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Meaning of "futuro" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra futuro procede del latín futūrus.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


fu · tu · ro play


Futuro can act as a noun and an adjective.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.


Click to see the original definition of «futuro» in the Spanish dictionary.
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According to the linear conception of time that most human civilizations have, the future is the portion of the timeline that has not yet happened; In other words, it is a conjecture that can well be anticipated, predicted, speculated, postulated, theorized or calculated from data at a specific instant of time. In special relativity, the future is considered as the absolute future or the future of time. In physics, time is considered a fourth dimension. In the philosophy of never time, the eternal present is the belief that only the present exists and that the future and the past are unreal. Religions consider the future when they deal with issues such as karma, life after death, and eschatologies, which study how the end of time and the world will be. Some religious figures, such as prophets and diviners have claimed to be able to see the future. Future studies or futurology is the science, art and practice of postulating possible futures. Según la concepción lineal del tiempo que tienen la mayoría de las civilizaciones humanas, el futuro es la porción de la línea temporal que todavía no ha sucedido; en otras palabras, es una conjetura que bien puede ser anticipada, predicha, especulada, postulada, teorizada o calculada a partir de datos en un instante de tiempo concreto. En la relatividad especial, el futuro se considera como el futuro absoluto o el como futuro del tiempo. En física, el tiempo es considerado como una cuarta dimensión. En la filosofía del nunca tiempo, el eterno presente es la creencia de que sólo el presente existe y que el futuro y el pasado son irreales. Las religiones consideran el futuro cuando tratan temas como el karma, la vida después de la muerte, y las escatologías, que estudian cómo será el fin del tiempo y del mundo. Algunas figuras religiosas, como los profetas y adivinadores han alegado poder ver el futuro. Los estudios del futuro o la futurología es la ciencia, arte y práctica de postular futuros posibles.

Definition of futuro in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of future in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is that it is to come. Another meaning of the future in the dictionary is a person who has a formal commitment to marry someone of a different sex. Futuro is also value or merchandise whose delivery is agreed upon after a certain period, but whose price is fixed when the transaction is arranged. La primera definición de futuro en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es que está por venir. Otro significado de futuro en el diccionario es persona que tiene compromiso formal de casamiento con otra de distinto sexo. Futuro es también valor o mercancía cuya entrega se pacta para después de un cierto plazo, pero cuyo precio queda fijado al concertar la operación.
Click to see the original definition of «futuro» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of futuro in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «futuro» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of futuro


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «futuro» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of futuro

Translation of «futuro» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of futuro to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of futuro from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «futuro» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of futuro in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

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278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

masa depan
190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

tương lai
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  forthcoming ; future ; intending ; prospect ; would-be + Nombre ; outlook ; coming ; horizon ; long haul ; prospective ; yet-to-be ; future ahead ; intended.
 Following internal discussion, it was agreed that a new library should be given the University's top priority in any forthcoming capital building project.
 The use of a scheme in centrally or co-operatively produced catalogue records can also be important in establishing its future.
 The intending borrower merely specifies a search key for the item he wishes to borrow, and the system provides a bibliographic description.
 At the time OCLC started, there was no prospect for a national authority file.
 The only viable alternatives open to would-be users are to produce or commission the production of custom-made application programs.
 In their first review article of children's reference books in 1982, the School Library Journal's Review Committe for children's reference books presents a bleak outlook.
 I have myself seen, in a northern market, a bookstall where the stall-holder had over a dozen old shoeboxes under the counter in which each month the ten new titles were placed so that the customers could buy the whole new range gradually over the coming month.
 Barbara Tillett's vision of one seamless bibliographic system, either real or virtual, looks realizable over a 5 to 10 year horizon.
 The article is entitled 'Legacy for the long haul' = The article is entitled 'Legacy for the long haul'.
 The advocacy of title entry for serials implies an ideology which focuses on the publication as the principal object of interest of the prospective library user rather than the work conveyed by the book or publication.
 If the past is an indicator, current, emerging and yet-to-be Web features and functionalities will have a significant impact on the content and publishing of serials.
 The road of special librarianship was branching, and in order to succeed members had to look down both forks in order to be best prepared for the future ahead.
 In all 20 per cent of visitors went out of the bookshop with a book they had intended to buy, 15 per cent went out with a book they had not intended to buy and 67 went out with both intended and unintended purchases.
acondicionado para el futuro 
 Lack of funding has led to the development of a strategy which it is hoped will lead to the creation of a 'future-proof' environment based on in-house developed software.
acontecimiento futuro 
 On the other hand, credibility relates less to glossy brochure futuristics than to tested areas of application.
adivinación del futuro 
fortune telling
 I am not very good at fortune telling but I suspect it may be timely for people to communicate briefly on strategy and options with him.
adivinar el futuro 
fortune telling
 I am not very good at fortune telling but I suspect it may be timely for people to communicate briefly on strategy and options with him.
anticipar el futuro 
anticipate + the future
 The leader is able to anticipate the future and willing to make necessary adjustments or changes in the existing organizational patterns, processes or structure to meet user informational needs of the future.
apostar por el futuro 
trust in + the future
 A stone monument carries a plaque that reads 'To plant a tree is to trust in the future'.
apuesta por el futuro 
trust in the future
 They both lead to a rediscovery of trust in the future and of the role each of us plays in promoting a better world that the one we know.
a tener en cuenta en el futuro 
for future reference
 Call it what you want but for future reference it may be best to name it according to its function.
confianza en el futuro 
trust in the future
 They both lead to a rediscovery of trust in the future and of the role each of us plays in promoting a better world that the one we know.
confiar en el futuro 
trust in + the future
 A stone monument carries a plaque that reads 'To plant a tree is to trust in the future'.
con futuro 
 The journal kept me in touch with the established authors in the field but also the new, up-and-coming writers.
con miras al futuro  [Que mira hacia delante]
 The 26-volume Compton's Encyclopedia intends to be 'an innovative, forward-looking reference work for young people'.
con poca visión de futuro 
short-sighted [shortsighted]
 Progressing a stage further, it would be economically short-sighted, to say the least, for a large co-operative network such as OCLC in the United States or BLCMP in the UK, not to take advantage of the MARC service.
con visión de futuro    
 At the University of Guelph, Ontario, innovative and far-sighted decisions made in its early years provided the basis for continuing development of the collections and services.
 Forward-thinking organizations are increasingly recognizing the crucial role played by electronic information.
 A general liberal education is a basis for developing more capable, far-seeing, and wiser leaders in business and elsewhere.
 The author calls for a long-sighted view of personnel welfare expenditures as an investment in people.
crecimiento futuro 
future growth
 Future growth cannot be taken for granted.
¿cuál es el futuro de? 
quo vadis
 The article 'Quo vadis specialization?' brings into question the validity of any locally developed cataloguing or classification system.
del futuro  
of the years to come
yet to come
 The ways in which librarians respond to the new technology will determine, in part, the library's place in the culture of the years to come.
 The article 'The library yet to come' presents a range of pessimistic and optimistic predictions for the future of the library.
desear a Alguien lo mejor (para el futuro) 
wish + Nombre + all the best (for/in the future)
 There's nothing else you can do except tip your hat to them, offer them congratulations and wish them all the best in the future.
desear a Alguien mucha suerte (en el futuro) 
wish + Nombre + all the best (for/in the future)
 There's nothing else you can do except tip your hat to them, offer them congratulations and wish them all the best in the future.
determinar el futuro 
shape + the future
 The article suggests ways for the documentation specialist to exploit systematically all work potential created by information with regard to shaping the future.
donación futura 
planned giving
 Planned giving is when a donor makes or plans a gift to an institution, although the gift may not be available for immediate use; examples are: a charitable gift annuity; gifts of life insurance; an annuity trust; a bequest.
el futuro  
the way ahead
the way of the future
 This article attempts to gaze into a crystal ball and anticipate future developments, both beneficial and adverse, which will determine the way ahead for resource sharing among special libraries.
 10 years ago the CD-ROM network was seen by many information professionals as the way of the future = Hace diez años muchos profesionales de la información pensaban que el futuro estaría en las redes de CD-ROM.
el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina 
the future + be + just around the corner
 But the future is just around the corner and we have to get our skates on.
encarar el futuro 
face up to + the future
 We must face up to the future and ensure that the unique value of the public library as a focus for community life are shared with others.
en cualquier momento en el futuro 
at some stage
 But at some stage they are going to take off and public librarians will need to be ready to stake their claim to be the most appropriate people to collect and organize local community information.
en el futuro                 
Número + Tiempo + ahead
down the road
in future
in time(s) to come
at + future date
in (the) years to come
at some future time
in the years to come
in the years ahead
in years to come
at some future point
in the future
for future reference
for the years to come
at some point in the future
down the line
as the future unfolds
 The December issue is especially useful for its list of conferences planned up to ten years ahead.
 It's not an academic problem; it's not a problem for ten years down the road; it's a problem that people are struggling with now.
 Recently the Government have accepted the recommendation of a working party that in future libraries should be self renewing and finite.
 In industrial societies even the poorest people acquire artefacts to embellish their surroundings; such 'bric-a-brac' may in some cases be the detritus of a previous age or a more affluent environment, and in some cases is destined to become 'collectable' in time to come.
 In essence, an issues management group, within a corporation or other organization, attempts to identify technological or social issues likely to have positive or negative impact on the institution at some future date.
 Of course, we cannot tell in advance which particular subjects are likely to grow most in years to come.
 The number of libraries expected to acquire these workstations at some future time was also determined.
 It is certain that the technology will dominate the entire library scene in the years to come.
 Librarians and vendors will need each other in the years ahead and must learn how to do business with each other.
 The author considers the future plans and possible problem areas the library may have to face in years to come.
 While people dominate at this moment in time, they are altering their environment and, at some future point, will become extinct, giving way to dominance by another organism.
 So far this has only been adopted by four suppliers, but it has so many advantages for the user that it will surely become standard practice in the future.
 Call it what you want but for future reference it may be best to name it according to its function.
 In 1973 the Committee accepted cooperation in the Universal Bibliographic Control project as its main task for the years to come.
 I would welcome the opportunity to apply for any vacancies that may arise at some point in the future.
 The following guidelines are precautionary, but they'll prevent problems from happening down the line.
 Certain experiences become meaningful only as the future unfolds.
en el futuro a largo plazo 
in the long-term future
 It seems possible that in the long-term future all school librarians could be dually qualified in teaching and librarianship.
en el futuro cercano 
in the foreseeable future
 The exhibit is still being populated with digitized images and documents, and will continue to have new content added in the forseeable future.
en el futuro inmediato  
in the offing
in the foreseeable future
 There would be obvious advantages in relating retrieval discussions to semantic issues to prepare for the more complex forms of information systems in the offing.
 The exhibit is still being populated with digitized images and documents, and will continue to have new content added in the forseeable future.
en el futuro lejano 
further in the future
 Further in the future, multimedia will radically change the business environment.
enfrentarse al futuro  
face up to + the future
face + the future
 We must face up to the future and ensure that the unique value of the public library as a focus for community life are shared with others.
 The article is entitled 'From strength to strength: Judaica collections facing the future'.
en un futuro cercano 
in the near future
 In the same context, let me put before you an issue which I think you will be hearing a good deal about in the near future.
en un futuro más o menos lejano 
in the near future
 In the same context, let me put before you an issue which I think you will be hearing a good deal about in the near future.
en un futuro más o menos cercano 
in the near future
 In the same context, let me put before you an issue which I think you will be hearing a good deal about in the near future.
en un futuro muy cercano 
in the very near future
 He will explore the challenges that face us in the very near future.
en un futuro no muy distante 
in the not too distant future
 Computerising the information activities in the not too distant future will improve the service to readers.
en un futuro no muy lejano  
in the not too distant future
in the near future
 Computerising the information activities in the not too distant future will improve the service to readers.
 In the same context, let me put before you an issue which I think you will be hearing a good deal about in the near future.
en un futuro próximo 
in the near future
 In the same context, let me put before you an issue which I think you will be hearing a good deal about in the near future.
esperar en el futuro  
be in store for + Nombre + in the future
future + have in store
 This article looks at the school library now and what is in store for it in the future.
 This article describes the architecture and layout of the British Library Reading Room within the British Museum and outlines what the future has in store within the new British Library.
falta de visión de futuro   
nearsightedness [near-sightedness]
 The author laments the demise of the paper card catalogue as a 'paroxysm of shortsightedness and antiintellectualism' on the part of over zealous librarians, wreaking destruction in a class with the burning of the library at Alexandria.
 The nearsightedness in these works is mirrored in contemporary American analysis of events & life.
 We have demonstrated that managerial myopia may result in actions that maximize the short-term market value, not the fundamental value, of the firm.
falto de visión de futuro 
 Street boys like Slake, a dodger used to running away, do not, even when they are myopic and dreamers, allow themselves to bump into lampposts.
forjar el futuro  
forge + the future
shape + the future
 The article is entitled 'From Carnegie to Internet2: Forging the Serials Future'.
 The article suggests ways for the documentation specialist to exploit systematically all work potential created by information with regard to shaping the future.
futura generación 
future generation
 Some experts have expressed grave doubts about the durability of contemporary literary and artistic works on paper and hence the possibility of handing on works of culture to future generations.
futuro + aguardar 
future + hold
 It is difficult to predict what the future holds for LCC.
futuro a largo plazo 
long-term future
 Most journals are increasingly subsidised by members of their parent societies or from other sources, and their long-term future is unclear.
futuro cercano, el 
near future, the
 This article lists the measures proposed for the near future by the International Centre of Scientific and Technical Information.
futuro + deparar    
future + hold
be in store for + Nombre + in the future
be in store for + Nombre + in the future
future + have in store
 It is difficult to predict what the future holds for LCC.
 This article looks at the school library now and what is in store for it in the future.
 This article looks at the school library now and what is in store for it in the future.
 This article describes the architecture and layout of the British Library Reading Room within the British Museum and outlines what the future has in store within the new British Library.
futuro digital, el 
digital future, the
 A revolutionary new economic theory says that the digital future is one of abundance - when the bottlenecks that stand between supply and demand disappear.
futuro, el  
years ahead, the
road ahead, the
 It is believed that the years ahead will see an increase in such programs.
 The conference topic, the future of library and information studies education, was a means for determining the road ahead through the three Cs of continuity, culture and competition.
futuro esposo  
 A bridegroom was killed yesterday by undercover police officers in a hail of 50 bullets as he left his stag party.
 The groom's role is changing and husbands-to-be are getting more hands-on when it comes to wedding preparations.
futuro + estar + en + Posesivo + manos 
future + be + in + Posesivo + hands
 They realized that their future was in their hands and no one else could do for them what they could do for themselves.
futuro incierto 
uncertain future
 Defeat ended slavery and brought an uncertain future for everyone.
futuro inmediato 
immediate future
 The purpose of the summit was to reach agreement on the most effective means of delivering library and information services to the nation for the immediate future.
futuro inmediato, el 
near future, the
 This article lists the measures proposed for the near future by the International Centre of Scientific and Technical Information.
futuro marido  
 A bridegroom was killed yesterday by undercover police officers in a hail of 50 bullets as he left his stag party.
 The groom's role is changing and husbands-to-be are getting more hands-on when it comes to wedding preparations.
futuro muy incierto 
bleak future
 A bleak future awaits today's youth as they are being forced to bear the brunt of the capitalist crisis despite having had nothing to do with its creation.
futuro muy oscuro 
bleak future
 A bleak future awaits today's youth as they are being forced to bear the brunt of the capitalist crisis despite having had nothing to do with its creation.
futuro previsible 
foreseeable future
 Catalogers are reluctant to adopt new terminology unless they can be assured that new terms will remain in effect for the foreseeable future.
futuro profesional 
professional future
 The article 'Professional futures - why the prospects are so rosy' considers the future prospects for the information professional in the information society.
futuro prometedor 
bright future
 The future of the CD-ROM and the business researcher is very bright.
hacer frente al futuro 
face up to + the future
 We must face up to the future and ensure that the unique value of the public library as a focus for community life are shared with others.
hacia el futuro  [A veces no se traduce pues la idea la expresa el nombre o verbo al que acompaña]
 This idea appears implausible when one looks at the lack of interest outside the library and archive professions in the onward transmission of the human record.
hay que mirar hacia el futuro 
the show must go on
 He concludes that in both democracy and art, we have reached a point of stasis in which the show must go on because there is nothing to replace it.
hay que pensar en el futuro 
the show must go on
 He concludes that in both democracy and art, we have reached a point of stasis in which the show must go on because there is nothing to replace it.
hipotecar el futuro 
mortgage + the future
 The author argues that the country's future is mortgaged to its wasteful apartheid past.
labrar el futuro 
shape + the future
 The article suggests ways for the documentation specialist to exploit systematically all work potential created by information with regard to shaping the future.
lo que el futuro depara a 
what is on store for
 With Internet Explorer being the dominant force over other internet browsers today, one may wonder what is in store for browsers in the future.
mirar hacia el futuro  
look forward
look + ahead
 So, at the beginning of the 21st century, libraries in the UK are looking forward again, with confidence and pride in the vital role they play.
 The author gives a brief description of the library and information scene in 1974 and looks ahead to what it will be like in 2014.
Nombre + futuro 
further + Nombre
 Arabic numerals are used to denote further divisions, in an integral manner, running from 1 to 9999, as necessary.
no tener futuro 
there + be + no future in
 He was worried stiff by how much he wanted her, knowing there was no future in it.
ocurrir en el futuro 
go into + the future
 My third and fourth points concern two things that go into the future that will cause us to think freshly.
para el futuro   
for the years to come
for the years ahead
for the future
 In 1973 the Committee accepted cooperation in the Universal Bibliographic Control project as its main task for the years to come.
 The challenge for the years ahead is to work creatively with a multiplicity of sources.
 To reinvigorate libraries for the future, librarians must focus on mission not method; they must seek solutions that are new and creative; and they must have faith in themselves.
para futuras consultas 
for future reference
 Print this document and keep it in a safe place for future reference.
para siempre en el futuro 
for the indefinite future
 Sustained reading of texts will remain important for the indefinite future.
para un futuro mejor 
for a better future
 Over 10 years after the war of separation from Pakistan, librarians in Bangladesh are about to give up hope for a better future for librarianship.
perspectivas de futuro    
future prospects
future perspectives
future development(s)
future opportunities
 It describes the structure of library and information education in the UK and examines current trends and future prospects.
 This paper presents the problems connected with user education during the last 20 years as well as future perspectives in this area.
 This article outlines the international cooperation of the UK meteorological service and examines its future development.
 The author examines the accomplishments of international cooperation efforts, identifies barriers, and speculates on future opportunities.
perspectivas futuras  
future perspectives
future opportunities
 This paper presents the problems connected with user education during the last 20 years as well as future perspectives in this area.
 The author examines the accomplishments of international cooperation efforts, identifies barriers, and speculates on future opportunities.
planes futuros  [Usado en plural generalmente]
future plans
 The author describes the development, current state and future plans of the British Library Document Supply Centre.
planificación para el futuro 
future proofing
 The article 'Is IT getting too clever for its own good?' considers future proofing in information technology.
por si hace falta consultarlo en el futuro 
for future reference
 Print this document and keep it in a safe place for future reference.
posibilidades de futuro 
future possibilities
 The business challenge is to identify future possibilities for decision-making.
predecir el futuro 
gaze into + crystal ball
 This article attempts to gaze into a crystal ball and anticipate future developments, both beneficial and adverse, which will determine the way ahead for resource sharing among special libraries.
preparación para el futuro 
future proofing
 The article 'Is IT getting too clever for its own good?' considers future proofing in information technology.
preparado para el futuro 
 Lack of funding has led to the development of a strategy which it is hoped will lead to the creation of a 'future-proof' environment based on in-house developed software.
preparar para el futuro 
 This event will focus on practical tools and techniques that can help to ensure that institutional websites are future-proofed against risks such as institutional change and technological obsolescence.
prepararse para el futuro 
embrace + the future
 Successful libraries will embrace the future by incorporating new technology into daily routines.
previsión de futuro 
future proofing
 The article 'Is IT getting too clever for its own good?' considers future proofing in information technology.
previsiones para el futuro 
future development(s)
 This article outlines the international cooperation of the UK meteorological service and examines its future development.
pronósticos de futuro 
future predictions
 This article discusses the BBC's programme research and information services, paper-keeping and documentation services, commercial services, and outlines future predictions.
proyectar hacia el futuro 
project + ahead
 Let us project this trend ahead to a logical, if not inevitable, outcome.
repercutir en el futuro 
shape + the future
 The article suggests ways for the documentation specialist to exploit systematically all work potential created by information with regard to shaping the future.
salto hacia el futuro 
leap into + the future
 The article is entitled 'A Leap into the Future: Serials Literature of 2002'.
salvaguardar el futuro 
safeguard + the future
 For the 1990s public libraries must safeguard their future with a clearly structured concept and hierarchically ordered set of priorities.
tener futuro   
have + potential
there + be + future in
have + a future
 The somewhat late arrival of the ROOT thesaurus in the indexing world means that its penetration will be slow, although it has great potential as a tool for standardizing indexing languages.
 If I didn't think there was future in this concept then I would have given up on it too.
 Despite the problems, Kenyan publishing has a future.
tiempo futuro 
future tense
 The article 'Future tense: science fiction confronts the new science' reviews recent science fiction novels for young adults that deal with artificial intelligence, robotics and genetic engineering.
vida futura 
future life
 It is important that children grow up in a safe environment and learn to constantly take safety precautions in their future lives.
visión de futuro     
future vision
farsightedness [far-sightedness]
vision into the future
 Some foresight must be employed in order to make realistic speculations as to the eventual size of the collection that will be covered by any index based upon the thesaurus.
 This article promotes a future vision of the electronic journal and its role in scholarly communication = Este artículo da una visión de futuro de la revista electrónica y su función en la comunicación científica.
 Libraries are under the influence of the country's national debt and an economic system guided by political considerations rather than economic farsightedness.
 It appears, however, that the role of security in this vision has not been fully delineated.
 He was honored for his inspiring vision into the future of cybernetics and his invention of key technologies.
visión del futuro 
insight into the future
 His end is to chat and regale one with colorful stories from the past or special insight into the future.
el futuro
el futuro 
  the way ahead ; the way of the future.
 This article attempts to gaze into a crystal ball and anticipate future developments, both beneficial and adverse, which will determine the way ahead for resource sharing among special libraries.
 10 years ago the CD-ROM network was seen by many information professionals as the way of the future = 10 years ago the CD-ROM network was seen by many information professionals as the way of the future.

Trends of use of futuro



The term «futuro» is very widely used and occupies the 1.474 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «futuro» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of futuro
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «futuro».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «futuro» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «futuro» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about futuro



Famous quotes and sentences with the word futuro.
Clive S. Lewis
El futuro es algo que cada cual alcanza a un ritmo de sesenta minutos por hora, haga lo que haga y sea quien sea.
Fiódor Dostoievski
Los libros son mi aliento, mi vida y mi futuro.
El temor al mal futuro ha puesto en peligro a muchos.
El futuro es la renta más cuantiosa de la imaginación.
Oswald Spengler
El niño enlaza el pasado con el futuro.
Robert Kennedy
El futuro no es un regalo, es una conquista.
Thomas Campbell
El suceso futuro proyecta su sombra.
William S. Maugham
Cuando sólo se piensa en el pasado, es que no se tiene futuro.
Isabel Allende
Memoria selectiva para recordar lo bueno, prudencia lógica para no arruinar el presente, y optimismo desafiante para encarar el futuro.
Jean Rostand
Me siento muy optimista sobre el futuro del pesimismo.


Lo pasado se borró; el presente vívelo y el futuro piénsalo.
Los tontos hablan del pasado, los sabios del presente y los locos del futuro.
Sin un duro, no ha futuro.
Tienes menos futuro que el Papa en una mezquita.
Tienes menos futuro que una docena de ostras con limón.
Yedra que no se pega al muro, tiene mal futuro.


Discover the use of futuro in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to futuro and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
La física del futuro
Sin perder de vista los rigurosos principios científicos y examinando la velocidad a la que madurarán ciertas tecnologías y hasta dónde podrán llegar, Michio Michio Kaku nos ofrece en La física del futuro un recorrido asombroso a ...
Michio Kaku, 2011
El futuro del management
Prepárese para romper con el pasado. Las empresas que conquistarán el mañana serán aquéllas que empiecen a inventar el futuro del management hoy.
Gary Hamel, Bill Breen, 2008
Las cinco mentes del futuro
En Las cinco mentes del futuro, el destacado psicólogo Howard Gardner define las cinco capacidades cognitivas que en los años venideros van a ser las más solicitadas: la mente disciplinar, la mente sintetizante, la mente creativa, la ...
Howard Gardner, 2008
La educación en el siglo XXI: los retos del futuro inmediato
Hoy día, cuando los signos del postmodernismo y la globalización son muy evidentes, la entrada en el siglo xxi nos obliga a repensar una nueva forma de educar y de ver la institución educativa.
La comunidad del futuro
Lideres de todos los sectores se concentran en la base misma de la sociedad: la comunidad. La comunidad del futuro reune a los mas destacados pensadores del mundo, quienes indagan en el concepto de la comunidad.
Una mirada a nuestro mundo 50 años en el futuro: 60 Of The ...
Editado y con una introducción realizada por Mike Wallace, este libro ofrece una mirada imaginativa y reflexiva referente a nuestra alma colectiva y los temas cruciales que se encuentran detrás de nuestras esperanzas, oraciones, temores y ...
Mike Wallace, 2008
El futuro de la historia
"El futuro de la Historia" es el legado de un hombre al que durante toda su vida le obsesionó que la historia sea ante todo literatura de la mejor calidad, que ha reflexionado a fondo sobre los vínculos entre historia y la narrativa, que ...
John Lukacs, 2012
El futuro de las prisiones: estudios sobre crimen y justicia
La prisión es, en la práctica, el poder último que el Estado democrático ejerce sobre un ciudadano, aunque carezcamos de una jurisprudencia sobre la pena de prisión.
Norval Morris, 1978
La informática, presente y futuro en la sociedad
Este texto esta especialmente destinado a los alumnos/as de los diferentes centros de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en las que imparten las asignaturas de información básica aplicada como guía de estudios para el alumnado y como apoyo a ...
Breve historia del futuro
Jacques Attali cuenta en estas páginas la increíble historia de los próximos cincuenta años tal como se puede imaginar a partir de cuanto se sabe de la historia y de la ciencia.
Jacques Attali, 2010


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term futuro is used in the context of the following news items.
Michael J. Fox y Coldplay tocaron temas de "Volver al futuro"
Recientemente se cumplieron 31 años del estreno de Volver al futuro, el mítico filme que dirigió Robert Zemeckis. Además, el año pasado los fanáticos del todo ... «Infobae.com, Jul 16»
Muere Alvin Toffler, el visionario autor de 'El shock del futuro'
El escritor Alvin Toffler, autor de El shock del futuro, uno de los libros más vendidos de los años 70, ha muerto a los 87 años de edad en su residencia de Los ... «20minutos.es, Jun 16»
Para MINI el futuro va de coches autónomos, colaborativos y con ...
El grupo BMW ha aprovechado la celebración de su centenario para mostrar una mirada de cómo ven el futuro, por ello han estado lanzando coches bajo el ... «Xataka, Jun 16»
'Dragon Ball Super': ¿Cuál será el futuro de Trunks?
La saga de Trunks del futuro continua en la serie animada de #Dragon Ball Super, y como se pudo ver en el avance del capítulo 48, el hijo de Vegeta, llega en ... «Blasting News, Jun 16»
Dragon Ball Super: ¿Qué edad tiene Trunks del futuro y Mai?
Uno de los grandes misterios más recientes de #Dragon Ball Super es acerca de la edad del saiyajin del futuro que retornaría muy pronto a la tierra. De hecho ... «Blasting News, Jun 16»
'Dragon Ball Super':Se revela el rol de Bulma del Futuro el poder de ...
Sinopsis: La trama del capítulo se centra en el futuro, cuando la Tierra está libre de la dominación de los androides 17 Y 18. Un individuo llamado “Black” ... «Blasting News, Jun 16»
¿Qué es el dólar futuro? Cinco conceptos clave para entenderlo
La ex presidenta Cristina Kirchner fue procesada hoy en la causa de dólar futuro por el juez Claudio Bonadio. El magistrado consideró que hubo perjuicio a la ... «LA NACION, May 16»
Dólar futuro: el fiscal Jorge Di Lello pidió investigar a funcionarios ...
En esa denuncia, los kirchneristas aseguraron que los verdaderos responsables del perjuicio que trajo aparejado la operatoria del dólar futuro fueron el titular ... «LA NACION, May 16»
Dólar futuro: un fiscal imputa a Sturzenegger y Bonadio
El fiscal también quiere que se incorpore a la causa la información con todas las personas y empresas que realizaron operaciones de compra de dólar a futuro ... «Clarín.com, Apr 16»
Peña reconoce que funcionarios del Gobierno compraron dólar futuro
El jefe de Gabinete, Marcos Peña, reconoció que miembros del actual Gobierno compraron dólar futuro, aunque aclaró que esa práctica se interrumpió "cuando ... «Ambito.com, Apr 16»



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