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Let's Extinguish the Fires of Jewish Supremacy...
...before they burn down the world

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State Department whistleblower J. Michael Springmann and I began this week’s False Flag Weekly News with a musically-doctored video of Polish MP Grzegorz Braun taking a fire extinguisher to a Menorah candelabra. As Mark Dankof writes: “Find his actions either amusing, inspiring, or appalling, Braun has hit a raw nerve in the West in the wake of the impending closure of the Zelensky Circus in Kiev and the genocidal numbers being amassed in Israel’s war on Palestinians in Gaza.”

Braun hit a raw nerve by provoking dialectical tension between those who find his act amusing/inspiring, and those who find it appalling. To those of us who are amused, the fact that the hectoring hegemons of Jewish Supremacy are appalled at our amusement, furiously insisting that we absolutely must not laugh, makes it even funnier.

The Jews of Poland, naturally, were the first to condemn Braun and his fans:

On December 12, 2023, MP Grzegorz Braun of the Konfederacja party attacked the Hannukah menorah, symbol of the joyful Jewish holiday, during a debate on the establishment of a new Polish government. This shameful attack is not the first incident involving this politician, who does not hide his antisemitic views.

(It goes on like this for several paragraphs.)

Jewish-dominated Western media naturally agree that Braun is a bigot and that his actions were shameful and indefensible. At first glance, they seem to have a point. Violently attacking a religious symbol, under normal circumstances, would certainly qualify as bigotry (and, to the adherents of the religion in question, blasphemy.) Even Braun’s defenders would no doubt admit that if he had gone around kicking in doors of private houses or synagogues, barging into houses of worship or living rooms, and dousing Menorah candles with a fire extinguisher, he would have been committing an abhorrent and unfunny crime.

But by dousing the official Menorah candelabra in the Polish House of Parliament during the formation of a new government, Braun was not attacking the Jewish religion per se. He was, instead, symbolically extinguishing the fires of hatred burning in the heart of the West’s new hegemonic religion: Jewish Supremacy.

Braun succeeded in raising the million-dollar question: What was that lit-up Menorah doing in the Polish parliament building in the first place? There are only about 4500 Jews among Poland’s 38 million people. That works out to .012 percent of the population.

More than 90% of Poles are Catholics. Obviously most of them are not fans of Talmudic Judaism, which calls Jesus a b**d, his mother Mary a w**e, and claims the former is boiling in excrement for all eternity.

So how in the world did Poland’s minuscule Jewish community manage to impose that Menorah on the Polish parliament? The answer, in two words, is: Jewish power. The global nepotism network of Jewish billionaires and millionaires, backed by the power not only of the state of Israel but also its vassal in Washington, DC, is quite capable of using carrots and sticks to drive the donkeys of Poland wherever it wants them to go.

Jewish power backs the West’s new quasi-official state religion: Jewish Supremacy. Its core notion is that Jewish suffering means more than other people’s suffering, because (as the Talmud teaches) Jewish life is more valuable than non-Jewish life.

The archetypal sacred story of the Jewish Supremacy religion is, of course, The Holocaust (TM). It implicitly places the suffering of the alleged six million Jewish victims above the suffering of the other 60 million people killed during World War II.

The word myth means “sacred narrative that unites a group and gives life meaning.” Obviously, The Holocaust (TM) is a myth. Yet according to a poll cited by The Economist, only one in five young Americans realizes that it is a myth.

Christianity tells a vivid story about suffering (Jesus on the cross) that imbues life with meaning (he was divine and died for our sins then was resurrected, so we should seek salvation in him). Holocaustianity, that sub-creed of the Jewish Supremacy religion, substitutes the Jewish people for Jesus, gas chambers for the cross, and the state of Israel for the risen Christ as the one true path to salvation.

The notion that most Jews today worship “the Jewish people” (i.e. themselves) rather than God is not a marginal anti-Semitic canard, but the sober conclusion of Jewish Studies professors like those I collaborated with in my edited book 9/11 and American Empire v.2. The Holocaust, they say, made belief in God impossible. Rather than turning to God for protection and salvation, the thinking goes, Jews must turn to Jewish power in general, and the state of Israel in particular.

Today, that sacred state of Israel is demonstrating Jews’ worship of Jewish life, and contempt for non-Jewish life, by wantonly slaughtering the women and children of Gaza by the tens of thousands. What makes this ongoing massacre even more horrific from a normal human point of view, though perhaps more delicious from a Holocaustianity-driven Jewish Power perspective, is that the Palestinians being crucified are in fact the People of Jesus.

Though most people, aside from conspiracists like Dan Brown, agree that Jesus left no descendants, clearly he was Palestinian. That means that today’s Palestinians, who converted to Christianity and Islam down through the centuries, are descendants of Jesus’s relatives. So Sarah Silverman’s only half-joking remark “I hope the Jews did kill Jesus, I’d do it again in a second!” is all too apropos. They are doing it again, in Gaza, practically every second. Every Palestinian child who expires slowly in agony under the rubble of what had been her home is another baby Jesus dying on the cross of Jewish Supremacy. And the Jewish supremacists know it, and relish that baby’s pain.

This Jewish supremacist hatred of non-Jewish babies and their mothers, especially the babies and mothers who are the descendants of Jesus’s people, drives the efforts of Jewish arch-secularists to ban nativity scenes in Christian countries. But for some reason these same secularists never seem to object to the National Menorah in the White House, which has been growing in size since 1979 and is now 30 feet high. That monument to the Jewish Supremacy religion, the real official religion of the occupied USA, was the product of a campaign by the rabidly supremacist rabbi Menachem Schneerson to impose Jewish symbols on public spaces. It’s worth noting that Schneerson, though Orthodox, agreed with the atheist “liberal” Jews that the one and only legitimate object of worship is the Jewish people: “God and the Jewish people are one.”

By forcing the world to worship them, and making criticism blasphemy, Jewish supremacists have come to dominate American media, finance, politics, and of course foreign policy. They are committing Biblical-scale genocide against the “seed of Amalek” (i.e. non-Jews) in Ukraine—which has lost more than 14 million people, almost all Slavic Christians whom Jews view as their traditional enemies, since the current war began. Half a million Slavic Christians on both sides have been killed.

The neocon Jewish Supremacists running US foreign policy, and their blood brothers in Tel Aviv, are exterminating “Amelek” in Palestine even more brutally than in Ukraine. So far more than 20,000 Palestinians, mainly women and children, have been killed. Food, water, and electricity have been cut off, sewage treatment facilities destroyed, hospitals blown to bits, and the vast majority of Gaza’s remaining 2.2 million people rendered homeless, their houses and apartments blown up, in time for the cold winter rains.

How can we push back? Once we recognize that Jewish Supremacy functions as a religion, we can attack it by blaspheming against its sacred symbols. A myth (sacred story) only retains its sacrality if everyone is forced to accept it. Once it has been sufficiently mocked and derided, and its idols smashed, it loses its power.

Ironically, the iconoclasm that Douglas Rushkoff sees as the Jews’ biggest contribution to humanity now needs to be turned against today’s Jews and their grotesque, narcissistic, idolatrous, genocidal false religion of Jewish Supremacy. That false religion is burning down the world. The flames are spreading, from Ukraine to Palestine, and might erupt into a global conflagration at any moment. Will todays younger people, including the rising numbers of non-supremacist Jews, be up to the task? Recent poll numbers are encouraging: “51% of young Americans believe the Israeli state should be ‘ended’…Two-thirds of 18-to 24-year-olds in the Harvard-Harris poll said they agree that ‘Jews as a class are oppressors and should be treated as oppressors.’”

Like Abraham grabbing an axe and smashing the idols of his fathers, today’s young people need to pick up a fire extinguisher and put out the flames of Jewish Supremacism before they burn down the world.

(Republished from Substack by permission of author or representative)
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  1. The things about public menorahs is that the public is paying for them. Chabad puts up a huge menorah here in NYC each Hanukah and the tax payer is paying for it. Chabad could well afford to pay for it -but no, let the Goyim pay for it.

  2. krm says:

    If the church isn’t catching on, the others certainly have, and no longer want to deal with the chosenites..

  3. Chriss says:

    Braun himself,
    Grzegorz Braun decided to put an end to this colonisation of the Polish parliament and extinguished the Hanukkiah (candlestick with Hanukkah candles) with a fire extinguisher.

    – What is the point of these candles? The narrative that is officially in force and given to the public is one that refers to events in the history of the chosen people, from the second namely century BC, the time of the Maccabean uprising against the Hellenising Jews and the Hellenists who Hellenise them, Braun explained.

    – The Maccabees enter the temple and there – and this is the kind of Hanukkah legend for your use – the leftover kosher oil, which by common, secular sense should have been exhausted in a few hours, was enough to keep the olive lamp burning in the temple for a whole week with a cover. 8 days are celebrated on these festivals,” he pointed out.

    – Besides, Hanukkah holidays are such a children’s holiday. Gifts, sweets, gifts, special sweets,” he pointed out.

    – What do they mean by Hellenise? They put them in a state that distances them from tradition, from Jewish orthodoxy. And, because these Jews Hellenise themselves, therefore even the practices, the orthodox ritual in the Jerusalem temple is disrupted, suspended, the Maccabees raise an uprising, they rebuke the Greeks, but they also rebuke the Jews, their fellow Jews, who have become deviants, who have departed from orthodoxy,’ he added.

    – Well, it is presented to you as a tradition dating back to the time of the Maccabees, as a tradition dating back 2 200 years, more or less. And it is true that there was such a festival in the Jewish calendar at the time of the Lord Jesus, for example, because we read in St John that on the day of the re-dedication of the temple, the Lord Jesus was in Jerusalem and had just visited the Jerusalem temple, which still existed at that time,” he pointed out.

    – But at that time there were no gifts for children. Back then, children didn’t get any gifts. Back then the emphasis was completely elsewhere. Where did the presents and this week-long festival come from? It is a tradition that is not 2,200 years old, but 100 – and maybe not everywhere, he added.

    – This is because Hanukkah festivals in their modern version are a response to Jewish commercial marketing in the USA in the first half of the 20th century. – Braun explained.

    – It came from the fact that American Jews (…) fell into a deep reverie, worried about the fact that their children and young people were assimilating. And why are they assimilating? Well, among other things, because the children of the Goyim are getting all sorts of presents under the Christmas tree and they are doing well, and our children are marred by this,” he said. As he added, “an American rabbi started to promote the giving of gifts on Hanukkah holidays and that’s how it went”.

    Braun stressed that ‘there were accents elsewhere before’. – The accent was namely on Judith. Judith, a brave woman, chopped off Holofernes’ head. A completely different atmosphere emerges from this (…). Here we have candles and gifts, and there Judith with Holofernes’ head. This has been the case for centuries,” he pointed out.

    He also stressed that “the festival of Hanukkah was not one of the most important Jewish holidays”.

    – This uprising of the Maccabees was an uprising against the Greeks, but also against the Hellenised Jews. It was, from a certain point of view, a civil war between the Jews,” he pointed out.

    Braun also quoted the opinion of “a contemporary commentator on Jewish tradition, an American”. “Hanukkah is essentially a celebration of Jewish intolerance,” he – he quoted.

    • Thanks: BrooLidd, nosquat loquat
    • Replies: @Chriss
  4. Chriss says:

    – Intolerance towards everything that is unorthodox, everything that is not kosher. Hanukkah is not a celebration of the union of all and sundry, it is a celebration of strict diagnosis of who is ours and who is not, who has consorted with the Greeks, who has become Hellenised, we will chop off his head, like Judith, and who has not consorted, who is kosher, go to the temple, the olive lamp is lit,” he explained.

    Braun also drew attention to the words of the prayer said by the rabbi during the lighting of the Hanukkah candles. – I’ve read (…), I’ve memorised a few sentences, which in free English translation read: Thank you, Lord God – for this is a prayer of thanksgiving (…) – that you have given the many into the hands of the few. We thank you, Lord God, that you have given the non-kosher into the hands of the kosher. The dirty, the sinful into the hands of the clean. We thank You, good Lord God, for placing the swaggering ungodly in the hands of faithful students of Your Torah, of Your teaching,” he said.

    – So what are we celebrating? We are celebrating the response of American Jews to Christmas, we are celebrating a festival of intolerance,” he pointed out.

    – By the way, there is a reminder of this, that on the Hanukkah menu there is a Jewish speciality – Judith’s cheese, very salty, because Judith fed this Holofernes with this salty cheese, and when someone eats so much of Judith’s salty cheese, he also needs to refresh himself, to quench his thirst, Holofernes got drunk and lost his head for Judith, in the literal sense,” he said.


    • Thanks: Che Guava
    • Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  5. Nico X says:

    The key to the Jews success & power over the white race was first getting the race to believe in & worship their God (Jehovah-Jesus). Once these mongrel ghouls severed the spiritual cord of the white race from its ontological source or Creator, then its just a matter of time before these alien malignant parasites come to own/control everything that constitutes a society or civilization: economy/culture/technology/government.

  6. Anonymous[252] • Disclaimer says:

    The pressure point is this:



    Article 20 prohibits advocacy of hostility, violence or discrimination against groups – all the Jew supremacist hate you rolled out there. The whole convention is permanently established by the continuity of obligations principle – even if you nuke Israel and build a new state from scratch, the ICCPR will continue to be law in the successor state.

    Israel entered no reservation to ICCPR Article 20, unlike the US, which formally stated no, we in America will say whatever we want about niggers, spics, rooskies, chinks, dagos, sand niggers, gooks, wogs, or kikes. Israel’s policy towards its state commitment is different: sign up fingers-crossed. And whenever the outside world points out a non-derogable breach, Izzies just say, “Nuh-uh!” So Israel’s HRC Conclusions and Recommendations are a slam-dunk bill of indictment for crimes against humanity tribunals.

    Israeli sovereignty depends on good-faith interpretation of the ICCPR, among other things, so when the SCTO wins WW III, any state that wants to decapitate Israel has legal justification at hand. And if Kennedy dodges the CIA bullets and you convince him that Mossad made CIA whack his family, he can kick out Israel’s plug with the Leahy Law, which makes US aid illegal.

    For public international disgrace of US Jew supremacist propaganda, US civil society can input Jew supremacist hate to the Independent Expert on Racism, as a formal complaint to the Universal Periodic Review, and attend the Human Rights Committee.


    • Replies: @DirtySouthSide
  7. Chriss says:


    and more from Poland,

    Chief rabbi of the Chabad Lubavitch sect Shalom Dov Ber Stambler in Poland

    ‘There is no more humanist military and no more humanist politics than Israel’s.’

    It is impossible to take this shocking statement any other way than as an expression of utter contempt and a sense of impunity, especially in the context of the Israeli army’s actions, which have resulted in the deaths of more than 18,000 Palestinians in recent times alone, 70 per cent of whom were women and children. Rabbi Shalom Dov Stambler seems to have also deigned to forget what the official position of the Israeli government is, as expressed by the Minister of Defence:

    We have introduced an order providing for a total blockade of the Palestinian Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human-animals and we are acting accordingly – 9 October 2023, Israeli Defence Minister Joav Galant.

    Had the Jewish cleric been willing to look at the facts for a moment, instead of relying on religious and national fanaticism, he would probably have seen the absurdity of his words. However, we do not suspect the rabbi of similar reflection, so we will remind you of yet another ‘humanistic action’ of the Israeli military.

    In 2009, Donald Bostrom, in the Swedish daily Aftonbladet, published an alarming article accusing the Israeli army of trafficking in organs taken from slain Palestinians. Immediately after this publication, representatives of Israel and major Jewish organisations unleashed a storm with the traditional accusations of “anti-Semitism”, as well as demanding an apology from the Swedish government. It was only under international pressure that representatives of several Israeli medical facilities admitted to these anti-humanitarian practices, three years after the affair broke out that the Knesset passed a law banning organ trafficking.

  8. Notsofast says:

    if you are the big tree (3), we are the small axe…

    the only hope for peace in the middle east, is to convince the israeli’s they are really irieites, and further convince them to relocate back to the land of their true spiritual heritage, ethopia and become followers of ras tafari, direct descendant of solomon. after they mellow out with some good ganga (the mother) and start groovin on some bob marley, they may no longer feel the need to murder “amalek” for the amusement of their angry daddy god. i picture it as a peace festival, but without all the tanks and helicopters, you know, one love.

    • Agree: Daniel Rich
    • Thanks: Kali, Fidelios Automata
    • LOL: bike-anarkist
    • Replies: @Marshall Dillon
  9. As long as you subscribe to abrahamic religions like Islam, you are part of the problem Kevin.

  10. Wild Man says:

    “How can we push back? Once we recognize that Jewish Supremacy functions as a religion, we can attack it by blaspheming against its sacred symbols. A myth (sacred story) only retains its sacrality if everyone is forced to accept it. Once it has been sufficiently mocked and derided, and its idols smashed, it loses its power.”

    Bash-in the sacred symbol of the blood covenants. Abraham was not (vis-a-vis other men of that time) in any way special, …. because we are all seekers, …. all men, .. everyone, … all cultures., …. everywhere, … always. So, nor were Abraham’s descendants in any way special. As such the Christians did not inherit anything worthwhile around ‘blood covenants’ (that is just a very bad joke upheld by the girly-men known as our Institutional Christian church leaders of pret near every denomination). Ditto for the Islamists/Muslims, as far as I can tell.

    Everybody has to give up some of their own schlocky shtick here, in order to bash-in the primary myth upholding ‘Jewish Power’ and that is this whole extremely stupid/childish/dumb/ugly/biazrre/clown-world-provoking ‘blood covenants with God’ shtick.

    Give it up already (everybody ….. Christians, Muslims, and especially Jews, all alike), … and if you think the Jews will give up on this before the Institutional Christians and the Islamists stand down on this issue (Christianity doesn’t need this blood covenant crap to survive and I suspect neither does Islam, … though I really don’t know how that deep ‘Jesus as prophet’ shtick works within Islam, … so that is only a suspicion, … however I do know precisely how this works within Institutional Christianity), …. well, …. I got some land for sale on Mars if you are interested, …. if you believe the Jews will lead the way on giving up on this awfully ontologically conceited blood covenant crap.

    From a philosophical perspective, … the last 2,000 years of history on this issue is just too funny (humans as funny monkeys – hahahaha!). The Jesus dude preached for ontological humility and then later (over 400 years) grifters came along, and changed this Jesus story into one where he was doing the exact opposite, ….. preaching for ontological conciet (i.e. – in this version, now the ‘official’ version since around at least 400 AD, Jesus as sincere and therefore as ultra ontologically conceited within his claim that he is the fulfillment of the Judaic prophesy-making-machinery), …. so that the Jesus narrative could now be used for their weird institutional-control posturing (fucking putzes these early church leaders that did this. Fuck them and their childish wonk).

    Kevin Barrett … I suspect Islam is also prone to some of these misconceptions about it’s Mohammedian ‘rights of provenance as God’s messenger via Archangel Gabriel’s interventions in Mohammed’s life’. Maybe you could look into that. Maybe a joint true-Christian/true-Islamic belief system that tears the institutionalizing force of the blood covenant shtick to pieces, once and for all, could be had.

    It is beyond obvious this is what it is gonna take (I realized this at least 20 years ago now, …. probably more, ….. probably, at least for the Christian component of this institionalizing force) since I resolved my own grandmother’s Christian Zionist private speculations (i.e. – as young lad I had to pry it our of her, once I found out she believed this stuff, … she certainly wasn’t going around preaching about it)…. which resolution came for me as a mid-teen.

    Kevin, … I am weary on all this now. I am 64. It’s just been so long now, for me to see the crap that everybody tends to say is caviar. Please. You are a seeker. Maybe you can shake things up in the Islamic world around ‘Mohammedian rights of provenance as God’s messenger’. I have done my best on the Christian front. For me, ….it has been one very devout Christian person at a time, …. and in the end (it takes years of discussion), … once they finally come around to seeing it my way, …. their Christian identity is only fortified and strengthened. I am not harming people with this line of thinking (quite the opposite).

  11. How can we push back? Once we recognize that Jewish Supremacy functions as a religion, we can attack it by blaspheming against its sacred symbols. A myth (sacred story) only retains its sacrality if everyone is forced to accept it. Once it has been sufficiently mocked and derided, and its idols smashed, it loses its power.

    Well, for one thing, the “sacred” Menorah is actually a donkey penis. Not the modern stylized ones, but the original one found in the Second Temple, that Titus sacked, and brought back to Rome:


    Arch of Titus, Rome, the original Menorah
    The primary symbol of Jewish power is the Menorah, which is literally a donkey penis:
    Phallus cults dominated the ancient world, and phallus stella are still common in the Middle East as well as Asia, likewise the Menorah is a multi-headed penis – representing ultra male power. Since most modern Jewish women are “liberated” from “male power” then why do they have menorah’s prominently displayed in their homes, when the menorah is a symbol of an erect penis and male power?

    Even the Treblinka memorial is a penis, once you see it, you can never unsee it! It is pretty obvious the Jews are a penis cult, they are obsessed with it, from birth on, and this mutilation of the penis in a baby is most disturbing, a permanent psychic wound that is exploited by the Rabbinic crazies.


    The notion that most Jews today worship “the Jewish people” (i.e. themselves) rather than God

    Indeed, when you claim that god chose you, you are worshipping yourself, and this ego driven claim is also found in Christianity – god died for MY sins. It is obvious that exclusionistic religious claims appeal to ego, and thus trap people in ego consciousness.

    Since it is doubtful that this Jewish god exists, because it is all myth, then who are these Christians actually worshipping? Ah ha, Jews, Jewish power. The other observation is that if a Jewish man is your Lord, then how far is that from Jews are your Lord when your Lord Jesus is fiction? And why are we worshipping “lords” anyways. It is all so foolish, fools getting fooled by religious text. And who says God speaks to us from a book? Apparently, the all powerful god has problems with communication. Hmmm. Something smells fishy with these Jewish spiritual books.

  12. Wokechoke says:
    @Yukon Jack

    At the very moment that Augustus became God Emperor, some kind of inverted parody had to emerge. Not a surprise that this execution of Christ occurs at roughly the same time that Caligula attempts to put the Divine statue of himself in the Jewish Temple. Think of Jesus as trolling the Jews.

    Look at the demonic Seth!

    • Replies: @Marshall Dillon
  13. Another great piece Kevin.

    Here’s a particularly important point you made:

    Christianity tells a vivid story about suffering (Jesus on the cross) that imbues life with meaning (he was divine and died for our sins then was resurrected, so we should seek salvation in him). Holocaustianity, that sub-creed of the Jewish Supremacy religion, substitutes the Jewish people for Jesus, gas chambers for the cross, and the state of Israel for the risen Christ as the one true path to salvation.

    This analogy (IMO) is yet more evidence suggesting that the jewish collective is the entity John of Patmos referred to as the beast from the sea (Rev 13:1-10).

    • Replies: @Unnamed
    , @Eric135
  14. muh muh says:
    @Pop Warner

    The only criterion that matters is whether or not one is coerced into action (or inaction).

    One doesn’t have to be an adherent of any religion to be a tyrant.

  15. @Nico X

    Whites had their own tribal myths, but they were mostly erased with the forced conversion to Christianity, after Rome itself, was swallowed up by it. You might be interested in how it happened, and the story begins when Rome under Titus Flavian sacked Jerusalem in 70 A.D. During the war against the Jewish Zealots, Josephus was captured early on. The Romans were putting the rebels all to death, but Josephus was a general and got his life spared first by tricking his comrades:

    Flavius Josephus was a famous historian of the first century. During the Jewish-Roman war, he was among a band of 41 Jewish rebels trapped in a cave by the Romans. Preferring suicide to capture, the rebels decided to form a circle and to kill every third remaining person until no one was left. But Josephus, along with an unindicted conspirator, wanted none of this suicide nonsense and therefore quickly calculated where he and his friend should stand in the circle so that they can survive.

    Josephus, now the sole survivor, is going to be put to the sword upon capture but tells Vespasian, he will become Emperor, and since the Romans are really into prophecy, they hear him out. Vespasian soon does become emperor, and Josephus is brought back to Rome and given the Flavian name.

    Titus Flavius Josephus was a 1st-century Romano-Jewish historian and hagiographer who was born in Jerusalem – then part of Roman Judea – to a father of priestly descent and a mother who claimed royal ancestry.

    He initially fought against the Romans during the First Jewish–Roman War as the head of Jewish forces in Galilee, until surrendering in 67 to Roman forces led by Vespasian after the six-week siege of Jotapata. Josephus claims the Jewish Messianic prophecies that initiated the First Roman-Jewish War made reference to Vespasian becoming Emperor of Rome. In response Vespasian decided to keep Josephus as a hostage and interpreter. After Vespasian did become Emperor in 69, he granted Josephus his freedom, at which time Josephus assumed the emperor’s family name of Flavius.

    Flavius Josephus then writes the Gospels, and casts himself as the savior of the Jews.
    In the Gospels teenager Jesus in the temple amazing the scribes is also in Josephus autobiography as himself in the temple amazing the scribes. This is how we know for sure, Jesus is a fictional character made in the image of the primary Gospel writer Josephus, and he even used his own name:

    Jo S E p h U S becomes J E S U S in the New Testament

    The reason for the Gospels is explained in detail in Caesar’s Messiah, and you can read it free online of just watch the movie:

    CAESAR’S MESSIAH: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus – OFFICIAL VERSION

    But the Jews were not converted in great numbers, what happens is the greatest of tragedies for the white race Nico, the Roman slave class loved the new myth, and in the next 2 centuries the myth swallows the empire while Rome collapses – and Rome morphs into the Catholic Church. Joseph Atwill explains this crystal clear, the official title of Caesar, Pontiff Maximus now becomes the Pope’s official title. The rest is history, Christianity sweeps the lands north of Rome, all of Ireland, Scotland, Britain, Spain, France, Germany, etc. get swallowed up by the new myth, the the western world then goes to sleep, a deep sleep caused by rigid beliefs, called the Dark Ages.

    Then when the white people wake up, you have the Protestant revolt and reformation – which leads to much persecution and death as the Church tries to hold onto their monopoly of faith, which results in thousands of new Christian denominations, especially in the New Worlds of the Americas, which then is also forcibly converted along with mass deaths. Eventually Rothschilds subvert these new Christian protestors with the Scofield Bible which leads us directly to today, the Evangelicals and their support for Israel.

    Zionist Jews can not exist in a vacuum, they must have some political support, and the only reason Israel gets away with their crimes is because 100 million Christians in Amerika feverously support Israel because of their own beliefs, and this power centers around Christians United for Israel. So if you want to save white people, and Amerika, and even the Jews themselves, you must first defeat Christianity.


    The only thing about your below comments is that Judiasm and Christianity are JOINED AT THE HIP SEAMLESSLY ALL THE WAY UP TO THE TOPS OF THEIR HEADS in an inoperable Siamese twin condition. The only way you can destroy Jews and Judiasm is to destroy Christianity. You cannot put the cart before the horse.

    The Christian cannot divest himself of the influence of the Jew without throwing out the dogma of the Bible. If you rally around Christianity you circle the wagons around the Jew.

    And to destroy Christianity in order to destroy Jews, you have to attack the foundations of the myth. And that is easy to do, since it is only myth. Abraham never existed, neither did Saul, Solomon, King David or even Jesus. Israeli archeology and ancient historiography has proved that already, and that makes the entire Holy Bible story sitting on a foundation of quicksand. You can not take it literal, yet millions of fundamentalists do, in fact they make a point of it, the center of their faith.

    Typical Christian saying in modern Amerika:

    God said it, I believe it, that settles it.

    The fundamentalist Christian movement throws out science and surrenders the mind to blind belief, which has been manipulated in support of Israel and Jews over all others, including themselves. The modern Evangelist does not exist in the “now”, they are fully consumed by getting to heaven, getting Raptured to be with the Jew man Jesus, while the rest of us burn in Apocalyptic hell – and this belief is manifesting in real time in Gaza. Thus a self fullfilling loop, the worse it gets, the more they believe.

    There is no such thing as sin, that gets on your soul, and prevents you from going to heaven – that is all horrible fear mongering religious literature meant to control you in this life. The afterlife is an oxymoron. No one can prove it. There’s life, all you know is that you are alive right now, and that’s it. Everything else is just speculation. No one knows what happens when you die, and the default position is nothing, you are just dead. So it is the overcoming the fear of death as the key to your salvation from religion, and all he insane wars that stem from belief.

    Prove sin, hell, heaven, god, judgment. None of those things can be proved, so why believe any of it? Sin is a theological construct. It is taught to you to control you, right now, not in some fanciful “after” life. It is a mind trick. The priest uses sin to control the plebs, plain and simple. The way to defeat Zionism is simply stop believing in any of it. It is all horrible fiction. All anyone needs to do is overcome their own fear of death, stop believing unproved things, take a deep breath, and realize most of humanity is batshit insane, Jews especially. There is no god, no god chose them, the holy land ideas all came out of India and have nothing to do with Palestine.

  16. @Notsofast

    So they should trade their sidelocks for dreadlocks.

    • Replies: @Notsofast
  17. @Chriss

    -the Knesset passed a law banning organ trafficking.

    …as if they haven’t broken that law since.

    • Replies: @Franklin Ryckaert
  18. @Yukon Jack

    The Amazon symbol, its a penis seen from underneath. a gay male or female viewpoint

  19. An Iranian man speaks.

    Iran in a Changing World – Seyed Mohammad Marandi, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen

    Video Link

  20. Derision and mockery are essential in combating Judaic hostility, but where do I start? Should I make fun of the psychopathic desert goblin yahweh, or the baby slurping herpes rabbis? Or maybe I can mock the ridiculous holohoax stories: masturbation machines, holocoasters, lamp shades, etc. Or maybe we can laugh at Jewish double standards on social media or their attempts to inject harmful anti-white narratives. Or maybe we can chuckle at the obvious contempt Jews have for Christians which is not at all reciprocated.

    • Thanks: Kolya Krassotkin
    • Replies: @Pastit
    , @ld
  21. Anonymous[341] • Disclaimer says:

    You got to pick your battles. Florida, for example is the Jew supremacist temple of Ba’al. Youngsters get thrown into the flaming Ba’al statute of Zionazi sacrifice.


    On the other hand, the implausible decapitation threats of pencil-neck soykike Binyamin Reese call for our incarcerated goy brothers to give him daily swirlies in jail


    • Replies: @CounterAttack
  22. @Nico X

    Europeans and white peoples dominated when Christianity was at its height. And Christianity didn’t worship Jews – quite the reverse. Read a history book.

    • Agree: Eric135, Miro23, Katrinka
    • Thanks: Renard, Alden
  23. Notsofast says:
    @Marshall Dillon

    exactly, you get it, now all we have to do is convince them. this will also solve the problem of that horrible klezmer music. anytime i hear that whinny music, i just want to start smashing violins with clarinets. in the words of k.o. strativarius, “everytime time i hear that weasel tunes, something pops inside me……”

    • Agree: Marshall Dillon
  24. @Wokechoke

    Naturally there’ll be a sequel to that film.

    “Rebbe Without A Claus”

    • LOL: BrooLidd
  25. Unnamed says:
    @Harold Smith

    Maybe you’d be interested in this:


    If not, no worries. Just food for thought, that’s all.

  26. zimriel says:

    Inasmuch as they’re fighting Islamic supremacy (which just means Islam) – no, Kevin. No, I won’t.
    Put on your vest and fight the jihad, yourself.

  27. Wokechoke says:
    @Yukon Jack

    The word for sin used in the Gospel in Greek is Hamartia. Or Missing the Target. It’s just another word for fall short or failure. Sin No More is just saying keep up a high standard from now on.

    It’s taken on a much worse meaning over last millennia than was intended at first. Almost everything bad we do is error which can be forgiven. The only one who did not take that up that offer was of seeking forgiveness was Judas (suicide) and the crowd of Jews baying for Jesus blood at the trial (wanting to kill the holy innocent).

    It’s a solid story.

  28. @Anonymous


    Every Jew should get three per day.

  29. go to the kosher food section in your local Jew-chain grocery store.

    put pro-Palestine stickers on the Motzohs and gefilte fish.

    try it. It’s fun. I know.

    • LOL: Kolya Krassotkin
    • Replies: @Sir Launcelot Canning
  30. meamjojo says:

    Speaking of “extinguishing the fires of hatred burning in the heart”

    Finally, some wise words straight from the mouth of the 2nd in command of the PLO!
    Palestinians must find new path from Israeli rule after war, top official says
    By Samia Nakhoul and Ali Sawafta
    December 17, 2023

    RAMALLAH, Dec 17 (Reuters) – Immediately after Israel’s war in Gaza ends, all Palestinian factions including Hamas must take a serious look at the failure of their policies to achieve freedom for their people, a top Palestinian Authority official said.

    Hussein al-Sheikh, 63, said war in Gaza after the Oct. 7 attacks on southern Israel meant Hamas should make a “serious and honest assessment and reconsider all its policies and all its methods” once fighting subsides.

    Hamas’ attacks killed 1,200 Israelis, triggering a relentless bombardment and ground war that has killed at least 19,000 Palestinians, displaced hundreds of thousands and left much of the enclave in ruins.

    Sheikh, the general secretary of President Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Liberation Organization, is seen by some as a potential successor. His comments were the first time a senior PLO leader has talked publicly about Hamas tactics since the Oct. 7 attacks.

    Sheikh also acknowledged the political path under Oslo peace accords was faltering and as it currently stands would not achieve the ambition of the Palestinian people for the establishment of a Palestinian state within pre-1967 borders.


    • Replies: @emerging majority
  31. Jews are just bad news. Israel has been nothing but trouble since it was created.

    • Replies: @Ann Nonny Mouse
  32. bert33 says:

    Yawn. Israel will keep winning, it’s what they do. The hamasians are not coming out willingly so israel will have to invade the tunnels and ‘drag em oot’. It won’t be easy or overnight but when it’s done, no more hamas. As for jewtardz rallying against israel in the US, ya gotta wonder what goes through people’s heads, sometimes. All that work and money to give them a country, now they want to live in the US and europe instead. Fickle and confused people…self-loathing kind of thing…maybe just spoiled and can’t stand 120 degree heat…allergic to uniforms and bullets…

  33. Maybe 51% of young Americans believe the Jewish state should be ended, but America is a strange kind of dictatorship, in which the beliefs of the people count for nothing, only money counts.

    • Agree: BrooLidd
  34. @Haxo Angmark

    I don’t have any stickers, but I have been known to move bacon bits there.

  35. Nico X says:
    @Yukon Jack

    Yep, not until enough whites discard the rabbi (Jesus) & form their own ethno-religious cult/religion can any progress be made.

  36. The West Bank can’t have been under “occupation” for over half a century. That’s not occupation, it’s annexation. It’s time the UNGA ruled that the West Bank is de-jure annexed, that all Palestinians are Israeli citizens and have the same voting rights as Jewish citizens. End apartheid, problem solved.

  37. Wokechoke says:

    Israel is the Jewish Promised Land and America is the Chosen Country of residence.

  38. Anon[387] • Disclaimer says:

    “If you listen closely to what Adonai your God says, observing and obeying all his mitzvot which I am giving you today, Adonai your God will raise you high above all the nations on earth

    Deuteronomy 28:1, (Complete Jewish Bible)

    Keep the mitzvot, become the Master Race. That’s the plan, the religion in a nutshell.

    • Agree: annacat
  39. @anonymouseperson

    It has never been created. They violated the UN partition, went on a war of conquest, which the Liar Tribe calls its war of independence, thus invalidated the partition, so the Jewish state so-called is just criminal gangs roaming / raping Palestine.

    • Replies: @inspector general
  40. Hibernian says:
    @Yukon Jack

    Flavius Josephus then writes the Gospels, and casts himself as the savior of the Jews.

    The Jesus of Flavius Josephus is not the Jesus whose Body is the Church. Flavius Josephus compiled a cannon of the Old Testament which is generally accepted within Protestantism. The Catholic canon of the Old Testament is translated from the Septuagint which was a Greek translation by Hellenistic Jews. It contains additional books including 1st and 2nd Maccabees. As a Catholic I accept the Hannukah story as more or less true even though I don’t celebrate Hannukah.

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  41. @Yukon Jack

    the Menorah is a multi-headed donkey penis

    Hindus worship the lingam. Another case of plagiarism.

    When I mentioned the donkey penis being the basis of the Menorah to a friend, she told me that Jews life a donkey over their head in Jewish festivals or religious rituals and carry the donkey around. I couldn’t find anything on google (probably censored) if you can please share.

    The donkey symbolizes the white man in bondage to the Jews through his licking of the Old Testicles. The white man is submitted to the Jew like a donkey, is being ridden like a donkey by the Jew, and works hard without complaining so the Jew can get rich.

    The donkey is proverbial for his long penis and can symbolize painful rape of humans. The donkey penis is the Jewish penis that rapes the white women vaginas and men’s buttholes in porno films The Seven penises in the Menorah probably symbolize the belief by Jews that their donkey penis rapes all non-Jewish females in all seven “heavens” or in the entire universe. That the Yahweh’s donkey like penis is lodged in Christian asses is certainly a fitting symbol for Christianity.

  42. @Wild Man

    What does “Mohammedian rights of provenance as God’s messenger” mean? I assume you think there is something in Islamic doctrine that makes Muslims behave unjustly towards non-Muslims, the way Jewish Supremacy is baked into Jewish doctrine, or “my way or the highway” is baked into Christian doctrine. I assure you that isn’t true. Islam (like philosophy) holds that God is perfectly just and wants humans to use their free will to behave justly—towards everyone, Muslim or non-Muslim.

    Jews see God as fundamentally unjust — for example, favoring the swindling criminal (as portrayed in today’s “Torah”) Jacob “The Heel” over his honest brother Esau. That swindling criminal becomes the “Israel” who founded their tribe of swindlers. No insult intended to the actual prophets—I am just reporting what the distorted Jewish version of the Torah says. Islam’s position is that the genocidal swindlers running the Jewish tribe distorted scripture to make it legitimize swindling and genocide, among other crimes. Hence the extant Torah, with its portrayal of an unjust, anthropomorphic, psychopathic patriarch in the place of the true God, is obviously a gross distortion.

    Christianity also seems to portray God as unjust, most obviously by having God’s son who is somehow also God torture himself to death and thereby expiate the sins of others.

    Islam’s simple, straightforward discourse on God’s justice and desire for human justice (which is not rendered impossible by “original sin”) is obviously the best creed. When I say obviously, I mean that any neutral observer would say “this is what I wish people believed and acted on!”

    • Disagree: TKK
    • Thanks: mark green
  43. Pretty hilarious.

    • Thanks: Brewer
  44. @bert33

    Racist buffoon. A really low level of moral and spiritual existence.

    • Troll: TKK
  45. @Chriss

    The expert on human organ trafficking is Nancy Scheper-Hughes, a medical anthropologist. She found Israelis ‘everywhere’ in the global business and some Jewish doctors and nurses involved stated that it was ‘reparation for the Holocaust’.

  46. dimples says:

    “They are committing Biblical-scale genocide against the “seed of Amalek” (i.e. non-Jews) in Ukraine—which has lost more than 14 million people, almost all Slavic Christians whom Jews view as their traditional enemies, since the current war began. Half a million Slavic Christians on both sides have been killed.”

    I don’t think there is any point worrying too much about how many Ukes have been killed off. All Ukes seem to carry the insanity gene. Thus if they are set on committing mass suicide for their Jewish masters by throwing themselves under Russian artillery shells, we should all be most grateful.

    • Disagree: Che Guava
    • Replies: @Suetonious
    , @Che Guava
  47. Eric135 says:

    Jews are the problem, so let’s attack Christians!

    Jews are the problem, so let’s attack Whites!

    Jews are the problem, so let’s attack the West!

    Jews are the problem, so let’s attack Muslims!

    Jews are the problem, so let’s attack Boomers!

    Jews are the problem, so let’s attack Russians!

    Jews are the problem, so let’s attack [fill in the blank] …!

    • Thanks: WorkingClass
    • Replies: @BrooLidd
  48. Eric135 says:
    @Harold Smith

    ” … suggesting that the Jewish collective is the entity John of Patmos referred to as the beast from the sea …”

    Pastor Chuck Baldwin says the beast from the sea in Rev. 13:1-10 represents the Romans who are led, first by Vespasian, and then by Titus, coming to destroy Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple. The seven heads represent the first seven Roman emperors, and the ten horns and their crowns represent the ten provincial leaders of the Roman Empire.

    Baldwin believes John wrote Revelation around 68 A.D., and that most if not all of it was fulfilled by 70 A.D.

    Baldwin is doing about 24 sermons on Revelation. He has already done roughly the same number of sermons on prophecy in general. You can find his sermons at chuckbaldwinlive dot com or libertyfellowshipmt dot com.

    As for the Gog and Magog prophecy, that was fulfilled by Antiochus IV Epiphanes. But evangelical Zionists believe it hasn’t been fulfilled yet and won’t be until we have a nice, toasty nuclear war with Russia. Of course, they will be “raptured” into heaven before that happens.

    • Replies: @Harold Smith
  49. Che Guava says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    Yes, and just force people into it. You are disingenuous, Mr. Barret.

    You enjoy LARPing, forehead on the floor, bum in the air, five times a day, ugly call of the muezzin, if you enjoy that, fine, your choice.

    Problem is that the aim is to impose it everywhere, no thank you, it is a nightmare … and that isn’t even to examine the life of Mo, really, a schizophrenic bandit leader as a holy man? You know the alleged (by Islam) early history, really think it’s great?

    Really, he was on a far worse level as far as personality and mental problems than Hubbard of Scientology, and Hubbard had such problems by the shovel load.

    In any case, hope you continue to enjoy the LARP, if that plus your Web activities continue and prosper, you may have multiple wives. Polygamy is a goal of LARPing as Moslem.

    • Agree: TKK
    • Thanks: meamjojo
    • Troll: muh muh
    • Replies: @TKK
  50. Wild Man says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    Thank-you for the reply.

    Does Islam denounce the blood covenants as malarkey, or not? From the bit I know (about Islam), … I think not. If my speculation is correct, …. THIS THEN MUST BE CORRECTED FORTHWITH – FOR THE SAKE OF THE TENSIGRITY OF ISLAM – NO?

    “What does “Mohammedian rights of provenance as God’s messenger” mean?”

    It means, … did Mohammad (and therefore Islam) claim to be ‘God’s messenger’ by way of non-mocking reference to the prior Judaic blood covenants? The Jacob/Esau example you provided, makes it seem so.

    “I assume you think there is something in Islamic doctrine that makes Muslims behave unjustly towards non-Muslims, the way Jewish Supremacy is baked into Jewish doctrine, or “my way or the highway” is baked into Christian doctrine”

    My view is that ontological conceit (taking on God-like pretensions for oneself) make people behave unjustly (‘justice’ as defined relative to the human condition) towards other people. I have gleaned, from my long relationship with Christianity, that the Judaic view, is de facto a view immersed in ontological conceit, and as such, since the institutional variety of Christianity that we do have, is not a denouement of the Judaic, this resulting ‘institutional’ variety of the core Jesus story, is therefore also de facto a view immersed in ontological conceit. But in my view, Jesus did so-denounce the entire fabric of the Judaic. In my rather subversive view, … (and among many others with more staid views too, there is this ‘Jesus-as-subversive-to-the-Judaic’ trope … but such people claim this much more meekly than me and therefore do still remain within the institutional bailiwick of Christianity, …. ‘Jesus and the money-changers at the temple’, for example, … whereas in my view Jesus was going much deeper in his denouncements, …. he was actually denouncing the entire fabric of the Judaic by way of making a mockery of the Judaic prophesy-making machinery with Jesus’ claim that he is the fulfillment of these prophesies), … Jesus was advising that the Judaic view is malarkey, and then went on to tell precisely how so (due to ontological conceit).

    Your justice argument is interesting. But note that, as far as I know, Islam does recognize that reality (and therefore God) is infinite. Thus the Islamic sense that there is no good choice except ‘submission to God’. Thus, this renders ‘justice’, as an all important concept for humans that nevertheless, is always going to be a ‘sense’ that is relative to the human condition. Who knows what the Infinite God-head sees a justice? I don’t. You don’t. No one does. It is even crazy to talk about this in terms of ‘seeing’ (because: Infinite God’s omnipotence). Isn’t that Islam’s main point? Thus the admonishments to always take on the attitude of ‘submission to God’?

    “Christianity also seems to portray God as unjust, most obviously by having God’s son who is somehow also God torture himself to death and thereby expiate the sins of others”

    Well, …. that’s the thing – right? That Christian trope is crazy on the face of it. So what is a Christian to do? I will tell you. What a Christian is to do, is to see that since the ‘crazy’ interpretations must be wrong (sorry all you preacher/clergy-men of all the various Christian denominations, …… you are all pretty much girly-men using the ‘crazy’ to excuse your narcissistic tendencies, and then you expect and enforce the whole congregation to play along with your silly narcissisto-game), … then what would the correct interpretation be? Like I have been harping and harping about for years now, … just read a bit of Rene Girard (but his writing is very dense, …. better yet take in the 4 hours or so of interview Girard did about 20 years ago now, with CBC Radio …. I highly recommend said interview). From there, …. it is quite easy to put it together, the way I have (Jesus as massively massively, mockingly, denouncing the entire fabric of the Judaic, … using his own life-story and his own death to prove his precise point, ….. the Judaic automatically leads to the dastardly community scapegoating dynamic it claims it has risen above, …. what a joke, …. Jesus’ life-story proves the point, ….. killing a calf instead of doing the pagan human sacrifice prior popularized by the ontological conceit dynamic, didn’t change anything …. because the Judaic monotheism is fake-monotheism, my-one-true-God-is-better-than-yours-style).

    Your take on ‘original sin’. Once again, … I have been forced to interpret this differently than the usual ‘crazy’ institutional Christian mode. I take it to be a concept to represent the state of our separation from God (as finite beings immersed in, and somehow precipitated from, the infinite), …. our finitude vis-a-vis God creates this separation. It should not be called a ‘sin’ though (like ontological conciet is a sin, ….. the most egregious sin of all, in my estimation).

    Here are links to the 5-parts of the Rene Girard interview with CBC Radio, if you are interested:


    • Replies: @Gerry
  51. @Yukon Jack

    Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know.
    Aldous Huxley

    The religious types on this site are immune to logic and reason. Their brains have been marinated in god nonsense for so long that they are afraid of anything that might disturb their erroneous belief system. They desperately need a god to watch over them because they don’t want to take responsibility for their own lives. It’s also why they demand a gov’t to regiment their existence.

    • Agree: Odd Rabbit
    • Replies: @Odd Rabbit
  52. @Eric135

    Pastor Chuck Baldwin says the beast from the sea in Rev. 13:1-10 represents the Romans who are led, first by Vespasian, and then by Titus, coming to destroy Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple. The seven heads represent the first seven Roman emperors, and the ten horns and their crowns represent the ten provincial leaders of the Roman Empire.

    I disagree with Chuck Baldwin on this (and some other things he says). As I see it there are lots of problems with his preterist view. I can’t take seriously the opinion of anyone who apparently has no plausible explanation for the various descriptive features of the two beasts as given in the text.

    For example, according to an angel who speaks to John (Rev 17:9), the beast’s seven heads are “mountains”; so in what sense can certain Roman emperors be considered to be “mountains”?

    And according to Rev 13:2: “the dragon gave him (the beast) his power, and his seat, and great authority.” With Luke 4:5-7 in mind, the apparent relationship between the beast and Satan implies that the beast is comprised of theistic Satanists, i.e. people who knowingly and willingly “give worth to evil” as a means of achieving world domination and control. So were these Roman emperors a Satanic cult fighting a spiritual war against God?

    And if the seven heads are Roman emperors, which one died and then somehow apparently came back to life as implied by Rev 13:3?


    • Replies: @Eric135
  53. @Yukon Jack

    Zionist Jews can not exist in a vacuum, they must have some political support, and the only reason Israel gets away with their crimes is because 100 million Christians in Amerika feverously support Israel because of their own beliefs, and this power centers around Christians United for Israel. So if you want to save white people, and Amerika, and even the Jews themselves, you must first defeat Christianity.

    There are some serious problems with your “reasoning.” You should know by now that practically everything about America is generally some kind of a fraud. We have fake government, fake politicians, fake schools, a fake health care system, fake money, fake churches and fake religions, etc.

    Guess what, anyone who “supports” the Satanic entity known as Israel obviously isn’t a “Christian” regardless of what they may profess to be.

    BTW Jews hate actual Christians because they can’t easily be deceived, corrupted and manipulated, whereas they “love” or at least tolerate fake Christians.

    Prove sin, hell, heaven, god, judgment. None of those things can be proved, so why believe any of it? Sin is a theological construct. It is taught to you to control you, right now, not in some fanciful “after” life. It is a mind trick.

    Is it a “mind trick” that America is collapsing? Is it a “mind trick” that America went from the top of the world to hell in your lifetime? Is it a “mind trick” that Russia is rising – despite being under military, economic and political attack by the corrupt collective West – while America falls? No it’s not a “mind trick”; America is collapsing in real time right in front of your eyes because of one thing: America has rejected God and embraced evil. And God’s judgment on evil is that evil destroys itself, and that’s exactly what’s happening.

    • Agree: Eric135, Katrinka
    • Replies: @James Scott
  54. The Houthis are the only ones who understand who is pushing this grab for total domination of the earth, the names of the most important of those associated with global logistics all have a Zionist sound to them, the media, of course, all condemn the Houthis for their actions even though it’s theirs’ as well as their neighbors waterway.

    How much does the Houthis get out of the traffic that goes through the Red Sea? I bet a big fat zero, is that why the war was perpetrated against them…to steal control over those waterways?

    The Houthis are also significantly hurting that dog Egypt who gains great revenue out of its Suez asset, the Houthis also recognize how Egypt gains by allowing the stolen gas of Palistinians to transit through its territory…Egypt is a traitor to Arabs, an Israeli pet.

    The Houthis have shown how to pull down the evil Zionist empire, its death by one thousand cuts, by disrupting the evil at its source of power, money through ownership of everything.

    • Thanks: Buck Ransom, Rurik
    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  55. Eric135 says:
    @Harold Smith

    “I disagree with Chuck Baldwin … I can’t take seriously the opinion of anyone who apparently has no plausible explanation for the various descriptive features of the two beasts … For example, according to an angel who speaks to John (Rev. 17:9), the beast’s seven heads are mountains, so in what sense can certain Roman emperors be considered to be ‘mountains’?”

    That’s easy. Rome is built on seven hills. Baldwin mentions that in his sermon.

    “And according to Rev. 13:2, ‘the dragon gave him (the beast) his power, and his seat, and great authority.’ With Luke 4:5-7 in mind, the apparent relationship between the beast and Satan implies that the beast is comprised of theistic Satanists, i.e., people who knowingly and willingly ‘give worth to evil’ as a means of achieving world domination and control. So, were these Roman emperors a Satanic cult fighting a spiritual war against God?”

    Luke 4:5-7 makes no reference to the beast. Nor does it make any specific reference to Rome. Even if it did, it would be a stretch to say that Satan giving people power means that those people are Satanists.

    ” … if the seven heads are Roman emperors, which one died and then apparently came back to life as implied by Rev. 13:3?”

    The “death” refers to the civil war that raged in Rome just before Vespasian became emperor. Baldwin covers this as well.

    I suggest you watch his sermon. It’s the most recent one in his series on Revelation.

    • Replies: @Harold Smith
  56. Actually the new State Religion is Negrolatry. The woke are pissed at the Jews because the Jews are killing the POC. The Jews of course had a hand in instituting Negrolatry. I guess it never occurred to them that they could be mistaken for white people. Could it be that the Jews are as stupid as they are evil? Or are they simply lacking self-awareness?

  57. The British empire fell, not because it was weak, but because it was exploited by a parasite who was offered sanctuary and only gave in return exploitation.

    This parasitic group used social and cultural conditioning to gain advantage by using this conditioning to exploit and enrich themselves only giving back token amounts but using the resources to move onto the next victim and solidifying their base in the original host.

    The U.S is the latest victim and the reprogramming of the West by the parasite to create a culture based on Sodomy and Gomorrah is well advanced.

    If the sheeple don’t wake-up they will be euthanized and only the useful enslaved forever, for one thing is clear, work is an anathema to them.

    • Agree: JR Foley
  58. @bert33

    Jews protesting Israel are just trying to control both sides of the debate. Here in California the big jew protests blocked the freeway and the roads into the airport. They have to know that that behavior will turn people against the protesters.

    Jews can never be trusted under any circumstances.

    • Agree: Pastit
    • Thanks: threadhopper
  59. @Harold Smith

    The main argument that the evangelicals are keeping j e w s in power is that the evangelicals lose on every other issue they care about and have for decades.

  60. Reports are now showing that Israeli neutron bombs have been used in Gaza in the recent conflict, this fact being corroborated by the presence of specific neutron bomb weapons radiation signatures at blast sites, and victims are being seen with specific neutron bomb-type burn injuries and limbs having been vapourized, though the Israeli-controlled UN denies such reports of course.


    The figure of 14 million emigrating from Ukraine has already been superceded even several weeks ago by a further 3 million leaving Ukraine, but 100,000 Jewish Israelis have recently been reported as having moved into Ukraine already in recent times to seize their land, just as Jews moved into Ukraine in huge numbers before when Stalin land-cleared 10 million white Slavic Christian Ukrainians for them during the Holodomor, that figure being the exact same one that he himself provided to Churchill and Roosevelt at Yalta.

    The following evidence shows what actual German National Socialism saw coming and tried to nip in the bud, and additional evidence is presented to show how constantly generated Jewish-controlled media propaganda lies worldwide are used to present a fake history of 6 million dead Jews in gas chambers in WWII having really occurred to prevent people from ever again being free now even by laws that threaten imprisonment in many nations simply for not believing constantly reinforced Jewish lies on this issue, thus malevolently preventing people from being free to embrace National Socialist philosophy ever again.

    You will need to use VPN with a US address to view this. Bon appetit…


    Video Link

    Authentic German-era National Socialism is completely unrelated in every way to the hysterical false propaganda made by Jewish Hollywood, by modern Russian Stalinist politicians and by controlled media sources worldwide about the so-called ‘Nazism’ that is relentlessly pumped out on a constant daily basis to literally hypnotize and mentally neuter their intended Gentile victims of all races and peoples worldwide.

    Holocaust Deprogramming Course

    Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi? by Alison Weir, Counterpunch

    Jewish Talmudic Quotes – Facts Are Facts

    The following video shows video statements by various Jewish rabbis saying how all Gentiles in the entire world are to be/will be totally exterminated, as is stated also very clearly in the Jewish scriptures themselves as is to be seen in the links I provide here as total proof, and you can see the rabbis in videos openly gloating about this in a highly malevolent celebratory manner in the anticipation of this Judaically long-intended happening. This is what the COVID Israeli military nanotechnology bioweapon used with Israeli-developed 5G is intended towards, that is why rabbis are to be seen dancing in frenzied congregational celebration while repeatedly chanting “Corona! Corona!” in the first video, in which other rabbis smile gloatingly while openly stating that the Corona is not for the Jews, and that it is only for the Gentiles.

    How Can It Be? By Harry Vox

    Jews in Israel faked their own supposed COVID vaccination program by various means, the long-planned Israeli government ethnobomb nanotechnology weapon in development was really tested out over a period of several years on Palestinian prisoners in Israel and in Africa on Negros there, never really on Israeli Jews themselves. Very many tests were surely necessitated to be done on many batches of prisoners over many years to ensure the intended lethality of the COVID jabs that would produce not only the COVID disease condition itself, but also be capable when fully activated by 5G directed towards the unique DNA of targetted individuals or ethnic groups, which acts like an aerial or receiver, of producing just about any disease condition known to man in an entire medical dictionary on demand by any military programmer and then some more. Israel is known to possess the largest or possibly second largest military biowarfare weapons development facilities in the entire world.

    It would be best for the Gentile peoples of the world to forcefully rise up, that being the only practical way, and then take back their nations from the infiltrated hostile Jewish military occupation government agents now holding them as literal slaves, and then use decisive military force to crush the agents of criminal terrorist Judaism worldwide and ban Judaism in any form anywhere in the entire world after fully recognizing and declaring it only to be a cancerous criminal terrorist organization on a permanent basis, otherwise the Jews will assuredly complete their now already started process and kill every single last one of us in the entire world if they are not checked very soundly and permanently by military means.

    The Jews will assuredly kill all Gentiles in the world if they are not checked physically, the Jews are insane and bloodthirsty to see this several thousand year long project completed to which they have all directed such great efforts over many successive reincarnations as Jews. Their constantly growing strength and maintained unity is achieved by covertly maintained occult processes that are little understood by most Gentiles.

    Such multidimensional occult practices are one of the greatest secrets of maintaining Jewish cohesiveness and steadfast constancy of united purpose, constantly reinforcing and building dominating political and financial power and keeping power within the soul tribe by means of only allowing Jewish souls to reincarnate (gilgul) in their families who then reinherit and further build Jewish power and wealth. Family inheritance is quite a different thing in some way for Gentiles as they never know who is really going to reincarnate as a child in their families, but the Gentile heart is more open, accepting and universally generous. The Jews alone as a race know how to constantly come back again and again only as Jews to ‘inherit’ their racial power pyramid and further build on it in their insane constant craving to steal this entire planet and kill all others on it out of diseased sheer jealous hatred.

    But can Gentile peoples who have already been purposely psychologically and physically damaged as part of a deliberate plan by criminally insane infiltrated JWO governments in many nations now even bother to rise above purposely-induced nihilistic and suicidal ideation and even care to perpetuate the human race?

    Many Gentiles are now openly going insane as the Jews have planned for them, getting their bits cut off and some even state that they wish someone would just get it all over with for the whole planet already, so the Jewish process of inducing nihilistic and suicidal ideation by gradually destroying quality of life among their Gentile target populations as a military tactic seems to be working very well for the Jews at the moment.

    Many Gentiles seem to be willingly and foolishly adopting the suicidal mantra that the Jews have craftily inserted into Gentile consciousness so that the targetted Gentiles will silently and even willlingly accept being neutralized to allow the Jews then to take the world for themselves, the mantra goes something like this: “But the Earth is overpopulated, we need to reduce the world’s population”.

    But people need to be encouraged to choose to live instead and not just continue to allow themselves to get destroyed.

    • LOL: meamjojo
  61. @Eric135

    “I disagree with Chuck Baldwin … I can’t take seriously the opinion of anyone who apparently has no plausible explanation for the various descriptive features of the two beasts … For example, according to an angel who speaks to John (Rev. 17:9), the beast’s seven heads are mountains, so in what sense can certain Roman emperors be considered to be ‘mountains’?”

    That’s easy. Rome is built on seven hills. Baldwin mentions that in his sermon.

    That seems like hand-waving which doesn’t explain anything. How exactly are certain Roman emperors synonymous with “mountains”? And if the “mountains” can somehow be creatively construed to be referring to Roman emperors, then who or what exactly is the “woman” who sits on the mountains (Rev 17:9)?

    “And according to Rev. 13:2, ‘the dragon gave him (the beast) his power, and his seat, and great authority.’ With Luke 4:5-7 in mind, the apparent relationship between the beast and Satan implies that the beast is comprised of theistic Satanists, i.e., people who knowingly and willingly ‘give worth to evil’ as a means of achieving world domination and control. So, were these Roman emperors a Satanic cult fighting a spiritual war against God?”

    Luke 4:5-7 makes no reference to the beast.

    It does implicitly. How does the beast get Satan’s “power and his seat and great authority”? Apparently by worshiping Satan, i.e. giving worth to evil. Or do you know of a different way?

    Nor does it make any specific reference to Rome.

    Of course not because “Rome” has nothing to do with it.

    Even if it did, it would be a stretch to say that Satan giving people power means that those people are Satanists.

    Seriously? It would be much more of a “stretch” (like impossible), that Satan would give “his power, and his seat and great authority” to someone who doesn’t worship him, i.e. someone who’s not a Satanist. Perhaps the meaning of Luke 4:5-7 escapes you. Worshiping Satan means giving worth to evil; it’s something you do knowingly and willingly; it’s deliberate, calculated evil. Satanists seek Satan like a Christian would seek God. The beast is apparently a Satanic cult comprised of people who’ve sold their souls to Satan.

    ” … if the seven heads are Roman emperors, which one died and then apparently came back to life as implied by Rev. 13:3?”

    The “death” refers to the civil war that raged in Rome just before Vespasian became emperor. Baldwin covers this as well.

    That’s just more self-serving, contextually incongruent hand-waving which doesn’t explain anything. If the seven heads of the beast refer to seven different Roman emperors, and if one “head” had “(a) deadly wound (which) was healed” this clearly implies that that particular emperor personally had some kind of deadly wound which was miraculously healed or something like that.

    And what about the other descriptive features mentioned by John, i.e. how is the beast “like unto a leopard”; how are its “feet…as the feet of a bear”; how is its “mouth as the mouth of a lion”? And in what sense can the beast be described as “the beast that was, and is not, and yet is” (Rev 17:9)? How does Baldwin explain these things?

    • Replies: @Eric135
  62. Pastit says:

    Kudos to Braun for extinguishing that menorah that had no business being in the polish parliament. The end of Jewish supremacy cannot come soon enough. The Jews are destroying the west with mass immigration and endless wars that kill young White men, leaving young White women prey for blacks and browns. Extinguish Israel next and that would be a good start.

    • Agree: Katrinka
  63. Pastit says:

    The endless victims. The Jews are nasty hateful people

  64. dimples says:
    @Johnny LeBlanc

    OMG! Somegoy sprayed holy menorah with fire extinguisher! Holocaust! Nazis! Oy vey!

    • Agree: annacat
    • Replies: @Katrinka
  65. @Pop Warner

    Memejoojoo agrees with you. ‘Nuff said.

    • Replies: @Pop Warner
  66. Eric135 says:
    @Harold Smith

    “How exactly are Roman emperors synonymous with mountains.”

    They aren’t and don’t have to be. The beast from the sea is pagan Rome (no one else was going to come to Jerusalem by sea and conquer the city and destroy the Temple). The beast has seven heads, which corresponds to Rome having seven hills and seven emperors.

    ” … who or what exactly is the “woman” who sits on the mountains (Rev. 17:9)?”

    You’re jumping four chapters ahead from 13 to 17. Why do you expect me to answer that question? I’ve been giving you Baldwin’s analysis of chapter 13. He hasn’t gotten to chapter 17 yet.

    “How does the beast [pagan Rome] get Satan’s ‘power, and his seat, and great authority’? Apparently by worshiping Satan … Do you know of a different way?”

    I guess you’ve never heard the saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” You don’t have to be a Satan worshiper in order to serve Satan’s interests.

    ” … Rome has nothing to do with it.”

    Yes, Rome has nothing to do with Luke 4:5-7. But Baldwin makes a plausible case that it is the key to understanding Rev. 13. Rev. 13 is referring to Rome. Luke 4:5-7 is not.

    “That’s just more self-serving, contextually incongruent hand-waving that doesn’t explain anything … “

    Baldwin makes a much better case than you do. His analysis corresponds to the circumstances that existed at the time. You don’t like that? Too bad. Your insistence that a Roman emperor had to have died is just imposing literalism on a mostly allegorical text.

    Your pettifogging is quite tiresome. Since you’re such a great expert, pray give us your interpretation of Revelation. Baldwin has made a serious study of the bible. Your silly comments show that you have not.

  67. anarchyst says:

    Here is a prime example of jewish “lawfare” gone amok…
    I can remember when jewish organizations that touted “separation of church and state” pushed their agenda to the extreme–instituting lawsuits against municipalities who chose to allow Christian-based Christmas displays on public property.
    The lawsuits were numerous, from big-city displays to small towns-public displays of Christianity were outlawed. Jewish groups were aggressive in using “lawfare” to remove Christianity from the public square.
    It’s turned full-circle.
    Christian Christmas displays are still prohibited on public property while jewish menorahs are cropping up all over the place. Hell, even the White House proudly publicly displayed a large jewish menorah, without a squawk from the “(jewish-run) separation of church and state” crowd.
    Jews no longer couch their hatred of Christianity in legal terms, but are overtly brash and confident in their hatred of Christianity.
    While we are at it, let’s close down their most repulsive buildings, the American taxpayer-funded “Holocaustianity™ temples” and deport their acolytes who are perpetuating their prayers, damning and blaming all gentiles who did not “just do something”. The “piles of shoes” and “clothing”, “eyeglasses” and other materials mean nothing as they are merely “Hollywood- props” meant to evoke a response from gullible visitors to these “jewish freak shows”.
    You see, “jewish suffering” is unlike any other and as such, must be memorialized by erecting these American taxpayer-funded “jewish freak shows”.
    “Holocaustianity™ temples” have no place anywhere in the world as they are totally based on fraud and deception–two prime jewish traits.
    Taxpayer funding of these “jewish freak shows” adds insult to injury and should be prohibited as their existence constitutes promotion of one religion over another–expressly forbidden by the First Amendment to the Constitution.
    As a further insult, some states are mandating the brainwashing of vulnerable children by mandating public school student visits to these “Holocaustianity™ temples”–“jewish freak shows”. It would appear that requiring schoolchildren to attend “Holocaustianity™ temples” violates the constitutional “separation of church and state” and is actually child abuse..
    A good example of this treasonous behavior is that of Florida governor DeSantis who signed two bills, one outlawing criticism of israel and the other mandating that school children be required to attend services at “Holocaustianity™ temples” while he was in israel.
    While we are at it, let’s prohibit anyone with “dual citizenship” from holding any American government position, either elected or appointed. Dual citizenship should be recognized as an undesirable trait of one who has dual loyalties and cannot be trusted.
    It is long overdue for ((them)) to be kicked out of country 110…

    • Agree: Daniel Rich, Katrinka
    • Thanks: dimples, Eric135
    • Replies: @Jim H
  68. @Eric135

    “How exactly are Roman emperors synonymous with mountains.”

    They aren’t and don’t have to be.

    Yet in comment #48 you said:

    The seven heads represent the first seven Roman emperors, and the ten horns and their crowns represent the ten provincial leaders of the Roman Empire.

    So you’ve changed your mind?

    The beast from the sea is pagan Rome…

    Or so you speculate.

    (no one else was going to come to Jerusalem by sea and conquer the city and destroy the Temple).

    Well it’s your strawman so you might as well have your way with it.

    The beast has seven heads, which corresponds to Rome having seven hills and seven emperors.

    Or so you speculate. Nothing about this bare assertion (or about Chuck Baldwin’s preterist view in general) makes any sense. Books could be written about why your view is wrong.

    According to the angel who spoke to John:


    “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” (Rev 17:9).

    So the angel seems to be saying that “wisdom” is required to understand what the seven heads = seven mountains are supposed to mean, but according to you “that’s easy.” According to you and Chuck Baldwin, it’s facially obvious that the mention of seven mountains identifies Rome as the beast. Period. The end. So the angel was wrong?

    And why all the recondite symbolism? If as you claim Rev is all about Rome attacking/destroying Jerusalem, why not just tell it like it is?

    According to Wikipedia:

    “The First Jewish–Roman War began in the year 66 CE…

    The experienced and unassuming general Vespasian was then tasked with crushing the rebellion in Judaea province. His son Titus was appointed second-in-command. Vespasian was given four legions and assisted by forces of King Agrippa II. In 67 CE he invaded Galilee. While avoiding a direct attack on the reinforced city of Jerusalem which was packed with the main rebel force, Titus’s forces launched a persistent campaign to eradicate rebel strongholds and punish the population.”

    So if John wrote the Book of Revelation in 68 as Baldwin claims, it wouldn’t have been much of a predictionunder the circumstances to say that the Roman empire was going to crush the Jewish rebellion and destroy Jerusalem. That would be like predicting in early 2023 that Russia was going to defeat Ukraine and that Ukraine would be destroyed in the process. It makes no sense whatsoever that John would write almost 12000 words about it using exotic symbolism, effectively obfuscating something very simple.

    Moreover, the text of Rev 17 suggests that John knew neither what the beast actually was, nor the woman who was sitting on the beast, as the angel had to try to explain it to him. The war had already started (in 66) and Vespasian was already attacking Galilee (in 67) but in 68 John had no idea what it all meant…but Chuck Baldwin somehow knows John’s visions were all about Rome destroying Jerusalem?

    It makes no sense that John would write the Book of Revelation the way he did i.e. about 12,000 words heavy with exotic symbolism to describe relatively simple events that would take place within two years. What exactly would be the point? Somebody living at the time was supposed to receive it, ponder it, decipher it and get something of value from it?

    ” … who or what exactly is the “woman” who sits on the mountains (Rev. 17:9)?”

    You’re jumping four chapters ahead from 13 to 17.

    Well of course I am because it’s the same beast, right? So if you and Baldwin are correct in your assumptions regarding the beast, there shouldn’t be anything anywhere else in the book of Revelation that would undermine your claims, right?

    Why do you expect me to answer that question?

    Simple: because if you’re going to vehemently claim that the beast from the sea is Rome, and you expect to be taken seriously, you need to make sure there’s nothing else in the Book of Revelation that would undermine that claim, right?

    I’ve been giving you Baldwin’s analysis of chapter 13. He hasn’t gotten to chapter 17 yet.

    What if he doesn’t have a cogent explanation for the woman sitting on the beast? What do you do then; you’d just accept whatever he says at face value? Why not do your own research and your own reasoning rather than rely strictly on other people?

    “How does the beast [pagan Rome] get Satan’s ‘power, and his seat, and great authority’? Apparently by worshiping Satan … Do you know of a different way?”

    I guess you’ve never heard the saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” You don’t have to be a Satan worshiper in order to serve Satan’s interests.

    Did I say otherwise? No; of course people who do evil serve Satan’s interest (i.e. defying God), but that’s not the point. There are lots of evil people in prison right now in the U.S. for example, did they all receive Satan’s “power and his seat and great authority” – just because they did evil? Apparently not. At issue is the nature of the relationship between Satan and the beast from the sea and it’s quite clear that the beast is a cult of well organized, devil-worshiping, theistic Satanists who’ve become Satan’s agents in the physical realm, your hand-waving and dismissive rhetoric not withstanding.

    ” … Rome has nothing to do with it.”

    Yes, Rome has nothing to do with Luke 4:5-7. But Baldwin makes a plausible case that it is the key to understanding Rev. 13. Rev. 13 is referring to Rome. Luke 4:5-7 is not.

    On the contrary Baldwin’s preterist view of the Book of Revelation is absurd on its face.

    “That’s just more self-serving, contextually incongruent hand-waving that doesn’t explain anything … “

    Baldwin makes a much better case than you do.

    AFAIK you haven’t heard much of my “case”; what I’ve mainly done so far in this discussion is to point out some of the problems with his viewpoint.

    His analysis corresponds to the circumstances that existed at the time.

    And in this “analysis” he seems to studiously ignore anything that would undermine his preferred conclusions. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but he can’t be taken seriously and his analysis is just plain wrong.

    You don’t like that? Too bad.

    What’s too bad is your apparent unwillingness or inability to do your own reasoning.

    Your insistence that a Roman emperor had to have died is just imposing literalism on a mostly allegorical text.

    That’s not exactly what I said. You paint yourself into a corner with a frivolous argument then you look at me like I’m the one who’s not making any sense. If you’re going to claim that the seven heads of the beast are particular men, certain Roman emperors, and if one of the “heads” receives a deadly wound (with a sword) that heals, you don’t have much room to be creative there, do you?

    Your pettifogging is quite tiresome.

    Sorry but that’s the way it has to be.

    Since you’re such a great expert, pray give us your interpretation of Revelation.

    I don’t claim to be an “expert” it just seems that way because unlike Baldwin I have some ideas that I can support with a cogent argument and I try not to avoid addressing any relevant details that might undermine my view.

    Baldwin has made a serious study of the bible. Your silly comments show that you have not.

    Coming from someone who’s unable or unwilling to do their own reasoning, I’ll take that as a compliment. Thanks.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  69. @Passing by

    I neither know nor care who the fuck that is. If you want to worship Yahweh in meteorite form then go ahead, but don’t bitch about jews when you are a mind controlled slave to them like every Muslim and Christian on the planet who worships the jewish God. When you worship the God of your enemies, you are already conquered.

    • Replies: @Passing by
    , @muh muh
  70. @Pop Warner

    There is only one God and He has no nationality or chosen people. The Jewish god isn’t God, he is Satan, the antithesis of God and Christ. You are either disingenuous or you just don’t get it. In either case, Jews relish tools like you.

  71. Two-thirds of 18-to 24-year-olds in the Harvard-Harris poll said they agree that ‘Jews as a class are oppressors and should be treated as oppressors.’”

    And so does this American.

    Video Link

  72. Anon[160] • Disclaimer says:

    Which Holocaust ?

    60 million Chinese by Tojo – Mao
30 million Russians by Bolsheviks
25 million Russians by Fascists
    10 million Congolese by Belgians – Leopold II
9 million Koreans by the Pentagon – MacArthur
    9 million Chinese by the English – Sassoons
    8 million Iranians by the English – Churchill
6 million Southeast Asians by the Pentagon-Kissinger
5 million Bengalis by the English – Churchill
    4 million Philippinos by the Americans
    4 million Irish by the English
    3 million Indonesians by CIA – AntiCommunists

    • Thanks: Unbornawakened
  73. The true ‘silence is violence’ applies to white cuck collaboration with Jewish Supremacist terror and tyranny.

    White mentality is completely sick in our age.

    Instead of seeking liberation from Jewish Supremacist tyranny, it’s a pissing contest among various white factions from ‘left’ to ‘right’ to become the most favored ‘house negro’ to Jews.

    White Democrats and White Republicans do this all this time. HBD isn’t far behind in this slave-mentality cuckery.

    White mentality cannot conceive of breaking free from Jewish Tyranny. It’s as Jewish Power is a given, a law of the universe, divine truth. Therefore, the ONLY hope for whites is to compete in the game of being favored by Jews.

    I believe Derbyshire once opined as much: Whites cannot do ANYTHING without getting Jews on their side. Wow. Talk about slave mentality. Instead of breaking free of Jewish Power, desperately toil for the best servant position within it.

    Of course, Jews cannot respect any such mentality. After all, whites aren’t there to bargain: “We whites do this for you Jews IF you Jews do this for us whites. If you Jews don’t deliver, then we don’t deliver either.” No, whites are there to plead. “Oh, great Jews, we offer you everything and kowtow before you. So, pleeeeeeeease favor us as your favorite dogs.”

    Why would Jews compromise and concede anything to whites when whites act like this? Whites offer everything without condition in the hope that Jews will toss a bone their way.


    • Replies: @nsa
    , @James Scott
  74. ‘Quran-icaly’,it is stated that Isaac was given to Abraham as a “Bonus”. The word that is used to describe such is “Nafilah’. Which suggests that Ishmael is the ‘real deal’. Hence, the value of Ishmael is also understood, that from his seed Mohammad is born.

    Muhammad used to say, I am the son of the two ‘sacrificed”. Arabs hold the believe (even before Islam), that Ishmael, their father, was the one to be sacrificed, not Ishmael. The second ‘sacrificed’ father was Mohammad’s Father Abdullah. Abdullah was almost sacrificed to satisfy a ‘deal’ that his father (Mohammad’s grand father) had before.

    As the world is stuck in the Abrahamic saga, the understanding of this is essential to understand the conflict between the two cousins (perpetuated by one of them). The Judea-Christain claim it was Isaac, and the Muslims do claim it was Ishmael, who is the ‘father’, the man that was the true inheritor of Abraham.

    • Replies: @Alden
  75. ghali says:

    We should be thankful to the Palestinians who are sacrificing their children for the rest of us. The Palestinians have exposed the as bigoted racist and violent human animals. Jews cannot acknowledge that the vast majority of the world hates them for particularly good reasons, not because of “antisemitism”, but because they are (and have been for 75 years) committing incomparable heinous war crimes against the Palestinian people. Jews displayed truly chilling callousness and disregard for the sanctity of human life, with Western unconditional support to kill Palestinian children and babies.
    According to EuroMed, a Geneva-based Human Rights monitor, 25,612 Palestinians have been killed, including 10,091 children. The group added previously that 92 percent of those killed in the Israeli air and artillery attacks were civilians, over 54,000 have been injured.
    Armed and financed by the U.S., Israel never interested in peace. For its part, the U.S. was never an honest broker. The U.S. is following Zionist dictates. The Jews have an iron grip on all U.S. politicians and own the entire U.S. mainstream media and the entertainment industry. This will allow the Jews to brainwash and turn Americans into an ignorant and bewildered herd. Hence, Israel is above all and takes precedence over every U.S. interest.
    Just like Nazi propaganda, the Western media are playing a key role in dehumanizing Arabs and the Palestinians in particular and normalizing the ongoing Genocide by Israeli Jews and their U.S.-Western supporters. The Israeli Nazis are specifically targeting Palestinian children because they dare not to fight HAMAS fighters.
    We all know, one million Jews are not worth a Palestinian baby fingernail. Jews pose the greatest danger to world peace and Humanity itself.

    • Agree: John Trout
    • Thanks: threadhopper
  76. I would be fine if they burned you down Kevin.

  77. Can you handle the real truth?

    The Atrocities In Gaza Are The Perfect Embodiment Of “Western Values” by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!


    This is western civilization. This is what it looks like.

    When Israeli president Isaac Herzog described the assault on Gaza as a war “to save Western civilization, to save the values of Western civilization,” he was not really lying. He was telling the truth - just maybe not quite in the way that he meant it.

    The demolition of Gaza is indeed being perpetrated in defense of western values, and is itself a perfect embodiment of western values.

    Not the western values they teach you about in school, but the hidden ones they do not want you to look at. Not the attractive packaging with the advertising slogans on the label, but the product that is actually inside the box.

    For centuries western civilization has depended heavily on war, genocide, theft, colonialism and imperialism, which it has justified using narratives premised on religion, racism and ethnic supremacy – all of which we are seeing play out in the incineration of Gaza today.

    What we are seeing in Gaza is a much better representation of what western civilization is really about than all the gibberish about freedom and democracy we learned about in school.

    A much better representation of western civilization than all the art and literature we have been proudly congratulating ourselves on over the centuries.

    A much better representation of western civilization than the love and compassion we like to pretend our Judeo-Christian values revolve around.

    It has been so surreal watching western rightists babbling about how savage and barbaric Muslim culture is amid the 2023 zombie resurrection of Bush-era Islamophobia, even while western civilization amasses a mountain of ten thousand child corpses.

    That mountain of child corpses is a much better representation of western culture than anything Mozart, da Vinci or Shakespeare ever produced.

    This is western civilization! This is what it looks like!

  78. @Pop Warner

    The only groups who fight against Jewish supremacy and the Azraeli demons occupying Palestine are Islamist militias such as Ansar Allah, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Hashd Al Shaabi, so far only supported by Iran. If you abolish revolutionary Islam, there will be no one left to fight Jewish supremacist and death demons.

    In time, meaning in a few generations, as human minds become enlightened, obsolete and outdated memes will fall under their own weight. It is inevitable. But we need revolutionary Islam to put an end to death demons once and for all.

    Given that young Americans are waking up and seeing things as they are, bit by bit, there is hope that more and people will join the fight to end the reign of the death demons on earth.

    • Thanks: BrooLidd
  79. JR Foley says:
    @Brooklyn Dave

    “Braun succeeded in raising the million-dollar question: What was that lit-up Menorah doing in the Polish parliament building in the first place? There are only about 4500 Jews among Poland’s 38 million people.

    “There were 6 million Jews in Poland –but they all disappeared on Honkeyha”

    Archie Bunker explaining to Meathead why Pollacks are not as smart as white Germans.

  80. IronForge says:

    Author is just another Troll.

    Hegemon-Plutarchy run the West.

    Like it or not, the “Greater Israel Collective” of Israel+Diaspora are the “Essential Nation-State” of the Hegemony.

    Great and Small, Good and the Bad – the Diaspora will remain in Murica for Decades on out.

    It is my opinion that this Author is severely Short-Sighted, fails to perceive Global Affairs, and is simply Trolling his disdain for the Jewish and Christian Zionists. We’ve seen a Trump Likudnik Presidency – and are now under a Brandon-Blinken Presidency(Garland, Yellenskyy, etc) with Blinken’s Master Soros observing Nudelman-Khagan/Zelenskyy Puppets wage the Losing Judeo-NATO Fodder War against Russia.

    IIRC, Ivy League Schools were mostly headed by the Jewish; and 20% of Undergrads were Jewish – even though more Euro-Whites and FarEast-Asians scored higher on entrance exams.

    Investment Banks, FEDRSV Board, Hedge Funds – Oligarchs who run the U$Dollar – are mostly run by Jewish Persons.

    The Masonic-Zionist Hegemon-Plutarchy host many Jewish Members.

    The Hegemony pwn the Americas and the €URoGarten – that include the Mediterranean. LBY and SYR were razed to rubble; and TRK can only count their Blessings and voice their anger over Israel.

    That’s all Erdogan can accomplish without being quickly cancelled and Türks in the €URoGarten threatened by AgitProp Mobs.

    Once Murica become Majority Hispanic, we’ll probably start seeing fewer Immigrants from Far East Asia, €URoGarten, and probably the MENA Region.

    Why? Murican Hispanics will focus on OpenBorders and Trade/Visa-Free Zones with the Americas. After opening up amongst the Americas, there really won’t “be” much of a need, inclination, resources available to accommodate Unskilled Workers and Small/Midsized Businesses from Across the Oceans. White Collar, Banking, Import/Export, Medical/Dental, University Students would be expected Immigrants/Work-Study Visa Applicants.

    Think MENA Based Muslims calling for Murica to become an Islamic Nation would convert Murica?

    No. They’ll be driven out by the Hispanics, Hispanic-Whites, Euro-Whites, and Blacks(save for the Black Jesus Cults and Farrakhan Groups)- while the Jewish White Collars and Business Owners stick around.

    Reality, Author.

    This Forum may allow you to commiserate your disdain; but you’re not accomplishing anything nor presenting Thought Provoking Discourse worthy of notice.

    I’ve my list of Jewish and Zionist-Wannabe Cults amongst Miscreant Actors. Do I whine here whenever someone cries about the Jewish and Israel – which occurs almost daily?


    Tall Fences make for Good Neighbors.

    Don’t waste our time.


  81. AllahUAkbar!
    Re. religious symbol
    That yuck candleholder has got as little to do with religiousness as does Judaism altogether.
    Judaism is everything but religion. Religion is the enemy of religiousness. Candleholder is dirt, comes out of dirt and back into dirt; same with Judaism. There was a time without Judaism and time is foreseeable, when Judaism will be unknown.
    If you are truly (comes from the word truth) into The Nazi you have the real, the eternal, undying, unbreakable, omnipresent, all mighty, true light carrier (and butler on call 24/7). The moment you even stink of him His cleans. He is f… amazing; what a riddle (amazing grace). Amazing grace to get rid of me & you in Jewry; freed souls embedded in Soul.

  82. Were there any Christian crosses in the Polish parliament?

    If the state requires religious symbols to be on display in the law-making institutions of Poland, it should have been proportional to the number of believers of each faith. So, for each menorah on display there should be a thousand crosses.

    if there were no crosses then what this means is that Judaism’s symbols are INFINITELY more important than Christian ones. The ratio of 1 over 0 is infinity in mathematics.

    Short of extermination, the only solution to the Jewish problem is to ban them from owning businesses or being in management or working as lawyers or journalists. They should be only allowed to work under the supervision of (non-Jewish management) as blue-collar workers or working in agriculture to pick up fruits and operate tractors and such things. This is the only humane way of eliminating the reign of death demons on planet earth. Only as a first step.

    If they attempt to rebel against these laws, women should have hysterectomy performed on them and men castrated, to protect humanity from this plague and prevent any future attempt to bring back their reign of terror and rain of death upon humanity.

    An alternative is to ship them all to Antarctica, isolate them, and impose sanctions to give them a taste of their medicine.

    • Agree: BrooLidd
    • Replies: @Brooklyn Dave
  83. anonymous[217] • Disclaimer says:
    @Brooklyn Dave

    I am watching the Israeli regular local TV..I am shocked the level of rhetorical long marathonic HATRED speeches calling for the genocide of Gaza. They want Israel to demolish Lebanon/Jordan/Syria..etc.The TV jewish personalities and many rabbis openly expressly clearly dircetly telling all jews to KILL any/all arabs, their own (arab) neighbors and their children etc.And then I realize that The jewish/Zio/NEOCONS are running Americas foreign policy dictated by Talmudic/Torah jewish/zio/ Biblical pyschotic MYTHS not by USA Internal/external interests…The effects of those insane policies have been a DISATER for America, Europe and the WORLD plunged into endless bloody WARS..THE NEOCONS ARE ULTRA PYCHOTIC JEWISH ZIONISTS THAT SHAPING USA POLICIES GUIDED BY JEWISH ZIONISTS MYTHS…that date back 5Kyrs ago…just insane/pyschotic/ etc.

    • Agree: JR Foley, Bruce In Texas
    • Replies: @Brooklyn Dave
  84. I have screenshots of Mossad captured around the WTC complex on 9/11 taken from the street view videos released on FOIA. You immediately recognize them not only due to ethnicity but for the uneasy body language when they see the camera. I don’t post them because it seems no one cares anymore.

    • Replies: @muh muh
    , @Henry's Cat
  85. Anonymous[955] • Disclaimer says:
    @Yukon Jack

    The notion that most Jews today worship “the Jewish people” (i.e. themselves) rather than God is not a marginal anti-Semitic canard, but the sober conclusion of Jewish Studies professors like those I collaborated with in my edited book 9/11 and American Empire v.2. The Holocaust, they say, made belief in God impossible. Rather than turning to God for protection and salvation, the thinking goes, Jews must turn to Jewish power in general, and the state of Israel in particular.

    This is a fatal error. The Jewish population is now worshiping itself. No more immutable guidelines, so Jewish beliefs change in a sort of random walk. Netanyahu’s recent overreaction to a border incursion with many casualties and subsequent classification (apparently on his own authority as elected leader) of the Gazans as Amalekites is an example of how badly a population that worships it self can do.

    So now, Yukon Jack proposes that the Christians make the same mistake: worship themselves, recognizing no higher authority.

    The problem is that quite a bit of what humans believe cannot be related to experience. Should people be kind to one another, or completely anomic as they are in India? Does reality follow humanly comprehensible rules or not? Does God even exist, and, if He does, does he care about humans? How does God care? Is God limited by His word, or not? Should humans follow the holy writings, or the holy priests/rabbis/mullahs? Large populations exist that give different answers to these questions, so no one particular answer is essential for existence. Such questions, judging from history and the current failure of Nietzschean secular politics, must be answered in any human society (ants and bird flocks manage without such answers), and it is religion that gives stable answers on the authority of God or sacred writings or something else that is immutable in the short and mid-term.

    Both Protestant and Catholic religion have been “decapitated”, their leadership has been made secular, and they no longer provide answers to unanswerable questions, essentially worshiping political trends. Yukon Jack’s proposal is already implemented in the Christian West, and, apparently, implemented by the Jewish establishment as well.

    We’re now entering the age of Hobbes yet again. Hobbes lived during one of the bloodiest wars in European history, and he pointed out that arbitrary rules enforced by a Leviathan (today we would say “monster”) State beat the Hell out of being looted by waring militaries. I suspect that todays’ Gazans would agree with Hobbes on that. I suspect that tomorrows’ West will find that it agrees with Hobbes as well.

    World War II ended in a sort of golden age for the West. Nobody wanted to fight anymore, and industrial production supported everybody. Slaves, or the equivalent, were imported to do the scutwork, and ( since the “dark mils of technology” as Time called them ) were producing progress and could not be stopped (yes, that was a real theme back then ) the problems of the future would be “managing leisure”. Empires were no longer thought necessary for economic life, and indeed were thought to be a threat to peace. Those conditions were ideal for belief in humanity and for domination by a new “knowledge elite”.

    This next stretch of history won’t be that benign for anybody, West included. People go to new arbitrary rule sets, as Hobbes pointed out, when the alternative is death. Hobbes considered the State as an enforcer of rules, but religions do much the same thing. Christianity spread over Europe during the Dark Ages, when there was very little State, but only arbitrary death, and served as a moderator between conquering nobility and conquered serfs.

    • Replies: @Hulkamania
    , @Wild Man
  86. muh muh says:
    @Pop Warner

    When you worship the God of your enemies, you are already conquered.

    The perception that each of the three Abrahamic religions cultivates a perception of God that is mutually identical is flawed from the onset. There is overlap, to be certain, but the differences can’t be understated.

    While I understand contempt for certain perceptions of organized Abrahamic religion, I’m convinced that none of those religions are going away any time soon. I look it at a little like Voltaire, who, in spite of his personal disdain for them, came to see God, even if only conceptually, as a necessity of the human condition seeking what may be perceived as both absolutely good and undying — an Eternal Wellspring of Hope. There is an innately attractive ontological simplicity to it that we make even more attractive to the faithful by cursing the lot of them.

    Adherence to any one of them is not fatal to one’s character, and I’ve seen numerous examples of people who are better than not because of their faith. The three communities could stand to get along with each other better than they have, but in recent memory, the primary aggressor among them have been Zionist Jews and their (so-called) Christian golems. These days, Muslims tend to aggress against each other more than they do against non-Muslims, and the latter instances are usually the result of having been dealt a bad hand by western nation-states doing the bidding of Israel.

    Religion itself isn’t the problem, one’s perception of it is.

    • Thanks: Kolya Krassotkin
    • Replies: @Unbornawakened
  87. muh muh says:
    @Bruce In Texas

    I don’t post them because it seems no one cares anymore.

    Please post them.

  88. GMC says:

    Let’s hear it for the Houthis !!
    One of the most poorest war torn countries in the world , standing up and fighting the Jews and the West, while the rich , bought off well to do countries stand by by and and look the other way. Even the Americans will bring in their ” Coalition” so that it doesn’t look like the Empire is solely going after another poor side of town called Yemen !

    It didn’t take long for the globalist shipping elite to call up their personal military at the Pentagon to get some muscle. After all, it’s all been bought and paid for by the Petro Dollar and MIC.

  89. @anonymous

    So on can say “Oh Zionism is not the same as Judaism”. OK There are groups of Haredi Jews that do not accept the Zionist entity for religious reasons –BUT that does not mean that said Jews have any love for the goyim (either Christian or Muslim- white European or Asian.). And definitely no love for the Shvartze (blacks).

  90. @Bruce In Texas

    I thought modern cities were blanketed with cameras. What’s so special about these cameras? Is the resolution really so good as to be able to determine ethnicity and psychological states?

    • Replies: @Bruce In Texas
  91. @Unbornawakened

    Jews will say that the menorah is a cultural symbol not a religious one. Bullshit. It is all based on the book Maccabees -the menorah staying lit without any oil for eight days. If it is in the Bible (depending upon which one–it’s a religious symbol. No further discussion.

  92. @Fran Taubman

    The odd thing is that I am almost certain that Kevin doesn’t wish you the same so who’s the true hater?

  93. In 1543 Martin Luther wrote the book “On Jews and their lies.” Four hundred and eighty years later and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry each time I hear a “Zionist” talk about the 40 beheaded babies long after even the Israeli press has admitted this was a fabricated story. Or the pregnant woman who had the baby cut out of her belly and shot. It’s pathetic actually. Lying is a Jewish power device. And why not use it since the gentiles seem totally unable to defend themselves against it. Gentiles seem to just watch in amazement while the Jews and their lies steamroller their way through the arguments. Four hundred and eighty years.

  94. @bike-anarkist

    At least that proves they were engaging in it. So much for the “blood libel”.

  95. @Brooklyn Dave

    In George Orwell’s classic “Animal Farm” some are more equal than others. Events have demonstrated that we now know which group are the pigs. Primitive peoples never eat the flesh of their totem animals.

  96. @meamjojo

    That silly-assed “Shakie” is friggen OWNED by the Talmudists. He was either Epsteinized or bribed…for all I know, maybe both. That would make him like Senators Bitch McConnell or Linda Graham.

  97. @Henry's Cat

    I selected a poor choice of words with “street view”, there were few surveillance cameras in 2001, these were camcorder and professional news camera shots from feet away on the street.

  98. Anonymous[661] • Disclaimer says:

    I think people feel the same everywhere about Jewish supremacy, they just need a little impetus to act on those feelings.

    A couple years ago I went to an appointment at my local medical clinic in early December and found a menorah prominently displayed in the middle of the receptionist’s counter, and I proclaimed to the three receptionists there that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ so what the hell is this thing doing here?

    They all looked somewhat startled, but when I came back for a return appointment a few days later the menorah was gone, replaced by a small but festively decorated Christmas tree lol.

    • Replies: @Bruce In Texas
  99. @Hibernian

    If what you posit is Catholicism, then you worship the ancient Hebrew tribal WarGod/JHVH/ Yahweh/Jehovah the Bloodthirsty. Piss be upon him.

  100. @dimples

    I don’t think there is any point worrying too much about how many Ukes have been killed off.

    Maybe there’s no point in worrying about dead Ukrainians, but you might worry about the truth. Can Barrett cite a source? Searching online, I cannot confirm the 14 million lost figure. The estimate is that 7 million people fled Ukraine as a result of the war, and maybe several hundred thousands of Ukrainians have been killed

    • Replies: @Bruce In Texas
  101. @krm

    What church? What today is ‘the West’ is what the centuries of empire growing from Wealthy Anglo-Sax0n culture have naturally evolved into. This is the post-Christian age of that cultural development of English-speaking, and Germanic heritage driven, Protestantism. Its most defining phase was that of the Anglo-Saxon Puritan, whose religion was a Judaizing heresy that also managed to rebirth all kinds of pagan Germanic piracy morals and declare them the actual early Christianity.

    Judaizing heresy always gets around to producing philo-Semitic finance, and then politics and cultural expression. First the British WASP empire and then the Yankee WASP empire have taken WASP philo-Semitic culture around the globe and forced it down the throats of billions. And then sent them the large bill for their education.

    You want to solve the Zionist problem? Then you must also solve the WASP problem simultaneously.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
  102. Eric135 says:
    @Harold Smith

    “So, you’ve changed your mind”?


    You were the one who brought up seven mountains, as though doing that was going to defeat Baldwin’s claim that the beast from the sea represented Rome. Alas, it turned out you were wrong because Rome has seven hills. I don’t know why you keep going back to your mistake, like a dog returning to its vomit. But each to his own …

    “Well, it’s your strawman …”

    Who else would come from the sea to plunder Jerusalem? The Vikings? The Americans?

    “Books could be written about why your view is wrong.”

    You’ve failed to come up with even a paragraph to show that I’m wrong.

    “According to the angel who spoke to John … “

    You’re asking me to speculate about something Baldwin hasn’t covered. Why would I do that?

    You’ve said Baldwin is wrong. But I have found what he’s said so far to be plausible. You have failed to show how he’s wrong, which was your original claim; nor have you provided a better explanation. You obviously have some “better” explanation in mind, but you won’t let us in on it. This is a red flag that even a child can see through. To put it crudely, you’re full of shit. Another time waster on this forum.

    “And why all this recondite symbolism?”

    Rrright. Beasts with seven heads aren’t symbolic of something else. LOL.

    “It wouldn’t have been much of a prediction …”

    It was still a prediction, and it came true.

    Was Jesus’ prediction of the total destruction of the Temple “not much of a prediction” because Rome had the power to destroy the Temple any old time it wanted to — even when Jesus made the prediction? “C’mon Jesus, you can do better than that!” LOL

    “You’d just accept what [Baldwin] says at face value?”

    No. It has to make sense. And so far, it does.

    “Did I say otherwise?”

    Yes, you did. You said that in order to do what Satan wants, you have to be a Satanist. Now, because you’re dishonest, you deny saying it.

    “The beast is a cult of … devil worshiping, theistic Satanists.”

    You provide zero support for this claim.

    “If you’re going to claim that the seven heads are particular … Roman emperors …”

    No one has said that.

    Again, you trip yourself up by applying literalism to an allegorical situation. There have been seven Roman emperors. The seven heads represent them. There is no need to assign each head to a specific emperor. As for the “deadly wound that heals”, it refers to the near collapse of Rome that took place at the time. But we’ve been through all of this before.

    You no doubt have your own brilliant explanation of the Book of Revelation, which you coyly choose to withhold from us. Please, please, enlighten us, O Great One! We await your wisdom and insight with bated breath! I have found Baldwin to be plausible, but who knows? Your explanation might be much better!

    “I’m not an expert … I have some ideas …”

    Don’t be modest! Tell us about them! We can’t wait!

    • Replies: @Harold Smith
  103. @RoatanBill

    It is often also a matter of biological facts: there is not enough brain capacity for independence. Man is essentially an emotional herd animal. One’s own needs also determine what one wants to believe in and then reason is ignored.
    We see this in politics too. That’s why democracy is dangerous. The best stuff does not drive policy. Those with the interests of the whole will not come to power.

    • Replies: @Odd Rabbit
  104. @Brooklyn Dave

    Makes no difference. There should be 1000 Polish cultural symbols in Parliament for each Jewish one.

    The Jews are indeed an exceptional(ly evil) people and for that reason they deserve exceptional(ly evil) ttreatment.

    Shame on the Nazis for not eradicating this plague that affects humanity.

  105. Eric135 says:
    @cousin lucky

    “Can you handle the real truth?”


    The Atrocities in Gaza are the Perfect Embodiment of ‘Western Values’ by Ms. Caitlin Johnstone!”

    Notice the scare quotes around “Western Values”.

    Does Caitlin mean they’re not really Western values? Or is she suggesting that the West has no values? Or no real values?

    How about just a straightforward The Atrocities in Gaza are the Perfect Embodiment of Western Values?

    If that’s what she means, she ought to write it that way.

    “This is Western civilization. This is what it looks like.”

    Mmm. Not really. If slaughtering babies were a Western value, no one in the West would be objecting to it.

    Am I the only one who is tired of sweeping generalizations and condemnations — the fruit of lazy, superficial thinking? Am I the only one who is tired of evil actions committed by Jews being blamed on everyone except the Jews — e.g., Christians, white people, Western Civilization, WASPs, Boomers, fill-in-the-blank-with-your-latest-pet-peeve?

    It is no small irony that Caitlin’s thesis is supported by the Jew Susan Sontag, who wrote that “the white race is the cancer of human history.”

    Sontag’s statement would have been enthusiastically supported by the Jews Tim Wise and Noel Ignatiev.

    A whole slew of Jews has condemned white people (of Christian heritage) and Western Civilization.

    Now we’re invited to do the same thing and pretend that — but for the existence of white Western Civilization — the world would have been a veritable Eden, free of genocide and slavery.

    Thanks, but no thanks.

    The comment sections on Unz are thick with these sorts of deflection and subterfuge. Hasbara, anyone?

    • Agree: threadhopper
    • Replies: @HeebHunter
    , @fufu
  106. BrooLidd says:

    I think I understand your point. When you say “attack,” you mean “harshly criticize.” Is that right?

    You’re saying, “Criticize the jews, not each other.” Is that right?

    What you seem to forget is that the jews do more than “harshly criticize” us. The jews hate us. They hate all non-jews. They are trying to destroy us—socially, financially, existentially.

    Do we (i.e. the groups you list) resist the jews? Do we defend ourselves?

    Damn few.

    That’s why we non-jews “attack” each other. We “attack” our passivity, our gullibility, our cowardice.

    Your point sounds noble. Maybe it is. But to take your advice would be a step toward extinction.

    Fight back or die. That’s where we are now. That’s where we’ve always been.

    I say this:

    They declared war on us aeons ago. It’s time we declared war on them.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  107. tosca says:

    Flavius Josephus was not saved because he announced that Vespasianus would become emperor, that is nonsense, but because he handed over the temple treasure to the romans and, probably, other valuable objects too that helped Vespasianus to ‘buy’ his nomination . In reality, Fl. Jos. was a traitor.

    • Replies: @Suetonious
  108. “Let’s Extinguish the Fires of Jewish Supremacy…”

    And what, replace it with the molten lava of Islamic ideology? No, thank you Mr. Convert! Why is it that no one wants to live with the Muslims? Go anywhere in the world and you will find conflict between non Muslims and Muslims. Hell! They can’t even get along with each other… go preach somewhere else. We’re all stocked up here.

    • Agree: Alden
  109. @Anonymous

    The doctor was like “oy vey the patient might leave with his insurance better put up a tree.” lol

  110. @Ann Nonny Mouse

    This is simply SOP for an international, inter-generational criminal conspiracy founded on self-worship and mastery of the economic and psychological aspects of beguilement and usury.

    Which is my working definition of organized Jewry in practice.

    • Agree: Kolya Krassotkin
  111. @Anonymous

    World War II ended in a sort of golden age for the West. Nobody wanted to fight anymore, and industrial production supported everybody. Slaves, or the equivalent, were imported to do the scutwork, and ( since the “dark mils of technology” as Time called them ) were producing progress and could not be stopped (yes, that was a real theme back then ) the problems of the future would be “managing leisure”. Empires were no longer thought necessary for economic life, and indeed were thought to be a threat to peace. Those conditions were ideal for belief in humanity and for domination by a new “knowledge elite”

    So says the “free world” mythology, at least. That golden age of peace was merely PR and cold war propaganda fed to western populations (and a lot of the PR was dropped in the 90s as no longer necessary). The reality of post-war American ascendancy viewed from the outside was a little different. Strongarm imperialism backed by coups, death squads, wars of extermination, extortion, rapine, bribery, and gunboat diplomacy every step of the way.

  112. ld says:

    This disgraceful behaviour has been condoned for decades in Israel and only accentuates their obnoxious personalities.

    A ‘religion” that puts them above all others is a cult of self worship.
    An ideology taught from youth so they feel entitled to openly display their hatred and contempt.

    For the first time I can feel their grip loosening
    Putting out the menorrah with a fire extinguisher was an epic symbol.

    I anticipate a lot more of this as their jackboot becomes even more oppressive.

    Since they released their ‘vaccines’ and laid out the future they have planned for us they have openly annointed themselves our overlords and declared themselves our enemy.

    Their arrogance has cost them their dream of global dominance.

    it’s over man. we see you
    I hope I live long enough for the trials

    • Thanks: one nobody
  113. @Aleatorius

    So what you are saying that if whites get rid of their Jewish yoke, they will come under the Muslim yoke?

    It’s like saying if I get rid of the lice on my scalp it’s a bad thing, because then bed bugs will crawl over my skin.

    You are either a castrated and impotent white man who has surrendered to the Jewish parasite, or more likely, you are a Jewish parasite pretending to be a gentile defending your right to suck the blood of your host.

    If you are not a Jew, then you can’t think straight and are under the spell of the Jew. The Jew tells you all the time, go get the muzzies, they are the bad guys, we are on your side! And you fall for that. At least you can claim to have the overwhelming majority of Americans on your side: a bunch of morons exploited by Jews willingly and enthusiastically. Come on screw my butt harder, Jew, or else the muzzie is gonna stick his dick in my butt!!

    • Replies: @Aleatorius
  114. @Brooklyn Dave

    If it is in the Bible (depending upon which one–it’s a religious symbol. No further discussion.

    Just because something is in the Bible doesn’t mean that it is a religious symbol. A menorah is a different kind of symbol. It comes from the root word for ‘flame’, just like the term minaret, and both items are used to remind a subjugated people that they have been conquered. The presence of a menorah, especially in a government building, indicates that the Jews are receiving tribute and are thereby burning the fat (oil) of the nation.

  115. @muh muh

    I look it at a little like Voltaire, who, in spite of his personal disdain for them, came to see God, even if only conceptually, as a necessity of the human condition seeking what may be perceived as both absolutely good and undying — an Eternal Wellspring of Hope.

    When there is absolutely not the slightest evidence for such an eternal wellspring of hope how can any reasonable person take comfort in such ideas? Are we to suspend disbelief so as to allow a priestly class to rule over us in the name of a fabricated ideal?

    • Replies: @muh muh
    , @Yukon Jack
  116. @Mr_Chow_Mein

    Egyptians would do well to stick their finger in the air and see which way the winds are blowing. They may think they are riding high as Israel’s dog for now, but the world is changing quickly. It’s interesting to see that Saudi Arabia and UAE have apparently chosen not to commit to America’s red sea operation. Whether this is only on paper or further indication that they are changing direction remains to be seen. Maybe they have perceived the ongoing changes and decided not to chain themselves to a sinking ship. Also very interesting to see that China is not going against Yemen, despite their obvious economic interest in keeping the red sea trade normal. I think the implications of this could be greater than many have picked up on. It would show that China’s commitment with Iran is not just surface deep and that they are willing to make sacrifices for this alliance. A lot of people seem to think that China is fickle and that they will decide to become America’s dog if they face a little pressure or if the price is right, but this would show that China is not simply out for short term gain but are committed to the long haul struggle.

    • Replies: @cousin lucky
  117. @Unbornawakened

    Your tirade hasn’t any logic to it… it’s exactly what I have labeled it, tirade.

    • Replies: @Unbornawakened
  118. Charles says:

    Naturally the commentary on this column has in part devolved into a Bible-quoting contest and even approving references to specific clergymen – alright, fine. However, if to counter a Bible quote a person quoted one of the Vedas of Hinduism, the Christian would say “Pfft! That’s just a bunch of tall tales and ridiculous mythology!” See what I mean?

  119. @tosca

    Flavius Josephus was…saved because he… handed over the temple treasure to the romans and, probably, other valuable objects too

    In Qumran, among the Dead Sea scrolls, one scroll stood out because it was made of copper. It listed 63 locations of hidden treasure in the region. The 64th and final entry stated: “In a pit adjoining on the north, in a hole opening northward, and buried at its mouth: a copy of this document, with an explanation and their measurements, and an inventory of each and every thing.” It is thought that Flavius Josephus had access to this duplicate, more detailed, copy of the scroll, and that he used this information to bargain for his life


  120. Don’t be silly; gods don’t die!

    The hidden toll: Is Israel downplaying soldiers’ deaths? by William Van Wagenen


    Faced with its longest and deadliest war to date, Israel is now under increasing pressure to transparently disclose its losses, going against the common practice of concealing casualties during wartime.

    “How many Israeli soldiers have been killed in Gaza?”

    This is a persistent question that many are asking as the Israeli military’s ground campaign in the bombed and besieged enclave nears its second month.

    If the army is suffering relatively low losses while inflicting massive Palestinian civilian casualties, this suggests Israel is well on its way to achieving its clear objective of eliminating Hamas, but also its unspoken goals: conquer Gaza, ethnically cleanse its 2.3 million residents, and rebuild the Gush Katif settlement bloc.

    But if the occupation army is indeed suffering huge losses, this suggests the Israeli military and political leadership may need to soon end their genocidal campaign prematurely, while citing exaggerated external pressure from the White House as the pretext.

    Secrecy surrounding Israeli losses

    Israel’s military claimed on 17 December that 121 soldiers had been killed since its delayed ground campaign began on 27 October, when tanks and infantry began to push into Gaza’s cities and refugee camps.

    But determining the true number of Israeli soldier casualties has always been notoriously difficult, as Israel’s military goes to great lengths to cover up its combat losses. A recent battle between Hamas and Israel’s vaunted Golani Brigade exemplifies this secrecy.

    “We are heading to the most difficult and deepest place with a large number of enemy fighters,” boasted Israeli Lt. Col. Tomer Grinberg, commander of the Golani Brigade’s 13th Battalion, shortly before leading his troops on a ground operation in the legendary Shujaiyya (which aptly means “courageous”) neighborhood in northern Gaza.

    He then added, “I promise you a resounding victory.”

    But Grinberg is now dead.

  121. Neshirahn says:
    @Nico X

    OK. So who do you propose whites should believe in and worship?

    • Replies: @Unbornawakened
  122. Jim H says:

    ‘More than 90% of Poles are Catholics.’ — Kevin Barrett

    It was a devout Polish Catholic who red-pilled me on the Jewish Question.

    He said he didn’t trust Jews. I asked him why. ‘Because they have their own agenda.

    Bingo! Instant clarity.

  123. Wild Man says:

    “So now, Yukon Jack proposes that the Christians make the same mistake: worship themselves, recognizing no higher authority.”

    Not really sure Yukon Jack was actually proposing that. Here is the real deal as I see it:

    1) All humans have this precise problem, as you say (rudderless without a common system of beliefs, even if these are superstitious beliefs).

    2) What Yukon Jack advises around the existential uncertainties, is spot-on (the take away being the giant sized ‘uncertainty’ is by logic, baked into our human-experienced reality)

    3) So what to do about this tension between #1 and #2? (i.e. – because it is easy to see that the anti-truth modus of the superstitious mode leads to the dastardly community scapegoating dynamic that had been already prior brought into high art form, pagan-ceremonial-human-sacrifice-style). Well, …. what about just accepting these ‘existential facts’, … rendering the resulting human condition of one of self-worship of all of humanity (not just differing groups of humanity, … because precisely 100% of humanity is bound by the tension between #1 and #2), …. but worshiping a particular aspect of human attribute, ….. and that attribute is the precise attitude humans have successfully used to navigate away from superstition, …. and that attitude is ‘ontological humility’ folks (as it gives rise to the scientific method), …. i.e. – don’t dare take on infinite, God-like pretensions for oneself, as that attitude leads directly to the ongoing dastardly community scapegoating dynamic, and as such, the opposite, ‘ontological conceit’, is as such rendered as the most egregious sin of all. It seems that the Judaic, Christianity, and Islam are all plagued by leaderships that sponsor this most egregious sin of all, though. And then, I think, the bulk of the actual practitioners, are not actually ontologically conceited so much, but go along to get along, and take all this ‘my religion is better than yours’ with a grain of salt, and just want a better more meditative life, and find that a religious centered life helps with that (a pragmatic view). Otherwise busy people just getting on with their lives, working and making ends meet. They ignore their religious leadership’s admonishments along ‘flock-gathering’ and ‘flock-leading’ activities, … and therefore still deign to think for themselves, … they put up with their religious leadership’s BS, in order to achieve the life-path best suited for them (contemplative, … despite having to earn a living), …. by pretending to not understand the convoluted esoteric claims that inform their leadership’s ontologically conceited BS (a very easy move to make because these convoluted BS-religious-leadership claims, in fact, once parsed, indeed are unintelligible gobbledygook). The religious leaderships, in the main, all round, are the problem. Religious leadership positions attract very flawed and broken types … pe0ple that should not be leading anybody.

    If you buy what I said here, … then how does this square with your claim that “Christians make the same mistake: worship themselves, recognizing no higher authority”? There really is no other real choice (other than to rally around the human attribute of ontological humility), is there? That is all religion is supposed to be. A mode to help individuals develop ontological humility. Too bad the religious leaderships, in the main, are the type, to always royally fuck this up, from nearly right out of the gate. What I am suggesting is that both Christianity and Islam are absolutely reformable, and would be only strengthened, as religious movements, if just a few slight tweaks were introduced (which means getting rid of pretty much 100% current religious leaderships though, … they will not stand for any of these tweaks). I don’t know about the Judaic though. It seems irredeemable to me.

    We should get on with the reform. If you are Christian go tell your pastor to fuck-off and stand-down with his pretensions that the Christians somehow usurped and inherited the Judaic blood covenants. Go do that and see his face turn white, and then red. We should all go do that, everywhere, in all religious settings, all the time, relentlessly …. some of these dudes and dudettes are going to end up in the looney bin I suppose after something like that, …. that is too bad, but we best get on with it.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  124. Jim H says:

    ‘let’s close down their most repulsive buildings, the American taxpayer-funded “Holocaustianity™ temples’ — anarchyst

    Not only does the US Holocaust Museum in DC receive ~$60 million of federal funding annually, but also fifty of its board members are named by the US president on a rotating basis. Several other board members are ex officio cabinet secretaries — effectively forcing US public officials to bow down, join and endorse the alien secular faith of Holocaustianity.

    It is intolerable for a government restrained from establishing a religion to lavishly fund a Temple of Holocaustianity, whose erstwhile, alleged victims now put the Nazis to shame in wantonly demolishing civilian neighborhoods.

    Enough! End govt funding, devote half of the Holocaust Museum’s floor space to the Nakba — or burn the sucker down with a menorah.

    • Thanks: anarchyst
  125. Could Uncle Stupid going to Yemen be a trap?

    The US Navy is Unprepared for a Prolonged War with Yemen by Larry C. Johnson


    It looks like the United States, along with 9 allies — Great Britain, Italy, Bahrain, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain — are on the verge of entangling itself in a new Middle East quagmire as an international armada assembles in the international waters around Yemen. The mission? Stop Yemen from threatening cargo and oil tankers headed to Israel.

    Tiny Yemen has surprised the West with its tenacity and ferocity in attacking ships trying to ferry containers and fuel to Israel. Yes, this is a violation of international law and the West is fully justified in trying to thwart Yemen. On paper it would appear that Yemen is outnumbered and seriously outgunned. A sure loser? Not so fast. The U.S. Navy, which constitutes the majority of the fleet sailing against Yemen, has some real vulnerabilities that will limit its actions.

    Before explaining the risks, you must understand that the U.S. Navy is configured currently as a “Forward-Based Navy” and is not an “Expeditionary Navy.” Anthony Cowden, writing for the Center for International Maritime Security in September, examined this issue in his article, REBALANCE THE FLEET TOWARD BEING A TRULY EXPEDITIONARY NAVY.

    Today we have a forward-based navy, not an expeditionary navy. This distinction is important for remaining competitive against modern threats and guiding force design.

    Due to the unique geographical position of the U.S., the Navy has the luxury of defending the nation’s interests “over there.” Since World War II, it developed and maintained a navy that was able to project power overseas; to reconstitute its combat power while still at sea or at least far from national shores; and continuously maintain proximity to competitors. This expeditionary character minimized the dependence of the fleet on shore-based and homeland-based infrastructure to sustain operations, allowing the fleet to be more logistically self-sufficient at sea.

    However, late in the Cold War, the U.S. Navy started to diminish its expeditionary capability, and became more reliant on allied and friendly bases. A key development was subtle but consequential – the vertical launch system (VLS) for the surface fleet’s primary anti-air, anti-submarine, and land-attack weapons. While a very capable system, reloading VLS at sea was problematic and soon abandoned. While an aircraft carrier can be rearmed at sea, surface warships cannot, which constrains the ability of carrier strike groups to sustain forward operations without taking frequent trips back to fixed infrastructure. The Navy is revisiting the issue of reloading VLS at sea, and those efforts should be reinforced.

  126. @Yukon Jack

    “The fundamentalist Christian movement throws out science and surrenders the mind to blind belief, which has been manipulated in support of Israel and Jews over all others, including themselves. ….”

    Earlier I asked you to read the book of Johannes Lehmann/Jesus Report and if you read it to tell me what you thought about it. But I have not seen your comment of the book here.
    Here’s a link to an article that might interest you. It’s a bit similar in premise to the book of Lehmann.

    More commonly, first-century Jews looked forward to the appearance of a messiah as a mighty warrior who would overthrow the oppressors who had taken over the promised land, thereby restoring both the Davidic monarchy and the nation of Israel. Others held to a more apocalyptic vision in which the coming of the messiah would bring a new creation, not just a political revolution, but “the Kingdom of God, a utopian state in which there would be no evil, pain, or suffering of any kind.”[xxvi]

    According to Bart Ehrman, it seems likely “that Jesus’s followers, during his lifetime, believed that he might be this coming anointed one.” But they certainly did not expect him to die and rise from the dead. Nor did Jesus. But he did think of himself as the messiah. He did expect to become the king of Israel, not by means of political struggle or military victory, but when God intervened in history to destroy the forces of evil and to make Israel a kingdom once again ruled through his messiah. He prophesied, publicly and privately, that the kingdom would arrive when the Son of Man came in judgement against everyone, and everything opposed to God. In fact, Ehrman observes, “Jesus told his disciples—Judas Iscariot included—that they would be seated on twelve thrones ruling the twelve tribes of Israel in the future kingdom.” Ehrman is convinced that “Jesus must have thought that he would be the king of the kingdom of God soon to be brought by the Son of Man.” Everyone knew that the future king of Israel would be the anointed of God, the Messiah. “It is in this sense that Jesus must have taught his disciples that he was the messiah.”[xxvii]

    Both Jesus and his disciples expected that the messiah was destined to defeat the enemy; instead, the putative messiah was “arrested, tortured, and crucified, the most painful and publicly humiliating form of death known to the Romans.” Such an outcome “was just the opposite of what Jews expected a messiah to be.” But then “they came to believe that Jesus had been raised from the dead, and this reconfirmed what had earlier been disconfirmed.” Their faith was restored: “He really is the messiah. But not in the way we thought!”[xxviii]

    Ehrman argues that not only was the gospel of John produced later than the Synoptics, but verses, such as Jesus’ proclamation that “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30), “simply cannot be ascribed to the historical Jesus.” Instead, Ehrman tells us, “What we can know with relative certainty about Jesus in that his public ministry and proclamation were not focused on his divinity; in fact, they were not about his divinity at all.” Rather, they were about what “the kingdom that God was going to bring. And about the Son of Man who was soon to bring judgement upon the earth.”[xxix]

    But, if the historical Jesus never claimed to be God, how did this messianic Judean prophet become a Hellenized cosmic Christ? That story, Ehrman explains, begins with the crucifixion and death of Jesus. “It was only afterward, once the disciples believed that their crucified master had been raised from the dead, that they began to think that he must, in some sense, be God.”[xxx]


    • Replies: @Odd Rabbit
  127. Agent76 says:

    December 20, 2023 Jesus, Gaza, and the Murder of Useless People

    Jesus was a Palestinian Jew born in Bethlehem. He grew up in Nazareth and was executed as a criminal in Jerusalem. It is because of him that we celebrate Christmas. But it is in spite of him that what we celebrate is the opposite of what he stood for.


    “There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.” C. S. Lewis

    • Replies: @HdC
  128. Major says:

    A majority of Americans under 25 want Israel given to Hamas?
    Haha LMAO so what?
    The majority of Americans under 25 are ignorant, emotionally incontinent infants. They also believe that “whiteness” is a sin, that George Floyd was murdered, that Che Guevara was a freedom fighter, and capitalism is evil.
    But, sure, claim them as your allies.
    Doesn’t matter anyway.
    Israel isn’t going anywhere. You don’t have to be a Hasbara zionazi shill (among the dozens of names I’m routinely called here) to see that.
    Israel isn’t going to be “given” to Hamas. Even if George Floyd himself rose from the dead on a cloud of fentanyl vapor and decreed it to be so, it still wouldn’t happen.
    Get over it.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Passing by
  129. Just 21, fighting for the Jewish Heavenly Kingdom.

    Last week, another US mercenary found out the hard way that traveling to Ukraine to fight on the side of the Kiev regime can drastically shorten one’s lifespan.

    Ethan Hertweck, a 21-year old ex-US Marine-turned-mercenary from California, has been killed while fighting on the side of Kiev regime near Adveyevka, a city in the Donetsk People’s Republic.


    There are others, presently in steel coffins, being sent to take on Houthi.
    It’s not their fight, their country, their business.
    This is attitude of Houthi —

    — 🇺🇸/🇮🇱/🇾🇪 Leader of Ansarullah, Abdul Malik Badr Al-Deen Al-Houthi: ‘Since the very beginning we have been wishing for a direct war against the U.S. and Israel, this is a beloved thing for us and we have been dreaming of it, to fight them directly instead of fighting their mercenaries’

    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  130. anarchyst says:
    @Frederick the Great was queer

    Your statement:

    You want to solve the Zionist problem? Then you must also solve the WASP problem simultaneously.

    … is spot on.

    I’ve been rallying against the concept of “judeo-Christianity” for my entire existence.

    Judaism is the polar opposite of Catholicism and Christianity.

    There is NO ROOM for judaism in Catholic or Christian philosophy.

    Evangelical Protestantism has a lot to answer for…

    I am loathe to call these misguided zionist-worshipping “zealots” Christians.

    They have bought into the dispensationalism movement that puts jews and israel on a pedestal while marginalizing true Christianity.

    Add to that the concept of the “prosperity gospel” which is right out of the jewish playbook which Protestants adopted “lock stock and barrel” while criticizing Catholicism which demands “good works” without expectation of renumeration as a condition of living one’s Catholic faith.

    To this day, Protestants consider anyone who is not successful in business or life as suffering from a (jewish) “moral failing”.

    Huckabee, Hagee, Beck, Osteen, Graham and many others are of the jewish cloth and do not deserve recognition in true Christian circles. They and their followers all worship the jewish “god” of money.

    It is long overdue to expose these zionist shills for what they are…zionist fifth-column traitors who should lose their American citizenship and be deported.

    • Agree: Jett Rucker
  131. The key to ending zionist/jewsish dominance of America , is to end the unconstitutional zionist/ communist central bank , which is a privately owned zionist bank and also end the graduated income tax, the IRS, which are 2 of the 10 planks of the communist manifesto and have been used to finance zionist wars for over 100 years, starting in 1913, when America was captured by the zionist banking kabal.

    Ending both of these zionist creations would free America from the chains of the zionist bankers.

  132. @Wild Man

    What I am suggesting is that both Christianity and Islam are absolutely reformable, and would be only strengthened, as religious movements, if just a few slight tweaks were introduced (which means getting rid of pretty much 100% current religious leaderships though, … they will not stand for any of these tweaks).

    And how would that happen? Ask 100% of religious leadership to kindly leave? They are the ones that benefit the most. The higher up the chain the more money and influence they possess.

    Whites are currently in a bind. A squeeze between groups that really aren’t acting in their best interest.

    On the right we have Christian conservatives telling them to just accept the Bible even if they are skeptical of the flood or virgin birth. Just submit and stop asking questions. Authority knows best.

    On the left we have secular liberals telling them to just accept that race doesn’t exist and accept blood guilt for being White and holding back other races. Just submit and stop asking questions. Authority knows best.

    You could certainly argue that a reformed version of Christianity that doesn’t promote the guilt or control of either side is a better alternative. I would agree but how do you get there? What about Whites that view the Old Testament as Jewish stories and not much more? You can’t use the authority of God argument on them.

    This is a bind. Whites are not served by the current forms of Christianity or secularism. Both sides want to push Whites into a state of submission. On some level both Christian conservatives and secular liberals would prefer it for Whites not to exist as a self-acting group. Republicans may support a stronger border but they also don’t like talking about evolutionary differences or how economic inequality might be more complciated than just Christian values ‘n markets. They want everyone to go to church and not talk about race for the sake of Christian idealism. Well that just feeds liberalism since church is voluntary. Liberals are able to maintain their own dishonest take on race. It’s just a big f-cking mess but I’m open to ideas. My guess is that a completely asymmetrical change is the only possibility. Something that completely upends both sides.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  133. tkc says:

    Like most people, Barnett accepts the majority of the historical narrative while rejecting selected portions. Why accept any of the narrative? Because of a lifetime of training in obedience and credulity. We all learned as children to obey and believe in authority. And because old lies harden into irrefutable truths. The more education one has the more BS one has inculcated as truth. Everyone, Jew, Christians, and other, accepts tiny desert Israel as the “land of milk and honey” described in Exodus. 3:8. No physical evidence supports this narrative. Same with the given timeline of Jesus living 2000 years ago and Moses about 3500 years ago. In contrast, The Iberian peninsula, named for the Iber or the Hebrews, fits the description in Ex 3:8 well. Barcelona fits most of the descriptions of Jerusalem to a T. It has the Ebro river, or Hebrew river. It has the Carrer Golgotha outside and nigh to the gates of the city. France has the Canaanites in Cannes and the Perizzites in Paris. Italy has the roaring Arno river with a city in its midst as described in Joshua while modern scholars call the Wadi Mujib, a tiny desert stream in Jordan, the mighty Arnon river described in Joshua (Arnon means roaring stream). Did Jesus live in the Near East or did he wander around Europe for years in the late Middle Ages, including Spain, France, and Italy? Did Jesus live and die 2000 years ago or fewer than 1000 years ago? Did a gulf of 1500 years separate Jesus and Moses as modern scholarship tells us, or only one generation as the Koran tells us? Did Moses order the crucifixion of Jesus as the Cathar Interrogatio Johannes tell us?
    We know lying liars rule us. Why believe anything? Because only bad people don’t believe their masters.

  134. Gerry says:
    @Wild Man

    Ontological deceit?

    There is no greater deceit perpetrated on mankind currently than the deceit of believing that climate change is the work of industrial pollution. On the contrary if any of our academics, scientists and sadly theologians even, bothered, truly bothered to avail themselves of the history of the bible and history in general one would quickly learn that climate change is the work of God. The proof of it is simply enormous. Huge and as an exercise why don’t you just start a weather diary and really pay attention to what is going on like for example those fishermen from South America who noticed that strange El Nino type of events that happen almost like clockwork. And if none of this convinces you why don’t you go down to CIA headquarters or MI6 or FSB or any of the intelligence agencies even Army, Navy or what have you and ask them for they’re X-Files. I’m sure in silent disbelief you’ll be saying to yourselves what is going on? And what is going on is a war as per Ephesians 6!!!!!!!!

    As for this Girard did you bother to ask yourself hmmm is this perhaps the reason as to why the Creator commanded Thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbors!?!?!

    And as for the blood covenant if a Creator desires to meet out justice for trespasses by way of blood for blood who are you to reject as nonsense or say different?


  135. @Odd Rabbit

    *That’s why democracy is dangerous.*

    This is well evidenced by the decline of Western culture

    An excerpt from the article of Alexander Jacob. He explains us why democracy is dangerous:

    [..Democracy hides a secret: the “will of the people” coincides in the final analysis with the interest of financial power. “Everything depends on money, everything strives for money”: that is the fundamental motivation of the masses; this motivation is extremely strong because it is common to all; it is the real motivating force of democracy
    The motivation of the great mass of people for money becomes the goal in democracy in that it bestows its agreement, its. applause for shining coins. Vote purchasing is not bribery; it is the real political business into which the masses rush wholeheartedly.
    Financial sums are converted in democracy into a corresponding amount of political power; money and political power are exchangeable values. The rush of the masses to obtain money secures the political influence of money over the masses: that is a well-balanced relationship.
    The voice of the people is compensated by money; it has its price. The mass accepts someone who can execute something whereby it hopes to receive something. One who bets on the masses to reach political power through it must be reconciled to the fact that the masses speculate on him in order to obtain money through him.
    The man of the masses, who receives no more support from any valid system of order, who cannot stand when he should rely on himself, is on top. He is nothing for himself; he is only so much as he has; it is easy for him to betray himself if he receives money for that. In every such business he is the winner because the sale prices that he obtains always have an inherently higher value than he himself has.
    Democracy lives on the fact that everybody expects an advantage for himself from it; it is a political order that least stands in the way of the economic reason. Legislative-creative reason created the world empire of the Caesars, the theological the theocratic state with the ‘representative of God’ at the top, the economic the state as imperialistic economic enterprise in which every state citizen has a share in the profits.
    The politically conditioned leadership is in a democracy only a proxy affair; the financial powers send their young men onto the political stage to take care of the bustle that is part of the trade. In a democracy, financial interests determine the course of things; the speeches of the popular tribunes are the mustard that serves to make financial rule palatable.]

    The Battle Between the Eternal Roman and the Eternal Jew: Selections from Ernst Niekisch’s Die dritte, imperiale Figur (The Third Imperial Figure) (1935), Part 2 of 2


    • Replies: @Odd Rabbit
  136. Anon[317] • Disclaimer says:

    Gregory Braun’s stunt was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a LONG time! At 6 seconds into this video, on the far left, you can see a portrait of the Lubavitcher grand rabbi Schneersohn. Chabad is a hate organization that regularly demeans non-Jews as “totally satanic creatures without souls” and agitates for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, as well as Israel’s current Gazan genocide:

    I sent the following to all the members of the Israeli Knesset, including prime minister Netanyahu, that discusses the true origins of Hanukkah. Hanukkah started as a Jewish civil war pitting religious extremists, called the Maccabees, against the majority of the Jewish population that had embraced Hellenism and Greek culture. Because the Jewish extremists were terrorizing the larger Jewish population in this important colony of the Greek Empire, established 180 years earlier by Alexander the Great, the Greek government in Damascus intervened and sent in their military and also shut down the Jerusalem Temple, considering it a catalyst for Jewish religious extremism. Jewish professors today, at Colorado colleges like CSU, CU Boulder, and UNC Greeley, are exactly the kinds of people that these Jewish religious extremists targeted in their terror campaign 2,500 years ago.

    Jews have a powerful sentimental attachment to a religion they have almost no understanding of and a similar solidarity with a tribe that they would never want to belong to. Take all the American Jewish supporters of Israel and deport them there and within six months 80% will be begging to come back.

    Hanukkah is also one of the greatest proofs that Jesus is the Messiah. The Maccabean heroes of Hanukkah 50 years later conquered the nation of Edom and forcibly converted them to Judaism in violation of Torah commandments. Not long after that they invited the Edomite warlord Herod to intermarry with their priestly family violating yet more Torah commandments. This Herod invited Rome to take over Palestine. He was a brutal paranoid man who murdered his own wife and most of his sons. Apparently even the Roman emperors were afraid of him because of his terrible mental instability. Julius Caesar made a pun in Latin that a person was better off to be Herod’s pig than his son. The point is that the greatest Jewish heroes of religious extremism, the Maccabees, within 50 years had fallen to the depths of depravity and betrayal of their own religious principles.

    Herod is the one who sent his soldiers to kill the children in Bethlehem. Jesus and his family barely escaped. It’s very similar to what the Israelis are doing today to the children of Gaza. Let’s take some encouragement that Herod died shortly after his vicious assault on the children and mother’s of Bethlehem. Let’s hope and pray that the same fate will befall the modern day Herodian architect of the assault on the mothers and children of Gaza:

    • Replies: @Chriss
  137. @Chriss

    “Intolerance towards everything that is unorthodox, everything that is not kosher. Hanukkah is not a celebration of the union of all and sundry, it is a celebration of strict diagnosis of who is ours and who is not, who has consorted with the Greeks, who has become Hellenised, we will chop off his head, like Judith, and who has not consorted, who is kosher, go to the temple, the olive lamp is lit,” he explained”

    As a world faith, the essence of Judaism = Us four, and no more.

    • Replies: @Chriss
  138. “Though most people…agree that Jesus left no descendants, clearly he was Palestinian.”

    No evidence given, just a bold assertion, and from someone who is not a legitimate religious scholar. This type of claim is exactly the type of BS that the other Abrahamic faith have tried to foist on the goyim. For thousands of years it was established that Christ was Jewish. Period, plain and simple. Facts don’t care about the feelings.

    We get it, Barrett, that you don’t particularly like the Jews. But when people desperately cross over into flat out lying, well, then it doesn’t particularly strengthen their overall case. Don’t need to start lying and descending into total BS to make the argument, namely, that Israel vs Palestine hasn’t been going well for the other sandy desert Semites.

  139. @Aleatorius

    If you meant that another parasite should not replace the current one, OK. But if you think Muslims have the capacity to take over the USA and therefore Jews should remain in power, not even in a century, so I do not see a Muslim threat given their small numbers and low social status and limited influence and general hatred against Muslims. The far greater present threat is the Jew. I don’t know if Kevin advocates a Muslim takeover of the USA, if that is the case then you certainly would be right to say no to him.

    If you were talking about the UK or France where Muslims are close to 10 percent, that is another story. Eliminating the Jew will not leave whites defenseless against Muslims. That is my main point.

    • Replies: @Aleatorius
  140. Pfhil says:

    Kevin, be my guest, you can be the first one into the breach!


    You can try to explain to this guy that you meant that you want to dismantle jewish power as a construct. But, I don’t think that either him, the jewish judge who signed the warrant, or some jewish grand jury will laugh at the “in Minecraft” meme. The FBI is an extremely jewish real-life political violence apparatus like the Cheka – ditto for your local police and sheriff’s office too!

    Seriously, the Federal Government was jurisdictionally confined to the 14 mile square radius that constituted the District of Columbia. Fortunately, politicians are lawyers and American law is jewish and most lawyers are jewish, so that jurisdiction has leapt the boundaries of all reasonable jurisprudence. As such, it is extremely irresponsible to tell people go out and do something about jewish power. Patton and Forrestal started speaking out about jewish power and their crusades ended in a car accident and a suspicious fall from the Bethesda Naval Hospital respectively.

    Frankly, this comment section treads the delicate line of what the jewish police state considers probable cause of an actionable threat and the fortuitously vague definition of “hate speech”. Do you know what a writ of habeas corpus is? If you do, good! You can crack an edgy joke about the jews. Now is when you’re gonna start seeing the complete suspension of even lip service to the Bill of Rights. This is what jewish power really means, it is the power to physically affect people’s lives over the words they speak. We all know that Leo Frank did it, Otto Frank wrote the diary with a ballpoint pen, and Israel is committing the genocide they accused the Nazis of. People with real power don’t give a shit that you’re calling them hypocrites, as long as the U.N. Secretary General just gives them an impotent rebuke for airstriking a hospital they’re satisfied.

    “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”

    • Replies: @anarchyst
    , @Unbornawakened
  141. “The notion that most Jews today worship “the Jewish people” (i.e. themselves) rather than God is not a marginal anti-Semitic canard, but the sober conclusion of Jewish Studies professors” Note: This is ALSO the conclusion of Yahweh in the OT accounting for the destruction of the first Temple and the Babylonian captivity AND of Jesus Christ in the NT accounting for the destruction of the second Temple by the Romans and the abomination of desolation , see Matt xxiv 15-35

  142. Dr. Rock says:

    Perhaps I am overly optimistic, but I feel like this current era, including the global dominance by jews, is rapidly coming to critical mass, and it’s inevitable end.

    It just feels like “the system”, or all of the various systems, if you will, are spiraling into the abyss.

    Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The current cabal has allowed it’s own hubris and complete lack of humility, to overplay their hand, get ahead of their skis, and the fall is coming.

    I’d say that it’s already begun, and that very soon, inertia will cause it’s acceleration.

    You simply cannot run on the ragged edge of everything, forever.

    • Replies: @cousin lucky
  143. @Neshirahn

    I remember a video on YouTube where a man was chanting prayers to Hitler, asking for his soul to return (reincarnate) and save the human race from Jews. That would certainly be better than praying to Jesus if your goal is freedom from the Jewish yoke.

  144. @Eric135

    “So, you’ve changed your mind”?


    You were the one who brought up seven mountains, as though doing that was going to defeat Baldwin’s claim that the beast from the sea represented Rome.

    Okay let’s go over it one more time. In comment #48 you made the following claim:

    The seven heads represent the first seven Roman emperors…”

    But with regard to the beast’s seven heads, the angel said to John:

    “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” (Rev 17:9).

    So naturally I “brought up seven mountains” because if you have no cogent explanation as to how a certain group of Roman emperors can be reasonably construed to be “mountains” – especially mountains upon which a woman sits – then your claim is most likely incorrect, capisce?

    Alas, it turned out you were wrong because Rome has seven hills.

    Alas, just because I don’t accept at face value your unfounded, incoherent and self-serving speculation that the beast’s seven heads – which we’re told are “seven mountains” – can somehow also be construed as being seven Roman emperors and also seven hills (or whatever you’re exactly trying to say) doesn’t mean I’m wrong.

    And once again, BTW, as I endeavored to point out to you earlier, but you ignored, note that the angel implied that “wisdom” is required to understand the meaning of that verse (Rev 17:9). This presumably means the application of theological and symbolical discernment, not mere geographical/numerical insight.

    I don’t know why you keep going back to your mistake, like a dog returning to its vomit. But each to his own …

    Apparently you’re just projecting your nonsense onto me.

    “Well, it’s your strawman …”

    Who else would come from the sea to plunder Jerusalem? The Vikings? The Americans?

    As usual, the point apparently went over your head. I don’t dispute that Rome attacked and destroyed Jerusalem, nor have I stated or implied that there was any other other geopolitical entity besides Rome which prospectively could’ve or would’ve done so. Rather, I dispute your bizarre, unfounded claim that this is what the Book of Revelation is all about. Capisce?

    “And why all this recondite symbolism?”

    Rrright. Beasts with seven heads aren’t symbolic of something else. LOL.

    Once again, my point was that under the circumstances it wouldn’t make much sense for John to write 12,000 words – heavy with difficult-to-understand symbolism – to describe what was basically a simple historical event.

    “It wouldn’t have been much of a prediction …”

    It was still a prediction, and it came true.

    Okay let’s go over it again. Here’s my complete statement:

    “So if John wrote the Book of Revelation in 68 as Baldwin claims, it wouldn’t have been much of a prediction under the circumstances to say that the Roman empire was going to crush the Jewish rebellion and destroy Jerusalem. That would be like predicting in early 2023 that Russia was going to defeat Ukraine and that Ukraine would be destroyed in the process. It makes no sense whatsoever that John would write almost 12000 words about it using exotic symbolism, effectively obfuscating something very simple.”

    Do you really not understand this simple point I made here, or are you just being contrary? According to you and Baldwin John had to write thousands of words e.g. describing Rome as a beast with seven heads and go into all kinds of intricate details regarding it’s mouth, its feet, its likeness to a leopard, a mysterious deadly head wound that healed, the rise of another beast under its control – a beast from the earth, identified by number 666, a mysterious “image of the beast,” etc., just to describe the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome?

    Do you hear yourself? Your and Baldwin’s position on this is laughably absurd.

    Was Jesus’ prediction of the total destruction of the Temple “not much of a prediction” because Rome had the power to destroy the Temple any old time it wanted to — even when Jesus made the prediction? “C’mon Jesus, you can do better than that!” LOL

    Your intellectual dishonesty is breathtaking. Predicting the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome 37+ years before it happens and predicting the destruction of Jerusalem less than two years before it happens – under circumstances such that any insightful person paying attention might make the same prediction – are obviously two different things.

    And that’s all the time I have right now for your nonsense.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  145. anonymous[300] • Disclaimer says:

    IF Israel wipes out Gaza then that will be the green light for the Greater Israel Abomination to come…This must be #1 priority for all the Arabs to stop now….ITS TIME FOR INTERNATIONAL MILITARY ACTIONS OF SOLIDARITY WITH PALESTINE JUST LIKE THE HOUTHIS ARE DOING..Military actions all over the world to target israeli interests NO CEASE FIRE NO PEACE..Send Muslims soldiers volunteers to fight in GAZA..

  146. Wokechoke says:

    “Israel isn’t going anywhere…” Well, that’s an ironic statement. Also it is exactly that kind of smugness that Fate and perhaps God doesn’t like. The main problem with Israel is that it would vanish without lavish American subsidy. It is also vanquishable with a few nukes.

    • Replies: @Major
  147. @Major

    The process that leads to your demise is irreversible and you started it. It isn’t a matter of anyone’s will, it is a matter of mathematics. Perhaps you aren’t as smart as you fancy yourself.

    • Agree: Jett Rucker
    • Replies: @Major
  148. @Suetonious

    Exactly. We in the dissident media don’t need to engage in holo mathematics to drive home points. I hope Kevin takes note.

  149. Jett Rucker says: • Website

    Recent poll numbers are encouraging

    This link does not go to poll numbers.

  150. TKK says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    I assume you think there is something in Islamic doctrine that makes Muslims behave unjustly towards non-Muslims…..

    . I assure you that isn’t true. Islam (like philosophy) holds that God is perfectly just and wants humans to use their free will to behave justly—towards everyone, Muslim or non-Muslim.

    but see-

    Sahih International: Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

    • Replies: @muh muh
  151. Major says:
    @Passing by

    The process that leads to my demise is a matter of mathematics.

    Will you please expand and explain this statement?

    I love math. Especially since math is devoid of opinion and bias. Matters of mathematics can be demonstrated empirically, rationally, with numbers.

    Anyway. You clearly love and understand situations that are a matter of mathematics. Please take a minute and show us how my demise is a matter of mathematics. Numbers, equations, graphs and statistics, please. No need for opinion or conjecture, right?

    I’m going to go get my calculator and abacus so I can hopefully keep up with the dizzying display of numeric prowess you are surely about to unleash.
    Thanks man!!

    • Replies: @Passing by
  152. anarchyst says:

    Speak to the J6 defendants about “habeas corpus” who have been incarcerated under “special” conditions for over two years without trial.
    As far as I am concerned, we are living in a jew-run dystopia as we speak.
    All one has to do is observe the number of TV ads falsely claiming that “anti-semitism” against jews is up over 700%.

    • Replies: @Alden
  153. TKK says:
    @Che Guava

    Indeed, Barrett’s entire premise is a lie.

    Islam is a religion of conquest. A religion of War. A religion of theological and cultural dominance. This is not a gentle Friends Meeting where we sit in silence as we contemplate the nature of Faith and munch ginger snaps. Just ask Spain.

    Why do so many Muslim country flags have a sword? Because…the Caliphate.

    As much love as I have for my Turkish friends, whom I have lived and traveled with, here is what I know:

    If I broke my back falling off a cliff, they would climb down to get me. They would break their own back to save me.

    But if I slandered the Prophet…they might slit my throat in my sleep. Highly probable.

    It is a strange creature, the White man who pretends to be a true believer in an old desert religion that is as brutal as it is …..life destroying, art destroyer, music destroyer, romantic love destroyer, literature destroyer.

  154. Major says:

    What’s ironic about saying Israel isn’t going anywhere?
    Are you one of those people who misuse the word “ironic”?
    I bet you also misuse the word “literally”.
    It’s okay. Lots of people get tripped up by words.

    Btw, yes Israel could be vanquished by nuclear weapons. Just like every other place on Earth.

  155. @Arthur MacBride

    Information on Houthi, not just not afraid but eager for combat w Great Satan.

    Why do I think the Houthis are such a force to be reckoned with? Why do I think there is actually a chance they could defeat a US led coalition?


    Plus, more on the collapse of lies.
    Holofraud, origin of Khazar etc.
    Public information vdo/trans byMemri tv.

    📢 🇸🇾 🇮🇱 Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad questions official narrative of the holocaust saying, “There is no evidence six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust.”


  156. @Eric135

    You yourself are not honest and honorable enough to identify the anglos, the kikes and their spawns as the true enemies of mankind.

    You also insist on their fake identity of “huwhite”, invented to erease individual European ethnicity and incite the world into lunping all Europeans with “huwhite” mutts.
    Literally no one has defined what the huwhite race is supposed to be, except:

    -jared “jews are huwhite” taylor
    -benjamin “Germans and Irish and Italian are swarthy” franklin
    -US census “North Africans are white”

    (((Huwhite Nationalists))) are also rabidly anti-Christ and hate Christianity as much as the yids do. Hmmmmh.

    The survival of true Europeans, the Irish and others included, depends on the complete seperation from the yids and the slave species in the anglosphere.

    The survival of Mankind depends completely on the throughout and complete extermination of the anglo slave species and their kike masters.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  157. This, not the denunciation of Gaza Genocide, is true ‘wokeness’. It is to make people support the Jewish proxies of Negrolatry and Globo-Homo.

    But whummies are the ‘right’ wanna pretend the supporting Palestine is the same as ‘wokeness’.
    No, it’s breaking out of the ‘woke’ spell.

    Jews push stuff like this to favor the Jewish paradigm.

  158. HdC says:

    Jesus was NOT executed as a criminal.
    Pontius Pilate, who agreed to the execution, had ruled that he could not fault Jesus for what the Jewish hierachy had accused him.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  159. Chriss says:

    V’al Hanissim


    And [we thank You] for the miracles, for the redemption, for the mighty deeds, for the saving acts, and for the wonders which You have wrought for our ancestors in those days, at this time—

    In the days of Matityahu, the son of Yochanan the High Priest, the Hasmonean and his sons, when the wicked Hellenic government rose up against Your people Israel to make them forget Your Torah and violate the decrees of Your will. But You, in Your abounding mercies, stood by them in the time of their distress. You waged their battles, defended their rights, and avenged the wrong done to them. You delivered the mighty into the hands of the weak, the many into the hands of the few, the impure into the hands of the pure, the wicked into the hands of the righteous, and the wanton sinners into the hands of those who occupy themselves with Your Torah. You made a great and holy name for Yourself in Your world, and effected a great deliverance and redemption for Your people Israel to this very day. Then Your children entered the shrine of Your House, cleansed Your Temple, purified Your Sanctuary, kindled lights in Your holy courtyards, and instituted these eight days of Chanukah to give thanks and praise to Your great Name.

  160. muh muh says:

    absolutely not the slightest evidence

    Intellectual honesty demands we regard this statement as perception, not fact. Not being omniscient, we cannot aver absolute lack of evidence. Of anything.

    The perception that our existence is merely the by-product of deaf, dumb, blind, lifeless and unconscious particles forever assembling and dissolving amid a cantankerous cacaphony of causes sounds a bit more absurd upon reflection than belief in a higher purpose to it all. The skeptic will respond with typical examples of absurd imaginings (e.g. sky pixies and the like), but his real position always defaults to uncertainty, which may sound honest to some, but again, that’s a matter of perception. Some would assert that, lacking ontological ballast, he’s merely a vessel without a rudder, adrift in the ocean of our being, subject to ultimately arbitrary and capricious motives.

    Are we to suspend disbelief so as to allow a priestly class to rule over us in the name of a fabricated ideal?

    Does your suspension of belief remove you from the reality that you’re going to be ruled over by some other authority in the name of some other fabricated ideal, particularly one that provides no hope of purpose transcending this ephemeral life?

    Imagine religion has been destroyed. Would the phenomenon of political or ideological rule of one class over another disappear as a result? Would humankind experience a sudden epiphany of purpose that allows each person to coexist in harmony with the other sans government?

    I don’t mind criticizing certain aspects of religious perception. In fact, I believe the liberty to do so must be protected, but it strikes me as something of an exercise in futility to rail against organized religion per se. I don’t think people who do so are fully conscious of what they hope to accomplish in so doing and my experience has shown me they’re more often than not fairly misanthropic.

    • Replies: @Unbornawakened
  161. @Pfhil

    Patton and Forrestal started speaking out about jewish power and their crusades ended in a car accident and a suspicious fall from the Bethesda Naval Hospital respectively.

    If serious critics of Jews face assassination, then armchair critics of Jews on this site must be under FBI surveillance or at least on a blacklist, and as future suspects to be rounded up if something happens to some Jew somewhere.

    Why is the most visited and popular site critical of Jewish supremacists owned and run by a Jew? And why does this Jew insist that Nazis were Zionists or collaborated closely with Zionists on the basis of very flimsy evidence? Is it not to discredit the Nazi movement and prevent its resurgence surreptitiously? Why does he write that only idiots contemplate the possibility that Nazis came close to building the atom bomb? Why is he so arrogant, domineering, dismissive, defamatory, self-promoting, and full of himself if he claims to stand for justice.

    • Replies: @Pfhil
  162. @Yukon Jack

    You spelled America with a k instead of a c.


    You win!!!!!

  163. Rurik says:

    glad to see Mr. Barrett is now (if I’m not mistaken) accepting at least the possibility of LIHOP

    a humble approach to the unknowable, is always best, I say..

  164. Alden says:
    @Son of Ishmael

    They weren’t cousins. Ishmael and Isaac were half brothers with the same father Abraham and his slave Hagar Ismael’s mother and wife Sarah Isaacs mother.

    That story in some children’s book turned me into a feminist and anti semite at age 6. Abraham, the original dead beat Dad. Passover came later I think? Horrible story for children. I had a baby brother big blue eyes so cute lurching around hardly able to walk. And then the Passover story; Jews killing all the goy boys under age 2 . That story reinforced my anti semitism. Then there’s the Story of Dinah another Jewish massacre of all the men and boys of another tribe.

    I’ve always thought the reformation was just an excuse for the Protestants to masturbate while reading legal porn and sadism. And, there’s a lot of evidence that shows the Protestant reformation was really a Jewish conspiracy against Catholicism. “ There is but one God and that is the God of Israel” John Cohen aka Calvin.

    It’s not tens of millions of southern Old Testament wanna be Jews Protestants forcing the American goy taxpayers to support the Jews of Palestine as a welfare burden. It’s the 535 senators and congress critters that are wholly owned by Zionist jews.

    • Agree: John Trout
  165. Our hijacked country!

    An Insipid Foreign Policy Critique Going Nowhere by Stephen Karganovic!


    Some time ago The American Conservative, house organ of the American Ideas Institute, published an interesting text, “America requires a real foreign policy debate” by author Doug Bandow. It is well worth reading. It purports to be a critique of United States foreign policy. A critique of sorts it is, in the broad sense that its fundamental, and indisputable, thesis is that United States foreign policy does not serve Americas interests.

    So to whom, pray, should United States foreign policy planners be responsible, according to The American Conservative? Well, to the American people presumably. A sound foreign policy therefore ought to be designed not based on a delusionary “mandate of heaven to remake the entire world, regardless of the cost to Americans and other peoples”, but to “meet existential threats and protect [Americas] vital interests, not remake the globe in the image desired by the arrogant elite filling Americas imperial city”.

    The fundamental unasked and unexamined question is how such wide discrepancies between the national interest and the foreign (and we may add domestic) policies pursued by elitist groups entrenched in the government can be reconciled with the conduct of a functioning democracy?

    The short answer is that it cannot be, unpleasant as that might appear to the editors of The American Conservative and the think tank that sponsors them, who unquestionably are sincere American patriots and persons of the highest integrity. We would venture the following explanation for the existing state of affairs.

    In the United States “national interest” is a concept quite different from the meaning that notion conveys in most other parts of the world. America is a melting pot where the unifying principle has not been a commitment to shared moral and cultural values but rather a shared commitment to institutions which the critical mass of a heterogeneous population has traditionally seen as the guarantor of its collective benefits. What gives Americans the feeling of a distinct group with definable common interests is their commitment to and participation in the system of government that is based on those institutions.

    Identity shaped by adherence to institutional principles is rational and practical rather than emotional. It is very different from the kinds of bonds that have shaped and held together historically much older and resilient communities throughout the world.

    What about the populus, the rest of society? They are indoctrinated to think of themselves as components of “the system,” but realistically their membership is passive. Their role is not to direct anything but only when required to manifest consent.

    They do not have the capacity to constitute a hindrance to the elite, a fact that The American Conservative does not seem to grasp. Bombarded incessantly by the orchestrated media, deficient in minimal education necessary to make informed and competent judgments on any public policy issue, foreign or domestic, distracted by nonsense such as politically correct use of pronouns, in the political labyrinth an average member of this majority cohort is effectively helpless and lost.

    In addition to that, deliberately provoked social divisions have pigeonholed most members of this large group in one of the many artificially created subgroups, ethnic, racial, gender, and so forth. They have scant sense of common or “national interest” as that is generally understood, and even less ability to comprehend what that concept refers to.

  166. Alden says:

    Barrett is the type who became a communist in the 1930’s, a 1960’s weather underground or black panther, hippie Buddhist , fried his brain with LSD or joined Jim Jones Church and went to Guyana to be massacred in the 1970s or joined the Scientology organization. Just another lost soul looking for something to make his life meaningful. And loudly proclaiming his superiority over those who haven’t found truth enlightenment and God.

    • Agree: John Johnson
    • LOL: John Trout
    • Replies: @RupertTiger
  167. @Major

    I am not going to waste my time on you. Lookup Kolmogorov and find out by yourself.

    • Replies: @Major
  168. @Hulkamania

    Like it or not China has the Arabs at their table listening to reason and not at the end of a gun or any threats or interference with their internal affairs. The United States warships near Yemen could well be a trap for Uncle Stupid by Israel or somebody else.

    The fragile house of cards that is the West may soon come crashing down!

  169. Alden says:

    Habeaus Corpus wasndt abolished by congress or a presidential executive order. For the January 6 defendants it was suspended by affirmative action anti White judges in the Washington DC criminal courts Thats judge made laws. Thats the English common law só beloved and admired by idiot White conservatives who never spent a day in law school or been involved in any legal proceedings of any kind.

    Even Wikipedia is more accurate about English common law than the ignorant Anglophile conservatives.

  170. msotil says:

    What a debt of gratitude the people of Poland owe the Germans.
    Imagine what Poland would be like with three or so million Jews, if a tiny minority of 4500 can cause such strife and unrest in public life. They have even shoved their dubious religious symbol in the Polish house of parliament.
    Indeed an unmeasurably huge debt of gratitude that the Germans are unlikely to ever claim and, save for its value for self-flagellation, will do whatever possible to erase from the annals history.

  171. Here’s my 2 cents worth: Hamas fat rich leaders who live in Qatar and other areas, but never in Palestine, made another deal with Israel – something on the line of getting their lower level on-site Hamas workers to break out and attack IDF. They probably had a date all lined up, but the Lower level Hamas, along with growing numbers of Gazan/Palestinians, are sick of the Fat Hamas Billionaires and Millionaires. They know these guys are compromised with $$ up the yingyang.

    So, the Low level Hamas break out on their own time line with a new date and everything; which totally surprises IDF/Israel. Instead of staying on plan, they make way to Kibbutz and Fair and snag some people.

    Israel rolls tanks in and pulls Hannibal Operation, killing everyone, as they don’t want anyone to report on the planned False flag.

    The short calls also indicated people knew something was up. The question on that issue is who?

    Israel is screwed. Even if they murder millions of Palestinians.

  172. @muh muh

    Intellectual honesty demands we regard this statement as perception, not fact. Not being omniscient, we cannot aver absolute lack of evidence. Of anything.

    You are projecting. Perception is subjective. Your perception is that there is an eternal wellspring of hope that you can look forward to. That is fine. You are entitled to your opinion and if it makes you feel better go for it. What I am saying is there is no objective evidence for it, to the best of my knowledge, and I have reflected over these matters for a very long time. I am not infallible, and I could be wrong.

    The perception that our existence is merely the by-product of deaf, dumb, blind, lifeless and unconscious particles forever assembling and dissolving amid a cantankerous cacaphony of causes sounds a bit more absurd upon reflection than belief in a higher purpose to it all.

    You are hitting a strawman or responding to someone else with whom you argued in the past. This is not what I wrote. A process may look random because we do not understand the underlying mechanisms. Saying everything is random is a way of saying we don’t really know what is going on, and in that sense it is understandable, but it cannot be a positive assertion that can be proven. My own subjective feeling is not in line with what you wrote, but that is only my perception, I cannot prove it one way or the other, or convince anyone else. Besides, my thinking has evolved over time and is not cast in stone. There are many possibilities.

    • Replies: @muh muh
  173. nsa says:
    @Priss Factor

    “whites bend over big time in the hope their jooie masters toss a bone(r) their way”
    The jooies allow whitey to participate in their rainbow dick sucker pride parades….isn’t that enough?

  174. @TKK

    “Islam is a religion of conquest. A religion of War. A religion of theological and cultural dominance.”

    That’s rich when you take into account the history of Christianity arm in arm with colonial nations. Start with the Roman Empire and proceed up to the 20th century. Throw in the Christian Zionist wars of 9/11.

    You know those Spanish Missions all over Texas and California? Why do you think they’re called Missions? The mission was forced conversion of the indigenous population into Catholicism.

    • Replies: @muh muh
    , @Alden
  175. muh muh says:

    Europe knew no such thing as religious liberty before Islam arrived in Spain.

    Your opinion is basically worthless.

  176. Anonymous[316] • Disclaimer says:

    Kike State cunts mocking the babies their coward conscripts kill:

    Extinguish em, fuck that, nuke em.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  177. @Odd Rabbit

    In connection with the previous comment here is more important historical knowledge of the situation in Israel at the beginning of the Common Era. This can help better understand the whole story of the Jesus-sect of Jerusalem and especially the role of the Essenes, the third important sect of that time, in the life of historical Jesus and in Christianity.
    When we speak of Jews we must remember that there were different sects and different political world views and religious practices in Palestine at the beginning of the Common Era.

    Some excerpts from the link:

    The Essenes were a Jewish religious sect not actually mentioned in the Bible, but described by Josephus, Philo, and mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Most members lived communal, celibate lives. They observed Jewish Law very strictly. They practiced ceremonial baptisms. Essenes were apocalyptic, and they opposed Temple priesthood.

    . This uncertainty as to the origin of the name of a party leads almost naturally to the mention of another, which, indeed, could not be omitted in any description of those times. But while the Pharisees and Sadducees were parties within the Synagogue, the Essenes ( or, the latter always in Philo) were, although strict Jews, yet separatists, and, alike in doctrine, worship, and practice, outside the Jewish body ecclesiastic. Their numbers amounted to only about 4,000. [a Philo, Quod omnis probus liber, 12, ed, Mang. ii. p. 457; Jos. Ant. xviii. 1.5.]
    If they had given the sect a glorious name, it is only reasonable to assume that they would not have kept silent about its doctrines and practices, a silence that is only broken by vague and indirect references. However, when we examine it, the origin and meaning of the name seem to be implicit in their position in relation to the synagogue.
    They were the only true sect, strictly outsiders, and their name Essenes (‘E, ‘E ) seems to be the Greek equivalent of Chitsonim ( ), ‘outsiders’. Even the fact that the axe, or rather the shovel ( ), which each novice received, has as its rabbinic equivalent the word Chatsina, is not without significance in this context.

    Both directions originated from a desire after ‘purity,’ though there seems a fundamental difference between them, alike in the idea of what constituted purity, and in the means for attaining it. To the Pharisee it was Levitical and legal purity, secured by the ‘hedge’ of ordinances which they drew around themselves.
    To the Essene it was absolute purity in separation from the ‘material,’ which in itself was defiling.

    We can scarcely wonder that such Jews as Josephus and Philo, and such heathens as Pliny, were attracted by such an unworldly and lofty sect. Here were about 4,000 men, who deliberately separated themselves, not only from all that made life pleasant, but from all around; who, after passing a long and strict novitiate, were content to live under the most rigid rule, obedient to their superiors; who gave up all their possessions, as well as the earnings of their daily toil in the fields, or of their simple trades; who held all things for the common benefit, entertained strangers, nursed their sick, and tended their aged as if their own parents, and were charitable to all men; who renounced all animal passions, eschewed anger, ate and drank in strictest moderation, accumulated neither wealth nor possessions, wore the simplest white dress till it was no longer fit for use; repudiated slavery, oaths, marriage; abstained from meat and wine, even from the common Eastern anointing with oil; used mystic lustrations, had mystic rites and mystic prayers, an esoteric literature and doctrines; whose every meal was a sacrifice, and every act one of self-denial; who, besides, were strictly truthful, honest, upright, virtuous, chaste, and charitable, in short, whose life meant, positively and negatively, a continual purification of the soul by mortification of the body.


  178. anastasia says:

    The only way to get rid of Jewish supremacy is to get rid of that crazy religion. They are not the chosen people. Christ showed us that. It is not the blood of your mother that defines you. Christ showed us that. It is NOT blood. It is spirit.

    He came here and got rid of the very thing that was destroying those people – the blood ritual. This crazy Yahweh told Abraham to kill his son. Just imagine Christ saying the same thing. It’s ridiculous. But Abraham, even though his religion with its crazy rituals told him to sacrifice his own son, was inspired somehow by the one true God, before his incarnation, not to do it. This blood ritual was all over the place. We see it in the story of Abraham. We see it in the story of the Jews in Egypt. The Jews stopped doing it to their own sons, but somehow in their screwed up twisted ideas spawned from theircrazy religion, with it erroneous ideas about their being “chosen”, started doing the same thing not to their own sons, but to the Christian infants.

    God became incarnate, suffered for our sins, and was crucified by the very people who he could count on to do it. He had to complete His mission, and He knew where to go to be assured that it would be done. Before his crucifixion, he instructed his disciples that his crucifixion and death was very clearly to put a final end once and for all to the blood ritual sacrifice. He told them how it was to be done in the Last Supper. He passed around bread and wine and told them, “do this, for this is my Body and this is my Blood.” This takes the place of the blood ritual; it ended it with finality, for those who believe in Him. and if man does not believe that, he will go back to his own vomit, as we see him doing now. He will go back to the blood ritual; he will go back to his cannabalistic, blood ritual ways.

    Today, we are taking the parts of babies, and are consuming them. We are harvesting organs – consuming the parts of other human beings. We are using the parts of humans and putting them into our cosmetics. Today, we are killing people to get their organs. We are consuming human beings, the ultimate sign, the end result of our rejection of the Christ as the One True God.

    Thirteen million Jews in the world, my foot. Blood has nothing to do with the matter. There are not 13 millions Jews in the world. There are billions.

  179. Anonymous[415] • Disclaimer says:

    Braun is a man amongst polish faggots.
    Amongst all western worms.

    I’d like to have a beer with this man amongst maggots.

    The entire Western Hemisphere is scared of these filthy Jews.

    It must end.

    It all must end.

    Jews are this planet’s misfortune.

    This cannot continue.

    They are horrible, smelly people. They don’t belong on our planet. They never did.

    Get some bodyguards Braun. These rat-faced roaches are about to try and ruin you and your family’s lives.

    They should rot in the Hell they invented.

    • Agree: Druid55
  180. @TKK

    I am perplexed by the use of the word ‘White’ here.

    Could you explain what this means in the context of your post?

  181. @Unbornawakened

    America should be under the control of White Christian men and women of good characters, just as the European countries ought to be… no con artists need apply, period.

  182. @anastasia

    The only way this theory works; the end of blood sacrifice, is that blood sacrifice was never really, actually of God, and therefore the Jews, Israelites (of the Old Testament) were not in receipt of any message of God. Perhaps that it was derived from another being and/or self-generated.

    It makes one wonder then quite what was the position and role of Jesus. i.e. It becomes therefore difficult to posit any religious continuity between Jesus and the Old Testament other than Jesus was just born in that part of the world.

    And given the present position of Judaism in the world, we must obviously conclude that this particular Jesus failed miserably in his mission.

    • Replies: @anastasia
  183. @Priss Factor

    You must not get out much. Whites are sick of jews. Do you talk to white people in real life? 5 years ago whites would defend jews but those days are gone now especially young whites.

    The internet is full of j e w s pretending to be whites who support Israel hate Trump and love jews but the reality is is that white people are snapping out of it big time. Why do you think there are billboards whining about anti semitism? It is also why they have such a big push for more non white immigration. Jews are afraid.

    • Replies: @Priss Factor
  184. Nancy says:

    Let’s use the right words….. they are heretics, teaching the Darby/Scofield heresy of Dispensationalism, promulgated by the Moody Bible Institute. It was mentored by powerful Jews, with the concordance published by the Oxford Press, where wealthy Jews pulled the strings.

    • Thanks: threadhopper
  185. @anastasia

    True all Christians and Moslems are just demi jews.

  186. @Alden

    What is so negative about Scientology that it requires cheap casual quip like this?

    Just another lost soul looking for something to make his life meaningful.

    Isn’t that what we’re all doing?

    You are certainly doing that by devoting your lonely evenings to this blog, or are you our guru here to save us?

    • Replies: @Alden
  187. Anon[149] • Disclaimer says:
    @Brooklyn Dave

    The menorah is introduced way back in the book of Exodus as part of the furnishings of the Tabernacle and later incorporated into the Temple. The Hanukkah story says that the menorah burned for 8 days with only one day’s supply of oil.

    The Menorah in the story was a seven-branched candlestick used in the Temple. Jews today use an eight-branched Menorah to commemorate the miracle and also it’s forbidden to make a replica of a seven-branched Menorah for use outside of the Temple.

    The Menorah is symbolic of a tree since the Torah is called a Tree of Life. The decorated Christmas tree with lights and so forth is very much a Christian version of a Menorah.

    The Menorah is also mentioned extensively in the Book of Revelation. Translated as a lampstand:


  188. @Dr. Rock

    You can bet there are a lot of human beings holding a lot of resentment against the United States and Israel.

    While Israel is Genociding Gaza under the protection of Uncle Stupids armed forces there are others contemplating giving the ” West ” some new headaches.

    Russia can move on Ukraine or move on the U.S. troops in Syria or Iraq. All over this planet Uncle Stupid has troops deployed with no protection available.

    Tiny Yemen has stepped up to bloody Goliath’s nose; other countries are sure to follow in one way or another!

    The Bibi and Biden show has many expiration dates and many very loose ends to trip over. I wonder how many people pray for the demise of the Bibi and Biden show every day and every night!

  189. DanFromCT says:
    @Nico X

    The key to the Jews success & power over the white race was first getting the race to believe in & worship their God (Jehovah-Jesus).

    OK, Nico X, but not on your say so. The key to the Jews’ success and power over the white race was first getting weaklings like you to disbelieve in Jesus Christ. Your intemperate, incontinent hatred of Christianity suggests it arises in guilt and self-loathing over intemperate and incontinent sexual behavior, not reason. You don’t have to be a believer to recognize that what your comments reveal about you is a moral problem you’d better deal with now while you can.

    • Thanks: Katrinka
  190. Major says:
    @Passing by

    I’m not looking up anything. Send me a concise essay on the colomogov or whatever. Double spaced and include your footnotes. Spelling and grammar will be taken into account and you get extra credit if you can construct a sentence containing the words Kolmogorov, Kalashnikov, and Molotov.
    Due Friday. Points off if it’s late. Chop chop.

    • Replies: @Passing by
  191. Pfhil says:

    This is the nexus of extremely complex and downright paradoxical issues.

    I too believe that the NSDAP movement was the result of many different patrons which probably included Zionism/International Jewry and the “Breakaway Civilization”. But, just as the Nazi movement was designed to fail from its’ very inception so is the current Zionist movement. The exact same geopolitical and ethnic rhetoric is playing out – only this time it’s jewish instead of Germanic. This is the story of the world though, people can tolerate atrocities, but not hubris. Whoever brought down the Bourbons (yes, yes the French Schutzjuden) they couldn’t stomach being mocked and patronized. No human being can stand insult being added to injury.

    To this end, that’s why it doesn’t matter much if we’re on some blacklist or watchlist. The walls are closing in on the current International Jew regime. There is more hubris occurring than the big wheels of the world can possibly stomach, Big jew is mocking little g god every single day. Benjamin Netanyahu and Larry Fink simultaneously are trying to sieze the crown from the Rothschilds. If the current sentiment of the slaves is “fuck you assholes, if the Holocaust happened you deserved it!” that is disastrous to every jew everywhere. There is irreparable damage being done to the jewish image every single day that no amount of blackmail and threats will ever trump.

    Something supersedes even the jew conspiracy. It can lead to wild speculation and theories that border on plausible, and all the way to pure madness. Personally, I don’t think anyone who is in a position of power wants anyone to know how little power they actually hold. Our current civilization is built on the ruins of something we don’t comprehend, and it’s far more dangerous to know what that actually is. I seriously doubt that this civilization was universally called “Tartaria” btw.

    • Thanks: NeverTrustaWizard
    • Replies: @Bruce In Texas
  192. Han says:

    Israeli soldiers film themselves looting and vandalizing in Gaza – 21 Dec 2023

    While Israel is causing starvation in Gaza, Israeli soldiers are cheerfully filming themselves destroying food, looting, and vandalizing Palestinian property.

    • Replies: @DanFromCT
    , @Iva
  193. Anon[203] • Disclaimer says:

    Allah says in the Quran:

    “Say, “O mankind, the truth has come to you from your Lord, so whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul, and whoever goes astray only goes astray [in violation] against it. And I am not over you a manager.” -” [Quran 10:108]

    “Indeed, We (Allah) sent down to you the Book for the people in truth. So whoever is guided – it is for [the benefit of] his soul; and whoever goes astray only goes astray to its detriment. And you are not a manager over them. ” [Quran 39:41]

    “But if Allah had willed, they would not have associated. And We have not appointed you over them as a guardian, nor are you a manager over them. ” [Quran 6:107]

    “Allah does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. Allah loves just dealers.” (Quran, 60:8)

    There is no Compulsion in Religion:

    “There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.” [Quran 2:256]

    “And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed – all of them entirely. Then, [O Muhammad], would you compel the people in order that they become believers? ” [ Quran 10:99]

    Religion is a Person’s own Concern:

    The list of following verse from Holy Quran going to prove that its person’s own choice to follow or not to follow a religion or the message of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Quran:

    “And say, “The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills – let him believe; and whoever wills – let him disbelieve.” “- [Quran 18:29]

    “If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves.” – [Quran 17:7]

    “There has come to you enlightenment from your Lord. So whoever will see does so for [the benefit of] his soul, and whoever is blind [does harm] against it. And [say], “I am not a guardian over you.” -” [Quran 6:104]

    “Indeed, We (Allah) guided him to the way, be he grateful or be he ungrateful.” – [Quran 76:3]

    Quran has strongly mentioned several time that the duty of Prophet was only to deliver the message of God. Believing is the personal choice of person.
    Say, “Obey Allah and obey the Messenger; but if you turn away – then upon him is only that [duty] with which he has been charged, and upon you is that with which you have been charged. And if you obey him, you will be [rightly] guided. And there is not upon the Messenger except the [responsibility for] clear notification.” -[ Quran 24:54]

    “And obey Allah and obey the Messenger; but if you turn away – then upon Our Messenger is only [the duty of] clear notification. -” [Quran 64:12]

    “And obey Allah and obey the Messenger and beware. And if you turn away – then know that upon Our Messenger is only [the responsibility for] clear notification.” [Quran 5:92]

    “So if they argue with you, say, “I have submitted myself to Allah [in Islam], and [so have] those who follow me.” And say to those who were given the Scripture and [to] the unlearned, “Have you submitted yourselves?” And if they submit [in Islam], they are rightly guided; but if they turn away – then upon you is only the [duty of] notification. And Allah is Seeing of [His] servants.” [Quran 3:20]

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  194. muh muh says:

    You are projecting.

    No, I’m paraphrasing what an atheist once told me.

    “Not being omniscient, we cannot aver absolute lack of evidence. Of anything.” That’s a statement of fact. You, like any intellectually honest individual, tacitly admit that your knowledge is limited. If you haven’t acquired the evidence, you’re still left with your own perception.

    A process may look random because we do not understand the underlying mechanisms. Saying everything is random is a way of saying we don’t really know what is going on, and in that sense it is understandable, but it cannot be a positive assertion that can be proven.

    Okay, then, but presupposing or concluding lack of randomness still lends metaphysical credence to theism, since we seek not merely an explanation for the cause of the material cosmos, but one for the purpose of life itself. Absent a satisfactory answer, we might say all this order exists for no purpose other than to bide our time, drink our wine, and summarily become fertilizer.

    Yet there’s something about that conclusion that is gut-feeling unsatisfactory. It simply doesn’t do justice to the intrinsic miracle of our being.

    • Thanks: NeverTrustaWizard
  195. @Nico X

    Christ was the son of God, the redeemer and atoning sacrifice for mankind… jews have rejected that salvation.. …. the secret to jewish power is that their god..satan.. has tricked the world into believing that he doesn’t exist….. the ressurected Christ is the ONLY hope for mankind… get you theology straight bro

  196. Evil, Demonic ADL Jew Jonathan Greenblatt Attacks White Core Christian America

    Let’s talk about JEW SUPREMACISTS and JEW SUPREMACY.

    Jew Jonathan Greenblatt, Jew Charles Schumer and the JEW BRIBERS(DONORS) that control the evil and demonic ADL are a clear and present threat to the safety, security and sovereignty of the USA.

    The anti-White, anti-Christian JEW SUPREMACIST RATS at the ADL are interfering in elections in the USA by colluding and conspiring with internet corporations and the corporate media to censor and silence any individuals or groups that seek to implement an immigration moratorium or deport illegal alien invaders.

    The Jew-controlled organized crime syndicate called the ADL is anti-Christian

    The Jew-controlled organized crime syndicate called the ADL is anti-White

    The Jew-controlled ADL is evil

    The anti-White, anti-Christian JEW SUPREMACIST RATS at the ADL also do not want to allow any debate about the ISRAEL FIRST foreign policy pushed by the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire.

    The anti-White Bolshevik Jew Supremacist Rats at the anti-White ADL are colluding with Google and YouTube and the other mass media outlets to censor and deplatform any White people who advance the interests of Whites as Whites and advocate for Whites as Whites.

    The ADL pushes mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration and multicultural mayhem. The ADL does not want any debate whatsoever on nation-wrecking mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration and multicultural mayhem. Any American citizen who proposes an immigration moratorium or advocates for the deportation of illegal alien invaders will be attacked and censored by the ADL and Google and YouTube and the rest of the mass media propaganda mob.

  197. @James Scott

    We not talking about plumbers and truck drivers.

    We’re talking of globalist professionals who make up the backbone of the Democratic and even Republican Party, and these lowlifes are into everything the Jewish Power pushes: Trump-Russia collusion, BLM, Floyd sainthood, Covid hysteria, Ukraine narrative, and etc.

    That’s a fact.

    • Replies: @James Scott
  198. “51% of young Americans believe the Israeli state should be ‘ended’…Two-thirds of 18-to 24-year-olds in the Harvard-Harris poll said they agree that ‘Jews as a class are oppressors and should be treated as oppressors.’”

    The hilarious part is that the reason this is the case is because the jews genocided 30% of the White people in America,the people who were traditionally the biggest supporters of the jews,and replaced them with brown and black people who are literally too stupid to care about anyone who isn’t brown or black,and this is why they don’t care about the Holocaust or jews.

    They think caring about the jews is a White thing because the jews so successfully convinced the majority of White people to simp for them. In fact, because White people protect the jews AT THE EXPENSE of White people this may mean that brown and black people think that jews are the WHITEST people there are.

    The jews think they are invincible and they’ll just steamroller right over this obstacle like they always do but they’re going to get hosed by these orcs they brought in UNLESS the jews race mix with them and get as dark as possible as quickly as possible. Then,they don’t get to be a people who dwell apart anymore. They’re right in the shit pit with the rest of humanity. They can always try to rule the world from Israel like Dr. Evil,and it looks like that’s the plan which is why they’re clearing out the Palestinians,but seriously, good luck with that,jews. Cut down one weed,watch a million more spring up.

    You love to see a poisonous spider get tangled in its own web and just dangle there,choking to death.

  199. @Wild Man

    the only shtick I see here is your ontological college undergraduate philosophy shtick… who the fuck are you compared to the revelation of the Creator of the heavens and earth… just a dumbass speck of sand with a big mouth and a couple of 50 cent words

    • Replies: @Wild Man
    , @Wild Man
  200. Derer says:
    @Brooklyn Dave

    Taxpayers pay for Hanukkah and the same taxpayers must remove Christmas trees and nativity scenes from public places ordered by Jewish lawyers. It is not the birth of Christ but the Season holiday, Santa Claus, Rudolph the red nose and of course the Hanukkah, exponentially propagated in Christian societies in the past 30 years.

  201. @Yukon Jack

    josephus as author of the gospels.. what a load of crap.. why don’t you read the scripture and see what it testifies of itself…2 Pett 1:21 “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” ….. now I have a big choice to make….. do I listen to and believe a dumbass like you and your half baked ideas or believe what the Holy Word of God says….hmmmm .. think I will choose the latter…cheers!

  202. muh muh says:

    Sahih International: Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

    Like most religions, Islam is rich with exegetical commentary which informs the faithful as to the proper understanding of Qur’anic verse and statements or actions attributed to Muhammad.

    You, like many, ignore that commentary, imagining that most Muslims conform to your own understanding of the religion. Nearly 25% of the world is Muslim. If Qur’an 9: 29 (cited above) were in any way an eternal imperative to wage war against non-Muslims, the world would be a much different place than it is now.

    Fortunately, it isn’t as you imagine:

    Verse 9:29 and the battle of Tabuk

    In accordance with the fundamental principle observed throughout my interpretation of the Quran, that all of its statements and ordinances are mutually complementary and cannot, therefore, be correctly understood unless they are considered as parts of one integral whole, this verse 9:29 too must be read in the context of the clear-cut Quranic rule that war is permitted only in self-defense. In other words, the above injunction to fight is relevant only in the event of aggression committed against the Muslim community or state, or in the presence of an unmistakable threat to its security: a view which has been shared by that great Islamic thinker, Muhammad Abduh.


    That’s the most common understanding of the verse among Muslims, by the way. Feel free to verify that fact for yourself.

    Take your time. I know you will.

  203. DanFromCT says:

    Thanks for that video. It indicts all but two of the 535 members of Congress for capital treason for their enabling the Jews’ war crimes and genocide. Israeli soldiers face the front of battle, while members of Congress shit in their adult diapers, fearing not the front of battle, but the disfavor of AIPAC.

    This Congress will go down in history, literally so, as abettors of war crimes and genocide because of their craven fear of the Jews—and they couldn’t care less. The Republicans’ shit-eating grins as they enable wanton abominations against God’s innocent children should convince even the most diehard atheist that the Synagogue of Satan and its handmaidens in Congress are as real as preternatural evil gets.

    • Replies: @Lydia
  204. @Eric135

    I haven’t read 100% of the back and forth between yourself and Harold Smith but would say from my own studies surrounding the symbolism mentioned in the book of Revelation there are a few points in your favor that it was Rome and there are also a few things that don’t really line up.

    1 point in your favor is the jewish mental tendency to place themselves at the center of a grand cosmological battle between good and evil which has persisted throughout time. You see this very strongly in both the narrative surrounding the hologram and also superhero comic books which were largely invented and popularized by jews.

    Since we were dealing with jews and Greek “spiritual jews” who were writing all of the lore of Christianity down in Revelation,building on a previous Apocalypse story from the book of Daniel,it is likely that they were using coded language based on the logic of astrological and numerological spells. You can find copious examples of jews of the time period and earlier inscribing these spells on papyrae and stones and metal.

    One thing they may have been using is Gematria. In some translations of the Revelation,the number of the Beast is not in fact 666 but 616. The name Nero Ceasar adds up to 616 in Gematria,possibly making him the Beast that they mythologized would bring about the end of the world for the jews.

    However,it is clear there are multiple beasts in the end times. There is the Great Beast,which has ten horns and seven heads and ten diadems or crowns upon its heads which is a salient symbol denoting authority or royalty which some people forget and there is another beast with one foot on the land and one foot on the sea which is described as having a different appearance. There is also a Great Red Dragon in the sky, and another Dragon on the land which seeks to devour the Scarlet Woman before she can give birth to what is implied to be the Tribulation itself.

    I think this mirrored beast/dragon imagery is the key to deciphering the symbolism. Notice that you have one dragon in the sky,which sweeps stars out of the sky with its tail. Then,you also have another dragon on the land,which vomits water out of its mouth.

    The same goes for the beasts. One of them stands half on the land and half on the sea. The other one,however, rises up out of the sea but rules on the land.

    These are all elemental symbols. In Egyptian and Babylonian cosmology,you only had Air,Earth,and Water. These combined to create Fire.

    I don’t claim to have a definitive answer on this subject,but I think you would almost certainly have to decipher the riddle from the standpoint of someone who is a jew or who is culturally steeped in jewish mysticism crudely bastardized from Babylon and Egypt and then half-forgotten,deliberately Talmudized, and regurgitated in a stilted and perverted form, as is the wont of jews with all things, in order to arrive at an accurate understanding of this allegory.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  205. muh muh says:
    @Bruce In Texas

    Here’s the thing with guys like TKK…

    When wokesters want to overhaul our understanding of American history with narrative accounts cherry picked from the historical record, they adamantly and justifiably object.

    Yet they apply a carbon copied polemical approach to the history of Islam. It’s just the obverse side of the same counterfeit coin.

    The problem isn’t so much their Islamophobia as it is their glaring hypocrisy.

    • Thanks: Bruce In Texas
    • Replies: @Alden
  206. Anon[149] • Disclaimer says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    At the above link you can find a detailed study comparing the Quran with the Bible. It’s very apparent that the Quran draws heavily on Gnostic Christian sources along with rabbinical midrashim tales and legends. In important details it differs significantly from the biblical text. And above all in denying the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, it carves out the heart of the Christian religion along with the most detailed narratives in all four Gospels.

    There’s no reason at all to assume the Quranic text is more legitimate than that of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. Anyone who argues that is simply ignorant about historiography and desperate to wiggle free from the Lordship of Christ:

    • Replies: @Kevin Barrett
  207. Katrinka says:

    The nasty thing doesn’t belong there. This is after DECADES of Jews kvetching about anything Christian being displayed on public property. No nativity scenes, no Christmas decorations, no prayer in school, no crosses, no prayers at city council meetings. Now they want menorahs displayed all over the same places where the Christian symbols were removed? These people are absolutely vile.

    • Agree: Alden
  208. Anonymous[184] • Disclaimer says:

    DEAT to NETANYAHU, Death to Israel, Death to those responsible for GENOCIDE in GAza, Netanyahu, IDF and their partner Biden. Without full support of US and Biden as a zionist Clown, the Genocide was not possible.

    Israel has NO right to exist. Fuck the West, The zionist mass murderers are bombing Hospital targeting toddlers as terrorists.

    Netanyahu must be executed as a war criminal on world stage. Neither Hitler nor anyone else has committed crimes against humanity and toddlers the way Netanyahu and the Zionist mafia tribe have done. They are not human, the zionists are scum, scum, scum.

  209. Anon[295] • Disclaimer says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    Jews see God as fundamentally unjust — for example, favoring the swindling criminal (as portrayed in today’s “Torah”) Jacob “The Heel” over his honest brother Esau. That swindling criminal becomes the “Israel” who founded their tribe of swindlers. No insult intended to the actual prophets—I am just reporting what the distorted Jewish version of the Torah says [sic]. Islam’s position is that the genocidal swindlers running the Jewish tribe distorted scripture to make it legitimize swindling and genocide, among other crimes. Hence the extant Torah, with its portrayal of an unjust, anthropomorphic, psychopathic patriarch in the place of the true God, is obviously a gross distortion.

    Then please explain why the most significant distortion of the Bible by Islam is the denial of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection? That far exceeds any other minor alterations in the Quranic text from the Torah (Old Testament) narratives. Even the Jews you hate so much boast of their role in Jesus’ execution. See for example Maimonides’ Letter to Yemen, pp iii, iv, xvii:

    Maybe your role as a 9/11 truther went to your head, Kevin. You think you have the right to debunk cherished spiritual truths as sacred myths and lies. If you had more integrity maybe you’d explore Islam’s denial of 4/3/33 Truth: the April 3, 33 AD crucifixion of Christ, followed by his resurrection on April 5:


    I hope and pray this Christmas season a great miracle will occur and your eyes will be opened to the Truth about Jesus Christ. You are an influential online voice and could lead many to salvation. But right now you’re leading countless souls to perdition by denying Who Christ Is!

    Many popular biblical movies have been filmed in Morocco. Hopefully their legacy will impact your heart and overcome your spiritual blindness:


    • Thanks: Alden
  210. @Major

    Why should I risk depriving myself of the delightful spectacle of your demise by telling you why and how it will happen? You said that you love math, I gave you enough of a hint. You consider that everybody owes you something and should do as you ask; I owe you nothing, that entails that I don’t owe you to prove myself and I don’t owe you to prove anything. Otoh, I have a relish for indulging in schadenfreude when awful people meet their long deserved fate.

    • Replies: @Major
  211. Alden says:

    Just finished making 48 lemon bars with two granddaughters. All I did was squeeze the lemon juice. Which came from our own tree. One of the girls went down that 70 degree wet muddy slope to pick the lemons. Advantage of having girls. They love to bake. Advantage of having boys. By age 11 they’re strong enough to work on remodeling and maintainanance projects.

    Husband just pulling into driveway. One of his best qualities . He thinks like me. And has even more negative views about black hominids than I do. He’s never plopped in front of the TV and devoted himself to niggerball.

    Scientology is just a grifter con game for lost souls. I remember in college. They swarmed the campuses at exam time. Wanting to sign up people all worried and distraught. To pay several thousand dollars for each bullying session. You think million dollar Bar Mitzvahs are expensive. Try being a Scientologist

  212. @Pfhil

    “But, just as the Nazi movement was designed to fail from its’ very inception so is the current Zionist movement.”

    I call bullcrap, the government under NSDAP was the most successful of that century (at least) in restoring both the German economy and society. The only thing that could stop it was war.

    BTW The Transfer Agreement of Jews to Palestine was a ingenious method of moving Jews out of Europe while placating their desire for a homeland. I grow weary of the Nazi Zionist talking point.

    • Replies: @Pfhil
  213. @Aleatorius

    No one can ever find one Mislim that disparaged Jesus, not one. However, we can find a manuscript so vile towards Jesus and his Sainted mother.

    You are no Christian, because if you did you’d love Jesus more than the Jews.

    • Replies: @Aleatorius
  214. In fairness to “young Americans”, they grew up in a sea of bad English. They probably think “myth” means: “a lie, an untruth, fiction, fake news, a story, a fairytale”. They almost certainly know they could get in big trouble if they say “The Holocaust” is a hoax, or any of those other meanings of “myth”.
    BTW, they often have only the vaguest idea of the meaning of “conspiracy” and “theory”.

  215. Alden says:
    @muh muh

    At least TKK knows some Muslims Unlike the Men of Unz whose information comes from hasty google searches.

    • Replies: @muh muh
  216. @anarchyst

    Dude! Proper description is the JudieChristie MagickMindfuck. There is such a phenomenon as real magic. One has to be in the zone. We are spirits, temporarily located in a 3rd Dimensional surreality which presents us with a mass of temptations and wrong-turns.

    The spiritual pathway presented by the Great Spiritual Teacher, Jesus, ultimately got hijacked by the Roman Imperial State by the machinations of the newly crowned Emperor, Constantine. He got him some stooges who took a couple of years to come up with a collections of texts, gospels and such which they heavily redacted, interpolated and basically bowdlerized away from the spirit path into religiosity under the tender “ministrations” of priestcraftyness.

    The Nag Hammadi Scrolls, which had been carefully secreted in Egypt by Gnostics who feared for the loss of scriptures such as the Gospel of Thomas to the book-burners of “Holy Mother Church”…more so than for their endangered lives at the hands of the “authorities”. Those forbidden scriptures included a number of ones which harkened to the spirit path.

    With the destruction of the great libraries and the various wisdom schools and ancient sacred sites; Western peoples quickly were transformed into illiterate serfs and slaves…and more critically became deracinated and denaturalized. They were generation by generation driven into hostile belief systems where they were not only subject to the powers of totalitarian governments…but also herded into those goddamned edifices where they were obliged to attend at least every Sunday in obedience to the dogmas of Crosstianity.

    Western mankind had been psychologically circumsized and even castrated…devolving their perceptions away from Creation as revealed in the natural world…and even from Cosmic Consciousness in deep awareness of the cyclicality of the heavens.

    The Great Awakening is rapidly accelerating. Over a surprisingly short period of time, perhaps even before a relative handful of my War-Baby generation are no longer vertical…we will experience a new world and a New Age…reflective of the cyclical reality of the entire Cosmos.

    Yes, Western humanity has begun to recover from the blinders of the JudieChristie MagickMindfuck with its hapless worship of the ancient Hebrew tribal WarGod.

    As the great Jewish prophet of the 20th Century channeled: “The Times they are a Changin”.

  217. Wokechoke says:

    One flash of a light and Israel is gone. Other countries would require several.

    • Replies: @Major
  218. The nasty thing doesn’t belong there. “israel” has no right to exist in Palestine. Maybe it could exist somewhere else, if it doesn’t do nasty things. They want Palestinians to get out of Palestine, but it is the Israeliens who should get out.

    • Agree: Druid55
  219. Wokechoke says:

    Executed on a threat of a riot by a crowd whipped up by the Sanhedrin,

  220. Sabri says:

    The zionist Biden is a war criminal where should be arrested along with Netanyahu the Assassin, terrorist, liar, blackmailer, like Epstein, and a baby killer.

    Israel has NO right to EXIST.
    Netanyahu is a war criminal and should be arrested, tried and executed. Biden is responsible for the GENOCIDE in Gaza, he supported the Genocide fully by sending WMD to occupied land to be used against children of Gaza, and he deliberately vetoed the ceasefire. He is a criminal and terrorist, where must be arrested and put on trial.

    From river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

    No one should use ‘antisemitic’ instead of ‘discrimination’ for the zionist Khazar . They are NOT semites. Semite must be used ONLY for Palestinians, the true indigenous population of Palestine.
    The Zionist in occupied land must return to their home in Europe, Russia and America.

    WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Tuesday evening spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate about the humanitarian disaster in Gaza and what Congress should be doing to address this crisis.
    Israel’s military campaign will be remembered among some of the darkest chapters of our modern history. Consider the toll thus far.
    As of today, nearly 20,000 people have been killed—seventy percent of whom are women and children—and more than 52,000 wounded since October 7th. More are likely trapped under the rubble. 135 UN workers have been killed, as well as dozens of other aid workers.
    To put this in historical perspective, this means the destruction in Gaza is now equivalent to that of Dresden, where two years of bombing during World War II destroyed half of the homes in that city and killed about 25,000 people. Gaza has matched this in two months.
    The Israeli military has made extensive use of massive explosive munitions in its campaign, including 2,000-pound and 1,000-pound bombs, and 155mm artillery. These bombs and shells are manufactured here in America and supplied to Israel by the United States.
    M. President:
    In my view, the United States must end our complicity in those actions. To do so, we must make two critical changes in policy:
    First, it would be irresponsible to provide an additional $10.1 billion in military aid beyond these defensive systems as contained in the proposed supplemental foreign aid package.

    Second, the U.S. should support efforts at the UN Security Council to end the bloodshed, such as a resolution expected tomorrow that would demand an “urgent suspension of hostilities to allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access.

    America is complicit in Genocide in Gaza. The IDF terrorists should be targeted. Netanyahu and those who are complicit in genocide in Gaza should be targeted. They cannot go free. We take the genocide very seriously and expect those were involved in genocide against women and toddlers in Gaza, to be punished receiving prison time and some of them should be executed. This is very serious. The WEST must be held ACCOUNTABLE.
    This time they cannot escape punishment again, that is not ACCEPTABLE, not acceptable, not acceptable, not acceptable. They must be destroyed like toddlers, women, men, children, infants, pregnant women. They must be destroyed. The WEST is RESPONSIBLE.

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @anonymous
  221. Alden says:
    @Bruce In Texas

    Whatever the purpose was, the missions in California began out basic and most stable industry; agriculture. The military arms and aircraft factories are gone. Silicon Valley tech won’t last. But Califórnia agriculture will always be here. I don’t believe in the religious myths. But I favor Catholicism above all else.

    For what Catholics do. Such as starting the greatest and most stable industry in California. And US route 101.

    The Indians didn’t have to move to the missions. No one made them. And not many did. Texas had a big Spanish then Mexican army. Texas had apaches and Comanches I never heard of them converting and settling down to be peaceful church going farmers. The apaches were still raiding back and forth on the Tex-Mex border as late as 1910.

    Yeah right the unarmed monks went out on foot and captured Comanches and Apache’s and imprisoned them in mission compounds. Texas probably never seen the Alamo which is much too small to hold a village of enslaved indians.

    California never did. The monks didn’t go out and round up the Indians. The Indians came to a farm with year round food. And sweet fruit which wasn’t native to California.

    Ever seen a mission? Where’s the housing for a big village of Indians? There isn’t one. Because so few Indians lived in the missions. As far as conversion goes, the whole baby Jesus and the saints days etc is very appealing. People like it. And when it comes with more and better food and real buildings instead of primitive shelters people convert.

    . S California indians were very few and very primitive. Lived mostly on mashed up acorns. No trees in S California deserts. Trees and bushes brought by the Spanish monks later by American settlers. So no building materials for anything but tumbleweed huts.

    Construction and architecture know what the most earthquake proof building in the entire state of California is? It’s Mission Dolores a small church in San Francisco Designed by a Franciscan monk who wanted to make it earthquake proof. Built by a few monks and Indians in 1822 Indians who learned useful building skills.

    You’re a White trash Protestant fundamentalist bible thumper aren’t you? Probably went to public school.

  222. Lydia says:

    Pope Condemns Israeli Killings of Palestinian Christians; Relative of 84-Year-Old Mourns Her Death

    As international outrage grows over Israeli attacks on churches in Gaza, we speak with Philip Farah, co-founder of the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace. Israeli snipers shot dead an elderly woman and her adult daughter at the Holy Family Parish, a Catholic church, on Sunday. Pope Francis denounced the killings as “terrorism.” Farah’s elderly relative Elham Farah, a beloved music teacher and member of one of the oldest Christian families in Gaza, was killed by an Israeli sniper in November while sheltering outside the church. Israeli soldiers have also attacked Palestinian Christians elsewhere in Gaza as part of this “genocidal war,” says Farah. “There’s no other name for it.”

    The godless counterfeit israel has been spitting on and punching Christians now and then burning a church or trashing it and burning New Testaments Israhell is now upping the war on Christians in the Holy Land as well The demonic Lubivichers are trying to blaspheme and make filthy the Holy Land Jesus the King of kings is comimg soon and said there would be unbelievable blasphemies in the last days esp in the book of Daniel Matthew 24 Watch and pray to stand against the rabbis beast antichrist

    Church deaths ‘cold-blooded killing’, cardinal says

    Archbishop of Westminster Cardinal Vincent Nichols discusses reports that two women were killed after allegedly being shot by Israeli snipers inside a Catholic church in Gaza.

    “It’s certainly a cold-blooded killing,” the most senior Catholic figure in the UK said.

    An Israeli military sniper shot and killed two women inside the Holy Family Parish in Gaza City on Saturday, according to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

    The Israeli military has denied it targets civilians, with a spokesperson saying: “An initial review suggests that IDF troops, who were operating against Hamas terrorists in the area, operated against a threat that they identified in the area of the church. The IDF is conducting a thorough review of the incident.”

    Maybe now the tardy American Christians will do more than issue press releases to stop the holocaust of Palestinians.

    Israeli politician claims there are ‘no Christians in Gaza’ | LBC

    Nick Ferrari conducts a heated debate about who is winning the ‘propaganda war’ in the Israel-Gaza conflict. He speaks to Jerusalem’s deputy mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum and caller Leslie on the topic.

    1 day ago (edited)
    To be a senior political figure in Israel and not know simple demographic / historical knowledge , like the existence of a significant Palestinian Christian population a few miles from you, shows how profoundly disconnected from reality Israelis are. And that was a person who holds a huge political office…Mayor of Jerusalem. Can you imagine how uninformed and brainwashed the average Israeli citizen is? Its tragic.

    It’s wilful ignorance mate

    Michelle Bachmann Calls For Full Genocide Of Palestinians | The Kyle Kulinski Show

    She is really going against the 2 mil “trained assassins”. Like toddlers, elderly women and the permanently disabled.

    3 hours ago
    Not to harp but elderly men too. Never really got why it’s always something like “300,000 people dead including women and children”. Just kinda pushes the suffering of men even lower.

    ​ @Ruby_Eve It is kind of sad that saying “men” isn’t as rhetorically powerful as invoking women and children. Usually what I like to say is “men, women and children” so that no one is left out.

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  223. Major says:
    @Passing by

    How will you know when I meet my long deserved fate?
    I’d hate for you to be deprived of the delightful spectacle of my demise.
    I’ve heard you have a relish for indulging in schadenfreude.
    Otoh, that entails that you don’t owe me to prove yourself.

    What were we chatting about again?
    Oh, yeah. Hamas is getting its ass kicked and Gaza is being vaporized.

    • Troll: Xavier
  224. Major says:

    Haha so what?
    Every country with nuclear weapons has more than one.

  225. Alden says:

    The Vietnam vs America war lasted about 13 years 1960 to 1973 58,220 American soldiers killed . The latest Jews vs Palestinian war started October 7, 9 weeks ago.

    And the homicidal Jews have managed to murder between 19,000 and 20,000 Palestinians so far. The between 19,000 to 20,ooo body count seems to be accurate as reported on many websites and news stories.

    Jews murdered in 9 weeks one third of what the Vietnamese managed in 13 years. Think about that death count.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  226. Lydia says:

    Homelessness in U.S. reaches a record high, federal report finds

    A record number of people in the United States are unhoused, according to newly-released federal data. The report found that more than 653,000 were experiencing homelessness, a 12 percent population increase since last year. NBC News’ Dana Griffin reports.

    » Subscribe to NBC News:

    / nbcnews

    I lived in the Portland OR area for about 15 years prior to my retirement. Homelessness was a problem then, but is now OUT OF CONTROL. People lining so many streets in tents and cobbled together shanty’s. I believe it is driven (mostly) by landlord greed. How can anyone making $15.45/hr (min wage) survive with average rents being over $1447/mo? It’s just crazy.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  227. anonymous[203] • Disclaimer says:

    The JEW S A will not back off support for Israhell until a force greater than itself acts like the greater force and starts kicking the shit out of JEW S A. Americans are bullies like their Jew overloads, just more smooth-brained. Now’s the time for the world to take collective action against the Juice. Final point: even with the not-so-greatest generation in the field, no generation has done more harm to its nation or to the future of its own descendants than White baby boomers.

  228. anonymous[233] • Disclaimer says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    Kevin, we’re going to have to confront the Zionist problem in American society at some point. We’ll need an entirely new ruling class in America or there is no future for the United States.

    • Agree: Katrinka
  229. You can be assured in the IDF drone HQ there’s high fiving (and perhaps even masturbating) as the eye in the sky broadcast snuff porn of Palestinians scrambling among the screaming and dismembered.

    Perhaps the last video of 9/11 researcher Dr. Robert Bowman was of him turning the pages of a very expensive, limited run coffee table picture book of explicit 9/11 victim gore. He surmised it as a book prize by Jews.

  230. muh muh says:

    At least TKK knows some Muslims

    TKK reminds me of a woman I knew, the wife of an ESL school owner in a Muslim dominant country that herein shall remain unnamed. She’d been in the country 25 years and didn’t know a lick of her husband’s native tongue. Nor was she too culturally savvy, to say the least.

    I could blab a lot about my own personal experience with Muslims, which, I am certain, is far more informative than TKK’s own, but I’m not inclined to do so in a venue where obvious parties would love that I divulge that information.

    People here tend to believe what they want to believe. I don’t really care either way. I invite anyone here to double and triple check what I say because I have no fear of those facts being scrutinized.

    And if a google search yields a result that corroborates what 30+ years of research have taught me, I don’t see what the problem is.

  231. @Lydia

    Which group is massively over-represented among slumlords in the USA? Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Jews. Who would have thought it.

    • Agree: Alden
  232. @Unbornawakened

    The Eternal Wellspring of Hope trumps any evidence. The fact that there is absolutely not the slightest piece of evidence matters not, because humans want to believe. The Gospels give billions of people hope of a better life, in the afterlife. Add to that the promise of eternal life and you got a package deal, the car and a 10 year warranty to boot.

    If you break down this religious stuff, disassemble the components to see how it works, humans have invented religions for one, and only one reason. They are sentient, meaning self aware that they are alive and do not want to die. They fear death, death is non-existence, and if you know you are alive, well who wants to not exist? So one promise religion makes is that with belief alone you can beat death.

    Be sure to realize there is no evidence that anyone can beat death, but billions of people do believe and it is the main reason why the Gospels are so popular. Jesus beat death, and if you believe in him, you too can beat death. So when it comes to the Palestinians, they matter not, because the Christians wants heaven so much, they have collectively decided to back Jews because Jesus was a Jew. And if some Palestinians have to be slaughtered, so what, if I’m going to heaven for all eternity to be with Jesus, and a few eggs have to be cracked, so be it. Christians, for that reason, are indifferent to the total humiliation and slaughter of the Palestinians. They have their eyes on the prize.

    But that is not all, they other big reason the Gospels sell is because of hope of a better life. Life sucks, let’s face it, most people hate their jobs, the stress, taxes, relationships, and life in general. So the other big promise of the Gospels is that if the next life, heaven, it is perfection, no worries, no job, don’t have to work, no taxes, no suffering of any kind. With that promise, humans can then tolerate the horrible conditions on earth, because you see, all they have to do is reach the goal post, die and go to heaven – for all eternity. Hope is the cope dope while on earth.

    Never mind, as you say, any proof. There is no proof, but belief goes on and what the believers really don’t like, is the naysayers like you and me. The reason why is that the doubter, the rational argument weakens their faith and belief, and they sure as hell do not want that. This is IMO why atheists are persecuted and even called “antichrists”. The thinking atheist is the mortal enemy to the faithful believing theist. Thus, anyone using reason and logic is held in contempt and will have venom spit their way. No religion can survive two words: “PROVE IT”.

    What the preacher is doing is selling hope. The job of the preacher is to convince the flock of the literalness of the Gospels, because if you find one error the whole yarn could unravel. Reason is the mortal enemy of faith the sheep are told, and that is true. So another thing the believers do is exclude any non-believers from their fold, and this is a big deal, to maintain faith, the believers are very exclusionistic, they do not want to mingle with any other faith or non-faith persons. The preacher sells heaven, collects the money upfront, and never has to deliver the car. Because when you are dead, how can you sue? You can not, and so the preaching business is full of money grubbing charlatans, making outrageous claims, to collect mucho shekels.

    How the Gospels sells Jesus power to beat death needs to be mentioned, Jesus starts out with small miracles, like the loaves and fishes, then the miracles increase in absurdity, he walks on water, makes the blind see, raises Lazarus from the dead. Then the big grand finale (con job), Jesus beats death himself, comes back to life, and if you believe that, you too can beat death. So the religious pitch is very clear, if you believe Jesus could raise himself from the dead, so you too will beat death by believing in him. Of course there is exactly zero evidence any of it could be true, just have to believe, so to convince you of the whopper ressurection, Jesus does a whole bunch of miracles, to convince you that he could come back to life.

    So a quick recap, humans want to believe, which means the Gospels will probably never go away until humans go away (like if we are replaced by robots). The reason for religion, and why only humans have religion, is because humans are fully sentient. All one has to do is look at the Gorilla and wonder why Gorillas have no need for god to figure out why we humans are so damn weird, to believe in god and fantastic claims of afterlife. Humans are also not fit, they are domesticated. Humans have to get jobs to get money to buy food. No other animals has to do that, because all of the wild animals are fit – fit meaning they fit into the environment and just eat everything around them, and have fur and no need for houses or cars or bank accounts.

    The most amazing thing about religion is that it actually has convinced billions of people that they can beat death – without any real evidence to proving it true – religion is a sales job, it convinces you of a narrative found in a book. It is not like God Almighty opening up the heavens and telling you any of this, the whole story is in a book. Thus this Gospel story held in “reverence”. But you see, it is all just make believe. Every single thing in the Gospels is fiction, Jesus is fiction, his miracles are fiction, his apostles are fiction, the very writers of the story, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are also fiction. Afterlife is fiction, the soul is fiction, the ability to survive death is fiction. All of it is 100% fiction and I am just a greatest of heretics for saying the obvious, a blasphemer, that in earlier times would of surely been burned at the stake.

    I don’t care about religious threats, what I care about is how religion is playing out in end times, the believers are voting a certain way to make their beliefs come true. They will destroy the entire earth to prove that their god and beliefs are true, so with great delight they love all this death and destruction around Israel, because you see, it is prophecy coming true. But it isn’t, what is really happening is that they are willfully making their horrid beliefs come true. Christians are allied with Israel because it will force their savior to come back, or so they think. But since Jesus was never real, he can not come back, thus they will have to double down on their insanity again and again until the whole world blows up. That is the threat they pose us.

  233. @Alden

    The apposite figure is NOT the 58,000 Yanks but the four million Indochinese slaughtered by the USA and its stooges. These Western settler States have a knack for murdering the untermenschen.

    • Replies: @Alden
  234. @Lydia

    Bachmann: As a Minnesotan I am ashamed that she even lives in the same state as me. She held high office for awhile and is striving to remain “relevant” and get back on the Talmudists’ gravy train. After all, they own most of the money and are known to support those who suck up to them.

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Suetonious
  235. @Anonymous

    You all for the trap. These vile girls are just three nasty individuals. By extrapolating them to ALL Israelis and Jews you simply give the Zionazis and Judeofascists an opportunity to declare everybody opposed to Israel’s genocide as ‘antisemites’ and ‘Jew-haters’. In other words it’s a ‘Jew-hating world’ against the Jews, the basic Weltanschuuang of Judaism since its creation. By hating all Jews you do the dirty work for the evil ones among the Jews.

  236. Eric135 says:

    I don’t object to criticism of non-Jews. What I object to is sweeping condemnations that serve to protect the Jews.

    These over-the-top condemnations (e.g., bombing children in Gaza is a Western value) say, in effect, that Western Civilization, Christians, and/or white people are so sold out and corrupt that resistance to the Jews is pointless. We’ve already lost.

    If that’s true, then what are we talking about here? We might as well fold up our tents and go home.

  237. Art says:

    There is only one thing we can for sure say about the universe – that is, that it had a beginning –– everything we can identify had a start. Calling the cause of the beginning of the universe – “God” – is not hurtful. Attributing any other actions directly to God – is fools play.

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
  238. @cousin lucky

    Are there any ” flawless ” human beings?

    Killing human beings : for democracy ” or to save them ” is just twisted thinking that some people label as very twisted logic.

    I had friends that were drafted and sent to Vietnam to kill people; most came back very twisted people; unable to live with themselves.

    Lots of them spent the rest of their lives confined to the upper floors of V.A. hospitals. Lots of people like to kill other human beings; some find legal ways to do that.

    On paper the United States looks pretty good; but in reality the United States government is a diabolical monster and has been that its entire existence. Yes, there are lots of very good people here but none of them are running our government!

  239. Pfhil says:
    @Bruce In Texas

    The Nazi’s are dead and buried deeper than the deepest corpses of Stalingrad. The only people who want to keep on digging them up are jews.

    I truly wish National Socialism had won, but it didn’t, and consequently we are all under military occupation. It was doomed to failure from the start because what was wagered was the perception of the entire White race. Nearly all fighting age German men were killed in the war or murdered for losing, and those that survived were kidnapped by the Soviet jews and Shanghaied into slavery. Where the fuck was the U.N. or the Hague when ex Wermacht or SS men were made p.o.w.’s indefinitely? Nowhere.

    Where will the world be when jews ask for humanity and impartiality after Gaza? Nowhere. Perception is a Pyhrric victory that Muslims are winning as they appear to be losing everything. Jews are winning back the Temple, the Treasury, the Press, the University, the Constabulary, but it will cost them everything. The mask is off and there won’t be a single person on earth who will want to defend them after this war is all said and done.

    If you think the Nazi/Zionist connection is silly, just read a little about Martin Bormann or Otto Skorzeny. Better yet, my personal favorite Waffen SS Oberstgruppenfuhrer Hans Kammler and his two empty graves after WWII. That blowhard crypto jew Churchill was quoted as saying “history will be kind to me because I intend to write it.” But the geniuses of history amended that sentiment by saying “history won’t know I even existed, because I intend to erase it.”

  240. Eric135 says:

    “I think you would almost certainly have to decipher (the symbolism in the Book of Revelation) from the standpoint of someone who is a Jew or who is culturally steeped in Jewish mysticism crudely bastardized from Babylon and Egypt and then half-forgotten, deliberately Talmudized, and regurgitated in a stilted and perverted form, as is the wont of Jews with all things, in order to arrive at an accurate understanding of this allegory.”

    I would agree with you if John had been an unconverted (to Christianity) Jew, but he was a born-again Christian guided by the Holy Spirit not only in his daily life, but in his visions and dreams as well.

    Pastor Chuck Baldwin holds that there are two kinds of prophecy: Israel-based (false) and Jesus-based (true). Evangelical Zionists subscribe to false, Israel-based prophecy. Baldwin himself subscribed to Israel-based prophecy for thirty years (it was what he was taught in bible college), but then came to a realization that there was something seriously wrong with it. He spent seven years reeducating himself. Now, he is providing his insights to those who are interested.

    I recommend you acquaint yourself with his collection of sermons on prophecy in general as well as the current series of sermons he is presenting on the Book of Revelation.

    BTW, I love your name.

  241. @Yukon Jack

    I appreciate the fact that you elaborate in great detail all the reasons why people desire to believe and how that desire is manipulated by the usual suspects. This kind of elaboration needs to be taught in schools as an antidote to religious teachings and as a vaccine to immunize helpless young potential victims of future mind manipulation. But of course, this would not suit the agenda of the usual suspects, for people to learn not to believe everything they are told without questioning the story tellers.

    The fear of death, along with the multitudes of miseries that life inflicts on humans, is probably the most powerful unconscious drive for the desire to believe. Belief in a benevolent creator who cares for every single individual creature, not in this world which he created but which somehow is inferior to another he has in store for us, but only if we do certain things and don’t do certain other things which he has only revealed to one special person. He has created and has planned an eternal playground of fun and joy but he is not willing to give us any evidence that such a perfect world exist. However, he has given that evidence to one special person, and you must have faith that the special person he has chosen is telling the truth. But also to saints, the pope, and others who are in constant communication with the creator and will tell everyone that if they strive to follow the teachings of that special person maybe one day by the grace of God which is by no means guaranteed, they too might be able to hear the voice of God in their head. In the meantime, please give your alms and don’t worry about this life, we shall take care of your needs in another.

    Christianity with its story of the resurrection of that special person in this inferior world somehow provides additional evidence that there is a superior world where we shall all be resurrected!!

    • Replies: @Yukon Jack
  242. @Yukon Jack

    There is a profound difference between belief and faith. Belief is imposed. It is something which has been driven into your skull at a green and innocent stage of life, a time when imprinting is relatively easy, particularly by parents who have endured and finally surrendered to that identical procedure. Organized religions are SYSTEMS of beliefs. These systems are promoted by the self-appointed elites as their primary form of mind-control.

    “Suffer the little children”. Indeed.

    By contrast to belief systems which have been imposed on the innocent and also the gullible, is faith. While religions are premised, based on fear…the opposite of love…faith is innate.

    That means one is born with and frequently from, LOVE. We are spirits living in a 3rd Dimensional material reality. That’s a hard concept for believers to understand. Such is equally true for those who are staunch in their disbelief. Generally these unbelievers extend their disbelief into Creation, in a Cosmic and cyclical reality which has no beginning and no end.

    All is.

    All is One and One is All…the whole being equal to, yet greater than the sum of its parts.

    It is not difficult to understand those who have rejected organized religion and its fears and its guilts. These folks full well realize that the whole shtick is made up madness. So as in disbelievers such as des Cartes and Darwin, the only reality they can conceptualize…without falling into the pit which is organized religiosity…is scientistic…not scientific, but rather a counterpoint premised upon those phenomena which we can perceive with our five senses.

    Some would say that this perspective is simple common sense. However, that which is far more common amongst those who have not been subject to a religious upbringing is simple faith, a faith which transcends the fear of death and the understanding, the Real-Eye-Zation that we do not merely die and that is that.

    Reincarnation is real. There are numerous cases of individuals who can attest to prior lives, where they can not only tell you where they lived, who their parents were and even how they transitioned from that life, back into a womb…hastening yet another turn around the wheel in order to learn some more life lessons…and perhaps to help others to an awakening to deeper understanding.

    Do some research. You Tube avails a podcast interview series by Alex Ferrari. He interviews authors for the most part, who are channelers. Some of them may only be fudging things a bit, but for the most part one can sense their sincerity. They are not there to sell you on some great program which will dissolve all your problems. They are not like those Televangelist types. They might boost their books a bit, but that’s only a small portion of their presentation. There is no hype. No snake oil. Podcast is titled “Next Level Soul”.

    Check it out. That is, if you happen to have an open or even gradually opening mind.

  243. Eric135 says:
    @Harold Smith

    “If you have no cogent explanation about how seven [Roman emperors] can [be seven mountains], then your claim is most likely incorrect, capisce?”

    I never said the emperors were the same as the mountains. Strawman much? All I said was that the beast from the sea with seven heads (one of which has suffered a deadly wound and come back to life) and ten horns with ten crowns can reasonably be held to stand for Rome because:

    1) It comes from the sea; 2) Rome has had seven emperors; 3) Rome has seven hills; 4) Rome has ten provincial rulers; 5) the Roman imperium collapsed into civil war, which ended when Vespasian became emperor (the head suffering the deadly wound and coming back to life).

    You say the beast represents a devil-worshiping cult. So now, please go ahead and describe how the beast’s characteristics correspond to the alleged cult. And tell us more about the cult: who is a part of it, etc.

    • Replies: @Harold Smith
  244. Eric135 says:

    “You yourself are not honest enough to identify the Anglos, the kikes and their spawns as the true enemies of mankind.”

    I agree with you about Jews, but what do you mean by “Anglos”?

    Do they include Roman Catholics? Mainline Protestants such as Episcopalians? Is a U.S. citizen with Swedish, Italian, Irish and German ancestry an Anglo? Please elaborate.

    “White nationalists are rabidly [anti-Christian] …”

    Some are. I would say most are not.

    ” … no one has defined what the [white] race is supposed to be …”

    It’s easy to define a white person: any human being who is not a member of one of the recognized nonwhite races (blacks, Asians, etc.) Turning this into a mystery is a game that Jews like to play. And so do you, which makes you rather suspect.

    Are you a “Heeb hunter” – or just a Heeb?

    • Replies: @HeebHunter
    , @Xavier
  245. muh muh says:
    @Yukon Jack

    The fact that there is absolutely not the slightest piece of evidence matters not

    Evidence is also a matter of perception.

    Or are you unaware that our system of justice is inherently adversarial, giving fair hearing to mutually contending positions that often fight over the question of what constitutes evidence?

  246. Eric135 says:

    “To this day, Protestants consider anyone who is not successful in business or life as suffering from a [moral failing].”

    Not true.

    A long, long time ago, Calvinists thought material success was a sign that someone enjoyed God’s favor — which would imply that someone who was poor was disfavored.

    Mainline Protestants don’t think that way today.

    We’re never going to shake off the Jews with squabbling between Roman Catholics and Protestants. Almost all the squabbling is started by Catholics. Protestants rarely fire the first shots. Isn’t it time we put an end to this? Both denominations are guilty of bending the knee to the Jews, our true enemy.

    I don’t know how many more times I’m going to have to point this out. We Protestants have our evangelical Zionists. You Roman Catholics have Joe Biden, William F. Buckley, Anthony Fauci, and a history of Roman Catholic rulers using Jews as tax farmers to exploit their subjects. No country ever got Jewed faster than Roman Catholic Ireland. Roman Catholics today practice usury without a second thought. As the saying goes, “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”

    • Replies: @anarchyst
    , @Rurik
    , @Alden
  247. @Yukon Jack

    The reason why is that the doubter, the rational argument weakens their faith and belief, and they sure as hell do not want that.

    When your entire life revolves around a bunch of stories you hold as the absolute truth revealed by the highest authority in the universe, when someone questions the validity of the stories by asking for proof, how would you answer and how would you feel? You would answer with ad hominem personal attacks, since you don’t want to admit you have been conned, or you might regurgitate some nonsensical answers given by theologians which if questioned you keep repeating. But the worst part is the cognitive dissonance created by interplay between the deeply unconscious knowing that you have been conned, and the conscious attempt to repress that inner knowing when faced with the absolute lack of the slightest evidence for your beliefs. You are fighting within yourself and projecting that inner violent suppression onto others by lashing out, beheading, burning or otherwise silencing those that bring your whole life under a question mark.

    • Agree: Pfhil, Odd Rabbit
  248. Alden says:
    @emerging majority

    Didn’t the liberal Jews turn against her because she was too Christian? She was a real rising star for a while then the powers that be, aka Jews turned against her.

  249. Alden says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    You missed my point completely. I compared the deaths of soldiers in a 13 year war to mostly civilian deaths in a 9 week war

  250. @Yukon Jack

    The most amazing thing about religion is that it actually has convinced billions of people that they can beat death – without any real evidence to proving it true

    I personally think it goes deeper than what the mainstream religions have been saying, and I can share a few thoughts on this matter. There is a distinction also between soul and spirit. I think soul was meant to refer to mental processes that die with the brain, and spirit to what was perceived as the life force animating the body. The earliest words referring to spirit were identical with the word used for breath, at least in both Greek and Semitic languages like Hebrew and Aramaic. Primitive people saw that while the body died, it stopped breathing and it seemed to them as if the breath was something incorporeal that left the body, and that it was responsible for giving it life.

    Then there are so-called out-of0body and near-death experiences. I mention this because real individuals have come forth and shared their experiences with me, people I know to be sincere. There is also the entire world of dreaming which is another set of subjective experiences everyone is aware of. Someone put all these things together and came up with some theories and stories to make sense of them.

    The whole field of subjective experience and what consciousness really is a very controversial one, and I remain undecided. It is possible that the entire universe we experience is a sort of collective dream, and there is really no objective world out there.

    The problem with subjective experience is that there are people who claim to see things out there that no one else can see. I think schizophrenia can include such phenomena. Dreams being an attempt to recreate the objective world within one’s mind when the outer senses are shut off during sleep can probably be objectified with technology. Near death is not actual death so it does not prove an afterlife. It may be that our human concepts are too limited to understand what the world is about, and remaining silent may be the best option in the absence of real knowledge.

    Overall, I don’t find myself qualified enough to say whether subjectivity is more primal or objectivity or perhaps only pure awareness without the subject-object duality.

    • Replies: @Odd Rabbit
  251. Anon[203] • Disclaimer says:

    People need to start using their own intellectual faculty given to them by their maker. Salvation can only be found in the truth. Subscribing to 911 lies, war on terror lies, Jesus died for your evil, Santa Claus lies, fraudulent money lies, etc will soon be exposed with the coming of the Anti-Christ Dajjal. God Almighty will separate those that are righteous and those that are frauds. Satanyahoo’s of the world including Santa Claus Christians, hypocrite Muslims along with so called God’s chosen one’s are in full display for everyone to see. Much more will be exposed in the future. So which side are you going to be on?

    We all know 911 was a BIG FRAUD. So when Satanyahoo says this was their version of 911 we should examine the orchestrated TERROR by MOSSAD with a magnifying lens.
    “Most Zionist don’t believe that God exists
    but they do believe that he promised them

    Folks, these Israeli Terrorists are actually making confessions whilst making accusations. Everything from 911 terror to all other terror in Middle East since IsraHell came into being is orchestrated by these Criminal Cabal of Murderer’s. They will continue to do so until they build their Third Temple to usher in their Anti-Christ Messiah. They are being exposed by their own evil actions.
    The Matrix is Collapsing

  252. @Anon

    It is a commonplace among comparative religion scholars that unlike earlier faiths, “Islam was revealed in the full light of history.” The only way to radically question the received account of Islamic history (the big picture, not every last detail) is to take the position “we don’t believe what the established scholars say because they are Muslim and therefore biased.” That is just as ridiculous as throwing out all Western sources on Western history, or all American sources on American history, which is why only a tiny minority of scholars take revisionist extremists like the Crone school seriously.

    • Replies: @Alden
  253. @emerging majority

    Michele Bachmann styled herself the Tea Party candidate in the 2012 presidential election. After the 2008 crash of the housing bubble, banks and corporations were bailed out by the government, but homeowners were left to eat their losses. It was socialism for the rich and capitalism for everyone else, and the Tea Party was the reaction against it. Yet the Party was derailed by Jewish interests and Bachmann was pro-Israel more than anything else. She was like a teenage version of Nikki Haley.

    At a Republican Jewish Coalition event in Los Angeles last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann offered a candid view of her positions on Israel: Support for Israel is handed down by God and if the United States pulls back its support, America will cease to exist… “I am convinced in my heart and in my mind that if the United States fails to stand with Israel, that is the end of the United States…[W]e have to show that we are inextricably entwined, that as a nation we have been blessed because of our relationship with Israel, and if we reject Israel, then there is a curse that comes into play. And my husband and I are both Christians, and we believe very strongly the verse from Genesis [Genesis 12:3], we believe very strongly that nations also receive blessings as they bless Israel. It is a strong and beautiful principle.”

    June 3, 2011 https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2011/6/3/981819/-

    [As a Member of Congress] I am honored to be in a position where I can help Israel. I have a tremendous love for Israel, and great admiration for the Israeli people. I am a Christian, but I consider my heritage Jewish, because it is the foundation, the roots of my faith as a Christian.

    AIPAC conference March 24, 2010 https://tcjewfolk.com/2010/03/24/michele-bachmann-israel/

    “Israel is the greatest miracle of the Bible,” Bachmann said. “The Bible foretold that the modern Jewish state would be rebuilt, and within the lifetimes of many people here at this event. We are witnesses to the fulfillment of prophecy. The prophet Ezekiel prophesied that even Jerusalem would come back into Jewish hands. That didn’t happen until 51 years ago, in 1967. In my lifetime, I have witnessed the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy.

    When you let that sink in, within our modern era, we are witnesses of prophetic fulfillment. That should not only build up our confidence and faith, it should build up our appreciation of the Bible, the authoritative Word of God. The Bible should be even more trustworthy, and it’s not done. There are still more events to come.”

    November 15, 2018 https://www.charismanews.com/politics/74073-prayer-breakfast-unites-christians-and-jews-for-the-peace-of-jerusalem

  254. fufu says:

    #108 Eric135

    “Am I the only one who is tired of evil actions committed by Jews being blamed on everyone except the Jews — e.g., Christians, white people, Western Civilization, WASPs, Boomers, fill-in-the-blank-with-your-latest-pet-peeve?”

    Westerners made Christianity (“religion for slaves”) a basis of their culture.
    Side effect is that Christianity gave special status to Jews because Bible is based on Jewish history and tradition so Christians/Westerners are naturally linked with Jews.
    Westerners dominated for the last 200-300 years.
    Western countries have been democratic for the last 200 years. I mean- regular people have had quite big influence on governments.
    Westerners did nothing to take back power from Jews for the last 100-150 years.

    If you still don’t understand what I’m talking about then I give you short summary:

    Westerners created situation where Jews have had special status in societies (because of Christianity).
    Then they spread it all around the world and Westerners have been passive when Jews took full control, although Westerners could have opposed because of democracy.
    Even today Westerners are still passive although they are democratic countries which means that Westerners have big infulence on governments.

    Westerners are first tier culprits.
    Jews are second tier culprits.

    You are typical Westerner – you don’t see sins of your ancestors and western culture.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    , @Pfhil
    , @Han
    , @Eric135
  255. @Art

    There is only one thing we can for sure say about the universe – that is, that it had a beginning

    What a strange statement to make. Wouldn’t the complete opposite be the real situation and be more logical?

    There is only one thing we can for sure say about the universe – that is, that it had no beginning, and no end.

    And that statement stands whether there is a creator God or whether all is just the result of physical processes. Of course one could tweek it to say that before a God there was nothing, but we surely there must include such a God in our definition of what is ‘universe’ for a fair comparison, because God would just be the, or a, universe, in another form. And that is just another way of saying, as the physicists now do, that there also must have been ‘something’ before Big Bang. I understand that the latest is that they claim there were ‘fields’ whatever they are.

    What’s here has always been, it always will be, and all it does is change!

    And it simply cannot be any other way, or we just would not know. God or no God, it really is that horrific!

  256. End Times, for sure! The Synagogue of Satan sect will be sent off to HELL in due time Menorah and all!

  257. @one nobody

    Christ Jesus knew Jews because he was one of them and loved them notwithstanding their follies, foibles and faults, whereas, he didn’t know Muslims because there weren’t any. The whole Muslim business is suspect to say the least… they would be better served with their Moon goddess.

  258. @Anon

    An angel tells Muhammed that he won’t enter a home if it has a dog or a painting:

    When it was evening, Gabriel met him, and he said to him: you promised that you would meet me the previous night. He said: Yes, but we do not enter a house with a dog or a picture. Then on that very morning, he commanded the killing of the dogs until he announced that the dog kept for the orchards should also be killed, but he spared the dog meant for the protection of extensive fields (or big gardens). [Muslim]

    Wouldn’t it make more sense to simply keep the dogs outside instead of killing them all?

    Muhammed had a bizarre hatred of dogs and European art.

    Oops I mean an angel told him that dogs and art are bad.

    Any White man that follows this desert raiding religion will only face disappointment. It exists to encourage death in war with the promise of an afterlife for the merciless.

    The previous poster is correct in that it is not a religion that allows discussion. You are expected to stick your butt in the air and shove your nose on the ground in complete submission. Even doing it once a day isn’t enough. I guess God needs your complete submission even if he is omnipotent.

    • Thanks: Alden
    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Anonymousrgc
  259. Che Guava says:

    RF President Putin or a representative seems to have recently stated (last day or two) that Poland, Hungary, and Romania can have the territories stolen from them for integration in the USSR’s the Ukraine back if they want.

    All three now being NATO and EU slaves, one wonders if anything happens, but it is a very interesting move, one I was expecting from more than a year-and-a-half ago.

    • Replies: @Avery
  260. @fufu

    Westerners made Christianity (“religion for slaves”) a basis of their culture.
    Side effect is that Christianity gave special status to Jews because Bible is based on Jewish history and tradition so Christians/Westerners are naturally linked with Jews.

    But it isn’t that simple.

    Secular liberals vote for Israel military aid just as consistently as Evangelicals.

    It’s one of the few things that both sides can agree on.

    White people get even more confused when they go secular. They become convinced that race doesn’t exist cause “the science” but then still team up with “minimal government” conservatives to give military aid to Israel. House Republicans are currently unified over Israel aid but bicker over giving to Ukraine. How is that a minimal government position?

    I don’t see the logic in pointing the finger at Christianity when secular Democrat reps will line up to give military aid to a country that has a budget surplus. Very similar to how Christianity is blamed for globalist policy when the secular European states are the most left-wing. Sweden has very few Jews and yet they have some the strictest hate crime laws in Europe. A judge can toss you in prison for posting racial crime statistics. Doesn’t matter if they are true or not.

  261. Wild Man says:
    @Colonel Dolma

    Yep, …. you too. That’s my point (‘who the fuck are you’). You just made it. Thanks for the added emphasis. You don’t know squat (beyond mere speculation) on the existential front, and neither does anyone else (including myself, of course), …. and that’s my point. Why pray-tell do you know squat, and I know squat, on the existential front, friend? Perhaps it is because the ordering of reality is infinite (the esoteric traditions of all the major religions, say so), rendering said task impossible, by logic, for any finite-bound creature? Perhaps we should start listening to the saints among these traditions, instead of the pastors.

    The problem for you, is you (same as everybody else). You want more existential certainty than is available. To bad so sad for you, I guess (I say it that way, not so as to try to be a jerk, but as potentially a way to shock you out of your very childish certainty-wishing stance).

    • Replies: @Colonel Dolma
  262. Pfhil says:

    Γνῶθι σαυτόν

    The finest piece of advice ever given in human history! So much so that it was carved into marble above a certain doorway. Personally, I don’t go around proclaiming to the world that I AM God, but, for all intents and purposes – I AM is my only point of reference for awareness. The Ancient Greeks created the most eloquent word to describe this self-evident doctrine – Gnosis – Gnosis transcends both belief and faith. There is no God you can blame or petition, and the only destiny you have is from your own character or lack thereof.

    The Abrahamic death cult is the single worst thing that has ever happened to the world. From the big three religions more murder, torture, and avarice has been committed in the name of God than any individual campaign of psychopathy ever has or ever will commit. Prophecies and ecstatic visions aren’t unique to any one man or woman – we’ve all had them! Sometimes it’s while meditating, or on a walk out in nature, definitely while tripping acid, but sometimes you just feel a peak experience out of the blue because you watched a particularly moving sunset.

    The only religious book I’ve ever felt any affinity for is the Upanishads because there is no author credited, and the anonymity is also the point. If you truly absorb the message, you are both the author and the subject. Awareness is a tremendous responsibility, Gnosis demands personal accountability. Men and women do good or evil in their own name, religion has always been a flimsy excuse for personal decorum. You don’t have to don a saffron robe, live in a cave, or renounce the world entirely. God exists the moment you become aware of being Godlike.

    But, who knows maybe it’s just easier for some than others and the whole Bodhisattva thing is real and the point of the task is the frustrating and futile task of convincing everyone else they are God too.

    • Agree: Bruce In Texas
  263. Avery says:
    @Che Guava

    {RF President Putin or a representative seems to have recently stated (last day or two) that Poland, Hungary, and Romania can have the territories stolen from them for integration in the USSR’s the Ukraine back if they want.}

    RT link confirming it, please.
    Otherwise, it’s just MSM PsyOps, directed at? I don’t know.
    It would be highly unusual for Kremlin to make such a statement.

    • Replies: @Che Guava
  264. anarchyst says:

    You are correct in stating that no belief system is perfect. We are in complete agreement.
    However, I must stand by my statement concerning Protestants and the “prosperity gospel” promoted by the likes of Huckabee, Beck, Osteen, Graham and others. The “prosperity gospel” belief parallels judaic beliefs–the worship of money. That belief indirectly suggests that not being able to “prosper” IS a “moral failing”.
    Claiming that “good works” are not necessary is another moral failing of Protestants.
    Sola Scriptura is but another false belief as the Bible was written by MEN, many with their own agendas.
    All of today’s Christian religions have been co-opted by jews with their supremacist position being recognized by both Protestants and (some) Catholics. Yes, the Vatican II Ecumenical Council poisoned the Catholic Church.
    As I stated in some of my other posts, Christianity has to remove the “judeo” from Christianity. THAT is the only way out of this mess. Use the Old Testament as a historical text and restore the New Testament by reinserting the books that were removed from the Bible by Protestants.
    Christians should use jews as examples of HOW NOT to live one’s life. That would go a long way in removing the poisonous jewish influence from Christianity. Recognize judaism as a moral and mortal enemy of Christianity. Christians should publish the Talmud and make all Christians aware of the extreme hatred that jews have for Jesus Christ and his mother Mary.
    As to Catholics having such (a)moral figures as Biden, Buckley, Fauci, Pelosi and many others, you are absolutely correct. They ARE a formidable detriment to the spiritual and moral health of this country. Most people are unaware that in the Catholic Church, excommunication is self-imposed. I would consider all of the above examples that you mentioned and many more to have excommunicated themselves. In fact, both Biden and Pelosi have been refused communion by priests who are aware that they excommunicated themselves by their (public) actions.
    That being said, Protestants are good people who want what we all want…

    • Replies: @Eric135
  265. Pfhil says:

    Not reading the room very well chief!

    None of us here are all that pleased with Democracy. The whole meaningful petition and redress of grievances process doesn’t exist – and most likely never existed. You familiar with the Whiskey Rebellion of 1789? In brief, here’s what happened:

    Revolutionary War veterans went to war with the Continental Army over interstate taxes on whiskey to repay debts incurred by the Federal Government who they had just fought for. Thanks for your service, but you need to pay your share bud, them roads and hospitals ain’t free!

    Coming on here to lecture potential allies about the sins of their ancestors. We have a common enemy and you are blinded by your personal hatred and ignorance.

    • Thanks: Eric135
    • Replies: @fufu
  266. Rurik says:

    We’re never going to shake off the Jews with squabbling between Roman Catholics and Protestants. Almost all the squabbling is started by Catholics. Protestants rarely fire the first shots.

    that didn’t take long

    I have a metric; does religion, or Christianity, or some denomination there of.. offer any hope as a spiritual foundation to bolster the dying Western world and its people, from the forces currently destroying it?

    And I’ve asked this question dozens of times here on TUR, to which the replies have always been ultimately disheartening.

    Christianity simply has no sound argument in its doctrines or leadership, for any kind of defense against mass-immigration/invasion by unlimited billions of non-Westerners, because they’re all ‘God’s children’, and a Christian must always be compassionate towards the needy, blah, blah..

    And as we see, it is Christians that are leading the charge for bringing in Somalis and everyone else. Because it’s shows ‘kindness’ and ‘compassion’ to do so, and they can thereby virtue signal to ‘God’ their worthiness, and only a ‘racist’ would object.

    Some people bring up Chuck Baldwin or Rick Wiles, but these guys too wear their anti-racism on their sleeves. So I personally just don’t see much hope coming out of Christianity to save the nations and societies of Christendom from depraved desolation at the hands of unlimited billions of non-Western invaders.

    As to the respective virtues or vices of Catholics vs. Protestants, I’ve noted how utterly abased and degenerate is the current pope.

    But then, what I read recently, is that the fire-extinguisher guy, (Grzegorz Braun) is a strong traditional Catholic.

    So that for me, (at least) is huge. Here is a Christian with the nads and strength of faith to actually do Christ’s work, and take on the beast front and center.

    It is actions like that, which at least give me some small shred of hope for the Christian faith, and Catholics in particular.

    Where are the Protestants with the courage of faith to do something like that?

    Not that it gives me much hope for Christianity to lead us out of the mire, but at least it was something.

    Then of course, there is this from Wiki

    Cardinal Grzegorz Ryś, Archbishop of Łódź, said he was “ashamed and I apologize to the whole Jewish community in Poland” following the incident.

    why don’t you get on your knees Cardinal, and crawl.

    Braun has denied having racist motives and described his actions as a response to what he perceives as “Satanic, Talmudist triumphalism” of Jewish holidays.[35]

    where has anyone read of a Protestant or any religious or non-religious public person speak in such brave and overdue language?

    So, perhaps there is something to Catholicism, no? Even if the pope is poop in a funny hat.

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
    , @Eric135
  267. Wild Man says:
    @Colonel Dolma

    Further to my first reply comment (# 268), …. on the ‘saints’ thing, ….. one will notice these types tend to be hyper-introverted, …. admittedly so, …. they are discussing their inner turmoils, ….. and these more unvarnished types (personas not fine-sanded and then varnished too much by the cultural friction imposed by the much more extroverted orientation), …. they come to know they are in utter awe, ….. reality (and as such, the ‘God-head’ if you will, for lack of proper nomenclature) is infinite, they come to viscerally realize ….. a soul-crushing realization, …. the source of our always unanswered oh-so-human call to be with (one with) our God, …. unanswered because of our own shortcomings, …..our finitude.*

    As such, one must realize that these saints are de facto (and admittedly so) in the mode of: ‘finite creature with some limited access to infinity-mode-appreciation’ (which I believe is inherent to all of us, …. but usually avoided, …. it indeed is a ‘soul-crushing’ endeavor and should be undertaken with great care), struggling with this most bizarre and astounding circumstance (which is the human condition). So it is important to not mistakenly take their often very hyper-personal statements out of this precise context.

    * Bound by 5-9 items of short-term memory, for example, …. but this one is a rather telling example, ….. human creatures conceptualize by way of comparing these denoted memory-items (often concepts themselves, … as such an exponentializing ‘concept chunking’ operation can also be undertaken, …. thus the rise of the western Academy and all the fruits it brought), and by way of this memory-item-comparison operation we are able to create new concepts, …. in what can be gleaned to potentially be an open-ended (infinite) mode, as long as it may be true that ever-changing reality is infinite (so, … a contingent infinity, and this contingent infinity is bound in ways that an omnipotent infinite God would not be, ….. think in terms of the impossible to imagine reality of a short-term memory, capable of the derivative concept-spinning inter-item-comparative-mode inclusive of the exponentializing concept chunking mode, but with infinite short term memory items, … but that analogy doesn’t even really do it, because short-term memory comparative operations take some processing time, …. but ‘omnipotent’ begets ‘beyond time’).

  268. Anonymous[494] • Disclaimer says:

    Commendably subtle of you, Mulga, 241, but the Zionist entity is not just a criminal state but a psychotic culture enacting a genocidal repetition compulsion. It will most likely take a nuke or two to get their attention amid the mass hysteria.

    They’re not all insane, of course, half a million sane ones already scrammed and left the most psychotic ones to provoke more death. This is scaled-up suicide by cop. Damage limitation entails S-400s for everybody and a stern talking-to from some nuclear powers. Israel’s a one-nuke laydown, after all.

  269. Before you can extinguish the fires of Jewish supremacy, it might be a good (and Godly) idea to first extinguish a “Christian” doctrine founded by Darby and grifter Cyrus Scofield backed by the Rothschilds and the “Zionist Conference”–Christian Zionism.

    And that most young Christians in the US today refuse to support Christian Zionism (most CZs are Boomers or GenX) is a start.

  270. @Unbornawakened

    Thanks. Good comment.
    On this I disagree: “It is possible that the entire universe we experience is a sort of collective dream, and there is really no objective world out there.”
    That’s very good: “… soul was meant to refer to mental processes that die with the brain, and spirit to what was perceived as the life force animating the body.”
    Out of the earth thou art come, and unto the earth shalt thou return.

  271. Anonymous[166] • Disclaimer says:
    @John Johnson

    God doesn’t need anything – He demands It because it is His right to make clear His Absolute and Unlimited Authority/Sovereignty- He commands whether His servants agree or disagree; that is the point of Absolute Sovereignty.

    A king that can only command that which his servants agree to or find suitable is not a true or absolute king in any possible definition.

    If there is a God and He demands fealty or submission – and the proposition is neither illogical or absurd (it only doesn’t “feelz” good in our hyper-individualistic era where we worship personal choice and freedom as our idols) – there is only one choice; bend the knee (willingly or unwillingly) and be rewarded for knowing one’s place in the ontological hierarchy or face the consequences of disobedience.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  272. @Eric135

    If you have no cogent explanation about how seven [Roman emperors] can [be seven mountains], then your claim is most likely incorrect, capisce?”

    I never said the emperors were the same as the mountains.

    Okay, let’s analyze this issue by way of simple syllogism:

    Major premise: “The seven heads are seven mountains…” (Angel’s statement to John, Rev 17:9).
    Minor premise: “The seven heads represent the first seven Roman emperors…”(Statement of Eric135, comment #48).
    Conclusion: The seven Roman emperors are mountains.

    Strawman much?

    Not as much as you obfuscate, apparently.

    You say the beast represents a devil-worshiping cult.

    Exactly. You don’t believe me? Take a look around. Instead of taking everything Chuck Baldwin says at face value, do some simple observation and reasoning of your own. You don’t see any hint of exceptional, organized, calculated evil at work in the world today? You don’t see any people in high political offices who appear to be demon possessed…people obsessed with destruction in every meaningful sense…people flirting with nuclear war and planetary extinction…people who should be institutionalized somewhere but who’re instead is positions of power and influence both in the public and private sectors?

    So now, please go ahead and describe how the beast’s characteristics correspond to the alleged cult. And tell us more about the cult: who is a part of it, etc.

    First, I don’t claim to have all the answers; what I claim is that I can generally support my views with plausible arguments based on observation and reasoning. I’ve made many comments here in the past where I’ve explained in detail my view of Rev 13 (and related subject matter) which you can easily find. If you weren’t coming across as just being contrary, I’d probably try to summarize it here. As it is I don’t feel like wasting any more time and bandwidth arguing about it.

    As I see it, Chuck Baldwin’s preterist view of the Book of Revelation isn’t just wrong, it’s laughably absurd on its face; especially in light of the horrifically evil things going on in the world right now. Based on some of the things he’s said in recent months, I suspect Chuck Baldwin knows this as well as I do, but it’s simply not in his character to admit to being wrong.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  273. @Eric135

    It’s easy to define a white person: any human being who is not a member of one of the recognized nonwhite races (blacks, Asians, etc.) Turning this into a mystery is a game that Jews like to play. And so do you, which makes you rather suspect.

    So a jew like paul newman (racially and self-identified until death) and some albino Mohammed from Morroco is huwhite?

    The only mystery meat/game here is YOU fucking angloids and amerimutt scum. Why are YOU trying to erase individual European ethnicity?

    Eat shit and die, muttscum.

    • Troll: Rurik
    • Replies: @Eric135
  274. @John Johnson

    Interesting how dogs have replaced children for almost all white Americans.

  275. muh muh says:

    When your entire life revolves around a bunch of stories

    Well, see, you’re still stuck in the gate.

    The very terms you use are denigrating, which is your right (not a complaint), but it’s hardly an objective approach. You yourself are, with great irony, presenting a protracted ad hominem.

    This isn’t to say those stories don’t matter, but rather, that they are not the axis you imagine them to be. Rather, the believer perceives that God, being who He is, is that axis through Whom all things are made possible. The stories are closer to the center in that they serve to remind the faithful of God’s power, but they themselves are not the center.

    Thing is, the cognitive dissonance of which you speak is not exclusive to religious folk struggling to rationalize their faith, it’s a human phenomenon that exists with or without religion, and there are plenty of examples of political, ideological, romantic and social disenchantment leading to inner turmoil and subsequent aggression that could easily serve as substitutes for religious disillusionment.

    Bear in mind that I’m looking at this from more of a microcosmic, personal perspective. As I said earlier, it’s clear which religious groups have been the primary aggressors in recent memory. That’s a macrocosmic view.

  276. @Rurik

    but these guys too wear their anti-racism on their sleeves.

    Maybe you’re best off just sticking with your Judaism. It seems also to suit most other aspects of the beliefs you present on this blog.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  277. @Yukon Jack

    “But since Jesus was never real, he can not come back, thus they will have to double down on their insanity again and again until the whole world blows up. That is the threat they pose us.”

    But what if Jesus was real …but was not like Vatican and NT/Paul-theology says? There are undeniable/unchallenged facts that such man as Jesus has indeed lived but his real name was not Jesus.
    Johannes Lehmann writes in his book Jesus Report the story of that ‘Jesus’ and how Paul has made his own story/forgery of that man. For me Lehmann’s historical Jesus is of more interest than the Paul’s forgery of historical Jesus in NT.


    • Replies: @mothman777
    , @Odd Rabbit
  278. @Anonymous

    A king that can only command that which his servants agree to or find suitable is not a true or absolute king in any possible definition.

    A king has limitations and must command a large organization. If God is of the Abrahamic nature then he has zero limitations and effort is not really part of his nature. He could smite the subservient just as easily as the rebellious. Why would he need man to be submissive with such power?

    If there is a God and He demands fealty or submission – and the proposition is neither illogical or absurd (it only doesn’t “feelz” good in our hyper-individualistic era where we worship personal choice and freedom as our idols) – there is only one choice; bend the knee (willingly or unwillingly) and be rewarded for knowing one’s place in the ontological hierarchy or face the consequences of disobedience.

    How would you know there is a penalty for not submitting? Man lived for thousands of years without the concept of a God that punishes for not kneeling on a daily basis. Why would we assume that submission is important to God when he was clearly fine with primitive man worshipping his own gods for millennia? Because a warlord from 710 said he talked to an angel who told him to get rid of dogs and European art? Yea real convincing. History suggests that God is fine with man living on his feet and not his knees. Even if you reject human evolution there is the problem of Neanderthal man. We know he existed and all races except Africans share some of his DNA. His existence isn’t mentioned in any of the Abrahamic religions. Why should we ignore that period and believe in a vengeful God that requires constant praise and submission? It doesn’t make sense. Believe what you want but all these religions have problems. If they were 100% the word of God then I doubt they would have so many historical problems.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @muh muh
    , @Wokechoke
  279. @Anonymousrgc

    Interesting how dogs have replaced children for almost all white Americans.

    Are you suggesting it was somehow prophetic or good for society?

    If you banned dogs in America then those same Whites would replace them with cats and gadgets. Robot pets will be the next big thing for the laziest Americans. No need to bother with feeding or scooping poop.

    Whites have low birth rates because they have become convinced that they don’t exist. They think race is superficial and they are not needed to create children since the third world has plenty. Haiti will be creating a new generation of scientists and inventors any day now. The science has spoken. AHHHHHMMEEEEENNNNN.

  280. Alden says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    Hey Kevin, Israel is surrounded on 3 sides by Muslim countries. What have those Muslim countries accomplished against Israel since 1948?

    • Replies: @Druid55
    , @Anonymous
  281. @Anonymousrgc

    Dogs and certain ethnicities have a natural bond formed over time from prehistoric eras forward due to mutually beneficial relationships in hunting, herding, even fishing in the case of Labrador Retrievers. First wolves then dogs protected small children in the camp from predators. It’s something Asians, Middle Easterners and Africans will never understand.

  282. @Unbornawakened

    What if this place is a holographic simulation, and we are all Sims, can we explain our experience? With the Simulation Hypothesis I think we can very well explain quantum physics, our creative ability, our built in belief in god. Our consciousness intersects the Greater Consciousness of the Sim, and we call that God and all of us have experience to believe it real. Religion is a overlay on what we all are experiencing, communication with higher intelligence and our creative ability, indicated by synchronicities, events in the physical world that match our thoughts. Thoughts manifest, we do it, but most of us think God did it.

    I have constructed a model of what happens when we die, like any character in a video game, when we die we cease to be animated. We don’t go anywhere, we are just program code, dormant in a file. Do you care if GI Joe is killed in World of Warcraft? No, because you know it is only a video character, likewise if millions of us die, the programmers (the Matrix architect eg God) doesn’t care. We are all expendable like any simulated character – and that matches reality – 20,000 Gazans just died and no god cared or intervened. So if you live your life without serious trauma, count yourself lucky.

    The purpose of the Simulation is to gather data, so each one of our lives represents a data file, the Matrix collects and stores that information in Edgar Cayce’s Hall of Records, or what New Agers call it the Akashic Records. With each simulation run, the architect/god builds a more believable matrix. Our lives don’t really matter, they matter to us, but the gods use us like toilet paper for whatever schemes they are up to.

    GOD is a Computer PROGRAMMER – Documentary

    “You never asked to be here, but you are here now, so you sure as hell better conform, that is, play the game, otherwise go to prison, or live on the streets. God is a computer programmer, from an advanced civilization. Look around you, now, think of where virtual reality technology is currently at, with the Oculus Rift.

    Now fast forward that technology 500 years or so, and throw in some artificial intelligence algorithms, and you can begin to see how you and I, are very likely artificial intelligence algorithms running on advanced computer hardware, that is so powerful we truly believe we are real, but in actual fact none of us are real, it is all a simulation. You are stuck inside a simulation, there is no escape, there is no merciful God, who is going to bring you to be with him in heaven once you die.

    Stop trying to search for some greater meaning in life, because I have just explained the meaning, you are inside a simulation, you are nothing more than entertainment, and in fact, with billions of characters inside this simulation, you may never even be noticed, by who ever it is that our particular instance of the simulation program is being viewed by.

    Religions are made up explanations of how this place works. We want to believe in everlasting life, in a merciful god, who we have a personal relationship with. But that is only our wishful thinking, not backed up by any evidence. The horrible truth is we are expendable meatbags in a hell simulation. We think we are real, we struggle with existence, then we die. Religion gives us an explanation for our existence, religions always have a Creation Story to explain how we got here. We all stick with that story, because the one I am describing is brutal and harsh, we simply will not want to believe we are just Sims in a Holographic Matrix using us like toilet paper.

  283. nitereign says: • Website

    The Jews seek world communism. The Jews most wanted it to begin in Crimea but the plan was dashed by Russia.

  284. Anonymous[166] • Disclaimer says:
    @John Johnson

    He doesn’t need anything, He doesn’t benefit at all. He wants do display His Complete Sovereignty not out of needing to, but because it’s His prerogative. As such, you are the one that benefits from getting with the plan. There will be plenty of smiting on His schedule, not ours. Part of Absolute Divine Authority is deciding when and how any repercussions will be doled out. Smiting everyone immediately upon disobedience makes the game a little too easy to figure out and words like faith and belief lose any meaning.

    You seem fixated on dogs and art (as if that’s all Islam has to offer) and seem not to realize that without guidance – a civilization fixated on such things loses focus on the bigger picture – that they are in free fall collapse and are having public debates about what a “woman” is. Islam doesn’t have that problem – family formation and sustainability is the cornerstone of a civilization, not dogs and art or typewriters or plastic knick knacks.

    You assume primitive people weren’t worshiping God in a manner He defined as befitting for them. Your speculation is as good as mine – neither of us has any hard evidence especially from illiterate cultures.

    History suggests that God has no problem replacing one people with another people to prove a point. Project things out two, three hundred years from now – do you think there will be proportionally less Muslims or more on the planet? Figure out which way this trend is going despite your feelings about it. If Islam was as useless as you claim it to be, it’s a no brainer that it should or will collapse in relatively short order. It doesn’t, it keeps growing.

  285. @Odd Rabbit

    Please see the information in the book by DM Murdock – The Christ Conspiracy – The Greatest Story Ever Sold (revised edition). In that book you will find total proof that the real Christ was originally called Chrest by the Gnostics for several thousand years before the politically-intended creation of the fictitious physical Jesus Christ.

    Chrest of the Gnostics was held to be a non-physically incarnate spiritual principal. Scriptural texts from ancient India relating to Krishna (Christna) and Buddha (there have in fact been many manifestations of Buddha over thousands of years, he is not just one person as proposed by most studies of ancient religion) have been proven to have been plagiarized to construct the fiction of Christianity, and those stolen and altered scriptures then placed in an entirely malevolent and actually anti-spiritual context to lend seeming authenticity to what is actually a proto-Bolshevik psychological weapon through which the Jews intend to destroy the very foundations of Gentile society so as to render Gentiles vulnerable to total subjugation by the entirely malevolent and actively hostile parasitical Jewish infiltrators who are sadly allowed not only to visit our lands, but to actually live in them and dominate them as cancerous hostile foreign power military occupation government politicians.

    • Agree: Bruce In Texas
    • Replies: @Druid55
    , @Kapyong
  286. Alden says:

    If we’re gonna do what aboutism there’s Calvinist Mary Anne and Mary’s husband Calvinist William of Orange.

    Everyone of them agents of Amsterdam usury Jew bankers. Plotting against their father James Stuart 2 from childhood.

    And right after the fake Glorious Revolution the Amsterdam usury Jews established the Bank of England. And took over the English monetary system for the last 330 years Calvinist William brought a force of 80 K to make sure the English “ welcomed” him. And never went anywhere without his 45 Dutch bodyguards. At least they didn’t have children. And were succeeded by the Lutheran Duke of Hanover instead of their wanna be Judaism.

    One reason I avoid conservative sites. All these Protestant bible thumpers blathering about which of their 20 thousand sects follows the true set of myths and fables. 7 headed beast of revelation coming out of the sea ; magic mushrooms or severe insanity

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @Eric135
  287. Hi Kevin. On a non-theological note:

    Thank you! Outstanding article!

  288. Ron Unz says:

    Everyone of them agents of Amsterdam usury Jew bankers. Plotting against their father James Stuart 2 from childhood.

    And right after the fake Glorious Revolution the Amsterdam usury Jews established the Bank of England. And took over the English monetary system for the last 330 years Calvinist William brought a force of 80 K to make sure the English “ welcomed” him. And never went anywhere without his 45 Dutch bodyguards.

    You’ve mentioned your divergent perspective on the Glorious Revolution on a number of occasions, and made me quite curious.

    I’ll admit I’ve never studied that part of history, and don’t really know anything about it other than my introductory history textbooks. But I have read that Churchill and various other top military figures supposedly switched sides and supported the overthrow.

    Could you recommend a couple of your leading sources so I can take a look at them and decide whether they seem persuasive?

    • Replies: @Suetonious
    , @Alden
  289. @Anonymous

    I’m suggesting or rather observing that Americans who take more prozac doses than the rest of the world combined are also the people who parade dogs in strollers and buy $ billions in pet toys. LOL

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  290. @Ron Unz

    divergent perspective on the Glorious Revolution

    One thing that makes it look suspicious is that, in 1667, the Dutch attacked Royal Navy ships that were moored on the Thames River. Meanwhile, English sailors watched from the land, for want of specie to pay their wages. This no doubt led members of Parliament to believe that a different kind of monetary system was necessary. By the Seven Years War in the 1750s to ’60s, the Brits had perfected this new system, fighting the French and Spanish around the world. France and Spain were broke, but the British kept winning, and they were the party that sued for peace, so as not to upset the balance of power in Europe too badly


    • Replies: @Alden
  291. @Yukon Jack

    These are very interesting topics. There are many possibilities to consider, but it seems we don’t know enough at this point in time to decide between them. I could share some thoughts on these but they are really wild speculations, and it would require taking seriously a few hints here and there in the stories we are being told.

    First, I was very much intrigued by the simulation hypothesis when I read a paper by a computer scientist who have several reasons why he thought this was a simulation. (Recently, a paper appeared in Scientific American that proposed that there is a 50% chance we are living in a simulation.)

    As an engineer, I am familiar with digital signal processing. When applied to audio you take discrete samples at regular intervals in time and encode each sample as a series of ones and zeroes. Theoretically if the signal you are sampling has a limited bandwidth you need only sample at the twice the highest frequency present in the signal to be able to reconstruct the analog signal through a smoothing filter and a digital to analog conversion process. Classical physics assumes the world is continuous but that creates problems in calculations when you deal with the infinitely small, you get infinities in your calculations. But if there is a smallest unit of time and space beyond which you cannot go lower, it seems to me as an engineer it would make a lot of sense. You can then store the entire universe as a collections of bits and numbers and process these. It would seem to take an infinite amount of computation power, but what if the computations are done only when required, in other words whenever we observe something it is computed out of the digital representation that is stored and represents the matrix to produce the illusion of reality.

    It seems that not only energy but time and space are discrete as well. Computation requires a processor and the processing power is limited by the speed at which information can be processed. It seems the speed of light is correlated with this processor speed limit. The weird distortions in time and space that relatively predicts are the result of the processor reaching its maximum speed and breaking down.

    What would be the purpose of such a simulation and who and where are the simulators?

    Maybe the purpose is to create a game and pick the winners, and use the winners in another game with all the other winners, weed out the losers and pick only winners, and on and on. A kind of natural selection through survival of the fittest. The winners are the programs that end-up being the most fit according to some criteria defined by the simulator. At death the final code that self-modified to score the highest scores will be preserved for some future simulations, while the vast majority will be discarded, simply deleted.

    So someone is playing games with us, testing us, and then picking the best among us to be re-used in another simulation. That may be what religions were trying to tell us in their own ways. God is playing games with us, he will only pick the winners, and the losers are discarded (the burning fire of hell kinda means you are deleted from the matrix, burned down). The gospels talk about seeds being thrown and a harvest by God. The Urantia book talks about souls being stored for aeons sometimes before being resurrected. But to the soul being resurrected, no time would have passed from the time his code is no longer active and is stored in memory and is later reactivated.

    Philip K. Dick, an author that I admire, and whose books I have read, has more than a thousands of pages n his Exegesist iwhere he speculates about these kinds of topics. He was a firm believer in the simulation hypothesis, and probably the first person in history to explicitly say so in public. He said in his speech that the phenomenon of Deja Vu happens when some changes are made in the simulation code.

    • Replies: @Yukon Jack
  292. JamesSax says:

    This is very simple: Israel is mass murdering non-combatant men, women and children.

    The solution is also very simple: Since Washington is aiding and abetting this mass murder and blocking the Security Council ……… countries around the world should boycott *all* trade with Israel until their economy collapses. Then, Israel needs to be disbanded. Followed by trials for Bibi, Biden and the Joint Chiefs.

    • Agree: Anonymiss
  293. Rurik says:

    best off just sticking with your Judaism.

    are you being cryptic because you’re afraid to say what you mean?

    there’s no need to be timid. Like me, you’re not using your real name, and TUR is a no-holds-barred slug-fest of ideas. If you want to make a point, then make it. This is the gladiator arena of veracity. The blood-spattered, (figuratively speaking) crucible of truth.

    Come out with it man!

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
  294. @Suetonious

    Whether Bachmann is actually insane in her beliefs in the ancient Hebrew tribal WarGod JHVH/ Yahweh/Jehovah…piss be upon that evil entity…or she simply is utterly stoopid and terminally deluded is beyond my pay grade. In any event, her support for the Talmudist genociders makes me ashamed to even living in the same state as that freak.

    Thanks for the info, Suetonious. These people and their belief systems are proof positive that J.D. Rottenfeller’s “reform” of the educational system into an utter parody has succeeded amongst the dimmer proportion of the population of the U$$A.

    • Agree: Suetonious, Druid55
  295. Druid55 says:

    You mean against the USA and Britain and Europe

  296. Druid55 says:

    Have you ever heard of paragraphs

  297. Kapyong says:

    Please see the information in the book by DM Murdock – The Christ Conspiracy – The Greatest Story Ever Sold (revised edition).

    She is right up there with Atwill, Zechariah Sitchin, Joseph P. Farrell, von Daniken etc…

  298. muh muh says:
    @John Johnson

    How would you know there is a penalty for not submitting?

    In the same way that you know your hand will be burned when you hold it over a close flame.

    I can’t speak for every perception of religion, but what I’ve witnessed regarding the faithful (of a number of religions) is a tendency to avoid habits harmful either to oneself or the general health of society. They’re called to moderation in thought, temperance in anger, avoidance of self-abuse (be it by narcotics or some other vanity), perseverance in tribulation, compassion, generosity, and humble reflection.

    “Not submitting” is the equivalent of eschewing these habits and qualities, and one needn’t elaborate a great deal to understand how said rebellion becomes its own punishment, both for the individual and others he affects by his own bad conduct.

    Interestingly, translations of The Qur’an that render a passage in the simple future tense could be more accurately read in the present tense, such that “therein they will abide” should be “therein they abide”. There is a flavor of immediate reward in doing what is good and a corresponding sting in working the opposite, at least to those who have not lost their souls, or so I’m told.

    I realize you’re only out to bash Islam, of course, so I’m addressing just this aspect of your post for the benefit of others.

    Incidentally, since you posture as a resident expert on the subject, could you tell us why the Maliki madhhab has a different opinion on dogs from other madhahib?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  299. TRM says:

    For a group that fancies itself “zee master race” they sure don’t cut it when and where it counts. 90% of Israeli adults took the first 2 shots, 80% the third and 50% the fourth.

    That’s not very masterful folks. Not very masterful at all. In fact it is rather average response for humanity. About 10% holdouts who would not give in. Some countries held out better and some worse to Jews far from being “master” class seem to awfully average.

    • Replies: @Han
  300. Han says:

    Major #157 says:

    What’s ironic about saying Israel isn’t going anywhere?

    I have got some very good news for you, Moshe Major, the KIKE with his “amazingly thick skull”:


    ISRAELI MEDIA: The Golani Brigade was withdrawn from Gaza after 60 days of fighting in which it suffered heavy losses.

    The Israeli army declared on Thursday that it is pulling the Golani Brigade out from the Gaza Strip.
    What does it mean that Israel is pulling out Golani units from Gaza?

    Just one day after an announcement by the Israeli army alleging that it has achieved ‘operational control’ in the Shejaiya neighborhood in Gaza, the army declared on Thursday that it is pulling the Golani Brigade out from the Gaza Strip.  Are these two events linked?

    YES. Israel made the announcement that it had achieved some kind of control over Shejaiya to reduce the shock of the news that its most elite fighting force had essentially been defeated, forcing it to an early retreat. 

    The Israeli military retreat from Gaza reflects the heavy losses suffered by Israel’s top fighters at the hands of stiff and growing Palestinian Resistance. 

    What is the Golani Brigade?

    The Golani Brigade is one of Israel’s military most special forces, consisting of eight battalions – four tank battalions, two infantry battalions, one paratrooper battalion, one artillery battalion, in addition to supply and maintenance operations. 

    Hamas has shattered the myth of the “Invincibility of the IDF”, the Professional Baby Killers and whose noted “combat experience” over the past 75 years has ONLY been “fighting and killing unarmed Palestinians” whose land was stolen by the Genocidal Effing Jews.

    The moment these Heroic Jewish Baby Killers AKA the “Israeli Defence Force” meet armed Palestinians they turn tail and run.

    From Israeli Ynet:

    The leader of the 13th Battalion, Lt. Col. Tomer, described their encounter with Hamas fighters. “They emerged from tunnels, surrounding us, launching rocket-propelled grenades at us, and attempting to approach our armored personnel carriers to set explosives,” he said. “Owing to meticulous preparations, we succeeded in countering their offensive, eliminating few while driving off the rest. We launched aerial strikes, fired artillery, and engaged them using our APC forces. Ultimately, they were neutralized and we persist in our operation until we win.”

    LOL !!! ROTFL !!! That is why the “ELITE GOLANI BRIGADE” has now left Gaza in tatters.

    Here the very good news, Moshe Major, the KIKE with his “amazingly thick skull”:

    The commander of Golani’s 13th Battalion, Lt. Col. Tomer Greenberg, was killed yesterday in the battle in Shejaiya. LOL !!! ROTFL !!!



    • Agree: Druid55
  301. Anonymous[265] • Disclaimer says:
    @muh muh

    Honestly – on the subject of dogs, the article he linked to undermined his own argument for anyone bothering to read it and the related articles it references.

    Anyone who has to look up the word “Maliki” via a vis this subject would do themselves a huge favor by not displaying their ignorance on a subject they seem so hellbent on making a bill to die on.

    • Replies: @muh muh
  302. Anonymous[265] • Disclaimer says:

    The crusader states were also surrounded on all sides by Muslim polities for a lot longer – where is Outremer now?

    • Replies: @Alden
  303. muh muh says:

    Honestly – on the subject of dogs, the article he linked to undermined his own argument for anyone bothering to read it and the related articles it references.

    Yes, that’s interesting, isn’t it? One has to wonder, then, what the purpose of JJ’s link was.

    JJ, you there?


  304. Anonymous[143] • Disclaimer says:
    @John Johnson

    On the right we have Christian conservatives telling them to just accept the Bible even if they are skeptical of the flood or virgin birth. Just submit and stop asking questions. Authority knows best.

    On the left we have secular liberals telling them to just accept that race doesn’t exist and accept blood guilt for being White and holding back other races. Just submit and stop asking questions. Authority knows best.

    The “Christian conservatives” you accurately describe (I would call them “leaders” instead, as they conserve very little) are ignoring much of Christianity and much of the Old Testament. Consider this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generations_of_Noah

    The idea of race and racial characteristics is salient in the Old Testament. The old Jews were many things, but not fools. Or at least not entirely.

    The idea that “there are no races” or that “believing in race is a sign off insanity” is post WW II. I’ve watched it develop in real time. The Jewish “holocaust” was, until the 1960s, called the Jewish “extermination”, and had not theological significance.

    The idea that races are identical was built on the idea of the US as a “melting pot”, in which all races supposedly existed in happy harmony. In fact, the US was almost entirely White back then (1950s), and the ethnic neighborhoods were in process of being destroyed by containerization, which moved the longshoreman work and the light industries that had employed the ethnic neighborhoods from city to countryside. The US saw the ethnic neighborhoods vanish, the neighborhoods that had been the foundation of the urban political machines. Irish, Polish, Italian, seemed to go to the countryside and vanish. Even the revolutionary Jews seemed to be assimilating. Why not believe that the Blacks would also, were it not for the unreconstructed Confederates (and, later, the brick throwing Southie Irish mobs), vanish into the American melting pot. It didn’t seem much more fantastic than nuclear weapons and ICBMs.

    The idea that races are identical is not a part of Christianity or Judaism. Christian leaders are more like wolves than shepherds. The authorities that say it is are lying. The New Testament say that all races can accept Jesus, not that they don’t exist.


    The idea of “blood guilt” and “holding back other races” is a linear extrapolation from the idea of “unreconstructed Confederates” and “brick throwing Southie Irish mobs”. In fact, the US Southeast had a unique bi-racial society. It raised much of its own food, was self supporting economically, and (above all) had its own Black middle and upper class that had arisen from the Black population itself, and was not composed on Federal or Federally mandated government/corporate jobs.

    Both what is now called “Christianity” and “liberalism” is the result of 1960s propaganda campaigns, which in turn were the result of the 1930s Communist/Fascist fight (which the Left lost, and which resulted in its adoption of Nietzsche’s superman as a socialist idea ), which were in turn the result of the burning issues of 1900, which in turn went back to the failed Eastern European revolutions of the 1840s, which were a result of the collapse of the Holy Alliance, which were an attempt to put to Europe back together again after the Napoleonic Wars and the Napoleonic reforms to Eastern European society, which were partially a consequence of the American Revolution. Etc. A random walk of historical propaganda campaigns, whcih have given us a very strange mix today.

    For example, drug use is supposedly an expression of the Superman’s creativity and his (its?) transvaluation of all values. Who are we to criticize the Fentanyl taking Superman, or the gang banger smash and run raids on stores? We are merely people who can’t transvalue all values, obsolete on the face of it. We need the Left liberal elite to prevent our interference with Superman. (Deneen’s two most recent books are consistent with that: he points out that the liberal elite feels no responsibility to the bulk of the population, and act primarily to keep their status intact.)

    So I’m not sure about authority per se being the problem. Authority seems just as trapped as we are, as those of us not in authority. For a glaring example, consider the urban Jews (and there aren’t any other kind) who now find that their past actions have made their cities deteriorate and themselves subject to attacks. From what I’ve seen, the only coherent Jewish reaction to that is the increased paranoia that Ron Unz’s article ( https://www.unz.com/kbarrett/lets-extinguish-the-fires-of-jewish-supremacy ) addresses. Paranoia won’t save them from the Hell cities they’ve made, nor will it re-create the commercial cities in which Jewish businesses and crime thrived.

    You could certainly argue that a reformed version of Christianity that doesn’t promote the guilt or control of either side is a better alternative. I would agree but how do you get there? What about Whites that view the Old Testament as Jewish stories and not much more? You can’t use the authority of God argument on them.

    It’s just a big f-cking mess but I’m open to ideas. My guess is that a completely asymmetrical change is the only possibility. Something that completely upends both sides.

    Right on the mark, there. “Brute force and massive ignorance” is the Human Way. Historical examples of the transformation you describe are pretty unambiguous. The old system is ablated until there is little left of it, maybe some old ruins, maybe Cathedrals that still hold services. Population dwindles under incessant warfare and disease, until you get to something stable, and eventually build up something new on that stable something. Bronze age collapse, end of Antiquity, Roman Catholic Christendom, foundation of the Western State in the 1600s and the late Enlightenment, and then the end of the West that we are now going through. All of them fit the same pattern. And there is another thing about the changes — every last one of the changes resulted in a human organization that would have been incomprehensible to its predecessors. Just for one example, to the Catholic world of the 1200s, our present civilization would seem to be based on a deadly sins: greed (“Enlightened self-interest”) and on cowardice (“Look toward survival, not duty”).

    You want an idea? Try to live through the change, try to have and raise children. Right now we’re in the catabolism stage. You might try moving to a promising area. Best outcome for human civilization would be a regeneration from surviving “high tech” activities that (sort of like the monasteries) preserve some of the old science, engineering, and technology of, say, 1950, for future use.

    And the reason I don’t like that at all is that humanity has used up the geological formations that provided easy access to useful raw materials, especially fuels. It may be impossible to re-start industrial civilization, should it all be stamped out.

    As for the problem of instilling belief, well, consider classical Greek civilization. It was just after the Bronze Age Collapse (apparently triggered by prolonged drought). Refugees from the collapsed areas settled the Peloponnese, and found that they had to live without God-Kings because they did not have the economic surplus to support that institution. They had to try to rule themselves without an immense bureaucracy to direct them, and some of them succeeded. That was apparently the start of the polis system. Something similar happened much later with the Italian city-states founded by refugees from the Roman collapse and eventually produced a similar cultural flowering.
    What it comes to is that if people have to cope or die they will try any system or belief that they think will help them cope. It takes considerable time, though. The Christendom of AD 1200 eventually became the Enlightenment, but it took time, 5 or 6 centuries.

    So, look around and place your bets. Most likely areas to survive are boundaries between cultures, which can lead to synthesis. That’s Texas/Mexico in the Americas. It’s Europe/Russia in Eurasia.

    Couldn’t say what it is in East Asia; maybe China will be able to cope without synthesis, or also that it will simply cycle through another round of anarchy/Imperial rule/anarchy/Imperial rule. That 3 Gorges dam will force another re-routing of the Yellow River if it can’t be maintained. Same thing with the nuclear waste from fission plants in the West and former USSR.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  305. Han says:

    TRM #306 says:

    For a group that fancies itself “zee master race” they sure don’t cut it when and where it counts. 90% of Israeli adults took the first 2 shots, 80% the third and 50% the fourth.
    That’s not very masterful folks. Not very masterful at all.

    So sorry to disappoint you, TRM, the group that fancies itself “zee master race” are in fact
    “zee master race” and indeed “very masterful”.

    Not all COVID vaccine batches were/are lethal.


    Dr Mike Yeadon – “The findings that 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths have been caused by just 5% of the batches produced are unprecedented”
    So, it is quite likely that Israel used the lethal batches to get rid of the “unwanted Jews”: The Mizrahi and Etheopian Jews.


    Video Link

    From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency:

    (JTA) — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the vaccine conspiracy theorist and Democratic presidential candidate, is drawing criticism after arguing that COVID-19 had been “ethnically targeted” to have less of an effect on Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.
    “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people,” Kennedy said at an appearance last week at Tony’s Di Napoli, a restaurant on Manhattan’s East Side. “The people who are most immune are Ashkenazic Jews and Chinese. We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not, but there are papers out there that show the racial and ethnic differential of impact.”

    PRESENTING: the evidence that the spike protein is a race-specific biological weapon intended to target (1) Westerners and (2) Africans, in that order, respectively.

    “The four genetic receptors that the spike protein binds to are: ACE-2, DPP4, GRP78 (HSPA5), and AXL which are primed by the genes TMPRSS2, FURIN, and NRP1.”

    “It is my hypothesis that we can derive who is responsible for the creation of the pathogen by applying the old Roman “cui bono” or “to whom is it a benefit” and taking a cursory dive into what racial groups primarily carry these genes.”


    Video Link


    Did you ever stop to consider that Netanyahu, Bennett & Bourlan may have succeeded where Hitler failed ?

    Hitler was the only statesman in modern history to fight the JEWS, the Scum of the Earth. He failed because the Jewish Attack Dogs, USA, UK and USSR were ordered by their Jewish Master to slaughter Germany.


    Video Link

    • Replies: @TRM
  306. @Yukon Jack

    Thank you, Sir Yukon..! We should go back to the worship of the Greek Hellenic religion, just as Julian the Apostate (the last pagan emperor of Rome) recommenced, and it’s too bad that he died too soon! We should substitute Marcus Aurelius’ (Mediations) instead of the Baltimore Catechism! Religion cannot be in a vacuum and must be immediately replaced with another,
    BYW, we miss your articles on the Central Banking Conspiracy from several years ago! I was wondering something…you had an article ( Indian.girls bathing…) and you showed a picture of a cemetery/mausoleum scene. Can you tell me the website that this picture wa on, please!

  307. fufu says:

    #272 Pfhil

    “We have a common enemy(…)”

    Who is common enemy? Name it directly, are you affraid?

    Jews were expelled from over 100 cities or countries during last 1000 years.
    That means that there is something wrong with them (their culture).

    Westerners were expelled from Africa, Asia and South America in last 200 years.
    That means that Westerners are … good?
    No, that means that there is something wrong with Westerners.

  308. @Yukon Jack

    We want to believe in everlasting life, in a merciful god, who we have a personal relationship with. But that is only our wishful thinking, not backed up by any evidence. The horrible truth is we are expendable meatbags

    That is exactly what I meant when I rejected the idealist view that as individuals we can look forward to and take comfort in an “Eternal Wellspring of Hope.” An “eternal wellspring of Indifference” to our fate as individuals would be much closer to the truth. You are right to say that we are expendable meat bags and there is no one up there, or down there, or sideways there, who gives a shit about us as individuals, or that we can even share our griefs with or accuse and judge.

    Also coming back to the belief in afterlife, dreams may have played an important role giving rise to and/or reinforcing this belief. A close relative shared with me that after his son died, in an accident, his son came to him in a dream and told him that he was alive and well, somewhere else, and he should not worry. Being a lifelong atheist he dismissed it as just a reflection of his unconscious wishes to have his son alive. And I agree. Many of our dreams reflect concerns we have in our daily life or unfulfilled wishes and desires, and I believe Freud and/or Jung said somthing similar.

    So the belief in an afterlife is based on human interpretations and explanations of subjective experiences, such as dreams, out of body and near death experiences.

    One guru basher stated that all religions were founded by individuals who used mind altering drugs like psychedelic mushrooms. I think it is safe to say that this is another factor that gave rise to some religious beliefs.

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  309. @Odd Rabbit

    I often wonder why hardly anybody has taken a shine to this book of Lehmann. On the one hand, it’s easy to understand because people of a certain dogmatic faith don’t want to get into things that threaten their faith.
    Interest in the truth only comes when there is room for it. I don’t imagine that it were possible to tell the truth about Jesus as historical person in one book like Lehmann’s book but his thoughts and interpretations are very interesting as well as the whole history of Palestine at the beginning of the Common Era..
    Carried water does not stay in the well.

  310. @Fran Taubman

    Your words illustrate why decent and intelligent people call zionists psychopaths.

    Psychopathy is a mental health condition characterized by impaired empathy and remorse, and disinhibited and egotistical traits.

    Your middle eastern shtetl of criminals is a sick entity whose behavior has demolished the fraudulent memes of shoah business.

    • Agree: Druid55
    • Thanks: Han, Bruce In Texas
  311. @Rurik

    Nothing cryptic or vague with my comment; just helpful.

    You made an earlier request for knowledge of a philosophy, movement etc. which might liberate the US and provide a (moral) foundation for it to re-build (something like that). You included among the possibilities various Christian denominations, but then I noticed your confession of racism.

    You of course need to know that any comprehensive moral code will always be against racism, particularly any honest versions of Christianity. You indeed hinted this yourself.

    Categorisation by race is perfectly fine when defining external others: migrants, enemies, but once they are here and established they are home-and-dry! And they are entitled to all the same rights and privileges as us all, otherwise all we do is trash our own constitution. That is why those that support Chauvin as innocent in the George Floyd murder, for example, are misguided (I don’t know your personal position in this regard), i.e. we might dislike Floyd for his lifestyle, his criminality and his colour, but nonetheless he’s good for the fair trial he got which put Chauvin in prison.

    The only other code or moral framework, philosophy, I can think of which could achieve everything you request here is Scientology. The challenge here is that the Jewish media have portrayed it as something ‘alien’, when it is really only a version of Buddhism aided by technology. The other challenge here would be that almost all minds will be completely closed to it, even in finding out about what it really is.

    So, if all this is what you don’t like because of your version of racism, well I simply recommended you stick with your Judaic ideas (even if you only absorbed them from TV). Jews are racists par excellence! They also seek a ‘global’ moral code. Therefore if you are not already fully Jewish maybe you you should consider going the ‘whole hog’.

    Good luck!

    • Replies: @Rurik
  312. @Unbornawakened

    As a probable rationalist/materialist; while you rightfully dismiss organized religion, particularly of the Abrahamic myths; you totally overlook the reality of spirituality and the innate faith (NOT belief) of most humans that there is a whole which is greater than the sum of its parts and that there is the phenomenon which Jung described as the Universal Unconscious.

    • Replies: @Unbornawakened
  313. Han says:

    FuckFuck #261 says:

    Westerners made Christianity (“religion for slaves”) a basis of their culture.
    Side effect is that Christianity gave special status to Jews because Bible is based on Jewish history and tradition so Christians/Westerners are naturally linked with Jews.

    WRONG, FuckFuck. The Jews created Christianity and Islam to conquer the Goyim.
    Now half the world population, Christians and Muslims, worship, Mr. Yahweh, the Fictitious Genocidal Jewish god.



    Video Link

    In spite of their differences, Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God


    Westerners dominated for the last 200-300 years.

    WRONG AGAIN, FuckFuck. The Jews dominated the world for the past millennia.


    The rise of the British Empire is clearly linked to this Jewish Messianic ideal, bearing today the name of Zionism, which aims at universal economic and financial control to be followed by political power in every nation.


    Even today Westerners are still passive although they are democratic countries which means that Westerners have big infulence on governments.

    WRONG AGAIN, FuckFuck. There are no democratic Western countries. They are ruled, have been ruled by the Jews for the past hundreds of years.
    Here an excellent article by Jewish Richard Solomon describing Jewish Crimes:

    The Jews destroyed Russia in 1917. From Ynet, an Israeli website:
    Stalin’s Jews – We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish

    We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.

    As Alexander Solzhenitsyn said:
    “It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

    Fast forward to Gaza 2023: Jews genociding the Palestinians with no one to stop them.
    That is how powerful the Effing Jews are.


    You are typical Westerner – you don’t see sins of your ancestors and western culture.

    YOU, FuckFuck, are definitely NOT a Westerner, are you ? Blaming Westerners for all the Evil in the World, BUT YOU do want to live in a Western country, don’t you ?

    We have enough problems with the Jews in our Western countries and DON’T need a FUCKWIT like you who doesn’t know what he is talking about, but likes to criticise us, Westerners.

    • Replies: @fufu
  314. Lydia says:


    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 76: Extrajudicial killings of men in front of their families in Gaza


    Israeli forces have reportedly conducted extrajudicial executions in front of families in Gaza as international leaders continue to discuss Israel’s conduct with little to no action, while negotiations between Israel and Hamas waver as war rages on.

    Key Developments

    UNOCHA: Israeli forces allegedly executed at least 11 unarmed Palestinian men in front of family members in Gaza’s Remal neighborhood

    Palestinian Ministry of Health: Hundreds of wounded die as a result of the lack of health services in Al-Shifa Hospital.

    Israeli forces kill 16-year-old boy near Bethlehem in occupied West Bank.

    OCHA: Over 360,000 cases of infectious diseases recorded in UNRWA shelters

    WHO: About 14 healthcare workers of al-Ahli Arab Hospital arrested by Israeli forces and held in unknown locations.

    Al-Haq: Israeli forces deliberately destroyed access to health services in Gaza since October 7 through patterns of intimidation, direct targeting, siege, and occupation, “resulting in a humanitarian disaster.”

    WFP: first aid convoy from Jordan, including 46 trucks, reaches Gaza on Wednesday.
    Human Rights Watch: Meta systematically censoring content about Palestine on Instagram and Facebook.

    Israeli media: Muhammad Deif, leader of Hamas’s Qassam Brigades who survived seven assassination attempts by Israel, alive and in better condition than previously believed.

    Australian Defence Minister: Australia to send “up to six additional” troops, but no warships, to support U.S.-led Red Sea operation.

    Lebanese Civil Defense: civilian woman killed by Israeli shelling in Lebanese border village of Maroun al-Ras.

    Shot dead, one after the other

    Israeli forces have continued their rampage across the Gaza Strip for the 76th consecutive day. Emerging reports indicate that the Israeli army is not only taking Palestinians hostage and reportedly torturing them, but is conducting extrajudicial executions.

    UNOCHA has received “disturbing information” alleging that Israeli forces killed at least 11 unarmed Palestinian men in front of their family members in Gaza’s Remal neighborhood.

    The Israeli army “allegedly separated the men from the women and children, and then shot and killed at least 11 of the men, mostly aged in their late 20s and early 30s, in front of their family members”, the statement said.

    “This raises alarm about the possible commission of a war crime,” the human rights organization continued, calling for an independent investigation.

    Meanwhile, Palestinians who are not killed by the Israeli army are being abducted.

    Citing testimonies from freed prisoners, Mustafa Barghouti, the head of the Palestinian National Initiative party, says the Israeli army is brutally torturing Palestinian prisoners from Gaza.

    “More than a thousand detainees, including the director of al-Shifa Hospital, are being subjected to brutal torture and severe beatings,” Barghouti said in a statement.

    “The Israeli interrogators use torture with electricity, waterboarding, hanging stress positions, and psychological pressure,” he continued, noting prisoners said they were held in a makeshift detention camp in Beersheba, also known as Bir as-Sab, and that several elderly and sick prisoners were killed as a result of the torture.

    “The detainees are held in barracks that are unfit for life, exposed to the cold, and are given scarce food,” Barghouti said. “No one, including the Red Cross, is allowed to contact them or know anything about them.”
    Another UN resolution
    Meanwhile, the UAE is drafting yet another UN Security Council resolution. However, many leaders have become disillusioned with the UN as it continually fails to hold Israel accountable.

    Still, UAE envoy to the UN Lana Nusseibeh says she has faith in the diplomatic negotiations that are taking place at the UN, despite the expected council vote being delayed for the third time.

    “Everyone wants to see a resolution that has impact and is implementable on the ground, and there are some discussions going on on how to make that possible,” she told reporters in New York.

    “In another sense, if this fails, then we will continue to keep trying, because we have to keep trying because there is too much suffering on the ground for the council to continue to fail on this,” she continued.

    According to Gideon Levy, an Israeli columnist at Haaretz, as long as the U.S. gives Israel the green light to continue, their war on Gaza will continue.

    Meaning, “Israel will continue no matter how many victims are in Gaza, no matter how many children are killed in Gaza, and even no matter how many Israeli soldiers are killed,” Levy told Al Jazeera.

    Levy added that, without sanctions against Israel, a UN Security Council resolution is not enough to pressure Israel to end its war.

    “As long as it will be only declarations, condemnations — Israel ignored many resolutions of the international community in the past, including many resolutions of the Security Council,” he said

    “Every hour that it doesn’t pass is another hour in which hundreds of Palestinians are being bombed and killed,” Helen Lackner, a Middle East analyst, told Al Jazeera. “Every delay is a delay that allows the Israelis to continue their relentless bombardment,” she said.

    Still, even if the resolution passes, “the Israelis have got a very long history of ignoring” such measures, Lackner added.

    “So I don’t see any rapid and serious result out of this resolution even if it is passed.”

    Similarly, Hamas official Hamdan says the group “would like to emphasize that the Biden administration is a partner in the war against Gaza as they impede the delivery of aid. This administration has crippled the UN Security Council with its veto. Unless they stop the Israelis, they will be held morally and legally responsible for all crimes committed in Gaza.”

    Gee, I wonder if Israel is testing new high weapons in Gaza which it plans to put on the global arms market.
    I guess I’m feeling cynical because I just got my version of Antony Loewenstein’s just-published book “The Palestine Laboratory – How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World”. From the back cover –

    ‘Loewenstein’s account of how the myth of Israel’s ‘start-up nation’ is born out of the state colonization of Palestine is a riveting and essential read. From drones to Pegasus software, policing techniques to deadly ammunition, this is a persuasive and timely intervention.’ – Eyal Weizman, director of Forensic Architecture

    But if you don’t have the book, read Loewenstein’s article below:

    “The Weapons Israel Tests on Palestinians Will Be Used Against All of Us” also by Antony Loewenstein.

    Whether it’s drone technology or the infamous Pegasus spy software, Israel has long developed and refined repressive technologies used by governments around the world by testing them on Palestinians. Antony Loewenstein, journalist and author of The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a deep dive into the disturbing links between Israeli Apartheid, the arms industry, and global repression of civilian populations…


    • Replies: @annamarina
  315. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    Arab warlords and the generation of Crypto-Jewish Muslims (funding, motivating and indoctrinating them) accompanying them conquered Byzantine Jerusalem in 637AD. The Sassanian-Persians were not quite the military vehicle that the Jews needed to get back into Jerusalem. So they raised an army in the Jordan valley, Negev, Felix Arabia etc among Arabs to boot out the Greeks and Latins.



    Muhammad who we get to read about 80 years later, may have been a post hoc, just so story, explanation for the large Arab empire that suddenly overran the Near East and North Africa.

    • Replies: @muh muh
  316. John1955 says:

    Nicholas Donin, a Jewish convert to Christianity who translated the Talmud and pressed 35 charges against it to Pope Gregory IX by quoting a series of blasphemous passages about Jesus, Mary, or Christianity. Four rabbis defended the Talmud against Donin’s accusations.

    Burning of Talmud in Paris, 1291


    You see, folks, our ancestors already did 90% of the job.

    -Former Talmudist who could not stand anymore all that homicidal bloodsucking Talmudic BS brought charges

    -The case was tried in the open, Judges Pope Gregory IX and King Louis IX presiding

    -Verdict: Talmudists guilty on all counts

    -234 carriages with Talmuds ( FYI: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are Talmud Cliffs Notes) were publicly burned

    What remains to be done:

    -Remove Talmudists and everybody paid by/affiliated with Talmusists from the Gov, Medicine, Education and Finance.

    -Yeshivas and Midrashas must be integrated ASAP. Start busing black and Palestinians teens there immediately. Busing finished White Supremacism, it will finish Jewy Supremacism too.

    • Agree: Iva, Pfhil
  317. Rurik says:

    Thank you for your reply. I’m glad you expounded on it a bit.

    You made an earlier request for knowledge of a philosophy, movement etc. which might liberate the US and provide a (moral) foundation for it to re-build (something like that). You included among the possibilities various Christian denominations,..

    yes, this is a running theme of mine. I see what’s happening to the West, and I wonder if there’s any kind of spiritual foundation that can save it. Christianity seems to be going along with the Great Replacement, (even advocating it), so long as the leadership (Vatican, Hagee, Graham, et al…) are all awash in yacht-loads of cash and luxurious private jets.

    And since the flock never seems to notice, I’m not optimistic about modern Christianity being the solution to what ails our dying world. Even now, more “Christian” leaders, (perhaps hoping for the latest 2024 model Gulfstream) are demanding that we all ‘stand with Israel’, as it starves Christian children to death / than demanding an end to the horror.

    So what is there?

    Thank you for suggesting Scientology. It seems to work for some people, but I confess I don’t know much about it. Aren’t there raging contradictions to it? In any case, if it would work, and save what’s left of Europe, then perhaps I’d be for it.

    The best thing I’ve seen of late, was the Fire Extinguisher guy, and he’s a traditional Catholic. In any case, that’s what we need more of.

    Which brings us to the topic of ‘racism’.

    Categorisation by race is perfectly fine when defining external others: migrants, enemies, but once they are here and established they are home-and-dry!

    Does that mean Zionism is a fait accompli ?

    The Jews took the land, and so any talk of a ‘Right of Return, is moot, because the Jews are “home-and-dry’


    Or does that only apply to America, where the 30+ million illegals (and counting…) are all ‘home-and-dry’, because they’ve planted their feet here?

    The issue of “racism” is a convoluted one. I’ve grown up having that word hissed at me my entire life. I came of age when Affirmative Action was all the rage. ‘Get to the back of the line, white boy, we don’t tolerate racism around here!’

    And this was being orchestrated by Zionist Jews, who by definition are the most racist people on the planet. It’s enough to make an honest person feel like filling Sandra Day O’Connor’s coffin with vomit.

    White people, as far as I’ve been able to tell, are the least racist people on the planet. What other people would have put up with AA against their own offspring in their own nations? Not that that’s a compliment. Hardly.

    As to Chauvin / George Floyd..

    (I don’t know your personal position in this regard),

    I did make it known on a PCR article, and I suspect, even made Mr. Roberts less willing to allow comments, because I posted a picture of Floyd when he looked dead, with the knee still on the neck.

    There was no valid pretext for Chauvin to keep his knee on Floyd’s neck, once the man had become limp. But there’s also no way in hell it was murder. That’s preposterous. Or, was there any evidence of racism. When I was young and full of sand, cops routinely kicked my arse, because I was never submissive. Compliant, yes, but a lot of cops need that submissive pliancy, and if they have to crush you under a barrage of billy clubs, by god they’re going to get it, (or at least try ; )

    Human nature can be a very ugly thing.

    Anyways, getting off topic.

    But yes, I don’t look at these things from the prism of ‘racism’. I remember Pat Buchanan dismissing the hoopla over the death of drug dealer Freddy Gray, but Freddy Gray was tortured to death by cops, and I thought it was appalling. But it never rose to Floyd status, because it just didn’t hit all the buttons. The cops that murdered Freddy Gray were black.

    I despise the double standards in our societies. I despise how horrific murders, perpetrated by racist monsters, are swept under the rug, if their victim’s are white, and the racist monsters are black. It sickens me to see how one-sided racist our media and everything else is, all while any white person who points it out, is smeared as a ‘racist’.

    Morally, I’ve grown up in a spiritual sewer, and marinated in Jewish supremacist race-hate all my life, all while simultaneously being discriminated against and demonized as a ‘racist’, simply because I was born white. In my older years, I’m growing less and less conciliatory about being called a ‘racist’, for pointing out what’s (fucking!) obvious.

    So, if all this is what you don’t like because of your version of racism, well I simply recommended you stick with your Judaic ideas

    I’m going to give you the benefit of doubt here. I’m going to assume that you’re making assumptions about me based on ignorance. Now that I’ve taken the time to flesh it out a bit more, I hope you’ll reassess your absurd and ill-considered pejoratives.

    Few here who’re familiar with my comments, would refer to me as being particularly ‘Judaic’.

    (also just wanted to point out for the record, that yes, the blacks and ‘Indians’ and others that are here or were here just as long, or longer than the Europeans, have as much – or more- right to be here, than white folks. But that America, not Europe).

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
  318. @Rurik

    There is no need for you to take such a tone…

    I’m going to give you the benefit of doubt here. I’m going to assume that you’re making assumptions about me based on ignorance. Now that I’ve taken the time to flesh it out a bit more, I hope you’ll reassess your absurd and ill-considered pejoratives.

    … there are no doubts or benefits to give, or any reason for you to attempt to seek some kind of moral authority over me here, you just said yourself the same as I did:

    Morally, I’ve grown up in a spiritual sewer, and marinated in Jewish supremacist race-hate all my life

    It has clearly rubbed of on you in a big way; it would appear to have actually shaped who you are, and that is an aggressive bigoted arsehole.

    I suspected this ever since I ran across your confused scratched insecure rants.

    All I am saying is that in your public search for who you are you consider taking this Jewish supremacy you have been marinated in to its very highest expression and manifestation in yourself.

    Again, good luck! I wish you only the best.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  319. @emerging majority

    you totally overlook the reality of spirituality and the innate faith (NOT belief) of most humans that there is a whole which is greater than the sum of its parts

    Let us assume you are right, and I am not dismissing the possibility. But somehow it does not seem to operate in my life, and I am not sure how to connect to this whole. So, what am I to do?

    and that there is the phenomenon which Jung described as the Unconscious.

    I am just a little familiar with this concept that Jung put forward. But it could be some kind of memory that is programmed in our genetic code. I am not sure how to define this collective unconscious. Can you help me understand this concept better, from your point of view?

    And assuming he is right, how does that help me or any other human individual to have faith or belief in this collective unconscious?

    P.S. It seems to me that you are substituting the word belief with faith, but it still sounds like a belief to me. Please enlighten me and correct me if I am mistaken. I do not mean to be disrespectful.

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  320. Calista says:

    If you want to know about Jews hypocrisy on genocide, this is a MUST-READ:

    Every year on April 24, the day that Armenians commemorate the killings, a resolution calling for the use of the controversial term is proposed in Congress and then beaten back. Some Jewish groups claim credit for ensuring that such a resolution never passes.

    Jewish advocacy groups, including the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, B’nai Brith and American Jewish Committee “have been working with the Turks on this issue” for more than 15 years, said Yola Habif Johnston, director for foundations and community outreach at Jinsa.

    “The Jewish lobby has quite actively supported Turkey in their efforts to prevent the so-called Armenian genocide resolution from passing,” she said.



    • Replies: @emerging majority
  321. Rurik says:

    you to attempt to seek some kind of moral authority over me

    Ironic, since it was you who (ignorantly) tried to smear me with the by-now tedious calumny of ‘racist’.

    what, if not seeking (pathetically) some kind of ‘moral superiority’, is that, anyways?

    an aggressive bigoted arsehole.

    more irony

    your confused scratched insecure rants.

    but you don’t have the clarity of thought or confidence in your ideas to actually articulate what you mean by that, do you?

    it is, (ironically) more irony

    I say what I mean. You hedge with hints and equivocating ambiguity.

    All I am saying [Okay, finally he’s/she’s going to be clear!] is that in your public search for who you are you consider taking this Jewish supremacy you have been marinated in to its very highest expression and manifestation in yourself.


    You could not be more bleary.

    Again, good luck! I wish you only the best.

    I guess that’s your way of trying to bow out, after flinging more of your gratuitous, butt-hurt invective.

    I took a look at your posts. You seem to be obsessed with this Chauvin / George Floyd thingy.

    RupertTiger says:

    ” that stupid show-boating, grandstanding murderer Chauvin…”

    “..I KNOW that Floyd didn’t die from a fentanyl overdose was because he died directly from the asphyxia he received from Chauvin during the 9 minutes he held Floyd down with his knee.”

    blah, blah..

    So anyone who points out that Floyd’s death obviously wasn’t murder, and certainly wasn’t based on race, is ” a fucking bigot,…” and a “… fucking mental slob!” and a “…weak gutless coward. ”

    You’ve got problems, my friend, and you’re far too far gone for me to offer any help to ya.

    Keep your distance from Kyle, (a true American hero) and good luck.

    • Agree: Bruce In Texas
    • Thanks: emerging majority
  322. Wow, you really are a thin-skinned pussy, aren’t you?

    Hit the ball directly, and stop playing to the gallery, otherwise you don’t stand a chance.

    Remember your post above #300

    there’s no need to be timid. Like me, you’re not using your real name, and TUR is a no-holds-barred slug-fest of ideas. If you want to make a point, then make it. This is the gladiator arena of veracity. The blood-spattered, (figuratively speaking) crucible of truth.

    What you mean is that you can come-on around here the big aggressive hard man looking constantly for a fight, but always as long as you don’t lose.

    You invited me to make my point, I did, you lost, now your little pussy hurts, doesn’t it!

    Now pull yourself together, you stupid little insecure Jewish pussy.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  323. muh muh says:

    Muhammad who we get to read about 80 years later, may have been a post hoc, just so story, explanation for the large Arab empire that suddenly overran the Near East and North Africa.

    In the field of contemporary (secular) Islamic studies, this is a highly dubious position, largely discredited by most scholars.

    Fred Donner, an expert in the discipline, has fairly dissected the skeptical approach and found it lacking in numerous significant respects. See his critique of it here:


    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Suetonious
  324. @Major

    You do understand that Israel cannot exist without the support of the US Empire right? Well, the Empire is collapsing right in front of you (partly by design) If you see a way out for Israel we would love to hear it.

    • Agree: Alden
    • Replies: @RupertTiger
  325. Rurik says:

    You invited me to make my point, I did..

    which was…?

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
  326. @NeverTrustaWizard

    Long time no see Wizard, or is it Rurik!

    Anyway, here’s the song to remind you always of the great time I had with you. You won’t ever forget it, will you?

    Billy Joel – He’s Always a Woman to Me (Audio)

    • Thanks: NeverTrustaWizard
  327. Iva says:

    How they are different from German nazis????

    • Replies: @Han
  328. @Rurik

    It doesn’t matter any more. You lost. Game Over.

    • Thanks: RupertTiger
    • LOL: Rurik
  329. Anonymous[158] • Disclaimer says:

    But if I slandered the Prophet…they might slit my throat in my sleep. Highly probable.

    Try calling the mothers of those same Turkish friends “whores” and tell us what happens.

    The issue is that religion is a joke in the West and you are used to cucking at anything – if people called your mother a whore you might laugh along with them and tell them about her body count to get a better punchline and a bigger laugh.

    You have no clue what it is to love, honor and respect someone more than yourself that you are willing to die – and kill – for them. That is why the statues of your heroes are being torn down and defaced while you cry about it on the internet.

    Cry some more and cope while we pick up men who want to be men.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  330. Wokechoke says:
    @muh muh

    Muhammad is how he’s used. Another text. Words on pages.

    Umar is pretty interesting being his in-law. A well travelled (Rome in his youth) merchant with literacy… and later Caliph and boss of Jerusalem. Later on what Muhammad said gets fleshed out. The jewess who poisons and is pardoned by Muhammad is a fun story. Like he was around a lot of Jewish women for some reason. A cool inversion of Esther or Delila.

    If some court Jew tried to poison my food I’d kill her.

    • Replies: @muh muh
  331. Anonymous[158] • Disclaimer says:

    Maybe this is the wisdom behind the prohibition of keeping dogs out of the house.

    1. Not beneficial for the animal itself -look at the house breeds we have come up with; useless parasitic breeds like the chihuahua and pekingese and pomeranian – all after selective breeding out noble traits from a wolf ancestor. That is oppression on the poor animal to make it useless to itself and others jus so you can have a pet toy. Consider the outdoors breeds in Muslim countries like the Turkish Kangal – it will protect its masters flock from mountain bears – that is what a dog is meant to be.

    2. A society that replaces the need for children in the house with “furry children” – as I have seen with childless coworkers – is collectively setting itself up to be replaced.

    So go ahead and fill your houses with dogs and see where that gets you.

  332. @Wild Man

    I forgot more “squat” than you will ever know.. but I consider all that squat dung compared to having the knowledge of Jesus Christ… all knowledge begins with a knowledge of God.. you obviously have none, and I sure as heck am not going to cast my pearls in front of swine like you to enlighten you since you already think you know everything… ps. nice try at not being a jerk.. sadly you failed miserably

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  333. Che Guava says:

    I can’t find it now. It had a map, predicated on Russia taking Odessa and Kirsk, Poland Galicia, Hungary Transcarpathia, and Romania another area to the east of that.

    Should have made a bookmark.

    However, I can go one better than RT, this link to TASS.


    The suggestion is quite plain.

    • Thanks: Avery
  334. @muh muh

    Muhammad who we get to read about 80 years later…

    In the field of contemporary (secular) Islamic studies, this is a highly dubious position, largely discredited by most scholars.

    So you don’t subscribe to the theory that King Elijah bar Kabsha of al-Hira went into a cave and emerged as Mohammed, the man of delights?

    “The emperor also killed the last Lakhmid Ishmaelite king in Al-Hira and put Elijah bar Kabsha in his place in order to prevent the Ishmaelites from converting to the Orthodox enemy camp. Elijah ─ a biblical name that cannot be lightly overlooked in an end of the world context ─ is claimed to having led a revolt by the Lakhmid Ishmaelites in 610 AD and is said to having declared independence from Persia. This king vanished as Muhammad appeared out of the cave of “Hira” in an obvious remembrance of the cave of Elijah where the ancient and the new prophet received revelations from Angel Gabriel. One might be tempted to speculate that the secession may have fallen together with Heraclius’s victory over the Persians in 622 AD, releasing Al-Hira in 0 AH (Arab calendar), later morphing into the year commemorating Hijra. The latter is a perplexingly trivial event, not only in the grandiose life of Muhammad but in the context of the pivotal religio-political upheaval.”


    • Replies: @muh muh
  335. @Anonymous

    I have big dogs in the house. Keeps the POC thieves away which are a major problem in Houston.

  336. @Lydia

    Judaic values in action:

    Israeli forces allegedly executed at least 11 unarmed Palestinian men in front of family members in Gaza’s Remal neighborhood.

    Hundreds of wounded Palestinians die as a result of the lack of health services in Al-Shifa Hospital.

    Israeli forces kill 16-year-old boy near Bethlehem in occupied West Bank.

    About 14 healthcare workers of al-Ahli Arab Hospital arrested by Israeli forces and held in unknown locations.

    Israeli forces deliberately destroyed access to health services in Gaza…

    As for the World Jewish Congress, it stands firmly with the zionist genociders and for a continuation of the ongoing mass killing of Palestinian babies, toddlers, women, and infirm. https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/videos/israel/enough-is-enough

    What the world is observing in Palestine is the result of the jewish children’s indoctrination, from infancy, in the virtues of the genocide against “others.” This is what the annual celebration of purim means for the jewish community worldwide — the confirmation of the jewish right on genociding the “amaleks” of any age and race.

    “Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes:” https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-lawmakers-call-genocide-palestinians-gets-thousands-facebook-likes

    As the world history shows again and again, it is dangerous for any nation to allow a diaspora jewish community to grow and acquire important positions in a nation’s government and finances. The talmud/tora sanctioned unscrupulous behavior of jews towards “goyim” can be deadly for a nation.

    Currently, the Jewish state, AIPAC, the World Jewish Congress, and Jewish communities in US/Canada show unmistakeable signs of psychopathy (inability to feel empathy, total lack of remorse, and rabid egotism).
    “3 NYC synagogues raise more than one-third of UJA-Federation of New York’s $105M Israel Emergency Fund:” https://www.jta.org/2023/10/20/ny/three-nyc-synagogues-raise-more-than-one-third-of-uja-federation-of-new-yorks-105m-israel-emergency-fund

    And this is a decisive step towards complete demolition of ‘shoah’ fraudulent memes: https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/diaspora-affairs/1702571357-north-americans-raise-1-billion-to-support-israel-since-oct-7

    The North American Jewish community has mobilized substantial financial support for Israel, raising an estimated $1 billion during the recent conflict with Hamas.

    The psychopaths belonging to the North American Jewish community prefer not to notice the dismembered and burnt bodies of Palestinian babies and toddlers, the victims of the amoral and murderous Jewish state. Jews are rejoiced by learning about the deaths of “little snakes.” Zionist women are all Madeleine Albright now!


    Since the 7 October false flag, the jewish state has has murdered more than 20,000 civilians, 70% of whom are children and women. The genocidng psychopathy of the jewish state is the the true image of zionism.


  337. @Anonymous

    The “Christian conservatives” you accurately describe (I would call them “leaders” instead, as they conserve very little) are ignoring much of Christianity and much of the Old Testament. Consider this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generations_of_Noah

    Not sure what you mean here. It’s the story of Noah that is used to promote race denial. Supposedly we all come from the same clan less than 10k years ago because everyone else drowned.

    I doubt most Christian conservative leaders actually believe in the flood. What they believe is using the story to scare children into submission. God got mad and killed everyone with a flood so be good little children and don’t upset him. They like the controlling aspect and they also support promoting race denial even if they don’t actually believe it. They want women and children to believe race is just paint color and we just need capitalism ‘n Christ. It’s all part of a controlling ideology that no longer works and conflicts with natural history. In fact I suspect it is dysgenic as the children that question it are more likely to be ostracized and then cut off from social benefits. The bravest children are punished while the submissive are rewarded. Christianity did not work this way a few hundred years ago as there were fewer reasons to question accounts like the flood. Nietzsche wrote about this problem on how Christianity becomes an alliance of the weak against the strong.

    The idea of race and racial characteristics is salient in the Old Testament. The old Jews were many things, but not fools. Or at least not entirely.

    The idea that “there are no races” or that “believing in race is a sign off insanity” is post WW II.

    I agree that Christianity is not inherently pro or against the concept of race. The Jews are certainly not depicted as the same as everyone else. But modern Christianity promotes race denial because that is what the leaders desire. They view Christianity as the solution to the problem of race. It doesn’t work and leaves liberalism to dominate the culture through deceit. Christians are unable to call out secular liberal lies on race. Well race is the Achillies heel of the left. Modern Christianity in some ways is an enabler of liberalism by not being able to challenge its weakest points.

    You want an idea? Try to live through the change, try to have and raise children.

    I have a family and I don’t raise my children to be mindlessly submissive to Christianity or liberalism.

    But that isn’t a political solution. That is what I meant to open to ideas. We need someone to crack the problem with asymmetrical thinking. Specifically I don’t believe that reformed Christianity would do it and liberalism/modernism is a dead end. Reformed Christianity in theory could work but on a practical level there isn’t enough time and you’d anger the Evangelicals. If the left thought it smelled too much like Whites thinking for themselves then they would actually team up with Evangelicals and any other Christian opposition. But I think you make some interesting points.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  338. muh muh says:

    Seems to me your take is just the obverse side of the descriptive approach, one which accepts the accounts of all source material as veracious at face value.

    The skeptical approach demands that we reject the provenance of both oral and written tradition ab initio, which is a hard sell in light of the stark difference between the importance Muslims gave to the discipline of verifying historical reports from the onset of Islam and the absence of its counterpart in either Christian or Jewish history.

    If you’re actually serious about the subject, you’ll read what Donner has to say.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  339. Han says:

    Iva #337 says:

    How they are different from German nazis????

    A Jewish Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat admits that Hitler was right. With a copy of Mein Kampf translated into Hebrew he admits that what is stated in the book is correct, that it was the Jews behind communism and the Russian revolution, they killed 30 million Russians, and that Germany were next to be destroyed. And that was their plan for the rest of the world. Their subversive and treacherous behavior was the sin that they payed for.


    Video Link

    The Jews not only hate the Germans, they also hate the Russians, they hate the Europeans and want to destroy Western Civilisation, which is happening right now.
    The Jews hate all the non-Jews, Goyim = Cattle = AMALEK.
    Netanyahu, real name Mileikowsky, father born in Warsaw, Poland, recently called the Palestinians, Amalek. to be destroyed.

    From Israeli Ynet:
    Stalin’s Jews – We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish
    We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.

    “When Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany visited Jerusalem (1898) during his journey to the Holy Land almost all the religious leaders of Jerusalem came to the city gates to greet him. Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (d.1932), the spiritual leader of Ashkenazic Jewry in Israel at that time, did not go.
    “When asked about his refusal he answered that although the Kaiser himself was deserving of the honor bestowed upon him, “I have a tradition that Germany is Amalek.”

    The Jews not only destroyed Russia and Germany in World War I, but Germany again in World War II. The Europeans are Amalek to the Jews, their Eternal Enemy to be destroyed.

    The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany – The Economic Boycott of 1933

    The so-called “Holocaust” never happened. There were NO gas chambers in any of the camps in Germany and Poland and therefore there was NO “Holocaust”.
    People died of Typhus and Starvation, caused by the bombings of roads and railways by the British and Americans all over Germany so that food could not be transported to the camps.


    Video Link
    RABBI MIZRACHI: “Goyim, at least 6 billion of them are idol worshippers and according to the Torah do not have the right to live and deserve the death penalty”.

    Video Link
    Rabbi Mizrachi Hero of the Holy Torah

    Rabbi Mizrachi is one of the most popular contemporary Torah lecturers in the world. The rabbi has a huge following on social media and he maintains a growing international audience. Rabbi Mizrachi also lectures across the globe in places like Hong Kong, Brussels, Milan and until recently, Great Britain.

    He is very respected in the various circles that comprise the Orthodox rabbinate. He is invited to speak to Chasidim, Ashkenazic, Sephardic and Lithuanian communities.
    No one in this generation has brought more Jews back to Judaism than Rabbi Mizrachi.

    World Mizrachi sending speakers to address 70,000 Jews for Israel’s 70th


    Video Link

    • Thanks: annamarina
    • Replies: @annamarina
  340. muh muh says:

    One might be tempted to speculate…

    Well, that’s the thing…

    The skeptical approach depends entirely upon speculation, demanding that we discard *all* Islamic source material from the get-go. It’s yet another alternative to Cook and Crone’s roundly discredited hypothesis.

    I can’t add much to what Donner has already written. It’s a pretty solid takedown.

    • Agree: Suetonious
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  341. Wokechoke says:
    @muh muh

    Darwin’s Origin of the Species can be interpreted as a natural explanation for the British Empire dominating Africa and exterminating Aboriginals in North America and Australia.

    Certainly the Jamestown settlers didn’t read Origin or conceive of Evolution.

    • Replies: @muh muh
  342. @Unbornawakened

    Responding to your first query; my suggestion would be to check out one of the many interviews that Alex Ferrari has set up with a considerable number of channelers who also happen to have…in most cases, anyway…authored books germane to their discoveries…site is called Next Level Soul. The interviewer has only been doing this service for around a year, but with a Hollywood background in production he not only sports a not only smooth delivery, but is also open to further learning perspectives.

    Ferrari, a self-described “recovering Catholic” of Cuban heritage (and judging from the surname, quite likely also having some Italian ancestry) does not in any circumstance strike me as anything even vaguely similar to one of those televangelist hucksters. He’s pretty down to earth and comes on more as a fellow learner than someone who has an ego-based agenda.

    If you can assemble a You Tube based listing of his various podcast videos, it would then be possible to pick out one from perhaps a dozen or so initial possibilities, to get your attention…and perhaps address questions you might have developed previously about their topic/s.

    Seems quite possible that your background may well include a spell within academia where you have absorbed points of view which are broadly held in this nation’s ivory towers. Those folks who have been programmed via 16+ years of courses dominated by logical and rationalistic perspectives which date back not much further than the 17th through 19th Centuries, as left-brain dominance, particularly amongst the large majority of males.

    Both Asian Taoists and numerous Native American traditions consider Western perspectives to be out of balance as the inductive, intuitive and harmonic outlooks which may be described as qualities required to compensate for competitive, controlling and even dominating tendencies in our contemporary culture which are almost overwhelmingly addictive by means of the above stated programming.

    It’s been years, but my take on psychology courses at the major university level are still stuck in something I described as long ago as 1967 as “Ratcollegy”. Operant conditioning and the old adjustment to acceptable societal (read elites ) memes in order to become a “productive member of society”.

    In other words, like virtually each and every major institution in our ruptured republic, “higher” education has a bias connected to and connective with a highly stratified society which is far more based upon inherited wealth and social status than the traditional American Dream of one rising on the basis of one’s abilities…not only in matters centering on competition…rather based upon value systems which recognized the individual while focused on being or becoming an organic element within a harmonic community.

    So when it comes to psychology being taught these days, it is more frequently coeval with that which I call the “adjustment racket”…a form of schooling for plebes and plebs. Masters like Jung may be institutionally available mostly in seminars at the graduate level, but tend in most curricula to be marginalized from the central thrust.

    Jung must be approached as being a radically observant theorist. Universal Unconscious is congruent with the Hindu concept of the Akashic Records, which were first brought to Western attention by the “Sleeping Prophet” Edgar Cayce. Some research on Cayce may be in order as well as those of Jung’s works which flesh out his conceptualizations regarding the Universal Unconscious.

    Perhaps the most highly regarded channeler of this day and age is Bob Dylan. Though he has yet, to my knowledge, to have specifically used the term “channeling”, he has provided an interview in which he acknowledged that many of his more classical lyricis, such as in his masterful “Highway 61 Revisited” album, dating clear back to 1965…just sorta came to him.

    In other words, he was tuning in to the Universal Unconscious . Automatic writing is clearly evidenced in his lyrics, most powerfully in “Desolation Row”, which I believe was the one tune which was most efficacious in his achievement of the Nobel Prize in literature for his entire Opus.

    Perhaps you have viewed some of my previous sketchings where a differentiation between belief and faith was set forth. It cannot be totally original with me as it appears to be intellectually quite obvious to anyone with a reasonably balanced interplay between the rationalistic left-brain and the holistic right-hemisphere.

    Belief is something which has been imposed over time by parents, peers, media and educational systems. It is something like the thesis of the movie: “The Matrix”, being an immersion or sensurround in an extremely unbalanced cultural ideology.

    Conversely, faith is innate. The Gnostics had got it and so did elements amongst the Ancient Greek philosophers and polymaths. Values such as truth, honor, honesty and justice for all, as I see it, are innate within each and every newborn human…as we are souls, or perhaps more correctly, spirits experiencing the extreme learning environment which is conceived in this 3rd Dimension as “reality”.
    Again, from Dylan’s lyrics…can’t even recall the particular song (he has so many) but in one of them a line lodged within my consciousness…”your spirit and your soul”.

    Way I see it is that your soul is an expression of your DNA, your familial heritage, clear to your branch on the tree of life. Spirit, on the other hand, is not generationally replicative while yet not quite mortal…rather it is eternal, an emanation of “Source” as some describe it or as “Creator”, which while somewhat neutral, does include a possibly anthropomorphic resonance.

    But do those iterations, those descriptive terms, actually matter? That brings us to the question as to whether matter actually matters at the end of a particular lifetime. If one agrees that dematerialization is a fact in every human life, then can human life be merely a short spurt of mere existence in a material world?

    What if we are born awakened, but in most human entities commonly born with amnesia regarding previous rotations of the wheel…yet possessed by the common sense of a mistreated very young child who cries out: “But that’s not fair”!

    • Replies: @Unbornawakened
  343. Wokechoke says:
    @muh muh

    Darwin’s Origin of the Species can be interpreted as a natural explanation for the British Empire dominating Africa and exterminating Aboriginals in North America and Australia.

    Certainly the Jamestown settlers didn’t read Origin or conceive of Evolution.

  344. @Calista

    The Young Turks,who revolted against the Sultan as the Donmei, a group of Talmudist heritage who became “converts” to Islam. Those were the guys who engendered the holocaust of the Armenian people. Possibly the motivation that as an ancient civilization…probably far older than that of the Hebrews…and also very active in trade and merchandising…were perceived by these Crypto fanatics as serious competition by being equally astute in business matters…and likely much more honest.

    The spirit of competition is extremely materialistic and can become vicious in the wrong hands.

  345. @Anonymous

    Some years back I had a dog who came to me from an animal loving friend whose trailer court neighbors were moving out and didn’t wanna take their dog with them. He was named after the notorious (I think the author may have been Stephen King…what a horror) klller dog, getting the name Cujo.

    When Cujo arrived, there was already an outdoor dog at the homestead, also from the same source. Her Rottweiler bitch got bred by a Labrador. So I’d named him “Mack”. He was no dummy and happy to have a home, but a bit boneheaded. Anyway, he was a good mentor for 8 month old “Macouzhou” as I now had renamed outdoor critter.

    In less than a year, Macouzhou, a perfect mongrel with blondish fur, triple layered and topping out at a very muscular 65 pounds or thereabouts, had self-discovered his role on the place. His first self-appointed task was to keep the bam-bambis outta the garden. Well done.

    One day Macouzhou blew my mind. As I’d divided the feline population into people lovers living indoors and the more independent ones outside; one day a maybe four month old kitten was walking in the yard area when a bald eagle began swooping down towards what looked like easy prey. But the young puss had a friend. Macouzhou dashed towards the possible air-raid, barking angrily. Just feet away from his objective, old whitehead decided that discretion was the better option than valor and promptly swooped off.

    Yeah, I don’t much care for foo-foo doggies and even less for their an- inebriated masters…more often mistresses. They fawn on their little “precious” as if the critter was some princess or prince, the actual ruler of the household. Urbanized consciousness, even among way too many country folks, strikes me as being clinically insane when they get them a foo-foo and treat it as their animated doll and sometimes even alter-ego.

    Don’t get me wrong. I do like dogs, living outdoors like self-respecting descendants of the wolf family, yet being there to protect their friends and neighbors.

    • Replies: @Alden
  346. Anonymous[105] • Disclaimer says:

    Basically – that’s why they’re getting bombed like crazy by the Israelis but are still making them pay for every inch of soil…like Tate said; if you are tolerant of everything then you stand for nothing.

    The Palestinians have a motto; victory or martyrdom – it’s a win-win philosophy and it is something else to see it in action.

  347. Wild Man says:
    @Colonel Dolma

    “all knowledge begins with a knowledge of God”

    No. It is impossible for anyone to remember, but it is likely that the general newborn demeanor (when not pained) is ‘acknowledgement that I am God’ ,…not acknowledgement that there is ‘a God beyond me’. Self-aware consciousness somehow emerges out of natural very early childhood reconciliations of the subjective/objective dichotomy we are all born into. This reconciliation begets ‘God’, for humans.

    Maybe you were instead driving at the claim that all useful knowledge (knowledge that leads to practical real-world solutions) begins with the emergence of self-aware consciousness via very early childhood reconciliations of the subjective/objective dichotomy (such psychological operation begets ‘God’), …. the self-aware cognitive space necessary for the formation of ontological humility, …… which in turn (ontological humility) is a prerequisite for the operation of the scientific method. If you meant that, then I agree.

    • Replies: @colonel dolma
  348. @Anonymous

    You seem fixated on dogs and art (as if that’s all Islam has to offer) and seem not to realize that without guidance – a civilization fixated on such things loses focus on the bigger picture

    Islam isn’t offering dogs and art. It depicts dogs as unclean (black ones are cursed) and bans European art that depicts living creatures….which is practically all of it. Stick figures are banned.

    I point out such rules because Whites are given a politically correct take on Islam. In liberal schools/media they don’t point out the strict rules or strange rituals. It’s depicted as just another religion and there is a PC avoidance of the clear directives on what to do with non-believers.

    There is also an assumption that Islam has its apostles or equivalent. It is actually very similar to Mormonism and Scientology in that it all comes down to the word of a single man. Muslims of course believe he was a prophet but the same is true for Mormons and Joseph Smith. At least 2/3 of these religions must be wrong.

    Most Whites are also unaware of how young the religion is. Seems rather peculiar that God would change his mind over all kinds of things in 710.

    History suggests that God has no problem replacing one people with another people to prove a point.

    Or God lets man duke it out and shrugs while the winners think he was involved.

    Project things out two, three hundred years from now – do you think there will be proportionally less Muslims or more on the planet? Figure out which way this trend is going despite your feelings about it.

    Same thing was once said about Mormons and their birth rate dropped in the last few years. I also don’t see how breeding is evidence of anything. You can argue that Islam is pro-Natal. Maybe it is, but that doesn’t mean that God hates dogs or art.

    You speak as if you know God. Well someone obviously doesn’t have a direct line as these religions all contradict each other.

    • Replies: @muh muh
    , @Alden
    , @Anonymous
  349. Alden says:

    Wikipédia; nuff said You need to explore the roles of Edward Hyde and Sophia duchess and electeress of Hanover in that conquest of England

    • Replies: @Suetonious
  350. Alden says:
    @emerging majority

    So you like your dogs but don’t like other people’s dogs. Good for the eagle slayer. The demon dog finally was put down replaced by a new breed Mexican black wolves can’t it spell the name

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  351. @Anonymous

    …so when the SCTO wins WW III…

    WTF is the “SCTO”?

  352. muh muh says:

    Darwin predicated his theory upon established scientific fact. He didn’t disregard the contemporaneous science.

    Contrarily, advocates of the skeptical approach (described above) disregard Islamic source material. To them, nothing in it is reliable.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  353. muh muh says:
    @John Johnson

    Seems rather peculiar that God would change his mind over all kinds of things in 710.

    It doesn’t appear as if He changed the fundamentals. As far as I can tell, murder was still a capital crime, just as it was when Noah was said to have settled aground after The Flood. Jews didn’t change that, nor did Christians, really, regardless of what they may tell you.

    Islam is identical to them with one exception: a mercy clause. If the surviving family wishes to show mercy to the assailant, he may be pardoned. An explicit first in the history of world religion.

    Does Darwinian evolution posit a progressive trajectory for the human species in everything but morality?

  354. Alden says:
    @John Johnson

    Islamic art is beautiful. Swirling designs similar to ancient Celtic designs. Especially the white blue and green with a little gold. I love it

    They don’t like dogs. Well, they have a point. Although so many peoples who converted were animal herders interesting why they went along with the no dogs policy. The Turks kept their big white sheepdogs. White so they could hide among the sheep and lure the wolves close. So they could kill the wolves. In the old days sheepdogs did more than herd sheep. They hunted and killed wolves.

    Dogs and representational art are the least of the problems the Christian heritage world has with Islam.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    , @muh muh
  355. Anonymous[222] • Disclaimer says:
    @John Johnson

    It depicts dogs as unclean (black ones are cursed)

    Again, more ignorance on the part of someone that seems so opinionated on the subject. Dogs are not unclean at all (according to the Maliki school just like other carnivores) according to all the other schools, it is dog saliva that is impure (JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER CARNIVORE) you seem to think that dogs are being singled out – they aren’t. The same exact rules apply to them as with cheetahs, wolves, tigers, etc. Dogs just happen to be one of the animals that closely associates with humans and thus happens to be in the rule books instead of jaguars. Actually, the exception to the carnivore rule are cats – they are specifically given a pass due to their even closer association with humans due to the hardship that would entail.

    There are plenty of other art forms than carving out human statues with their junk hanging out. But if you have to die on that hill, go for it. Statues and paintings of human beings are hardly necessary for human flourishing and survival.

    Seems rather peculiar that God would change his mind over all kinds of things in 710.

    You’ve got the date wrong – but it seems perfectly logical that God would change laws for human beings given different circumstances and even reveal different rules of living for people in different eras and circumstances. In fact, Islam actually has different rules for settled people versus nomadic people. and if He did decide to send a final messenger, then the last update would be the final update. Which other religion after Islam has had any serious traction around the world?

    You can argue that Islam is pro-Natal. Maybe it is, but that doesn’t mean that God hates dogs or art.

    Breeding is evidence of a successful culture – any cultural that doesn’t breed stops existing or gets replaced – it fails. Not breeding enough is a mathematical measure of failure – prove me wrong. Islam is pro-natal and far more effective at it (by enforcing the rules that keeps family structures strong). If it becomes the dominant faith on the planet – that is a far better argument for it being a universal and successful and true religion than it being some random thing like Jainism – why, because it is more successful at keeping adherents and propagating its own adherents than any other belief. God’s true religion is more likely to succeed than fail – why…well, if it is from God, why would He let it fail – simple as that.

    You can hate it, you can whine about it, but it’s like some Tai Chi guy complaining when a Muay Thai kickboxer kicks his butt on the mat – Muay Thai is a more successful martial art. It doesn’t matter whether you like the aesthetics or not – it gets the job done.

    these religions all contradict each other.

    That only means they can’t all be true. None of them can be true or one of them can be true.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  356. Wokechoke says:
    @John Johnson

    You don’t disagree with anything John Hagee says in his books. You conceal a great deal of what you push, although it’s pretty obvious what you are pushing.

  357. fufu says:

    #323 Han

    “WRONG, FuckFuck. “

    Guten Tag mein Schweinepanzerdummkopffuhrer Han von LOL!!!ROTFL!!!YAAAAWN und Hitler kaputt!


    And “smart” Westerners didn’t realize what’s going on for 1700 years?

    “The Jews dominated the world for the past millennia.”

    Are you a Jew that you constantly emphasize Jewish power?

    You overestimate Jewish power.
    You blame Jews because you don’t want to acknowledge that your ancestors were so stupid that they allowed Jews to take full control over society.
    And your stupid ancestors did nothing to regain power.

    Jewish had good circumstances to thrive because Westerners (including Germans) spread Christianity (religion for slaves).

    “We have enough problems with the Jews in our Western countries and DON’T need a FUCKWIT like you who doesn’t know what he is talking about, but likes to criticise us, Westerners.”

    Your stupid ancestors did nothing to regain power. You did nothing to regain power. Fall of Westerners will be legendary.

  358. @emerging majority

    I see, well, I had a quick look at what you wrote, and thank you for sharing your insights. I am not familiar with Mr. Ferrari.

    There are certainly many mysteries and many unexplained phenomena, and science is nowhere near understanding these. I am not denying that there is more to the world than what the so-called scientists have to say. I have been very intrigued by these things myself and like yourself I looked to other sources, outside science, for many years for inspiration and for answers.

    That the universe has some kind of mechanism for storage of memories or past experiences, which may be the universal unconscious or what easterners call the Akashic records, sounds plausible. It does not have to be specifically part of our genetic code, I agree with you. The fact that science is not even looking into these things does not mean they do not exist. Scientists are very narrow-minded in some sense, and they generally very specialized and are incapable of looking at the big picture (there are exceptions, of course). Most of them are functionaries of a large bureaucracy and stick to certain preconceived. notions. But they have also achieved a lot in dispelling myths and providing explanations for phenomena that were attributed to gods (such as thunder, for example) in the past. If you examine some of the findings of science, you can see that they actually confirm certain insights from eastern philosophy. They are serving a useful function and have advanced our knowledge tremendously, but they are not omniscient. In some sense science is curve fitting, taking observations and finding the underlying equations that lead to these observations. Others are going beyond equations, like Wolfram.

    Eastern so-called spiritual practices such as mindfulness / meditation have been proven to be effective and one can try them out and derive clear benefits in one’s daily life. Various techniques for concentrating the mind, from eastern spiritual schools, are also useful and valid. My interpretation of the term spiritual in these contexts is mental. Spiritual matters are actually matters pertaining to the mind. Buddhism really addresses problems with the mental functioning of the average human being.

    But coming back to our original discussion, I perceive that you are referring to me to some higher authorities rather than answering the one fundamental question I posed for you to ponder. This is a problem with many spiritual aspirants, they seem to rely on some outside authority for ready-made explanations.

    Once again, I am not denying the world is full of mysteries, but the mysteries provide fertile ground for all kind of charlatans to come forward and peddle their wares, and you have not answered my fundamental question. Where is the evidence that there is someone or something who actually cares for us as individuals, with whom we can communicate, and is the highest authority in the universe, or if you prefer God. Even if there is such a God it seems to be of little of no relevance to us as individuals. I am not dismissing the placebo effect You can give someone a sugar pill and there will get some therapeutic effects, if you tell them the sugar pill is something else. It is the same with faith. The problem is it only works when you are not aware you have been lied to, and it also can be very dangerous. Let us say you have a condition which can be cured with some type of medication, but you insist on taking a sugar pill that your favorite “spiritual” doctor prescribed. Then what?

    There may be something in us that is not of the mind and not of the material world. I was listening to Rupert Spira and he made a good point, that everything we know is filtered through the mind and is therefore limited, except pure awareness of our own existence. And since I have had two brief experiences of something like this state. At the same time, it could be that the human organism being self-aware when isolated from the senses and when the mind is totally quiet is reduced to its most primal state which is pure awareness without subject-object duality. Some say this is essentially our God nature or original nature, but once again these are stories.

    I have to be somewhere very soon, so I wrote this in a rush. Didn’t want to appear as if I am ignoring you.

  359. Han says:


    Video Link

  360. @DirtySouthSide

    Writer probably intended CSTO. (Though in languages other than English the initial letters could be in a different order)


  361. Alden says:
    @Ron Unz

    Most of my sources were in the Green library at Stanford. About 80 percent of those books favored the Glorious Revolution conventional wisdom.

    Here’s two books. One Royal Renegades by Linda Porter I found on Abe Books. It’s about the children of Charles 1 and Henrietta including James 2 when they were imprisoned actually palace arrest during the civil war and after Charles1 was executed. I haven’t read it but I’m sure it explains why James didn’t fight the Dutch invasion but left.

    Daughters of the Winter Queen by Nancy Goldstone is excellent. Read the chapters about Sophia Palsgrave Guelph

    She was a daughter of princess Elizabeth Stuart daughter of James 1 and Frederick elector of Rhineland Palatine They were the lovely Calvinist couple who started the 30 years war. 10 kids lived long lives very important in 17 century Europe.

    Sophia was one of the major intriguers in the overthrow of James 2. When she married she became the Duchess and Electress of Hanover. She didn’t want the throne of England for herself but for her son George. He became king of England when both daughters of James 2 died without heirs. Sophia spent about 15 or more years traveling from home to plot with William and Mary in Netherlands and then on to England to plot with the other daughter of James 2 Princess Anne Stuart and others. Her part in the overthrow explains a lot. She makes John Arabella and Sarah Churchill look like minor players.

    Most important any biography of Edward Hyde 1st Earl of Clarendon A couple other important Edward Hydes at the time. He’s the one. During the civil war and Cromwell protectorate Hyde was the chief advisor to the very young Charles 2 who escaped England before Queen Henrietta and his siblings.

    It was Edward Hyde who arranged the unusual marriage of Charles to Portuguese Princess Katharine. First Katharine was a Catholic . England was officially Church of England But the puritan calvinist faction was very very strong. Not a good idea. More important, it was well known that Katharine stoped growing about age 10 was only about4’9 or 10 and never matured enough to have children.

    Hyde’s motive; his daughter Anne Hyde was married to the Prince James who became James 2 They had two. kids Mary who married William of Orange and became Queen of England And Anne who became Queen of Englandwhen both William and Mary died.

    Hyde’s motive is obvious when Charles 2 died without a child Edward Hyde would be the father in law of James 2 and grandfather of the heir of James 2. If he , Hyde lived that long.

    There’s plenty of biographies of James 2. There must be some that aren’t anti James 2

    17 century the Dutch Republic really rose in international power. Conquered Indonesia the Spice Islands from the Muslims. Conquered or acquired some Portuguese territories around the world. Including S Africa the harbor and easy trip from India and Indonesia to Europe. Claimed part of America from Delaware to north of Albany New York Even had plans for Brazil. Vast wealth from India Indonesia and Africa poured into the Netherlands. The ship that brought the first Africans to Virginia in 1619 was a Dutch ship.

    And of course England immediately attacked the new rising power. English navy cruised the Dutch coast bombarding coastal towns. And raided and pirated the Dutch colonial territories. Even occupied with a revolution a civil war a Calvinist dictatorship a restoration and another revolutionEngland still continued its policy of attacking European countries. It was James 2 when he was chief admiral of the English navy who conquered the Dutch territories in America.

    The Dutch finally won that century long war by invading England and installing Dutch William on the English throne.

    One thing the historians never mention about the Dutch invasion. Unlike other European countries England had no national army. England in 1688 still had the primitive custom of private armies of the nobility and city militias. Which means the sovereigns of England depended on the goodwill of the nobility for the army.

    When word came that William with an army of 80 K was on his way, the nobles fled to their farthest estates even to Ireland Scotland and the continent. The town militias disbanded.

    James 2 left leaving England for Dutch William and George 1 son of Sophia.

    The Sophia Palsgrave Guelph chapters in Daughters of the Winter Queen is a good place to start learning about the plots to overthrow James 2.

    • Replies: @Han
  362. @Anonymous

    It depicts dogs as unclean (black ones are cursed)

    Again, more ignorance on the part of someone that seems so opinionated on the subject.

    Oh really?

    The Messenger of ‘Allah (may peace be upon him) said: When any one of you stands for prayer and there is a thing before him equal to the back of the saddle that covers him and in case there is not before him (a thing) equal to the back of the saddle, his prayer would be cut off by (passing of an) ass, woman, and black dog. I said: O Abu Dharr, what feature is there in a black dog which distinguish it from the red dog and the yellow dog? He said: O, son of my brother, I asked the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) as you are asking me, and he said: The black dog is a devil. (Sahih Muslim 4:1032).

    Want to explain how the passing of a black dog would cut off a prayer? Don’t bother defending Islam online. It works about as well as defending liberal race denial. The discussion itself is detrimental to your cause.

    You keep calling me ignorant and I will share even more verses that they don’t put in the brochure.

    Islam works best when you aren’t allowed to ask questions. Doesn’t work so well on the White man’s internet.

    You’ve got the date wrong – but it seems perfectly logical that God would change laws for human beings given different circumstances and even reveal different rules of living for people in different eras and circumstances.

    According to Islam we are all supposed to follow its rules. There are no exceptions.

    There is nothing logical about God deciding that his own creation is cursed and especially if they have black fur.

    You do realize that dogs went through 40 million years of evolution?

    Then God decided that man shouldn’t have pet dogs and shouldn’t eat pork? You don’t think it is possible that Muhammed simply made up the rules?

    In fact, Islam actually has different rules for settled people versus nomadic people.

    Is Islam fine with nomadic people in another country following the gods they have lived with for thousands of years?

    Breeding is evidence of a successful culture – any cultural that doesn’t breed stops existing or gets replaced – it fails.

    Breeding is evidence of sex. It can exist in any culture and in animals. There are millions of animals starving at any one time because they outbred their environmental capacity. Is that superior culture?

    Everything on this planet breeds. The White man’s current state of confusion doesn’t prove that Islam is correct. A religion or culture can encourage procreation while holding false beliefs. The Chinese bred for thousands of years without Islam. That doesn’t somehow make Chinese medicine correct. Most of it is total bullshit.

    You can hate it, you can whine about it, but it’s like some Tai Chi guy complaining when a Muay Thai kickboxer kicks his butt on the mat – Muay Thai is a more successful martial art. It doesn’t matter whether you like the aesthetics or not – it gets the job done.

    Muslim culture depends on White inventions. You’re currently using a White invention to lecture me on the superiority of Islam. You’re not getting the job done if you depend on technology from non-Muslim countries. You get on your knees and put your butt in the air for a God who changes his mind and needs constant praise. Then you ironically use the White man’s gadgets to lecture us. If Islam created great cultures then Muslim cultures would be great in all areas. Arab innovations dropped after the development of Islam. The advancements of Persia are in the past. If you look at Arab/Persian contributions they are disproportionately before a certain date. Now why do you think that is?

  363. @Alden

    Islamic art is beautiful. Swirling designs similar to ancient Celtic designs. Especially the white blue and green with a little gold. I love it

    Geometric art can indeed be beautiful. It isn’t banned within Christianity or Western society. However within Islam most of our art is a sin. Stop trying to do damage control for a religion that you don’t even follow.

    You and others here only defend Islam because you hate the Jews.

    If the Jews didn’t exist you wouldn’t bother. As with the left you only defend Islam for political reasons. On a personal level you don’t buy it at all.

    They don’t like dogs. Well, they have a point. Although so many peoples who converted were animal herders interesting why they went along with the no dogs policy. The Turks kept their big white sheepdogs. White so they could hide among the sheep and lure the wolves close. So they could kill the wolves. In the old days sheepdogs did more than herd sheep. They hunted and killed wolves.

    What exactly is the point? Domesticated dogs are used to protect sheep……so how does that make them unclean? Why would angels oppose them being indoors if they are useful creatures that help people? Go ahead and explain for us.

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
    , @Alden
  364. @John Johnson

    “Then God decided that man shouldn’t have pet dogs and shouldn’t eat pork? You don’t think it is possible that Muhammed simply made up the rules?”

    Dogs were hated as unclean animals by the Jews long before the belief was inherited by the Muslims.

    Apparently dogs did though get some sort of a soft pass because they were quiet (i.e. they did not bark) when the Jews were exiting Egypt at the start of the Exodus after stealing all of the Egyptians gold jewelry. They are still unclean animals in Judaism.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  365. Eric135 says:

    “Westerners made Christianity (“religion for slaves”) a basis of their culture.”

    And those “slaves” took over the world. Amazing!

    “Christianity gave special status to the Jews.”

    Christianity repudiated the Jews. Christ called them children of the devil. Paul said they were the enemies of all mankind.

    “Westerners did nothing to take back power from the Jews.”

    Right. Hitler never happened.

    “You are a typical Westerner — you don’t see the sins of your ancestors and Western culture.”

    I see them. But I also recognize that white Western Civilization is the greatest the world has known. In his book Human Accomplishment, Charles Murray demonstrates that Westerners of Christian (and before that, pagan) heritage are responsible for at least 95% of human achievement. And all the faults of Westerners can be found in other cultures.

    I don’t know how you think bashing the white majority — most of whom consider themselves Christian, at least in a casual way — is going to help you defeat the Jews. But if you want to play the clown, I won’t stop you.

  366. Eric135 says:

    “I must stand by my statement concerning Protestants and the prosperity gospel.”

    The prosperity gospel does not represent Protestantism as a whole. Not even close. Neither does evangelical Zionism. Roman Catholics are constantly conflating Protestantism as a whole with its most defective elements. I will always object when they do this.

    “Claiming that good works are not necessary is another failing of Protestantism.”

    The Protestant view is that being born again and invested by the Holy Spirit automatically leads to good works. If good works are lacking, then the conversion process never really happened. It has to be that way because to believe otherwise would be (in effect) to say that the Holy Spirit is incapable of doing its work. Roman Catholics think you have to earn your way to heaven. But Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, plus belief in him, is all the “earning” that is needed. You are saved because of what he did, not because of what you do. If you deny this, then you are saying that his sacrifice — which was to be the final sacrifice — wasn’t good enough.

    As for “sola scriptura”, most (if not all) Protestants subscribe to the Apostles’ and Nicene creeds, so saying that they only base their theology on scripture is inaccurate.

    “Christians should use Jews as examples of HOW NOT to live one’s life.”

    That’s what the Old Testament does. But you would discard it. How does that make any sense? Judaized Christians miss the forest for the trees. The New Testament is clearly and unmistakably a repudiation of the Jews. But so many don’t understand that. And their leaders don’t help them, but generally make things worse. Should this surprise us? What human institution is free of corruption?

    If you are guided by the Holy Spirit, you will see the truth. If you’re not, no church will be able to help you.

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  367. Eric135 says:

    “Why are YOU trying to erase individual European ethnicity?”

    I’m not the one doing that, Hebe; you are (” … no one has defined what the white race is supposed to be”).

    “Amerimutt scum …”

    The best white people are mixtures of English, German, Swedish, Italian, etc.

    That’s what we have in America. White people here are not inbred like the Jews.

    We call them “white people” because you can’t identify them as having ancestry from just one European nation.

    “Eat shit and die, muttscum.”

    You sound unhinged.

    Tsk-tsk. Must be your Jewish ancestry. Sorry I can’t give you any Palestinians to bomb.

    • Replies: @Hulkamania
    , @HeebHunter
  368. Eric135 says:

    Yes, Protestants have allowed Jews to run amok. But so have Roman Catholics.

    Roman Catholics were doing it long before there were any Protestants. Roman Catholic rulers used “Court Jews” as tax farmers to exploit their own subjects.

    But we’ve been over this already.

    I am convinced that Roman Catholics would happily let the Jews win as long as Roman Catholics could really stick it to the Protestants. That’s where their true priority lies.

    Just as the Jews can’t stand any criticism whatsoever, neither can Roman Catholics. They’re two sides of the same Pharisaical coin.

    It all comes down to power and self-worship for both groups — priorities antithetical to Christianity.

  369. Han says:

    Alden #371 says:

    17 century the Dutch Republic really rose in international power.

    Thanks to the Jews who were expelled from Spain and Portugal by Queen Isabella in 1492 and 1497. Many went to Antwerp and Amsterdam and made Amsterdam their headquarters.
    Their money and knowledge of the sea routes made Holland an incredibly rich nation ruling the seas for 50 years before the English did.

    The Amsterdam Jews financed Cromwell in the English Civil War from 1642 to 1652. Cromwell then let the Jews return to England after they were expelled by King Edward in 1290.


    The Dutch finally won that century long war by invading England and installing Dutch William on the English throne. One thing the historians never mention about the Dutch invasion.

    Of course, not, because there never was a Dutch invasion of England.

    Anglo-Dutch Wars, four 17th- and 18th-century naval conflicts between England and the Dutch Republic. The first three wars, stemming from commercial rivalry, established England’s naval might, and the last, arising from Dutch interference in the American Revolution, spelled the end of the republic’s position as a world power.

    The Amsterdam Jews made Dutchman Willem III King of England. The Jews then established the Bank of England. The Amsterdam Jews then moved their headquarters from Amsterdam to London and on the way they were to conquer the world.

    The “English” Revolution:
    King Edward I had expelled the Jews in 1290; they found a willing creature and hireling in Oliver Cromwell. In 1643, Jewish bankers based in Amsterdam funded a rabble which repeatedly threatened the City of London and Parliament.

    On June 16, 1647, Olivier Cromwell writes to Ebenezer Pratt of the Mulheim Synagogue in Amsterdam:
    In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England. This however impossible while Charles living. Charles cannot be executed without trial, adequate grounds for which do not at present exist. Therefore, advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape.

    In reply to this dispatch the records show Ebenezer Pratt wrote a letter dated July 12, 1647 addressed to Oliver Cromwell:
    Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed, and Jews admitted. Assassination too dangerous. Charles should be given an opportunity to escape. His recapture will then make trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences.

    Fernandez Carvajal, another Amsterdam-based Jew and subsequently the first “endenizened” English Jew, was the chief contractor of Cromwell’s New Model Army. After the battle of Naseby (June 1645), Charles retired to Holmby House, whence he was seized by Cromwell’s troops and carried off to Hampton Court. In 1647, Charles escaped to Carisbrooke Castle on the Isle of Wight, mistakenly supposing that the islanders would protect him. He made three unsuccessful escape attempts from Carisbrooke.

    Eventually, he was returned to London to stand trial. Cromwell was told: “The King can be tried by no court.” Despite “purging” the parliament of all those who might show favor to the king, no English lawyer could be found to draw up a charge against him, but a Dutch-English Jew carried out the task and Charles I was executed—for “high treason”—in January

    There was no formal decision to allow the readmission of Jews, but from 1656 their presence was openly tolerated. The Stuart line was reinstituted under Charles II and James II, but in 1688 James II was overthrown by means of an invasion financed by the same Amsterdam Jews who had financed Cromwell. They installed William III (William of Orange, a Dutchman) and his “Dutch” mob.

    William of Orange was a Dutch “Stadtholder,” literally “placekeeper,”at best, a provincial governor. In the Middle Ages, Stadtholders were appointed by feudal lords to represent them in their absence. So, in order to force the readmission of Jews into, and expedite their financial sabotage of the country, the Jews promoted first a mercenary (Cromwell), then, eventually, a ”place-keeper,” as rulers of England.

    William III is reported to have been assisted in his ascent to the English throne by a loan of 2,000,000 guilders from Antonio Lopez Suasso and later Baron Avernes de Gras. William’s reign brought about a closer connection between the predominantly Sephardic communities of London and Amsterdam; this aided in the transfer of the European finance centre from the Dutch capital to the English capital. – pp 227-228 Tell The Truth And Shame The Devil by Gerard Menuhin

    The new King William III soon got England involved in costly wars against Catholic France which put England deep into debt. Here was the Jewish bankers’ chance to collect. So King William, under orders from the Elders of Zion in Amsterdam, persuaded the British Treasury to borrow 1.25 million pounds sterling from the Jewish bankers who had helped him to the throne.

    Since the state’s debts had risen dramatically, the government had no choice but to accept. But there were conditions attached: The names of the lenders were to be kept secret and that they be granted a Charter to establish a Central Bank of England. Parliament accepted and the Jewish bankers sunk their tentacles into Great Britain.


    The rise of the British Empire is clearly linked to this Jewish Messianic ideal, bearing to-day the name of Zionism, which aims at universal economic and financial control to be followed by political power in every nation.

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Alden
    , @Alden
  370. Eric135 says:

    “Christianity simply has no sound argument in its doctrines or leadership for any kind of defense against mass immigration …”

    Not true when it comes to Christian doctrine. What do you think the Tower of Babel was about? In the bible, “nations” means distinct peoples, and God gave each people its own domain. When an attempt was made to meld them all together, God separated them by making them speak different languages.

    “A Christian must always be compassionate towards the needy.”

    You don’t have to be a pushover in order to be a Christian. Truth and justice must be given their due. Freedom comes with responsibility. Self-described Christians who promote policies like mass immigration are sentimental, virtue-signaling fools and hypocrites. Their policies hurt others but never themselves. Hypocrisy is not a Christian virtue.

    “[Chuck Baldwin and Rick Wiles] wear their antiracism on their sleeves.”

    God doesn’t care about your race. But that doesn’t mean whites in the U.S. are obligated to give license to Jews, blacks, illegals, etc. Deporting those groups would not be un-Christian as long as it was done in a reasonably humane fashion. Christian doctrine is not an obstacle to deportation, the U.S. Constitution is.

    “[The Pole who put out the menorah with a fire extinguisher] is a strong, traditional Catholic … Where are the Protestants with the courage or faith to do something like that?”

    David Duke, William Luther Pierce — Protestants. George Lincoln Rockwell — Protestant with some Catholic ancestry. The KKK — anti-Catholic as well as anti-Jewish.

  371. Eric135 says:
    @Harold Smith

    Your claim is that the second beast’s seven heads can’t represent both the first seven Roman emperors and the seven hills of Rome. You have no basis for making that claim whatsoever.

    “You don’t see any hint of exceptional … evil at work in the world today?”

    The fact that that there is exceptional evil at work in the world today does not prove that the second beast represents a Satanic cult. You haven’t connected a single characteristic of the second beast to any Satanic cult, whereas I have connected five characteristics of the beast to Rome. Ergo, you fail, and I win.

    In reply to my challenge to you to connect the second beast’s characteristics to a Satan-worshiping cult, you say …

    “I can generally support my views with plausible arguments based on observation and reasoning.”

    Okay. So go ahead and do it. We’re all waiting …

    • Replies: @Harold Smith
  372. @Eric135

    The best white people are mixtures of English, German, Swedish, Italian, etc.


    That’s what we have in America

    America does not have “the best white people.”

    • Replies: @Eric135
  373. @Alden

    You need to explore the roles of Edward Hyde and Sophia duchess and electeress of Hanover in that conquest of England

    I agree that the Glorious Revolution was fake. It represented the banker take-over of England and was detrimental, rather than glorious, for the English population. I’ll have to look into Sophia, but I tend to view the royals as figureheads and spokespeople, while I focus on the powers behind the scenes.

    Hyde was sent into permanent exile following England’s disastrous defeat at Medway. This national humiliation led the English change many things about their society. They invited William of Orange to be their king, who took power in a bloodless revolution. Parliament passed a bill of rights, leading to a new form of government, constitutional monarchy. William was known as a champion of Protestants against Roman Catholicism, so he put to rest any concerns of a Catholic resurgence. A few years into his rule, the Bank of England was created and completely altered the country’s economic system.

    Hyde was also the father of William’s wife, Mary, who was co-regent. Mary died before William. After he died, Hyde’s other daughter, Mary, succeeded him as queen. Under Mary, the island nation’s transformation was completed by the Act of Union, which united England and Scotland to create Great Britain. Profound changes took place following the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the 1706 Act of Union.

    Finance capital and banking is the power behind the scenes, pulling the strings. They can be traced back to Mesopotamia and Babylon, but they are a parasitic entity that drains the host of wealth, so they routinely need to move and setup shop in a new country. They went from Persia, to Greece, to Rome, Venice, Amsterdam, London, and Washington, DC.

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Alden
  374. @Alden

    Misinterpretation on your part. Macouzhou did not “slay” the eagle. The big bird got the hell outta dodge, not wanting to take on the protector. As for “other peoples’ dogs, some have genuine dogs while others pamper foo-foos.

    • Replies: @Alden
  375. @Eric135

    “Born again”? We are born again and again and again until such time as we no longer to reside in this material learning center. Christianity–so called by its adherents, desperately needs a genuine reformation. Luther tried and so had Huss before him. However, they did not have the information regarding the early Jesusites and Gnostics before Constantine hijacked Jesus and hung him up on the materialistic torture device.

    In other words, the Bitch is wearing waaaay too much makeup.

    • Replies: @Unbornawakened
  376. @Eric135

    The “best huwhite “people””.

    I will remind you that Europe is almost as ancient as China and Iran, and has been through worse.

    But the mutt shithole called the jewbited snakes won’t last a decade longer. And since you have no real identity, the niggers and spics will eat you alive. You admit yourself, you mutts have no ancestry.

    You are the worst of Europe’s excrement. And the fermentation time is up. Time to return to the realm of the crawling things.

    Payback for 1918.
    Payback for 1945.
    Payback for your countless crimes against God and Man in the service of the jews.
    Oh and since you are a prot heretic also, just look outside the windows and see if God has ever truly loved your satanic shithole. So much for being saved without doing any repentance right? Haha

    Burn in hell forever, mutts.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  377. muh muh says:

    They don’t like dogs. Well, they have a point.

    In Sunni Islam, there is a school of jurisprudence called the Maliki school, whose adherents do not hold dogs to be impure. From Qur’an 5: 4:

    They ask you what is permissible for them. Say, “What is good and lawful. Also what is caught by your hunting animals and birds of prey which you have trained as instructed by God. So eat what they catch for you, but mention the Name of God over it.” And be mindful of God. Surely God is swift in reckoning.

    The classical commentary of Malikis states that, since this verse explicitly references hunting animals (such as dogs), their saliva does not render impure for human consumption the game they retrieve.

    That said, contemporary science tells us that while dog saliva may contain antibacterial histatins which aid in dogs healing their own wounds, other bacteria therein may actually exacerbate infection. Moreover, dog saliva is a potentially greater source of allergens than dog dander, it may transfer bacteria and parasites to humans, and, contra many dog lovers’ claims, it is *not* cleaner than human saliva. link

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  378. @RupertTiger

    Dogs were hated as unclean animals by the Jews long before the belief was inherited by the Muslims.

    So what? Superstitious beliefs were common by everyone then. It was also widely believed that the world was flat and evil spirits cause disease.

    We now know that getting a disease from a dog is rare and in the ME they never had a rabies problem. You’re far more likely to get a disease from a person. Dogs are no more unclean than horses or cows. It’s a baseless position and especially if we are to believe it is held by angels.

    Muhammed had some personal animosity against dogs. That is the most likely explanation and not that God changed his mind after multiple ice ages and millions of years of evolution.

    Apparently dogs did though get some sort of a soft pass because they were quiet (i.e. they did not bark) when the Jews were exiting Egypt at the start of the Exodus after stealing all of the Egyptians gold jewelry. They are still unclean animals in Judaism.

    This might blow your mind but I don’t think we should base our view of dogs on the claims of Muhammed’s supposed talk with Gabriel in a cave or the Jews from two thousand years ago. We don’t have to pick one or the other. In fact I find it amusing that you have to reference old Jewish beliefs to defend Islam. I’m not Jewish so that means as much to me as what the Egyptians believed. Historically interesting but none the less irrational.

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
  379. Wokechoke says:
    @muh muh

    The motive for origin of the Species can easily be interpreted as providing an explanation for why the planet was highlighted in Pink.

  380. @muh muh

    That said, contemporary science tells us that while dog saliva may contain antibacterial histatins which aid in dogs healing their own wounds, other bacteria therein may actually exacerbate infection.

    Let’s see a source on that.

    You are suggesting that God wants us to keep dogs outside so they don’t lick our wounds?

    How many times has a dog licked your wound? I’ve never heard of that happening. I grew up with a dog and it never wanted to lap up blood from a wound.

    People get sick and die all the time from diseases passed by other humans. Why wasn’t that the focus?

    This hatred of dogs makes ZERO sense and you know it.

    Telling people to clean their hands with alcohol would have been a much better policy. Of course we are supposed to believe it is “by chance” that no such policies were suggested during the time when people didn’t understand germs.

    • Replies: @muh muh
  381. Alden says:
    @John Johnson

    I like Islamic Celtic and art nouveau art. Has nothing to do with religion. So ESAD. Being aware of what American Jews have done to my people, American Whites in my lifetime has made me anti semític. Very very very anti semitic.

    I grew up with Untermeyers who were proud CPUSA members anti capitalist living off great grandpas standard oil Exxon shares. Lifelong friend is aBronfman
    Who moved to California for law school. And used her non profit to wage lawfare against my people, White Christian heritage. I bet you think Drs and lawyers are “ rich”.

    I like Islamic art.

  382. Alden says:

    Thanks fo the information about the Jews of Amsterdam.

    My answer to Ron’s question was about the relatives of James 2 who spent their lives plotting to overthrow him. His daughters Anne and Mary, his nephew and son in-law William the Prince of Nassau Orange*, his father in-law, Edward Hyde chancellor of England and great aunt Sophia SOP for English and Scots royal families since Henry 1 murdered his brother William 2.

    The family that ruled Orange Nassau were royals as well as Stathokders

  383. @Eric135

    Your claim is that the second beast’s seven heads can’t represent both the first seven Roman emperors and the seven hills of Rome. You have no basis for making that claim whatsoever.

    So you’re being dishonest again? Either that or you apparently have some kind of cognitive impairment, as that’s not exactly what I said. Anyone following this discussion can look at comment #147 and see exactly what I said. In that comment, I made the following statement:

    But with regard to the beast’s seven heads, the angel said to John:

    “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” (Rev 17:9).

    So naturally I “brought up seven mountains” because if you have no cogent explanation as to how a certain group of Roman emperors can be reasonably construed to be “mountains” – especially mountains upon which a woman sits – then your claim is most likely incorrect, capisce?

    Then in comment #249 you even paraphrased part of the statement I made in comment #147; you said:

    “If you have no cogent explanation about how seven [Roman emperors] can [be seven mountains], then your claim is most likely incorrect, capisce?”

    Obviously in saying this I was challenging you to support your claim by providing a compelling explanation as to how seven Roman emperors could be reasonably described as seven mountains. And not just mountains but mountains upon which a certain woman sits; an understanding which apparently requires wisdom; two important qualifications which you studiously ignore (yet you still apparently expect to be taken seriously).

    “You don’t see any hint of exceptional … evil at work in the world today?”

    The fact that that there is exceptional evil at work in the world today does not prove that the second beast represents a Satanic cult.

    More petty dishonesty from you? Why not quote my complete sentence? I said:

    “You don’t see any hint of exceptional, organized, calculated evil at work in the world today?

    Do you really not understand the nature of temporal (worldly) power? Consider “organized crime” for example. The phrase refers to an organization of generally like minded people – criminals – operating in some kind of organizational structure according to some kind a plan, toward some common end/goal, e.g. accumulating wealth, right? While they may both be evil, an organized criminal gand with a calculated plan and a desperate loner who needs money for drugs and who robs a local convenient store to get it are two different things, right?

    Common sense dictates that achieving complete world domination and control would be an ambitious project which would require at the least a high level of organization and a calculated plan whose centerpiece is evil, right?

    You haven’t connected a single characteristic of the second beast to any Satanic cult, whereas I have connected five characteristics of the beast to Rome.

    First, IIRC I haven’t yet said much of anything (in this “discussion” at least) about the second beast of Rev 13 (the beast from the earth). Second, so now you’re going to move on to the subject of the second beast, without even bothering to explain the salient features of the first beast? Seriously? Well I’ve got some bad news for you: There is no way you will understand the identity of the second beast being as apparently clueless as you are regarding the first beast and related Biblical subject matter.

    Ergo, you fail, and I win.

    LOL! Well at least you’re entertaining if nothing else.

    In reply to my challenge to you to connect the second beast’s characteristics to a Satan-worshiping cult, you say …

    First, just to refresh your memory (or refute your dishonest statement, whichever’s the case), here’s the text of the “challenge” you posed to me in comment #249. You said:

    “You say the beast represents a devil-worshiping cult. So now, please go ahead and describe how the beast’s characteristics correspond to the alleged cult. And tell us more about the cult: who is a part of it, etc.”

    It’s clear from the context that “the beast” you were referring to here is the first beast of Rev 13, not the second, right?

    So in response I’ll merely repeat what I told you in comment #279; I said:

    “First, I don’t claim to have all the answers; what I claim is that I can generally support my views with plausible arguments based on observation and reasoning. I’ve made many comments here in the past where I’ve explained in detail my view of Rev 13 (and related subject matter) which you can easily find. If you weren’t coming across as just being contrary, I’d probably try to summarize it here. As it is I don’t feel like wasting any more time and bandwidth arguing about it.”

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Alden
    , @Eric135
  384. @John Johnson

    Dogs were hated as unclean animals by the Jews long before the belief was inherited by the Muslims.

    So what? Superstitious beliefs were common by everyone then. It was also widely believed that the world was flat and evil spirits cause disease.

    Right, I don’t give a shit about dogs. I only mention them in this context i.e that they are unclean to Jews because you make such a hypocritical fuss about their relation to Muslims.

    And by the way, the Earth probably is flat, and evil spirits (or at least spiritual perturbations) do cause some diseases.

    There’s more to life than being a cheerleader for Judaism.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  385. Alden says:
    @Harold Smith

    Is the seven headed beast of the Bible related to the many headed hydras of the Greek myths?

    • Replies: @Suetonious
    , @Harold Smith
  386. Alden says:

    Thanks I pasted your post in a file good to have all the information at hand.

  387. Alden says:
    @Harold Smith

    The 7 headed beast riding from the sea. Must have had jimson weed as well as magic mushrooms back in bible times.

  388. @Alden

    Is the seven headed beast of the Bible related to the many headed hydras of the Greek myths?

    The beast is referred to as a drakon, a word that ancient Greek authors also used to describe the Hydra. Perhaps there is a meaningful connection here. Probably, at some point, there was a key to understanding the Book of Revelation which has been losted or suppressed. In the absence of this key and the understanding that it brings, one can look for clues in the text. The Book begins by speaking of letters to the seven churches. These might be interpreted as seven different Christian denominations, or seven different faiths, while the ten horns may indicate the leadership of these churches is disputed, because there are more horns than heads. Also, the beast climbs out of the ocean, which may suggest a maritime power

  389. @RupertTiger

    Right, I don’t give a shit about dogs. I only mention them in this context i.e that they are unclean to Jews because you make such a hypocritical fuss about their relation to Muslims.

    What exactly is hypocritical? I haven’t used Judaism as a basis to explain anything. Maybe try quoting me instead of making up stuff in your head. In fact I don’t think the Kosher rules make sense and I doubt they were handed down by God. However they are at least related to consumption. The no dogs inside rule makes zero sense and you know it. Muhammed most likely hated dogs and tossed it in there.

    And by the way, the Earth probably is flat

    Why don’t you explain how these around the world tickets work:

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
  390. @Unbornawakened

    Thanks for your replies, this will be my 4th attempt to reply. I would like to bring to your attention some interesting reading over at John Kaminski’s website, a multipart series on religion:


    Since most of the Earth’s human inhabitants believe in God one way or another, anyone who insists his religion is the only legitimate religion is perpetrating a fraud on everyone, including himself.

    Furthermore, anyone who insists their God is the only real God and that God is only the deity of a certain group of people is obviously not worshipping the real God since the real God is the God of everyone and everything and not just a certain group of people.

  391. Eric135 says:

    “America does not have ‘the best white people’.”

    Yes, it does, racially speaking — by far. The English who settled America in the early 1600’s were not Jewed like other Europeans, because England expelled the Jews in 1290 and didn’t start letting them back in until after the colonies were established in America.

    The English, Scottish, Dutch, Swedish and German settlers had not had their European lands sacked by Muslims.

    The eventual intermarriage between these different settlers — all of them Nordic — benefited the gene pool by reducing inbreeding. Irish, French and Italians were healthy additions to the mixture.

    Look at Europe today. Whole generations of the strongest, best, and brightest Germans, French, Russians and others were killed off in WW I and WW II.

    How can this have had anything but a negative effect on the white gene pool in Europe? Then just throw in the admission of nonwhites from the former colonies. What a mess.

  392. @Alden

    In my view the seven heads (“mountains” as per Rev 17:9) of the first beast (beast from the sea) refer to the seven continents of the earth over which the beast aspires to rule and/or has some influence.

    This beast is the Satanic cult known as the spiritual heirs of the Pharisees, i.e. organized Jewry. This cult apparently made the deal with Satan that Jesus rejected (Luke 4:5-8) and in return received Satan’s “power, and his seat, and great authority.” (The comparison of the beast to a leopard may be because the leopard is a successful predator with “spots” i.e. rosettes, symbolic of diaspora, which are scattered all over the place but are all functionally part of the same creature).

    But what exactly is Satan’s “power”? Apparently it’s exemplified by what he did to Eve (Genesis 3); i.e., he deceived, corrupted and manipulated her into defying God and taking action against her own best interests. And here is a critically important detail: In order for Satan to do this, he had to communicate with her. Satan attacked Eve with his mouth, “for he is a liar and the father of it” (John 8:44). Even the best liar in the world can’t victimize anyone unless he can get their attention and communicate with them.

    The beast, Satan’s agent in the physical realm, seeks to do to the whole word what Satan did to Eve. But in order to do to this – which amounts to a spiritual war against all humanity, apparently to ultimately create hell on earth, the beast needs a big mouth and this is apparently the significance of its “mouth, as the mouth of lion.” (The beast’s mouth is mentioned four times in three different verses of Rev 13, which signifies its importance).

    I believe the “mouth” is a reference to the monopolistic/disproportionate control that organized Jewry has over modern mass communications, i.e. the radio and TV broadcasting industry, the motion picture industry, and the modern book, magazine and newspaper publishing industries. So the end times had to wait for the development of the technology of modern mass communications which happened in the 20th century.

    If the time frame of the beast’s rise to significant world power is the 20th century, it sheds light on the other identifying features. The “feet…as the feet of a bear” apparently refers to the jewish-inspired Bolshevik revolution in Russia where communism – the political ideology of Satanism – first got serious political traction.

    The beast’s “deadly [head] wound [which] was healed” apparently refers to WW2 on the Europen continent. Germany, which was defending itself against the beast (which sought to destroy it), was at first successful in its war effort, and if it had succeeded in the end, Jewish influence in Europe would’ve come to an end, with the likely result that a strong and independent Europe would’ve emerged thus there’d have been no U.S. led NATO and we would not now be flirting with nuclear war and planetary extinction. But the tide turned against Germany, which lost the war, jewish influence over Europe was restored, Germany was subsumed into the evil empire, and the beast’s deadly head wound was healed accordingly.

    The woman who sits on the beast is the whore of Babylon, aka “Mystery Babylon,” which apparently refers to America, “that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth” (Rev 17:18); aka “the hammer of the whole earth” (Jeremah 50:23).

  393. @Priss Factor

    So you are moving the goal post?

    Whites do not do the things you claim in your anti white rant. White politicians and political operatives do because they are sociopaths. They are a tiny percentage of white people and even they are going to snap out of it when they realize j e w s are losing control of the narrative. The jew mob has been able to use the media to ruin anyone who does not go along and those days are going to end.

    You like bashing white people.

  394. @John Johnson

    OK, I didn’t know that you were trashing all the Middle Eastern religions equally.

    And by the way, the Earth probably is flat

    Why don’t you explain how these around the world tickets work:

    Well, I suppose that they work just like regular tickets except that there is a coordinated framework for planning, discounting and payment among the many airlines involved. I think what you mean is, how do these routes go ’round’ the earth? They likely just describe a circle upon a flat plane.

    I’m not 100% certain that the earth is flat, but most good evidence indicates that it is, and some evidence would count as proof, such as no curvature is ever measured. Quite how the sun and moon (and they would have to be near) work on such a model is much trickier to incorporate, but all that is for another time and place.

    Anyway, for now, think infinite flat plain, not ball, and not pancake either.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  395. Xavier says:

    It’s easy to define a white person: any human being who is not a member of one of the recognized nonwhite races (blacks, Asians, etc.)

    Perhaps a better definition would be Caucasians indigenous to Europe, as there are plenty of Caucasians indigenous to Asia as well (Persians, Afghans, upper caste North indians etc).

    • Agree: Eric135
  396. Eric135 says:

    “You admit yourself, you mutts have no ancestry.”

    Wrong. I’ve already described our ancestry. It’s better than yours, little inbred Jew boy.

    “The niggers and spics will eat you alive.”

    Not likely. Blacks are shiftless good-for-nothings. Latinos are at war with blacks, not whites. Blacks are at war with Jews.

    Whitey feels guilty about slavery and the holohoax. Asians and Latinos couldn’t care less about those things.

    Jews are past their “sell-by” date in the U.S.

    No one here is passing laws that get you thrown in prison for questioning the holohoax, “German” boy. You better watch your mouth there in “Germany”.

    Even if whites were only 10% of the U.S. population, they would still be the dominant group. Latinos and Asians would side with whites against troublesome blacks. It’s already happening. Plus, Latinos are already racist against darker skinned people.

    “You are the worst of Europe’s excrement.”

    Wrong, we are the best of Europe. We had the initiative to create a new country. When the average European was being treated as a peasant (with the approval of your Catholic Church), we created something better, which is why so many Europeans came here.

    “Since you’re a Prot heretic …”

    The Catholic church is a joke. Men in dresses with ruffles. LOL

    Catholic rulers used Court Jews to exploit the common people Europe. This was long before there was any Protestantism.

    Your vulgarity is something a German is incapable of. That’s why I mark you as a Jew, Jew boy.

    • Replies: @HeebHunter
    , @anarchyst
  397. Eric135 says:
    @Harold Smith

    “It’s clear from the context that ‘the beast’ you were referring to here is the first beast of Rev. 13, not the second, right?”

    Google “the order of beasts in Revelation”.

    The first beast is the dragon. The second beast is the beast that comes from the sea. That’s the beast I have been referring to. Obtuse much?

    “You have no cogent explanation as to how a certain group of Roman emperors can be reasonably construed to be mountains.”

    That’s because they don’t need to be mountains.

    All the beast has to do is have characteristics that correspond to Rome — in this case: coming from the sea, ten provincial rulers, wounded and recovered imperium, seven emperors and seven hills.

    You are arbitrarily insisting that the emperors have to be the same as the hills. That’s just plain stupid.

    You claim that the beast that comes from the sea corresponds to a satanic cult. You have not connected a single characteristic of the beast from the sea to any satanic cult.

    “I can generally support my views with plausible arguments based on observation and reasoning.”

    Still waiting to see those “plausible arguments”.

    • Replies: @Harold Smith
  398. @Yukon Jack

    Thanks for the link. I had a quick look. He is right on the money. These things have been said a long time before, it is nothing new, but I guess many people in the world haven’t caught up with reality and live in a fantasy world.

    Let me also reiterate something I said before but may not have emphasized or clarified.

    I do not care whether there is a God or not, be it a universal consciousness, or infinite intelligence, or supreme master of the universe, the God of Christians, the God of the universe as long as this God is inaccessible and does not care for us human beings as individuals. And there is no evidence for that. Zip. Zero. Let those who claim to have a connection to their (imagined or not) God enjoy that, good for them if they feel better.

    Perhaps “God” exists (I have to use the term even though it could mean many different things to many people to keep it short, and by that I mean a hypothetical God because I have no special insight or knowledge as to whether such a thing exists or not,, maybe it does but I am too stupid to realize that, no problem) is somehow directly or indirectly responsible for our existence, but is not concerned, or is unable to connect with and help with, the fate of us individual creatures, and ignores us.

    I have no time for such a God, I don’t care about such a God as much as it does not care about me.

    And I don’t want to waste any more of my time concerning myself with these hypotheticals. There are many more tangible things that concern me or interest me, why be concerned with speculations that can neither be proven nor disproven, nor provide any sort of entertainment value.

  399. @Yukon Jack

    I am reading this essay:


    This guy is really a rare bird, he seems to get a lot of things right. Once again thank you for sharing.

  400. Eric135 says:

    Re Michelle Bachman — like other “Christian” Zionists — relying on Gen. 12:3 to justify her support for the Jews and Israel: Gen. 12:3 only applies to Abraham personally (Abraham wasn’t a Jew; the Jews didn’t exist yet). The verse is clear about that.

    In addition to misrepresenting Gen. 12:3, “Christian” Zionists studiously ignore Gal. 3:16 and 3:29; John 1:1, 1:14, 2:23, 8:44, 14:6; Romans 10:9, 1 Thes. 2:15 and Mat. 21:33-46.

    Because they reject Jesus, Jews are anti-Christs (John 2:23 and 14:6; Romans 10:9). Given that Christ is God manifesting himself in human flesh (John 1:1 and 1:14), Jews are in rebellion against God, which means they are working for Satan (John 8:44).

    God’s blessing to Abraham is a blessing to Christians, not Jews (Gal. 3:16 and 3:29). God permanently rejected the Jews (Mat. 21:33-46). Jesus called the Jews children of the devil (John 8:44). Paul called them enemies of mankind (1 Thes. 2:15).

    Rejecting Jesus goes beyond not believing in Jesus. The Jews knew he was the Messiah — God in human flesh — and rejected him anyway. They wanted to be God themselves. This is what makes them anti-Christs and Satanists. Their Talmudic “morality” calls for doing evil to non-Jews.

    These are the anti-Christ Jews who the fake Christian Michelle Bachman (along with the fake Christians Nikki Haley and Republican Speaker Mike Johnson) considers fundamental to her “Christian faith” (which is utterly nonexistent).

    She says the Jews were prophesied by Ezekiel to get Israel back. That is true. The Jews did get it back after the Babylonian captivity around 500 B.C. This has nothing to do with the modern state of Israel.

    Jesus prophesied that the Jewish Temple would be destroyed along with Jerusalem, and they were destroyed 37 years later, in 70 A.D. The old, destroyed city of Jerusalem was replaced by the Roman city of Aelia Capitolina. The Roman emperor Julian the Apostate tried to rebuild the Jewish Temple. His workmen were scorched in a series of unexplained explosions and were unable to do the job.

    God will pour his wrath onto the modern state of Israel and the nations that support Israel — especially the United States. It is already happening. Just compare the U.S. of 1950 to the U.S. of today.

    You think we’re being blessed, Michelle? Bwa ha ha ha ha. Far from it.

    • Agree: Suetonious
  401. @Eric135

    Your very tone admits tacitly that I’m a German, and you can’t stand that there are still millions of Germans not brainwashed and raped by nigger-saxon kike scum like you. You wish for the BvS to come and kidnap me. Dream on, muttling!

    The rest of your fantasy posting is hilarious though.

    Even if whites were only 10% of the U.S. population, they would still be the dominant group. Latinos and Asians would side with whites against troublesome blacks. It’s already happening. Plus, Latinos are already racist against darker-skinned people.

    Literally not what is happening geopolitically. Hell, even inside the JewSA, it is not the case. Everybody hates these rootless, mystery meat “huwhites”.

    “Huwhites” is just a stand-in for kikes, angloids, and Yankees.

    I pity that you had to bark at me out of reflex and shame while in another comment in this thread, you admit that God HATES you sub-humans, satanic kike worshippers. So much for being already saved!

    Oh well, what can you expect from the quasi-humanoid shit of Europe? You even admit yourself, you have traceable ancestry. Just a mixed shitpot of whatever random name of European ethnicity you can recall. Like some slave in a slave market. Typical.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  402. @Han

    “…. it was the Jews behind communism and the Russian revolution, they killed 30 million Russians, and that Germany were next to be destroyed. And that was their plan for the rest of the world. Their subversive and treacherous behavior was the sin that they payed for.”
    — The ongoing Judea War on Russia (by using the US-Nazified Ukrainians) is the continuation of the psychopathic genocidal plan against humanity. The supremacist talmudic jewish full-spectrum dominance is a cancer on Humanity.

    At least, the result of the Israel’s use of white phosphorous and carpet bombing (hello, US!) the babies, toddlers, and women in Palestine can’t be unseen. Jews at large came out as psychopathic genociders.

  403. @Eric135

    Yes and no. Arguably there are at least two factors.

    1. American “whites” were self selected dregs of European society. Yes they may have been largely White because that is what makes the lower caste in Europe.

    1.1 higher class Euro fags like Talleyrand and Chateaubriand have returned. Higher class Americans had also the tendency to migrate to England.

    2. In any observable past, historically, Europe was governed by some form of Oriental, Middle Eastern or North Afrikan folks. Basically, all Euro aristocracy are Arabs, Turks or Jews since the fall of the Roman Empire. Which Empire was governed by the brownish Hellinistic folks of first, Egypt, then of Carthage.

    So yes, Ameircans were white but trash, and Europeans had aristocracy but non white.

    • Replies: @Eric135
    , @Alden
  404. anarchyst says:

    Thank you for your concise response.
    Even today, Europeans seem to have an “elitist” attitude when it comes to us White “mutts”, here in the USA.
    My European friends are amazed that an American of average means can own a nice house with acreage, away from the cities, unlike the feudal attitudes that still prevail in much of Europe. Personal transportation (automobiles) make such living arrangements not only possible but desirable.
    Home ownership is still difficult to achieve in most European countries; most people still “rent” their abodes, not unlike previous times where the “lord” owned the manor and adjoining lands and rented them out to peasants. In those days, land ownership was impossible to attain for the average person.
    The migration to the “new world” broke the feudalistic mode, although initially the “tragedy of the commons” (actually communism) was still being sought and implemented, with abject failure. It was only when gaining the ability to strike out and obtain a plot of land (individual land ownership) where one could truly “enjoy the fruits of their labor” that the American system really took off.
    As to Europeans, they still brag about their cities, which were created in the times of oxcarts and horses, not being particularly amenable to modern transportation systems other than buses, trains, etc. Automobile ownership is still problematic in many European cities due to narrow roads and lack of parking spaces.
    I, for one have no desire to be trapped in congested, fetid cities with their attendant problems such as filth, diseases, being packed like sardines in tenements, and other negative aspects of city living. New York City is one of the few places in the USA where the European system still prevails. Living within the city, most tenements are owned by shylock jew “landlords” who charge exorbitant rents for abodes that should have been condemned a hundred years ago. Those who choose to live in New York City own very little of true value–the “European system”, indeed.
    I have nothing against my European brethren, they are still stuck “in another time and place”.

    • Thanks: Eric135
  405. muh muh says:
    @John Johnson

    Let’s see a source on that.


    It’s embedded in the post.

    Go find it, genius.

  406. @Eric135

    “It’s clear from the context that ‘the beast’ you were referring to here is the first beast of Rev. 13, not the second, right?”

    Google “the order of beasts in Revelation”.

    How would that help you to understand what’s already plainly textually demonstrably obvious? Apparently you either can’t read or you can’t comprehend what you read.

    The first beast is the dragon.

    No it isn’t; not according to the author of the Book of Revelation at least. Your desperation is showing. Obviously, if the “dragon” of Rev 13:2 was perceived as a “beast” by the author he would’ve described it as such. Rather, it’s clear e.g. from Rev 12 (and commonly understood, accordingly), that the “dragon” of Rev 13 refers to Satan; to wit:

    And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” (Rev 12:9).

    You’re actually going to dispute this?

    Moreover, according to Rev 13:12, with regard to the beast from the earth, the author (John) says:

    “And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”

    So in this verse the author, John, makes it indisputably clear that the “first beast” is not the dragon but the beast from the sea, i.e. the beast “whose deadly wound was healed.” This verse alone proves you wrong. But according to you, the author is wrong?

    The second beast is the beast that comes from the sea. That’s the beast I have been referring to.

    Stop lying.

    Obtuse much?

    Not as much as you shamelessly lie.

    “You have no cogent explanation as to how a certain group of Roman emperors can be reasonably construed to be mountains.”

    That’s because they don’t need to be mountains.

    Well for that matter they don’t need to be Roman emperors either, but that doesn’t stop you from baselessly insisting that they are, but that’s not the point. For the Nth time, the valid point I made (which you’ve repeatedly failed to address) is this:

    “[I]f you have no cogent explanation as to how a certain group of Roman emperors can be reasonably construed to be “mountains” – especially mountains upon which a woman sits – then your claim is most likely incorrect, capisce?”

    All the beast has to do is have characteristics that correspond to Rome — in this case: coming from the sea, ten provincial rulers, wounded and recovered imperium, seven emperors and seven hills.

    No, that’s not correct; that’s unfounded speculation. Unfortunately it’s a little more complicated than that. Any prospective entity worthy of consideration to be deemed the first beast of Rev 13 has to have all the relevant characteristics as described in the Book of Revelation; it can’t have any characteristics which appear to be at odds with the description given; and it has to be theologically consistent with any other relevant parts of the Bible.

    You are arbitrarily insisting that the emperors have to be the same as the hills. That’s just plain stupid.

    What’s just plain stupid is your relentless effort to misrepresent what I said. Once again, what I’m “insisting” is that if you cannot explain in what sense the seven heads of the first beast – which you claim are Roman emperors – can be reasonably construed to be mountains, especially mountains upon which a woman sits (as per what the angel said to John in Rev 17:9) then your claim is most likely wrong.

    “I can generally support my views with plausible arguments based on observation and reasoning.”

    Still waiting to see those “plausible arguments”.

    If you’re so dishonest as to claim that the first beast of Rev 13 is actually the second beast of Rev 13, in direct contradiction to the text, what would be the point of continuing this discussion?

    • Replies: @Eric135
  407. Eric135 says:

    “Your very tone admits tacitly that I’m a German.”

    You’re not a German, Jew boy. You don’t live in Germany (“You wish for the BvS to come and kidnap me”).

    You’re just larping as a German. It couldn’t be more obvious.

    ” … you admit that God HATES you …”

    I only admit God hates those who support Israel — namely, America’s ruling class (not a single Anglo-Saxon in Biden’s cabinet).

    Even if you are of German ancestry, living in the U.S. (or some other Anglophone country), you are likely just as much of a “mutt” as anyone else, and you don’t get to exclude yourself from the condemnation that you heap on others.

    Or maybe you’ve done something to the Jews. Hmm? If so, I’d like to hear about it.

  408. Eric135 says:
    @Thelma Ringbaum

    “American ‘whites’ were self-selected dregs of European society.”


    They were what we would call middle and upper-middle class in their respective European countries.

    They had to have the means to come to the U.S on ships and then establish themselves in a new country. There was no welfare for them when they arrived. It’s utterly ridiculous, the things people say about the settlers who came here. All Jewish propaganda.

    “Higher class Euro fags like Talleyrand and Chateaubriand have returned.”

    Talleyrand and Chateaubriand only came to North America to escape the French Revolution. They never intended to settle in North America. So, the fact that they went back to France has no significance whatsoever. Another silly statement by you.

    Your third “point” is not even worth bothering with.

  409. Eric135 says:
    @Harold Smith

    The fact that the dragon refers to Satan doesn’t mean it’s not a beast. All of the “beasts” represent something else. Why you are so thick that you don’t get this is beyond me.

    The “first beast before the second beast” in Rev. 13 is the second beast mentioned in Revelation as a whole (not just Rev. 13). It is not the first beast mentioned in revelation.

    Just like the first man standing in front of me in a line of people is not the first man in line if someone is standing in front of him. I don’t know how your mind got so twisted as to become utterly devoid of common sense. Tsk-tsk. How sad for you.

    ” … if you can’t explain in what sense the seven heads of the first beast — which you claim are Roman emperors — can reasonably be construed to be mountains …”

    They don’t have to be mountains.

    Rome has seven hills. Rome has had seven emperors. The heads represent the emperors and the hills, without the emperors and the hills having to be the same.

    I know this is very hard for you. We’ve been through it several times. But maybe if you engage in the novel process (for you) of thinking before you write, you will finally get it.

    ” … what would be the point of continuing this discussion?”

    I have no idea.

    • Replies: @Harold Smith
  410. Alden says:
    @emerging majority

    You like your dogs but don’t like other peoples dogs. Why is that?

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  411. Alden says:

    A Dutch Prince William filled dozens of ships with 80K Dutch soldiers and marines and sailed up the Thames. The English government the nobility and the sovereign fled The 80K Dutch soldiers and marines disembarked at London Pool and occupied the government and royal buildings.

    That’s an invasion and a conquest.

    The Men of Unz the men of Unz. A hasty google search of something you never heard of, clip and paste some Wikipedia article and you think you’re an expert.

    • Replies: @Han
  412. Alden says:
    @Thelma Ringbaum

    Neither Talleyrand nor Chateaubriand were fags. Talleyrand was a promiscuous heterosexual. Chareaubriand married young and stayed happily married.

  413. @emerging majority

    We are born again and again and again until such time as we no longer to reside in this material learning center.

    That would be terrible. You mean Palestinians are learning something from being slaughtered by the Jews? One life is enough to bear and reason enough to complain but coming back again and again sounds exactly like the description of hell, which is eternal damnation.

    I am sure the babies hit by shells, amputated, suffering, have sone some terrible things that they must suffer such a fate. No they are not suffering at all, they are simply attending God’s material school of learning. What a great school God has prepared for us, we must for ever be thankful, I suppose.

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  414. @Eric135

    Yes, it does, racially speaking

    If the USA is the best whites have to offer, then white genocide would be both justified and good. Fortunately, that is not the case.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  415. Han says:

    Alden #421 says:

    A Dutch Prince William filled dozens of ships with 80K Dutch soldiers and marines and sailed up the Thames. The English government the nobility and the sovereign fled The 80K Dutch soldiers and marines disembarked at London Pool and occupied the government and royal buildings.
    That’s an invasion and a conquest.
    The Men of Unz the men of Unz. A hasty google search of something you never heard of, clip and paste some Wikipedia article and you think you’re an expert.

    “A hasty google search of something you never heard of…and you think you are an expert.”


    I am Dutch and History was always my favourite subject at High School and hence I always got top marks for it and even got a 9 out of 10 at the final High School Exam.

    It is YOU knowing Sweet Fuck All about 17th century Dutch-English History and the GLORIOUS REVOLUTION, but thinking YOU are the expert. LOL !!!

    Here a perfect example of your complete ignorance and stupidity:

    A Dutch Prince William filled dozens of ships with 80K Dutch soldiers and marines and sailed up the Thames. The 80K Dutch soldiers and marines disembarked at London Pool and occupied the government and royal buildings.

    LOL !!! ROTFL !!! That NEVER happened. Do your research FIRST before hitting that keyboard.
    Willem III landed in Brixham. His invading force also included 5,000 English and Huguenot volunteers.
    Any idea where Brixham is? No, of course, not. It is 270km south-west of London.

    Now wipe the egg off your face.

    The Amsterdam Jews funded the Glorious Revolution.
    Protestant Dutch Willem III WAS INVITED TO INVADE ENGLAND by a group of influential British political and religious leaders.
    Catholic King James’s reign was unpopular with the Protestant majority in Britain, who feared a revival of Catholicism.

    Please, Dutch Prince, depose our King and bring his daughter with you.

    “The people are so generally dissatisfied with the present conduct of government in relation to their religion, liberties and properties (all which have been greatly) invaded…
    It is no less certain that much the greatest part of the nobility and gentry are as much dissatisfied… And there is no doubt that some of the most considerable of them would venture themselves with your highness at your first landing…” – “The invitation to William” 30 June 1688

    “Common people, gentry and nobility, disgusted with James II’s government but fearing his power, soon found the courage to pour into William’s camp and rise independently throughout England, offering both physical and financial support.” – England’s Glorious Revolution 1688-1689 by Steven Pincus

    England’s ‘Glorious Revolution’ Explained


    King James II of England’s attempts to restore Catholicism alienated his subjects and when a son was born to him this increased the chances of a Catholic dynasty. A group of seven conspirators, both Whig and Tory, met at Revolution House near Chesterfield to plot the overthrow of king and invite his daughter Mary and her husband William to invade England.

    William of Orange blanketed England with 60,000 pamphlets before he made his landfall transforming a coup d’etat into an act of fraternal rescue.

    William’s flagship had the motto “The Protestant religion and the liberties of England and I will maintain it”.

    His fleet was beaten back to base in October 1688 by stormy weather. A few weeks later, on November 5, 1688, he landed his 15,000 strong army with 600 ships off Torbay in South West England.
    James was incapacitated at Salisbury by severe nose bleeding and decided not to march against William at Exeter. The delay was a mistake. His military commander John Churchill and many of his men slipped away and James fled back to London where he threw the Great Seal of England into the Thames without putting up a fight.
    William advanced to London unopposed, deposed James II and claimed the English throne.

    Williams’ Glorious Revolution was funded by the merchants of Amsterdam. They wanted to protect their financial interests by bringing the Netherlands and Britain closer together.

    Of course, “the merchants of Amsterdam” were the AMSTERDAM JEWS.

    • Replies: @Alden
  416. @Alden

    I like real dogs, preferably not overbred neurotics, but nice self-motivated mutts. I do not care for the mass of foo-foos…and tend to pity their doting owners.

  417. @Unbornawakened

    “Eternal damnation” is one of the most evil entities in the Christie branch of the JudieChristieMagick Mindfuck. No Creator would even consider such a dystopian scheme. Jesus himself would be called to task if he had happened to endorse such rank insanity.

    • Replies: @Unbornawakened
  418. TRM says:

    90% of adults over 20 in Israel took the first 2 covid vaccines, 80% took the third and 50% took the fourth. For a group with pretensions of being “Ze Master Race” that just ain’t very masterful bitches LOL. Not very masterful at all.

    In fact it’s pretty average. In some countries more people caved in and in some less, so that leaves Jews as basic, average humans where it matters most, the ability to question authority.

    If you need more proof that humans are all pretty much the same after the last 3 years then I can’t help you. The vast majority went along with it regardless of race, religion, nationalism, gender, intelligence. All in roughly the same percentages.

    Good luck to everyone in this shit show and don’t delude yourself feeling superior especially if you didn’t take the shots. We’re not lucky and they’re not stupid. We still have our survival instinct and question authority like our lives depend on it because it does.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  419. @emerging majority

    A leading Shiite theologian wrote a treatise on hell in which he described all kinds of horrors which I do not remember in detail. But one crucial image remained in my mind. He said that the denizens of hell, which he compared to the inside of a volcano, climb for aeons to reach to the top and edge of the volcano, only to be hit in the head by club wielding demons, and fall all the way down into the bottom of the volcano.

    This seems to me to be very similar to the endless cycle of reincarnations that the Hindus talk about, except that at the end of this cycle, you fall to the bottom again, rather than reach higher ground. And of course, hell, in this analogy, would be earth and as a corollary, our creator the Devil himself).

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  420. Alden says:

    Your superficial British encyclopedia reference says it all. Just anti Stuart propaganda. James 2 didn’t plan to “ restore “ Catholicism to England. Just a bit of religious tolerance to England. Such as ending the death penalty for just being a Catholic in England

    . Plus allowing Catholics to study at the universities but not get degrees. Reasonable as the universities were not universities as we know them today. But seminaries to produce CofE clergy. Founded as seminaries for RC clergy.

    With lifelong access to the greatest libraries west of the Mississippi my knowledge of Dutch William’s conquest of England is far, far, far more knowledgeable than your clipping and pasting an encyclopedia article. That is middle school research for 12 year olds.

    Any group of 7 that invited a foreigner to invade and conquer England would be deemed traitors if they had not been successful. Being successful they were freedom fighters. England had the House of Lords a parliament and a large and powerful judiciary. The sovereigns didn’t rule alone .

    So you’re claiming that 7 people in the pay of William Mary , Anne and Sophia had the right to “ invite “ a foreign Prince to invade and conquer England? Did your ignorant encyclopedia article even mention what Princess Anne Stuart and her fellow conspirators were doing for years before and during the invasion? Sophia’s dozens of trips between Anne and her group in England and the Dutch court of William and Mary Even before Charles 2 died and her father James became King ? Probably not

    The fleet containing 80K went up the Thames and embarked in London, heavily armed. The entire House of Lords parliament and government workers all had previously fled to avoid any bloodshed. Dutch William conquered an empty capitol. If parliament and the House of Lords met for an official session of parliament and had voted to replace James with William the powers that be would have consented. Although English sovereigns wet never elected by the lords and parliament.

    But 7 men out of all the lords parliament and judiciary legitimatized a foreign invasion and conquest?

    Being ignorant of English royal history but just an ignorant bigot; you don’t know that the overthrow of James 2 by daughters nephew/son in-law and great aunt was nothing new. Just standard procedure for English royals even before the Norman conquest.

    English royal history is the history of sovereigns being overthrown by wives uncles nephews cousins sons and daughters. James 2 was no different. Just another family quarrel. The result was Sophia maneuvered her son the elector of Hanover to be sovereign.

    The dynasty of George of Hanover is still in place because George 1 was appalled when he found the English sovereign had no standing army. But still depended on the primitive dark age method of private armies of the nobility and gentry, And England hasn’t had a civil war or dynastic squabble since George 1 created a standing army under the control of the sovereign’s national government.

    The ignorance on this site never ceases to appall

    • Replies: @Han
  421. Finally this notion of Jewish supremacy is being addressed. Their hatred of the White Race and Western Civilization must be addressed as well. Since WWII, Jewish intellectuals have sought to destroy the nuclear family, through abortion, feminism, homosexuality, and pornography. Massive illegal immigration into Western countries is a means to an end as well. The entire history of WWII needs to be rewritten, having been written by Jewish intellectuals, who were primarily Bolshevik communists or their sympathizers. The miracle of the German economy of the 30s and 40s had to be hidden from the world by these communists. The atrocities of WWII were actually committed by the Bolshevik Red Army against the German people as they marched to Berlin. Rapes and murders of German women and children were common place, instigated by the Jewish commissaries w/in the RedArmy. All this and much more must be told, if the truth of WWII is to be revealed. And it MUST be told!

    • Replies: @Alden
  422. @Wild Man

    Setting all apologetic aside, if you understand what I mean “a propos” your request/demand re — ‘Mohammedian (sic) rights of provenance as God’s messenger’ — that Muslims do not worship Muhammad, for he is as the creedal statement of Islam states only “a messenger of the Lord”, reminding those who heard him and into our time and beyond that he (Muhammad) was/is one messenger in the line of messengers stretching back to Adam and Noah in the Semitic tradition without denying similar messengers who came among all people that there is only One Lord/God, ever merciful, ever compassionate, the creator of the universe and lord of mankind, to whom all of creation will return and will be reckoned with as to their deeds.

    There is no supremacism in the revelation(s) of the Lord given to His messengers, and for mankind blessed with intellect the only good that matters is the goodness of its heart in the journey through God’s creation, doing no harm to others, and ever cognizant of the Day of Reckoning when the Lord will judge mankind, each and everyone blessed with intellect and free will.

    Where does supremacism and all that follows from it — oppression of others, lies, deception, murder, wars, pillage, plunder, etc — come from?

    It comes from the interpolation and insertion of corrupt intent/meaning/exegesis into God’s revelation to mankind by those who emerge as the priestly class among mankind and those who have ever since emulated this class as theologians, philosophers, intellectuals, professors, lawyers and advocates, and men and women as professional politicians.

    Abraham and his seeds, if we go by the stories told in the Genesis of the OT by scribes who authored these stories, engaged in deceit and deception once it was ascribed to them that they represented the seeds of the chosen by God, and it was from these seeds the rest of the stories became endless iterations of deceit, deception, murders, and wars. So it was Herod from the seeds of Abraham who demanded all children under the age of two be put to death so as to be rid of the infant he had been told was to be born as the saviour (Messenger bearing good news) for his time, and again it is those seeds we are witnessing engaged in genocide in Gaza/Palestine.

    Moses never entered the promised land, but among the seeds of Abraham he rescued from Egypt under Pharaoh’s oppression were soon found those engaged in deceit worshipping the golden calf they erected and Moses was compelled to call upon his loyal followers to decapitate three thousand of these deceivers. But those seeds of Abraham who raised the synagogue of Satan and became the harlots of Babylon are still masterminding their deceitful ideology spreading corruption and death among rest of mankind.

    Jesus’s message was turned into the Roman state/empire’s official religion more than 300 years after the same state/empire had executed him, and while Jesus’s message was shared with the oppressed of his generation it became weaponized into an ideology of the empire’s oppressive rule and warfare, as in the crusades, and into our time.

    Muhammad fought his oppressors and prevailed over them, and died once he had successfully planted the message given to him among his people from where it spread. His message was not a blueprint for an empire, nor for warfare to spread that message. His message was underlined by the ethics of fellowship that there can be no coercion in matters of belief, which was of course cast aside by those who came after him as Muslims lusting for power.

    The term “Muslim” simply means someone who has submitted to the worship of the One Lord/God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad as the last of His messengers. “Muslim” is not an ethnicity, and Islam, as is Christianity, is not an ethnic, or ethnocentric, religion; in other words, the message of Islam as stated in the creedal statement is universal, “There is no god, but God,” or the better translation from its Arabic formulation would be, “Un-gods (i.e., false gods) they all are, except Allah (God in Arabic).”

    It is said that the Brits acquired an empire in absent-mindedness. The same might be said of those Arabs, who seized leadership of the Muslims faithfuls after Muhammad and eliminated by sword the male members of his family (though no son born of his seed survived during his lifetime), and ventured forth from the inner deserts of Arabia, a backward wasteland between empires of its time, to suddenly find themselves as overlords of the Roman/Byzantium empire to their west and the Persian empire to their east.

    Such are the twists and turns of history in which also the simplicity of God’s message is drowned out by the inherent nature of man/mankind to falsely imitate the Lord by seeking to become overlords over others. This being the perennial drama man/mankind engages endlessly in deceiving/tormenting others while hypocritically blaming the Lord of mankind for setting them up as deceivers/tormentors.

    The truth of the Lord is ever simple and therefore told in parables so that a child may understand, as well as someone with a PhD if s/he has humility. The falsehood of the priestly class and their seeds into our time is always complicated by the web of deceit they spin, and therefore “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

    • Replies: @Eric135
    , @Wild Man
    , @Suetonious
  423. Eric135 says:

    “If the USA is the best whites have to offer … ”

    I’ve already explained why, racially speaking, the U.S. has the best whites.

    That is not the same as saying that the USA is the best country. It’s possibly the worst (Britain being its chief competitor in that regard).

    However, unlike other majority-white countries, whites in the U.S. still have guns and can legally call for the genocide of the Jews.

    The overall context of my remarks is the tendency of certain people here — like you — to romanticize a white Europe that no longer exists and then adopt a snooty attitude towards whites in the U.S.

    I would expect this from hasbara trolls — not people who want to deal effectively with the JQ.

    • Replies: @HeebHunter
    , @Hulkamania
  424. Alden says:

    Yes, Jews have done a good job of destroying America. They began more than one hundred years ago, with the Ellis islanders and Untermeyer and others in the 1880s.

    Abortion porn gays etc are just sidelines. To distract ignorant conservatives from the real reason for Jewish traitor success.

    That’s affirmative action discrimination against White men. Look around you. Who rules the federal government education and most of our great cities? Blacks Asians Indians and Hispanics ruled by Jews. It’s not porn that’s the problem. It’s the fact that non Whites and Jews rule the cities, federal government and most state governments.

    I’m proud to say I’m not an idiot conservative. I’m a White Nationalist. More concerned about jobs for White men than producing more black and Hispanic babies who will grow up hating Whites.

    Like it or not, we’re not American Indians in 1,400. The federal government, the biggest cities the highest population states and Jews rule through their non White puppets.

  425. Eric135 says:
    @Salim Mansur

    Christian doctrine is that the “seed” of Abraham is Christ and Christians — not Jews (Gal. 3:16, 3:29).

    The Crusades need to be understood within the context of 1,000 years of Muslim attempts to conquer Europe.

  426. Alden says:

    Edward Hyde began plotting against both Charles 2 and James 2 the day his daughter Anne met prince James. That was even before the restoration

  427. Alden says:

    Your google research led to you to believe that Edward Hyde had nothing to do with the end of the Stuart dynasty because he died before James 2 left England .

    That’s the problem with google research. Google didn’t tell you what Edward Hyde did decades before when he insisted on arranging the marriage of Charles 2 with a Queen known to be unable to have children.

    Meaning Hyde’s oldest grand daughter Mary would be Queen when James 2 died. Or as it happened, fled England when Mary and her husband invaded. Hyde’s plan succeeded.

    • Replies: @Suetonious
  428. Alden says:

    The crusader states weren’t conquered by the Arabs. It was two very different ethnic groups of Muslims Turks and Kurds who did what the Arabs could not do. And by 1300 AD the Turk armies were heavily Slavic ethnicity.

  429. @Eric135

    This fucking rootless, no-traceable ancestor mutt is hilarious.

    Worldwide expulsion and termination of yids and their hosts will happen in the angloidsphere after everyone else has done it, at best. Most likely, the JewSA and the nigger-saxon islands will perish alongside the yids.

    You must be absolutely retarded to think that with everything happening in the world right now, the jewnited snakes will somehow be the leader and hero of a worldwide jew cleansing movement.

    Fucking riot.

    And thank God, “huwhite” Europe never existed. There are Germans, Dutchs, Swiss (Germans, French and others), Hungarians, Serbs, Croats, Slovaks, usw.

    Funny how all of these people will live on while “huwhites” will be but a jewish-anglo shitstain in history.

    And hey, you stupid mutt, before you masturbate to your never-used guns, reminder that niggers and spics are bulldozing (((arlington))), thank God. Just like old HH has always said for years. Maybe fantasize about taking care of that first. If you could, LOL


    Only the very rootless, mangy mutt, excrement of Europe.

    With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    The best “huwhites” indeed.
    The best “huwhites” who somehow built and maintain the most evil, vile and dangerous jew attack dog state that ever existed. The best “huwhites” that have the guns but never use them for any other purpose than to serve the yids or let autists murder their own. Most mass shootings kill “huwhites”, lol. God is truly great.

    At least you can hop onto a car and live like a carpetbagger/yid. They are your spirit animals after all.

    Also, the BfV is fully occupied with rowdy Muslims and Turks that your sub-human shithole forced upon us. Maybe in the future they can be given lands in the former JewSA as part of a deal to remove them from Europe.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  430. @Alden

    Your google research led to you to believe that Edward Hyde had nothing to do with the end of the Stuart dynasty

    Alden: “The men of Unz…”
    * shuffles notes *
    “…do google searches to verify the accuracy of their posts before they publish comment.”

    What is your position on Hyde in regards to the fake, glorious revolution? Did his role in arranging the marriage of a barren Portuguese princess to King Charles II bring it about? Did the Dutch merchants play a part?

    • Replies: @Alden
  431. @Eric135

    The fact that the dragon refers to Satan doesn’t mean it’s not a beast.

    You can “think” of Satan however you prefer, but for purposes of the instant discussion – regarding the text of Rev 13 – Satan is not a “beast” and cannot reasonably be described as such, whether you happen to like it or not.

    All of the “beasts” represent something else.

    Rather than wasting time and bandwidth making things up as you go along, why not just admit that you’re wrong and move on?

    Why you are so thick that you don’t get this is beyond me.

    Coming from you, that’s a nice compliment; thanks. BTW, it seems clear that everything about this subject matter is way “beyond (you).”

    The “first beast before the second beast” in Rev. 13 is the second beast mentioned in Revelation as a whole (not just Rev. 13). It is not the first beast mentioned in revelation.

    LOL! Your profound butt-hurtedness is opening up a whole new realm of confusing and irrelevant nonsense. So basically you’ve changed your “mind” again? I thought you said that “‘the first beast before the second beast’ in Rev 13” was Satan? But now you’re expanding the scope to include another beast somewhere else in the Book of Revelation, in which case the beast from the sea is now the “third” beast in your psychotic scheme of things? But what about the four beasts of Rev 4:6,7 for example, how come you didn’t include them? What’s wrong, you can’t count either?

    In any case, it was clear from the first comment I made in this thread, comment #13 (to which you responded), and in every comment of mine which followed, that I was talking about the beast from the sea described in Rev 13:1-10; which is described by the author as the “first beast (of Rev 13)”; to wit:

    “This analogy (IMO) is yet more evidence suggesting that the jewish collective is the entity John of Patmos referred to as the beast from the sea (Rev 13:1-10).”

    Just like the first man standing in front of me in a line of people is not the first man in line if someone is standing in front of him.

    Poor analogy, but coming from you that shouldn’t be surprising. Here’s the thing: If the entity standing in front of the man standing in front of you is not a “man” but something fundamentally different, say a spiritual being, e.g. Satan, then it would be incorrect and misleading for you to say that you are the third “man” standing the line. Do you see how that works?

    Likewise for the instant case where the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth, both of which represent entities which are (or will at some point be) extant in the physical realm whereas Satan is a spiritual being. Capisce?

    I don’t know how your mind got so twisted as to become utterly devoid of common sense. Tsk-tsk.

    What would you know about “common sense” chumpy? Obviously not much. In any case, the only way you could actually insult me, knucklehead, would be if I somehow had your approval.

    ” … if you can’t explain in what sense the seven heads of the first beast — which you claim are Roman emperors — can reasonably be construed to be mountains …”

    They don’t have to be mountains.

    Yes they do, whether you like it or not, because the angel who spoke to John said so:

    “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” (Rev 17:9). Period. The end.

    Rome has seven hills. Rome has had seven emperors. The heads represent the emperors and the hills, without the emperors and the hills having to be the same.

    That’s just a bare assertion; pure, unfounded speculation which is obviously not only incorrect but stupid. The “seven heads are seven mountains” not seven Roman emperors. You disagree? Prove it. Prove your claim.

    Explain who or what is the woman who sits on the seven hills; explain how Rome is like a leopard; explain how Rome has “feet…as the feet of a bear”; explain how Rome has a “mouth, as the mouth of a lion”; explain in what sense one of the beast’s heads had a “deadly wound (which) was healed”; and finally, explain how (at the time John was on Patmos) Rome could be described as “the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” (Rev 17:8).

    You can’t explain any of it because you’re wrong and you know you’re wrong. You just can’t stand it that the description of first beast of Rev 13 fits the Satanic jewish collective like a glove.

    I know this is very hard for you.

    It really is; your ignorance and dishonesty are truly burdensome.

    We’ve been through it several times.

    Indeed. In fact I almost feel guilty taking you away from your Talmudic studies and/or painting swastikas on your front door, or defrauding your insurance company or whatever you generally do when you’re not making a fool of yourself here.

    But maybe if you engage in the novel process (for you) of thinking before you write, you will finally get it.

    You’re supposed to be looking at your monitor, not your mirror, as you type your infantile drivel, chumpy.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  432. @Unbornawakened

    Not exactly correct regarding “the endless cycle of reincarnations….” Spiritual ascension, such as described first in the U.S. by Yogananda many decades ago, is/was cited as rising to a higher dimension and thus getting off the wheel of karma.

  433. Han says:

    Alden #430 says:

    Your superficial British encyclopedia reference says it all… With lifelong access to the greatest libraries west of the Mississippi my knowledge of Dutch William’s conquest of England is far, far, far more knowledgeable than your clipping and pasting an encyclopedia article. That is middle school research for 12 year olds.

    LOL !!! ROTFL !!! Amazing, you still stick to your self made up BULLSHIT STORY that:

    The fleet containing 80K went up the Thames and (sic) embarked in London, heavily armed.

    Show me your sources, please. It must be your fertile imagination getting the better of you.
    AGAIN, Dutch Willem III landed in Brixham, NOT in London.

    There is a statue of William of Orange in Brixham, 270km south-west of London !!!

    Statue erected in 1889 to celebrate the bicentenary of Prince William of Orange’s 1688 landing in Brixham.
    William landed at Brixham, near Torbay in Devon, on November 5, 1688, with an army of some 14,000 composed mainly of Dutch, English, Brandenburger, Finnish, Swedish, and French troops.

    Got that, Alden? You do like to have egg on your face, don’t you?

    Of course, with your “lifelong access to the greatest libraries west of the Mississippi” your “knowledge of Dutch William’s conquest of England is far, far, far more knowledgeable than” my “clipping and pasting an encyclopedia article. That is middle school research for 12 year olds.”

    LOL !!! ROTFL !!!


    Your superficial British encyclopedia reference says it all. Just anti Stuart propaganda. James 2 didn’t plan to “ restore “ Catholicism to England. Just a bit of religious tolerance to England.

    LOL !!! ROTFL !!! You don’t know what you are talking about.
    To understand why James II’s most powerful subjects and the common people eventually rose up in revolt against him we need to understand the deep-seated fear of ‘popery’ in Stuart England.
    ‘Popery’ meant more than just a fear or hatred of Catholics and the Catholic church. It reflected a widely-held belief in an elaborate conspiracy theory, that Catholics were actively plotting the overthrow of church and state.
    In their place would be established a Catholic tyranny, with England becoming merely a satellite state, under the control of an all-powerful Catholic monarch, (in the era of the Glorious Revolution, identified with Louis XIV of France).

    The Glorious Revolution: Causes and Outcome

    The three-year reign of King James II was rife with numerous tensions among the English people and Parliament due to his belief in the divine right of kings. The king came to be seen as a dictator who imposed his pro-Catholic policies on the people. These eventually led to James’ overthrow in 1688 in the Glorious Revolution.

    James II’s earlier assurances that his Catholic faith would not interfere with his reign all went out of the window after he was crowned.
    As the days turned into months during his reign, the English population, which was largely Protestant, gradually became outraged by James’s show of favoritism toward the Catholic faith.


    Any group of 7 that invited a foreigner to invade and conquer England would be deemed traitors if they had not been successful.

    Who were the seven English noblemen that invited William, Prince of Orange?
    Also known as the Immortal Seven, the seven English noblemen that invited William to invade England were: Henry Sydney, 1st Earl of Romney, Charles Talbot, Earl of ShrewsburyThomas Osborne, Earl of Danby, William Cavendish, Earl of Devonshire, Henry Compton, Bishop of London, Richard (Lumley), Viscount Lumley, Edward Russell, 1st Earl of Orford

    It is said that the English Whig politician and soldier Henry Sydney was the one who wrote the letter. The invitation letter was delivered to the Dutch ruler, William, in The Hague by Rear Admiral Arthur Herbert. Had the invitation letter not be sent, William would have been perceived as an invader.

    It is obvious that the Glorious Revolution of 1688 was of tremendous importance to the foundation of constitutional law. Today, many countries around the world incorporate the principles and laws that emerged from the Glorious Revolution into their constitutions in order create the needed balance of power.

    The revolutions of the 17th and 18th centuries played an important role in the development of democracy, however the Glorius Revolution of 1688 was the integral event that has shaped modern-day mass democracy.
    The Glorious, American and French Revolutions of 1688, 1776 and 1789 respectively, all played an essential role in the development of democracy. These events and the interdependent thinkers and philosophers, inspired the bourgeoisie to pursue and advocate a liberal political system that would initially provide for their own interests, but eventually the challenge to the autonomy of the aristocracy.


    The ignorance on this site never ceases to appall

    You are spot on, Alden. Just look at yourself, the epitome of ignorance on this site.

  434. @TRM

    Are you sure that they took THE gene therapy shots? Pfizer admitted in the Senate that they gave their employees in Austfailia a different injection from that which the public received.

  435. Eric135 says:

    ” … your sub-human shithole forced on us.”

    Aww, poor little you, “German” boy. American meanies forcing you to gawk helplessly as Muslims rape your women. Maybe you should talk to “your” people and ask them why they’re such a bunch of wussies — like you.

    “America made me do it.”

    The British left the U.S. with a nigger problem after we kicked them out of the country. But you “Germans” (I still think you’re a Jew larping as a German) were an almost all-white country — free of Jews — and you up and decided to turn your country into a mix-raced shithole all by your lonesome.

    You had the labor shortage excuse after the war, but in 2015, your women were throwing flowers at the incoming “refugees” (who were supposed to stop at the nearest safe country). At least we in America pretend to have a border that we enforce!

    Don’t embarrass yourself by trying to persuade us that Europeans are “model whites”.

    Jews have direct control of the U.S. They only have remote control of Europe. Sie muessen nicht einmal da sein, damit ihr erbaermlichen Verlierer ihnen die Arschloecher lekt.

    • Replies: @HeebHunter
  436. Eric135 says:
    @Harold Smith

    Do you really think anyone (including me) is bothering to read your repetitious drivel after your claims have been so thoroughly debunked? I rather doubt anyone is.

    But each to his own. As they say, every village needs its idiot.

  437. Alden says:

    I already explained the role of Edward Hyde twice. Not doing it again.

    Late 16th century entire 17th century Dutch Republic rose not in Europe but in the colonies Asia Indonesia India Africa North America and the Caribbean Like England through private Venture Capitalism the Dutch East India and Wrst India Companies. Jews participated in those companies.

    Jews living in Netherlands after 1492 had a great deal to do with the Protestant reformation in both Netherlands England and Scotland. Those Jews lived in Netherlands during the English Dutch naval wars of the 17th century.

    Lutheran Thomas Cromwell was an agent of the Dutch Jews. But that was 150 years before the conquest of Britain by William of Orange Nassau.

    You’re a typical Man of Unz. I post information about something. You have some knowledge of whatever it is. But my information is something you’ve never heard of. So you and the other Men of Unz start typing away. And can’t find my information on google. So you post what in your ignorance you claim refutes my statement.

    Such as your claim that Edward Hyde had nothing to do with the overthrow of James 2 because Hyde was dead. But the truth is that Edward Hyde became involved in the overthrow of the Stuart dynasty in the late 1650’s 30 years before the overthrow of James 2.

    My post about the overthrow of James 2 was about the fact that the actual individual people involved were family members including the ones who became King Queen and then sovereign queen after the overthrow. Very typical of the English royals since William 1 and William 2.

    The Jews of Amsterdam backed Thomas Cromwell, Henry 8 , were held off by James 1 then backed Oliver Cromwell, forced the execution of Charles 1 and helped William Mary and Anne overthrow their father James2.

    But it was family members Edward Hyde, Sophia Duchess and Electress of Hanover and James daughters and son in law who plotted for 30 years to overthrow James 2. After James 2 became king the most important organizer was probably Princess Anne, a close relative as per the English royal tradition

    • Thanks: Suetonious
  438. @Eric135

    Where did I say Europeans are “model huwhites” or “huwhites” instead of ethnicities, et al, you subhuman mutt?

    Again, to real Europeans, huwhite just means kikes, anglos, and Yankees. And both of these love niggers so much they never actually got rid of them.

    Funny how your shitposts are getting shorter and shorter, complete with falsehood and libels.

    And nice denial of the amerimutt MILITARY occupation of Germany and Europe.

    They only have remote control of Europe



    As many as 20 such warheads remain at the Büchel Air Base in western Germany, according to an estimate by the Nuclear Threat

    You are lying, you shitty fucking mutt.

    Your grandfather was a piece of shit, and so was your father and your entire shitty, non-traceable family tree. I bet if we were to conduct research, most likely you were all descendants of rapists, thieves, murderers, and other excrement of ours, just like most of the migrants swarming your shithole.

    Tolle Anwendung Google Übersetzer, Herr Muttling! Versuch weiter, und entdeck vielleicht deinen 1/20th deutschen Stamm. Irgendwie! ROFL
    Stupid dumb mutt scum.

    Brb, watching niggers and spics bulldozing (((Arlington))) with joy.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  439. Eric135 says:

    Well, I’m glad you’ve settled the race issue. There are no whites, just ethnicities.

    But then you talk about “niggers”.

    What happened to your ethnicities? Suddenly they’re gone.

    “Niggers” have tons of ethnicities. One African country — Tanzania — has 125 ethnicities. All of them speak different languages.

    How does it make any sense for you to call them “niggers”, but insist that Europeans aren’t whites?

    You’re contradicting yourself.

    All you’re doing is saying European whites are better than whites in the U.S. That’s obviously not true. You had nice white countries. You deliberately gave that up and turned your countries into multiracial hellholes. No one forced you to do that. You did it to yourselves.

    ” … nice denial of the Amerimutt MILITARY occupation of Germany and Europe.”

    So, the American military would have arrested German leaders if those leaders had said no to the “refugees”? What a stupid thing to suggest.

    Jewish-controlled American leaders would like to see Europe (and the U.S.) turn brown. But there’s no evidence that they would try to force Europe to turn brown. Paranoid much? You did it to yourselves, “German” boy. Isn’t it time for you to take responsibility for yourselves instead of pointing the finger at everyone else?

    I hope Russia invades Western Europe (which is what the American military is there to try to prevent) and knocks some sense into you white-hating, guilt-ridden Europussies. Whatever its other faults, the Russian government (which also has to deal with Jews) is not carrying out a crusade of antiwhiteism and anti-Christianism.

    You foam at the mouth about ‘huwhites”, thereby deflecting attention away from the real problem, which is Jewish control of European peoples.

    If you’re not a “kike” (to use your terminology), you might as well be one.

    You’re delighted that “niggers” and “spics” are bulldozing Arlington — just like the Jew-boy you are would be delighted.

    You’re serving the Jews well as a proxy warrior against whites, “Euro”-wussieboy. I hope you’re enjoying your thirty pieces of silver.

    • Replies: @HeebHunter
  440. @Eric135

    That is not the same as saying that the USA is the best country. It’s possibly the worst

    It is pretty much the same thing. Quality of the country is largely a product of the biological quality of the people of that country. The USA is the worst because it has the lowest quality whites. Anglo slave stock mixed with bourgeois classes, libtard idealists, and traitors from the rest of Europe. It is weird that you believe the highest quality whites somehow produced the worst country.

    • Replies: @Eric135
    , @John Johnson
  441. @RupertTiger

    Well, I suppose that they work just like regular tickets except that there is a coordinated framework for planning, discounting and payment among the many airlines involved. I think what you mean is, how do these routes go ’round’ the earth? They likely just describe a circle upon a flat plane.

    You are saying the airline companies are conspiring to make it look like the earth is round?

    What happens if you get on a plane with a compass and head West? Where do you think it ends?

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
  442. TRM says:

    We shall see but the all cause mortality data out of Israel isn’t looking good. Pretty much the same +10% as other heavily injected countries (ignore the scale as Oct 7/8 throws it off)


    I’m aware of the caste system in Israel (Askenazi, Sephardic, Arabic, Black) and while they would like to eliminate Arab and black Jews to “purify the race” 90% of the adults over the age of 20 took the first 2 shots, 80% took the third and 50% took the fourth. That’s more than Arab & black Jews.

    I’ve read that the shots have some genetic effects with Ashkenazi & whites being least affected but the DNA contamination issue is in all Pfizer batches and vials tested so far. Pfizer was 90% of the shots given out in Israel. Moderna got the other 10%.

    We shall see how it goes but so far Israel is as bad off as other shot up countries.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  443. Eric135 says:

    “Quality of the country is largely a product of the biological quality of the people of that country … It is weird that you believe the highest quality whites somehow produced the worst country.”

    Following your “logic”, Germans and Swedes are responsible for the pathetic states of their countries today. They therefore must be “biologically inferior” people.

    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  444. @TRM

    We shall see but the all cause mortality data out of Israel isn’t looking good. Pretty much the same +10% as other heavily injected countries (ignore the scale as Oct 7/8 throws it off)

    The excess morality argument ignores that such deaths correlate with older age:


    Ages 15-65 don’t show any abnormalities.

    If the Vax is truly the cause then such correlations wouldn’t exist.

    Unless you switch to the argument that it is designed to kill the elderly….and yet it is less lethal than COVID. Which means anyone over 65 is better off with the vaccine.

    If the vaccine was truly deadly then it would be easy to detect in a subgroup that is under 64 and has a well above average vaccination rate. Teachers for example are highly vaccinated and were vaccinated around the same time. Such correlations should be easy….so where are they?

    The most likely answer is that the vaccine isn’t killing people. Anti-vaxxers desire that scenario so they can feel justified in not getting the vaccine but no one actually cares.

    • Replies: @TRM
  445. @John Johnson

    You are saying the airline companies are conspiring to make it look like the earth is round?

    What happens if you get on a plane with a compass and head West? Where do you think it ends?

    1. No, I don’t think they need to. I’m not saying that. The only thing that I can say for certain about the airline companies is that they transport people and cargo from one point to another for money. If any such conspiracy were required it would really only affect the super-carriers: American, BA, Lufthansa, Qantas etc., and even then only a very small number of staff within their technical departments, not the small regional airlines. The US military (that includes the Navy) use a FE model for their long-range ballistics calculations.

    2. I suspect that you would just describe a circle on a flat plane, as I indicated previously. The FE model posits a North Pole, but no South Pole. Remember, your compass only points north, not south. Whatever the South Pole (Antarctic) actually is, you should know that it is off-limits to the general public, by international treaty reinforced by an international military presence.

    These are good questions but only secondary or tertiary. The primary, and the one you need to address yourself directly first, before letting the others beguile you is how no actual earth curvature is anywhere measured. i.e. Everywhere it measures flat.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  446. @Hulkamania

    It is pretty much the same thing. Quality of the country is largely a product of the biological quality of the people of that country. The USA is the worst because it has the lowest quality whites.

    That must be why Brazil put a man on the moon, invented the computer chip, the airplane, the light bulb, split the atom, and created most modern industries. Too bad we have such low stock.

    The USA currently has a crass culture but so does most of Western Europe. Have a look at the top German comedy shows if you think they are some higher culture.

    Britain is by far the worst. Just watch British primetime talk shows. I tuned into one and the host was talking how often he sodomized his wife. The audience giggled and then roared into applause. This was a Late Night type mainstream show.

    They are also the worst when it comes to White guilt programming. Anyone who thinks US commercials are bad should watch British TV. The level at which they will berate and denigrate White men is unreal. Both men and women take part as if White men are some cursed race. White men are depicted as pudgy losers that can’t do anything right. In 10 years they will have a commercial with a Black guy banging a White man’s wife in front of him. A gentlemanly older British guy will say something like: Whigley’s Crumpets aren’t quite as good as White pussy but they’re close!!!

    Britain is unreal in their desire to prostrate themselves towards Blacks and become the 51st Democrat state. The theory that they lost their men with fortitude to America and the wars is certainly true. White rural men in America at least will fight back if someone tries to rob them. British men would tip their hat to a Bantu hoodlum and say “jolly good sir” as if their existence is to lie down for anyone. All their men with balls either migrated or were cut down by German machine guns.

  447. @RupertTiger

    These are good questions but only secondary or tertiary. The primary, and the one you need to address yourself directly first, before letting the others beguile you is how no actual earth curvature is anywhere measured. i.e. Everywhere it measures flat.

    No one is beguiling me. The Mayan calendar is based on the rotation of the earth and still works. A calendar thousands of years old can predict the position of planets in our solar system and it would not work if the earth was flat.

    There are full videos of satellites and spaceships being launched high enough to see the curvature of the earth. Meaning you can watch every second from take off.

    You would have to believe they are all faked and with thousands of people involved in this conspiracy.

    It simply doesn’t make any sense.

    The likely explanation is that the world is a sphere.

    Of all the conspiracy theories this is really the worst.

    suspect that you would just describe a circle on a flat plane, as I indicated previously. The FE model posits a North Pole, but no South Pole. Remember, your compass only points north, not south.

    Yes and you haven’t explained how this pancake world actually works. I get on the plane and my compass points north. From that I can tell that I am following a single direction. Are you saying the points can’t be trusted? Ok let’s say I get in a plane and follow the sun. What is going to happen?

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
  448. @John Johnson

    OK, John, thanks, I’m not going to continue this topic with you. You are way too much of a defender of everything that big State/big Government does to us for you to have a mind open enough to even consider the possibility of this let alone accept it.

    If you are ever interested in the future you know some of the terms now to google search for yourself.

  449. @Eric135

    Hello there, little Muttling!

    You’re contradicting yourself.

    There is NO contradiction there. In the rest of the Old World and frankly, most of the New World, people identify with their ethnicity, religion, ancestry, and tradition.

    The fact that the JewSA is a mixed mess of a genetic septic tank makes it a unique, rancid, and vicious cancer upon the Earth, which is why God is wiping it out.

    All you’re doing is saying European whites are better than whites in the U.S. That’s not true. You had nice white countries. You deliberately gave that up and turned your countries into multiracial hellholes. No one forced you to do that. You did it to yourselves.

    All I am saying is that there are Germans, Hungarians, Czechs, poles, Italians, etc.
    Europe is not a mixed monolithic block of homosexual mulattoes, try as hard in your mind as you may. Some of them were foolish and brought calamity to us all. But your Sub-Human fake “country” invaded us and put an end to it.

    Are nu-Germans and the nu-Euros, postwar abomination, reprehensible? Well yes. I hate them as much as I hate you.

    So, the American military would have arrested German leaders if those leaders had said no to the “refugees”? What a stupid thing to suggest.

    They would. Just like how the AfD is going to get banned like all those postwar parties that were for the German people. You are a mixed mutt of anglo and kike genetic trash, of course, you are still attempting to deny the obvious.

    But there’s no evidence that they would try to force Europe to turn brown. Paranoid much? You did it to yourselves, “German” boy

    Haha, this is why I do not bother with niceties and politeness with non-human satanic animals like you. You are no different than the kikes. The Jewnited Snakes armed forces do not serve the kikes? You fucking mutt.

    You blocked Europe-Russia cooperation by demolishing the pipes last year. But the truth never mattered to the mutts anyhow.

    I hope Russia invades Western Europe

    Oh little muttling, I have praying for the air-dropped crates of Norinco and Russian AKs my entire life. Maybe you can try to apply your pipul somewhere else.

    You foam at the mouth about ‘huwhites”, thereby deflecting attention away from the real problem, which is Jewish control of European peoples.

    Who helped the kikes for centuries, since 1919, 1945, and right now, again? You fucking shameless, piece of shit amerimutt subhuman.

    You’re delighted that “niggers” and “spics” are bulldozing Arlington — just like the Jew-boy you are would be delighted.

    Why should the unrepentant servants of the kikes deserve to go to heaven? Careful, boy, your ZOGbot ancestors are watching from hell.

    Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind! Serve the kikes, die forever!

    The more I try to dog-whisper with this mutt, the more I am convinced that that sub-human collective has no redemptive quality. Which is why God is putting an end to it.

    But since you admit it yourself, your “country” is a piece of shit that needs to un-exist, maybe there is a sliver, just a tiny sliver of hope to turn you into a semi-human.

    Bye bye, muttling.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  450. Wild Man says:
    @Salim Mansur

    Thank-you for your very thoughtful and informative comment, and as well, to my mind, with respect to the portion of your comment pertaining to the Christian component, … also a very insightful comment (of course I am gonna say that because I have come to these same conclusions about Christianity, myself).

    Since I an giving you kudos for your Christian insights, …. I should (I think), as such, take it under strong consideration that your take on Islam, is the sweet-spot definition of true-Islam, ….. a consideration bolstered by a series of very long group convos I had been lucky enough to partake of, mainly featuring myself on one hand (with my dear Mom, …. as philosophical as the come, … a strange thing for a woman, but she was truly a blessed one herself, to my mind anyways) and a family friend (and his excellent family and brilliant children), …. a Berber family but of very very devout Shia orientation, ,…. and the family patriarch on the other hand, ….. an extremely gifted and brilliant theoretical mathematician, …. these discussions went on for hours each time over many many rounds, over years (a most pleasurable experience, for me, …. my dear family friend has done more for me perhaps, then he realizes, … such an excellent person, most generous of spirit, …. the sharing of himself by way of his studious/precise insights), …..and your take on Islam as very credible, is bolstered for me because it is the same as what my brilliant and very devout Berber Shia friend (and his family) was claiming, around this your sentiment:

    “The term “Muslim” simply means someone who has submitted to the worship of the One Lord/God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad as the last of His messengers.”

    Now, …. what I wasn’t able to determine, back at the time those convos were occurring, is what my dear friend really thought, was the Islamic take on the Christian notion of the Christian’s supposed rightful inheritance of the Judaic blood covenants, …. so I don’t really know if he would have featured the provenance of Islam like you (as a correction of the corrupting psychopathic message of Abraham’s seed), or not.

    Look …. do regular Muslims think in terms of themselves being special because of being ‘of the seed’ of Abraham, or not? It seems not because anyone can become a Muslim, same as Christianity, ….. but the catch here is that to become an ‘Institutional’ Christian (which institutionality is virtually 100% of all the many and varied denominations) you must believe, if you are a serious institutional Christian (because you can also just simply go to church to go through the motions so that you can enjoy some good hymn singing, and as long as you keep your mouth shut otherwise, nobody is going to call you out), …. that you are of the inheritance of the Judaic blood covenants, … and the covenants with Abraham really started that Judaic blood-covenant process. So is regular Islam (as regularly practiced) poisoned that way, by blood-covenant taint, like institutional Christianity? Does Islam claim that, all these long series of God’s messengers (prophets), …. stretching from Adam to Mohammad inclusive of all the various messengers (prophets) in-between inclusive of Abraham and Jesus, …. does Islam maintain all these messengers (prophets) were informed by ontological humility? Inclusive of the ontologically humble notion that each of these prophets must realize that as much as they may sweat blood over their spiritual tribulations, they are only human and as such prone to very much misunderstanding, … rendering us all no better off than beings groping along together in the blinding darkness (i.e. – within God’s infinite reality for which there is no ‘without’), …. which is an astounding feat in itself (the ‘together’ part is an astounding feat, …. scientific method and all), …. which to my mind, is our birthright as humans …… the use of taking on the sentiment of ‘ontological humility’ in order so that we may grope along in the blinding darkness of God’s infinite reality, …. TOGETHER, … or alternatively, does Islam maintain all these messengers (prophets) were informed by ontological conceit, ….. the special infinite-mode-communications-node status conferred upon these prophets, by taking on the notion of ontological conceit ( i.e. – that would come out something like – ‘I know, and you don’t, because of my special ontological status as prophet, and so you must take my word for it’)?

    I am saying that Christianity must be reformed so that ontological humility is the central organizing principle, …. so that the personages that we have appreciated for their spiritual insights, like Abraham, Jesus, or Mohammad let’s say, ….. are appreciated because they are the ones that continue to help refocus the human gaze on our true existential plight (lost in infinity) and the best human response to that (i.e. – help each other grope along, TOGETHER, in the blinding darkness of God’s infinite reality, .. which is an endeavor that can only be had by adopting ontological humility). Does Islam have to be so-reformed too? If not, then why the reference to ‘seed’ and such?

  451. @Salim Mansur

    while Jesus’s message was shared with the oppressed of his generation

    Christianity was intended only for those who had been initiated, which is implied by the Greek term mysterium and its Latin counterpart sacrament. Jesus said on multiple occasions that He came only for those who were spiritually prepared to understand His teachings. He referred to these people who had progressed on the path of wisdom as “the lost sheep of the House of Israel”.

    In order to conceal the true meaning of His teachings, Jesus also spoke in parables. He did not want His teachings to be twisted or misunderstood. The meaning of the whole Bible is a parable that one needs a key to unlock.

    The truth of the Lord is ever simple and therefore told in parables so that a child may understand, as well as someone with a PhD if s/he has humility.

    This is false. While you do not need a formal academic education to know the truth of the Lord, of what benefit is the truth if a child can understand it? The worst thing that ever happened to Christianity is when it was made accessible to the masses of people, because it had to be dumbed down into literal history. The Emperor Constantine is responsible for this change.

    God is the highest, most-perfect being. Humanity, in turn, comes to know God through purifying our highest faculty–the mind. After Constantine decreed that all one needed was faith, the world was plunged into the dark age, and posts such as this demonstrate that we still haven’t emerged from it

  452. @Eric135

    Swedes are subhuman, yes, and I look forward to the day in the near future when they no longer exist. Germany is not a sovereign country. Its current culture is dictated by (low quality) American whites.

    • Replies: @Eric135
  453. @Wild Man

    no I did not mean that so you can continue to disagree.. just do us all a favor and stop using the word ontological so often

    • Replies: @Wild Man
    , @Colonel Dolma
  454. TRM says:
    @John Johnson

    “Anti-vaxxers desire that scenario so they can feel justified in not getting the vaccine but no one actually cares” – I desire nothing of the sort.

    I don’t need to justify not getting the vaccine. I made the correct call and have had covid once which lasted 2 days. That is less down time than most people who got the shots experienced just from the shots plus they still got sick with it and had more downtime. Early treatment followed by natural immunity was always the best choice and it has been proven everywhere.

    “Ages 15-65 don’t show any abnormalities” – The age stratification of the disease has been known since spring of 2020. The insurance industry numbers that Ed Dowd and Josh Sterling clearly show a rise in deaths and disabilities for the 18-65 age group in the USA. I’ve not seen any insurance data out of Israel. It would be interesting to see.

    Time will tell. We shall see.

  455. Wild Man says:
    @colonel dolma

    OK, on the agree to disagree, ….. but on that adjective I decided to consistently use, …. as derived from the noun ‘ontology’, as the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being, … well what term would you prefer instead then, that denotes the nature of our individual being vis-a-vis God’s, and then the nature of our species’ being vis-a-vis God’s, and then ultimately the nature of our birthright as carriers of the mysterious life-force, for which our species emerged, vis-a-vis God’s being, …. as I need a term that denotes all that, in order to derive the adjective form to apply to the specific human sentiments (outlooks/attitudes …. humility vs. conciet in this case) that are the precise issue at hand?

    I suppose the problem is that we don’t have good words for parsing meanings around the peculiarities of the infinite, from our limited human perspective. How about ‘wabi sabi conceit’ and ‘wabi sabi humility’? No, …. people won’t get it. But I am all for improvement. So if the phrasing I am using is not hitting the mark in the minds of other people, … well then I need help. You got any ideas?

  456. anastasia says:

    There is no connection between Christ and the Old Testament. He used parts of it to instruct the people. He contradicted all the beliefs of their religion. That’s why they crucified Him. He contradicted their satanic religion.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
  457. anarchyst says:

    Get rid of the “judeo” in Christianity and Christianity will do just fine.
    Why do Evangelical Christians love Israel and Netanyahu?
    It’s all about the shekels.
    That fat bastard Hagee is a prime example. The jews just rewarded him with a multi-million dollar aircraft (jet). A close second is that of those who preach the “prosperity gospel” such as Joel Osteen, insisting that “God” will make you wealthy if you just “believe”…which couples directly with judaism which celebrates the “God” of money and wealth, strictly jewish concepts.
    Every Christian or Catholic sect that promotes judaism is not following any of the precepts of Christianity or Catholicism.
    Judaism is the exact opposite of Christianity or Catholicism and must be recognized as such. The concept of “judeo-Christian” faith must be abolished.
    Is it possible to be a Christian or Catholic without falling into the error of promoting the jews?
    Absolutely YES.
    However, it requires a recognition that both the Old and New Testament Bible is NOT the “inspired word of God” but is a text which does have some usefulness in guiding human behavior. “Sola scriptura” is a false doctrine along with the Scofield “translation” of the Bible which cemented the jews to the status of “our elder brothers”.
    The Old Testament “God” is a vengeful “God” who has to constantly remind “his people” “who is boss”. Punishment was always a part of the equation.
    Contrast that with the New Testament “God” who is a “God” of mercy and forgiveness…two different concepts, indeed.
    Keep in mind that jews have never repudiated slavery or genocide. Both abominations are still a part of jewish doctrine. It’s all in their talmud.
    The worst people of any faith or belief system are those who “wear their faith on their shoulder” who insist that “their way” is “the only way”.
    Now for differences between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism…
    Protestants, especially Baptists have a “hard on” when it comes to hatred of the Catholic Church. They consider Catholics to be an “enemy” and the Catholic Church to be satanic…
    Protestants take a small part of the Bible and concentrate on one small aspect ignoring the rest of the “message”. A good example of this is the practice of Baptist “snake handlers” who handle poisonous snakes, relying on the “spirit” to “save” them.
    Protestants believe in “sola scriptura” in which the “written word” of the Bible is sacrosanct, despite the Bible being written by men, quite often with their own agenda. Even a shyster Scofield got his biblical licks in, elevating the jew to that of “our elder brother” and absolving the jews from responsibility for the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ despite vitriolic jewish hatred of Jesus Christ which exists to this very day.
    Protestants also believe that “good works” have no bearing on “salvation” which I have a hard time with). The protestants had to remove books from the New Testament in order to negate the value of “good works”.
    In protestant doctrine, one can be a grievous sinner all of his life, hurting and destroying others, and on his deathbed profess a belief in Jesus Christ and will automatically be “saved”.
    Even if “good works” have no bearing on the possibility of “salvation” they can’t hurt…
    Catholics do not worship saints. Those individuals who have lived exemplary lives and have proven themselves to be worthy of veneration by being good examples of what ALL human beings should emulate are recognized by the Catholic Church.
    The Pope is (supposed to be) the “spiritual leader” in our temporal realm, nothing more.
    Yes, the Catholic Church has problems, and will always have problems, but has still done more for humanity than most.
    The first hospitals, educational institutions, and charity organizations in the middle ages and beyond were founded and run by the Catholic Church.
    Yes, the Catholic Church “went off the rails” by selling “indulgences” (a fast-track to heaven)-a big mistake.
    Even today, the Catholic Church sells “indulgences” of a sort–divorce being possible within the Church, being called “annulment”–which states that “no marriage existed”.
    These “annulments” are granted to Catholics, even after have been married for decades. The “excuse” is that “no valid marriage existed” due to immaturity or other reasons
    Once again, “the power of the purse” figures in to the decision by the bishop. The greater the “contribution” the easier it is to get an “annulment”.
    Even abortion was legal within the Catholic Church (before the time of “quickening”) (when the soul is perceived to enter the body)…
    I make no excuses for the behavior of the Catholic Church. Hell, at one time, there were three “popes”…talk about confusion (lol).
    I stand by my statement that the “Vatican II Ecumenical Council” was a power grab by jews and protestants and was detrimental to the Catholic faith.
    Fortunately, there are “old-line” Catholic parishes that still exist, despite efforts by “Novus Ordo” clergy to stamp them out…

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
  458. @anarchyst

    Keep in mind that jews have never repudiated slavery… (An) abomination still a part of jewish doctrine.

    Its not just Jews that are at slavery, we’re all at. We’re experts at it.

    Its bad enough that you figuratively and literally speaking are getting closer to dying when you don’t work for the ‘man’ and the way he wants it, the thing is though that you can usually always get another job, so he is not your keeper as in the true sense of slavery.

    But why today’s system in many ways is worse than ‘old-fashioned’ slavery in that a prospective employer invariably demands references from previous employers. And most employers, since it is only too easy to generate hate toward you otherwise why be leaving, is only too pleased to either not supply a good reference or non at at all.

    Thus spitefully (and gleefully) ensuring you die even sooner than when you volunteered to be a slave in the first place.

  459. Eric135 says:

    “They would.”

    The American military would have arrested German leaders if they had said no to the migrants? HA HA HA HA HA. You defeat your whole argument by making that preposterous claim.

    “You blocked Europe-Russia cooperation by demolishing the [Nordstream pipeline] last year.”

    One of the pipelines is still intact. But your commie/”green” foreign minister Baerbock opposed the pipelines from the beginning and has said she would rather that Germans starve and freeze in the dark. That might start happening this winter.

    “I have been praying for air-dropped crates of Norinco and Russian AK’s my entire life.”

    So, now you’re larping as a freedom fighter as well as a German?

    “Who helped the kikes for centuries, since 1919, 1945, and right now, again?”

    Centuries? 104 years isn’t “centuries”. It’s you Europeans who have helped them for centuries. Going right back to the time your rulers made them Court Jews and tax farmers.

    “Serve the kikes, die forever.”

    Yes, Europe is getting very trashy.

    “Since you admit it … your ‘country’ is a piece of shit that needs to unexist …”

    Governments of majority-white countries need to be overthrown, the Jews and their enablers expelled, and nonwhites sent packing. Failing that, these badly ruled countries need to be broken up, with new countries taking their place.

    Your antiwhite screed is pure Jewish propaganda. There’s no getting around that fact, Jew-boy.

  460. Eric135 says:

    “Germany is not a sovereign country.”

    I’ll ask you the same question I asked HeebHunter: Would the U.S. military have arrested German leaders for saying no to the “migrants”?

    ” … I look forward to the day when [Swedes] no longer exist.”

    Another Jew/Jew-enabler who hates white people. It’s good to have these things revealed.

    I thank you and HeebHunter (and I’m sure I could thank others here as well) for offering evidentiary support for my thesis that you can discern the untrustworthy by noting how they turn a critique of Jewish misbehavior into attacks on anything and everything other than Jews.

  461. anastasia says:

    No, he did not fail. He came to provide only an opportunity, not a guarantee. All other religions lead ultimately to the end of the blood lust – cannibalism and eventually self-destruction.

  462. @colonel dolma

    here’s an idea….have a happy and hopefully peaceful nontological new year!

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