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Alex Haxeltine
  • Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
Besides the emissions from fossil sources, the anthropogenic land use changes (clearings and similar influences) the CO2 fertilization effect on the biosphere, and potential climatic fluctuations may have influenced the global carbon... more
Besides the emissions from fossil sources, the anthropogenic land use changes (clearings and similar influences) the CO2 fertilization effect on the biosphere, and potential climatic fluctuations may have influenced the global carbon balance and the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere in the period 1860-1981. A sensitivity study was carried out to compare the importance of these impacts for the behaviour of fluxes and pools in biosphere, atmosphere and ocean. The Osnabrück Biosphere Model, a regionalized carbon flux model for the terrestrial biosphere, was coupled with a box diffusion ocean model and a one-box atmosphere model. A regional land use pattern was derived from the World Atlas of Agriculture. Its dynamics were introduced using data of global land use changes. For the simulation of climatic variations, standardized changed levels as well as gradients of temperature and precipitation were used. In the period 1860-1981, land-use changes and the CO2 fertilization effects are similarly important and roughly amount to 4/5 of the fossil source. Effects of potential climatic fluctuations may not exceed 1/5 of that amount.
The magnitude and geographical distribution of natural sources and sinks of atmospheric CH4 in the biosphere are still poorly known. Estimates of the net contribution from northern wetlands have been lowered during recent years. According... more
The magnitude and geographical distribution of natural sources and sinks of atmospheric CH4 in the biosphere are still poorly known. Estimates of the net contribution from northern wetlands have been lowered during recent years. According to current consensus, about 35 Tg CH4/ yr originates from northern wetlands and tundra. A process-orientated ecosystem source model for CH4 is used here to obtain an independent estimate for this flux. The model estimates steadystate seasonal cycles of NPP and heterotrophic respiration (HR). It accounts for peatland carbon storage and then obtains CH4 emission as a proportion of HR with the constant of proportionality (as a range) estimated from observations. The model was shown consistent with seasonal data (including winter) on NPP, soil respiration and CH4 emission at sites spanning a range of latitudes and climates. Applied on a 1° grid basis using standard climatological and wetland distribution data sets, this approach yields a total non-forested wetland and tundra emission (>50°N) of 8.7±5.8 Tg CH4/ yr. After inclusion of forested wetlands, we estimate a total emission from northern wetlands and tundra of 20±13 Tg CH4/ yr. This is somewhat lower than current atmospherically based estimates. The difference may be due to localized high emissions, which have been reported, e.g., for West Siberian wetlands but which are not well understood and not included in current models.
Abstract. A coupled carbon and water flux model (BIOME2) captures the broad-scale environmental controls on the natural distribution of vegetation structural and phenological types in Australia. Model input consists of latitude, soil... more
Abstract. A coupled carbon and water flux model (BIOME2) captures the broad-scale environmental controls on the natural distribution of vegetation structural and phenological types in Australia. Model input consists of latitude, soil type, and mean monthly climate (temperature, precipitation, and sunshine hours) data on a 1/10° grid. Model output consists of foliage projective cover (FPC) for the quantitative combination of plant types that maximizes net primary production (NPP). The model realistically simulates changes in FPC along moisture gradients as a consequence of the trade-off between light capture and water stress. A two-layer soil hydrology model also allows simulation of the competitive balance between grass and woody vegetation including the strong effects of soil texture.
... The outcomes of Gleneagles clearly make this analysis even more pertinent. ... This requires: (1) better understanding of the motivations, drivers and standpoints of others; (2 ... The success of theClean Development Mechanism (CDM)... more
... The outcomes of Gleneagles clearly make this analysis even more pertinent. ... This requires: (1) better understanding of the motivations, drivers and standpoints of others; (2 ... The success of theClean Development Mechanism (CDM) is an issue that has been debated significantly ...
Page 1. 238 Int. J. Innovation and Sustainable Development, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2006 Copyright © 2006 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Mainstreaming action on climate change through participatory appraisal Paul M. Weaver* Wolfson ...
... The outcomes of Gleneagles clearly make this analysis even more pertinent. ... This requires: (1) better understanding of the motivations, drivers and standpoints of others; (2 ... The success of theClean Development Mechanism (CDM)... more
... The outcomes of Gleneagles clearly make this analysis even more pertinent. ... This requires: (1) better understanding of the motivations, drivers and standpoints of others; (2 ... The success of theClean Development Mechanism (CDM) is an issue that has been debated significantly ...
We coupled a global biome model iteratively with an atmospheric general circulation model to study the possible role of vegetation in the climate system, at the time of glacial inception 115,000 years ago. Orbital forcing alone was not... more
We coupled a global biome model iteratively with an atmospheric general circulation model to study the possible role of vegetation in the climate system, at the time of glacial inception 115,000 years ago. Orbital forcing alone was not sufficient to initiate glaciation when other components of the climate system were kept as present (atmospheric composition, oceans, biosphere and cryosphere). Summers were however cold enough to induce major vegetation shifts in high northern latitudes. Southward migration of the boreal forest/tundra limit helped to create favourable conditions for continental ice-sheet growth, with increasing snow depth and duration in Labrador, Arctic Canada and northern/western Fennoscandia. These results support a role for biogeophysical feedback in initiating glaciations.
Estimates of glacial-interglacial climate change in tropical Africa have varied widely. Results from a process-based vegetation model show how montane vegetation in East Africa shifts with changes in both carbon dioxide concentration and... more
Estimates of glacial-interglacial climate change in tropical Africa have varied widely. Results from a process-based vegetation model show how montane vegetation in East Africa shifts with changes in both carbon dioxide concentration and climate. For the last glacial maximum, the change in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration alone could explain the observed replacement of tropical montane forest by a scrub biome. This result implies that estimates of the last glacial maximum tropical cooling based on tree- line shifts must be revised.
 The LMD AGCM was iteratively coupled to the global BIOME1 model in order to explore the role of vegetation-climate interactions in response to mid-Holocene (6000 y BP) orbital forcing. The sea-surface temperature and sea-ice distribution... more
 The LMD AGCM was iteratively coupled to the global BIOME1 model in order to explore the role of vegetation-climate interactions in response to mid-Holocene (6000 y BP) orbital forcing. The sea-surface temperature and sea-ice distribution used were present-day and CO2 concentration was pre-industrial. The land surface was initially prescribed with present-day vegetation. Initial climate “anomalies” (differences between AGCM results for 6000 y BP and control) were used to drive BIOME1; the simulated vegetation was provided to a further AGCM run, and so on. Results after five iterations were compared to the initial results in order to identify vegetation feedbacks. These were centred on regions showing strong initial responses. The orbitally induced high-latitude summer warming, and the intensification and extension of Northern Hemisphere tropical monsoons, were both amplified by vegetation feedbacks. Vegetation feedbacks were smaller than the initial orbital effects for most regions and seasons, but in West Africa the summer precipitation increase more than doubled in response to changes in vegetation. In the last iteration, global tundra area was reduced by 25% and the southern limit of the Sahara desert was shifted 2.5 °N north (to 18 °N) relative to today. These results were compared with 6000 y BP observational data recording forest-tundra boundary changes in northern Eurasia and savana-desert boundary changes in northern Africa. Although the inclusion of vegetation feedbacks improved the qualitative agreement between the model results and the data, the simulated changes were still insufficient, perhaps due to the lack of ocean-surface feedbacks.
Changes in the depth of Lake Viljandi between 1940 and 1990 were simulated using a lake water and energy-balance model driven by standard monthly weather data. Catchment runoff was simulated using a one-dimensional hydrological model,... more
Changes in the depth of Lake Viljandi between 1940 and 1990 were simulated using a lake water and energy-balance model driven by standard monthly weather data. Catchment runoff was simulated using a one-dimensional hydrological model, with a two-layer soil, a single-layer snowpack, a simple representation of vegetation cover and similarly modest input requirements. Outflow was modelled as a function of