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Major Escalation: Biden Launches War On Yemen

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Wait, wait, wait….. the UN voted for a ceasefire in the Red Sea (where the Yemenis harmed 0 humans)…. But has yet to pass a cease fire vote after 30,000+ have been killed (in Gaza)??? Tony Montana @9mmScorpion

On Tuesday, the Houthis launched their largest attack on ships in the Red Sea to date. 21 missiles and drones –that were launched from positions on mainland Yemen– were shot-down by US and British warships patrolling the area. No casualties were reported.

According to a Houthi spokesman, the attack was retaliation for the killing of 10 Houthi militants who were strafed by US helicopter gunships while trying to board the Maersk Hangzhou on Sunday. The western media has omitted this critical fact from their reporting in order to conceal the provocation that triggered Tuesday’s attack on US and UK warships. The Houthis say the Hangzhou refused to respond to radio calls inquiring whether the ship was bound for an Israeli port or not, which prompted their attempt to board the ship. That’s when all Hell broke loose. (The Houthis require that commercial ships acknowledge whether they are linked to Israel or not. The Maersk Hangzhou failed to do so.) Here is a brief summary of Tuesday’s incident from a post at Sputnik International:

Yemeni Ansar Allah claimed responsibility for an attack on a US Navy ship in the Red Sea, after the US attacked Houthi forces, Houthi spokesperson Yahiah Sariah said in an official statement. What is also known: Navy forces, missile forces and unmanned aircraft of Yemen’s Houthis conducted a joint military operation using a large number of ballistic and ship-based missiles and drones, targeting a US Navy ship providing support to Israel; This operation was the first response to an attack on the Houthi naval forces by the US Navy 10 days ago; Ansar Allah troops will continue to prevent ships from sailing to Israel, both in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, until the aggression against the Gaza Strip ends.@SputnikInt

And here is a summary of the Houthis demands following the killing of 10 of their fighters by US forces last Sunday: (This was not reported in the western media)

In short, the Houthis attack on Tuesday was a response to a US provocation that took place two days earlier.

Houthi leaders have repeatedly said they do not want a confrontation with the US but they have also said that they won’t back-down if they are attacked. Tuesday’s incident proves that they meant what they said and are prepared to sacrifice their lives to force Israel to lift its siege of Gaza and to allow food and medicine to reach the Palestinian people. By attacking and killing the 10 Houthi fighters on Sunday, the US has made itself a party to the genocide that is taking place in Gaza. Washington has effectively declared war on Yemen and cast its lot with a government that is committed to eradicating a civilian population of 2 million people.

The Biden administration has described their actions in the Red Sea as a defense of “freedom of navigation” and ‘open seas’. But this is merely an attempt to frame the issue in a manner that best suits the objectives of the perpetrators. To the vast majority of people around the world, the US is defending the horrific depredations of the Israeli state. Not surprisingly, the western media has tried to characterize the goings-on in Gaza as an attempt to “defeat Hamas”. Fortunately, few people have been taken in by the ruse. The fact is, there has never been a more vicious bloodletting in the last half century and people everywhere are appalled by the relentless, ethnically-fueled butchery conducted by callous thugs who celebrate their savagery on TikTok. Now, we are told that the same country that is sending 2,000-pound bombs to Israel to kill women and children in their homes, should be revered as the ‘guarantor of regional security’ in the Red Sea. Naturally, many people see the administration’s behavior as hypocritical.

At present, foreign policy elites are focused almost exclusively on escalation. On Wednesday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned “there will be consequences” if the Houthis persisted with their attacks on commercial vessels implying that the Biden administration is now considering military action. Keep in mind, the US has already assembled a multinational maritime task force, Operation Prosperity Guardian, to patrol the Red Sea to ensure the safety of commercial ships passing through the vital waterway. But that makeshift coalition has failed to build confidence among a number of the world’s biggest carriers who refuse to transit the Red Sea until the hostilities end. That puts the onus on the Biden administration to find a workable solution that will end the attacks and restore Red Sea traffic to what it was prior to the crisis. Regrettably, all the evidence suggests that Biden and Co. have decided that the only way forward is to intensify the fighting by bombing military sites on the mainland. This is from an article at Bloomberg News:

According to more than a dozen people interviewed by Bloomberg including Yemen, shipping and defense and security experts, these options include:

Targeted Strikes

These would be focused on eliminating or degrading the Houthis’ ability to fire ballistic missiles at ships and shipping lanes by striking launch sites, radars, missile warehouses and other supporting infrastructure and logistics. Since mid-November, the Houthis have fired more than 100 drones and ballistic missiles in two dozen separate attacks, according to the Pentagon. More than 15 vessels have been targeted. US Braces for High-Stakes Decisions Over Houthi Sea Strikes, Bloomberg

And here’s more from an article by James Kraska at Lawfare:

Strikes into Yemen would be a new kind of naval war to counter the Houthis’ new method of exercising sea control from the land. The Houthi infrastructure on land that puts at risk commercial ships and warships exercising high seas freedoms should be eliminated. Further, Iran is apparently operating a radar spy ship in the Red Sea that is providing targeting guidance for Houthi missiles and drones. Iran’s ability to transmit targeting data must be neutralized. This means the only effective strategy is to strike the entire Houthi missile, drone, and piloted aircraft enterprise, including the Iranian ship and other offensive capabilities that are used by the Houthis to project power far from Yemeni shores. The Houthi radar and surface-to-air missile complexes that protect the offensive systems must also be disabled or destroyed. The law supports the destruction of the Houthis’ ability to launch attacks on U.S. warships..

…. Houthi attacks are not going to end until the Houthis no longer have the capability to wage war on international shipping. This conclusion reflects the judgment of Riad Kahwaji, founder of the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis, a Dubai-based security research group, who said, “Unless the [United States] bombs the Houthis’ missile launch sites, radars, airfields and boats, its efforts to combat the threat to shipping won’t be effective.” Attacks on U.S. Warships Justify Self-Defense Against Houthi Forces Ashore James Kraska, Lawfare

You can see where this is going. For the neocon-dominated Biden administration, escalation is the only way forward. But, as we’ve said from the beginning, the bombardment of Houthi missiles sites and military infrastructure will not stop the attacks on commercial traffic, it will merely trigger a call for ‘boots on the ground’. Once the bombing campaign fails, (as it will) US ground forces will be deployed to fight a bloody and protracted guerilla war on the Arabian peninsula. That is the disaster that is looming on the horizon for the US; a disaster that will further alienate (and infuriate) Washington’s dwindling allies in the Middle East and lead to America’s inevitable expulsion from the region.

A better strategy would be to open a channel for direct communication with the Houthis and begin the arduous process of negotiating a diplomatic settlement. That is the only way the crisis will be resolved. Take a look at this excerpt from an article at Foreign Affairs that underscores the importance of diplomacy:

Because the Houthi attacks could have serious consequences for global commerce, the United States is under substantial pressure to respond militarily. But instead of retaliatory strikes, the U.S. should favor a diplomatic approach….

Some politicians and analysts have argued that the best way to counter Houthi aggression is with military escalation designed to “restore deterrence.”…

But proponents of airstrikes against the Houthis cannot articulate what should happen afterward. It is hard to see how airstrikes would deter Houthi attacks now when they have failed to do so over the past decade. Airstrikes against Houthi targets might marginally erode the Houthis’ ability to launch missiles and drones, but it will be much harder to effectively target and eradicate the Houthis’ small, cheap manned and unmanned boats. …

An approach that combines diplomacy with deterrence is the least bad way for the United States to deal with this intractable problem in the near term….

To deal with the threat posed by the Houthis, ultimately the United States must push for an end to the war between Israel and Hamas—as well as to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in general. Like it or not, the Houthis have linked their aggression to Israel’s operations in Gaza and have won domestic and regional support for doing so. Finding a sustainable, long-term approach to both conflicts will be critical to de-escalating tensions across the region and getting the Houthis to call off their attacks on commercial vessels. Such attacks would have limited utility in the absence of these conflicts.

These measures cannot fully address the threat that the Houthis pose to U.S. interests and to stability in the region more broadly. But they remain the best among bad options—and the United States has only bad options because of its failed approaches to Yemen over the past 20 years. Washington must not repeat its mistakes. Decades of experience have shown, by now, that military efforts to dislodge the Houthis are unlikely to be effective. Instead, they may merely further devastate the lives of the already struggling people of Yemen. Don’t Bomb the Houthis, Alexandra Stark, Foreign Affairs

It’s worth noting, that the Houthis do not need to defeat the US militarily to win the war in the Red Sea. They merely need disrupt traffic enough to negatively impact the global economy which they can do whether their cities have been razed to ground or not. This is not Afghanistan. Yemen represents a commercially vital shipping-lane that can be effectively shut down by well-armed guerillas who know how to exploit the vulnerabilities in the system. Brute force and superior firepower will not ‘carry the day’. Diplomacy and restraint are the way forward. Is anyone in Washington listening?

NOTE: As this article was going to press, the United States initiated airstrikes on Houthi positions in Yemen. President Joe Biden has started a war on the Arabian peninsula without consulting Congress and without a formal declaration of war. This is from Bloomberg News:

The US and UK launched airstrikes on Houthi rebel targets in Yemen, escalating a conflict with an Iranian proxy in response to a string of attacks that have disrupted commercial shipping in the Red Sea.

… Heavy explosions were reported in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a and the port city of Al Hudaydah…..

In a televised speech earlier Thursday, Houthi leader Abdul Malik Al-Houthi vowed a “big” response to the US and its allies if they proceeded with military action against his group.

“We’ll confront the American aggression,” he said. “Any American attack won’t go unpunished.”…

The US had been debating whether to attack the Houthis for weeks. A key challenge had been finding a way to diminish the group’s ability to menace shipping, while avoiding further expansion of the conflict, according to a UK official familiar with the conversations. US and UK Strike Houthis Over Attacks on Shipping, Bloomberg

Final note: We must assume that the attack on Yemen was timed to coincide with South Africa’s genocide case against Israel which began earlier in the day.

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  1. Wokechoke says:

    Bombing this tribe of Arabs will finally work, right? Next stop Jeffersonian Democracy.

    • LOL: Bro43rd
    • Replies: @American Citizen
  2. Wokechoke says:

    If the Houthis simply incessantly launch missiles at tankers and freighters…there’s literally nothing that can be done. The supply of anti ship missiles is bottomless.

    • Replies: @Krollchem
    , @Haxo Angmark
  3. Rich23 says:
    @Supply and Demand

    What about Mormon, Jew and Hindu families in the United States?

  4. Now that the molting bald-headed eagle along with the mangy old lion have taken off the gloves and openly attacking one of the poorest (materially) lands on earth; they should expect retaliation. As Muslims favor martyrdom and because Yemenis are some of the most freedom-loving people on the planet; it’s quite possible that the Collective Waste has taken on a bit more than they can masticate.

    As the tiny island of Bahrein (host to a huge U$$A military contingent) has officially joined in the fun’n games department, perhaps they too should expect retaliation. With a long causeway connecting that island to the Saudi mainland, that might become an object of attention.

    As the greedy Sunni Sheikh rakes in the $hekels while oppressing his majority Shiite population, that could become yet another zone of contention. Meanwhile, Iran lurks with its thousands upon thousands of missiles just a couple hundreds of miles across the Persian Gulf.

    Do the math. If things get a bit more out of hand…which appears to be the case…that U$N base, home of the 5th Fleet, squatting in Bahrein may become the scene of a lot of sweating by American personnel.

    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
    , @Fj
  5. And the USA has for the umpteenth time proved that it is indeed the top bitch in the zionist harem. Britain, the old hag, comes as a close second zionist w***e

    • Agree: HdC
  6. And to think all this mess can be easily avoided simply with a ceasefire in Gaza……..

    • Replies: @JoplinJoe
  7. The big story here is that Saudi Arabia has now gotten off the fence and officially thrown their weight behind Israel’s genocide, opening their air space and assisting the American and British genocide defense forces in their strategically unsound airstrikes against the anti-genocide forces in Yemen.

  8. Ghali says:

    On 11/01/2024, Russia and China abstained from voting on UNSC Resolution against Yemen. Their cowardice action (not to veto) the U.S.-sponsored Resolution gave legitimacy to the U.S. and Britain broad daylight terrorism on behalf of the Jews in Israel. Russia should have vetoed the UNSC Resolution against Yemen. When it comes to adherence to international law and civilised norms, smaller nations like Yemen are the mercy of U.S.-led international terrorism. Russia should never be trusted. Russia’s Slavic actions towards Global South nations are self-serving and criminal.

    • Agree: Cuffy
  9. Sabri says:

    {Wait, wait, wait….. the UN voted for a ceasefire in the Red Sea (where the Yemenis harmed 0 humans)…. But has yet to pass a cease fire vote after 30,000+ have been killed (in Gaza)}

    Shame on RUSSIA and CHINA. They did it again, similar to the time when these two countries ABSTAINED at the UN vote regarding military strike on Libya. The ABSTAIN vote gave permission to US/NATO destroying Libya, so Russia and China could collect CONCESSIONS. Today, Russia is on the side of US/Israel, supporting a CIA pimp Khalifa Belqasim Haftar in Libya after killing Qaddafi.

    On Wednesday, the United Nations Security Council has demanded an immediate halt to attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels on ships in the Red Sea area. The resolution, adopted Wednesday, says the attacks are impeding global commerce “and undermine navigational rights and freedoms as well as regional peace and security.”

    The vote was 11-0, with Russia, China, Algeria and Mozambique abstaining.

    In contrast to decisions taken by the UN General Assembly, those in the Security Council are legally binding and members must “carry out the decisions”.

    RUSSIA & CHINA did it again, they helped the criminal West to collect conceassions. They gave permission to US/UK to bomb Yemen, a day after voting. SHAME on you all.

    The Iranian-backed Houthis says it launched the attacks with the aim of ending Israel’s offensive in Gaza. A Houthis spokesman responded to the resolution, calling it a “political game”.

    The resolution will demand the immediate release of the first ship the Houthis attacked, the Japanese-operated Galaxy Leader, which was seized on November 19 along with its crew.

    • Replies: @The Alarmist
    , @meamjojo
  10. tosca says:

    One of the main characteristics of humanity is its inhumanity. A huge failure.

  11. Robertson says:

    Had hoped this kinda thing could be avoided. Perhaps if Bibi will give peace a chance we can still work something out.

    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
  12. Anonymous[248] • Disclaimer says:

    The Houthis will be neutralized and obliterated post haste. U.S. military power is still orders of magnitude more powerful than the next country and can act wherever, whenever, and however it chooses without any fear of retaliation or a target punching back.

    • Troll: Justrambling
  13. Anonymous[201] • Disclaimer says:

    Ah, yes, the Houthi’s. I remember those stout fellows, the counterparts to the loathesome American Blowfish. Let’s hope they save more lives in their simple way of speaking truth to power than the psychopathic Blowfish wantonly destroy… just because they think they are exceptional creatures, having been the first of the great apes to split the atom for murderous purposes.

  14. There’s no question, militarily, that the bombing of various sites in Yemen won’t stop the Yemeni military from continuing attacks on shipping in the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait. It’s only 18 miles wide, and shipping is forced to stick to lanes only two miles wide.

    You don’t need to be a military expert, or to have fought the Saudi Arabian army and that of Aden, to a standstill over the course of eight years of constant bombing and missile attacks, to interfere with shipping clearly visible just offshore.

    The United States has launched, today, yet another military adventure that cannot end well.

    • Replies: @cousin lucky
  15. The Houthis hit a US warship with a cruise missile! Yay! Go Houthis go!

  16. The Houthis say the Hangzhou refused to respond to radio calls inquiring whether the ship was bound for an Israeli port or not…

    Based on Maersk’s destination plan published on the Internet in advance, the ship was to have stopped at Port Said (perhaps with supplies intended also for Gaza) and then planned to head for the Gulf of Trieste in the Adriatic Sea.

    If the Houthi rebels were actually serious about wanting to target Israel, they would focus their attention on the world’s tenth largest container shipping company, ZIM, with headquarters in Haifa, instead of harassing European and Asian ships heading for other Mediterranean ports.

    List of largest container shipping companies

    As was reported by Bloomberg News a few hours ago, now Tesla will have to close their assembly plant outside Berlin for two weeks because of the Houthi attacks and threats. There are surely many other European companies that will incur costly operational disruptions.

    …a number of the world’s biggest carriers who refuse to transit the Red Sea until the hostilities end. That puts the onus on the Biden administration to find a workable solution that will end the attacks and restore Red Sea traffic to what it was prior to the crisis.

    As I have suggested previously, the actions by the large carriers to avoid the Red Sea puts the onus primarily on China, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia to come up with a “workable solution“, which they seem to be incapable of, achieving. This failure is an embarrassment to their BRICS ambitions.

    • Replies: @Annony
  17. Anon[206] • Disclaimer says:

    Anyone can check the ship traffic site in real time and notice Red Sea ship traffic is rather active – only Istaeli linked ships are absent


  18. Gvaltar is angry his NFL and Burger King might be under threat!

  19. Anon[170] • Disclaimer says:

    Excuse me? The Houthis do not own the Red Sea. Nobody has to reply to their queries at all. They are not a government entity, but terrorists.

    When you board a ship by force, it’s called piracy. The Houthis deserved what they got.

    Don’t tell me you support the notion that Houthis have the right to launch random attacks on international shipping at their whim. That’s ridiculous, and it’s an indefensible position.

    You’re letting your hatred of the Jews lead you to absolutely absurd conclusions.

  20. anonymous[167] • Disclaimer says:

    For the USA/UK 2million Gazans are NOT worth as much as millions in oil…The biggest loser is the USA which is being manipulated into confronting a WW III vrs Iran/Russia/China..the biggest winner is Israel that will not have to fight a 7fronts war..alone. SO the war is not about Israel vrs Palestinains anymore..the war is about the USA and their resources…another war another TRILLIONS..

  21. Sabri says:

    the spokesman of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Kanani, strongly condemned the US/UK military attacks on the Kingdom in several Yemeni cities this morning (Friday), January 12.
    America and England announced the attack on more than 12 places in Yemen this Friday morning.

    Nassar Kanani considered these attacks as an arbitrary act, a clear violation of Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and a violation of international laws and regulations.
    One of the senior officials of Ansarullah said that explosions were reported in the cities of Sana’a, Hodeidah, Saada and Dhamar, and an American official also announced that the US and British attacks against Yemen were carried out by airplanes, ships and submarines.

    In this regard, Kanani added: These military attacks are carried out in line with the continuation of the full support of the United States and the UK for the last hundred days of the Zionist regime’s war crimes against Palestinian nation and the oppressed citizens under the complete siege of the Gaza Strip.
    {The spokesperson emphasized that these arbitrary attacks will have no result other than fueling insecurity and instability in the region, and added:
    While the Zionist regime continues its attacks and war crimes in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in Palestine, the United States and the United Kingdom are trying to divert attention from the crimes of committed by a criminal and aggressive regime against the Palestinian people by expanding their umbrella of support for the Zionist regime.
    Expressing his concern about the consequences of the repetition of such arbitrary attacks for regional and international peace and security, Kanani called on the international community to prevent the spread of war, instability and insecurity in the region with responsible reactions and actions.}
    We know Russia and China keep their cooperation with the West in support of Israel against other countries including Palestine, Yemen and Iran. Shame on you.

    The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted a resolution Wednesday demanding that Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis cease all attacks on ships flowing through the Red Sea. The resolution, sponsored by Japan and the United States, was approved with an 11-0 vote.
    The resolution, sponsored by Japan and the United States, was approved with an 11-0 vote. Only four countries — China, Algeria, Mozambique and Russia — abstained.

    NONE VOTED AGAINST. As permanent members of the council, CHINA and RUSSIA have vetoes power, but CHOSE NOT to USE THEM. Shame on Russia and China.

    SHAME on Russia and CHINA. Both are zionist servants and no one should support these zionist pro genocide in Gaza and against Yemen. The same criminal states bombed yemen children for years in support of their pimps in UAE and Saudi Arabia. Shame on Putin and Xi Jinping – pimps of the west, who followed the same policy, when these two countries ABSTAINED in support of the bombing of Libya by US/NATO.
    Both Russia and China are allies of the apartheid Israel and Zionist bankers. We spit at the enemies of Palestinians and Muslims. We keep the right to destroy our enemies who are in bed with the genocidal zionists and imperialists for piece of shit, $$$$$, but they PRETEND otherwise.
    Don’t be fooled by the zionist Russia and the Zionist China. Don’t trust Putin and Xi Jinping. They are in bed with the West against Muslims.

    • Replies: @bike-anarkist
  22. @Supply and Demand

    You’re too late the Jews have been targeting us for years, not much left.

  23. IronForge says:

    Amateur Author.

    The Container Carriers have mostly diverted their Courses to go around Africa. Costs will be passed onto Customers…

    Most Hydrocarbon/Grain Carriers traversing the Red Sea aren’t, because attacking them would be deliberate Acts of War. Doing so against NATOceania Members could trigger an Article 5 Assembly – upon the Houthi.

    The Houthi aren’t going to disrupt Global Trade. Do you see them throughout the Pacific or the Atlantic? Mediterranean Sea? Persian Gulf?

    No? Stop Projecting.

    Maersk aren’t obligated to answer to Houthi Inquiries – the Houthi AREN’T A NATION-STATE.

    The Houthi have been indisrcrimately attacking MVs that have nothing to do with Israel – and attacked a French Frigate.

    France, India, and Denmark have Just Cause to Strike the Houthi. Whether France and Denmark join the fray along Anglo-Murica, or India strike the Houthi by themselves (coordinating logistics+timing with NATO) are up to them.

    Murica have enough Long Range Drones to sustain Ordinance Rain 24/7 over the Houthi and their Gear.

    Obviously the Houthi aren’t Bright as they managed to provoke Nation-States which aren’t “Partners with Israel”…

    • Agree: Alden
    • LOL: Hulkamania
    • Troll: Jews Rock!
    • Replies: @Suetonious
    , @Hulkamania
  24. meamjojo says:

    Yeah baby! About time Biden. Let’s kick some Houthis ass. Get the Reapers in the air. Let’s hit some Houthis commanders!

    • Troll: YetAnotherAnon
  25. Diggs says:

    Get the watermelon ready, because 24% of the U.S. Army is now the 13% ers.

  26. Anonymous[332] • Disclaimer says:

    They merely need disrupt traffic enough to negatively impact the global economy

    There you are. Once again, the Romulans are handing out disruptors to anybody who says they have a grievance. Frankly, I thought something should have been done when students started disrupting entire classrooms.

  27. Afghan says:

    NOTE: As this article was going to press, the United States initiated airstrikes on Houthi positions in Yemen

    And to legitimize this aggression, China and Russia — and Algeria — all abstained in a UNSC resolution condemning Yemen.

    All those who think that ugly greedy Mongoloid Xi or semi-Mongoloid dwarf Jewtin are behind the Yemen blockade of the Red Sea need to go back to the drawing board to concoct new fantasies to indulge in. Same with those who thought Algeria is going to lob missiles or drones at ships crossing Gibraltar.

    Only the overthrow of puppet King of Jordan and Jewish dictator of Egypt will be significant measures that will end the existence of the apartheid state. Placing hope in Russia, China, or any one of the Arab states (without a regime change) is just pure fantasy.

    Saudi Arabia must be celebrating. They could never drag the US directly into the Yemen war. Now thanks to their friends Xi and Jewtin, Amerika is going after the Houthis that were on the brink of finishing Saudi Arabia off. MBS is dancing at this time. Same with UAE and its Zionist sheikh MBZ.

    • Agree: BrooLidd
    • Replies: @Levtraro
  28. Some people say Israel is justified in its violence against Gaza cuz of the Hamas attack on Oct 7.

    Using that logic, remember that Israel has lobbed missiles and dropped all kinds of bombs on Syrian cities and airports. Since Israel attacked Syria, does Syria have the right to do to Israel what Israel is doing to Gaza?

    Of course, the pro-Zionists will say NO. Their only true ‘logic’ is Zion alone is above the law and can do anything.

  29. Charles says:

    Whitney always gives a credible analysis without going too far in the “imminent Western/Israeli collapse” direction of some other contributors. It is true that the best scenarios one could imagine would be 1) the collapse of Israel into civil war and ultimately dissolution, and 2) the regaining, by Americans, of the United States. I admit that I do not believe either one will happen, but it is enjoyable to speculate, just like it is a pleasant diversion to wonder what one would do with the funds from a winning Powerball ticket.

    • Disagree: ld
    • LOL: Alexandros
  30. Altai3 says:

    As I’ve been posting all over the internet to whomever would listen, they’ve told us what the plan was in November when an editorial appeared in the Telegraph proposing the use of the naval assets deployed to attack the “rogue nation” of the Houthis. Suggesting that it’d be altogether very easy. Well, the whole Saudi airforce had years using aircraft with larger payloads than what the US/UK are using and failed to defeat the Houthis.


    The thin edge of the wedge into a regional war against Iran is through the Houthis.

  31. It is Gazan civilians, including women and children who need and deserve to be defended against the genocidal onslaught from the Zionist Jews. Instead, the fourth most powerful military on the planet is being aided and abetted by the world’s most powerful military, with the usual tired mantra that Israel has a right to defend itself. Against what and who exactly, the remaining journalists in Gaza?

  32. anon[504] • Disclaimer says:

    I don’t know what to think about this. I’ll wait until Genocide Jack.D chimes in with a 3000 word exposition on some random subject he pretends to know about.
    Then again he may be busy, he was last spotted crawling out of a New York sewer.

    • LOL: Justrambling
  33. So the U.S and the U.K believe they can come to another part of the world and continue to strike and kill with impunity.

    Those days are over, does the evil empire and its minions want the Red Sea flooded with sea mines?

    Lets see how many ships can sail through then?

    And China relies on middle-east oil…do they want the American Empire to control the appoach to Suez?

    And Egypt will have to decide sooner or later if they are a donkey at a Western petting zoo or if they are a proud people with a history that dealt with invaders.

    • Replies: @cousin lucky
  34. Miro23 says:

    Final note: We must assume that the attack on Yemen was timed to coincide with South Africa’s genocide case against Israel which began earlier in the day.

    Also, to get the US, the UK (and as much of Europe as posible) polarized as fast as posible on the side of the Israelis. Israel + US + UK vs. Palestinians/Hamas + Yemen + most of the rest of the world.

    Realistically the Jewish mafia can only open the Red Sea to shipping by stopping the Gaza genocide (not going to happen) or getting the US to invade and “regime change” Yemen (the US military not at all ready for that).

    • Replies: @Anynomous
  35. Ah, the Bibi and Biden soap opera is racing down the highway to World War III. They are going to make sure that this war engulfs the entire planet and destroys all life on it.

    This is true insanity!

  36. @Supply and Demand


    Houthis aren’t Israel-western intelligence agency puppets like ISIS and al qaeda though. Americans vote for ZOG and don’t expect to pay a price. The very very least they could do is donate to antiwar.com and antiwar organisations and media.

  37. It is an evident display of contempt for the International Court of Justice, which, although it makes them lose prestige at an international level, is an action directed at national right-wing extremism at an electoral time that we euphorically applaud “let’s see if they also want to judge us and also we bombed them.”

    As we can see, having a poor education system has its consequences.

  38. As they are almost entirely reliant on supplies from the western powers and the US in particular a real boycott or even neutrality from the west would put the israelis in a very difficult position.

    This have an important implication: That the political struggle within the western world concerning BDS and so on are not just one front among others in this conflict but probably the most important front of them all.

    • Agree: Passing by
  39. @Supply and Demand

    Why should they?

    So that american whites would support Israel even more than most of them do today?

    • Replies: @Anynomous
  40. What it is about is committing major crimes so that those in Israel are not noticed. Let us remember the Korean War and the Vietnam War that seemed to have no other meaning.

  41. ghali says:

    It is not just Saudi Arabia and other US vassals. Russia and China abstained from voting on a UNSC resolution paved the way and gave legitimacy for this international barbaric aggression. The worst thing is Russia’s empty and deceptive rhetoric to cover up its cowardice actions.

    • LOL: Levtraro
    • Replies: @threadhopper
    , @SteveK9
  42. Anynomous says:

    What Ukraine, Palestine and Yemen finally exposed, has been how british and american have always had huge double standards and false, deceptive virtue signalling, while being hollow and cold Satans soldiers. Its so to your face now and thanks to modern technology, everybody can see real-time how they have always done it. It seems like they are finally getting so stuck with their lies, double standards and false virtue signalling that everybody can see it.

    We will finally win Satan and evil, pushing these satanists out from our lands and we will get all these criminals to decades and decades of crimes. Good thing is that Russia, Irak, China etc. all want them as well and they will gladly co-operate to legally get the american and british they want to be harshsly, but legally sentenced.

    Only way to get free from american and british is to legally fight and resist, making legal deals with russian to get back independence, freedom and justice, but without becoming vassals to russian and Russia. People who legally fight against american and british are on right side of history and they will not kill all of us. There will be ones that survive from american and british, as well as the elite Rothchilds/Israel.

    • Thanks: Agent76
  43. Anynomous says:
    @Norwegian Troll

    What is american white? They are not white and they never been white. This is absurd. They have always been white races and nations worst enemies. They hate white people.

    • LOL: Norwegian Troll
  44. Levtraro says:

    The big story here is that Saudi Arabia has now gotten off the fence and officially thrown their weight behind Israel’s genocide, opening their air space …

    The attacks on Yemen are coming from the sea, not from land. And Saudi Arabia has declared that it is greatly concerned by the escalation of the USA and the UK and is calling for restraint:


    You need to update and re-direct your hatred. Iran is now friendly with Saudi Arabia.

    • Replies: @Digital Samizdat
  45. Anynomous says:

    Haha. I would like to see american and british “soldiers” going to real wars. That would be ridiculous. They dont want to expose that they cant do anything at all. An american and british gets his ass kicked in real wars any time of the week. Falsely virtue signalling moral and western values, while sipping tea with pinky finger pointed up will not help a damn thing. Thats why they always have to use proxies, to terrorize, threat, blackmail etc., because they cant confront openly and straight, or they get their asses kicked.

    Instead of completely corrupting Finland now, using Finland as a puppet and vassal of american, british and elite jews, instead of sending drones, planes and ships to “project power”, send some goddamn physical boots on the ground to legally resist and do not hide like cowards.

  46. @emerging majority

    Now the neocons and the Israelis have their perfect opportunity to execute a false flag and pin it on the Iranians or their ‘proxy’ Yemen. Maybe that could be a blessing in disguise. The Russians and the Iranians are known for their endless manoeuvring that tends to sap the morale of those who look at them as the axis of resistance to the rogue hegemon. Unrestrained belligerence by the West will force Russia and Iran to respond forcefully and put the old balding eagle and the toothless lion in their right place.

    The U.S. is a bull in a China shop. This area of utmost importance for the world’s energy supplies can be wrecked within days of a full fledged confrontation between the U.S. and Iran. Europe and China could suffer extensively whereas the U.S., Iran and Russia can depend on their relative energy independence. But the world economy will certainly crash.

    • Agree: PetrOldSack
    • Replies: @Levtraro
  47. Tashtar says:

    BRICS new world order!!

  48. Inflation . Pays in paper to pay the slaughter . USA Pauper industrial . Death . Which , Who (?) , WHOM , will pay for all those prosthetics, Mr Lawyer . Us bonds paid by Florida Phosphorus, Hospital incorporated, Genocide Fund , pty Ltd , consecrated . They will pay as did the Germans . Moral bankrupts will learn who owns the TRUTH !

  49. Anon[334] • Disclaimer says:
    @Supply and Demand

    As usual your comment is idiotic. If Yemeni rock and roll comes to the home front it will be in some crowded place in a large city. A visit to my local mall shows that most of the shoppers are Chimps, buying designer clothes wit their credit cards. Most are generally also grossly obese from patronizing the numerous fast food stalls in the food court. This means many in your dindoo tribe will get smoked.

    If I were you I would remain in my tenement just in case. But wait, Arabs are moving into black ‘hoods and pushing your people out. LOL

    I am not worried though as Field Marshal Dustbin is directing the fight from his hospital bed. As we speak homing pigeons are on their way to Sanaa to warn the Houthis of their impending doom. We can only hope overweight and obese Dustbin does not let his ED affect his military decisions.

    This is what happens when you Supply Niggers and Demand performance. What you get is an incompetent moron just like you, a limp dick with a bird brain so to speak LMAO.

    • Thanks: CelestiaQuesta
    • LOL: Lurker, Mike Tre
    • Replies: @schnelladine
  50. Alrenous says: • Website

    To the vast majority of people around the world, the US is defending the horrific depredations of the Israeli state.

    How childish.
    If you want to save Palestine, buy Palestine. Otherwise, none of your business. Also, don’t shoot at the cops and then complain they’re mean to you. You’re old enough to know better.

    President Joe Biden has started a war on the Arabian peninsula without consulting Congress and without a formal declaration of war.

    When was the last time grownups expected America to issue formal declarations of war?
    Cong-who? Do they do catering or something?

    • Agree: fish
  51. The Israeli response to the ICJ is of course to double down.

    Israel’s war on Gaza live: Israeli army steps up deadly attacks


    Daily death toll in Gaza surpasses any other in 21st century: Oxfam.
    The occupation is “killing Palestinians at an average rate of 250 people a day.”


    Israel main defence in ICJ seems to be that it’s not genocide and anyway ICJ has no jurisdiction to make them stop bombing civilians.
    Live coverage in above al-jazeera link.

    A word of thanks for RSA from a Palestinian prof. at al-Aqsa Univ.
    Contrasts response to that of Arab “governments”.

    We will never forget how you showed us unwavering support and bravely took a stand for us at the world court when even our own brothers turned their backs on us in fear.


    • Thanks: Agent76
    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  52. Levtraro says:
    @Joe Levantine

    The Russians and the Iranians are known for their endless manoeuvring that tends to sap the morale of those who look at them as the axis of resistance to the rogue hegemon.

    Why would Russia and Iran care for the feelings of those in the West who look at them as the axis of resistance?

    Those in the West who look at them as the axis of resistance should take care of their own business and change the leadership that is taking the West down the path of decay and ruin.

    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
    , @SteveK9
  53. Levtraro says:

    Only the overthrow of puppet King of Jordan and Jewish dictator of Egypt will be significant measures that will end the existence of the apartheid state. Placing hope in Russia, China, or any one of the Arab states (without a regime change) is just pure fantasy.

    It’s always stupid to place your hope in someone else solving your problems.

    • Agree: Passing by
  54. @Anonymous

    “The Houthis will be neutralized and obliterated post haste. U.S. military power is still orders of magnitude more powerful than the next country”

    otoh the Saudis have been bombing the Houthis for 7 years, mostly using US weapons – and the Houthis are still there?

    If the US goes full Israel on them we’ll have TWO genocides inside 2 years!

    “without any fear of retaliation or a target punching back”

    The first aircraft carrier sunk by missiles will herald a revolution in military planning. In the short term it won’t count for much, as the US has unsinkable ME bases, but in the long term…

  55. @Arthur MacBride

    Final note: We must assume that the attack on Yemen was timed to coincide with South Africa’s genocide case against Israel which began earlier in the day

    This I believe is correct. But the USUK/poodles adventure against Yemen will not end well for them in particular nor for the west in general.
    Also for poodle Arabs like KSA, UAE, Jordan, Morocco.

    Firstly, they have been condemned by Russia, also NATO member Turkey and others.
    Second, division even in Knesset2 in DC.
    Third, Houthi promises retaliation, also will not stop action against Israel (only) ships until a ceasefire in Palestine is declared by Israel.

    Significantly, US has abandoned Jew War 1 in Ukraine.
    They will be unable also to maintain Jew War 2 in Palestine.


    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  56. @Levtraro

    Agree. But I was naturally referring to the oppressed people from the global majority which means the whole population minus the Western population.

    • Replies: @Levtraro
  57. Eireannach says: • Website

    Now for Iran to block the Straits of Hormuz, stop the flow of oil to the West, and crash the world economy. Exactly what the globalist elites want.

    Why did Netanyahu allow the Hamas attack to take place? More importantly, why did his globalist/Zionist handlers allow him to let it happen? Why does the Jewish-controlled media permit knowledge of the atrocities happening in Gaza to get out? I would suggest that they actually want to provoke an Arab/Muslim response. In short, the globalists actually want a major war and the shattering of the world economy. Why?

    Anyone paying attention to events over the past few years, or anyone listening to Gerald Celente, will know why. Having wrecked the world economy by their theft and criminality, the elites want to now crash the whole thing and blame it on the war.

    • Replies: @PetrOldSack
  58. Digital Samizdat [AKA "Seamus Padraig"] says:
    @Supply and Demand

    If this is really all about Gaza, why shouldn’t they target Jewish families in occupied Palestine instead?

  59. Anynomous says:

    American and british both declared war on Yemen now and besides fully running genocide with Israel against palestinian, they started to bomb Yemen, where Saudi-Arabia has been doing its own genocide for years now. American and british are joining Saudi-Arabia with the yemenese genocide as well, all bombing them together. These idiots never learn that they are loosing everything and destroying their empire of evil, which is superb.

  60. anon[146] • Disclaimer says:

    Americans are the dumbest people on earth. Why else would they allow Jews and women to have so much power ? For instance, no one who knows history, science, anthropology and philosophy would allow their nation to be a gynocracy. Also, Americans let the Jew Franz Boas remove evolution from anthropology. It is literally impossible that America can change course now because women are myopic and lack all objectivity of mind. The American empire will eventually go down kicking and screaming while it collapses from its own internal crisis and corruption.

  61. Digital Samizdat [AKA "Seamus Padraig"] says:

    Putin, sadly, is under the control of the Chabad Lubavitch — just like so many politicians in the West.

    • Replies: @Cloverleaf
  62. I’ll predict that America, led by Lloyd Austin and Blinken will quickly lose the war on the noble Houthis. American ships will crash into one another, planes will fall from the skies. Cruise missiles will be misconfigured and will return to strike the U.S. ships. The U.S. sailors will loot the food stores on their ships. Electronics will be stolen. Both male and female sailors will be sexually assaulted during the chaos of attacks. It will be like an average day in an American city. It will be a disaster.

    All of this horror could be avoided if the U.S. simply stopped the support of Palestinian genocide. Seems a simple decision.

  63. Anynomous says:

    American and british never asked anybody for anything anyway. They are totally sick criminals also on personal level. They are behaving just the same when they even visit other places. They always see themselves being superior in ecery way, not having to know the local language and asking “Cant you know my language? Even a bit?”. They never respect and follow any rules of others. They have rules of their own that they insist others following.

    • Replies: @Alrenous
  64. Anonymous[189] • Disclaimer says:

    This is standard procedure. The question facing CIA was how to distract people from the ICJ case with that Izzie genocide happy dance,

    Ugga bugga bugga bug,
    Ugga bugga bugga bug!

    With the sick captions, Fuck their skulls till your dick bleeds, Dig them up and fuck them more!

    Really, what you need is general nuclear war but bombing some shit might help.

  65. Levtraro says:
    @Joe Levantine

    Mmh. I’ve visited those peoples in recent years, after Russia’s invasion of the Ukraines. I mean in Africa, SW Asia, and LatAm. Of course they talk with me after business in restaurants and stuff. These are not representative of their populations, but rather, they are representatives of the professional class.

    They seem to be in a wait and see mood. Not like waiting for their liberation from the cavalry coming from Russia and China but rather, they struck me as interested bystanders generally sympathizing with anything non-West and hoping that the West will be taught a lesson of humility.

    The West has very few friends left out there but it doesn’t seem like they care much for Russia or China for their morale or whatever. It’s more as if they’d like to see the West suffer humiliation. This is especially strong in Africa w/r to France, very strong indeed.

    Unrestrained belligerence by the West will force Russia and Iran to respond forcefully and put the old balding eagle and the toothless lion in their right place.

    I don’t think this is going to happen, as long as the West remains too afraid to attack these two directly. Everyone seems to be expecting some kind of big debacle due to internal dynamics and economic mismanagement in Western countries. So unrestrained belligerence by the West will be taken as further mismanagement and let to run its course with minimal intervention, IMO.

    • Agree: Joe Levantine
    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
  66. https://johnhelmer.net/us-house-of-representatives-passes-depleted-brains-blackout-bill-for-banning-imports-of-russian-uranium/

    US Congressmen have adopted the unusual procedure of approving by voice vote – no tally — a ban on imports of Russian uranium to fuel US nuclear reactors. Hidden from the record are the Congressmen who insisted on including a loophole, Section 2, allowing a waiver of the law until January 2028 to keep the lightbulbs in their districts from blacking out.

    The Pentagon also insisted on a loophole, Section 3A, allowing a waiver so that the manufacture of depleted uranium munitions for the Israeli, Ukrainian, and US armies, as well as nuclear warheads for tactical and strategic missiles aimed at Russia, will not be cut off from their Russian import source.

    Well isn’t that nice, but it’s a struggle to the death between two completely opposed blocs right? Right ?

  67. If you cannot win the coming election, start wars everywhere and blame everything that is wrong like inflation) and gone (like reserve currency status) on that. Hell maybe even call the dam election off all together.

    • Agree: Bro43rd
  68. Time to start sowing a crop of mines from one end of the Red Sea to the other. During the Persian Gulf Tanker Wars, mines were very effective. Smart mines work really well.

  69. @Anon

    Though he missed a good chance, @Supply and Demand is not a nigger. He is a self-hating white from Wisconsin who stole university research papers here in America and fled to China. Lives in Dalian with his chink wife and half-breed kid.

    Traitor, thief, race-mixer, and hates his own race. Oh, and he is one of those lefties STILL obsessed with Trump. Even from thousands of miles away from the US. The mental illness abounds with this loser.

    • Agree: Alden, Adam Smith
    • Replies: @Notsofast
  70. @IronForge

    Amateur Author.

    The Container Carriers have mostly diverted their Courses to go around Africa.

    The Houthi aren’t going to disrupt Global Trade.

    Ships diverting their course to travel around Africa is a disruption.

    Disrupt, verb:

    1. to cause disorder or turmoil in

    2. to destroy, usually temporarily, the normal continuance or unity of; interrupt

  71. Anon[334] • Disclaimer says:

    The Houthis will be neutralized and obliterated post haste. U.S. military power is still orders of magnitude more powerful than the next country and can act wherever, whenever, and however it chooses without any fear of retaliation or a target punching back.

    I would bet you are a graduate of the Salvation Army Academy or worse the Point. Notwithstanding that you appear remarkably ignorant of history and geography.

    Since the Nam, small nations have concluded that ANY major power can be defeated if they are slowly bled. We saw this repeated against the Soviets in Afghanistan and then against the Americans. Iraq was another bloody humiliation for the “coalition”. The fact is the US is incapable of fighting a conventional war and least of all an irregular conflict. War in mountains, jungle and urban areas is technically difficult and requires specialized training. An industrialized nation finds its technical (and extremely expensive) superiority NEGATED by fast moving determined fighters armed with simple weapons in any of the 3 environments noted above.

    Here is your elementary lesson in tactics, operations and strategic warfare. Introduction #101.

    For a start, look at the map. Yemen is mostly mountainous with peaks rising to 10,000 feet. These range along the east coast bordering the Red Sea. Jabal Sabr mountain is just north east of Djibouti and the narrow entrance to the Red Sea. That means it dominates the entrance ! North of that there are other major peaks of the Sarawat Mountains that run the eastern coast of the Red Sea.

    Therefore any ship entering the Red Sea must get past the narrow door and then run a gauntlet. Think of yourself going through a defended door and then having to run a passage with people firing at you from the sides. Wicked stuff ! I have no doubt the Yemenis have dug into the mountains and set up their rockets/ artillery in extensive caves. These can be rolled out, fired and withdrawn into hardened fortifications.

    The US, as you suggest, can wipe out an entire valley but all they will kill are some goats and their herders. The coalition fleet in the Red Sea meantime, remains an exposed target. In Afghanistan, the US trotted out their MOAB and boasted it was a “game changer”. It did not change anything. The MOAB razed an empty area while battle raged in the next valley. The cost of just the bomb is $16M. Add to that the logistics to get it from the plant to delivery on the “target”.

    Our heroes will have to counter cheap flocks of rocket salvoes with $2M missiles. The western navies will be overwhelmed and only a few have to land on ships and damage them to increase the cost and further damage US reputation.

    So far all we are hearing is about US/UK retaliatory strikes or that they have shot down ALL missiles. This is bunk . I will also bet that the Yemeni fighters have tea and bread at their cave mouths, take a sun bath and watch Jets pulverize a deserted valley or empty desert. The jets depart, the Yemenis trot out their batteries and fire another salvo. In the meantime the owners of merchant shipping are not going to risk their ships and cargo to US/UK blathering of military supremacy.

    Its Afghanistan all over again but with a twist, supplies via the Red Sea is cut and modern wars are fought WITH LOGISTICS. Good luck with your nonsensical comment ! Its simple minded and idiotic to the core. With the Sec Def AWOL chilling in a hospital bed and his replacement a woman sunbathing on a beach victory will be ours. At least according to you !

  72. Annony says:

    {they would focus their attention on the world’s tenth largest container shipping company, ZIM, with headquarters in Haifa, instead of harassing European and Asian ships heading for other Mediterranean ports.}

    Stop your stupid order. You are sitting in your shity room somewhere in the west ordering brave Yemeni people how to target.
    Only stupid and criminal people think “this is harassing European and Asian ships.” US/UK are criminal states and must be destroyed. Yemen has experience your genocidal policy before October 7, for YEARS, yet Yemen has a BALL to stand against the mass murderers not YOU, the coward.

    If you are not criminal, then you should have focused on attacking another two criminal states, Russia and China, instead. Stop giving your stupid road map to people who have been bombed by your WMD for years. You know shit about the war at sea.
    You are COWARD people who don’t understand the condition Houthis are acting under, because you never have experienced the brutality of the criminal West and the Zionist mass murderers. We want nothing but your total DEMISE to help humanity.

    • Replies: @Been_there_done_that
  73. Anonymous[151] • Disclaimer says:

    So beltway assholes want to sail around in their great big rubber ducky and blow sand up?
    China says, Fuck around and find out, bignose.


  74. @Arthur MacBride

    wrt the USUK attack on Yemen, there are legal implications.
    Might is Right gunboat diplomacy carries penalties.

    A responsible view comes from Craig Mokhiber, formerly director of NYC office of UNHCR. He stepped down b/c UN’s weak response to the Gaza Horror.
    (my bold)

    All states have a duty under international law to act to stop genocide. Yemen did so by blocking shipping to the offending regime. The US is now bombing them for daring to interfere with the US-supported genocide in Gaza. There is your “rules-based order.”

    There are more similar at this link.

    This is now a globally-isolated clique, that is falling apart domestically, financially etc, that continues to defiantly commit these murderous crimes in the face of world opinion. Not a viable position ongoingly.

    • Thanks: Iris
    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  75. americant says:

    Do you wanna see the face of the vile us empire & its moronic populace?

    Here it is:


  76. Digital Samizdat [AKA "Seamus Padraig"] says:

    The Houthis do not own the Red Sea. Nobody has to reply to their queries at all. They are not a government entity, but terrorists.

    When you board a ship by force, it’s called piracy. The Houthis deserved what they got.

    The Zionists do not own Gaza and West Bank. When you conquer a territory by force, it’s called occupation. The Zionists deserve what they get.

    • Agree: ld, SteveK9
  77. Thirdtwin says:

    Suddenly, nobody’s talking about Lloyd Austin skulking off to Walter Reed for four days having god-knows-what done. But I bet his fellow Raytheon board members knew exactly what, when and where he was.

    And now Raytheon’s products are vaporizing Houthi Aspirin Factories, as the dog is being wagged so hard that it’s a blur. What an amazing coincidence.

    • Replies: @The Alarmist
  78. Carney says:

    Biden didn’t “launch” this. The Houthis started this fight. Obviously, if they hadn’t been launching missiles at international shipping that has nothing to do with them, neither the US nor the UK would have bothered going after them.

    It’s not a “war on Yemen”. Even if getting into a war with the Yemeni government were a “war on Yemen”, the Houthis are not the Yemeni government; they’re rebels AGAINST the Yemeni government.

    Two huge falsehoods in the headline alone.

    • Disagree: SteveK9
  79. Digital Samizdat [AKA "Seamus Padraig"] says:

    Indeed, Saudi Arabia is a now officially with BRICS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRICS

  80. @Wokechoke

    Ultimately our failures stem from thinking everyone wants to be an American.

    I grew up during the cold war when we were earnestly told every Russian was a Reagan Republican at heart if we could only get them enough blue jeans and fast food and rock and roll.

    • Replies: @Pendragon
  81. Z-man says:

    We gotta get the Houthis better weapons!!!

  82. Alrenous says: • Website

    Resentful inferior, playing beautifully to the role, or horny woman whose no means yes.

  83. @Sabri

    That’s all fine and good, but these are not international waters in play, these are territorial waters, and the Houtis, as the de facto government, have the say as to whom may pass. The US cannot possibly be enforcing UN diktat over territorial waters, as that would open all sorts of waters the US wants bottled up, like the Baltic. In fact, the US isn’t even a signatory to the UNCLOS.

    The Houtis have decided that shipping going to Israel is not innocent passage, which is the only legal basis by which commercial shipping can pass through their territorial waters without seeking express permission.

    • Replies: @Sabri
    , @meamjojo
  84. @Anon

    Excuse me? The Houthis do not own the Red Sea. Nobody has to reply to their queries at all. They are not a government entity, but terrorists.

    No, but the straits are Yemen’s territorial waters, so they do have a right under international law to make said queries to determine if a ship is making innocent passage.

    When you board a ship by force, it’s called piracy. The Houthis deserved what they got.

    So what do you call it when the US Navy boards a ship on the high seas in the name of enforcing sanctions, and later profiting from the sales of the impounded cargo?

    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
    , @Mike Tre
  85. @Thirdtwin

    Is Austin even alive? Has anyone seen him walking behind his face mask lately. Shame for all those stock options to go to waste.

  86. werpor says:

    One does not hate Jews’ qua Jews, one hates what some Jews do. Is that an absurd conclusion? Most Jews believe God favours Jews’ and that God endorses the Jews’ hatred for the Goyim. Is that an absurd conclusion?

    The Balfour letter to Rothschild written Nov 2nd 1917.

    Dear Lord Rothschild, I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet:

    His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this objective, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed in any other country.

    I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

    Arthur James Balfour

    Is it absurd to carefully parse Balfour’s words? The land called by Jews’ Israel, is Palestine. Did the Jewish Zionists’ have the right to steal Palestine by force from the Palestinians’? …and rename it Israel!

    Did the Jewish Zionists’ honour the obvious caution Balfour included in his letter to Rothschild; quoting for emphasis, “…nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine…”

    My father was in Palestine in 1936 serving with the British Expeditionary force. He was disgusted by the British soldiers treatment of Arabs; prodding Arabs with bayonets forced to run gauntlets between lines of British soldiers was typical. His mother repudiated her Jewish affiliation when my father was a child. As he said to my mother within my hearing “No bloody wonder.”

    While the State of Israel was established on 15th of May 1948 and admitted to the United Nations, a Palestinian State was not established. The remaining territories of pre-1948 Palestine, the West Bank -including East Jerusalem-and Gaza Strip, were administered from 1948 till 1967 by Jordan and Egypt, respectively.

    Presently the Jewish Zionists are persisting in their pursuit of an exclusively Zionist Jewish homeland which may I point out, everything possible has been done prejudicing “the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities in Palestine.”

    Israel holds Palestine because might makes right! The United States patrols the world’s oceans by what mandate? …because might makes right. One supposes the Houthis may very well anticipate their homeland may be seized by a greater Israel and then themselves may suffer the same fate in Yemen as the Palestinians are suffering in Palestine, i.e. commonly know today as Israel.

    Perhaps the Houthis are anticipating the United States may back Saudi Arabia — the same way the United States is backing Israel in its genocide against the Palestinians — by genociding them in Yemen. Is that absurd?

    You write, “Don’t tell me you support the notion that Houthis have the right to launch random attacks on international shipping at their whim. That’s ridiculous, and it’s an indefensible position.”

    It is obvious right is in fact, and indeed, a manifestation of might. The mighty have fallen before.

    Goliath was not, after all invincible. Absurdities abound.

    • Replies: @bike-anarkist
    , @Brewer
  87. TKK says:

    Watching unedited footage of The Strip has moved my needle.

    Someone needs to go further. Israelis will not stop until their homes are in rubble.

    Israel is going to pull the whole world into war.

    Tel Aviv needs to be bombed. I only hope the animals are unscathed.

    I know Jews, and the only thing that they will understand is scalding hot pain and humiliation.

    Bomb them.

  88. I’m sure the USA wiped all the launch sites just like they stopped Saddams Scud missile launches in Gulf War I. Or how we wiped out the Viet Cong and the Taliban…….

  89. Iran, acting via Houthis, successfully provoked the US and its most obsequious cocksucker Britain into joining the war on the Israeli side. The empire’s reaction, basically an emotional tantrum, was remarkably stupid. It exposes, even to those who don’t want to see, the empire as an accomplice of criminals, an enemy of victims.

    Iran is playing the long game, gradually increasing its influence in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Palestine, while the empire is chasing shadows and hitting proxies.

    What’s next? Houthis will have to respond to the imperial aggression: no response would be an acknowledgement of weakness. The aggressors will have to respond to Houthies’ response: again, no response would be an acknowledgement of weakness. So, yet another quagmire for the US and its minions is all but unavoidable. Stay tuned.

    • Agree: TKK
    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    , @Wokechoke
  90. Lydia says:

    I appreciate South Africa for standing up for us and doing what no one else was willing. The Israeli soldier that killed my aunt Huda Hawarjeh in Aida Bethlehem smiled on camera and said he was purifying the land. The CBC covered this interview but I also uploaded here to my channel on youtube for the world to see. I hope that one day all Palestinian refugees can return to our homeland and have peace equality of value and voting.

    Canada News Report On My Aunts Death In Aida Bethlehem 🇵🇸

    I post it now so that the world can see what happened to my family. I want justice for my family and for all the people of Palestine who have been hurt. Rest In Peace Huda Hawaja. Everything I do will be for your memory and all of the Palestinians that were silenced.

    Original CBC report now available again:
    https:// http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/israeli-army-embarrassed-by-video-broadcast-1.334454
    (remove space then use URL)

    They refused to let her help by stopping ambulances from coming until she passed. This happened in the Refugee Camp Aida in Bethlehem Palestine, just down the street from the Church of the Nativity where Jesus was born.

    The Aida Palestinian refugee camp is the community most exposed to tear gas in the world according to a study by University of California, Berkeley.

    Here is some of the caption from the story before it was removed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation:

    Israeli army embarrassed by video broadcast and censored the video. This is the proof. Last Updated Tue Mar 19 19:52:12 2002JERUSALEM – The Israeli army has expressed a note of contrition after a television station aired a videotape showing an army assault on a Palestinian home in which a mother of five children died.When CBC News spoke with Ismail Hawarjeh at Bethlehem’s hospital earlier this month, there was no way to verify the story he told about how his wife had died, until Israel’s Channel 2 broadcast the tape last weekend”

    Follow along using the transcript.

    Show transcript

    “Gaslighting & Cherry-Picking”: How Israel Is Defending Itself at World Court on Charges of Genocide

  91. @Arthur MacBride

    Readers of UR might do well with reading the link below.
    This extortion racket is quite likely to come up for public scrutiny.
    Meaning legal scrutiny, along with many more Jew related issues.

    Thank you, Arthur Butz.
    Thank you, Ron Unz.


  92. @AnonfromTN

    Sorry for the typo, I meant that the quagmire is unavoidable.

  93. Ivymike says:

    Where have you all been? We’ve been supporting the Saudi bombardment of Yemen for years, selling them all the bombs they use, keeping their planes flying, supplying intelligence, working as a full partner in their Yemeni genocide that has taken 300,000 lives so far. The dang Jews have a lot of work to do to catch up with the U.S. and the Saudis in total number of Arabs killed.

    • Agree: meamjojo
  94. Sabri says:
    @The Alarmist

    But you should tell these facts to stupid people at this page, who think “this is harassing European and Asian ships.” What are UK/US criminals doing in OUR REGION? Why did they bomb a country who is trying to stop the GENOCIDE in Gaza, because they have experienced US/UK genocide themselves when their DOGS UAE and Saudi Arabia were bombing Yemen on US/Israel behalf.
    The Houthis were bombed for years and sanctioned for years killing their children in thousands. We hope those stupid people who think this is “harassing European” receive the SAME treatment if not MORE.
    The Houthis know what they are doing and they don’t need advice of the criminal westerners. They have a plan and required information on the ships passing through to identify ships that are heading to Israel. They are trying to stop the help from the criminal West going to Israel to continue the genocide in Gaza. If Gazans cannot have food, so the mass murderer Zionists should not have food and Weapons send by the West.
    The GENOCIDE is supported by UK/US and its colonies in Europe and Asia, in addition to Zionist countries like RUSSIA and CHINA. Both are criminal states.

    Also, the coward Russia and China were exposed when both countries gave ABSTAINED, NOT using their VETO power. No human trusts or respects Zionist Putin or Coward Xi Jinping.

    NO one respects Zionists or COWARDS.

  95. Megoy says:
    @Supply and Demand

    Another dumb fuck scapegoating white gentiles for what Jews are doing. How did it work out for the university presidents that supported Palestine? If you don’t support Jews genociding people and believe the lying Jew mainstream media version of the story you are an anti-Semite that hates Jews and your career will be destroyed! Cunts like Stefanik, Haley and Graham will treasonously suck Jew cock no matter what. Treasonous tyrants need to be executed.

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  96. @The Alarmist

    Very good, Alarmist.

    It is also true that All Nations are Legally Obliged to ACT to Prevent Genocide.
    A former UNHCR Director has pointed this out.
    RSA has done this. Yemen has done this.
    Please see links in https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/major-escalation-biden-launches-war-on-yemen/#comment-6360012

    USUK/poodles are as law breaking as Israel and liable to penalties.
    Because this is not happening now doesn’t mean it will never happen.

    The person you answer is simply an ignorant troll.

    • Thanks: The Alarmist
  97. @Annony

    US/UK are criminal states and must be destroyed.

    If you click on the link of the world’s largest container shipping operators, you would see that there are neither US nor British companies among the top 25, which however includes four Chinese, four Taiwanese, four South Korean, and four companies from Singapore. The Houthis have chosen the wrong venue to express their dissatisfaction. It is simply aggressive and stupid behavior.

  98. Levtraro says:

    Here is a simple statistic to illustrate your excellent point:

    Cost of killing one Taliban or Al Qaeda fighter during the USA occupation of Afghanistan:

    US$42.1 million.

    Just to kill one enemy.

    An the final outcome: the Taliban own Afghanistan.

    Wonder how much cost to kill one American in Afghanistan?

    No one knows but surely the death of one American in Afghanistan was a thousand times cheaper than the death of one Taliban or Al Qaeda.

    The US/UK will lose against the Houthis for the same reason they’ve lost many other conflicts far away from America: extreme economic inefficiency.

    • Replies: @CelestiaQuesta
    , @fish
  99. Who would have ever thought a day would arrive when millions of Americans would be rallying behind Palestinians and their Arab neighbors fighting Zionist parasites here and abroad?

    Each day that passes is a page turning in ‘The Book Of The Damned’, The Last Of The Twelve Tribes Of Israel.

    If ever there is a extinction event to save humanity, let it be Zion.

    • Agree: ld
  100. @americant

    Read the full article, it was a consensual loose relationship, she is batshit crazy. he prob is too.

    Before last April, the woman had texted 911 several times and had been taken to the hospital, but she had never reported being abducted or abused, Silva said. During those occasions, she was released in Carter’s care after treatment, she said.

    “We would take her information and we would make sure she was transported to the hospital, and the paramedics would transfer her to the hospital, but then it appears that she would go right back to him,” Silva said.

    • Replies: @Bill
  101. Wokechoke says:

    All they have to do is make piecemeal attacks on ships and they will unravel the destroyers escorting these freighters. Ships will be sunk.

  102. Bro43rd says:

    My gosh I never thought of that, where would we be without your genius intellect.


    Video Link

  104. Wokechoke says:

    The Houthis have been drone attacked by the US and Saudi for years.

    Eventually the Houthis will sink either a US or Royal Navy ship.

    Just keep sending up drones, torpedoes and rockets. One will hit a target.

  105. @Ghali

    On 11/01/2024, Russia and China abstained from voting on UNSC Resolution against Yemen. Their cowardice action (not to veto) the U.S.-sponsored Resolution gave legitimacy to the U.S. and Britain broad daylight terrorism on behalf of the Jews in Israel.

    Ok, you want to make fresh and new enemies? Go for it, say Russia and China.
    Russia can always be trusted. So can China.
    Being America’s friend is deadly, especial if you are a small country.

  106. @Anon

    Well done, Sir: You clearly evidence beyond basic understanding of both logistics and geography. The Evil Empire, a fully owned subsidiary of that private bank in City of London, is reeling and tottering as pin-prick attacks assail the hegemonists all across the planetary cockpit in the Muddle East.

    The bald-headed eagle is molting its tail-feathers, while the mangy old lion stutters and stumbles around, pumping itself up on past “glory”. As Kali Yuga fades into oblivion, the entire edifice crumbles right before our eyes.

    This assault on the Houthis/Anser Allah may be one of the last gasps of imperial over-reach.

  107. @Been_there_done_that

    Your postings are the epitome of “aggressive and stupid behavior”. Begone, foul beast.

    • Agree: mulga mumblebrain
  108. @Priss Factor

    Putin has said he will recover all traditional Russian lands, everything except the Galacian NW.

    • Replies: @dogbumbreath
  109. @Levtraro

    Just think of all the government career criminal/Zionist pensioners that need to be saved.


  110. @Carney

    Artless Carney. You are so full of shit that it is obvious that you are at least one of these three things: (1. an unrepentant Talmudist/Zionist/or terminally deluded and oxymoronic “Christian Zionist; (2.working for some intel agency; or (3. most probably a boobtoob noose addict.

    Now to the simple matter of particularities. “The Houthis started this fight”. Utterly obtuse. This fight was started by I$raeli terrorism and genocide against the people of Gaza…now with nearing 30,000 women, children and elders brutally massacred.

    Following the R2P (responsibility to protect) doctrine, the Houthis are targeting ONLY and specifically vessels aiding and abetting the cursed Zionists in the Red Sea. NO other…innocent….vessels have suffered ANY damage.

    Sorry, old chap, but the Houthies/Anser Allah ARE the government of Yemen, headquartered in the capital city of Sanaa. This is a fact. Reality 101. You ignorantly or otherwise appear to support the overthrown FORMER government of Yemen and its leader…a total STOOGE of the Saudis.

    Best get yourself a towel. The shit is dribbling down your chin.

    • Agree: Kratoklastes
    • Replies: @Carney
  111. @Been_there_done_that

    The Houthis have chosen the wrong venue to express their dissatisfaction. It is simply aggressive and stupid behavior.

    This is war. It is aggressive by definition. Should the Houthis have exhausted every avenue for diplomacy? Should they have had endless meetings with the always duplicitous Americans, British, and Israelis, while the next generation of Palestinian Gazans is being massacred out of existence?

    The Houthi response is stupid, you assert, because none of the top 25 international shipping companies are based in the UK or USA. While this is slightly better than your first point, you may be aware that globalism reduces your second point to a technicality. Due to supply-chain interdependency, a disruption in world shipping impacts the UK and America, along with the Israeli aggressor state that it was intended to harm.

    Should the Houthis have sent ground troops into Gaza? Bomb London or Washington, perhaps? The 18-mile wide gap is the best way for them to leverage their power. Plus, as a bonus, they have shattered the illusion of American power by showing that it is incapable of providing the one justification for its hegemony–keeping maritime shipping lanes open for commerce

  112. DaveE says:

    Does anyone remember the song, “Jewish Princess” by Frank Zappa? In it, there’s a line:

    I don’t want no troll,

    I just want a Yemen-ite hole!

    Now remember, Frank was murdered by the kikes, Paton-style (hospital Jewish doctor murder) even though he had a Jewish wife. So Frank was obviously very well versed on Jewish “issues”.

    Why would Jew-literate Frank Zappa mention Yemen, of all places, as a possible source for a Jewess to have “relations” with? Could it be that Yemen is the Jew-district of the Arabian Peninsula, much like Ukraine basically the Crown Heights of Russia? (i.e. heavy Jewish infestation)

    Could it be that, as usual, Shlomo is stage-managing BOTH sides of this war, to be used a pretext for their true goal, war with Russia using the US as their Golem? Think about it: the “Jewish” Houthis fire some high tech weapons at some passing ships supposedly bound for Israel. (How do some “goat farmers” get suicide armed drones anyway, pray tell??!!??) They somehow “miss” the targets – or more likely never happened since there’s no way we can verify any of the story with any degree of certainty. But it’s certainly enough to get some zionists in our jew-infested fake government to scream about “big bad Russia” needing to be taken out.

    Yep, that’s my take. This is a


    (the funny version) or more accurately


    (the not-so-funny reality) psyop. designed to incite WWIII – for mutual annihilation of everyone who opposes the kike takeover of The World.

    • Replies: @Kiers
    , @Wokechoke
  113. @Supply and Demand

    Nigga Pleeze, just cuz you’re the local fentanyl magic negro dealer were supply out passes demand, doesn’t give you the right to advocate for the killing of more whites.

    Who’s gonna buy yo shit when all the good whites are gone?

    Don’t quit your day job of robbing, carjacking and burglary.

  114. @Anonymous

    Oh yeah — just as we are currently giving the Russkies a real lesson over yonder in the Ukraine.

  115. The zionist ZUS war creation goes on and on against anyone who dares to try and stop Israels genocide of the Palestinian people. The ZUS is under the total control of zionist/communist/satanist Israhell and this is destroying America, zionists are demons straight from hell and are satans mercenary killers.

    • Agree: werpor
  116. Pablo says:

    First off I wonder how hard it would be for Yemenis/Houthis to find anti ship mines? Sink one of those Israel bound freighters and you have sent quite a message. The problem is US Neocons, many of them Dual Citizens of the US and Israel are INSANE. A ceasefire in Gaza could, at least temporarily stop the genocide in Gaza. Biden isn’t a factor at ANY time; he is just a Puppet who doesn’t know what day it is.

  117. @ghali

    Yep. I’m close to trashing my Rootin’ for Putin shirt. What’s he scared of – US sanctions?

    • LOL: meamjojo
  118. Kiers says:

    Slomo ALWAYS stage manages BOTH sides! Remember “the war on Terriers”? ran 15+ years on heavy rotation on murican tv. daily brown face scare + torture stories for breakfast on MSM. Then Trump needed a refractory pivot to Ukraine (which was coming). they dropped the war on terr COLD. Not a peep. Did i-slam change? Slomo was playing it up…..Slomo needed a NEW distraction (Ukraine, for the time being). Ukraine itself is a distraction to occupy Russia so that Slomo can redecorate the middle east with Sam’s labor and money. If there were no Ukraine absorbing Russia, the middle east woulda hit stalemate one week into the current war. No question.

    The best thing the colonized Sheik’s of the peninsula can do is flee to London and buy long call options on OIL.

    • Replies: @inspector general
  119. Lydia says:

    https://www.instagram.com/p/C1_evKfseY_/Conspiracy Theories

    This video is disturbing. Men in a synagogue mock hang a child manikan, mock shoot it and then punch it in the face while its hanging. Then wildly celebrate. What is this ritual and what does it represent? Is it religious? Id really like to know.


    a manikan???do you mean mannequin?!

    no I meant manikan.


    I really want to know what it is? Is it a Christian child? Muslim child? Symbolic of something entirely different?

    IDK. I searched the video source, listed on it. It is a page with various videos and links, and book suggestions . Maybe it is supposed to be a g -man, a Christian, an enemy .

    It looks like a white child which leads me to think Christian. We live in an incredible world! Wild times!!!


    Freemasons also murder children at the inner levels the porch brethren don’t know what is going on inside the building and do charitable works to give cover Fr. Kolbe wrote to Freemasons You are controlled by the Jews but there are always factions and in fighting

    thank you for posting this vid as evidence The person who filmed this and posted it online may be trapped and wanting the world to know it seems abused teens and those in their 20s were the ones blocking the cement trucks maybe they wanted to world to know what was done to the Ultra ortho men except the rabbis only receive a third grade education so they are easier to manipulate by rabbis

    Arrests at Chabad’s iconic headquarters after students thwart attempt to fill secret tunnel

    The tunnel’s purpose is unclear, as is the reason some Lubavitchers defied attempts to plug it


    Makes you wonder about the New York Chabad tunnels


    Vice The Child-Rape Assembly Line
    Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg—who is 63 with a long, graying beard—recently sat down with me to explain what he described as a “child-rape assembly line” among sects of fundamentalist Jews.

    • Replies: @Anne Lid
  120. Annony says:

    {If you click on the link of the world’s largest container shipping operators, you would see that there are neither US nor British companies among the top 25..}

    You are so IGNORANT not knowing how Houtis are targeting the ships. They don’t give a damn about the flag or being UK or US. They identify the owners of the tankers who may use other flags to deceive Houthis. The enemy may use other tankers to carry their weapons headed towards Israel. Their tankers may have been registered in a ‘friendly’ country or is carrying flags borrowed from African or the Mediterranean countries like Greece. The Houthis are targeting only those tankers owned by the Zionists or are headed towards Israel, in order to stop the genocide. If Russia and China do the same, they will be TARGETED. Houthis are not the problem, the criminal West and its extension is the problem.
    In Iran-Iraq war, Saddam, a US puppet, was attacking Iranian ships. When Iran tried to do the same, then Saddam’s superiors, the Americans, used their own flag to deceive and protect their puppet Saddam.
    Yesterday, Iran targeted the tanker Suez Rajan to seize it, because this tanker has stolen the cargo of Iranian oil in May 2023, and took it to the United States, where the PIRATE US, sold the oil and pocketed the money, millions of dollar, close to $1B.

    Now, the same tanker renamed to Nicholas ST, was carrying oil in the Oman Sea, where was seized by the Iranian authorities. This tanker was re-named to Nicholas ST under which FLAG, I don’t know and it does not matter. The authorities will find out the TRUE IDENTITY of a tanker at sea. They might hide behind different Flags. The Iranian authorities obtained the true identity of this tanker and retaliated against.
    The criminal West does not change its behavior. The only way is to treat them with a piece of their OWN medicine.

    • Replies: @Corrupt
  121. Wokechoke says:

    Yemenite Jews were part of Operation Magic Carpet. An airlift of the population in the late 20th century. They were proficient soldiers.


    Yemen was also a Jew Kingdom in the 400- 500s.


    Very likely the first Muslims were drawn from these characters.

    The Himyarite kings appear to have abandoned polytheism and converted to Judaism around the year 380, several decades after the conversion of the Ethiopian Kingdom of Aksum to Christianity (328). No changes occurred in the people’s script, calendar, or language (unlike at Aksum after its conversion). This date marks the end of an era in which numerous inscriptions record the names and deeds of kings, and dedicate buildings to local (e.g. Wagal and Simyada) and major (e.g. Almaqah) gods. From the 380s, temples were abandoned and dedications to the old gods ceased, replaced by references to Rahmanan, “the Lord of Heaven” or “Lord of Heaven and Earth”. The political context for this conversion may have been Arabia’s interest in maintaining neutrality and good trade relations with the competing empires of Byzantium, which first adopted Christianity under Theodosius the Great, and the Zoroastrian Sasanian Empire.

    One of the first Jewish kings, Tub’a Abu Kariba As’ad (r. 390–420), is believed to have converted following a military expedition into northern Arabia in an effort to eliminate Byzantine influence. The Byzantine emperors had long eyed the Arabian Peninsula and sought to control the lucrative spice trade and route to India. The Byzantines hoped to establish a protectorate by converting the inhabitants to Christianity. Some progress had been made in northern Arabia but they had little success in Ḥimyar.

    Abu-Kariba’s forces reached Yathrib (modern day Medina) and, meeting no resistance, they passed through the city, leaving the king’s son behind as governor. Abu-Kariba soon received news that the people of Yathrib had killed his son. He turned back in order to wreak vengeance on the city. After cutting down the palm trees from which the inhabitants derived their main income, he laid siege to the city. The Jews of Yathrib fought side by side with their pagan neighbors.

    uring the siege Abu-Kariba fell severely ill. Two Jewish scholars in Yathrib, Ka’ab and Asad by name, called on the king in his camp and used their knowledge of medicine to restore him to health. While attending the king, they pleaded with him to lift the siege and make peace. The sages’ appeal is said to have persuaded Abu-Kariba; he called off his attack and also embraced Judaism along with his entire army. At his insistence, the two Jewish scholars accompanied the Ḥimyarite king back to his capital, where he demanded that all his people convert to Judaism. Initially, there was great resistance. After an ordeal had justified the king’s demand and confirmed the truth of the Jewish faith, many Himyarites supported Judaism. Some historians argue that the people were not motivated by politics, but that Judaism, by its philosophical, simplistic, and austere nature, was attractive to the nature of the Semitic people.

    How it ended…

    The kingdom maintained nominal control of Arabia until 525. A severe drought in the 6th century weakened the Himyarite kingdom and contributed to its eventual conquest by Aksum.

    The Jewish monarchy in Ḥimyar ended with the reign of Yṳsuf, known as Dhū Nuwās, who, in 523, persecuted the Himyarite Christian population of Najrān. By the year 500, on the eve of the regency of Marthad’īlān Yanūf (c. 500–515) the kingdom of Himyar exercised control over much of the Arabian peninsula. It was during his reign that the Himyarite kingdom began to become a tributary state of Aksum, the process concluding by the time of the reign of Ma’dīkarib Yafur (519–522), a Christian appointed by the conquering Aksumites.

    I’d say that something like Islam stirred around about this moment.

    • Thanks: werpor
    • Replies: @DaveE
  122. @werpor

    Excellent comment.

    I have asked on various forums, “Why doesn’t the majority of nations demand the Balfour declaration be rescinded?

    Israel is a criminal fraudulent entity, not remotely close to democratic and can only get what it wants by shear belligerence on every level of human contact.

    They couldn’t even get actual Jewish Semites to claim Semitic lands.

    • Thanks: werpor
  123. geokat62 says:

    Major Escalation: Biden Launches War On Yemen

    Given that Biden unknowingly shits in his diapers, the title of this article should be…

    Major Escalation: Jewish-dominated Biden Administration Launches War On Yemen

    • Agree: Daniel Rich
  124. JFYI
    Internal war in USA ??
    Texas National Guard vs. Fed “government”.


    🇺🇸 ❌ 🇺🇸 The Texas Military Department confirms the TX National Guard has seized control of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass (city property where mass illegal crossings are), and is restricting Border Patrol from accessing the area, saying the Feds “perpetuate illegal crossings”. This is the area where Border Patrol has been cutting TX razor wire. Razor wire and fences are now deployed to block the area off from the public and federal government.

    Texas Military Department statement:

    “The Texas National Guard has maintained a presence with security points and temporary barrier in Shelby Park since 2021. The current posture is to prepare for future illegal immigrant surges and to restrict access to organizations that perpetuate illegal immigrant crossings in the park and greater Eagle Pass area.”

    🇺🇸 ❌ 🇺🇸 In overnight DOJ filing, Feds confirm that the TX National Guard “has deployed armed soldiers and vehicles to block federal gov from accessing the river” in Eagle Pass, & TX informed them no BP agents will be allowed to enter Shelby Park “in any operational capacity”.

    This is a significant escalation by Texas after Feds fought to remove TX water barriers and razor wire, & DOJ is suing TX over its new border security law. This is potentially setting up to be the biggest state vs federal fight in a very long time.

    • Replies: @werpor
  125. Rangewolf says:

    I am not undertanding certain people on this board, somehow assuming China and Russia would be all happy at what the Houthi tribe is doing.

    China and Russia thrive upon the movement of tanker and container ships. The men in charge will naturally not support this attack on the free movement of ocean going freight. A lot of nations can play that game. Where does it lead?

    • Replies: @Anynomous
    , @Iris
  126. Violent explosions rock US occupation base in Syria


    On 11 January, the Iraqi resistance announced an attack on the US base of Al-Shaddadi in north-east Syria.

    The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a coalition of Iraqi resistance factions which banded together in October, have been striking US bases with drones and missiles in both Iraq and Syria. The attacks come in solidarity with the resistance in Gaza and in rejection of US support for the Israeli assault on the besieged Gaza Strip.

    They also aim to speed up the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, which the government of Mohammed Shia al-Sudani is trying to facilitate diplomatically.

    However, Washington continues to show no intention of withdrawing from Iraq, and has responded to the attacks on its occupation bases with violent airstrikes on Iraq and its capital. Several have been killed in the US strikes.

    On 11 January, the Pentagon announced that 130 attacks have targeted its bases in Iraq and Syria since October.

    The Iraqi resistance has also carried out strikes on Israeli territory, including the occupied Golan Heights. The latest Iraqi attack on Israel was announced on 12 January, just shortly after the rocket attack on the Conoco base in Syria.

    “The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, using appropriate weapons, attacked at dawn today, Friday, a Zionist military target in the occupied territories, near the Jordan River Park (north of the Sea of Galilee),” the Islamic Resistance in Iraq coalition said on Friday afternoon via its media channel.

  127. @IronForge

    Every post you make here further confirms that you’re nothing but a stupid affirmative action nigger. Your entire purpose in life up to now has been to serve as a prop for white liberals, yet for some unknown reason you believe you have something to contribute to the conversation. Do you ever feel ashamed at being such a fraud? Or are you so lacking in self awareness due to your cognitive deficiencies that you’re incapable of feeling shame?

  128. DaveE says:

    Great history lesson! THANKS!!!

  129. Pendragon says:
    @American Citizen

    Obviously, not everyone wants to be American e.g. people from NorthWest Europe and Northern Europe have everything they need or want and there is a good chance they will lose by coming to America. Americans seem to delusionally think they lead the world in everything when in reality the only things you might lead the world in is military strength, infant mortality ( compared to other Western countries), and prison population etc.. you are mediocre at science, bad at maths and read at the 8th grade level e.g. James Patterson books. Now the negative affects , of innumeracy, are not readily evident to most people compared to illiteracy. However , the affects on society are devastating.

    One has to be incredibly stupid to see that others are getting better results then not adopt their methods.

    There is a cult of ignorance in the pseudo-democratic oligarchy of America that says : “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge”.

    • Replies: @Suetonious
  130. Corrupt says:

    “On 11/01/2024, Russia and China abstained from voting on UNSC Resolution against Yemen. Their cowardice action (not to veto)…”

    Why veto when your opponent is about to shoot themselves in the foot? This was a smart move on their parts, allowing the west to create additional hatred against themselves.

    • Replies: @ImmortalCyrus
  131. @Michael Meo

    Here in the U.S.A. stores are closing, roads are falling apart, and buildings are crumbling because all our Uncle Stupid government cares about is Israel.

    I am not a military expert, but have our pig-headed leaders thought about all of the down sides to their military belligerence?

    When the explosions reach Israel and these United States of America it might be too late to save this planet!

  132. fish says:

    Cost of killing one Taliban or Al Qaeda fighter during the USA occupation of Afghanistan:
    US$42.1 million.

    Let me just tighten up that math a bit:

    Cost of killing one Taliban or Al Qaeda fighter during the USA occupation of Afghanistan:

    $100k….probably….not cheap enough to schlep an army halfway around the world!


    US$42 million

    • Replies: @Levtraro
  133. SteveK9 says:

    Every war since the 90’s has been the same war … the war to destroy Israel’s enemies.

    • Thanks: threadhopper
  134. Corrupt says:

    “They might hide behind different Flags.”

    Flagging vessels is more of an economics thing (fees, taxes, crewing rules, etc.), not a “hiding” thing, and has been done for many years, without regard to the current situation.

    • Replies: @Annony
  135. SteveK9 says:

    Russia’s rhetoric has been empty for a long time … they are afraid of the US. They did finally take action in Ukraine, but they have kept it as low as possible to avoid a direct confrontation with the US, and their own Jewish oligarchs of course.

    • Agree: Haxo Angmark, Cuffy
  136. Anynomous says:

    Russua and China have their own route to use in the arctic as well, that american, british and elite jews have tried to control and restrict both Russia and China from using. Everything is “concerning” and a “problem” to american and british, even on other side of the world. They never stop trying to interfere and being worried of everything. They are real sickos and control freaks, who cant even control themselves and be truthful and honest to God.

  137. @Suetonious

    …a disruption in world shipping impacts the UK and America, along with the Israeli aggressor state that it was intended to harm.

    You seem to be missing a very basic point, namely that the disruption of international shipping impacts not just the three countries you mentioned but most other countries as well, to a much greater extent. Therefore, since the Houthi attacks are not targeted at their purported enemies, they are ineffective. Instead, as I had mentioned, they expose the collective weakness of the BRICS group as a whole because this vital sea lane through the Red Sea is part of China’s so-called Belt and Road initiative, of which Saudi Arabia and Egypt are also intended beneficiaries.

    In fact, China is the country that emerges from these rebel attack incidents in the most strongly discredited position (which the author appears to be detracting from) because it has actually invested in establishing a naval base in this choke-point region in Djibouti, intended to contradict piracy. Not only is China losing revenue from its operations of the second largest Mediterranean container port in Piraeus, the disruption of its preferred trade route to Europe is raising shipping costs, so it becomes less competitive. At the military level it exposes itself as ineffective, and in the diplomatic context its leadership has failed too.

    People’s Liberation Army Support Base in Djibouti

    What we learn from this crisis is that the BRICS construct that some authors at this site regularly glorify is actually just a lot of hype. In contrast, there are other sea choke points that are practically more important for US commerce than this one.

    • Replies: @Suetonious
  138. Anynomous says:

    Most people other than american and british know much better what to do. These idiots always think they know better than others and that others should note their views, perception of things and opinions, even when usually nobody asked. “Hey, I want to give my american/british view of the matter, even I dont know what Im talking about, but I want to get involved in this.”.

  139. SteveK9 says:

    What makes you think he is talking about ‘those in the West’. The ‘South’ wants the Americans taken down several dozen pegs.

  140. The worst debate ever.

    You can’t discuss serious issues with clowns.


  141. Max Blumenthal & Aaron Mate TURN TABLES On Washington Post Propagandist!

    Video Link

    Exposing the Surprising Significance of Mehdi Hasan’s MSNBC Exit

  142. Krollchem says:


    The commentator FB has written in detail about the use of cheap drones by the Yemeni Houthis to force the Saudi regime to accept a ceasefire. This is a deep technical analysis of how to design cheap and effective long-range drones…

  143. @Supply and Demand

    Most white people in the US, especially those with children, did NOT vote for the “president” who just ordered this unjust attack on the Yemenis.

    It was Africans who voted overwhelmingly for “president” biden. Hispanics voted solidly for him too.

    • Replies: @Supply and Demand
  144. meamjojo says:

    “{Wait, wait, wait….. the UN voted for a ceasefire in the Red Sea (where the Yemenis harmed 0 humans)…. But has yet to pass a cease fire vote after 30,000+ have been killed (in Gaza)}”

    Only 30k? There is quite a few more to go to catch up with the deaths in Yeman! So sorry to bust the bubble you live in and destroy your post.
    A devastating human toll

    The war in Yemen has killed over 150,000 people as a direct result of military action, from March 2015 (when Saudi Arabia and its coalition allies joined the war), until June 2019,
    according to data from the Yemen Data Project and ACLED, the Armed Conflict Locations and Events Data project.

    This direct death toll includes nearly 15,000 civilians killed in attacks that directly targeted civilian gatherings or buildings. 8,983 of these deaths, around 60% of the total, coming from over 7,000 separate incidents, were caused by air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition.

    Others were killed by landmines or improvised explosive devices (IEDs), artillery shelling, suicide bombings, shootings, and other armed violence against civilians, in attacks committed by all sides. Many more civilians, not included in the above figures, have also been killed in attacks on military targets – so-called “collateral damage”.


    • Thanks: Gerbils
  145. meamjojo says:
    @The Alarmist

    “That’s all fine and good, but these are not international waters in play, these are territorial waters, and the Houtis, as the de facto government, have the say as to whom may pass.”

    The Houthis are not the OFFICIAL government of Yemen and therefore have no say in anything.

    And regardless, might makes right. So suck it up Houthis! More hellfire coming for you.

    • Replies: @The Alarmist
  146. @Pendragon

    There is a cult of ignorance in the pseudo-democratic oligarchy of America that says : “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge”.

    Not an inaccurate characterization of the American mindset. It’s what you’d expect if you put a child in charge. America is like Jacob, who tricked his father, Isaac, into blessing him and stole the birthright from his elder brother, Esau (Europe). Since Jacob became Israel, the blessing from Isaac may have been the knowledge of alchemy–how to multiply money. Now, America is acting like Jacob’s son, Joseph, and using Joseph’s pharonic system to enslave the world

  147. roonaldo says:

    All U.S. Presidents are useless weenies until they start mindlessly blasting away. Trump was vilified by the presstitutes until he fired off many dozens of cruise missiles at Syria, blaming Assad for an obviously faked chemical bombing. He then was praised for his “presidential” behavior.

    Now the doddering fool in the White House is roused and showing his moxie, while rockin’ to the Popeye cartoons for inspiration…

    I’m Joey the Failure Man
    I fled fom Afghanistan
    Chinese balloons scare me
    And Nuland’s so hairy
    I’m Joey the Failure Man

    I’m Joey the Jailer Man
    I fear the whole MAGA clan
    I made my decision
    Send Trump straight to prison
    I’m Joey the Jailer Man

    I’m Joey the Sailor Man
    I eat spinach from the can
    Now look out you Houthis
    I’ll bomb your patooties
    I’m Joey the Sailor Man

  148. @Robertson

    Why use the cutesy nickname of Netanyahu, that scumbag mass-murderer of women and children, that terrorist bomber of apartment buildings, schools, hospitals and refugee camps?

    Would we use a cutesy nickname for Pol Pot, Hitler, or Stalin?

    And who gives a shit what Netanyahu or any “israeli” is willing to agree to, at this point?

    The solution is to disarm and disband the illegitimate racist land-thief state of “israel.”

    Charge, try, convict and execute idf and iaf members, as well as all members of the cabinet and knesset who supported the slaughter, starvation and degradation of civilians.

    Lawfully charge, try, convict and execute “bibi.”

    Deport the remaining non-arab population of Palestine.

    One state, finally, from the river to the sea.

    END “israel.”
    Bring the responsible “israelis” to justice, lawfully.


    • LOL: meamjojo
    • Replies: @Iris
    , @Fidelios Automata
  149. Annony says:

    That may be part of it, but we are engaged in a war at sea where other factors could be at play.

    Why has US changed the name of the tanker from Suez Rajan to Nicholas ST to fool others to protect the tanker, but it failed, because Iranian identified the true identity of this tanker.

    [Flagging vessels is more of an economics thing]

    No, as I said flagging can be used to protect shipping in a war, as I gave you an example when US puppet, Saddam, invaded Iran on behalf of its superior US evil empire, then his superiors tried to protect Saddam’s shipping using American flag.
    Houthis are targeting the zionist and imperialist ships carrying goods or weapons for the Zionists, in order to inflict ECONOMIC lost on these states, make genocide more EXPENSIVE, damaging their economies.
    How long can they survive under economic lost, printing Green Shit to continue their genocide and to invade and bomb more countries into destruction?

    • Replies: @Corrupt
  150. Mike you silly little boy. The 60 strikes were conducted by the US and Nato with Israel’s and world Jewish support. Do you think these camel f ….ers are going to shut down the shipping lanes of of the powers that be and it will not go unanswered? There was even some trol boy junk out there that the US would have a hard time with Yemen…like if we cant shut up a few mud hut nobodies how can we fight Russia or China.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  151. meamjojo says:

    The Houthis should be focusing on Yemen and all its associated problems instead of becoming concerned with Israel/Gaza.

    I say follow the Israel Gaza model and turn Yemen into a parking lot and get it over with.

  152. @SteveK9

    They are afraid of thermo-nuclear war, like all rational beings. They are also afraid of the US generally as one fears a rabid dog in its death-throes.

    • Replies: @Annony
  153. Bill says:
    @Beyond the pale and fedup

    It’s a cloudy window into a completely alien world. Yes, I keep my entirely consensual, malnourished girlfriend in a locked garage with no access to a working toilet.

    To be clear, I have no idea what went on or how consensual it was (and the passage you quote sure does make it look like it was somewhat consensual at least), but whatever it was was really, really strange.

  154. Wokechoke says:
    @Broken Arrow

    They will just keep launching these drones at ships. One or two will hit catastrophically.

  155. @Hulkamania

    Idiot. The Houthi, proxies of Iran, have been firing rockets into Saudi Arabia for a number of years, in case you haven’t noticed. No wonder SA, which has been supported militarily by the US for decades to protect the royal family’s hold over the denizens of that country, is going to provide a base from which the US can operate, yet again. There’s this little schism in Islam between the Sunnis and the Shiites you may not be aware of that drives a lot of the conflict in the region.

    I was stationed in Bahrain (generally accepted spelling) on a US Navy vessel for two years and worked as a civilian in Saudi Arabia and in Sana’a, Yemen (backwards shit-hole that it is) and speak enough Arabic to get by without another English/Arabic speaker nearby. Most of you don’t have a clue as to what you’re spouting – you just like to see your little diatribes get posted, however inane.

    As for the Houthi and their claim that they have a right to fire on any nation’s ships is flat out insane regardless of their rationalizations. Fuck ’em. That’s a critical international commercial waterway and as much as I hate what Israel is doing to the Palestinians and America’s limp dick efforts to stop it, no one has the right to impede international commerce. You find another way. Otherwise, you’re just calling in air strikes on yourself.

  156. Iris says:

    Russia has just required an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council to put a halt to the “illegal” US-led attack against Yemen.

    It had previously criticised this intervention, rightly stating that, once again, the US was manipulating and distorting UN resolutions to fit its obscure own agenda.

    As usual, Russia plays 4-D chess, trapping the primitive (((American))) NeoCons while they shoot themselves in the foot.

    • Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  157. @Anon

    Jews under the guise of fake Semites really think anything against them is hate and are unable to reflect on their painfully degenerate narcissistic behaviour…

    There is NO Hatred against Jews criticizing their barbaric behaviour, because if it is ANY OTHER GROUP OF DEGENERATE NARCISSISTS one is allowed to criticize them.

    There is NO entitlement to be a DEGENERATE NARCISSIST, and more and more people are becoming aware of this. Further stupid Zionist behaviour will render the former Israelis having to leave Palestine, pathetically grovel for reconcilliation; leave to the Collective Waste (maybe Russians back to Russia) or become land fill.

    Why don’t you go to Palestine and help ’em out.

  158. @Corrupt

    I am in total agreement with you on your comment.

  159. Barr says:

    US started this fight years ago

    “ Explosive new recordings released by the Houthi government of Yemen pile more earth atop mountains of existing evidence of the US government’s support for the very same terrorists it has claimed to be waging war against for nearly two decades.

    Houthi says. Shami (. General Abdul Qadir al-Shami, the deputy-head of the Yemeni Security and Intelligence )
    pointed out that the Americans used to train their individuals in Yemen and send them abroad to carry out operations for them, and then affix the accusation to Yemen as an excuse to come under the cover of fighting those individuals.”

    Saudi-born Ali al-Ahmed of the Gulf Institute, a leading expert on Saudi politics and terrorism, told me that he is not at all surprised by the phone call between George Tenet and Yemen’s former president.
    “I’ve been saying this for a long time,” al-Ahmed told me. “People that think that these organizations; al-Qaeda, ISIS, are organic, non-state-backed organizations are either lying or are completely stupid. The fact that ISIS had all these American weapons, they didn’t come from thin air. This was part of a plan. The same thing with al-Qaeda; the fact that this organization which has been attacked all over the world continues to survive 20 years on, and spread, it’s not by accident. It’s done by security and intelligence organizations in Washington, D.C. and in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and by Ali Abdullah Saleh.”
    “This recording,” he said, “fits the bill; that Anwar al-Awlaki and others, they were sometimes knowingly or unknown being used as a tool.”

    Houthi exposed everything by seizing the documents.

    America creates terrorism to further its interests .

    • Thanks: Iris, emerging majority
    • Replies: @Carney
  160. @Sabri

    And the GloboZioHomoFascists are shitting their pants at the ICJ Genocide deliberations, as either way they will end up Global Enemy Number 1.

  161. Wokechoke says:

    It’s interesting that the Jewish Jacob is swindler. A barely concealed swindler who robs his own close family. He kills a neighbouring king who shows him goodwill and gendercides the city of Sheshem. All the men are killed after agreeing to undergo circumcision.

    The Islamic version of this photo Jew is quite brave and noble and he gets on well with Laban as the pair of them embarrass the Astarte/Ishtar Temple in Harran. After his Wolfpack of sons sell Joseph into slavery the poor guy laments the loss for decades. Rachel dies birthing Benjamin and the mother of the other boys Leah is a scheming bitch mostly. The Ishmalite cousin who buys Joseph from the brothers learns about his true identity and tries to buy him back from the Egyptian Potiphar. Jacob mourns in his later life.

    We are dealing with a very fucked up region.

    • Thanks: Suetonious
    • Replies: @one nobody
  162. Annony says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Stop protecting Zionist friendly countries. Putin knows what he is doing. It is YOU that knows shit about Russia. Putin sells anyone for CONCESSIONS. Only the FAKE ‘left’ still protecting the scum of humanity.
    How many times Russia and China should give the PHONY ‘left’ a kick in the ass, yet they are not able to get it. These two countries did exactly the same when US/NATO had a plan to bomb Libya and kill Qaddafi. Russia and China supported this crime against humanity.

    Now, Russia is on the side of Israel and US in Libya supporting a CIA pimp and US citizen,Khalifa Belqasim Haftar. Stop being a FOOL. How many more years are you going to support Zionist friendly countries like Russia and China?

    • Replies: @orchardist
  163. Iris says:

    Lawfully charge, try, convict and execute “bibi.”

    There is no way the entitled Israeli population can sustain a situation like this for years.

    At the fast pace events are unfolding in the ME, I can’t see how Israel can still exist in 5 years.

    Netanyahu is only 74 years old; he will live long enough to see “his” Israel destroyed and to face his own personal retribution.

    • LOL: meamjojo
  164. @Suetonious

    It’s what you’d expect if you put a child in charge.

    True, but they are adolescents in charge. Think of your high school student council.
    With “Fuck You Money”.

  165. @SteveK9

    Russia’s rhetoric has been empty for a long time … they are afraid of the US.

    Imagine being on a wooden sailboat in the middle of the sea, and you see some bratty kid with a lighter in one hand and a can of gas in the other. That’s how Russia is afraid of the US

  166. Wokechoke says:
    @Just Passin' By

    I disagree. The Houthis are not Iran Proxy. They are Russian proxy.

    This is how clever Putin is.

    This is about Ns2 and also the Black Sea.

    • Replies: @Annony
  167. Iris says:
    @Just Passin' By

    no one has the right to impede international commerce.

    Ansar Allah are NOT impeding international commerce; they have arraigned and stopped only ships destined to Israel.

    Despite the US bombing, the spokesperson for Ansar Allah’s Political Bureau has just re-affirmed two hours ago that all navigation is welcome and safe, bar that headed to the Zionist entity.

    Which side are you on?

    • Replies: @Alden
  168. Arary says:

    Why the U.S. is the only country that creates Wars, building enemies and misery all around the world, kiling so many people includinng their own young countrymen?
    Are all those wars skillful designed by the Jews that control the White house? Decent dictators don’t do that…

  169. @Wokechoke

    um hmmm…but the supply of launching sites and guys-in-skirts to man them is not bottomless. Still, Haxo likes that slap-in-the-face Houthi rhetoric:

    “US must turn over personnel for trial…failue to do so will result in unprecedented consequences”


    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  170. @Anon

    Rather well said…

    I have been tracking US weapons development for years and the majority of it is substandard in recent years along with poor training in the Armed Forces that is made worse with lowering entrance requirements.

    All the US has in the region are big targets for someone else to shoot at.

    We don’t even know if the US air strikes on Yemen accomplished anything but gain some more newsprint in the mainstream press.

    In addition, military analyst Larry Johnson has demonstrated how the US no longer has a blue water navy. Instead it has a foward-base Navy.

    This means that once the US ships in the region run out of munitions they must return to a port for resupply. And of course at that point, the Yemenis will be free to launch its most powerful anti-ship weapons at the US ships since they will be unable to respond.

  171. Brewer says:

    My father was in Palestine in 1936 serving with the British Expeditionary force

    Aye. And I had an uncle in Palestine with the expeditionary forces in WWII, a family friend who was with the Brits during the mandate and a mate who served with U.N. peacekeepers. All had basically the same message: “Servicemen went to Palestine sympathetic to the Zionists but came back supporting the Arabs.”

    • Agree: werpor
    • Thanks: Marukee
    • Replies: @RestiveUs
    , @Miro23
  172. Another war for the Jews! Right now we are engaged in three different wars over there:

    The Gaza War for the Jews: US intelligence is helping the Genocide Jews.

    The Syrian War for the Jews: This one started a long time ago, but it was mostly just providing aid to ISIS and Al Qaeda against Assad’s government. The US has established illegal bases all over Syria, and we are currently stealing 90% of their oil and setting most of their wheat fields on fire. Supposedly we are there to fight ISIS, but we mostly help and train ISIS instead of fighting them. It’s a fake BS reason. Right now our bases are being attacked and we are striking back and the Iraqi Army units attacking our troops.

    The Iraqi War for the Jews: This one was also started a long time ago and it’s never stopped. Right now we have bases in their country even though they have repeatedly ordered us to leave country. With incredible arrogance, we told them to go pound sand. Right now our bases and embassy in Iraq are being attacked by the Iraqi Army.

    Now a new one!

    The Yemeni War for the Jews: On the basis of a fake “protect shipping lines” lie (its a lie because only Israeli and ships going to Israel are being prevented from using the maritime waters), the US and UK have started yet another war for the Jews. These two countries are now bombing Houthi targets because the Houthis tried to stop the Jews from genociding the Arabs in Gaza.

    The Lebanese War for the Jews: This one hasn’t started yet, but we keep warning and threatening Lebanon and Hezbollah not to get too involved in attacking the Jews. We even stationed an aircraft carrier off the coast to protect the Jews from Lebanon.

    Look, I’m not saying wars for the Jew are a bad thing. Maybe they’re a good thing! Maybe the Jews need to be protected against all of these bad countries trying to attack their country. I have no idea and my opinion doesn’t matter. I simply think the American people should be notified that all of these are wars for the Jews and they should then be asked to decide if they feel it’s worth it to fight all of these wars for this small group of people.

    • Agree: threadhopper
    • Replies: @Buck Ransom
    , @meamjojo
  173. @Been_there_done_that

    What we learn from this crisis is that the BRICS construct that some authors at this site regularly glorify is actually just a lot of hype.

    This thing is just barely heating up, BTDT. What we learn is that you have some fundamental misconceptions about war. If you were alive in late 1941, you’d be saying that Stalin is all done and the Germans have this one in the bag

    • Replies: @Been_there_done_that
  174. Carney says:
    @emerging majority

    The majority of Yemeni territory, and the historic capital city of Aden, are under the control of the internationally-recognized Yemeni government.

    I don’t care for either the Iranian-backed gang in San’aa, nor the Saudi-backed regime in Aden, but at last the latter aren’t firing missiles at cargo ships, or trying to kill our Israeli allies.

    You have no principles, just Jew-hatred. Because there’s no way you’d agree that the US has a “responsibility to protect” Israel. You just reach for whatever phrase or principle is handy at any given moment as a club to bash Israel with.

  175. @Iris

    “as usual, Russia plays 4D chess”

    as usual, Uncle Schmuel inflicts violence and mass murder (5 Yemenis killed) while Babyface Tsar

    issues yettanother blast of hot air.

    • Replies: @Notsofast
  176. Alden says:

    How do the Houthis know the ships are destined for Israel?

    • Replies: @Iris
    , @Robert Lindsay
  177. Carney says:

    The Houthis have had “Death to America” ON THEIR FLAG from the start. They want trouble, they’ll get trouble.

    And I support allying with unsavory regimes when necessary to stop bigger threats from even worse or more dangerous regimes. We live in a dangerous world and not all choices will be neat, tidy, and easy.

    But, especially after the early 1990s with both the fall of the Soviet Union, and the emergence of flex-fuel technology making it dirt-cheap and easy to make alternative fuel compatibility a standard feature in gasoline cars, there has been no valid reason for us to be so much in bed with the Saudis and the Gulf Arab states, which are squalid, decadent, corrupt tyrannies.

    That’s not to say we’re the bad guys in the world — Russia backs the Iranian regime and their proxies, and most America-bashers are soft on Iran.

    As for as I’m concerned, a pox on both their houses when it comes to the Sunni vs Shia rivalry.

  178. @Annony

    The abstentions of both Russia and China regarding the recent vote to allow the US/UK to attack Yemen seems to prove their deference to the US CIA/Deep State.

    The primary purpose of Project Azorian (1968-1991) was (1) the collapse of the Soviet Union, thus the assurance that (2) the US would be the worlds only super power, AND (3) the subjugation and fealty of all future leaders in Russia and ELSEWHERE in the world, to the US CIA/Deep State – forever.

    The CIA claims credit for the collapse of the USSR in December 1991.

  179. Alden says:
    @Just Passin' By

    Thanks it’s always nice to read the rare comments from someone who has actual factual real knowledge of the subject.

  180. @Priss Factor

    “will Russians take Odessa”

    Babyface Tsar might want to take Kharkov first. It’s right on the border w Russia proper but, after 2 years of mutual slaughter, it’s still controlled by Ukes.

  181. Iris says:

    Because there’s no way you’d agree that the US has a “responsibility to protect” Israel

    Why would the US has a “responsibility” to protect Israel? To thank her for Mossad blowing up 3,000 Americans at the WTC on 9/11?

    Anyway, the penny seems to have finally dropped, and truth is leaking like an uncontrollable tide that will soon become a tsunami. This is fresh from the NeoCons mouthpiece “Foreign Policy”:

    U.S. Middle East Policy Has Failed – The region is on fire, and Washington is to blame.

    Washington should face reality: U.S. Middle East policy has failed. At the heart of this failure are the United States’ main regional partnerships. The two crucial U.S. partners in the region, Israel and Saudi Arabia, are liabilities to the United States, not assets. Although the two states maintain considerable political, economic, and social differences, they both consistently undermine U.S. interests and the values that the United States claims to stand for. Washington should fundamentally reorient its approach to both countries, moving from unconditional support to arm’s-length relationships.


    • Replies: @inspector general
    , @Carney
  182. c matt says:
    @Supply and Demand

    They would be better served targeting jewish families in America since those are the ones pushing the attacks on Yemenis. A few Kosher Kebobs and this comes to close quickly.

  183. Annony says:

    Lt. Gen. Douglas A. Sims II, the Director for Operations, Joint Staff, at the Pentagon, is a member of the zionist mafia tribe in the position of power, is involved in the bombing of the cities in Yemen.

    The U.S. Navy on Friday warned American-flagged vessels TO STAY OUT of areas around Yemen in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden for the next 72 hours after the U.S. and Britain launched multiple airstrikes targeting Houthi rebels. The warning in a notice to shippers came as Yemen’s Houthis promised retaliation for the U.S.-led strikes, and Genocide in occupied land, Gaza.

    The White House said the U.S. expects the Houthis to try to strike back.
    The Houthis’ military spokesman, Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree, said to Zionist mafia member, Gen. Douglas Sims II, in a recorded address that the strikes would “not go unanswered or unpunished.” The Genocide MUST stop, and the Zionist mafia tribe should fuck off from the region.
    Rep. Elissa Slotkin, a Michigan Democrat and former U.S. intelligence official, expressed concern Iran was aiming to draw the U.S. deeper into conflict.
    “We should be worried about regional escalation,” Slotkin wrote on X. “Iran uses groups like the Houthis to fight their battles, maintain plausible deniability and prevent a direct conflict with the U.S.

    Biden’s DIAPER is soaked with pee, so the genocidal Netanyahu. Hope to see the evil empire and its DOG out of the region soon.
    The people united, we never be defeated.

  184. c matt says:

    To a large extent, you are correct. But it can’t attack Russia or China directly, possibly not even Iran. But those countries can not do the same to US (for now) without feeling a lot of pain in return. Basically still mutually assured destruction.

    Arabs (unfortunately like Whites in the ZOG) can’t unite and organize enough to counter.

  185. c matt says:

    You’re right. Only the ZOG is allowed to commit piracy. To paraphrase a famous pirate, the only thing that matters is what country can do, and what it can’t do.

  186. Sarita says:

    -S-300s s400s s500s –
    Why can’t Iran lend a few of those to Yemen?
    Iran probably got them by now, after Russia reneged a few hundred times on the deal.
    Maybe they did get a few after it send Russia those suicide drones, right?
    Israel bombs Syria almost everyday, but no word on those espectacular artifacts.
    How many more soldiers and civilians need to die in those places in order for Russia and Iran to do something about it?
    Or are Yemen and Syria useful idiots?

  187. Annony says:

    You are really a FOOL.

    {I disagree. The Houthis are not Iran Proxy. They are Russian proxy.This is how clever Putin is.}

    Putin is a zionist coward where cares only for HIS interests and NO one else, idiot.

    Houthis are not a toy to be used by the coward and PHONY ‘left’ to buy ‘prestige’ for Zionist Putin?
    Russia is a Zionist racist country never could make a REAL alliance with anyone. They are fearful of others.
    Houthis, on the contrary, are brave, social and sovereign people who are willing to take RISKS to free themselves from the evil empire. Putin sleeps with the evil empire and gains nothing but a kick in the ass.
    Why should Putin with more than 10,000 nuclear weapons be so coward and fearful of US, but the Huthies under serve bombings and sanctions dare to go after the criminals that Putin is sleeping with, to stop the Genocide? Russia is in bed with US and Israel supporting the Genocide of Palestinian people in Gaza. Their action at the UN shows it.

    Shame on PHONY ‘left’, stupid and foolish.

    Are you trying to steal Houthis for your coward superiors, Zionist Putin and racist Russia?

    • LOL: Notsofast
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Afghan
  188. Sarita says:

    Its ok don’t get mad, maybe if oil disappeared from that part of the world the US wouldn’t have a “responsibility to protect” Israel.
    And don’t tell me it’s about principles, Israel are Jews and the US are christians whose God Jesus was crucified by the former.
    It isn’t about principles.
    Say hello to Jeffrey Epstein’s friends

  189. tyrone says:
    @Supply and Demand

    Your comment history at Unz documents your descent into madness…..take your meds.

    • LOL: TKK
  190. Notsofast says:

    you are confusing s&d with john johnson who comes from wisconsin and works in a lumberyard there. s&d is 55, lives in his boomer parents basement and dreams of the day they finally die, he inherites the house and can at long last, have the resources to buy a mail order chinese wife.

  191. @RadicalCenter

    I support Joe Biden because he makes Trumpkins poor and angry.

    • Replies: @Boomthorkell
  192. Notsofast says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    it is you babyface haxo, that issues yettanother blast of hot nafo flatulence. say hello to your yettimother, (stupid motherfucker).

  193. RestiveUs says:

    Obviously those servicemen had eyes to see and minds to think. Thank you.

  194. Iris says:

    Ship tracking platforms are in free access. Have a look at this one:


    Ships’ positions are tracked by satellite; they are not supposed to lie about their destination, since the whole tracking framework is implemented to enhance safety and facilitate rescue operations.

    Large ships are mandated to be be connected to the AIS (Automated Tracking System) by naval traffic regulations.
    According to this article, the Yemenis have been using the AIS system, complemented by theirs and Iran’s radar detection.


    When in doubt, they enter in communication with the ship and require identification. This was the situation with one of the vessels they arraigned after it repetitively refused to respond and identify itself.

    • Thanks: Daniel Rich
    • Replies: @Alden
  195. @Alden

    You can tell. Every stop the ship is going to make is a matter of public record I believe with fines for not doing so. I think this was implemented recently.

    • Replies: @Alden
  196. @Anon

    Nope. All ships in the Red Sea have to go through the Bab al Mandab Straight. All of the waters in that straight are Yemeni territorial waters (at least I think so). So they can stop anyone they want to from going through those waters.

    They’re not launching “random” attacks on “international shipping.” How many times do we have to say this before all you Israel-lovers get it through your heads? The Houthis are only attacking Israeli ships or ships going to Israel. That’s it. Now that may change now that the US and UK ZOG’s just intervened in this war on the side of Israel by attacking the Houthis. Perhaps US and UK ships will now be banned from the Red Sea. I hope so.

    I hope the Houthis sink one of our ships!

    LOTS of ships go through the Red Sea every single day. Russian and Chinese ships go through there multiple times a day. But they check everything out with the Houthis beforehand. All you have to do is not be an Israeli ship, not be going to Israel, make contact with the Houthis, talk to them and show them your innocent intentions, and it’s all cool. This is happening hundreds of times a day now in the Red Sea.

    I believe they are boarding those ships in their own territorial waters and I think you can do that. All they do is direct the ship back to Yemen and send it on its way round the Cape of Good Hope instead.

    • Agree: Daniel Rich
    • Thanks: Fidelios Automata
    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Daniel Rich
  197. Miro23 says:

    Aye. And I had an uncle in Palestine with the expeditionary forces in WWII, a family friend who was with the Brits during the mandate and a mate who served with U.N. peacekeepers. All had basically the same message: “Servicemen went to Palestine sympathetic to the Zionists but came back supporting the Arabs.”

    Experience is a great teacher. It separates reality from propaganda.

    • Thanks: emerging majority
  198. @Hulkamania

    The big story here is that Saudi Arabia has now gotten off the fence and officially thrown their weight behind Israel’s genocide, opening their air space and assisting the American and British genocide defense forces in their strategically unsound airstrikes against the anti-genocide forces in Yemen.

    The House of Saud’s days are numbered. The revolution that overthrows them is going to rival that of Iran in 1979 in intensity and violence.

  199. Miro23 says:
    @Just Passin' By

    The Houthis are targeting Israel, the US and the UK. At this point in the game, that’s all you need to know.

    These countries capitulated to the Jewish mafia crazies about 20 years ago. Right now I couldn’t care less what happens to them.

    • Thanks: Iris
  200. Wokechoke says:

    I’m not blaming Russia here.

    It’s quite a brilliant choke point to get the British and Americans shitting their pants.

    • Replies: @Annony
  201. @Suetonious

    Your knowledge of Alchemy is very pedestrian.

    • Thanks: Suetonious
    • Replies: @Alrenous
  202. Wokechoke says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    You do realise that 300,000 Yemenis have died in the recent Saudi (US funded and led) war on Yemen?

    They do not appear to give a shit.

  203. @Mr_Chow_Mein

    Every single day that this ” war ” goes on the weaker the Israeli and United States economies and governments become. They are both digging themselves into holes that they will never ever get out of.

    Our M-S-M can ignore the collapse from sea to shining sea but the people already know an economic disaster is in our very near future!

    • Replies: @Pendragon
    , @dogbumbreath
  204. @Wokechoke

    The Islamic version which should be based on the Quran indicates Joseph’s brothers decided to kill him initially on a trip to buy grain and provisions. Instead they dropped him in a well and left him to his luck.
    The Egyptian found him and his wife was captured by Joseph’s beauty and convinced her husband to take him as a servant not as a slave.
    Please get your facts accurately, especially when the source you quote is available to all.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  205. Annony says:

    PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS has an essay at this site under “Will Russia & China Prevent Washington from Expanding the Conflict?” dated January 12, 2024

    Mr Roberts brings in GOOD points, but knowing the true nature of Putin and Russia, I don’t think Putin listens to Paul Roberts. Putin is seeking concessions from the West in Ukraine and is willing to SELL anything and anyone to reach that goal. Russia has shown bad behavior towards Iran by supporting the same Zionist traitors, thinking this is good for the interest of Russia, which is false.
    It is in the interest of Russia and China to work closely with Iran and its allies.
    Please read the following note written by Roberts on this issue which is written based on the facts on the ground. Nothing will go right if Putin decide to ignore the fact that IRAN IS the MAIN PLAYER in the region, and instead he works closely with Iran’s enemies, the criminal West and Zionist mass murderers to obtain CONCESSIONS in Ukraine. The Zionist Putin must realize that he will be defeated and he will suffer. Roberts writes:
    {{As I have emphasized, Russia and China are behind the eight ball. Russia is dependent on Iran to prevent the CIA funneling jihadists into the Russian Federation and the former Soviet Central Asian republics. China has energy dependence and energy investments in Iran and doesn’t want a repeat loss like the one Washington imposed on China in Libya. Yet these two superpowers have not conveyed to Washington that Iran is off limits. The most certain way of deterring a dangerous escalation is an immediate announcement by Russia, China, and Iran of a joint SECURITY ALLIANCE in which an attack on one is an attack on all.
    Russia could add clout to this announcement by immediately removing its constraint on Syria that prevents Syria from using its Russian-provided modern air defense capability to stop US and Israeli attacks on Syrian territory. Putin is deluded if he believes his restraints are preventing escalation when in fact Putin’s restraints are causing escalation.

    In truth, what we are faced with is Washington’s aggression together with Russia’s restraint leading to nuclear war.}}

    No one has any respect for a Zionist Russia or Zionist China, fuck them both.

    • Replies: @Odyssey
  206. Alden says:

    Thank you. I knew a fishing family complaining about the satellites and Coast Guard tracking and harassing small commercial fishing boats. She said it was a plot to ruin the small fixing companies

  207. Annony says:

    You can stay a FOOL as long as you wish, but you should read the short essay by Paul Roberts to find out how phony is the FAKE ‘left’. That’s your choice.

    Will Russia & China Prevent Washington from Expanding the Conflict?

  208. ZOG LGBTQ USA starts another war in the middle east to defend Israel.

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  209. Alden says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    Thank you like Canada can control all the ships on the international St Laurence Seaway and American controls international shipping on the the Great Lakes and the Gate Gate channel to the San Francisco Bay Harbors

  210. @Beyond the pale and fedup

    Putin has said he will recover all traditional Russian lands, everything except the Galacian NW.

    Hopefully he takes back Alaska.

  211. Odyssey says:

    Putin is seeking concessions from the West in Ukraine…


  212. Pendragon says:
    @cousin lucky

    Broham, your current inflation is the result of 50-60 years of Jewish feminism. It is going to be over for America unless you think eventually settling on a GDP or GDP per capita on par with Panama or Romania is acceptable because it is not Kenyan living standards. I am not saying America was supposed lay the smack down on women Islamic style but you went too insanely far in the opposite direction. You can’t just put the cat back in the bag now.

    Since my ancestry is from England or the northern Netherlands the living standards of Panama or Romania would not be unacceptable to me. Sorry, to be the bearer of bad news but this is reality.

  213. @Carney

    If Israel is a US ally, we certainly don’t need enemies.

    Re ‘Jew-hatred’: People do hateful things, they deserve to be hated.

    • Replies: @Fj
  214. Mike Tre says:
    @The Alarmist

    Bro, that’s called Democracy!

    • Replies: @The Alarmist
  215. Sarita says:

    Greater Israel you all! Greater israel!

    • Replies: @Robert Lindsay
  216. @meamjojo

    And here I though you were a third-world tool.

    • Replies: @Daniel Rich
  217. @cousin lucky

    Every single day that this ” war ” goes on the weaker the Israeli and United States economies and governments become. They are both digging themselves into holes that they will never ever get out of.

    Israel weaker but NOT America. Israel has always been an unsinkable aircraft carrier for the Anglo Americans (to control resources and trade) and is expendible if necessary. The Houthis are targeting ships in the Red Sea destined for Israel to force an Israeli ceasefire in Gaza (good on them). BUT this has created blowback beneficial to America because non-Israel destined ships carrying trade from China (Asia) to Europe are refusing to use the Red Sea and Suez Canal. America has managed to kill 3 birds with one stone and get a bonus.

    China’s trade revenue to the EU is damaged (ships going around Cape of Good Hope add 3 to 4 weeks and extra fuel costs). Egyptian revenue (money it desperately needs) is reduced because ships are not using the Suez Canal. Perhaps this will cajole Egypt to open it’s borders to Palestinian refugees which helps the Zionists Greater Israel Project. Europe is economically damaged again (think NS2) because Chinese (Asian) goods destined for the European economy are delayed. It’s no coincidence what the Houthis are doing in the Red Sea damage America’s #1 and #2 economic competitors (China and the EU). American Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s “fuck the EU” should be bumper sticker of the decade.

    This is hybrid war. There is a faction in Anglo America that do not want hostilities in the area to end (why else would Britain create Israel). As long as American boots are NOT on the ground in Yemen, one can safely assume this “project GAZA” is going to script. MSM grandstanding is for show.

    Now the bonus. In Jan 2024, Egypt became a full member of BRICS 10. For America to get Argentina to pull out was good. To get Egypt to follow would be great. America is not done yet. American trade with China (Asia) is via the Pacific. American trade with Europe is via the Atlantic. Last I checked, both bodies of water are free of conflict.

    The reason Russia and China abstained from UNSC vote is because both know America is bluffing and won’t put boots on the ground. If America is not bluffing then both gain as trade returns to normal.

  218. Wokechoke says:
    @one nobody

    I’ve watched extended versions of the Muslim story of Joseph in the Arab language. I don’t really care one way or another about these stories as sacred texts in this book or that book. We are talking about the folk memory of these things.

    Here’s how the Arabs see Jacob, Joseph, Potiphar, The Brothers, the Ishmaelite. Blah blah blah. I have never seen them presented like this by Jews in English language productions.

    It’s a fifty part soap opera. Potiphar’s wife is a very richly explored character in this Arab version of the Joseph story. She gets almost equal billing. It’s quite illuminating to see how much the Muslims invest fully rounded personalities lacking in these one dimensional biblical characters from the Jewish versions of the story. It gets really bizarre around episode 25.

    Yeah and sure the Koran is probably much more abrupt and Short about these same characters. Still, the Arabs see these people agonise like soap opera characters.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  219. @Alrenous

    What do you mean “buy Palestine”? If I could support the Pals without being arrested for “terrorism” by the fascist tyrants who rule America, I would. Palestinians have the right to self defense! I won’t cry a single tear to see the last Jew leave their illegal colony in Palestine.

    • Replies: @Alrenous
  220. @roonaldo

    That was Trump’s most shameful act ion. The second most was to murder Iran’s General Soleimani.

  221. Wokechoke says:

    Should have said Iranian…

  222. Alrenous says: • Website
    @Fidelios Automata

    I’m so glad you get to decide who has the right to self defence. How much did that cost?

  223. @RadicalCenter

    Exactly. “From the River to the Sea” does NOT mean “kill the Jews.” It means expel them just like they’re trying to expel the rightful inhabitants.

  224. @Just Passin' By

    Anyone can claim they are anything in an anonymous comment section

    Means absolutely nothing

    But you did spout bullshit when you said the Houthis were attacking international shipping

    Because they are not

    They are only targeting ships headed to the Genocidal squatter colony and those related to it.

    Sure every Israeli propaganda artist is saying the Houthis are attacking anything in sight

    Total self-serving bullshit.

    So, why should anyone believe anything you say?

  225. @Hulkamania

    Source for your claims please

    Because it is highly doubtful that even the Israeli owned Saudis would support the Genocidal Jews
    while they are happily Genociding defenseless Arabs.

  226. @Suetonious

    If you were alive in late 1941, you’d be saying …

    A very lame attempt to come up with a rejoinder, due to the use of an imaginary and inappropriate historical analogy, mixing up full scale war with annoying incidents of piracy and terrorism, as well as confusing a future prediction with a simple status quo assessment.

    Have Houthis ever attacked any cargo ships heading south that had verifiably stopped at an Israeli port just prior to their passage through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait? Knowing which ships that might be would entail access to binoculars and tracking data from the Internet, maybe a drone with a camera; not too difficult.

    Instead, these militia groups have attacked ships heading north into the Red Sea – but not to Israel. In the case of the Maersk liner, it should have been obvious that the draft of that large container ship was too deep to have been able to dock at the port of Haifa, as I pointed out in a previous post.

    Attempting to falsely frame these incidents as some kind of militant protest against Israel’s genocidal operation in Gaza, in hopes of garnering sympathy, seems like throwing a bone to a dog. A few people, like the author and some commenters, will reflexively fetch without thinking.

  227. meamjojo says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    “I simply think blah, blah, blah and they should then be asked to decide if they feel it’s worth it to fight all of these wars for this small group of people. ”

    You failed basic civics. The USA isn’t a democracy where everyone gets to vote on what they like. We are a constitutional republic and our elected representatives get to make the big decisions. Mostly. Although presidents can also get us into wars on their own.

    • Replies: @Robert Lindsay
  228. Fj says:
    @Supply and Demand

    The dirty Jew could dressed up as Yemeni blow some LGBTQIA’s parades to garantee irans war or wwlll. These psychopaths rape little white kids in Epstein palace surrounded by spy cameras.

  229. Biff says:

    China’s trade revenue to the EU is damaged (ships going around Cape of Good Hope add 3 to 4 weeks and extra fuel costs).

    Not everything has to go by ship. Interconnected railroads span all of Europe and Asia.

    • Replies: @dogbumbreath
  230. meamjojo says:

    Egypt’s Suez Canal revenues down 40% due to Houthi attacks
    By Reuters

    Dollar revenues from Egypt’s Suez Canal are down 40 percent from the beginning of the year compared to 2023, Canal authority head Osama Rabie says, after attacks on ships by Yemen’s Houthis caused major shippers to divert away from the route.

    Ship traffic was down 30% in the period between Jan. 1 and Jan. 11 compared to a year prior, Rabie says, speaking on a late night talk show.

    The number of vessels to pass through the Suez Canal dropped to 544 so far this year, from 777 in the equivalent period of 2023, he says.

    The Suez Canal is a key source of scarce foreign currency for Egypt, and authorities have been trying hard to boost revenues in recent years, including through an expansion of the Canal in 2015. A further expansion is underway.


    • Replies: @Afghan
  231. Fj says:
    @emerging majority

    C’mon Iran burn those foggts with daiper in Bahrain including the the criminal governments.

  232. Fj says:

    Is not an ally, it’s it’s maste. The leach is on every American elites in the form of epestine’s cameras.

  233. Wokechoke says:

    That’s interesting. But we are not that competent. Aden with be Cratered again. We may even get a Colin Mitchell to spice it all up again.

    • Replies: @dogbumbreath
  234. S says:

    It’s been commented on before how the ‘New Rome’ (ie the United States) since it’s very founding has uncannily paralleled ancient Rome in it’s history. This Yemen action might be another example, though we’ll see.

    Shortly after the Roman Republic had transitioned to a dictatorship under Caesar Augustus, the emperor in 26BC directed a land and sea born operation with ten thousand troops under the command of Aelius Gallus against present day Yemen, to either make them into a vassal or to outright conquer them, and in part to secure the route of the rich sea trade between India and Rome that had developed.

    Though the port of present day Aden would be temporarily conquered and occupied, the seige of the Sabaen capital city Marib failed, and the expedition would ultimately be a disaster. A retreat was made back to Alexandria, Egypt.


  235. @dogbumbreath

    What on Earth are you talking about? Do you know how many Chinese and Russian ships go through the Red Sea every single day with no problems whatsoever? I think you are just supposed to talk to the Houthis about what ships of yours are going through the Straight and have them ok everything. It’s trivial.

    The Houthis have been only preventing Israeli ships and ships going to Israel from using the sea. Everybody else gets to use it. We’re not over there bombing for “free navigation for trade.” It’s “free navigation for trade for Israel!” Why so many of you think “Israel” means “all the nations on Earth, I do not understand.”

    • Replies: @dogbumbreath
  236. @Sarita

    The royal family all used to be Jews until some time ago. All the Saudi royals have Jewish lineage.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  237. @Mike Tre

    That’s called ‘Our Democracy’™️.

  238. werpor says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    States rights collectively is nationalism. Internationalism is being deployed within countries around the world by powerful exogenous agents whom are in essence Globalists. The bankers and corporate oligarchs are overlords. These last would have it that nationalism begets Nazism — which in fact is what Globalists are promulgating in Ukraine and in Palestine. …And of course in the United States and its satraps.

    Love of country and love of one’s people and control over the destiny of one’s country and respect for the country rather than submitting to outside rule is the essence of nationalism. Of course Zionism is an international superstructure. But Israel is an anvil tied to the Zionist’s heels. There, in so called Israel, nationalism and internationalism clash.

    The Zionists, as soon as the ink dried on the Balfour Resolution, began to kill the Palestinians. It is an unbounded tragedy for the Palestinians but, their century long resistance is justified by the terms of the Balfour Resolution. Now what. First it must be understood that the Zionists stole the land in Palestine and contrived successfully to re-name it Israel. Of course the international community supports Israel. But the international community are bandits. They hijack the state, giving the state omnipotent powers. They contrive to change the law in every country in every way so as to make their thefts legal but in fact it is merely legalizing.

    The large print giveth, the small print taketh it away.

    This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the largest banks? Ho-ho! The Communism of Marx seeks an enormous centralization of the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which profiteers from the labour of others, will always find a way to prevail. In reality, for the proletariat, this would be a barrack regime, under which the working men and the working women, converted into a uniform mass, would rise, fall asleep, work, and live at the beat of the drum.”
    Bakunin (1814-1876)

    Of course, everywhere, including in Palestine or what the Zionists re-named Israel the aims of the nationalists collide with the aims of the internationalists. This is a fault line only anticipated by a few Jews who warned against such a project.

    What we are witnessing is the logical outcome of Zionist machinations revealed for all the world to see. Among Jews and within their families, at least in the United States, there is a civil war going on.

    Suddenly the Fascist control, exerted by a cosmogony which demands absolute adherence to its invented precepts by an incredible exercise in mass psychosis — deeply imbedded, because of its outrageous presumptions of being Gods chosen — is colliding with reality.

    What God, an enlightened Jew might ask, would countenance what is being wrought in Gaza?

    Why would an enlightened citizenry endorse the Globalist imperative? What is the appeal of Fascism?

    Why are ordinary people so acquiescent in the face of absolutism? Children in Gaza are suffering their damaged limbs to be amputated without anesthetic relief. Is this the work of an enlightened people? Is destroying a city by a systematic bombing of the people bearing the name Palestinians, a balanced response to a small incursion Netanyahu was warned about by the Egyptians — and which for some reason he ignored?

    One supposes he ignored the warning because he calculatingly encouraged the incursion. It was exactly the excuse he needed to carry out his evil purpose. Why has Netanyahu funded Hamas?

    Did he underwrite Hamas so he could claim legitimacy for failing to engage the Palestinians in a two state solution? Instead the world is witness to Netanyahu’s perfidy. Obviously he wants to eliminate the Palestinians which would have the effect of nullifying their claims.

    Internationalism may very well die under the rubble in Gaza. Why would anyone anywhere trust the promulgators of what many are coming to realize is against their best interests? Are we all Palestinians now? The Zionists would have it that’s way — as far as I can see.

    Imagine the sound of a surgeons saw and the shocked glaze in your child’s eyes as his or her splintered arm is severed. Could you look in those eyes?

    • Agree: inspector general
    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  239. Anne Lid says:

    The twitter with the effigy/maniken is gone. Pity, it must be curious.

  240. Ron Unz says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    The royal family all used to be Jews until some time ago. All the Saudi royals have Jewish lineage.

    I’ve seen that claim floating around the Internet for years, but have always been very skeptical.

    I think the argument was that 6-7 generations ago, the Saudis royals may have had substantial Jewish ancestry. But even if it were true, so many generations of intermarriage with Muslims would have reduced it to a negligible fraction, probably something not too different from the average present-day Christian in Europe.

    So what are your most solid couple of sources on that Saudi claim?

  241. Afghan says:

    Excellent news! The more trouble for puppet Sisi, the better. Let us hope this leads to a popular uprising and a pro-Hamas leader taking power.

    I think the Houthis may have intended this as much as the blockade on Israel. It hurts Egypt much more than the apartheid state of parasitic predators.

    • Replies: @meamjojo
  242. Afghan says:
    @Ron Unz

    The family’s Jewish ancestors are not as important as MBS himself having a de facto Jewish “mother.”


    TEHRAN (FNA)- Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that the nursemaid who raised him up was an evangelical Jew, according to Founder of Zionist Heritage Center Mike Evans.

    Evans revealed the issue at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference last Sunday.

    “I can tell you that when I met with the Saudi crown prince, I asked him about his view about the Jews and Christians. He told me, ‘I like both of them. Tell why? Because my mother (nanny) was one of them’,” Evans said.

    • LOL: Levtraro
  243. Levtraro says:

    Objectives of Afghanistan war: Destroy the Taliban and Al Qaeda
    Cost of Afghanistan war: US$2.313 trillion
    Number of Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters killed: ~55,000
    Cost of killing one enemy: US$42.1 million
    Outcome of war: the Taliban won.


    Extreme economic inefficiency is the cause of USA military failures far from America.
    Same is happening with Ukraine.
    Same will happen with Yemen.
    Utterly predictable.

    On top of that, Americans wil be paying billions in interest on debt contracted to pay for the war.

  244. Afghan says:

    Their action at the UN shows it.

    Exactly. You can see how they bring pro-Palestinian resolutions to blow hot air knowing full well that US will veto them and they lead nowhere.

    In general, if you ignore everything Jewtin says, and only look at his actions and who benefits from his actions, ONLY then will you know on what side he is. The war in Ukraine has propped up the dollar, weakened Europe, moved European industries to USA, boosted US gas revenues, and made Europe even more dependent and subservient to USA. It is also benefiting the US military industrial complex whose stocks have risen and who are making tons of money.

    Jutin’s record shows he has allegiance to no one except the ZOG.

  245. @Been_there_done_that

    “…you would see that there are neither US nor British companies among the top 25, which however includes four Chinese, four Taiwanese, four South Korean, and four companies from Singapore.”

    Does FRONT companies ring a bell…?

    • Replies: @Been_there_done_that
  246. @Carney

    Possibly you own a carnival, or head up the freak show in one. It is more likely, however, that you happen to be a $ayanim or Ha$Barfa troll, working for your beloved genociders, the Talmudist supremacists who Occupy Palestine. Why have Khazarians been described as “Name Stealers” for nearing two millennia? “Carney” indeed.

    “Majority of Yemeni territory” don’t mean shit. Its mostly desert and primarily uninhabited…so how the eff can you use the term”majority”? Only thing out there are some stolen oil wells taken by the friggen $audis.

    The regime in Aden is UAE occupied, not Saudi.

    I$rael is NOT our ally. There is no treaty of alliance. However the same Talmudists who own the pro$titicians in the Di$trict of Corruption are the ones who created and control the regime in Tel Aviv.

    “Jew hater”? Ask the Mate’s…Gabor or his son Aaron if they would consider me such. Or ask Ron Unz, creator and owner of this site.

    No righteous country…or individual…has a “responsibility to protect” the Zionist entity.

    Genocide is evil.

    • Agree: inspector general
    • Thanks: Iris
    • Replies: @Carney
  247. @Anonymousrgc

    You seem to have a fixation on “LBGTQ”. Are you circumcised or something? Wounded weenie aching?

  248. @werpor

    Thank you for points raised, werpor.
    The idea of small units, such as genuine nations and even US States, replacing the present “bankster international” can only be seen as beneficial to all concerned except f course to Mr Rothschild and the 0.001%.

    The model of cooperative National Socialism is an attractive one.
    Possibly China is currently promoting this. Personally I can see no future for the oligarchic west. The e matter of how to deal with the oligarchs, among which are many Jews, remains a burning question. Non zionist humane Jews need to exert their influence on Jewry to avoid the possibility of a global pogrom imho.

    By pogrom is meant the global reaction to the disgusting and disgraceful abomination of Israel. Jews need to “convert” Judaism as it is presently perceived by large and growing numbers of non Jews. This applies equally to the “holocaust” extortion racket. There is an urgent need for humane Jews to replace Satanyahoo.

    One measure might be for banks/banksters to finance the full repatriation of Palestinians to their native country. After the trials in which the most egregious Israeli criminals are hanged. An international symposium on the history of the last 125 years, including the holofraud, could be funded and widely broadcasted.

    Finally, werpor, ref your father/Palestine, perhaps you have seen “Forgotten Conscripts” by Eric Lowe, still in print ?

  249. @Just Passin' By

    You don’t know shit. As a former Pogie, you are stuffed full of U$$A military indoctrination. Point is that the Saudis got pissed when their pocket dick-tater running things in Sanaa for them got overthrown. Upshot, was that the Houthis/AnserAllah were ATTACKED by the Bass-Turds in Riyadh, flying American supplied planes. Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis died from the bombings and also due to famine created by U$$A sanctions.

    Fuck off pig$hit. You are just passing gas.

    • Replies: @Just Passin' By
  250. @Just Passin' By

    “…no one has the right to impede international commerce.”

    Fair enough.

    So, how about the US and the entire west slapping sanctions on anyone not bending over backward to their desires…?

    There’s word for that train of thought…

  251. @Robert Lindsay

    “I believe they are boarding those ships in their own territorial waters and I think you can do that.”

    Unfortunately, only the US of A has the right to do such things. Anyone/everybody else. and it’s “TERRORISM!!!”‘

  252. @The Alarmist

    “And here I though[t] you were a third-world tool.”

    One of the first lifeforms discovered was something with only a mouth…

    And then they went like, “Wait a minute, how does it dispose of if digested sh*t…?”

    Well, you got that right. Through the same orifices… Right back at ya!

  253. @Levtraro

    “ Everyone seems to be expecting some kind of big debacle due to internal dynamics and economic mismanagement in Western countries”

    Just look around at who is president and prime minister in France, then look who is leading the helm in the U.K. and Germany, add to that the more supportive Catholic European clergy of the latest Fiducia Supplicans from the Vatican, in contrast to the overwhelming rejection of African Catholic clergy, and it does not take a prescient person to notice that the fall of a West is imminent.

    I hope the West will be humbled rather than destroyed and that it would move back to morality from unhinged materialism.

    • Agree: Levtraro
    • Replies: @Corrupt
    , @Iris
  254. @Kiers

    Another angle is that Ukraine is Israel’s vengeance against RF for saving Syrian’s regime.

  255. Wokechoke says:
    @Ron Unz

    Charles II is a descendant of Muhammad.

  256. @Iris

    Wow. This is a big turnaround for Foreign Policy.

  257. Avery says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Sad indeed.
    He will be missed.
    R.I.P. Gonzlo: brave man.

    After his first arrest, when he was released, he kinda-sorta predicted he might die in prison, because he said he has a heart condition that needs constant quality medical care. (which he could not get in a Uki prison)

    Having said that, I honestly can’t figure this man out.
    He said he has two minor children (by a Ukrainian wife, I believe), and yet he stayed in Ukraine criticizing the UkroNazis constantly? He knew the kind of dangerous psychopaths they are. Why didn’t he leave Ukraine after the first arrest? (which I assume was a warning to him to cease & desist).

    Also, Scott Ritter said — while Gonzalo was alive — that he (Scott) is sure that Gonzalo was working for Ukrainian Intelligence., based on the fact that Gonzalo embarked on his strange 1,000 kilometer last trip on a motorcycle to escape Ukraine. The one when he got arrested again at the border. Larry Johnson, on the other hand, strongly criticized Scott for libeling Gonzo.

    Anyway, sad for his 2 children and his wife.

    • Replies: @AnonfromTN
    , @Iris
  258. Corrupt says:

    [Flagging vessels is more of an economics thing]

    “No, as I said flagging can be used to protect shipping in a war”

    I’m not saying it CAN’T be done, just that it IS an economics thing and is/has been used as such long before the current conflict occurred.

  259. @emerging majority

    You crack me up – you’re all wrapped around the axle and nothing I said is untrue – the Houthis have been lobbing rockets at Saudi Arabia – I didn’t say how it began or why or that Saudi and Iran have been trying to come to some kind of terms to quiet things down. It’s an indisputable fact that the Houthis have been lobbing missiles, no? It’s an indisputable fact that the Saudis have relied on US military arms and manpower to ensure the continuation of the royal family. You have no cogent argument – just pitching a hissy fit. Kiss uchtak.

  260. Corrupt says:
    @Joe Levantine

    “Just look around at who is president and prime minister in France, then look who is leading the helm in the U.K. and Germany”

    Not to mention Canada… NZ and AUS aren’t much better.

    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
  261. @Avery

    Saying that someone worked for the current Kiev regime is a grave accusation. These allegations smear the person as badly as the claim that s/he works for CIA, MI6, Mossad, or Wafer SS. They should not be made w/o serious proof.

    However, in and of itself the fact that Lira died in Ukraine in custody does not prove otherwise. Remember that about a year ago then Ukrainian interior minister Denys Monastyrsky and several of his minions died in a helicopter crash in Kiev. The most likely cause was that a bunch of thieves in the regime decided that it’s cheaper to get rid of him by sabotaging his helicopter than to share the loot with him.

    Kiev regime is a snake pit. As Western aid dwindles, reducing the amount of money that can be stolen by regime officials, and at the same time the war goes badly for Kiev, internal fights become more and more vicious.

    Most likely we will never know the truth, unless Russians capture and publish documents revealing it.

  262. Iris says:
    @Joe Levantine

    Just look around at who is president and prime minister in France,

    ..And the Foreign Affair Minister, Joe.

    Gabriel Attal (the PM) has appointed Stephane Sejourne, 38, his former lover and closet, lately-disclosed civil partner as Foreign affairs minister, to ensure that nothing goes out awry on the firm road to WW3.

    They are not just an abnormal and inexplicable concentration of homosexuals in key political positions. They are people without any outstanding education, or experience, or any noticeable achievement to speak for their past careers. They have spent many years in politics and have nothing to their credit.

    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
  263. @Robert Lindsay

    What on Earth are you talking about? Do you know how many Chinese and Russian ships go through the Red Sea every single day with no problems whatsoever?

    Europe is sanctioning Russian trade since Ukraine SMO. Europe depends on China (Asia) imports. As of Jan 12, 90:

    “40% of Asia-Europe trade normally goes through the area,

    At least 90% of the container ships that had been going through the Suez Canal are now rerouting around the tip of Africa, said Simon Heaney, senior manager of container research for Drewry, a maritime research consultancy.

    The cost to ship a standard 40-foot container from China to northern Europe has jumped from $1,500 to $4,000”,


    The Houthis have been only preventing Israeli ships and ships going to Israel from using the sea. Everybody else gets to use it

    True, but many shipping companies are choosing to avoid the Red Sea for insurance and safety reasons as evidenced by the 90% figure above.

  264. Iris says:

    Also, Scott Ritter said — while Gonzalo was alive — that he (Scott) is sure that Gonzalo was working for Ukrainian Intelligence.

    Yeah, well, that’s another proof that Scott Ritter is a very dubious character who should, at a minimum, keep his foul mouth shut more often than he does.

    Scott Ritter was “a great friend of Israel” at least until 7th Oct 2023.

    Around the 17th Oct, after the Gaza Baptist Hospital had been blown up by an IDF airstrike, Scott Ritter was writing articles, in Russian media of all places, accusing Hamas of having blown their own people in their own hospital.
    100 days of massacre and slaughter on, after Israel has bombed and destroyed all of Gaza hospitals, including the medics, patients, refugees and premature babies inside, we know how “insightful” freaking Scott Ritter was.

    And add that to Scott Ritter having worked as a spy for Israel, which fed him information to beef up the “WMD dossier” enabling the destruction of Iraq, by-passing his US hierarchy. He has been investigated for years by the FBI on the charge of spying for Israel.

    I don’t know Gonzalo Lira; if he were a Ukrainian agent, he most probably would still be alive. Having a wife and two young children explains why he couldn’t leave Ukraine. RIP.

    • Replies: @Avery
  265. @Biff

    Not everything has to go by ship. Interconnected railroads span all of Europe and Asia.

    True but China’s BRI vision (seamless rail connection between Vladivostok and Lisbon) is not complete. One of many reasons the Empire provoked the war in Ukraine. Anyway, 40% of Asia-Europe trade still goes through the Suez Canal:


  266. @Wokechoke

    That’s interesting. But we are not that competent. Aden with be Cratered again. We may even get a Colin Mitchell to spice it all up again.

    The British imposing it’s will with the Maxim gun and bag-pipes playing are days past. Today, the Anglo American Empire prefer the control of finance and trade….and when necessary, proxy militants and hybrid warfare to force it’s way.

  267. @Daniel Rich

    “…FRONT companies…”

    Which of those top 25 container shipping companies do you suspect of being fronts?
    For which countries?

  268. Avery says:

    {Having a wife and two young children explains why he couldn’t leave Ukraine. RIP.}

    According to Anglin, wife and kids were already (prudently) out of Ukraine.


    [I said from the beginning that there was zero reason he couldn’t be making those videos somewhere else. He had already sent his family out of the country, so he had no reason to stay there. ] (Anglin)

  269. JFYI
    Taiwan election and “democracy”, statistical analysis.

    🗳 🇹🇼 🇨🇳 Lai Ching-te is the winner after being supported by 29% of all registered voters.

    🔹️”5.6 million out of 19.5 million.”

    🔹”He got 40% of the vote”

    🔹”Voter turnout was 75%”

    🔹”So, he was backed by 30% of all voters — 40% of 75% = 30%”

    🔹”In other words, 70% of Taiwanese adults did NOT want him!”

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  270. In this rightly called Major Escalation, it is important to realise that both USA and UK are guilty of breaking international law in attacking Yemen.
    Yemen has been and still is fulfilling its legal duty, which is incumbent on all nations, to ACT to prevent Genocide.

    Realise that there will be cynics who will sneer that God is on the side of big battalions, after Comte de Bussy-Rabotin, and Might makes Right like sadist Israel, but it’s quite likely that we and USUK also have not heard the end of this disgraceful episode.

    And JFYI here is the BDS, which has a short statement.

    Reading that boycott is having an effect.

    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  271. @Ron Unz

    The source is not very good, but he seems to back up most of what he says anyway. He is an Iraqi Shia who is anti-Zionist, pros-Palestinian, and pro-Resistance. He’s also a virulent antisemite of the type I don’t see a whole lot of. He’s really off the charts.

    He actually names the Jewish tribe that they came from, but I would have to go back and look at the individual entries. He keeps calling the Saudis and Emiratis Jews.


    • Replies: @Sarita
  272. @meamjojo

    I haven’t failed anything, Me Jew Jew.

    The problem here is that way too many Americans support Israel. US support for Israel is not all down to ZOG and Jewish money controlling the US government, etc. Anyway, if it’s Jewish control, it’s consensual because the people in government like it just fine that way. A lot of government have a personal investment in Israel. Joe Biden is one of them.

    67% of Americans have a positive feeling about Israel. That’s disastrous right there and I doubt if there are many other countries where Israel support is that high. By contrast, 13% of Americans support the Palestinians, a figure that has been flat forever.

    A recent poll found that 55% of Americans support the way the Genocide Jews are carrying out this massacre. That’s a huge problem!

    A poll found that 52% of Americans wanted to continue military aid to the Genociders. Another more recent poll found that only 49% do, and 51% of Americans want to cut Israel off.

    Americans supported the Iraqi War for the Jews to the hilt. There never were large demos against it. Even now, the Iraqi government has ordered us to get the Hell out two times. Both times we told them to go pound sand. The American people could care less! The Iraqi Army is now attacking us for refusing to leave their land and even 2/3 of 18-24 year olds support the US attacking back! So the public is still on board with this insane occupation.

    Americans support the Syrian War for the Jews to the hilt too. There has been nary a peep of protest against it. We are illegally occupying their land we have basically annexed 1/3 of the country and given it to the Kurds. We are stealing 90% of their oil and giving it to the Kurds and setting most of their wheat fields on fire.

    There is not even one single peep of protest from any American about this outrage. In fact, Ilhan Omar supports our war on Syria, I’m guessing because she hates the Shia. 2/3 of 18-24 year olds think we should fight back against the Iraqi Army that is attacking us for our illegal bases on Syrian land.

    Now we have started another war for the Jews. This is the Yemeni War for the Jews. I haven’t seen any polls, but I’d gather that most Americans support what we are doing over there.

    The thing is that no one ever gets told that these are wars for the Jews or more properly wars for Israel since they are not being fought for Diaspora Jews. I think they should be told that we are fighting all these wars for Israel as Americans don’t seem to be aware of that.

    In response to your comment, I assure that if a solid majority of Americans turn on Israel or start opposing military aid to Israel, the government is going to be a lot more restrained in what they can do over there. Public opinion drives policy. We do live in an electoral democracy after all, and politicians read polls.

    • Thanks: Iris
  273. Sholz annouces “the great German navy” will now help patrol the Red Sea!

    Monty Pythons movie The Holy Grail comes to mind and Sir Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-as-Sir-Lancelot.

    I think some minstrels need to be hired to follow Sholz around singing “Brave Brave Sir Sholz!”

  274. @Arthur MacBride

    Today in London whose govt carried out strikes on Yemen.

    Polls suggest nearly 80% of people in England and many more in other UK regions, including in Scotland, support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

    That comes as the British government has completely ignored public sentiments by declaring that Israeli regime has a right to continue its brutal war in Gaza.


    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  275. @Robert Lindsay

    Thanks RL.
    I’d had suspicions but didn’t realise it was that bad.
    Shameful, especially in present circumstances.
    Young people too. My goodness …

    • Agree: Robert Lindsay
  276. Wokechoke says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    That is crazy data about young American demographics supporting more occupation of Baghdad. The Iranians can use that stupidity to best effect. It means that fat American targets are pinned down in Iraq.

  277. Alrenous says: • Website
    @one nobody

    Hermes Trismegistus wrote in metaphor as a form of mercy. The philosopher’s stone is not a literal mineral. The point isn’t to turn a chunk of literal smelted hematite into element 79.

    Alchemy is extremely dangerous. If you’re dumb enough not to see through the metaphor, you’re better off a chemist. Only inhale poisonous gasses and blow your fingers off. Almost all alchemy books are written by failed alchemists who got caught by the safety traps.
    I am not merciful.

    Although alchemy, properly carried out, will indeed make you rich. Physical wealth will converge upon spiritual wealth.

  278. @Arthur MacBride

    A lovely little proof, one of countless, of how ‘liberal democracy’ has NOTHING, nada, zilch, to do with the opinion of the serfs. It is a corrupt oligarchy when money SHOUTS, and the plebs are to be silent and obey. And no money screeches louder than Jewish payola. Of course blackmail also comes into it, and threats, but basically its pecuniary corruption that makes the Rules Based International Order go round.

    • Agree: Arthur MacBride
  279. @Arthur MacBride

    And I imagine that the US, which completely controlled the lesbian mad cat-lady Jap, Cai, made sure that ‘the risk’ was ‘taken out of democracy’, as they did at home in 2020.

    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  280. @Afghan

    The Guardian’s most extreme bonkers warmongering loony Simon Tisdall did. Read his previous product and try not to laugh and retch at the same time. He sort of channels John Bolton, without the charm.

  281. meamjojo says:

    The last time a pro-Hamas (Muslim Brotherhood) leader got elected in Egypt, he was soon deposed.

  282. meamjojo says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    As I said, you are a failure and not only in Civics but in life as well.

    • Disagree: Robert Lindsay
  283. Sarita says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    The Jewish tribe name is Bani Khaybar. (Sons of khaybar). The place exists still in Saudi Arabia.

    I don’t know if the Saud tribe of today, who replaced the Hashemites have any links to Khaybar.
    The ones who insist on that are, as usual, Iran and because of the conflict they have, Iran defames the Saudi family by trying to link them to these Jews, which is, or would be abhorrent for the so called Arab and Muslim patriots.

  284. Lydia says:

    NEW: In overnight DOJ filing, Feds confirm that the TX National Guard “has deployed armed soldiers and vehicles to block federal gov from accessing the river” in Eagle Pass, & TX informed them no BP agents will be allowed to enter Shelby Park “in any operational capacity”.

    This is a significant escalation by Texas after Feds fought to remove TX water barriers and razor wire, & DOJ is suing TX over its new border security law. This is potentially setting up to be the biggest state vs federal fight in a very long time.
    Full DOJ filing below 👇🏻


  285. @Megoy

    Another dumb fuck scapegoating white gentiles for what Jews are doing.

    Isn’t it the responsibility for White Americans to stop what their government is doing? Were you not charged with this SACRED DUTY by your Founding Fathers? What do you think they guaranteed the ownership of weapons for?

    So far, I just see them wimping out and playing the victim. Your founding fathers would be so ashamed of this generation.

    • Agree: Arthur MacBride
    • Replies: @Megoy
  286. @mulga mumblebrain

    Adolf Hitler made the pertinent observation, mulga, that “democracy” is a gateway to Marxism. This is the primary tool of judeomasonic banksterism.
    His is a true and accurate assessment.

    Today wherein “democracy” is held up to even greater levels of absurdity, once again recommend Mein Kampf to your attention. Look at ch 2 for realisations on “liberal” politicians, the press etc. As true today as 100 years ago.
    Nothing has changed.
    Except to get worse.

  287. @Corrupt

    Right. But I focused on those countries that are considered the power centres of Europe since the Renaissance. If the main source is polluted than the distributary is likewise.

  288. @Iris

    When Attal’s name was considered for Prime Minister, a friend of mine asked, jokingly, if Attal might be a secret lover of his crypto-homo boss.

    But then there are precedents about homo power throughout the West. The actress Joan Rivers met an untimely death four days after she stated that Obama is gay in response to a journalist who asserted that the U.S. never had a homosexual president. There are also rumours that Michelle Obama and Jacinda Arden are transgenders.

    Not that we should be interested in sexual gossiping. But the PTB’s sick sense of satisfaction they derive from fooling the masses is a clear sign of a satanic depravity. After all let us not forget that the Americans landed on the moon more than fifty years ago and never did it again “because they lost the technology.”

    The morality of homosexuality notwithstanding, I can always admire a statesman like Frederick the Great.

    • Thanks: Iris
  289. After all let us not forget that the Americans landed on the moon more than fifty years ago and never did it again “because they lost the technology.”

    This article doesn’t tell you why it was even more difficult 50 years ago.


    Most unmanned landing attempts now crash but 50 years ago they all landed successfully. If you believe …

    • LOL: Odyssey
  290. Adolf Hitler made the pertinent observation, mulga, that “democracy” is a gateway to Marxism. This is the primary tool of judeomasonic banksterism.
    His is a true and accurate assessment.

    This makes no sense in reality. Democracy leads to an “Oligarchy”….the current USA is your proof. Marxism cannot lead to a “Private” banking system because Marxism leads to Socialism which means the Banks (which issue money) are owned by the State…..China is your proof.

    Oligarchy will always result in a “privatised” banking system.

    • Replies: @Alexandros
  291. Carney says:

    I wasn’t asserting that we have a responsibility to protect Israel. Whether we do or not was not my point. What I was pointing out was that since @emerging majority said:

    Following the R2P (responsibility to protect) doctrine, the Houthis are targeting ONLY and specifically vessels aiding and abetting the cursed Zionists in the Red Sea.

    this demonstrated his lack of good faith. He doesn’t believe in R2P as a matter of principle. He invoked it in approving fashion SOLELY because it served his Jew-bashing and Israel-destroying purposes. Because, as I said, he would NEVER admit that the US has a “responsibility to protect” Israel.

    The point, then, is that when a Israel-destroyer, Jew-exterminator, or their supporters, invoke some principle such as international law, opposition to genocide, opposition to aggressive war, concern for civilian casualties, or, in this case, a “responsibility to protect”, they do so only in cynical, dishonest, manipulative fashion, as a weapon to be used when useful and but discarded when consistent application of the principle is inconvenient.

  292. Carney says:
    @emerging majority

    You enthusiastically support genocide, when carried out against Jews.

    I note you hastily memory-holed your invocation of the responsibility to protect.

    Because you have no principles at all.

    Your only consistency is in supporting the hatred of and extermination of Jews and the destruction of their country. Any argument useful to that is stubbornly asserted and clung to no matter how visibly spurious, and any fact or logic or morality refuting it is stubbornly ignored and rejected no matter how obviously true.

    • Agree: meamjojo
  293. Avery says:

    {You [emerging majority] enthusiastically support genocide, when carried out against Jews.}

    Can you point to the post where you say [emerging majority], quote, “support genocide, when carried out against Jews” or “and extermination of Jews” ?


  294. meamjojo says:

    Now for the next 100 days!

    I bet the Gazan Palestinians are thinking of Joni Mitchell’s Bug Yellow Taxi song, which features these lyrics:

    “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone. They pave Paradise and put up a parking lot.”

    The Gazans had a bit of paradise before Hams stupidly killed everything. They were getting 500 trucks of free supplies delivered every day courtesy of the UNRWA and Arab countries like Qatar were wheelbarrowing $30 million or more in cash to them monthly.

    Now all they have left is mass of destroyed buildings, no water and not much of a future.

    I hear the Houthis are recruiting though!
    After 100 days of war, Israel is determined to fight on in Gaza
    By Carrie Kahn, Becky Sullivan
    January 14, 2024

    TEL AVIV, Israel — In the 100 days since Oct. 7, the day that fighters from the militant group Hamas burst across Israel’s southern border, Israeli officials have vowed not to stop fighting until Hamas has been destroyed.

    The attackers killed 1,200 people and took about 240 individuals hostage, according to Israel — shaking the country’s sense of security to its core. Israel’s military response, with an air, ground and sea assault on Gaza, has killed more than 23,900 Palestinians, health officials in Gaza say, and has left much of the territory in ruins.

    In more than three months of war, there are some signs that Israel has made progress toward reaching its stated goals. Its military says it has killed Hamas officials and thousands of fighters. It has seized and destroyed Hamas military infrastructure, including rocket launchers, operations centers and a lot of its underground tunnel network.


    • Replies: @Marukee
  295. @Supply and Demand

    Anyone who does that had better bring their A game. Every American I know, including me, shoots back. And most of us have reached the limits of our tolerance, both for the antics of the current clown car in Washington, D.C., and ‘woke’ halfwits like you. Your answer to injustice is to call for the murder of more innocent people? Really?

    • Replies: @Supply and Demand
  296. @Supply and Demand

    Ah, I thought you supported him because all of his children married Jews.

    It’s impressive the variants of Judeo-Hapa there are in the world. It turns out, some of them don’t even have to be Jewish-by-descent, and the Hapa can even be mildly Tungusic. I don’t really get your whole act at being upset at the Semites, when you really agree on almost all things.

  297. @dogbumbreath

    Literally every democracy in the world is Marxist.

    • Replies: @dogbumbreath
    , @Alrenous
  298. Marukee says:

    The only thing they are singing are aerabic nasheeds praising their warriors and victories whilst the useless IDF are shouting for their mums to come and help them…

    As for the hot air and lies about 100 days from the satanic squatters the response from the Palestinian Resistance is this:

    Resistance Strikes Will Increase in Coming Days – Abu Obeida’s Speech on the 100th Day of War.

    His voice was as sharp as ever, his back straight and his resolve unweakened. The iconic Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, made a televised appearance on the 100th day of the Israeli war on Gaza.

    For nearly seven weeks, Abu Obeida’s messages were either audio recordings or written statements. At one point, he disappeared for weeks, raising speculations, and anticipation in Israel that he may have been killed.

    However, he is very much alive, as well as the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza, which has achieved a threshold of resistance unprecedented in the history of the Palestinian struggle against Israel.

    Indeed, nothing could be compared to what is taking place in Gaza today, neither in terms of traditional warfare nor of guerrilla warfare, namely the legendary Palestinian resistance during the Israeli siege on Beirut in 1982.

    Abu Obeida spoke about the usual topics, the number of tanks destroyed by the Resistance, the number of military operations and alike. But perhaps the most important thing that the spokesman of the Resistance discussed was his reference to the fact that the Resistance is manufacturing its own weapons, which makes it possible for Al-Qassam and others to carry on with the fight for much longer.

    Equally important is Abu Obeida’s reference to the most precious of the Palestinian military industry, the creation of the Palestinian individual as a fighter, a resistor and a human being.

    In the introduction to Frantz Fanon’s book ‘Wretched of the Earth’, a French philosopher speaks about armed resistance – in that case in Algeria – as a way for man to reanimate himself.

    In the case of Gaza, this reanimation is now complete. It took 100 days of a genocidal Israeli war that killed and wounded nearly 100,000 Palestinians. The war, however, has ushered in a new type of Palestinian discourse, one that is morally driven to the core, strategic and fully aware of the dynamics of solidarity, which is taking place throughout the Middle East, in fact, the world.

    Below are the unedited remarks of Abu Obeida on the 100th day of the war, as received by the Resistance News Network Telegram Channel…..


    PEACE 😇

  299. @Alexandros

    Literally every democracy in the world is Marxist.

    I don’t know what democracy you’re living in but the democracies in the G7 ALL espouse “free market” Capitalism. In the last decade these countries have seen the majority of worker wages unable to keep up with the cost of living (i.e. buying a roof over your head), increased debt obligations while the 1% (bourgeoisie or capitalists) see their wealth grow exponentially. Save Japan, the increase in homelessness is evident in practically every city.

    Perhaps it’s time to refresh your definition of Marxism.

    • Agree: PetrOldSack, Iris
  300. Wokechoke says:

    Only a Jew would care this much.

    • Replies: @Carney
  301. @Eireannach

    Right, let them start with a blank page, our elites have changed strategy.

  302. Anynomous says:

    Yemen has started to shoot missiles at US military ships and has announced that it will also target US army ships. USA is now officially in war with Yemen, which their ally Saudi-Arabia or the House of Saud, a dictator family, has tried to genocide for years now.

  303. @Carney

    Carney…I take it you were gazing admiringly at a mirror while posting those projections.

  304. @Anon

    Hatred of genocide is what you are evading. That the Jews are such a people that they are willing and eager to kill all the 2,000,000 people in the Gaza Strip and all the survivors in the West Bank and Golan Heights is what you wish to hide. But your chosen people have now demonstrated to the world their contempt for all others. The Jews, no one else, have shown the world they are a demonic people with a dead religion of hatred for all others.

    • Agree: Wokechoke
  305. Alrenous says: • Website

    Democracy is a kind of Despotism. (Ref: Plato.)

    Democracy is allegedly the idea that the Despot isn’t a Despot if [[The People]] agree to let him be a Despot.

    Instead of the idea that permission to be Despotic makes you more Despotic…

    Moderns typically use the term Fascism instead of Despotism. Same idea, different word. Marx was, indisputably, a writer deeply in love with Fascism.

  306. @Shadowsintheforest

    Your trigger finger is way too fat for that, whitey.

  307. Carney says:

    A self-evidently dumb comment of the type whose stupidity even you would grasp if, in reaction to one of your comments, someone replied “only an Arab would care this much.”

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  308. JoplinJoe says:
    @Gee Eye Joe

    No. There is oil offshore Gaza and a trillion cubic feet of natural gas below.

  309. Megoy says:

    The ruling class that would be sounding the alarm has been completely bought off by JEWS and don’t have the balls to even stand up for their rights- like the RIGHT to remove tyrants with bullets!! Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. Did anyone rush in to help Hamas? Nope! Jew media made them out to be terrorists and the sycophant treasonous politicians all sucked the Jewish cock. We will get nowhere fighting a war the Jew way! We need to fight a war OUR way and lay waste to the Jew media and Jew donor class. Those Jews only seem to understand pain and violence as they ignore anything attempts at peaceful resolution. How can you resolve something Jew will never admit to doing? You can’t!

  310. . Biden “I ordered this military action,” he declared, “in accordance with my responsibility to protect Americans at home and abroad.” Nothing could be further from the truth. By bombing Yemen Biden has jeopardized the safety of American military personnel in the ME, as well as American merchant mariners aboard commercial ships. Even ordinary American tourists in the ME and Europe are now targets and their public safety has been compromised by Biden’s warmongering on behalf of Israel.

  311. Hegar says:

    How DARE Yemen’s government impose a blockade on Israeli ports!

    Just like Saudis and the United Arab Emirate with Zionist US support blockaded Yemen’s ports for years. Except in that case they stopped all imports of food and starved to death at least 280,000 people.

  312. Wokechoke says:

    Only a Jew would care so much. And try to get the last word.

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