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Bu çalışmada, Milli Mücadele’nin başlaması açısından son derece önemli olan Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın Mondros Mütarekesi ve sonrasındaki faaliyetlerinden onun 19 Mayıs 1919 Samsun’a ayak basışına kadar olan süreç irdelenmektedir.
The aim of this study is to examine the journal of the Turkish Gynecology Archive and the news published in the period between 1934-1939 by the Turkish Society of Gynecology in the period of Atatürk and to evaluate the journal in terms of... more
The aim of this study is to examine the journal of the Turkish
Gynecology Archive and the news published in the period between
1934-1939 by the Turkish Society of Gynecology in the period of Atatürk
and to evaluate the journal in terms of health policies of the period.
Since the early years of the Republic, the Turkish Archives of
Gynecology was of utmost importance in terms of raising awareness of
women’s health and introducing the newly developed treatment methods
for obstetrics and gynecology to Turkish health. Thus, both the
new Republic of Turkey in healthy women will have healthy genes and
to educate both Turkish woman would come to where it is also worthy
in the health field as in the political and social fields. In this respect,
the Turkish Archives of Gynecology also had an important task. Thus,
this study will reveal the importance in the history of the Turkish Republic
of Turkey Gynecology Archive. While creating the study, the
related literature and literature works will be examined in a manner
that the science of history foresees. The study will consist of introduction, two main sections and conclusion parts. In the introduction will be noted that in the period before a brief history of the republic will be given to women's health women’s health in Turkey. In the first section,
explanatory information about the Turkish Society of Gynecology
is given. The purpose of the Society, why it was founded and its
activities will be given in this section. The second part deals with the
Turkish Archives of Gynecology. In this section, it will be sought to
answer the questions about why the journal was issued and by whom.
The number of issues and the type of news published in this section
will also be discussed in this section. Evaluations will be made about
the journal and some inferences will be made on women's health policies of Atatürk period. In the conclusion part, evaluations will be
made on the place and importance of Turkish Gynecology Archive for Turkish women’s health. Turkish Archives of Gynecology was published
between 1934-1939 by the Turkish Society of Gynecology. The
current number of journals has been reached. The average number
of sheets is 90 pages. The journal was first published in August 1934
and published quarterly. M.A. Hadi, the owner and responsible manager
of the journal, is a doctor. The publication committee consists
of Kenan Tevfik, Ahmet Asım and Ali Esat. The journal published the
scientific treatment of gynecology and obstetrics of Turkish Gynecology
Society doctors. In addition, it has held monthly meetings of the
Turkish Society of Gynecology. On the last pages of the journal, there
are drug advertisements for women's health. This journal, syphilis,
chlamydia, pregnancy, etc. produces solutions for various diseases.
The issues related to women's diseases were addressed by doctors in
the field and especially women were tried to be made aware of this
issue, new treatment methods were developed for women’s health and
these were introduced to Turkish health. Thus, the Republic of Turkey,
raising a healthy generation has achieved a better acceleration
The Bondage Diaries of an Ottoman Officer consisted of the captivity diaries of Mulazim-ı previously (First Lieutenant) Hüseyin Hamit Efendi, who was captured during the battles with the Russians on the Caucasian Front in the First World... more
The Bondage Diaries of an Ottoman Officer consisted of the captivity diaries of Mulazim-ı previously (First Lieutenant) Hüseyin Hamit Efendi, who was captured during the battles with the Russians on the Caucasian Front in the First World War. daily in the form of two books, his journey from captivity in Siberia, life in captivity Nikolsk camp and tells the journey to Turkey to escape from captivity in 1918.  The first notebook contains detailed information about the life between Nargin Island and Siberia and the town of Nikolsk between 14 March 1916 and 13 March 1917. April 12, 1918 - 19 February 1919 between the covering and the second book, about two years as a prisoner, who still lives Hussein Hamid Efendi, giving information about the return to Turkey to escape with a few friends Nikolsk./Bir Osmanlı Subayının Esaret Günlükleri, I. Dünya Savaşı’nda Kafkas Cephesi’nde Ruslarla yapılan muharebelerde esir düşen Mülazım-ı evvel (Üsteğmen) Hüseyin Hamit Efendi’nin esaret günlüklerinden oluşuyor.
İki defter halindeki günlükler, kendisinin Sibirya’ya olan esaret yolculuğunu, Nikolsk kampındaki esaret hayatını ve 1918 yılında esaretten kaçıp Türkiye’ye olan yolculuğunu anlatıyor. İlk defter, 14 Mart 1916 - 13 Mart 1917 tarihleri arasında Nargin Adası’ndan başlayıp Sibirya’ya, Nikolsk kasabasına gidişi ve burada yaşadıkları hakkında detaylı bilgiler içeriyor. 12 Nisan 1918 - 19 Şubat 1919 tarihleri arasını kapsayan ikinci defter ise, yaklaşık iki sene esir olarak hayatını sürdüren Hüseyin Hamit Efendi’nin, birkaç arkadaşıyla birlikte Nikolsk’tan kaçarak Türkiye’ye dönüşü hakkında bilgiler veriyor.
This study covers the repercussion of the de facto establishment of the Soviet government in Armenia on 28-29 November 1920 and de jure on 2-3 December 1920 and the developments that occured during this event in The New York Times, one of... more
This study covers the repercussion of the de facto establishment of the
Soviet government in Armenia on 28-29 November 1920 and de jure on 2-3
December 1920 and the developments that occured during this event in The
New York Times, one of the prominent newspapers of the USA, and its attitude during the process. As the work studies this event, it is quite significant
in, regarding The New York Times news, reflecting the position of American
public opinion on the issue. The transfer of the government to Soviet Russia
in Armenia after World War I, especially in a time when the USA was planning to mandate Armenia, became an attention-grabbing issue in the USA.
Therefore, The New York Times attentively followed the entire developments
from early months of 1920 to early months of 1921, its columns extensively
gave place to the event of Armenia’s Sovietization and the process of this
event. In this study, it is tried to answer the questions such as why did the
Armenia’s Sovietization find a place in the New York Times ? What news did
the newspaper include with regard to this subject? What kind of attitude did
the newspaper have as to Armenia’s Sovietization? How did the New York
Times react to the Soviet Revolution in Armenia in terms of American interests? To answer the questions, the following methods are used: Firstly, in
introducion, the Armenian Question from World War I to 1920 and Western
Powers’ overlook to this question are shortly examined, and how the Soviet
government was established in Armenia is told. After the introduction, this
study consists of three main chapters. In the first chapter, the process of Armenia’s Sovietization is studied accoring to news texts. How the issue was
presented by the newspaper is explained in this part. After that, in the second
chapter, this study examines how the establishment of Soviet Administration
in Armenia and successive devemoplents were reflected in the newspaper. In
the third chapter the impressions and approach of the newspaper as to the process are studied.
Iğdır district hosted to various nations because of its geographical significance since the earliest periods of history. At first, Iğdır which was named as Şatık Castle, was dominated respectively by the Urartus, the Skyths, the Romans,... more
Iğdır district hosted to various nations because of its geographical significance since the earliest periods of history. At first, Iğdır which was named as Şatık Castle, was dominated respectively by  the Urartus,  the Skyths, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Sassanids, the Arabs, the Great Seljuks, the Anatolian Seljuks,  the Tamerlane, the Jalayerids, the Karakoyuns, and the Akkoyuns.  The sovereignty of Ottoman State in the district was actualized by Yavuz Sultan Selim after he  fighted in 1514 against the Safavids which were reigned in Iran. But, Ottoman domination was certainly happened in 1583. Iğdır, ruled approximately two hundreds years, was given to Iran in 1736, within borders of Revan Vilayet. The district was limited with Surmeli Sanjak in Russia after the occupation of Russians to the district. Iğdır, stayed as Russian land until 1917, faced with the tragic term of its history within three years after from 1917. At the end of this year, Tsarist Russia was withdrawn from this distirict due to the Bolshevik Revolution, then Armenian rebels and committee members began to replaced them. These Armenians acted to oppression against the Muslim-Turks in Iğdır and vicinity based on legally the twelfth article of USA President W. Wilson’s the Fourteen Points, that is self-determination or independence according to the majority in any area. Therefore, the Armenians acted to massacres to obtaine the majority of population in the areas of Eastern Anatolia as well as in Iğdır and the vicinity. The massacre actings of the Armenians were intensified increasingly after withdrawal from Iran and Internal Caucasia of Turkish Army in accordance with  the Armistice of Mudros, signated between Ottoman State and Great Britain in 30 October 1918. For this reason, inhabitants of the region in Iğdır and vicinity organized to themselves and the Aras Provisional National Government was founded in the chief of Ekberzade Emir Bey by them in 3 November 1918. But then The Government was callaed off and contacted to the South West Caucasian Government in Kars. The South West Caucasian Government ruled to the areas  including from Batum to Nahcivan and Iğdır, January 1919 until April 1919, however, the government was ended by British troops and again in the distirict was acted to massacres by the Armenians. The aim of this study is to examine to the massacres of the areas such as Sürmeli, Kamerli, Tuzluca, and Oba in Iğdır and vicinity in 1919-1920 in the light of archive documents. In spite of being worrisome and bloodcurdling of examined events based on archive documents in this study, it is very important to confront with historical facts and to present a history based on historical documents because of being evidence of the Armenian atrocities against Muslim-Turks.
In this study, the massacres and destruction in the villages on the west side of Arpaçay River carried out by the withdrawing Armenians during the Turkish army’s operations under Kazım Karabekir Pasha’s command against Armenians in 1920... more
In this study, the massacres and destruction in the villages on the
west side of Arpaçay River carried out by the withdrawing Armenians
during the Turkish army’s operations under Kazım Karabekir Pasha’s
command against Armenians in 1920 are objectively and scientifically
examined through archival documents. The study reveals the statistical
data of 1920 concerning the villages of Olur county in Oltu and of Kosor
and Bardız towns. Accordingly, the populations of the villages, the number
of houses, stores of grain, cattle, and sheep, how those massacred by the
Armenian were killed, which Armenian band entered which village, and
how many men, women, and girls they killed are recorded in these
statistical data. The study, besides presenting the demographic and socioeconomic
conditions of the villages, reveals how the Armenian bands
massacred the civilian Muslim-Turk population.
Research Interests:
In this study Lausanne Peace Treaty, which is a independence document of Republic of Turkey, is evaluated scientifically and objectively. The aim of this study is to appraise according to conditions of the term and the content Lausanne... more
In this study Lausanne Peace Treaty, which is a independence document
of Republic of Turkey, is evaluated scientifically and objectively. The aim of
this study is to appraise according to conditions of the term and the content
Lausanne Peace Treaty, and to present position and significance in terms of Turkish
and World history of this treaty. Thus, it will be understood what Lausanne
Peace Treaty mean for Republic of Turkey and Turkish Nation.
Research Interests:
The owner of the memoir that you are reading is Miralay Arif Bey, the commander of the 29th Division 3rd Regiment Banner during the battles against the Russians on the Caucasian Front during the First World War. Battle of Sarikamis 21-22... more
The owner of the memoir that you are reading is Miralay Arif Bey, the commander of the 29th Division 3rd Regiment Banner during the battles against the Russians on the Caucasian Front during the First World War. Battle of Sarikamis 21-22 Kanun awwal 1330 / January 3 to 4 taken captive by the Russians in 1915, and the remaining approximately five and a half years in captivity in the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk Colonel Arif, returned to Turkey on August 9, 1336/1920. Miralay Arif Bey remembers Tbilisi, Rostov, Penza, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, Yekaterinburg, Kamislov, Irbit and the most recent prison camp, starting from Sarıkamış and during the long and tiring journey of Siberia to the remote parts of Siberia, often by train. The cities of Krasnoyarsk provide important information about the general characteristics and people of these cities. He emphasizes the living conditions of the Krasnoyarsk camp, the presence of Turkish prisoners, the attitude of the Russians towards the Turkish prisoners, and the daily life in the camp, with reference to the help of the Muslim Tatars in Irbit and the Cemiyet-i Hayriye in Tomsk. In addition, reminding the Turkish soldiers in the prison camps about the material and moral aid provided by the Danish and Swedish Red Crosses is also among the remarkable information.
Bu kitap inceleme yazısında, Cemil Kutlu'nun 2023 yılının sonlarına doğru Türk Tarih Kurumu'nda yayımlanan "Rusya’da Türk Harp Esirleri 1914-1921" adlı çalışması çeşitli yönlerden ele alınmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Eserin yazarı hakkında... more
Bu kitap inceleme yazısında, Cemil Kutlu'nun 2023 yılının sonlarına doğru Türk Tarih Kurumu'nda yayımlanan "Rusya’da Türk Harp Esirleri 1914-1921" adlı çalışması çeşitli yönlerden ele alınmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Eserin yazarı hakkında da bazı bilgiler verilmiş, eser içerik, kaynaklar ve fiziksel özellikleri bakımından incelenmiştir.