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The adoption speed and scale of a low-carbon technology (PV) is investigated and the importance of peer effect and social learning for future UK urban energy network de-carbonisation is questioned.
Keywords: Sustainable energy systems, Bornholm smart grid, transitions
Smart grid research has tended to be compart-mentalised, with notable contributions from economics, electrical engineering and science and technology studies. However, there is an acknowledged and growing need for an integrated systems... more
Smart grid research has tended to be compart-mentalised, with notable contributions from economics, electrical engineering and science and technology studies. However, there is an acknowledged and growing need for an integrated systems approach to the evaluation of smart grid initiatives. The capacity to simulate and explore smart grid possibilities on various scales is key to such an integrated approach but existing models – even if multidisciplinary – tend to have a limited focus. This paper describes an innovative and flexible framework that has been developed to facilitate the simulation of various smart grid scenarios and the interconnected social, technical and economic networks from a complex systems perspective. The architecture is described and related to realised examples of its use, both to model the electricity system as it is today and to model futures that have been envisioned in the literature. Potential future applications of the framework are explored , along with its utility as an analytic and decision support tool for smart grid stakeholders.
Research Interests:
Investigating the dynamics of consumption is crucial for understanding the wider socio-technical transitions needed to achieve carbon reduction goals in the energy sector. Such insight is particularly necessary when considering Smart... more
Investigating the dynamics of consumption is crucial for understanding the wider socio-technical transitions needed to achieve carbon reduction goals in the energy sector.  Such insight is particularly necessary when considering Smart Grids and current debates about potential transition pathways (and contingent benefits) for the electricity system and coupled gas and transport systems. 
The electricity grid is a complex adaptive system comprising physical networks, economic markets and multiple, heterogeneous, interacting agents.  Fundamental to innovation studies is that social practices and technological artefacts shape and are shaped by one another.  Different trajectories of socio-technical systems’ transition are intrinsically linked to the behavioural and cognitive norms of individuals, businesses, communities, sectors, and governance institutions.  Therefore the transition to smart(er) grids inevitably requires a knowledge transition and behaviour change among such actor groups.  To date, these effects have not been modelled.
We present a prototype Agent Based Model (ABM) as a means to examine the effect of individual behaviour and social learning on energy use patterns, from the perspectives of adoption of energy saving behaviours, energy saving technologies and individual or community based energy use practices.  We draw on the Energy Cultures framework to understand real-world observations and incorporate representative energy use behaviours into the model and discuss the model’s relation to case studies, e.g. energy use in island communities. 
Such models enable examination of how far we can learn and scale up lessons from case studies to similar Socio-Technical Systems with bigger scale and greater interconnectivity such as the UK national grid.
Presentation and Roundtable of the CERAS colloque on fair energy transition (sept 10-12) with Camille Chanard (ACTeon Environment), Dans le cadre de réflexions générales développées actuellement autour des questions de transition... more
Presentation and Roundtable of the CERAS colloque on fair energy transition (sept 10-12) with Camille Chanard (ACTeon Environment),
Dans le cadre de réflexions générales développées actuellement autour des questions de transition énergétique, Economie de proximité, évolution des compétences, des emplois et des formations. En lien avec étude menée pour la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur sur les impacts économiques de la mise en œuvre du Schéma régional du climat, de l’air et de l’énergie
Research Interests:
This paper presents ideas pertaining to transitions that are envisaged in the steel industry from Cleaner Production (CP) to Systems Innovation. Limits of the socio-technical system and the climate change challenge will induce changes in... more
This paper presents ideas pertaining to transitions that are envisaged in the steel industry from Cleaner Production (CP) to Systems Innovation. Limits of the socio-technical system and the climate change challenge will induce changes in the production, distribution and consumption patterns of steel and other materials. Insights from industrial economics and evolutionary theory on innovation for sustainable development are needed to assess the rationale behind the adoption and diffusion of new breakthrough technologies named Ultra Low CO2 Steel making (ULCOS). Evolution in material consumption patterns deserves a special research agenda which focuses upon the long term evolution of the consuming sectors as major changes in the infrastructure and products that support our many energy dependent services (mobility, shelter, heat, light, etc.) are expected. These changes will be significantly amplified by greenhouse gas emission constraints.
The existing lock-in to centralisation of the UK energy system is being challenged. The CLUES project explores the role of urban energy initiatives and the implications for carbon reductions
Richard Snape and Christophe Rynikiewicz

The adoption speed and scale of a low-carbon technology (PV) is investigated and the importance of peer effect and social learning for future UK urban energy network de-carbonisation is questioned.
La participation des populations aux choix énergétiques est aujourd'hui à la croisée de nombreux enjeux: épuisement des ressources, lutte contre les changements climatiques et contre la pauvreté, développement rural, protection de la... more
La participation des populations aux choix énergétiques est aujourd'hui à la croisée de nombreux enjeux: épuisement des ressources, lutte contre les changements climatiques et contre la pauvreté, développement rural, protection de la biodiversité, enjeu démocratique,... Si les principes d'une gouvernance participative semblent universels, la mise en œuvre diffère selon les contextes et les enjeux. Notre article se concentrera sur les transitions sociales et technologiques au Nord, dont la question de la transition énergétique en Europe, pour faire face aux contraintes énergétiques et climatiques.
Keywords: Sustainable energy systems, Bornholm smart grid, transitions
Energy futures and marine technology development present a diversification challenge for port cities. Low carbon ports infrastructure development will also profoundly modify their hinterland and calls for innovation strategies.