cuando es seguro.
Buey viejo, paso seguro.
Caminar sobre seguro.


Discover the use of seguro in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to seguro and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Manejo seguro de plaguicidas:Manual para técnicos y aplicadores
Los plaguicidas: caracteristicas generales; Envases, empaques y recipientes; Trasporte de plaguicidas; Uso de plaguicidas; Almacenamiento de plaguicidas; Toxicidade de los plaguicidas; Primeros auxilios y tratamiento de la intoxicacion; ...
Abraham Cojocaru, Arturo Villegas, 1993
ABDOMINALES. Para un trabajo abdominal más seguro y eficaz
La falta de actividad física unida a los malos hábitos posturales en el trabajo lleva a una situación que favorece la aparición de desviaciones en el raquis y dolor lumbar.
Cecilia Dorado García, Nuria Dorado García, Joaquín Sanchís Moysi, 2001
El niño seguro de sí mismo: Guía de la educación emocional ...
Conseguir que nuestros hijos se sientan seguros de sí mismos y estén motivados es uno de los mayores desafíos a los que se enfrentan los padres.
Terri Apter, 1999
El seguro social preguntas y respuestas: su guía para ...
El Seguro Social Preguntas Y Respuestas Le Contesta Todas Sus Preguntas Estadisticas recientes indican que casi 6.7 millones de personas reciben pagos administrados federalmente de los ingresos del Seguro Social en el periodo de un mes.
Stanley A. Tomkiel, 2003
Cómo crear un entorno de trabajo seguro: organización y ...
Contiene propuestas aplicables en todo tipo de empresas, sea cual sea su tamano o actividad, y constituye una valiosa referencia para cualquier profesional de la prevencion y para todos aquellos que quieran ampliar sus conocimientos de ...
Beatriz Fernández Muñiz, José Manuel Montes Peón, Camilo José Vázquez Ordás, 2005
Un puerto seguro
Corrie McAfee Harbor Street, 50 Cedar Cove, Washington Querida lectora, Teniendo en cuenta que estoy casada con el investigador privado de Cedar Cove, cabría pensar que me gustan los misterios, pero no es así... ¡sobre todo los que ...
Debbie Macomber, 2012
Cómo vivir y prosperar en Estados Unidos: consejos para ...
Proteja su numero de seguro social y Número de Seguro Social (SSN) Usted necesita un número de Seguro Social para trabajar aquí. Asi haya sido admitido a los Estado Unidos a través del servicio de Inmigración y Naturalización (INS) o  ...
Donna Poisl, 2004
Manual de derecho mercantil
El concepto es similar al que hemos establecido para otros contratos de seguro, pero, como enseguida veremos, existen diferencias importantes con ellos, que justifican su estudio por separado, a parte de estar sometido a la disciplina del ...
Adolfo Ruiz de Velasco y del Valle, 2007
La incidencia del régimen de gananciales en el contrato de ...
LA UBICACIÓN DEL CONTRATO DE SEGURO DE VIDA BAJO EL DERECHO MERCANTIL Cualquier análisis del contrato de seguro de vida moderno tiene necesariamente que iniciarse con el cuestionamiento de su total supresión del ...
Migdalia Fraticelli Torres, 2005
Paso a Paso, Tu Camino Es Seguro Al Exito
Muchas personas imaginan el exito como un lugar permanente y acogedor. Pero el exito no es un sitio que se alcanza sino un camino que se recorre. Paso a paso, tu camino al exito es seguro.
Raul Otero, 2007


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term seguro is used in the context of the following news items.
Dos de cada 10 mexicanos cuentan con algún seguro
De acuerdo con la Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros (Condusef), un seguro otorga bienestar y ... «Informador.com.mx, Sep 16»
Llega a México el seguro contra accidentes por jugar Pokémon Go
A partir de esta semana, los jugadores de Pokémon Go pueden contratar un seguro contra accidentes, para estar más protegidos al salir a cazar a las extrañas ... «Excélsior, Aug 16»
Designan a jefes de los siete vértices de la Misión Abastecimiento ...
Este lunes el presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro informó que a seis días de haberse creado la Gran Misión Abastecimiento Seguro, “ya tenemos en ... «Analítica.com, Jul 16»
Maduro crea Gran Misión Abastecimiento Soberano y Seguro
El presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, anunció este lunes que como parte del decreto de Emergencia Económica entra en ... «Informe21.com, Jul 16»
Más del 50% de las casas no tiene seguro de hogar o no es el ...
Más de la mitad de las viviendas en España no tiene seguro de hogar o no es el adecuado, habiéndose duplicado el número de viviendas sin seguro de hogar ... «El Mundo, Jul 16»
Ley del Seguro Social discrimina a hombres: SCJN
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (29/JUN/2016).- La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación consideró que la Ley del Seguro Social es discriminatoria con los hombres. «Informador.com.mx, Jun 16»
EEUU: Beneficio de Seguro Social subirán ligeramente en 2017
Millones de beneficiarios del Seguro Social recibirían un aumento muy leve en sus pagos mensuales el próximo año, de menos de 2,50 dólares, lo suficiente ... «20minutos.com, Jun 16»
Arrancará seguro universal con 34 servicios
Cualquier enfermo podrá ser atendido en hospitales del IMSS, ISSSTE o de la Secretaría de Salud (Seguro Popular), sin importar a cuál se encuentre afiliado. «Informador.com.mx, May 16»
Dan Seguro Popular a beneficiarios de programas sociales
El Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto realizará una gira de trabajo por Nayarit, donde anunciará la universalidad del Seguro Popular para los beneficiarios de los ... «Informador.com.mx, May 16»
Google y OCU: construyendo un Internet más seguro
Google y OCU: construyendo un Internet más seguro. Con este objetivo, la Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios (OCU) y Google presentan esta iniciativa ... «Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios, May 16»



« EDUCALINGO. Seguro [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-es/seguro>. Jul 2024 ».
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