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The study of fishing tackle is an innovative research avenue which is improving our understanding of one of the most important past economic activities: fishing. This book is the first attempt to approach this issue in the region known as... more
The study of fishing tackle is an innovative research avenue which is improving our understanding of one of the most important past economic activities: fishing. This book is the first attempt to approach this issue in the region known as Fretum Gaditanum, were over a thousand pieces of evidence pertaining to fishing tackle have been inventoried. In these pages, the reader will find the typo-chronological classification of the material, which follows a diachronic discourse spanning the Phoenician-Punic period and Late Antiquity; special emphasis will be laid on the morphological-typological changes undergone by these artefacts and technological change over time. In this way, a comprehensive picture of the fishing arts practiced in the environment of Gades during Antiquity will be drawn, and the corpus will be compared with those found in other Atlantic and Mediterranean regions.
Catalogo de la Exposición "7 metros de la Historia de Cádiz" que recoge los resultados de las excavaciones arqueológicas en ele Testaccio haliéutico de El Olivillo y en el Colegio Mayor Universitario de Cádiz, con interesantes novedades... more
Catalogo de la Exposición "7 metros de la Historia de Cádiz" que recoge los resultados de las excavaciones arqueológicas en ele Testaccio haliéutico de El Olivillo y en el Colegio Mayor Universitario de Cádiz, con interesantes novedades entre la Prehistoria Reciente e época moderna
The so called "Halieutic Testaccio" from Roman Gades, a public artificial hill at the entrance of the outer harbour of Gades is presented (I c. BC - I c. AD). It's a recent archaeological find after two years of rescue archaeology at... more
The so called "Halieutic Testaccio" from Roman Gades, a public artificial hill at the entrance of the outer harbour of Gades is presented (I c. BC - I c. AD). It's a recent archaeological find after two years of rescue archaeology at Cádiz city centre.
The European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) is a native species that was consumed as a luxurious product by the Romans. In the Strait of Gibraltar area, between southwest Iberia and North Africa, numerous oyster shells have been found in... more
The European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) is a native species that was consumed as a luxurious product by the Romans. In the Strait of Gibraltar area, between southwest Iberia and North Africa, numerous oyster shells have been found in Roman archaeological sites located in both, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The origin of these oysters is unknown, as so if they were farmed or harvested in the wild and/or even imported for consumption. This study presents the results of pollen analysis of oyster shells from six archaeological sites in the Strait of Gibraltar area dated between the 1st and 6th centuries AD. This is the first time that such research is undertaken in the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa; the second worldwide for a discipline rarely known until now: conchopalynology. Our study suggests that differences observed in pollen spectra could be used to identify the origin of the consumed specimens, i.e. where they were grown or harvested, discriminating whether oyster shells originated from the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean coastline.
El presente trabajo aborda los resultados de los análisis físico-químicos realizados sobre los morteros y pigmentos de los diversos conjuntos identificados en las excavaciones realizadas entre 2006-2008 en la porticus post scaenam del... more
El presente trabajo aborda los resultados de los análisis físico-químicos realizados sobre los morteros y pigmentos
de los diversos conjuntos identificados en las excavaciones realizadas entre 2006-2008 en la porticus
post scaenam del Teatro Romano de Cartagena, la villa romana de Portmán entre 2017 y 2019 y en un vertedero
excavado en el solar de El Olivillo en la ciudad de Cádiz, desde 2016, interpretado como un Testaccio haliéutico
portuario. La finalidad del mismo es determinar sus características y la existencia o no de semejanzas en los
materiales y técnicas aplicados en su ejecución en dos contextos de ciudades marítimas como son Cartagena y
Cádiz que, además, cuentan con una fuerte tradición en el uso de la pintura mural romana.
EN: In the last decades several models of fishing exploitation in the Western Mediterranean have been proposed, based on documented icthyo-archaeological evidence from fish-salting plants and from markets and consumer contexts. In... more
EN: In the last decades several models of fishing exploitation in the Western Mediterranean have been proposed, based on documented icthyo-archaeological evidence from fish-salting plants and from markets and consumer contexts. In addition to a perennial local fishery for self-consumption, it has been argued that the industrial fishing of tuna and mackerel, which has been active since the republican era, gradually gave way to catches of smaller fish, especially clupeids, due to the exhaustion or pressure of fishing grounds, mainly from the 3rd c. AD.
Recent archaeological excavations in Gades (El Olivillo project), undertaken by the University of Cadiz, have documented a halieutic Testaccio near the harbour generated as a result of waste discharges from the fishing-canning activity; in which tunas, sardines and mackerels dating back to the Augustan period and the I c. AD appear together in big quantities. Together with other indicators in the Fretum Gaditanum, it is possible to propose a much more complex and varied exploitation strategy, attributing methodological and partly fortuitous questions to the absence of tuna in Late Antiquity and that of sardines at the beginning of the imperial era. And putting on the table the need to have a larger archaeological sample than the currently available, still insufficient, to be able to propose models.

ES: En las últimas décadas se han propuesto diversos modelos de explotación pesquera en el Mediterráneo Occidental, basados en las evidencias arqueo-ictiológicas documentadas en centros de producción conservera y en mercados y contextos de consumo. Además de una perenne pesca local destinada al autoconsumo, se ha planteado que la pesca industrial del atún y la caballa, activa desde época republicana, fue progresivamente dando paso a capturas de peces de menor tamaño, sobre todo clupeidos y engráulidos, debido al agotamiento o presión de los caladeros a partir del s. III d.C.
Recientes excavaciones arqueológicas en Gades (Edificio El Olivillo), acometidas por la Universidad de Cádiz, han documentado un Testaccio haliéutico portuario generado como resultado de descargas de residuos de la actividad pesquero-conservera, en las que abundan los atunes, las sardinas y las caballas entre época augustea y a lo largo del s. I d.C. Ello, unido a otros indicadores en el ámbito del Fretum Gaditanum, permite proponer una estrategia de explotación mucho más compleja y variada, atribuyendo a cuestiones metodológicas y en parte fortuitas la ausencia de atunes en la Antigüedad Tardía y la de sardinas a inicios de época imperial. Y poniendo sobre la mesa la necesidad de disponer de una muestra arqueo-zoológica más amplia que la actualmente disponible, aún insuficiente, para poder plantear modelos.
Tróia (Carvalhal, Portugal) constituye uno de los grandes centros pesquero-conserveros del mundo romano, tal y como ponen de manifiesto los restos arquitectónicos actualmente conservados en el yacimiento, pertenecientes mayoritariamente a... more
Tróia (Carvalhal, Portugal) constituye uno de los grandes centros pesquero-conserveros del mundo romano, tal y como ponen de manifiesto los restos arquitectónicos actualmente conservados en el yacimiento, pertenecientes mayoritariamente a cetariae. Otras evidencias que verifican la importancia de las actividades haliéuticas en Tróia son las artes de pesca, documentándose un gran número de instrumental pesquero que ha sido objeto de estudio recientemente en el Museo Nacional de Arqueología de Lisboa. Los materiales, procedentes de antiguas excavaciones y casi en su mayoría inéditos, se corresponden con anzuelos, pesas, agujas y lanzaderas. En este trabajo se dan a conocer los anzuelos de pesca (setenta y siete ejemplares), presentándose un análisis morfo-tipológico y métrico de los mismos, comparándose la muestra inventariada con otros conjuntos de anzuelos romanos estudiados en la Península Ibérica como es el caso de la ciudad hispanorromana de Baelo Claudia. Al mismo tiempo, hemos tratado de contextualizar arqueológicamente los hallazgos donde se produjeron los anzuelos con el objetivo de conocer los ambientes de procedencia así como su cronología.
The lack of vertical stratigraphic sondages and open area excavations constitutes a challenge to understanding Mauritanian urbanism. This makes the characterization of the spatio-temporal evolution of Mauritanian towns a difficult task.... more
The lack of vertical stratigraphic sondages and open area excavations constitutes a challenge to understanding Mauritanian urbanism. This makes the characterization of the spatio-temporal evolution of Mauritanian towns a difficult task. Systematic excavations carried out in Tamuda by several research teams in the twentieth century provided vertical and horizontal views of Mauritanian urbanism. Our study offers, for the first time, a high-resolution geoarchaeological analysis of Tamuda's urban sequence (third through first century BC). The microfacies analysis, by means of micromorphology and µ-XRF of Spaces E18 and E20 of the Eastern Quarter revealed a complex interaction of deposits and site formation processes that resulted from changes in everyday urban life. In this respect, the overlap of different
Review of Tarradell's excavations conducted at Tamuda (northern Morocco) in 1948. The contexts unearthed were first linked to dumping areas peripheral to the city, next to the cliff looking north to the River Martil. However, an... more
Review of Tarradell's excavations conducted at Tamuda (northern Morocco) in 1948. The contexts unearthed were first linked to dumping areas peripheral to the city, next to the cliff looking north to the River Martil. However, an examination of the unpublished documents and drawings suggest a more complex explanation for the overlying deposits and show some types of ceramic imports that are rare in other areas of Tamuda.
A synthesis of the results of my doctoral dissertation dedicated to “The fishing tools in Hispania. Origins, development and Atlantic-Mediterranean contextualization” is presented. This work constitutes a first approach to the problems of... more
A synthesis of the results of my doctoral dissertation dedicated to “The fishing tools in Hispania. Origins, development and Atlantic-Mediterranean contextualization” is presented. This work constitutes a first approach to the problems of this type of archaeological material in antiquity. We will also get to know the main lines of research that are starting to develop in the context of this work, appreciating the state of knowledge available in each case. Many of the topics that will be discussed in this contribution are still virtually unknown, hence the conversion of the studies of the tools and the fishing methods into a new direction within the Economic History of the ancient past.
Amphorae are key materials in the investigation of the production and transport of goods in ancient times. For the Roman period, many typologies of amphorae are standardised and there are hypotheses concerning their uses and contents... more
Amphorae are key materials in the investigation of the production and transport of goods in ancient times. For the Roman period, many typologies of amphorae are standardised and there are hypotheses concerning their uses and contents mainly based on the shape, provenance, tituli picti and, when preserved, the solid contents. However, there are still many amphora types that have to be investigated in order to better understand the economy of the regions where they were produced and filled. This is the case of the amphorae object of this paper: the so-called ovoid amphorae of Hispania Ulterior/Baetica.

This paper presents new results of an interdisciplinary investigation aimed to discover the commodities contained in ovoid amphorae. This amphora type and its specific use have never been investigated, except for a preliminary test. Here, organic residues analysis of twenty-four amphorae produced in two different locations in Hispania Ulterior/Baetica (Bay of Cadiz and the Guadalquivir Valley) and excavated at the site of El Olivillo in Cadiz (Spain), are presented. The findings suggest that the majority of the amphorae were coated with abundant pitch derived from Pinaceae trees and that most of them contained grape derivatives, although other products were also identified. Not only is this documentation of Hispania Ulterior/Baetican wine production in the late Republican period important, but the use of ovoid amphorae for carrying wine is somewhat unexpected because it is usually thought that amphorae of this type in southern Italy and in the Corinthia probably carried olive oil.
Recent archaeological excavations (2016– 2019) in the city of Tamuda (northernMorocco) yielded evidence of commercial milling and bread-making facilities dated to the Mauretanian period (first century BC). This article presents the... more
Recent archaeological excavations (2016–
2019) in the city of Tamuda (northernMorocco) yielded
evidence of commercial milling and bread-making facilities
dated to the Mauretanian period (first century
BC). This article presents the results of the excavation of
two Mauretanian buildings (E0 7 and E0 8) in the
Eastern Quarter, in which evidence for flour milling
and, indirectly, the preparation of bread were found.
These buildings included four rooms used for milling
(with low quern-stones of the rotary, saddle, and
Pompeian types), as well as warehouses (full of amphorae)
and other rooms of undetermined functions. Palynological
analysis has indicated the milling of cereal,
peas, and faba beans, while soil micromorphology revealed
the roasting of hazelnuts and raised the possibility
of using fish bones for the production of fish flour.
Especially relevant was the discovery of a circular clay
mold decorated with a heroic fishing scene, used for the
decoration of bread and pies. These elements demonstrate
the chaîne opératoire of bread-making—milling
The archeological digs carried out in the Phoeni-cian-Punic sanctuary of La Algaida (Sanlucar de Barrameda) during the 70s and 80s decade of the last century have allowed the recovery of more than ten thousand votive offerings from many... more
The archeological digs carried out in the Phoeni-cian-Punic sanctuary of La Algaida (Sanlucar de Barrameda) during the 70s and 80s decade of the last century have allowed the recovery of more than ten thousand votive offerings from many different natures, from local-produced ones to others coming from different points in the Mediterranean Sea. They span a wide chronological spectrum covering from 7th to 1st Centuries BC. Thanks to the analysis of these materials it has been possible to reconstruct religious aspects of great interest. Aspects such as the ritual practices that were held in this sacred space or the possibility to determine who were the deities that were worshiped there. The fishing tools coming from this archeological site are presented in this work for the first time and are presented first in a morpho-typolog-ical analysis of the materials, and secondly, in an evaluation of this kind of archeological material in sacred contexts, considering the different uses and functions that the fishing gears and skills could have had in the ancient places of worship. Palabras claves: Exvotos, artes de pesca, La Algaida, época fenicio-púnica.
En este trabajo presentamos un estado de la cuestión sobre los anzuelos de pesca en la península ibérica. Para ello realizaremos un análisis diacrónico desde las primeras evidencias que se conocen en el registro arqueológico prehistórico... more
En este trabajo presentamos un estado de la cuestión sobre los anzuelos de pesca en la península ibérica. Para ello realizaremos un análisis diacrónico desde las primeras evidencias que se conocen en el registro arqueológico prehistórico hasta época medieval. Se tratará de anali-zar cómo ha sido su evolución a lo largo de la historia, definiéndose los principales hitos tecnológicos que han ido produciéndose hasta llegar a configurarse el modelo de anzuelo que conocemos en la actualidad, y conside-rándose, al mismo tiempo, cuáles son aquellos rasgos morfo-tipológicos que han perdurado/desaparecido y cuáles han sido transformados/sustituidos. Todo ello nos permitirá valorar aspectos históricos de gran importancia como pueden ser el origen geográfico de las innovaciones y su difusión a escala atlántico-mediterránea a través de posibles fenómenos de interacción cultural. Palabras claves. Anzuelo; hueso; metal; sistema de suje-ción del sedal; arpón. Abstract In this work we introduce a state of the question about fish hooks in the Iberian Peninsula. In order to do so, we will carry out a diachronic analysis from the first evidences known in the prehistoric archeological record until the Medieval time. We will attempt to analyze how they have evolved throughout history, defining the main technological milestones that have been occurring until it turns into the fish hook model we know now. At the same time, we will consider which morphotypological characteristics have persisted/disappeared and which ones have been transformed/replaced. Taking all this into account, we will assess very important historical aspects, like the geographical origin of innovations and their dissemination in the Atlantic and Mediterranean areas thanks to possible cultural. Cómo citar este artículo / How to cite this article: Vargas Girón, J. M. (2020). Orígenes y desarrollo de los anzuelos de pesca en la península ibérica. De la prehistoria a la Edad Media. Lucentum, XXXIX, 87-112. https://doi.
Resumen: Este trabajo aborda el análisis de un conjunto de restos pictóricos procedentes de un vertedero de ingentes di-mensiones excavado en el solar de El Olivillo en la ciudad de Cádiz, en 2016, interpretado como un Testaccio... more
Resumen: Este trabajo aborda el análisis de un conjunto de restos pictóricos procedentes de un vertedero de ingentes di-mensiones excavado en el solar de El Olivillo en la ciudad de Cádiz, en 2016, interpretado como un Testaccio haliéutico portuario, y fechado entre los ss. I a.C. y I d.C. De entre los restos obliterados en el mismo, destacamos los que suponen la primera muestra conocida del primer estilo pompeyano en toda la Bética, lo que conlleva un avance en el conocimiento de la difusión de la pintura mural romana en Hispania y, por ende, un conocimiento mayor de la edilicia republicana en la ciudad. Desde una perspectiva integral, se abordan los aspec-tos técnicos y estilísticos mediante el uso de diversos análi-sis físico-químicos. Abstract: In this paper we analyze a group of Roman wall paintings from the excavation of the dump called El Olivillo in Cádiz, in 2016. This archaeological site has been identified as a huge dump at the harbor area, which has been defined as the Halieutic Testaccio and dated between 1 st century BC and 1 st century AD. These fragments are a first-time evidence of the First Pompeian Style in the Bética, being a remarkable step-forward on the knowledge of the diffusion of the Ro-man Wall painting in Hispania as well as the republican period in Cádiz. From a comprehensive perspective, here we analyze technical and stylistic aspects using different physical and chemial analysis.
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un estado de la cuestión acerca de las investigaciones que se han realizado en torno al instrumental y a las técnicas de pesca de la Antigüedad, tratando de sistematizar, en clave diacrónica, los... more
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un estado de la cuestión acerca de las investigaciones que se han realizado en torno al instrumental y a las técnicas de pesca de la Antigüedad, tratando de sistematizar, en clave diacrónica, los principales estudios de referencia que existen tanto en España como en Portugal. Este recorrido historiográfico nos permitirá analizar el desarrollo de esta línea de investigación desde una mirada crítica, valorándose las transformaciones y los avances que han tenido lugar a raíz de la introducción de otras disciplinas científicas en los estudios arqueológicos, así como aquellas cuestiones que están necesitadas de una mayor atención.
We present a new unpublished amphora stamp mentioning T.CALPURNI in a tarraconensian Pascual 1 found at ancient Gades (modern Cadiz, El Olivillo archaeological dig). An interesting find mentioning the Calpurnii not well attested... more
We present a new unpublished amphora stamp mentioning T.CALPURNI in a tarraconensian Pascual 1 found at ancient Gades (modern Cadiz, El Olivillo archaeological dig). An interesting find mentioning the Calpurnii not well attested previously in relation to wine production vessels in ancient Tarraconensis
Research Interests:
Since 2010, the University of Cádiz and the Junta de Andalucía have jointly developed the General Research Project entitled "The Maritime Economy and Halieutic Activities in Baelo Claudia", which has the support of the Ministry of Economy... more
Since 2010, the University of Cádiz and the Junta de Andalucía have jointly developed the General Research Project entitled "The Maritime Economy and Halieutic Activities in Baelo Claudia", which has the support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (HAR2016-78691-P). Two new fish-salting plants or cetariae, built during the Early Empire and active until the beginning of the Vandal era (first half of the 5th century AD) have been documented and excavated almost completely. The interdisciplinary excavation has allowed us to document for the first time in this Roman city the organic remains of salted tuna (salsamenta) and fish sauces (garum); Evidences of the cutting system of the large migrators (so called "ronqueo") and the main marine resources processed in Roman times have been unearthed. This paper presents a synthesis of the field work campaign carried out during the month of July 2017, with a preliminary presentation of the findings and their Atlantic-Mediterranean context.
Research Interests:
This paper aims to present a synthesis of the results achieved in our PhD dissertation which was entitled Fishing gear in Hispania. Origin, development and Atlantic – Mediterranean context. The work meant to be a first (typological,... more
This paper aims to present a synthesis of the results achieved in our PhD dissertation which was entitled Fishing gear in Hispania. Origin, development and Atlantic – Mediterranean context. The work meant to be a first (typological, contextual and functional) approach to these archaeological materials in Antiquity, since, usually, the importance and the data obtained by the analysis of fishing equipment has not been properly considered. Actually, the analysis of ancient fishing gear and techniques is a very novel research line compared to another well-known matters as the commercialization of the products derived of the fishing activity.
Research Interests:
The aim of this paper is to present the analysis of a selection of archaeological materials included in the arqua collection. The items examined are related to fishing activities and have been found in submarine contexts off the coast of... more
The aim of this paper is to present the analysis of a selection of archaeological materials included in the arqua collection. The items examined are related to fishing activities and have been found in submarine contexts off the coast of Murcia. This analysis has been carried out within the framework of my doctoral studies, currently in progress and through which I intend to compile the evidence for fishing activities in Hispania. This work is the first study with these characteristics in the area, and aims at completing the already available information concerning the coast of the Tarraconensis.
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And 8 more

A new honorary inscription and the brick stamps found in situ in the Roman baths from the Tamuda cabanae close to the military camp are presented, coming from recent moroccan-spanish archaeological field work (2012-2015, Tetouan, northern... more
A new honorary inscription and the brick stamps found in situ in the Roman baths from the Tamuda cabanae close to the military camp are presented, coming from recent moroccan-spanish archaeological field work (2012-2015, Tetouan, northern Morocco)
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Fichas técnicas del catálogo de la exposición Loulé. Territórios, Memórias, Identidades (Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Lisboa, 2017)
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A partir de la presente ficha catalográfica se han estudiado dos fragmentos de coral y una esponja asociados a un gran vertedero romano del yacimiento El Olivillo (Cádiz).
Estudio de las fases preislámicas en la excavación de la Puerta Califa de Ceuta.