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The Crusade Is Over

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Understanding the Crusades

The pope was the tutor of European civilization during the central Middle Ages. At the end of the eleventh century, he inculcated to the ruling caste one revolutionary idea: the Crusade. It brought the best and the worst out of the warrior class, it was embraced by the masses, and it gave the pope unprecedented spiritual and political dominance. It became central to Europe’s identity and sense of mission. Although dressed in new clothes, the Crusade has remained the West’s defining Big Idea: redeeming the world and itself through wars in the name of lofty principles. The West, now under the leadership of the U.S., is still the Civilization of the Crusade. But that is about to end.

In this article, I intend to show that the medieval Crusades were such a potent experience that their influence on Western civilization outlasted the fall of papal autocracy. My purpose is not to tell again the story of the Crusades, but to explain the essence of the Crusades (quoting from the best scholarship) and to draw from it some insight on the inherited character of the West. The focus will be on what the Crusades did to the West, including in its relationship to the East. What is the point, you ask? Like individuals, civilizations have an interest in looking back at their early life, especially when their adult life starts to unravel and they realize that everybody hates them.

I do not pretend, of course, that the medieval Crusades provide a sufficient explanation for the history of colonialism and imperialism of the modern West, but only that they shed some light on it, not by way of comparison—that the U.S. have been acting like Crusaders is obvious enough, especially in the Arab world—but as a real, significant, historical cause.

Let me add two more preliminary remarks. First, its seems that every nation or civilization has a personality, a particular “will to power” that determines its patterns of behavior with other communities.[1]This is, of course, shared by most philosophers of civilizations, and notoriously Oswald Spengler, who called the West the “Faustian” civilization. But only a dominant minority participates actively in that collective anima. At every level, the elite move the social body and forge its destiny.[2]The archetypal example is given in the Hebrew Bible, where we read, again and again, how the Levites (originally Moses’s personal guard) subjugate a reluctant and incorrigibly “idolatrous” people. Ultimately, the character of Israel is the character imposed on Israel by the Levites. That character has changed very little over centuries. Therefore, when I say that the Crusade is the essence of the West, I do not mean that the common folk necessarily support Western crusading adventures, but that crusading has remained a core existential principle of the Western elite’s culture.

Secondly, my aim is not to judge people, but to analyze the ideas that have directed Europe’s trajectory. Intelligent, courageous and self-sacrificing individuals can be moved by ideas that will prove disastrous in the end and will be regarded as delusional by future generations. Historians of the Crusades have given up trying to explain the “idea of the Crusade” as a mere religious pretext for material gain. In the words of Jonathan Riley-Smith, author of The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading:

In the light of the evidence it is hard to believe that most crusaders were motivated by crude materialism. Given their knowledge and expectations and the economic climate in which they lived, the disposal of assets to invest in the fairly remote possibility of settlement in the East would have been a stupid gamble. It makes much more sense to suppose, in so far as one can generalize about them, that they were moved by an idealism which must have inspired not only them but their families.[3]Jonathan Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, University of Philadelphia Press, 1986, p. 47.

It is true that people tend to cling to ideas that they see as advantageous to themselves. But if Crusaders were looking for personal gain, it was more in terms of social credit. From the twelfth century, explains Christopher Tyerman, author of God’s War, “crusading acted as a mechanism of social advancement … a means of entry to the ranks of the knightly and respectable for parvenus, a ticket of admission into the secular social elite.”[4]Christopher Tyerman, God’s War: A New History of the Crusades, Penguin, 2006, p. 885. What that means is simply that the Crusade was part of the value system of the dominant class — that is, the dominant value system.

The Impact of the Crusades

In a 2006 review of recent developments in the historiography of the Crusades, Norman Housley wrote:

Although there is much that is contested in the history of crusading, one advance that has been made in the course of the last half century would probably be disputed by nobody: that the crusades played a central rather than a peripheral role in the development of medieval Europe.[5]Norman Housley, Contesting the Crusades, Blackwell Publishing, 2006, p. 144.

“There can be no doubt,” Housley adds, “that crusading was one of the features of medieval life that gave Catholic Europe its remarkable rate of growth. This established an inherent dynamism that characterized the central Middle Ages.”[6]Housley, Contesting the Crusades, pp. 154-155.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this impulse is its sudden manifestation. “It was not the culmination of an evolution, but the almost spontaneous outpouring of a prodigious power of collective animation,” wrote French historian Paul Alphandéry around 1930.[7]Paul Alphandéry et Alphonse Dupront, La Chrétienté et l’idée de croisade, Paris, Albin Michel, 1954-1959, nouv. éd. 1995, kindle l. 311. We can pinpoint the day (27 November 1095) when the call fell like the Holy Spirit on a crowd, before being preached by an army of missionaries.


The First Crusade (1095-97) was a success, celebrated in what can be regarded as the earliest propaganda campaign of global scale. The First Crusade became for Westerners what the Trojan War was for ancient Greeks.[8]As noted by Oswald Spengler, Decline of the West, pp. 10 and 27. Christopher Tyerman writes:

The scale and rapid production of histories of the First Crusade by eyewitnesses and others eager to interpret the startling events didactically finds no parallel in medieval historiography. Within a dozen years of Jerusalem’s capture, at least four full eyewitness accounts, three major western histories and part of the great Lorraine version by Albert of Aachen were being circulated along with a bevy of other accounts, more or less derivative, imaginative or polemic. While originating in monasteries and cathedrals, these texts reflected and excited secular interests, for example in local heroes or national pride. Most of the histories sculpted stirring tales of faith, bravery, suffering, danger, tenacity and triumph. The theologians distilled the message of God’s immanence and Christian duty; the no less artful eyewitnesses provided accessible tales of miracles and butchery. One of the very earliest, the Gesta Francorum, included elaborate scenes with stereotype exotic Orientals declaiming extravagant, bombastic nonsense much in the style of the verse chanson de geste. Naturalistic representation, especially of the enemy, did not feature.[9]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 244.

The epic stories of the First Crusade had such a lasting impact that, when a Second Crusade was preached in 1145, the response was, again, overwhelming. “I opened my mouth, I spoke, and at once the Crusaders have multiplied to infinity,” Bernard of Clairvaux wrote to the pope. “Villages and towns are now deserted. You will scarcely find one man for every seven women. Everywhere you see widows whose husbands are still alive.”[10]Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 2: The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East, 1100-1187, Cambridge UP, 1951 (on archive.org), p. 253.

Although it was a papal idea from the beginning, the Crusade grew deep roots in the minds and hearts of the secular ruling class, and invaded every region of lay culture. Some vernacular accounts of the First Crusade, such as the immensely popular Chanson d’Antioche, competed with the genre of apocryphal gospels in their lavish use of prophecies, visions, miracles and other signs of divine Providence. Both genres actually merged in the international best-sellers of the Grail corpus: Chrétien de Troyes’s seminal romance Le Conte du Graal, written around 1180, was woven around esoteric icons of the Crusade: the grail, containing the host (i.e., the body of Christ) is a symbol of the Holy Sepulchre, while the “bleeding lance” is the Holy Lance whose spearhead was miraculously discovered in Antioch by the besieged Crusaders.[11]Laurent Guyénot, La Lance qui saigne: Hypertextes et métatextes du ‘Conte du Graal’, Champion, 2011. It is no exaggeration to say that implicit evocations of the Crusade are present in all medieval lay literature, from the earliest chansons de geste to the latest Arthurian romances.

Through the Crusades, North-Western Europe made a place for itself in history. “Before their inception,” wrote Steven Runciman in his unsurpassed History of the Crusades, “the centre or our civilisation was placed in Byzantium and in the lands of the Arab caliphate. Before they faded out the hegemony in civilisation had passed to Western Europe.”[12]Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 1: The First Crusade and the Foundation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, The Folio Society, 1994 (on archive.org), p. xi. In other words, Western Europe became a civilization in its own right through the Crusade. The end of the Crusades is traditionally dated in 1291, when the city of Acre, the last stronghold of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, fell to the Mamluks, leaving no possible landing site for new expeditions. Strictly speaking, therefore, the Crusades lasted two centuries. Modern historians have conventionally numbered them from one to eight or nine, but in reality, there was an uninterrupted flow of military campaigns of various sizes and origins to the Middle East. Between the First and the Second Crusade, for example, at least six expeditions were sent, which are not counted as full-fledged Crusades but as reinforcement to the Latin States carved during the First Crusade. The Crusades can therefore be considered as one single war lasting two centuries, the longest in human history.

In fact, many more wars would continue to be waged under papal banner, with the full theological arsenal of the Crusades, until the late sixteenth century. In the fifteenth century alone, no less than seven papal bulls for Crusades were promulgated.[13]Jérôme Baschet, La Civilisation féodale. De l’an mil à la colonisation de l’Amérique, Flammarion, 2006, p. 373. As Christopher Tyerman sees it:

Crusading did not decline after 1291. It changed, as it had over the previous two centuries since the First Crusade. … the crusade mentality, transmitted through long habit, current liturgy and constant renewal in fresh appeals for alms, tax, purchase of indulgences and, occasionally, armed service, framed a way of regarding the world. This mentality, widely dispersed through society, allowed the expression of faith and identity through social rituals and religious institutions without the necessity of individual political or military action. The relative scarcity of crucesignati was masked by cultural ubiquity. Independent of fighting and wars, crusading evolved as a state of mind; a means of Grace; a metaphor and mechanism for redemption; a test of human frailty, Divine Judgement and the corruption of society. Crusading became something to be believed in rather than something to do.[14]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 825

Salvation by War or Money

The Crusade introduced a new way of individual salvation: penitential warfare. God, speaking through His vicar on earth, now granted full remission of sins (thence a place in Heaven) to whoever would swear to travel to the Holy Land and kill infidels or be killed by them. According to the historian Orderic Vitalis, writing around 1135, “the pope urged all who could bear arms to fight against the enemies of God, and on God’s authority he absolved all the penitent from all their sins from the hour they took the Lord’s cross.”[15]Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, p. 28.


Judging from the six partial versions of Pope Urban II’s speech preserved in chronicles, it is unclear if he presented things in so explicit terms. He may have simply decreed, as reported by Bishop Lambert of Arras, a direct witness: “Whoever for devotion alone, not to gain honor or money, goes to Jerusalem to liberate the Church of God can substitute this journey for all penance.”[16]Louise and Jonathan Riley-Smith, ed. and trans., The Crusades. Ideas and Reality, 1095-1274, Edward Arnold, 1981, p. 37. And he may have added, as reported by Fulcher of Chartres: “All who die on the way, whether by land or by sea, or in battle against the pagans, shall have immediate remission of sins. This I grant them through the power of God with which I am invested.”[17]https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/urban2-5vers.asp He probably was the first to give a radically new interpretation of Matthew 10:38, as reported by Robert the Monk: “Whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.”[18]https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/urban2-5vers.asp

In any case, full and immediate remission of all confessed sins for all cruce signati (those marked with a cross sewn on their clothes) is how the theology of the Crusade developed over the years, thanks to apologists like Innocent II and St Bernard of Clairvaux, or the great canonist Gratian.[19]Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, p. 1. In 1187, in the letter Audita tremendi that launched the Third Crusade, Pope Gregory VIII declared:

to those who with contrite hearts and humbled spirits undertake the labor of this journey and die in penitence for their sins and with right faith we promise full indulgence of their faults and eternal life; whether surviving or dying they shall know that through the mercy of God and the authority of the apostles Peter and Paul and our authority they will have relaxation of the satisfaction imposed for all their sins, of which they have made proper confession.[20]Jonathan Riley-Smith, What were the Crusades? third edition, Ignatius Press, 2002, p. 62.

Note that only confessed sins would be forgiven (annual oral confession was to become mandatory for Roman Catholics at the 1215 Lateran Council).

The Crusade was a new religion. Guibert de Nogent, one of the most enthusiastic chronicler of the First Crusade, remarked that before, knight could only attain salvation by giving up their way of life and become monks, but “God has instituted in our time holy wars, so that the order of knights and the crowd running in their wake … might find a new way of gaining salvation.” The Crusade, declared a fourteenth-century master of the Hospitaliers, became “the nearest route to Paradise.”[21]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 827. Welsh priest Adam of Usk went further in his Chronicon (early fifteenth century):

Any man who will not set off at once
for the land where God lived and died,
any man who will not take the Holy Land’s cross
will have but little chance of going to heaven.[22]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 756.

Of course, material gain was not excluded for the survivors. According to Archbishop Baldric of Bourgueil, Urban II had stated: “The possessions of the enemy, too, will be yours, since you will make spoil of their treasures and return victorious to your own; or empurpled with your own blood, you will have gained everlasting glory.”[23]https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/urban2-5vers.asp Yet the evidence suggests that most of those who joined the Crusades did so to save their souls. As strange as it may seem to us today, they believed that the pope knew what he was talking about when he distributed remissions of sins (called “indulgences”) in exchange for military service. They trusted that this imaginary currency was legal tender in the Otherworld.

The vow of “taking the cross” was binding, and failure to act upon it would cause excommunication, tantamount to a sentence to hell. Fortunately for those who had ceded to peer pressure but then found themselves excuses, the indulgence of the Crusade was extended to those who, instead of going themselves after taking the vow, sent another in their place or gave money to finance the crusades: this dispensation in return for a money payment was called the “redemption of vow.” From the pontificate of Alexander III (1159-1181), explains Christopher Tyerman,

Vow redemption helped alter radically the funding of crusading, the manner in which the cross was preached, the methods of recruitment and planning, and even the reputation of the exercise itself as the system became vulnerable to charges of “crosses for cash”.[24]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 481.

The offer of indulgences remained part of a general penitential system, increasingly commercial as redemption of vows or even the performance of any particular meritorious act gave way to simple sale and payment. The doctrine of a Treasury of Merits, a sort of divine bank account laid up by God to be drawn on by the penitent faithful, was perfected by Clement VI.[25]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 888.

Thus the gospel of salvation by war slowly evolved into the gospel of salvation by money. According to Norman Housley, “the shift that occurred in crusade preaching towards the raising of cash alongside or instead of volunteers … was certainly a major constituent of the trend which conflated the devotional emphasis on works with the substantial volume of specie that could be released in an increasingly commercial society.”[26]Housley, Contesting the Crusades, p. 148.

For the anecdote, alongside this racket came the black market: in the years 1226-1228, scandals broke out in Germany and Italy, when impostor preachers accepted the redemption of the Crusade vow for more or less large sums, including one who managed to pass himself off as the Pope, and who, for nearly six weeks, relieved a crowd of Crusaders and pilgrims from their vows.[27]Paul Alphandéry et Alphonse Dupront, La Chrétienté et l’idée de croisade, Albin Michel, 1954-1959, nouvelle édition, 1995, p. 419.

More importantly, the selling of indulgence, an outgrowth of the Crusade, was the central charge against the papacy in Martin Luther’s perfectly reasonable Ninety-five Theses, and one of his reasons for later calling the pope “the real Antichrist who has raised himself over and set himself against Christ” in his Smalcald Articles. Indeed, it is hard to deny that, by some Luciferian hubris, the popes undermined their own credibility and the unity of European Christendom, and plunged Europe in its bloodiest wars ever.

Making Jerusalem the Capital of Europe

It is said that the Crusades united Europe. French historian Francois Guizot stated in his lectures at La Sorbonne in 1828:

The first character of the crusades is their universality; all Europe concurred in them; they were the first European event. Before the crusades, Europe had never been moved by the same sentiment, or acted in a common cause; till then, in fact, Europe did not exist. The crusades made manifest the existence of Christian Europe.[28]François Pierre Guillaume Guizot, General History of Civilization in Europe, D’Appleton & Co, 1896, on oll.libertyfund.org/title/knight-general-history-of-civilization-in-europe

That is true to some extent, but that “common cause” should not be confused with political unity or even internal peace, unless we call perpetual war “unity” and “peace”. The Crusades did not bring peace inside Europe, as the popes were betting on. The Third Crusade is a case in point. Before leaving for it, the French and the English kings were at war over territorial claims. Although the Pope convinced Philip II and Richard I to sign a truce before departing for the Holy Land, their relationship worsened rather than improved during the expedition. As soon as they returned home (that is, after Richard was ransomed from the jail of Leopold of Austria, who accused him of having arranged the murder of Conrad of Montferrat), they resumed their feud, which would later grow into the Hundred Years War (1337-1453).


As I wrote in “The Failed Empire,” one of the problems with the Crusades is that they were meant to unite Europe around Jerusalem. “By the Crusades, the popes told Europeans that the cradle of their civilization was a city at the other end of the world, disputed by two other civilizations (the Byzantine and the Islamic), and asked them to fight for it as if their own civilization depended on it. There cannot be a more anti-European project.”

European obsession with Jerusalem did not start with the Crusades. Since the beginning of the eleventh century, writes Jonathan Riley-Smith,

Large numbers of people were regularly departing for Jerusalem with the encouragement of the monasteries and there was traffic right up to the eve of the crusade and beyond. … In fact the attitude of eleventh-century Christians towards Jerusalem and the Holy Land was obsessive. Jerusalem was the centre of the world, the spot on earth on which God himself had focused when he chose to redeem mankind by intervening in history; at the same place, at the end of time, the last events leading to Doomsday would be enacted.[29]Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, p. 20.

It was Urban II’s stroke of genius to sell the military expedition as a penitential pilgrimage to Jerusalem:

There is no doubt that Urban preached the crusade at Clermont as a pilgrimage and many of the measures he took brought it into line with pilgrimage practices. He extended the protection of the Church to crusaders, decreeing that their property was to be inviolate until their return. … Urban’s introduction of the cross to be sewn on the crusaders’ clothing must also have been associated with the pilgrimage to Jerusalem.”[30]Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, pp. 22, 24.

In this way, Urban II combined into a new synthesis two elements that were traditionally considered incompatible: the fascination with Jerusalem as a destination for pilgrimage — an aspect of Christian piety — and the warrior ethics of the feudal class inherited from their barbarian origin. That combination proved explosive.

It must be stressed that Jerusalem was not what the Byzantine basileus Alexios Komnenos was interested in when he asked for Western help. It had not been part of the Byzantine Empire since it had been conquered by the Arabs in 638, and Syria itself was peripheral to the Empire. His primary aim was to regain Anatolia, starting with Nicaea (today Iznik), which the Turks had conquered in 1081 and made the capital of their Sultanate of Rum, a mere hundred kilometers from Constantinople. As a secondary objective, Alexios hoped to recover Antioch, a prosperous and strategically important Greek city that had always belonged to the Empire.

Until 1073, Jerusalem had been governed in the name of the Fatimid caliphs, who respected the authority of the basileus and of the Patriarch of Jerusalem over Christian shrines, and let Christians worship freely.[31]Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 1, p. 23. Orthodox Christians had no complaints, and Syrian Jacobites and other non-Orthodox Christians even preferred Muslim to Byzantine rule. It was only when the Seljuk Turks took over Syria that things got complicated for Jerusalemite Christians and Western pilgrims. But the Fatimids retook Jerusalem from the Seljuks one year before the Crusaders came before its walls, and the basileus was more than willing to let them rule it again. For Westerners, however, the Crusade was about “liberating” Jerusalem. They rejected the peace offer of the Fatimids, assaulted the Holy City, and massacred its population. Raymond of Aguilers, who witnessed the event, wrote: “in the Temple and portico of Solomon, Crusaders rode in blood up to their knees and the bridles of their horses. Indeed, it was a just and splendid judgment of God, that this place should be filled with the blood of the unbelievers, since it had suffered so long from their blasphemies.” This, he claimed, fulfilled Revelation 14:20: “And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even to the horse bridles.”[32]Raymond d’Aguilers, Histoire des Francs qui prirent Jérusalem. Chronique de la première croisade, Les Perséides, 2004, p. 165. Another chronicler, the anonymous author of the Gesta Francorum, wrote: “our men rushed round the whole city, seizing gold and silver, horses and mules, and houses full of all sorts of goods and they all came rejoicing and weeping from excess of gladness to worship at the Sepulchre of our Savior Jesus, and there they fulfilled their vows.”[33]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 158. This is the event that deserved to be celebrated as “the greatest event since the resurrection,” according to chronicler Robert of Rheims.[34]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 168.

We should not underestimate the impact of such narrative on Western mentality. News of the “liberation” of Jerusalem silenced critics of the concept of holy war in Europe, and its celebration definitely installed the Crusade as a central paradigm in Western culture. From then on, Westerners saw themselves as the guardians of the belly button of the world. It became part of their identity. Their obsession only grew after Jerusalem was recaptured by Salah al-Din (Saladin) in 1187 (in conditions of humanity that shamed Western chivalry), and with every new failed attempt to recover it.

One of the greatest irony of the Crusades is that Jerusalem was temporarily recovered in 1229 by the Holy Roman emperor Frederick II, who went there while excommunicated by Pope Gregory IX, and got it back — together with Bethlehem and Nazareth — by diplomatic negotiation, without shedding a drop of Muslim or Christian blood. The Pope condemned this peaceful approach, denouncing as especially sinful Frederick’s recognition of the Muslims’ rights on the Mosque of Omar. In 1241, he decreed a Crusade against Frederick, with full indulgence to those who took part, and the possibility for those who had planned to go to the Holy Land to commute their vows to fight against Frederick instead.[35]Jonathan Harris, Byzantium and the Crusades, 2nd ed., Bloomsbury Academic, 2014, kindle l. 4153-62.

In 1248, after Jerusalem had returned to the Muslims, French king Louis IX led the Seventh Crusade, which ended with his capture by Sultan Turanshah. Louis IX — posthumously revered as Saint Louis — is a good illustration of the curse that Jerusalem had become for Europe. He abandoned his kingdom again for another Crusade in 1270, and died of dysentery in Egypt that same year. It was reported that his last words were “Jerusalem! Jerusalem!” — the city he never saw.[36]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 812.

All Europe, it seems, has been weeping over Jerusalem ever since. “The clerical and lay elites of western Europe,” writes Christopher Tyerman, “found it almost impossible to let go of the Holy Land as a political ambition or vision of perfection. Throughout the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, governments, moralists, preachers and lobbyists returned again and again to a subject in which practical and moral objectives were fused together.”[37]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 827. In fact, Jerusalem never left the back of the Westerners’ mind until it was finally recaptured by Christian troops on December 9, 1917. When General Edmund Allenby entered the city on foot in a solemn procession, he proclaimed “the end of the Crusades.” The London Punch published an illustration showing Richard I looking down on Jerusalem, and nodding contentedly, “My dream comes true!” (printed on the cover of Eitan Bar-Yosef’s book, The Holy Land in English Culture 1799-1917: Palestine and the Question of Orientalism, Clarendon Press, 2005).

Note that the Anglican Church and later British offshoots of Calvinism had long rejected papal authority, and officially condemned the notion of penitential warfare. Yet there is no denying that the obsession with Jerusalem remained strong throughout the Victorian age, and played a significant part in the British support for Zionism. It must be said, though, that British Zionism had been stimulated by the French’s attempt to conquer Egypt and Palestine from the Ottomans in 1799. That quasi-crusade by the young General Bonaparte, although it ended in failure, contributed in no small way to his self-made legend, and that in itself testifies to the persisting attraction of Jerusalem in the collective unconscious of the French. As Bonaparte was fighting in Syria, there were reports in the French official press about his intention to offer Jerusalem to the Jews. The authenticity of his “Proclamation to the Jews,” discovered in 1940, is dubious[38]It is defended by Paul Strathern in Napoleon in Egypt, Bantam Books, 2009, pp. 353-356. (an informed discussion can be read here), but the Napoleonian episode should not be excluded from the debate on the origin of Zionism.[39]Look also at the 2021 Haaretz article titled “When Napoleon Was About to Declare a Jewish State in Palestine,” www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2021-07-11/ty-article-magazine/.premium/when-napoleon-was-about-to-declare-a-jewish-state-in-palestine/0000017f-e18b-df7c-a5ff-e3fbe5480000


It was the Crusade that first sealed an unnatural but unbreakable bond between Europe and Jerusalem, making the possession of the center of the world an idée fixe in Western mind. Moreover, the obsession of conquering Jerusalem turned Western Christendom into a mimicry of Israel. According to one account by Robert of Rheims, Urban II had said in Clermont, “Take the road to the Holy Sepulchre, rescue that land from a dreadful race and rule over it yourselves, for that land that, as scripture says, flows with milk and honey was given by God as a possession to the children of Israel.”[40]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 84. Old Testament rhetoric was always part of the Crusades, and for Innocent III, the crusading pope par excellence, “the trials of the Old Testament Israelite heroes were of contemporary relevance not just oratorical resonance.”[41]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 477. The ghost of Joshua, rather than Christ, hovered above the Crusaders. Catholics like to blame Protestants for their emphasis on the Old Testament, but the trend had been started by the popes’ Crusade rhetoric.

Papal Theocracy and the Alienation of Eastern Christendom

The idea of a holy war to the Holy Land did not originate from Urban II (1088-1099), but from his mentor Gregory VII (1073-1085), the most energetic promoter of what became known as the Gregorian Reform — “the first European revolution” in Robert I. Moore’s view.[42]Robert I. Moore, The First European Revolution, c. 970-1215, Basil Blackwell, 2000. Gregory VII had planned to lead personally an army against the Eastern Muslims. Norman Cantor explains his two main objectives:

Such a crusade would be an expression of the supreme pontiff’s moral leadership of the western world (which was one of Gregory’s cardinal doctrines) and would bring the peoples of the north into closer relations with Rome. Finally, the Latin invasion of the Orient could be expected to take a long step toward the assertion of papal hegemony in Greek Christian lands.[43]Norman Cantor, The Civilization of the Middle Ages, HarperPerennial, 1994, pp. 290-291.

It was left to the charismatic Urban II to bring the project to fruition. In term of the first objective, it was a success. Before he made his famous sermon in November 1095, Urban was in a dire position: he had been expelled from Rome, where Emperor Henry IV had installed his own pope Clement III (1080-1100). According to Christopher Tyerman, “Urban II sought to use the mobilization of the expedition as a cover to reclaim the pope’s position in Italy and demonstrate his practical leadership of Christendom, independent of secular monarchs.”[44]Tyerman, God’s War, pp. 7-8. Also p. 74. The show of strength was all the more spectacular that, in that very same Council of Clermont, Urban confirmed the excommunication of the King of France Philip I for his adulterous marriage with Bertrade of Montfort.[45]This episode and its significance is studied in Georges Duby, The Knight, The Lady, and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France, Pantheon Books, 1981. Urban thereby demonstrated that he could come into French territory, declare the French king unfit, and mobilize under his own banner the cream of French knighthood. It was a masterful coup d’état, and the real beginning of papal suzerainty over European kings.

With each new Crusade, the papal stranglehold became stronger. Ultimately, popes would use the Crusade to further all their policies, branding their enemies as fit targets for holy war, and promising the remission of sins to any who would agree to fight them. Crusades were launched against the pope’s political enemies, such as the Hohenstaufens, as well as against any principality harboring “heretics” (in practice, communities who rejected papal authority), such as the Cathars in the County of Toulouse in 1209-29, or the Hussites of Bohemia in 1420-71. The Crusade, comments Norman Housley, “made it easier to move from a non-violent response towards organized dissent, to one that was coercive.”[46]Housley, Contesting the Crusades, p. 164. It facilitated the transformation of Europe into what Robert I. Moore has called a “persecuting society.”[47]Robert I. Moore, The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Authority and Deviance in Western Europe 950-1250, second edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2007.

In terms of the pope’s second objective, affirming papal supremacy over the Greek Church, the Crusades were an utter failure. The Crusades made the schism permanent and irreversible. Tensions had accumulated from the beginning of the First Crusade, which was not the kind of help that Alexios Komnenos was expecting, as Steven Runciman shows:

No government is unwilling to make allies. But when these allies send large armies, over which it has no control, to invade its territory, expecting to be fed and housed and provided with every amenity, then it questions whether the alliance is worth while. When news of the Crusading movement reached Constantinople it aroused feelings of disquiet and alarm.”[48]Runciman, History of the Crusades, vol. 1, p. 96

These feelings proved justified when the Norman Bohemond of Tarento, one of the leaders of the First Crusade, seized Antioch for himself, and later tried to mobilize a Crusade against Constantinople itself, with papal support.

The Second Crusade, which didn’t even have the pretext of helping Constantinople, worsened the relationship between the Franks and the Byzantines. The Crusaders accused the emperor Manuel I Komnenos of the worst treachery, but Steven Runciman sets the record straight:

The behaviour of the Crusaders when they were guests in his territory was not such as to increase the Emperor’s liking for them. They pillaged; they attacked his police; they ignored his requests about the routes that they should take; and many of their prominent men talked openly of attacking Constantinople. Seen in such a light his treatment of them seems generous and forbearing.[49]Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 2 : The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East, 1100-1187, Cambridge UP, 1951, p. 275.

The breaking point was, of course, the Fourth Crusade diverted against Constantinople. Western historians have struggled to explain it, but historians of Byzantium, such as George Ostrogorsky, consider it “the almost inevitable result of early developments.”

Since the schism between the Churches, and particularly since the beginning of the crusading movement, hostility towards Byzantium had been growing in the West. … Face to face with the obvious weakness and helplessness of the Byzantine Empire under the Angeli, Western hatred turned to thoughts of conquest. … When Venice threw its commercial and political interests into the balance, the idea became a reality. The increasing secularization of the crusading spirit reached its logical conclusion: the crusade became an instrument of conquest to be used against the Christian East.[50]George Ostrogorsky, History of the Byzantine State, Rutgers UP, revised edition, 1969, p. 414.

Innocent III expected this happy turn of events to hasten Greek submission to the “Mother Church.” But, as Steven Runciman explains, his hope was never fulfilled.

Instead, [the Crusaders’] barbarity left a memory that would never be forgiven them. Later, East Christian potentates might advocate union with Rome in the fond expectation that union would bring a united front against the Turks. But their people would not follow them. They could not forget the Fourth Crusade. … the whole Crusading movement had embittered their relations, and henceforward, whatever a few princes might try to achieve, in the hearts of the East Christians the schism was complete, irremediable and final.[51]Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 3: The Kingdom of Acre and the Later Crusades (1954), Penguin Classics, 2016, p. 131.

Reuniting Islam and Reviving Jihad

The Byzantines had developed a relatively peaceful co-existence with the Fatimid Caliphate. “In the middle of the eleventh century,” writes Steven Runciman, “the tranquility of the east Mediterranean world seemed assured for many years to come. Its two great powers, Fatimid Egypt and Byzantium, were on good terms with each other.”[52]Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 1, p. 42. Christians worshipped freely in Jerusalem, and Muslims had their mosque just outside the walls of Constantinople (it was burnt down by the Franks during the Fourth Crusade).

The Seljuk invaders from the East were the common foes of the Fatimids and the Byzantines. But for the unsophisticated Crusaders, all Muslims were the same. The Franks disturbed Constantinople’s alliance with the Fatimid Caliphate, and after the collapse of the latter, they continued to damage Byzantine diplomacy, which had learnt “how to play off the various Moslem princes against each other and thus to isolate each of them in turn.”[53]Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 2, pp. 274-275. For example, the Crusaders’ decision to attack Damascus during the Second Crusade was particularly ill-advised. Runciman writes:

It was a decision of utter folly. … of all the Moslem states the Burid kingdom of Damascus alone was eager to remain in friendship with the Franks; for, like the farther-sighted among the Franks, it recognized its chief foe to be Nur ed-Din. Frankish interests lay in retaining Damascene friendship till Nur ed-Din should be crushed, and to keep open the breach between Damascus and Aleppo. To attack the former was, as the events of the previous year had shown, the surest way to throw its rulers into Nur ed-Din’s hands. … To the visiting Crusaders Aleppo meant nothing, but Damascus was a city hallowed in Holy Writ, whose rescue from the infidel would resound to the glory of God.[54]Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 2, p. 281.

The Crusaders made a pitiful retreat from Damascus after only four days of siege. This was “a terrible humiliation” and “a bitter blow to Christian prestige.”[55]Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 2, p. 284-285. It stimulated the reunification of the Muslim world, previously fragmented in two rival caliphates (Baghdad and Cairo) and a number of independent emirates and city-states. Archbishop William of Tyre wrote in the early 1180s:

In former times almost every city had its own ruler … not dependent on one another … who feared their own allies not less than the Christians [and] could not or would not readily unite to repulse the common danger or arm themselves for our destruction. But now … all the kingdoms adjacent to us have been brought under the power of one man [Nur ad-Din].[56]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 343.

As Norman Housley notes, each new wave of Crusaders carried with it the pope’s policy of “normative hostility” against Muslims, which in turn radicalized Islamic hatred of the West, and revived the spirit of jihad.[57]Housley, Contesting the Crusades, p. 158. That is easy for us to understand, because history repeated itself when American crusaders went dropping “Democracy” into Iraq and Syria in the form of bombs. George W. Bush called his war a “crusade” while Hollywood intensified its propaganda against “real bad Arabs.”[58]Jack Shaheen, Real Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People, Olive Branch Press, 2012. Watch also the documentary of the same title. Meanwhile, Saddam Hussein portrayed himself as the new Saladin.

Blueprint for Colonization

In The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: European Colonialism in the Middle Ages, Joshua Prawer presented Crusader society as a forerunner to later European colonialist expansion. The institutions and economy of the Latin states are best understood in the light of their colonial status, he contends.

Though colonization is not a new phenomenon in European history, only since the Crusades is there continuity and filiation between colonial movements. Ever since, colonialism has remained a major factor in European and non-European history. In this sense it is justified to regard the Crusader kingdom as the first European colonial society.[59]Joshua Prawer, The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: European Colonialism in the Middle Ages, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1972, p. ix. See also George Demacopoulos, Colonizing Christianity: Greek and Latin Religious Identity in the Era of the Fourth Crusade, Fordham UP, 2019.

It is hard to argue with that. The continuity between Crusade and colonialism is all the more obvious that, in the wake of the First Crusade, new Crusades were launched toward the Baltic regions, with the benefit of full papal indulgences and privileges. These wars of conquest fit perfectly modern definitions of colonization, and the appeal of Archbishop Adalgot of Magdeburg in 1108 makes it clear:

These gentiles are most wicked, but their land is the best, rich in meat, honey, corn and birds, and if it were well cultivated none could be compared to it for wealth of its produce … And so, most renowned Saxons, French, Lorrainers and Flemings and conquerors of the world, this is an occasion for you to save your souls and, if you wish it, acquire the best land in which to live. May He who with the strength of his arm led the men of Gaul on their march from the far West in triumph against his enemies in the farthest East give you the will and power to conquer those most inhuman gentiles who are nearby and to prosper well in all things.[60]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 676.

The filiation between Crusade and colonization is also transparently clear when one studies the background of the colonization of the Americas. In Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem, Carol Delaney reveals:

The quest for Jerusalem was Columbus’s grand passion; it was the vision that sustained him through all the trials and tribulations he felt, like Job, that he endured … He had dedicated his life to the liberation of Jerusalem; on his deathbed, realizing he would never see his project fulfilled, he ratified his will that left money to support the crusade he hoped would be taken up by his successors.[61]Carol Delaney, Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem, Free Press, 2012, kindle l. 228.

Columbus was also obsessed with gold. He was hoping to reach the Cipango (Japan) of Marco Polo, so rich in gold that roofs and furniture were made of it. But gold meant for him Jerusalem. He wrote in his diary, December 26, 1492, that he wanted to find gold “in such quantity that the sovereigns … will undertake and prepare to go conquer the Holy Sepulchre.”[62]Delaney, Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem, l. 86. In a letter written to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella just before he arrived back from his first voyage, Columbus claimed “that in seven years from today I will be able to pay Your Highnesses for five thousand cavalry and fifty thousand foot soldiers for the war and conquest of Jerusalem, for which purpose this enterprise was undertaken.” Ten years later, he was still dwelling on the same theme. In a letter written from Jamaica during his fourth voyage, he wrote to the Sovereigns: “Gold is a metal most excellent above all others and of gold treasures are formed, and he who has it makes and accomplishes whatever he wishes in the world, and finally uses it to send souls into Paradise.”[63]Carol Delaney, “Columbus’s Ultimate Goal: Jerusalem,” on www.amherst.edu/system/files/columbus.pdf

The Spanish and Portuguese Conquistadors had been immersed all their lives in the ideology of the Reconquista, a series of Crusades against the Muslims of Iberia. As Norman Cantor explains:

The Reconquista was the dominant, almost the exclusive, theme of medieval Christian Spanish history, and some historians have seen it as the determining factor in the molding of the peculiar Spanish character. All Iberian society originated in a grim war of five centuries against Islam, and the Spanish institutional structure was organized around the warlord and the necessities of aggressive warfare.[64]Norman Cantor, The Civilization of the Middle Ages, HarperPerennial, 1994, p. 290.

No wonder, then, that the Conquistadors saw themselves as Crusaders. Cortez “described himself as a religious savior, a messiah who was sent to save the Indians from using unchristian practices during their spiritual festivities.”[65]Frank Jacob and Riccardo Altieri, “Missionaries or Crusaders? – The Self-Reception of the Spanish Conquistadors in the 16th and 17th Century,” City University of New York, 2015, academicworks.cuny.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1018&context=qb_pubs

Why, then, do Latin American countries have no crusading spirit today — which is why they don’t count as part of “the West”. The reason is simple: these countries have never escaped their condition of being colonies. On this topic, I can only recommend the classic essay by Eduardo Galeano, Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent, originally published in 1971, in which is also explained how the Spanish Habsburgs wasted the tons of gold extracted for them by the natives of America to finance not the conquest of Jerusalem, but religious wars in Europe.

By contrast, the United States of America inherited Europe’s crusading spirit. In the nineteenth century, having achieved its “Manifest Destiny” at home, the U.S. became a Crusading empire. President Woodrow Wilson declared in 1912: “We are chosen and prominently chosen to show the way to the nations of the world how they shall walk in the path of liberty.”[66]Wilson Center, www.wilsoncenter.org/about-woodrow-wilson Dwight Eisenhower titled his memoirs Crusade in Europe. Christopher Tyerman defines the medieval Crusades as “wars justified by faith conducted against real or imagined enemies defined by religious and political elites as perceived threats to the Christian faithful.”[67]Christopher Tyerman, God’s War, p. xiii. That today crusades are launched in the name of Democracy rather than Christianity is the only difference.

But how did the United States inherit the Crusade gene if, unlike Latin American countries, they had negligible direct Catholic roots? To explain this paradox, I propose a detour through France.

Detour Through the French Enlightenment

The Crusade was a French specialty. Crusaders were always known in the East as Franks, and French was the main language in the Latin Levant. The First Crusade was “God’s acts through the Franks” (Gesta Dei per Francos) as Guibert of Nogent titled his chronicle. The Second Crusade was the Crusade of King Louis VII. According to Christopher Tyerman, “This international adventure conferred on Louis and his dynasty the reality of national rule,” including as the pretext for an unprecedented general tax.[68]Tyerman, God’s War, pp. 276-277. The two crusades of pious Louis IX were equally important in the construction of France. “By 1300, crusading had been claimed almost as a national prerogative, an enterprise in which the king of France held the major shareholding.”[69]Tyerman, God’s War, p. 909.

The Crusade, therefore, had a special impact on French national identity. This, of course, was the result of a unique alliance between the papacy and the French monarchy, which made Pope Gregory IX write to Louis IX in 1239:

[God] chose France, in preference to all the other nations of the earth, for the protection of the Catholic faith and for the defense of religious freedom. … As formerly the tribe of Judah received a very special blessing from on high among the other sons of the patriarch Jacob, likewise the Kingdom of France is above all other peoples, crowned by God himself with extraordinary prerogatives. The tribe of Judah was the anticipated figure of the Kingdom of France.[70]https://laportelatine.org/formation/magistere/lettre...filius

France’s inheritance of Israel’s chosenness, symbolized by the ritual unction of the king after the Biblical model, became a recurrent them of papal flattery.[71]In 1311, Pope Clement V declared: “Just as the Israelites are known to have granted the Lord’s inheritance by the election of Heaven, to perform the hidden wishes of God, so the kingdom of France has been chosen as the Lord’s special people” (Tyerman, God’s War, p. 909).


This unique providential mission of the French kingdom was transferred to the French republic after 1789. Although they repudiated Catholic and Monarchic institutions, the revolutionaries preserved, under new clothes, the national messianic faith that had become attached to French identity. What else could they build their new nation upon? France was now chosen to enlighten the world with the new Trinity: Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. In a speech printed in April 1791, Robespierre thanked the “eternal Providence” who called on the French, “alone since the origin of the world, to restore on earth the empire of Justice and Liberty.”[72]Auguste Valmorel, Œuvres de Robespierre, 1867 (sur fr.wikisource.org), p. 71.

Although the United States were founded before the French Revolution, they were founded on the ideas of the French Enlightenment, as the Declaration of Independence makes indisputably clear. From that perspective, France, rather than England, is the godmother of the U.S., which took up the mission to bring Democracy to the world. The Puritan mythology, I believe, ranks second in the ingredients of American identity as world power. The Crusade also ran in the Puritans’ blood, but by finding their “new Jerusalem” in Massachusetts, they freed themselves from the attraction of the old one. It is my understanding that the crusading spirit came to the U.S. from the French Enlightenment, heir to Catholicism, rather than from Protestantism. I offer this as a speculative hypothesis.

I do not pretend to have isolated the unique factor that drove the U.S. to crusade the world since WWI. But I hope to have shown that its irresistible crusading habitus results in part from a very peculiar history that started in the eleventh century. If not, I hope at least to have argued convincingly that understanding the essence and the impact of the medieval Crusades is helpful for us Westerners to know who we are. And if I haven’t, I hope this was interesting anyway.


[1] This is, of course, shared by most philosophers of civilizations, and notoriously Oswald Spengler, who called the West the “Faustian” civilization.

[2] The archetypal example is given in the Hebrew Bible, where we read, again and again, how the Levites (originally Moses’s personal guard) subjugate a reluctant and incorrigibly “idolatrous” people. Ultimately, the character of Israel is the character imposed on Israel by the Levites. That character has changed very little over centuries.

[3] Jonathan Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, University of Philadelphia Press, 1986, p. 47.

[4] Christopher Tyerman, God’s War: A New History of the Crusades, Penguin, 2006, p. 885.

[5] Norman Housley, Contesting the Crusades, Blackwell Publishing, 2006, p. 144.

[6] Housley, Contesting the Crusades, pp. 154-155.

[7] Paul Alphandéry et Alphonse Dupront, La Chrétienté et l’idée de croisade, Paris, Albin Michel, 1954-1959, nouv. éd. 1995, kindle l. 311.

[8] As noted by Oswald Spengler, Decline of the West, pp. 10 and 27.

[9] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 244.

[10] Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 2: The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East, 1100-1187, Cambridge UP, 1951 (on archive.org), p. 253.

[11] Laurent Guyénot, La Lance qui saigne: Hypertextes et métatextes du ‘Conte du Graal’, Champion, 2011.

[12] Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 1: The First Crusade and the Foundation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, The Folio Society, 1994 (on archive.org), p. xi.

[13] Jérôme Baschet, La Civilisation féodale. De l’an mil à la colonisation de l’Amérique, Flammarion, 2006, p. 373.

[14] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 825

[15] Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, p. 28.

[16] Louise and Jonathan Riley-Smith, ed. and trans., The Crusades. Ideas and Reality, 1095-1274, Edward Arnold, 1981, p. 37.

[17] https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/urban2-5vers.asp

[18] https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/urban2-5vers.asp

[19] Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, p. 1.

[20] Jonathan Riley-Smith, What were the Crusades? third edition, Ignatius Press, 2002, p. 62.

[21] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 827.

[22] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 756.

[23] https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/urban2-5vers.asp

[24] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 481.

[25] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 888.

[26] Housley, Contesting the Crusades, p. 148.

[27] Paul Alphandéry et Alphonse Dupront, La Chrétienté et l’idée de croisade, Albin Michel, 1954-1959, nouvelle édition, 1995, p. 419.

[28] François Pierre Guillaume Guizot, General History of Civilization in Europe, D’Appleton & Co, 1896, on oll.libertyfund.org/title/knight-general-history-of-civilization-in-europe

[29] Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, p. 20.

[30] Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, pp. 22, 24.

[31] Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 1, p. 23.

[32] Raymond d’Aguilers, Histoire des Francs qui prirent Jérusalem. Chronique de la première croisade, Les Perséides, 2004, p. 165.

[33] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 158.

[34] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 168.

[35] Jonathan Harris, Byzantium and the Crusades, 2nd ed., Bloomsbury Academic, 2014, kindle l. 4153-62.

[36] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 812.

[37] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 827.

[38] It is defended by Paul Strathern in Napoleon in Egypt, Bantam Books, 2009, pp. 353-356.

[39] Look also at the 2021 Haaretz article titled “When Napoleon Was About to Declare a Jewish State in Palestine,” www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2021-07-11/ty-article-magazine/.premium/when-napoleon-was-about-to-declare-a-jewish-state-in-palestine/0000017f-e18b-df7c-a5ff-e3fbe5480000

[40] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 84.

[41] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 477.

[42] Robert I. Moore, The First European Revolution, c. 970-1215, Basil Blackwell, 2000.

[43] Norman Cantor, The Civilization of the Middle Ages, HarperPerennial, 1994, pp. 290-291.

[44] Tyerman, God’s War, pp. 7-8. Also p. 74.

[45] This episode and its significance is studied in Georges Duby, The Knight, The Lady, and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France, Pantheon Books, 1981.

[46] Housley, Contesting the Crusades, p. 164.

[47] Robert I. Moore, The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Authority and Deviance in Western Europe 950-1250, second edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2007.

[48] Runciman, History of the Crusades, vol. 1, p. 96

[49] Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 2 : The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East, 1100-1187, Cambridge UP, 1951, p. 275.

[50] George Ostrogorsky, History of the Byzantine State, Rutgers UP, revised edition, 1969, p. 414.

[51] Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 3: The Kingdom of Acre and the Later Crusades (1954), Penguin Classics, 2016, p. 131.

[52] Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 1, p. 42.

[53] Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 2, pp. 274-275.

[54] Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 2, p. 281.

[55] Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 2, p. 284-285.

[56] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 343.

[57] Housley, Contesting the Crusades, p. 158.

[58] Jack Shaheen, Real Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People, Olive Branch Press, 2012. Watch also the documentary of the same title.

[59] Joshua Prawer, The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: European Colonialism in the Middle Ages, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1972, p. ix. See also George Demacopoulos, Colonizing Christianity: Greek and Latin Religious Identity in the Era of the Fourth Crusade, Fordham UP, 2019.

[60] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 676.

[61] Carol Delaney, Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem, Free Press, 2012, kindle l. 228.

[62] Delaney, Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem, l. 86.

[63] Carol Delaney, “Columbus’s Ultimate Goal: Jerusalem,” on www.amherst.edu/system/files/columbus.pdf

[64] Norman Cantor, The Civilization of the Middle Ages, HarperPerennial, 1994, p. 290.

[65] Frank Jacob and Riccardo Altieri, “Missionaries or Crusaders? – The Self-Reception of the Spanish Conquistadors in the 16th and 17th Century,” City University of New York, 2015, academicworks.cuny.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1018&context=qb_pubs

[66] Wilson Center, www.wilsoncenter.org/about-woodrow-wilson

[67] Christopher Tyerman, God’s War, p. xiii.

[68] Tyerman, God’s War, pp. 276-277.

[69] Tyerman, God’s War, p. 909.

[70] https://laportelatine.org/formation/magistere/lettre-gregoire-ix-a-saint-louis-1239-bulle-dei-filius

[71] In 1311, Pope Clement V declared: “Just as the Israelites are known to have granted the Lord’s inheritance by the election of Heaven, to perform the hidden wishes of God, so the kingdom of France has been chosen as the Lord’s special people” (Tyerman, God’s War, p. 909).

[72] Auguste Valmorel, Œuvres de Robespierre, 1867 (sur fr.wikisource.org), p. 71.

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  1. “Roman” Catholics are they who made a schism and left eh One True Church in 1054.

    What they did in Constantinople in 1204 solidified their heretical nature.

    Has there yet been an apology and recognition of grave error by the Vatican?

    Of course, not.

    And now, yet once again, a Jew perches atop the vaunted ‘petrine’ cathedra. Meh.

  2. Benchmark says:

    Thank you for a most interesting essay on American culture.

    I suspect that the link between the French and American revolutions can be found in John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, published in 1536 and addressed to king Francis I of France.

    Calvin vigorously defended the belief that the true Kingdom of God upon the earth should be based upon Old Testament law. This belief explains the American reverence for Judaism, its messianic militarism, and its narcissistic inability to acknowledge any political sins.

    Culturally and religiously America is the new Kingdom of Israel.

  3. The author underestimates the impact of Islamic expansion at the expense of Christian powers.

    This expansion began with the 7th century AD Muslim conquests of Byzantine Syria, Egypt and Africa, then continued with the Caliphate’s occupation of Spain. In the 9th century Islamic forces conquered Sicily and launched a large-scale raid against the city of Rome, repulsed only by an emergency mobilization of forces led by the Pope. In 1071 Muslim Seljuk Turks destroyed a Byzantine army led by the Emperor Romanos Diogenes and then proceeded to overrun Anatolia. This led to Alexios Komnenos requesting military aid from Pope Urban II which turned into the First Crusade.

    The point is, the Crusades were initially a response to the Islamic threat against both Europe and Christiandom. This threat was not fully dissipated until 1683 with the defeat of the Ottoman Turks in front of Vienna. And it could be pointed out that 19th century European colonialism put an end to the Islamic state piracy, slave raiding and other aggressions which had assaulted Europe for twelve centuries.

    As for the American “crusading” spirit, it is really a stretch to connect this to the Crusades given the former’s origins in Enlightenment era ideologies which were essentially secular in nature. This is doubly so today given the ideologies which prevail in the Beltway, Brussels and Davos. Let’s note that the military goals of the Crusades were limited, essentially reclaiming the Holy Land and perhaps undermining some of the power of the Caliphate in Egypt.

    Today’s globalists want to control the world. If anything, there is a need for national forces to conduct a “crusade” against globalist power. Perhaps nationalists can learn some lessons from the Crusaders.

  4. Gerry says:

    Don’t you think that where Calvin failed is in the historical context? When St. Paul said the law was our schoolmaster Galatians 3:24 that was certainly true for him being a former Rabbi. St. Paul knew the Law like no other surely. It was also true for many of the 1st Century Christians who were mostly Jewish. Turning to the Gentiles as St. Paul did later must have been a shock in many ways seeing the adultery and idolatry taking place. Who among the crowds of people knew or understood anything about Mosaic Law and not understanding Mosaic Law how in the world could any of them know what and how to live a holy life? How do any of us know holiness if one hasn’t been trained in law which teaches us what holiness looks like and is and St. Paul though he argued that faith is the way forward law was still there to guide his thoughts and actions. Do we not see this in many of St. Pauls actions like when he circumcised Timothy because of the Jews for conscience sake? lol Calvin however, seems to do what the Galatians did return totally and completely to the Law which St. Paul scolded the Galatians for.

    • Replies: @Boulder
  5. Gerry says:

    As for the American “crusading” spirit, it is really a stretch to connect this to the Crusades given the former’s origins in Enlightenment era ideologies which were essentially secular in nature.

    and what pray tell are we to make of this George Bush on the Iraq War willed by God?


    Again we come to more ignorance and errors of the Bible and its Old Testament following!!!

    I can’t begin to emphasize strongly enough how serious this is. Messianism in the eyes of the Zionists depend upon war, the Gog and Magog especially from the book of Ezekiel 38 and 39.

    AND IT HAS TO STOP!!!! The Christian Church especially has to immediately repudiate the error of demonizing the innocent nations of Germany and Russia as being the nations of Gog and Magog!!!

    • Agree: Vito Klein
    • Replies: @lucskye
    , @Quartermaster
  6. Wokechoke says:

    The French and America? snorts.

    Even with the revolution the best that could be done was the Glory seeking Emperor.

    Ben Franklin and Tom Jefferson just used the French money to get supplies and pay. The pair may have been aware of how the Scots milked Royal French sponsorship to keep England in Check for various periods of history. The most recent examples being Mary Du Guise and Bonny Prince Charley.
    The more studious would have known about the machinations of King Louis (who briefly deposed John I) or later Isabella Capet The She Wolf who deposed Edward II.

    France was the superpower or hegemon in and around 1776. 20 million French v around 7 million English. The so-called Democratic Colonists acted very selfishly in several respects given the risks of Absolutism in France under the monarchs it had at the time. They got rid of the Louis’s and got back a Bonaparte.

  7. Chris Moore says: • Website

    More importantly, the selling of indulgence, an outgrowth of the Crusade, was the central charge against the papacy in Martin Luther’s perfectly reasonable Ninety-five Theses, and one of his reasons for later calling the pope “the real Antichrist who has raised himself over and set himself against Christ” in his Smalcald Articles. Indeed, it is hard to deny that, by some Luciferian hubris, the popes undermined their own credibility and the unity of European Christendom, and plunged Europe in its bloodiest wars ever.

    They were trying to prove their “Christian” bona-fides by conquering a Satanist/((jewish)) power center (and there were probably ((jews)) behind the effort, just like there were ((jews)) behind the “War on Terror and Islamofascism” — which was really about securing Israel for Satanists).

    Hence, by doing the bidding of ((jews)), the popes became wittingly or unwittingly, as you say, “Luciferians.” Similary, by doing the bidding of ((jews)) against “Islamofascists,” the US Presidents and Congress became Luciferians.

    And probably in both cases, greedy, sociopath sick-libs and fake-“Christians” (in the current case, operating under the guise of neoliberal Globalism and Christian Zionism) are doing their Luciferian worst.

    It was the Crusade that first sealed an unnatural but unbreakable bond between Europe and Jerusalem, making the possession of the center of the world an idée fixe in Western mind. Moreover, the obsession of conquering Jerusalem turned Western Christendom into a mimicry of Israel. According to one account by Robert of Rheims, Urban II had said in Clermont, “Take the road to the Holy Sepulchre, rescue that land from a dreadful race and rule over it yourselves, for that land that, as scripture says, flows with milk and honey was given by God as a possession to the children of Israel.”[40] Old Testament rhetoric was always part of the Crusades, and for Innocent III, the crusading pope par excellence, “the trials of the Old Testament Israelite heroes were of contemporary relevance not just oratorical resonance.”[41] The ghost of Joshua, rather than Christ, hovered above the Crusaders. Catholics like to blame Protestants for their emphasis on the Old Testament, but the trend had been started by the popes’ Crusade rhetoric.

    Yes, the Church is very susceptible to Satanism, particularly when ((jews)) gain entre.

    The ((jews)) gained entre into Orthodox Christendom, too, under Bolshevism.

    The Satanists know every trick in the book to both break down resistance, and then insinuate their way in. Sick, weak, sinful and mentally ill minds are most vulnerable, because the ((jews)) are sick, weak and mentally ill themselves. The difference is, they’re disciplined in their mental illness, and simply keep reciting generational dogma and rhetoric when they come under criticism, like Antisemitism! or Holocaust! or Nazi! or Islamofacist!

    BTW, the primary Old Testament story that is worth reciting on the question of inchoate Satanists is when Moses the lawgiver went after the Hebrew Golden Calfers, and ended up hacking them into the soil. I think that’s when these bloody, bitter Satanists and alchemists really began to form.

    It was the right call at the time, and it may be the right call again.

    • Thanks: Druid55
    • Replies: @Zumbuddi
  8. all vital, living races, religions, nation-states and Empires, even civilizations,

    seek to expand. When they stop crusading, they begin to die.

    White christian western civ finally lost it’s crusader impulse

    with the 1914-1945 fratricide and subsequent collapse of the White world empire;

    since then, it has been dying a slow death, now increasingly rapid,

    at the hands of the Eternal Jew.

    • Replies: @Anon
  9. The Crusades were a culling scheme for the glut of cadet branch (look it up) sons. Employment for the unemployed. They didn’t go because of ideals or for money. They went because there was nothing else for them to do, and because they had nothing to look forward to in a world of primogeniture.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  10. Zumbuddi says:
    @Chris Moore

    the primary Old Testament story that is worth reciting on the question of inchoate Satanists is when Moses the lawgiver went after the Hebrew Golden Calfers, and ended up hacking them into the soil. I think that’s when these bloody, bitter Satanists and alchemists really began to form.

    It was the right call at the time, and it may be the right call again.

    You’ve made this claim many times, and in no iteration does it make sense:

    Michael Ledeen — one of the key proponents of the US-waged “War on Terror” against Iraq & its nonexistent WMD (see BBC Panorama, The War Party) —

    Video Linkhas described the moment you refer to, “when Jews killed Jews;” specifically, when Levites volunteered to do as Moses directed (iirc, Yahweh relented but Moses was so angry that he demanded that the Jews who not only used the gold they’d stolen from Egypt to build the calf, but who also expressed the desire to return to Egypt where they had been comfortable, rather than proceed to wage war on Canaan). The Levites volunteered to do Moses’s bidding and “kill other Jews.”
    Ledeen said he is “a proud Levite.”

    In other words, the aggressive, homicidal Jews, the Levites, survived, and became Joshua’s vanguard. The ‘pacifist,’ non-aggressive Jews, those unwilling to conquer and slay Canaanites, were killed.

    The Levites survived.
    Ledeen, a porto-neocon and “proud Levite,” survived.

    Your hero Moses was banished and replaced by the more suitably aggressive warmaker Joshua.

    Flavio Barbiero argues that the line of Moses disappeared from OT at that point, but may have re-appeared in the person/tribe of Josephus Flavius and, to extend the argument, to have created Christianity. https://archive.org/details/secretsocietyofm0000barb

    You have claimed, numerous times, that the evil Jews (Hebrews) were slaughtered — thank Moses! — that they were the “Luciferians,” the “Satanists;” and that despite having been “hacked into the soil,” they still live and need to be “hacked into the soil” again.

    If roles of the Dramatis Personae hold, you are calling for Levites/Ledeen/neocons to “hack into the soil” those who expressed the desire not to be among those who would conquer and slaughter another people — i.e. anti-zionists. (Additional anomaly is that they’d already been “hacked;” another one of those holocaust mysteries, wherein out of a population of 4 million, 6 million were holocausted and only 5 million survived. Jewish maths.)

    What am I missing?

  11. Christianity carried out total cultural genocide in Europe, but idiot Europeans waged war on the Near East in His name.

    • Replies: @Marcali
  12. marylinm says:

    … understanding the essence and the impact of the medieval Crusades is helpful for us Westerners to know who we are.

    The essence of the “Crusades” will teach us who we are? We? Teach? The Westerners? People are who they are, each one individually. East and West. Each with a genetic cocktail inherited by an unforeseen circumstance, in a perpetual, unalterable closed loop circle of providence. Neither you, nor I, nor anybody else, was ever the collective “we”. That term, and its pathetic bastard the “democracy”, were invented by the cold-blooded, conniving shamans, predators created for the exclusive purpose to prey on the morons, a devourable meat ready to swallow any ideological fantasy, they can not possibly ever comprehend, as their nourishment on their way to hell.

    Love you. Great job on Byzantium, Fomenko, and Heinsohn. And stop apologizing for your work. But … Your focus carries the unmistakable mark of preaching up the wrong tree. Just like Unz – pedantic, yet punctiliously blind to the underlying causes. Try to shake off the baggage of your fascination with religion. And you will find the eternal light to guide you in peace and confidence, sans the shamans. Fuck the history. Carpe diem.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  13. … the indulgence of the Crusade was extended to those who, instead of going themselves after taking the vow, sent another in their place….

    So, did the person who was sent in their place also get the indulgence? It seems like if there’s a one-to-one correspondence between the number of indulgences and the number going off to fight, then that fellow would not get it. Too bad.

  14. Marcali says:
    @Priss Factor

    “Waged war”? Who on whom?
    “When it was suggested to Stalin that the Pope might appreciate his ceasing to oppress Catholics in Russia, Stalin scoffed, “The Pope? How many divisions as he got?” implying that the Vatican’s army of zero could hardly stand up to his army of millions.”

  15. Chris Moore says: • Website

    ((Ledeen)) may have adopted the grand pose of an upstanding Jew, but he’s a lying neocon snake, worm, terrorist and killer, as are all Marxist-Zionists. His self-serving interpretation is entirely what one would expect from a hard-core Judeofascist.

    In other words, the aggressive, homicidal Jews, the Levites, survived, and became Joshua’s vanguard. The ‘pacifist,’ non-aggressive Jews, those unwilling to conquer and slay Canaanites, were killed.

    Moses was the right man for his time; he carved out the rule of law from a lawless, cut-throat people. These supposedly “pacifist, non-aggressive” Hebrews were engaged in human sacrifice, and gold-worshipping alchemy (the golden calf, precursor to the Fed fiat currency, bankster-commie-war racket) while Moses was doing the grave business of receiving the rule of law. No doubt they were the same scum that sold their brethren into Egyptian slavery to begin with, and that later evolved under the Talmud.

    They’re back to their old slaving tricks under the guise of “globalism,” which is neo-slavery.

    Your little victim shtick narrative is a common technique employed by Talmudists, who do their dirty deeds in an underhanded way, ie “By Way of deception, thou shalt do war.” — the Mossad.

    The Hebrew prophets were much more honest, straightforward, and upstanding people in the vein of Jesus of Nazareth, and then Mathew. They spenta lot of time chastening the scumbag Hebrews, who bitterly resented moral and ethical instruction, particularly with regard to money, but really everything about what Jesus and the prophets were trying to get through their thick skulls. They resented it to the point of inciting the murder of Jesus. And they’d killed prophets before him.

    The moneychanger “Jews” that Christ went up against were cowardly snakes and cretins and scheming Talmudist reprobates, just like the Golden Calfers whom Moses executed, and just like the “Jewish” establishment of today, including “Levites/Ledeen/neocons.”

    • Agree: Haxo Angmark, Druid55
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  16. roonaldo says:

    The Crusades do appear to have carried strong influence into our times. On the rare occasions I was taken to a Presbyterian church as a boy, the clearly Crusade-influenced song, Onward Christian Soldiers, seemed to rouse the congregation out of its stupor.

    Curious, I searched the internet for the lyrics but came up empty, finding only on Wickedpedia an apparently pirated version, entitled Onward Neocon Soldiers:

    Onward Neocon Soldiers, marching as to war,
    With the Star of David going on before.
    Soros the Royal Master leads against the foe;
    Forward into battle rainbow banners go!
    Onward Covidian Soldiers, marching as to war,
    With masks and syringes going on before.

    Faced with more indictments Donald Trump doth flee; On then to imprison all who disagree!
    Hell we’ll soon deliver and an early grave,
    To all nonbelievers, whom we will enslave.

    Like a mighty army moves our sexless horde,
    Donning AI goggles, we cannot be bored.
    We are not divided, all one body we,
    One indoctrinated, one content zombie.

    Game of Thrones we cherish, sunlight we disdain,
    Butholes full of gerbils, constipation reigns.
    Bill Gates’ hell will ever ‘gainst nature prevail;
    We have Fauci’s promise, clot shots cannot fail.

    Onward then ye people, join our happy throng,
    Blend with yours our vices, mutilate the young!
    Glory, laud, and honor unto Zelenski’s
    Thorough mindless slaughter, of a whole country.

  17. Anonymous[314] • Disclaimer says:

    A completely dishonest interpretation of Western Christian history to legitimise the evil forever wars of Israel first neocons.

    • Replies: @Michael Korn
  18. Franz says:

    The Crusades as Joshua 2.0 makes terrific sense in a gloomy sort of way.

    The Hebrew scriptures being fiction we end up with real, historic Europeans, miming fictional ancient Jews while forgetting that the Bible-writers almost certainly modeled their tall tales on the only real war histories available to them in Alexandria — the Greek wars.

    That is, mostly white guys killing other white guys. The irony is perfect.

    • Agree: annacat
  19. @Zumbuddi

    Who would worship a “God” so insecure that it couldn’t tolerate the worship of rival Gods? Hardly the ruler of the universe; YHWH was lucky to hold sway over a patch of desert at the end of nowhere.

    • Replies: @Gerry
  20. Michael Korn [AKA "Singvangelist"] says:

    If you have read any of Mr Guyenot’s many articles on this website, you would realize he does not justify the neocon agenda at all. Quite the opposite! He utterly condemns it. Just see what he has written about the JFK assassination and 9/11.

    I think this is a most fascinating essay. It does help to explain the strange crusading Spirit of the United States. I would make the following points.

    1. Although the Fourth Crusade’s destruction of Constantinople was inexcusable, I think the Eastern churches were responsible for the schism from Rome because they rejected the Roman church’s acceptance of the filioque wording. And there is biblical justification for that wording.

    2. The black plague followed not long after the 4th crusade’s destruction of Constantinople. One of the reasons for the name black plague is that it originated from ships sailing out of the Black Sea to Western Europe. So perhaps the Black death was a measure for measure consequence of the earlier destruction of Constantinople on the Black Sea by Western Catholics.

    3. The book Rulers of Evil proposes that Catholics had a very powerful hidden influence on the American Revolution. Basically the Catholic Church saw America as a way to reclaim the English-speaking world for Catholicism (after English King Henry VIII separated from Rome). And today America is home to the world’s wealthiest and most prestigious Catholic community:

    4. In Israel today the Catholic Church is considered the only genuine expression of Christianity. Israeli Jews don’t understand Protestant or Orthodox Christianity. They view Roman Catholicism with fear and loathing but they do consider it to be the only legitimate expression of the teachings of Jesus. And even though Christian Zionism is mainly a Protestant movement, it seems that the Catholic crusading impulse deeply permeates it.

    • Replies: @Odyssey
  21. Gerry says:
    @Fidelios Automata

    Insecure? And what would your response be to seeing your own children whom you created with your wife leave to love the gang-bangers down the street?

    as for that patch of desert at the end of nowhere all trade had to pass through that place. It was and still is one of the most valuable pieces of real estate in the Mediterranean world. They would give anything to see train service resumed but that’s done.

  22. Franz says:

    as for that patch of desert at the end of nowhere all trade had to pass through that place

    Right to the Infinite Power!

    Herodotus passed through it when Salomon was supposed to have his big empire and big temple and never saw a thing. Invisible paint?

  23. raga10 says:

    The point is, the Crusades were initially a response to the Islamic threat against both Europe and Christiandom. This threat was not fully dissipated until 1683 with the defeat of the Ottoman Turks in front of Vienna.

    Exactly. What’s more, there is something about the idea of Crusades that seems obvious to me but isn’t often mentioned: its similarity to the Islamic concept of jihad. It seems quite likely to me that the church didn’t come up with the idea on their own, just learned from the enemy and adapted the same weapon for their own purposes.
    After all, by that time they’ve had several centuries to study their opponents…

  24. IronForge says:

    More importantly, the Christ-Messiah Jesus never existed; and the Cult was put together under the Sponsorship of Constantine.

    Time to start regarding the Papacy, VAT, RCC, Christian Sects and derivative Cults as such – Secularly – then start prosecuting Child Molesters, Racketeers, and others engaged in Criminal Conduct against the Nations in the name of their Theocracies.

    Repeat Post

    Jesusneverexisted.com A bit harsh and hostile; but the facts are presented clearly enough for the most casual observer.

    I’ll present a quick summary here – I’m an ex-Christian who was looking into taking Courses at Local Seminaries; and ended up taking a few classes at a Jewish University on Judaism.

    I ended up coming across these “Christian Debunking” Sites while contemplating how there were no “Original” Gospel Manuscripts – all referenced an “Imaginary” Core/Source Manuscript no one ever encountered.

    Then I also looked for any Secular Records and the Actual Historical Timeline ov Events:

    4thCE Cult started under the Sponsorship Constantine at Nicea. An Amalgamation of the previously failed+disdained “Chrestus-Cult” (“Chrestus” meaning Good/Useful) who supported Constantine, the Dionysus Cult, Mythras Cult, and others – formulated to be “Constantine’s Rendition” of the Jewish Messiah/God-Son as they also tried to Hijack Judaism (for their comprehensive Creation to Future Events Coverage).

    First Gospels were part of “First New Testament” which were part of the “First Christian Bible” – as completed Published Works, Sponsored by Constantine, all after Nicea.

    Later in the 6thCE after Rome fell with Constantine’s Christians splitting the Empire after the West fell into the Dark Ages, a Christian Monk established “1AD” – 5 Centuries into the past – as the “Time of (Non)Occurence” for the now known to be fabricated Gospels.

    That’s why there are no written records of Gospel Characters/Events in the 1stCE. The Catholics were running a 50+year hoax with their claims of holding the First Gospels through the Dead Sea Scrolls – which didn’t.

    50 Years – keeping up the lies.

    Josephus’ prose were an anachronistic fabrication.

    Shroud of Turin – effects were recently replicated and Carbon dating marks it as being of a 12thCE Origin – where/when it first appeared in written history.

    DEC25th is the Solstice of the Julian Calendar – observed in Europe as late as 1598CE. Solstice was the Birth/Death/Resurrection/Light Celebrations held by Dionysus, Mythras, and Others.
    The Christian Gregorian Calendar separated the Solstice from DEC25th, making DEC25TH a solely “Christian” Holiday which incorporated elements and Temple buildings(including those of the VATican) of Mythras and Dionysus.

    Pope+VATican aren’t Divine – they’re a Cult; and should be stripped of their Nation-State/Embassy-Holding Status.

    Look these up to confirm as you wish. These will help you debunk Christianity. Sad; but True.

    However it’s due time for All who wish to Honor the Creator, Creation, Human Life, and the Ethical Codes Humanity struggled to formulate – and Live believing in our own Consequences here and in the hereafter – to regroup and move on without the Cults in tow.

    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
  25. Because I knew very little about the era of the first Crusades, I’d come to some wrong conclusions. My first search was to verify my belief that the sack of Constantinople happened with the First Crusade, and I quickly learned that this event was during the Fourth. But in the course of looking into that matter, I found an article which surprised me in many ways.


    Between December 1095 and July 1096 there took place the first pogrom in western European History, a series of events so distressing to the Jewish people that rumours of them reached the Near East in advance of the First Crusade, inspiring the communities there with messianic fervour, while dirges in honour of the martyrs are recited in the synagogues to this day.’ The first outbreaks seem to have occurred in France soon after the preaching of the crusade and the first evidence of them is a letter written by the French communities to their Rhineland counterparts, warning them of the impending threat.

    Again, I don’t know enough history to say this author is right about the first mass murders of European Jews happening when the First Crusade began, but there is nothing obviously wrong with the idea.

    Page 6: It is not possible, therefore, to adhere to the comforting view that the massacres were perpetrated by gangs of peasants. Most were carried out by armies containing crusaders from all parts of western Europe, led by experienced captains. So what were the crusaders’ motives? There is evidence for the wish to get supplies by extortion and looting, for attempts to convert the Jews by force and for a desire for vengeance on them. I propose to deal with these in turn.

    Page 8: Provisions and animals – horses and beasts of burden – came to be at the forefront of their minds from dawn to dusk. When in touch with Christian suppliers they had to pay often exorbitant prices. To meet these costs they had to rely on alms from Christians and on subventions: from Jews, as here, and later from Muslims. Often they had not enough cash; they met with reluctant merchants and unsympathetic officials; and for most of the time they were to be out of contact with friendly suppliers. Plundering became a normal and necessary occupation, which explains the quarrels over booty, the occasional orders against turning aside for spoil in battle and the carnage and sacking that accompanied the fall of Jerusalem.

    I’m ashamed to admit I’d never given the slightest thought to the logistics of a Crusade. Tens of thousands of men need a lot of food, and when their pocket money ran out, they had to turn to intimidation and/or theft to obtain their food and other needs.
    Now keep in mind the Crusaders were self-selected for religious fanaticism. Mentally unbalanced types and genuine criminals would have been included among those fanatics. Jewish communities they came across during their travel were natural and easy targets for exortion and violence. Crusader reasoning:

    Page 19: We are going to a distant country to make war against mighty kings and are endangering our lives to conquer the kingdoms which do not believe in the crucified one, when it is actually the Jews who murdered and crucified him.

    Page 20: You are the children of those who killed the object of our veneration, hanging him on a tree; and he himself had said: ‘There will yet come a day when my children will come and avenge my blood’. We are his children and it is therefore obligatory for us to avenge him since you are the ones who rebel and disbelieve in him.

    The Vatican really opened a can of worms by encouraging waves of heavily armed religious crazies and criminals to slowly travel across Europe towards Southwest Asia.

    • Replies: @Vito Klein
  26. Anon[120] • Disclaimer says:
    @Xander Pendable

    True – the sacking of Byzantium in 1204 by ‘the Franks’ can be described as a act that set civilization back by centuries.

  27. Looger says:

    The author underestimates the impact of Islamic expansion at the expense of Christian powers.

    This expansion began with the 7th century AD Muslim conquests of Byzantine Syria, Egypt and Africa, then continued with the Caliphate’s occupation of Spain.

    Literally my first thought.

    I recall writing a paper in 12th grade talking about the crusades, an english paper NOT a history paper.

    My teacher, Mr. Dulmage, was (is?) a bleeding heart liberal who hated the west.

    So I wrote a paper completely ignoring this historical linkage on purpose.

    As a high-schooler I knew and smelled this exact flavor of bullshit before and manipulated the teacher’s blindspot for extra credit (a pat on the head as he read my work to the class).

    So, who exactly is the stern shoolmaster looking down here on Guyenot’s work???

    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
  28. Odyssey says:
    @Michael Korn

    the Eastern churches were responsible for the schism from Rome because they rejected the Roman church’s acceptance of the filioque wording

    You must be joking or you don’t know anything about that. Catholicism separated from the mother church and at that time was not even recognized everywhere as Christianity. A mafia organization was formed that conquered territories (eg William the Conqueror conquered England and imprisoned and executed all Orthodox bishops), as well as Orthodox believers in the rest of Western Europe.

    The Crusaders were part of their plundering strategy under the pretext of protecting the holy places. We see that their predatory activity has continued until today, with the aim of penetrating the east, for which they used genocides (eg Croats and Galicians), violent conversion of Orthodox Christians, creation of artificial nations and languages (Romanians).

    What Martin Luther said calling the pope “the real Antichrist who has raised himself over and set himself against Christ” is the complete truth. What nonsense about the infallibility of a man who rose above the Church and Christianity.

    • Thanks: annacat
  29. paulo says:

    There is a line in Game of Thrones that I remember well .
    A friend of Cersei Lannister, daughter of Tywinn Lannister, head of the Lannister House, asks her if it’s true that her father does not believe in the Gods
    She answers : ” Oh he does believe in them, he just doesn’t like them ..”

    Five thousand years later, we’re all still swimming in that old drama
    One might say, if it hadn’t been that particular drama, there would have been another one

    Man’s quest for “identity ” and the whole meaning of his life on this strange planet is second only to the relentless necessity of feeding the f….g body and reproduce, if not first . It seems that with the Crusades you had the whole package taken care of at once at the expense of others , as dear Mother Nature in her infinite wisdom organized life as an uninterrupted predation between species

    Is the concept of “God” a desperate attempt to extract ourselves from a struggle for life and survival that for thousands of years has been felt as a curse ? And that we were “punished” with every breath we took ? No wonder that “science” has replaced it in the last two centuries .

  30. Anon[203] • Disclaimer says:

    So let me get this straight.
    America wanted to crusade in Middle East but needed a justified reason to initiate that Crusade.
    So it engaged in 911 LIE. It orchestrated the 911 Terror and blamed it on the Muslim world, i.e
    nineteen Muslim hijacker’s armed with box cutter’s from Dollar store.
    There has been many occasion of Bogus Crusades and Bogus Jihads in our history. The current ongoing Crusade is no different.

    • Agree: Druid55
    • Replies: @ariadna
  31. @Californian_21

    Yes. This.

    Describing the Crusades as an act of aggression or colonialism or religious fanaticism is akin to describing D-Day the same way.

    The massive Muslim aggression from the 600s to 1600s is always discounted by today’s historians. Quite literally, Islam was on the march for 1000 years, and Europeans combating it were only acts of counter-attack and piecemeal retaking lands.

    Remember, before Muhammed got his Satanic text, the Middle East had become Christian peaceably. After he got it, it was converted by the sword — death, torture, rape, slavery, or second-class citizenship for any Christian remaining.

    The Crusades were part of the European counter-attack.

    • Agree: Alden
    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Anonymous
  32. Coconuts says:

    I can’t see any discussion in the article of the influence of the Crusades on Christian/Jewish relations, in more recent historians’ work on the Crusades this subject is discussed.

    Or of the influence of the Northern Crusades, the attitudes to Jews and Orthodox Christians in the 1941-45 Crusade against Bolshevism.

  33. Nice essay, Mr. Guyenot. An understanding of history is necessary to understanding our present and future. As Faulkner wrote “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

    But you lost me when you tried to connect the Catholic-driven Crusades to America’s Yankee-inspired drive for global hegemony and colonial dominance.

    Although the United States were founded before the French Revolution, they were founded on the ideas of the French Enlightenment,

    That’s not true.

    Certainly Jefferson was a big fan of the French Revolution, but the American Revolution was founded unsurprisingly on English and Scottish Enlightenment intellectual foundations.

    The French Revolution was an actual revolution intended to 1) take over the apparatus of the State and 2) remake Frenchmen into rationalistic, areligious beings, a remaking by the way mostly intended to stamp out Catholicism in the French.

    The American Revolution had no such goals. The American Revolutionaries 1) had no desire to take over the apparatus of the British State, but merely wanted to secede from it and 2) had no desire to remake the various American colonials into anything at all.

    The differences explain why the French perpetrated crimes on humanity like The Terror and The War in the Vendee and then subjected Europe to 25 years of aggressive war under Napoleon. During the same period, America after its “revolution” was not an aggressive colonial power.

    America’s colonial period came later, once the Yankees got control of the American government, starting in the middle of the 19th Century with the Mexican-American War. And America’s colonialism wasn’t driven by Catholicism but rather by an amalgam of Puritanism, Calvinism and millienialist insanity — John Winthrop’s “shining city on the hill”.

    While the religious element has been well and truly hollowed out of modern America, the country retains the millenialist fervor to convert the entire world to “our values”, a completely insane project in the political realm which thankfully seems to be coming to its logical and sad conclusion with the collapse of the American Empire of Chaos in the Ukraine War.

  34. @roonaldo

    … the clearly Crusade-influenced song, Onward Christian Soldiers …

    Clearly? Look back a bit—roughly eleven centuries back.

    The military metaphors in the hymn largely derive from several of the Pauline epistles. That is to say, the image of the individual Christian as a soldier of Christ can be traced to the first century of the Christian era. In pious imitation of the centurion in the famous encounter with Christ related in Matthew and Luke, the Christian is called upon to trust implicitly in Christ and to recognize his authority and lordship over all creation.

    Many of Guyénot’s essays are, like the present one, elaborate structures built upon the sandy soil of confirmation bias. Predictably, they tend to produce comment threads where farfetched, ignorant generalizations masquerade as intellectual sophistication.

    • Agree: A B Coreopsis
    • Thanks: Bubba
    • Replies: @roonaldo
  35. Anonymous[697] • Disclaimer says:

    The essence of critical theory is that your mind is not your own, that your ideas came from other people, and that this is enslaving you. Further, the ideas that you have come from a dominant class, which is responsible for your enslavement. https://oyc.yale.edu/sociology/socy-151/lecture-16

    A person who has not contact with other people, and thus has had to develop his own ideas, is a “wolf child”. ( https://timeline.com/dina-sanichar-feral-children-ea9f5f3a80b2?gi=631127a2c9b3 ) Having no access to current human ideas is not freedom.

    Human thought can extend human capabilities — the scientific method as a combination of mathematics and experiment being an example. The “critical theory” people insist that this method has “enslaved” humanity, ignoring its extension of human capability.

    Further, the idea of a “dominant class” as the imposer of all ideas is demonstrably false. The “dominant class” in the USSR failed to make the “New Soviet Man”, Mao’s attempt to restructure Chinese society failed, Pol Pot’s attempt in Cambodia also failed. Perhaps the “dominant class” is dominant because it has adopted the current set of ideas.

    And now Guyenot says that the West has been enslaved by the idea of the Crusades, and that this idea was imposed by a past Pope, member of the dominant priestly class.

    Presumably following Guyenot’s ideas would free us from slavery. But that’s OK since Guyenot is a member of the dominant class, the Left that dominates the US and the West just now, dominates it to free it from slavery by imposing its ideas (e.g. trans as ideals taught in elementary school).

    Anybody else see a contradiction here?

    • Thanks: Wizard of Oz
  36. Basta says:

    Stupid article.

    The West had to go into Crusades with the double goal: to save Romanian Empire from destruction and to liberate the Middle East.

    It’s a pity that the West lacked military strength and persistence to maintain presence in the area.

  37. Basta says:
    @Xander Pendable

    If you forget the constant whining of the East about the Western practices, you could be believed.

    If you forget the massacre of 60 thousands of Westerners 20 years before in Constantinople and the murder of Papal legate, you could be believed.

    It’s interesting how popular history remembers events that depict Catholicism in bad light and forgets events that depict Catholicism in good light or as a victim.

    One could say there’ an anti-Catholic bias in historiography.

    • Agree: Alden
    • Thanks: Cyclingscholar
  38. Basta says:


    Jewish overwhelming influence on America started with Johnson administration.

    America is the Babylon, the Revelation style.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  39. The Saracen reverse-crusades have proceeded largely under the radar for fourteen centuries and will triumph at last in this one.

  40. tosca says:

    Read not to dispute or believe, but to weigh and consider.

    A remarquable essay, I would say, just as remarquable as all the works of this author.

    Ideas, sensu lato, have a long life, and their influence is mostly subterranian, and, therefore, mostly influential.

    • Agree: Thor Walhovd, Odd Rabbit
  41. GMC says:

    Great Article – Thanks.

    Todays Crusades weren’t started by the Pope this time – A group of ” Rabbis” in Tel Aviv and Washington did. They were soooo good, they even got the Arabs to fight one another. They also made it real simple for the leaders and upper military command , to forget about the past history or to learn from it, and think of their own personal future from these new Crusades = Money and Power. And actually , they went so power crazy, but became so incompetent , that they thought they could take down the other Nuclear Super power.

    Note that the last few US Presidents have never really studied what the real Past has to offer, but the Russian. Chinese, and some others have. And this is one of the big differences between the West and East.

    • Disagree: Wizard of Oz
    • Replies: @Anon
  42. Wielgus says:

    Quite clever alternative lyrics.

    • Thanks: roonaldo
  43. I do not pretend to have isolated the unique factor that drove the U.S. to crusade the world since WWI.

    I DO KNOW! Mr. Guyenot, your attempt to paint the Crusades as a an ideological weapon that formed America’s progressivism and its empire is malformed.


    “We have sown a seed of Liberty and Union that will germinate by and over the whole earth. Some day the United States of Europe will be constituted, modelled after the United States of America. The United States will be the legislator of all nations”.

    You know who said that? —- None other than President George Washington–Freemason!

    It has NOTHING to do with Roman Catholicism or Crusades or anything else—But Freemasonry.

    Who was central to BOTH the American and French Revolutions?

    Why it was Freemasons!

    What is the foundation of Freemasonry? —- Why it is Jewish Messianism! The idea of Revolution, the idea of World Revolution comes from ONLY one place—the Kabbala, the carrier of Jewish Messianism!

    • Agree: Alden
    • Thanks: Druid55
    • Replies: @Dumbo
    , @Laurent Guyénot
  44. Dumbo says:

    Well, as usual, Guyenot shows his anti-Catholic bias, while never mentioned Freemasons, who basically rule France and have for centuries (and America too, of course, from the very beginning). Articles such as this are just “pulpil”, or “pilpul”, I don’t remember how it’s spelled. Guyenot must be a crypto Jew or a Freemason.

    • Agree: wlindsaywheeler
    • Replies: @Che Guava
    , @Kevin Barrett
  45. @Basta

    Jewish domination of America began long before the Johnson administration. Henry Ford published a book about the problem in 1920:


  46. Robertson says:

    I bet the Jews were laughing their asses off at Europeans during the Crusades in their Synagogues.

  47. padre says:

    This is not true! Christians were allways predators! When talking about Christians, I mean Christian elite!

  48. Onward to the last Ukrainian!!

    Ukraine counteroffensive: ‘I’m ready to die . . . 90% of the guys here will die too’ By Anthony Loyd


    “To fight and stay effective in this place you have to run after death, not let death run after you,” said “Boyets”, a 23-year-old storm group member from the Skala Battalion, a special tasks unit fighting on the main axis of attack south of Robotyne. “I am ready to die, only because I have to be.”

    These were not the death-or-glory remarks of a soldierly narcissist: death is a daily companion to the assault troops. Boyets’s unit has already been reduced by casualties to 25 per cent of its original strength since joining counteroffensive operations around the axis towards Robotyne in July, and the life expectancy of storm units is the shortest on the front.

    • Thanks: Vito Klein
  49. @Californian_21

    This comment gives an excellent balance to the over egged
    Christian ” idealism” of this article. Islam was a constant danger to Europe up until Veinna.
    Further – after

    1000s of words on the crusades we get a couple of 100 on their link to today. Inadequate.
    Yes, I’m sure something
    percolated thru from the middle ages to today, but… well, any connection is mute & tenuous.
    Fact is (I believe) the link is simple – both eras were driven, largely, by our old friends — lust for power & riches.
    Pillage Constantinople? Or pillage Russia ?

  50. Incitatus says:

    “He [Louis IX] abandoned his kingdom again for another Crusade in 1270, and died of dysentery in Egypt that same year. It was reported that his last words were “Jerusalem! Jerusalem!” — the city he never saw.”

    St-Louis (age 56) died in Tunis [not Egypt] 25 August 1270, 22 days after the death of his son Jean Tristan (age 20, born Damiette).

  51. Anon[203] • Disclaimer says:
    @R.G. Camara



    1. Terrorism is above all murder. Murder is strictly forbidden in the Qur’an. Qur’an 6:151 says, “and do not kill a soul that God has made sacrosanct, save lawfully.” (i.e. murder is forbidden but the death penalty imposed by the state for a crime is permitted). 5:53 says, “… whoso kills a soul, unless it be for murder or for wreaking corruption in the land, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind; and he who saves a life, it shall be as if he had given life to all mankind.”
    2. If the motive for terrorism is religious, it is impermissible in Islamic law. It is forbidden to attempt to impose Islam on other people. The Qur’an says, “There is no compulsion in religion. The right way has become distinct from error.” (-The Cow, 2:256). Note that this verse was revealed in Medina in 622 AD or after and was never abrogated by any other verse of the Quran. Islam’s holy book forbids coercing people into adopting any religion. They have to willingly choose it.
    3. Islamic law forbids aggressive warfare. The Quran says, “But if the enemies incline towards peace, do you also incline towards peace. And trust in God! For He is the one who hears and knows all things.” (8:61) The Quran chapter “The Cow,” 2:190, says, “Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loveth not aggressors.”
    4. In the Islamic law of war, not just any civil engineer can declare or launch a war. It is the prerogative of the duly constituted leader of the Muslim community that engages in the war. Nowadays that would be the president or prime minister of the state, as advised by the mufti or national jurisconsult.
    5. The killing of innocent non-combatants is forbidden. According to Sunni tradition, ‘Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, the first Caliph, gave these instructions to his armies: “I instruct you in ten matters: Do not kill women, children, the old, or the infirm; do not cut down fruit-bearing trees; do not destroy any town . . . ” (Malik’s Muwatta’, “Kitab al-Jihad.”)
    6. Terrorism or hirabah is forbidden in Islamic law, which groups it with brigandage, highway robbery and extortion rackets– any illicit use of fear and coercion in public spaces for money or power. The principle of forbidding the spreading of terror in the land is based on the Qur’an (Surah al-Ma’ida 5:33–34). Prominent [pdf] Muslim legal scholar Sherman Jackson writes, “The Spanish Maliki jurist Ibn `Abd al-Barr (d. 464/ 1070)) defines the agent of hiraba as ‘Anyone who disturbs free passage in the streets and renders them unsafe to travel, striving to spread corruption in the land by taking money, killing people or violating what God has made it unlawful to violate is guilty of hirabah . . .”
    7. Sneak attacks are forbidden. Muslim commanders must give the enemy fair warning that war is imminent. The Prophet Muhammad at one point gave 4 months notice.
    8. The Prophet Muhammad counseled doing good to those who harm you and is said to have commanded, “Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong to them. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong (even) if they do evil.” (Al-Tirmidhi)
    9. The Qur’an demands of believers that they exercise justice toward people even where they have reason to be angry with them: “And do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness.”[5:8]
    10. The Qur’an assures Christians and Jews of paradise if they believe and do good works, and commends Christians as the best friends of Muslims. I wrote elsewhere, “Dangerous falsehoods are being promulgated to the American public. The Quran does not preach violence against Christians.
    Quran 5:69 says (Arberry): “Surely they that believe, and those of Jewry, and the Christians, and those Sabeaans, whoso believes in God and the Last Day, and works righteousness–their wage waits them with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.”
    In other words, the Quran promises Christians and Jews along with Muslims that if they have faith and works, they need have no fear in the afterlife. It is not saying that non-Muslims go to hell– quite the opposite.
    When speaking of the 7th-century situation in the Muslim city-state of Medina, which was at war with pagan Mecca, the Quran notes that the polytheists and some Arabian Jewish tribes were opposed to Islam, but then goes on to say:
    5:82. ” . . . and you will find the nearest in love to the believers [Muslims] those who say: ‘We are Christians.’ That is because amongst them are priests and monks, and they are not proud.”
    So the Quran not only does not urge Muslims to commit violence against Christians, it calls them “nearest in love” to the Muslims! The reason given is their piety, their ability to produce holy persons dedicated to God, and their lack of overweening pride.
    (For a modernist, liberal interpretation, see this pdf file, “Jihad and the Islamic Law of War.”

    • Replies: @Mehool Mehta
  52. @Wade Hampton

    America’s colonial period came later, once the Yankees got control of the American government, starting in the middle of the 19th Century with the Mexican-American War. And America’s colonialism wasn’t driven by Catholicism but rather by an amalgam of Puritanism, Calvinism and millienialist insanity — John Winthrop’s “shining city on the hill”.

    You may be right. And I am aware that the connection I suggested is a “speculative hypothesis” (as I wrote). But don’t you think the Catholic medieval crusade created a dynamic that did have a lasting influence on this Yankee mentality? And if you do, how would you explain it in a nutshell?

  53. Anon[334] • Disclaimer says:

    Note that the last few US Presidents have never really studied what the real Past has to offer, but the Russian. Chinese, and some others have. And this is one of the big differences between the West and East.

    In my youth there was no 24/7 internet and MSM, no video cameras, texting etc. We always played sports and spent hours in the library. History and geography were taught. That has all changed.

    The youth today are obese,eating junk food all the time and glued to their cell phones. They can grunt the latest rap profanity from Snoop by heart BUT are clueless about all else. A secondary result is that few consider the consequences of their actions, past, present or contemplated.

    The disease, is spreading among Asian/ Russian youth in the West and is evident as soon as they open their mouth. A 17 year old Tik Tok star spews more wisdom in a 10 minute video than all the ancient philosophers put together. SPEAK and YE shall be known.Well, they spoke and nothing but trash came out.

    As with the youth so with our elite. Its no wonder we stumble from one mess to the other. This is where we are and its getting progressively worse by the day.

    We get an extreme taste of this listening to Putin versus our Harvard educated leaders. Vlad is logical, methodical,thoughtful, analytical. Our elite by comparison are idiots !

    • Replies: @GMC
    , @Joe Levantine
  54. Part II. Mr. Guyenot also hypothesizes that:

    The Puritan mythology, I believe, ranks second in the ingredients of American identity as world power. The Crusade also ran in the Puritans’ blood, but by finding their “new Jerusalem” in Massachusetts, they freed themselves from the attraction of the old one. It is my understanding that the crusading spirit came to the U.S. from the French Enlightenment, heir to Catholicism, rather than from Protestantism. I offer this as a speculative hypothesis.

    Let me replace your hyposthesis with some facts.

    The Anglicans called the Puritans “demi-jews”. (I can no longer find that reference since Google’s algorithm is written and controlled by Jews who make sure to hide their evil influence in history.)

    From my paper on the Twr of Babel:

    The progenitor but also the premier scholar of Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah, Professor Gershom Scholem notes that Jewish Messianism fueled the chialistic and revolutionary messianism in the Taborites, Anabaptists and the radical wing of the Puritans, heretical Christian sects active in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries; these movements were the basis of the many political revolutions overthrowing Christendom, of Throne and Altar.

    My footnote to above: Scholem, Gershom (1971 {Eng. Edition}) “Toward an Understanding of Jewish Messianism”. The Messianic Idea in Judaism and other Essays on Jewish Spirituality. PDF from academia.edu. Schoken Books: NY. (pgs 15-16) “This Messianic activism, incidentally, lies on that peculiar double line of mutual influence between Judaism and Christianity which goes hand in hand with inner tendencies of development in both religions. The political and chiliastic Messianism of important religious movements within Christianity often appears as a reflection of what is really Jewish Messianism.”

    And then what spurred the English Civil Wars, The Great Revolution?

    Why it was “Talmudic Commonwealthmen”—Puritans, Levellers and other groups who listened to Jews that “Monarchy is Idolatry”! Which comes from the Mishnah!!!!!! (I refer you to Eric Nelson’s book The Hebrew Republic.) This “Monarchy is Idolatry” is Gnosticism, is revolutionary and is about killing; it is about destroying hierarchy! Thomas Paine, that English asshole, was one of the major instigators of the AmRev, and that phrase is found within the first three paragraphs of his “Common Sense” pamphlet that fired the American Revolution!!!! —All Talmudic cow manure.

    So the “fire of the Puritans” DID NOT come from the Crusades nor from Roman Catholicism—but from Jews spreading their Gnosticism, their Jewish messianism everywhere!

  55. @wlindsaywheeler

    Are you sure this quote by George Washington is authentic? I can’t find confirmation anywhere. Nevertheless, your point is valid. But is there not a close relationship between the French Enlightenment and Freemasonry? British Freemasonry may have preceded the Enlightenment (although that is debatable, given the inherent tendency of Freemasonry to antedate itself), but they are certainly very closely related. And American freemasons were certainly very much under the influence of the French Enlightenment, and Rousseau in particular (Rousseau was definitely not a freemason and he was definitely not an atheist, by the way).
    As for Jewish influence, they are all over catholicism, and in the crusading spirit, as I pointed out, so I don’t understand your objection here.
    Thanks all the same.

    • Replies: @wlindsaywheeler
  56. Once Europe adopted Christianity, it should have dropped the Middle East and Jerusalem. The new faith belonged in the land of Whites and there was no need to waste men, money and resources for that tired old place. And what is there to show for all its bloodshed? It’s still in the hands of the shysters.

  57. Che Guava says:

    I read it, it’s deficient on many points (several of which you and other posters have stated) but worth reading.

    Points others havn’t really raised, three main ones.
    i. Popes Innocent and Urban may well have had, as one aim, just to eliminate nobles and knights who may become fractious. The Papal states had a fairly large extent, and the ‘Holy Roman Empire’ existed in varying phases.

    ii. The rumour about Napoleon is clearly a jewish or Zionist confection.

    iii. The associations in the last part (U.S., France) don’t make sense.

  58. barr says:

    They rejected the peace offer of the Fatimids, assaulted the Holy City, and massacred its population. Raymond of Aguilers, who witnessed the event, wrote: “in the Temple and portico of Solomon, Crusaders rode in blood up to their knees and the bridles of their horses. Indeed, it was a just and splendid judgment of God, that this place should be filled with the blood of the unbelievers, since it had suffered so long from their blasphemies.”

    Foreshadowing the neocon’s adventures for the sake of blood letting ritual of the innocents.

    By the way did the ancestors of the evangelico alcoholics- —the contemporary millennialist -search for the return of Christ descending from the mushroom cloud ?

  59. @Dumbo

    This article is a superb introduction to the Crusades and their influence on Western identity in general and US messianic imperial in particular. As for Freemasonry, it grew out of the Crusades whether directly or indirectly and is infused with the Crusader spirit (and its Jewish-Zionist equivalent) as evidenced by its obsession with “rebuilding the temple.” For Russians like Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, Popes and Freemasons are just two sides of the same Western crusader coin – they are both the Grand Inquisitor i.e. Antichrist.

    • Replies: @Dumbo
  60. @Odyssey

    Yet both of them, protestants and catholics, worship a human being as God. Then they make fools out of themselves trying to “explain” the incoherent and simply stupid “trinity” concept. They have to labor to explain that they still somehow really believe in just one God:

    Video Link

    Video Link

    Video Link
    Both protestants and catholics believe in the barbaric pagan practice of human sacrifice.

    Better yet, they both believe the sick notion that God has innocent people tortured and murdered in order to forgive other people’s sins (“jesus died for your sins”).

    Both catholics and protestants claim to believe in some version of “original sin” too, right? One of the most unfair doctrines invented.

    Both are supposed to believe the maniacs who wrote the “old testament” that God committed needless cruelty and atrocities, and commanded his “chosen” race to commit more:


    Just different versions of the same absurdity, cruelty, and a waste of time.

    We should worship God, not men, and not waste time arguing which version of conclusory drivel “doctrine” is correct.

  61. @Californian_21

    “ The author underestimates the impact of Islamic expansion at the expense of Christian powers.”

    There has always been a tendency by the West and the East to trade accusations about which party was responsible for the bloody history that marked the relationship between the two parties.

    Here we have to remember that from the first Akkadian Empire, that sprang on Mesopotamia, the tendency of mankind was to subjugate and dominate the other. Sometimes the direction of the conquering forces would go from East to West and other times it was in the opposite direction. But a landmark conquering event, both in volume and intensity, was the march of Alexander the Great from Macedonia all the way South and East to Egypt and India. Some Greeks I spoke to consider Alexander the Great as a prelude to Christian Universalism and some argue wrongly that he resorted to arms against his would be enemies when they refused his offer of global unity, thus giving him the title of the first globalist of history. Western history refers to Greece and to Alexander as Westerners when such a contention is not based on solid historical or geographical consensus. Greece was the midway between the Levant and the European continent and the Hellenic culture had far more in common with what we call today the Middle East rather than with Central and Western Europe.

    What changed under the “Abrahamic” religions of Christianity and Islam, was that the building up of empires became tinged with a moral pretence of fighting for the glory of God, when the most powerful motive was hegemony and procession of other people’s properties. Nowadays, Judaism, the third triad of the Abrahamic religions, is leading the push for a globalism that failed to materialise under Christianity and Islam and that will most likely fail like before though with the shedding of lots of blood and tears.

    What is a dominant consensus in the Levant and North Africa is that the Europeans have always looked down on them as lesser people notwithstanding that the superiority of the Western culture was never a constant of history.

    • Agree: A B Coreopsis
    • Replies: @Anonymous
  62. @Basta

    As an informal neo-Pagan, deeply proud of my Viking roots; it must be said that the majority of Europeans who fell to the artificial religion founded by the Roman Emperor Constantine, were FORCED by their rulers to submit to the Vatican and its myriad rules…or die.

    Though historiographers do not recognized the reality of the initial Viking raids upon the Charlemagnian “Holy” Roman Empire…mainly because the history books have been written by the victors, Englishmen et al….almost immediately following that Emperor’s genocide of the pagan Old Saxons; Viking warriors on their Longships, assaulted and sacked Charlemagne’s third largest city, Dorestad which was located on a now “earthened” branch of the Rhine.

    That no longer extant center happened to be the Empire’s mint city. Many young Danish and Norse men “rallied to the colors” with the promise of the silver being divied up amongst the warriors.

    What better a message could the united nations and tribes of the northern lands have made against Imperialism and forced conversion to the worship of the ancient Hebrew tribal wargod, Yahweh, piss be upon him; than that powerful strike upon the Empire’s economy?

    Until sneaky missionaries subverted the wives of the gradually centralizing pagan rulers…there was a major war between the freedom-loving Northmen and the Evil Empire of that day and age. Because history books have been based on documentary “evidence” concocted by the followers of a false religiosity; very few people in the collective West are even dimly aware that the Viking raids began as a war of civilizations…proud pagan people standing up against imperial schemes and Vatican memes.

    From the latter years of the 700’s to roughly 1,000 Anus Dominated, a non-formalized World War was being fought. in northwestern Europe. So for roughly 200 years, the battle was between the free men of the North versus the “Christianized” and deracinated Continental European powers.

    Thus it must be said that there still exists an anti-Pagan bias in historiography…a realm in which the documentary basis of “accepted” history is totally one-sided.

    • Agree: caeser's ghost
  63. @Looger

    Men confused and entupidated and enraged with “religious” drivel on both sides of those wars over the centuries. Followers of one mentally ill or dishonest dead man, killing followers of another mentally ill or dishonest dead man.

    In any event, it would seem that the crusaders lost given that Scandinavia, “the uk”, europe and the balkans are becoming Muslim. The process is occurring in Russia too, much more slowly.

    • Replies: @Looger
    , @Passing by
  64. HT says:

    Calvin vigorously defended the belief that the true Kingdom of God upon the earth should be based upon Old Testament law.

    Calvin did not believe in the simplistic view of the law practiced by Jews. He understood the OT judicial and ceremonial laws were no longer valid or to be followed by Christians. It is too complex to discuss in a message board post but Israel today is not about Jews but instead is the Christian Church. That is why the Jew state of Israel concocted in 1947 is a fraud. The Israel of God is the Church. OT Judaism was a type and sign of what was to come. It is no longer valid. Jesus explained the real nature of the Law of God and why only he was capable of fulfilling it. The way Jews look at the law is completely different from what Christians understand. I would agree there are misguided Christians who believe the new state of Israel in the Middle East is a continuation of OT Israel but they are poorly informed in their own faith.

    • Agree: Thim
    • Replies: @Benchmark
  65. Joe Wong says:

    The Americans are ‘God-fearing’ morally defunct evil ‘puritan’ the Europeans said, or the morally corrupt Western monotheistic cult pirates the East said.

  66. @wlindsaywheeler

    A mass of confusion in this message…some insights, though.

    Just today I was reading a major feature in a November 1942 “Life” magazine. It was nothing more than an encomium for the fukkin Puritans, aka the “Pilgrim Fathers”. They were grim, alright . Their system, though with nascent democratic aspects, was primarily based upon Old Testicles Theology. Their witch-burning manias were all based on a line in that evil tome, that the followers of Yahweh/Jehovah, the ancient Hebrew WarGod, should not allow “witches” to live.

    Windsay: You are quite uninformed on Gnosticism and the earliest roots of what eventually became Constantine’s “Christianism”. By basing the radically rearranged imperial religious system of state control on the Old Testicles and its alleged prophecy; the Emperor of Rome subjected imperial subjects to a false religion, centered on that nasty Hebrew WarGod, rather than the culturally revolutionary works and sayings of the Great Spiritual Teacher, Jesus, the Christed One.

    Front and center amongst those scriptures which Constantine’s minions deliberately erased from their concocted “Holy Bible”; were a whole set of Gnostic Gospels, highlighted by the Gospel of Thomas.

    That Jesus was a spiritual messenger and teacher and did NOT set out to establish a religion is quite clear in the testimony of Thomas, a key Disciple whose accounts were “deplatformed” by the Emperor and his stooges.

    Some months ago, I conversed with an Amish father of fifteen. The background of the Amish, Mennonites and Hutterites is specifically of Anabaptist origins. His rationalized apology for breeding that mass of offspring was the Old Testicles maxim of “Be fruitful and multiply”.

    As a highly patriarchal sect and set in their ways, those three offspring cults of the Anabaptist origins, are “men of the book”. One offshoot of their system is a heavy propensity for inbreeding. A significant proportion of their multitudinous offspring happen to be ambulatory exemplars of that inbreeding.

    The role of the Talmudists in all of this is their hold over “Christian” believers in their jealous fathergod . Faith in Yahweh/Jehovah…particularly the case with the demented “Christian” Zionists and the great mass of Evangelicals…is the very foundation of the Talmudist control system. It is quite possible that the Pharisee Saul, known to “Christians” as “Saint Paul”, never did abandon his underlying Talmudism.

    If that is indeed the case, it explains a lot.

    • Thanks: Druid55
    • Replies: @NemesisCalling
  67. Xafer says:

    It is my understanding that the crusading spirit came to the U.S. from the French Enlightenment, heir to Catholicism, rather than from Protestantism. I offer this as a speculative hypothesis.

    Interesting hypothesis. However, i think tracing a direct antecedent is redundant. Modes of thought can transmit through generations by means of habits of mind, mores, cultural criteria of morality, criteria of individual/collective value etc. That is how seriously religious thinking can persist in new garbs under newer justifications in apparently secular societies.

  68. Michael Korn [AKA "Singvangelist"] says:

    You must be joking or you don’t know anything about that. Catholicism separated from the mother church and at that time was not even recognized everywhere as Christianity.

    My understanding is that after the western church accepted the filioque wording regarding the Holy Spirit coming from God the Father and Christ the Son, the Eastern Church rejected this condemned it and in 1054 created the great schism by leaving the Western Church all together. I also understand that up to that point Rome was considered first among equals among the five Great Christian centers of Rome Constantinople Antioch Jerusalem and Alexandria. By that time three of those centers had been conquered by Islam and the fourth was hanging tenuously. My Catholic friends tell me that from the earliest times Rome was considered the most important of the five Christian centers and the Eastern Church in Constantinople decided to reject that formulation and go its own way in 1054. One of the reasons The Fourth Crusade sacked Constantinople was because of the schism it had created in the body of Christendom hundreds of years earlier.

    • Replies: @Odyssey
    , @Odyssey
    , @Odyssey
    , @Alden
  69. @RadicalCenter

    Your presentation begins well. However, you lose me with your line about “the barbaric pagan practicer of human sacrifice”. Was not the entire Christianism artifact based upon human sacrifice of their alleged Trinitarian Godman?

    Human sacrifice at an advanced level and utterly antihistorical.

    Jesus did not set out to establish a religion. Rather, that reformer was all about spiritual advancement of a people doomed in false religiosity. So the Trinitarians, given power by the Roman Emperor, Constantine, created a Triune god. Little wonder that the Muslims have a great time denigrating and deposing the Trinitarian mythology.

    However, though Mohamed may have initially been a reformer, he never wrote down a single one of his precepts. Much of what was attributed to him in the Koran, to say nothing of the many Hadiths, added to that initial abstraction…may very well have been concocted by priestcraft…and not original to the father of Islam.

    False religions are established to develop mind-control over subject peoples. THAT is the bottom line.

    • Replies: @Boulder
  70. Michael Korn [AKA "Singvangelist"] says:
    @emerging majority

    …very few people in the collective West are even dimly aware that the Viking raids began as a war of civilizations…proud pagan people standing up against imperial schemes and Vatican memes.

    Amazing insight. I am reminded of the January 6th character wearing the Viking hat who was arrested mistreated and subjected to brutal prosecution, along with all the rest of the protestors, by a Catholic dominated political and judicial class in DC. And Catholics have always dominated the CIA and FBI along with the US Navy. After Henry VIII broke from Rome, the Catholic church was able to secure the new nation of America as its most important influential and wealthiest outpost.

    Few people in America seem aware of the enormous cultural role of Catholicism in our country. People have a growing awareness of the power of the Jews, which is significant. But the Catholics have a more pervasive and fundamental cultural influence. Consider the bizarre holiday of Halloween, something I have never liked. It turns out that it is a very important Catholic Holy Day, the eve of All Saints Day. Protestants don’t observe All Saints Day at all, so it seems inexplicably bizarre that this Catholic holiday has become a ghoulish national celebration where people are completely ignorant of its true meaning. Halloween is in excellent example of the powerful and subversive Catholic influence over our society.

    • Replies: @Handel
    , @Curle
  71. Kukulkan says:


    The ” Franks ” never helped the Christians of Spain and Portugal during the Reconquista . The euro Franks never helped the Christian Bizantins against the Turks . The Franks never helped Spain and Italy to contain the Turks in the Mediterranean , France even helped the turks against Christians .

    The Spanish colonization of the Americas was never a crusade but an Evangelization , Spain never had more than 5000 permanent spaniard troops in all the Americas , ever , the priests and the civilian administration did most of the work . When there were military dangers , like the frequent presence of the English pirates in the shores , the Spanish Crown had to form improvised militias with natives , mestizos and spaniards to face the english pirates , and sometimes the french pirates too .

    You say that Columbus was obssesed with gold , maybe , but surely less than the French , Napoleon plundered and murdered all Europe from Moscow to Cadix , the french are still stealing all the riches of poor Central Africa up to date , and surely less than the angloyankees worshipers of the pound&dollar .

  72. roonaldo says:
    @Pierre de Craon

    The song, which describes armies, battles, war, vanquishing foes–led by banners and the cross (Crusader armies all used versions of the cross on their banners) bears the marks of a writer adapting Crusader imagery to his purpose. Did Jesus’ early followers organize armies and march to battle against the Romans before banners emblazoned with the cross in their efforts to gain adherents? Rather, they chose nonviolence and martyrdom.

    You propose that the creator of the song acquired such imagery from Pauline epistles. I engaged in a bit of internet research to test that assumption versus one preferring a Crusader influence.

    The writer of Onward Christian Soldiers, Sabine Baring-Gould (born 1834, died 1924), from an aristocratic family, was a descendant of crusader Thomas Gold, who was awarded an estate at Somerset for his valor at the siege of Damietta in 1217. Sabine-Gould no doubt was well aware of his ancestor. He spent his childhood traveling throughout Europe, was privately tutored, and at age 18 studied at Cambridge. He inherited his father’s 3,000 acre estate.

    Baring-Gould wrote prolifically on folklore and medieval times. His “Book of Werewolves” came out in 1865, the same year he wrote the song and a year after he took holy orders as an Anglican priest. He wrote the sixteen-volume “Lives of the Saints.” His “Myths of the Middle Ages” appeared in 1866. His “Legends of the Patriarchs and Prophets” is available online. He penned a lengthy memoirs.

    Baring-Gould wrote many novels, Gothic in tone, with ghosts and haunted locales. He collected folk songs and carried out archeological research uncovering stone circles of Dartmoor. It is said he often taught classes with a live bat on his shoulder.

    Not exactly the mind of a fellow steeped in and motivated by Pauline epistles.

    • Replies: @roonaldo
    , @Pierre de Craon
  73. Anonymous[241] • Disclaimer says:
    @Joe Levantine

    There has always been a tendency by the West and the East to trade accusations about which party was responsible for the bloody history that marked the relationship between the two parties.

    True. And the numerous “Mozlemz dun started it” responses to LG’s essay prove your point. In fact, those respondents seem to have ignored the historical evolution of successive Muslim kingdoms eventually leading to the Levantine detente which LG describes.

    Yours is a more thoughtful response. These days, we talk about schools of political realism to explain hegemonic objectives. I think realpolitik is a much simpler, more coherent means of understanding those objectives as they manifest themselves across the historical spectrum.

    • Thanks: Joe Levantine
  74. MMG says:
    @Wade Hampton

    Rationalist, a-religious? That’s French enlightenment. Did not the structure of the US govt., the 3 branches come from Montesquieu as well as justice system judicial “voir dire”[ see/speak], is a French term, “congress” too, national assembly likewise. Was not Napoleon intent to spread enlightenment values , to unenlightened backward superstitious hierarchical not egalitarian feudal peasant societies? He was in that sense selfless, unlike the US which was objecting to paying one taxes? And maintained its hierarchical structure of privileging rich land- owners. The WASP mentality of ,if you’re rich you must be good greedy capitalism.

  75. Very interesting article. The Crusades certainly weren’t driven by temperance, modesty or altruism. Greed, vanity and envy are the unholy trinity of Hell.

    • Thanks: emerging majority
    • Replies: @Kak
  76. Looger says:

    In any event, it would seem that the crusaders lost given that Scandinavia, “the uk”, europe and the balkans are becoming Muslim. The process is occurring in Russia too, much more slowly.

    It’s interesting to me that that black-pillers decrying the “loss” of Europe, especially during an historical discussion of the see-saw that is Islam vs. Europa, are essentially arguing the leftist perspective that “Sweden is different now” and its all over.

    Christianity is a different flavor all over the world because it’s been influenced by the previous cultures and by the genetics of the practicers. In the west and north of Europe Christianity is clearly on the decline. But as it goes, so goes western civilization with it.

    Islam is primarily motivated by sexual slavery, and Europe has the best looking bitches. It’s these same bitches, motivated by leftist jargon brainwashing toxically mixed with rape fantasy, have been given the political power specifically to destroy the west.

    This is a precarious position at best and everywhere you can see the cracks spreading quickly, in the economic system if nowhere else.

    The cold hard financial fact is that Islam conquering the west is a project we are financing. When we can’t afford the welfare to import the next culture, many of them will wilt and scatter.

    It’s been a thousand years of cousin marriage since the crusades. These people used to be more capable. They are not conquerors as before, they just act the part. If Swedish women didn’t control Sweden, would they be imported? Would they be coddled like man-children and fed by a system built with all the extra wealth generated by western men?

    My friend’s mom is a short-contract teacher and she dresses up in their garb to teach these apes. They are dumb beasts driven by lust and religious fervor, but no ability to ride horses or fight. They don’t grow up shooting guns or even going outdoors. The Canadian government pays her good money. How long is that going to last???

    A rematch may not be religious-based from the west’s perspective this time, but because of internal splits within the west itself.

    The way things are going right now is not a stable platform with which to predict the future.

    Here in Canada our childish and stupid leadership almost lost it all during the trucker covid protest. They digitally cut off bank accounts, de-legitimizing the currency. They could not trust the army and imported cops from Germany and Czechia to clear the streets. Then they buckled at the provincial level (all COVID restrictions except the border are enforced provincially) and caved in at all province capitals like dominoes.

    Truth be told Canada is hanging by a thread since the 1995 Quebec referendum, as soon as the west can’t afford the next raise in extortion fees to bribe them to stay then we will begin the fracture.

    Sure man, whatever – Islam has won it all!!1!1

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  77. @Laurent Guyénot

    The quote of President George Washington is found here:

    Voegelin, Eric (1975) From Enlightenment to Revolution. Ed. by John H. Hollowell. Duke University Press: Durham, NC. citing Gouhler. Pgs 181-182

    I’ve made a handout based on that quote:

    The Revolutionary character of George Washington and America

    THEE MOST important work and researcher of this century and the last has to be Eric Voegelin! For as a researcher into classical gnosticism—he came to a realization that ALL of Modernity is Gnostic! I concur most strongly! Democracy which was once hidden under Modern Republicanism was the vehicle for Gnosticism! Gnosticism erupted in the Renaissance in Italy with the introduction of both the Kabbala, made up Jewish gobbledygook from the 11 century A.D. and the Hermetic Tradition. Freemasonry is based on BOTH of these! Every Catholic and the Medici popes had Jewish mentors! Giovanni Pico della Mirondola as an example. Ficino another. Look at Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogmas–quote lavishly from the Kabbala and the Hermetic Tradition.

    I point also to the works of Madame Francis Yates and all her works on the Hermetic Tradition.

    In the Renaissance, the Jews told the Italian Catholics and many others that the Kabbala and the Hermetic Tradition was older than Christianity!!!! The Kabbala came from Moses and that Plato borrowed from the Hermetic Tradition!

    It’s all lies the Kabbala was created in around 1100 A.D and the Hermetic Tradition from about 250 A.D.

    It is All Gnosticism. Gnosticism is a religion in and of itself. Gnosticism expresses itself not in a religious cult though it can be, but in politics! Democracy is the political manifestation of Gnosticism. Freemasonry is a Gnostic sect. Communism/Marxism is a Gnostic movement and the Jews are natural gnostics. Eric Voegelin is the MOST important academic that one and all must be familiar with! He provides the key to understanding what is happening in our modern age!

    • Agree: Kukulkan, A B Coreopsis
    • Thanks: Joe Levantine
  78. Fascinating article, great food for thought. I especially like the retro academic insistence on decent footnotes, and the conversational, open tone of this author.

    Stand it next to this recent piece about the 7 global civilizations by Alexander Dugin and a lot of interesting questions come up: https://www.geopolitika.ru/en/article/eschatologies-multipolar-world

    And nothing is as monolithic and certain as historians like to frame things. Saint Francis of Assisi, for example, was a product of Crusader culture and even participated himself, but his Catholic God turned him around and back towards humanity, in some small ways helping perhaps to show the world another way from the inside. Lots of his early followers paradoxically flocked to a Catholic sect that allowed them to forswear weaponry and aggression, even as the Crusades continued. But ultimately who will triumph in the current crises? Western power and military might? The meek?

    I don’t have the answers, but appreciate this Jew-run forum that allows for the asking if difficult questions. Even if reading this went about 2 hours past my Sunday morning cutoff time for all this delicious infotainment here on the magical intertubes. Gotta run.

    Thank you Ron Unz and Mssr. Guyenot for your efforts, civility and open minds. Have a beautiful day everyone! ☮️

    • Thanks: Odd Rabbit
  79. roonaldo says:

    Now that I have had another cup of coffee, this thought occurs–have we a recently ordained Anglican priest putting Pauline ideals/principles to song with a hefty dose of Crusader imagery? Dunno, perhaps his motivations can be found in his memoirs, though I’ve not sufficient interest in the matter to investigate further–Cheers.

  80. ariadna says:

    You make unsubstantiated statements in an attempt to discard the 9/11 Commission’s findings.

    “Muslim hijacker’s armed with box cutter’s from Dollar store”

    There is no proof that they used cheap box cutters purchased from a Dollar store. Quality knives can be obtained from many reputable store, like this one:


    • Replies: @Robert Bruce
  81. @Looger

    Ever since the “twin” dictators smothered and squashed the truckers and their many supporters, your land is no longer “true north, proud and free”, rather it has devolved into Canuckistan. As a Yank who lives north of the core of your country’s population and have had some wonderful times in the Peg, Vancouver and Victoria…back in the 70’s…I mourn the current state of affairs under the Maple Leaf and Dominion status.

    • Replies: @Looger
  82. @wlindsaywheeler

    Moses never existed.

    The Pentateuch was cut out of whole cloth and a whole lot of borrowing from older and more civilized cultures. Creation was manifested by a group of Jewish scholars during the Hellenistic era. There in Alexandria, then the largest and most culturally fermentative in the entire Mediterranean basin AND with the largest population of Hebrews in the world; the Old Testicles was stitched together to create the Hebrew mythos…and in consequence, the development of the “Chosen People” false narrative.

    Do your homework, young man. The truth can be evasive and difficult to ferret out, however, it can be researched by means of diligent delving into “unorthodox” accounts.

  83. ariadna says:

    Another superb, erudite history class from L.G.
    Nevertheless I realized upon reflection that it has one glaring defect, one that impartial, objective thinkers like ‘Odyssey’ will see right away: it completely neglects the importance of the Serbs, who are, if not the majority of Europeans, at least the overwhelming majority of Europeans who are descendants of Serbs and who all speak languages derived from the Serbian language The definitive proof of the latter is that even the word “Serbia” comes from the Serbian word Србија

    This truth has been suppressed by Catholics in general and Croats in particular.

    • LOL: Commentator Mike
    • Replies: @Passing by
  84. werpor says:

    I suppose if one wants to understand the progressive impulse it would seem to be something like the theological arsenal of the Crusades. Crusading was precipitated by the urge to proselytize.

    Indeed in some respects progressivism is a reactionary impulse opposing the Christian ideology of individual betterment, replacing it with the tribal impulse of communism. Social betterment is the Tikkun Olam of the Jew. This phrase, with kabbalistic roots, has come to mean social Justice and the pursuit of it.

    Social Justice! Where is it?

    Naturally this pursuit requires an enormous bureaucracy with which to enforce it.

    An outgrowth of this impulse is the notion that everyone is entitled to all sorts of things including their own opinion. …That all ideas have equal merit. That all outcomes are group outcomes. …That you will own nothing and be happy! This is tribalism writ large. And a lie.

    Rather than Justice one gets repressive punishment for opposing the tribes group insecurity. The Jewish impulse is tribal and ancient.

    Christianity extolled the Saint; the transcendent manifestation of individual betterment, obtained. This is embodied in Christian theology and Christian brotherhood. I am intentionally referring to the originating impulse not the Catholic Church.

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. A command based on the words of in the Sermon on the Mount: “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” Treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you. This is the Golden Rule.

    This “Golden Rule” extolled the virtue of individual responsibility thus the awakening of one’s conscience. Tribalism extols the subsumption of individual responsibility. The denying of individual conscience is tribal, requiring in the end though a class structure elevating some to positions of authority. Something like todays ‘experts’, whom collectively presume to know better. The Crusades were tribal. A kind of mass madness! …Indeed the end of christianity and the beginning of Christianity.

    Group punishments are like stoning. The Christian approach towards the individual who ‘misses the mark’ is to direct them to sit in the corner and think about the reason why they are being temporarily banned. A better phrase while directing them to sit in a corner would be ‘to ponder.’

    “How would you like it if Joe slapped you in the face … I like you to ponder that.”

    Individual conscience is self restraint. Mass conscience is automatism. The state authorizes all behaviour and thinking and feeling. The state givith and the state taketh away. Rather than refer to one’s conscience one instead refers to the guidebook. Mass behaviour, ipso facto cannot be obtained without instrumentation. The states most important instrument is brainwashing. …And force!

    This state requires a tribal arrangement with an elite, deterministically controlling you and me, though without self control, i.e. one’s active conscience which is necessarily denied. The state inevitably resorts to surveillance and force to ensure our compliance.

    This reversal of an originating impulse is all too common. Christianity became the Catholic Church. Tikkun Olam has become Progressivism. The Church of the progressives is the State.

    “Crusading became something to be believed in rather than something to do.”

  85. Kukulkan says:
    @emerging majority

    Vikings , nordics , were and are pirates , depredators , morons , which like the great English historian Arnold Toynbee . said are a failed civilization . which never amounted to anything .

    • Disagree: Iris
  86. @RadicalCenter

    The Balkans? There are US colonies here that are officially muslim, yes, but the whole rest of Europe will become muslim before we do.

  87. @ariadna

    It is true though that of all Serbs, Croats are the worst 😉

    • Replies: @ariadna
  88. Looger says:
    @emerging majority

    Ever since the “twin” dictators smothered and squashed the truckers and their many supporters, your land is no longer “true north, proud and free”, rather it has devolved into Canuckistan.

    I’d say they won the stare-down as all covid restrictions went away IMMEDIATELY after. Like that week, the “science changed.” Look up the timing – it’s tough to miss.

    Even in Calgary which is more lost than anywhere, there were huge weekly protests that were not reported which completely blocked downtown traffic with tens of thousands of protestors.

    The good news is that the shitty half of the country, the libtards are licking their chops again and will try another round of lockdowns scheduled for this fall.

    Half this country are brow-beaten by employment and mortgage debt into compliance. They can only be pushed so far and that breaking point is getting close.

    As a Yank who lives north of the core of your country’s population and have had some wonderful times in the Peg, Vancouver and Victoria…back in the 70’s…I mourn the current state of affairs under the Maple Leaf and Dominion status.

    I’m originally a man of the north. My life has been split in between. Contemplating a return.

    The interesting and possibly unique thing about this country, is that the cities (with the exception of Edmonton which services the oilfield) are all right along the border and contribute precisely ZERO to the actual important economy. Canada is a series of provinces each with a separate economic resource-exporting relationship with the USA and with China (just lumber from BC). The cities don’t contribute anything to that, and only Vancouver is a bottleneck port – not for much longer with Prince Rupert coming on line.

    These cities are 100% parasites and are basically at this point immigration-fueled real estate ponzi schemes. The people there don’t build the gas plants, service the sawmills, drive the mining trucks etc., indeed they drive cars to pipeline protests.

    Those people in the south of Canada are non-factors in the actual future of the greater land in general. It’s already geographically separated in a way that is barely starting in the USA.

    Canada won’t split province-to-province, it’ll split north-to-south.

    And when it does people from all over the west will pour in to homestead or otherwise stake a claim, as it’ll be the only country for white people in the whole west. None of the immigrants here go north, except a few oil workers maybe.

    I call the strip of Southern Canada: Female-Genital-Mutilania.

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  89. @Californian_21

    We need a hmm button in the comment section. You provided and interesting and valuable rebuttal to the article, which I found fascinating. I wonder if there’s a bit of truth to both the author’s claims and yours. In life things aren’t so black and white. If anything there were multiple forces acting upon each other at that time. However, it’s hard to say if Urban II was acting in defense of Europe at that time or in his own best interest. I’d lead towards the latter, however it’s also highly possible he calculated in a fringe benefit of the defense of Europe from the Slejuk Turks. This makes me wonder what the ancient documents in the Vatican contain.

  90. Today it is not the invading Crusades; it is the continuation of the Caribean pirates !

  91. @Kukulkan

    Hold your tongue fool! You disgrace the great people of Scandinavia with your vile mouth. We don’t need people like you sewing discord among European and white brethren. Some of us are working tirelessly to maintain the peace as best we can during these difficult times. Europeans killing other Europeans is the devil’s work.

    • Agree: Vito Klein
    • Replies: @Kukulkan
  92. @ariadna

    There is no proof they even stormed the planes with box cutters, let alone fly jumbo jets like a veteran pilot into buildings. Atta was kicked out of his flight school since after many tries he still couldn’t land a twin engined Cesna going 60 knots. How the hell did he bullseye the tower going 7 times faster?

  93. ariadna says:
    @Passing by

    A statement that will make both hate you :-))

  94. Aha, more Biden corruption facts!!

    Myth Busted: Europe Also Favored Fired Ukraine Prosecutor As Biden ‘Quid-Pro’ Cover Story Crumbles by Tyler Durden



    Last month we noted that Victor Shokin – the former Ukrainian prosecutor that Joe Biden got fired, had been praised by former Secretary of State John Kerry – who congratulated Shokin about the job he was doing on corruption reforms. This was revealed in government memos obtained via a FOIA lawsuit filed by Just the News.

    The memos completely undermine the narrative offered by Biden and establishment media that the reason Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees unless Shokin was fired, was because Shokin was Corrupt.

    Now, as the NY Post’s Miranda Divine (of Hunter Biden laptop scoop – turned censorship victim) reports – the Europeans thought Shokin was awesome too…

    The European Commission praised Ukraine’s Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin for his efforts to fight corruption in a December 2015 progress report published nine days after then-VP Joe Biden demanded his ouster.

    The report flies in the face of Biden’s claims that the European Union joined his demands that Shokin be removed for being corrupt and obstructing anti-corruption reforms.

  95. @Laurent Guyénot

    But don’t you think the Catholic medieval crusade created a dynamic that did have a lasting influence on this Yankee mentality? And if you do, how would you explain it in a nutshell?

    To a great extent, I suppose, every leader who has ever exhorted the people to war and conquest has had to rely on some kind of promise of reward other than purely defensive, though self defense is always a component of it, at least in America. It was to “protect American freedom” that it was necessary to bomb Iraq, after all.

    The reward of plunder and social status at home were likely the strongest inducements offered by everyone from Genghis Khan to the emperors of the Incas to the Levitical rabbinate: You shall live in cities you did not build and eat of the spoils of your enemies and tickle Jehovah if you genocide your neighbors. It may be a purely Christian conceit, produced by the need to appeal to Christian universalism, that conquest is good for the conquered–bringing Christianity to the heathen, liberating Jerusalem, bestowing civilization, spreading democracy, removing dictators who abuse their own people, establishing a workers’ paradise, and so on.

  96. @emerging majority

    You can claim to be many things in life, because often in life, new ideas find us when we need them the most or when it finally is able to click.

    My grappling with my Catholicism, because faith is a grappling with, led me to the thinking/apologetics of Rene Girard. Mr. Girard will probably be a saint in our Church in due course, but to explain his thought is rather simple: mankind utilizes myth unconsciously/subconsciously to deal with the problem of desire.

    Two people wanting the same thing lies at the center of the problem of human desire. Animals can not feel this desire because their natures are set. It is only the human being who does not know what he wants and therefore has to look to the other as a model to know what to desire. But the problem arises when one person looks at another and covets what they have. This coveting reaffirms why the owner of the thing liked it and wanted it in the first place.

    Eventually, all kinds of immitation of desire (Rene Girard calls it mimesis) leads to group scandal, war, violence. This need to exorcise the problem unites the group often towards a scapegoat. In most myths up until Christianity, the one scapegoated is blamed for all kinds of things, evildoings, but is often entirely innocent. Think of Mayan sacrifices, Pagan sacrifices, etc.. Or, more recently, girls exterminated for being girls in China.

    What makes Christianity entirely new and revelatory is that for the first time in history, the victim is the one favored by God. And the mob that sets upon the scapegoat is that being ruled by Satan.

    It’s food for thought. Jesus can be understood and defended first anthropoligically, meaning that God is asking us not to kill innocents or scapegoat, but after that, he can be defended mystically in that this revelation is truly a gift from God (i.e. the knowledge of Satan in our desires and how we should bend not towards the ruler of this world but towards God).

  97. Boulder says:

    Calvin was a judaiser. That can be seen in all the sects following him.
    The ”Law” in this case, is not Rabbinic, it is The 10 comandments.
    And they are all practicably universal, if you appeal to common sense.
    That is not the case with Rabbinism, which is a regulator to keep underlings spiritually imprisoned.
    That is also the law, of which St Paul speaks.
    The embroidered version is.. just a continuation of the impossible of keeping the law.
    You can’t even keep the first one!
    What do the Pharisees and Scribes do?
    They create amendments = Talmud, which is contrary to The Old Testament and The New Testament.

    • Replies: @Gerry
  98. @Zachary Smith

    History: Armies relied on despoiling the lands through which they moved in order to provision themselves.

    Jew [points to a despoiled Jewish village]: See? Antisemitism!


  99. Boulder says:
    @emerging majority

    Your moniker is significant of the times.
    Our Lord sacrificed himself as the ultimate and last.
    Of course that would not stop the Talmudic-Babylonian tradition.
    We see it pregnantly in Maui.

  100. Protogonus says: • Website

    The learned historian Guyenot misses the chief thing about Louis IX, namely, his order to prosecute talmudic rabbis for ultimate criminality in advocacy of genocide and assassination (1242 A.D. in Paris). Upon trial and conviction, ten thousand MS. copies of the Talmud from all over France were publicly burned with due royal proclamation of the gravity and importance of the event.

    Condemnation of the Talmud was important (1) intrinsically as establishing the human duty to condemn advocacy of genocide (2) historically as the Tribe and the talmudists took steps subsequently to mask the contents of the Talmud and sanitize its public manifestations (3) geopolitically as the talmudists continue the condemned offenses in disregard of God and justice.

    One of the results of the foregoing for us today is the dangerous NATO proxy war against Russia:


    Note that to read the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.

    • Thanks: A B Coreopsis
    • Replies: @Laurent Guyénot
  101. Interesting.

    The ultimate companion vid to the Ken Paxton impeachment:
    2 weeks ago, I covered how the Bush family CIA oil intelligence mafia wants to kill MAGA to keep its energy cartel across the American Empire.
    Now we learn George P Bush was behind Paxton’s ouster.

    • Thanks: Protogonus, Brosi
  102. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:
    @R.G. Camara

    history has been written by the victors. most of what you are talking about may not have actually happened, and christians have generally been the biggest fodder helping advance worldwide zionism.

    Video Link

    • Replies: @R.G. Camara
    , @Druid55
  103. Skeptikal says:

    Very interesting essay.

    The crusades idea certainly is an ongoing thread, or background wallpaper pattern, in European culture.

    However, I agree that you don’t give adequate weight to the Moslem conquest.

    It is an obvious inference that the Christians picked up the crusade idea from the Muslims. Using the cross instead of the crescent as an emblem.

    As for British Zionism, I imagine the wellsprings had more to do with protection of trade routes to British India and also the plan of the Milner Group so start a war with Germany, partly to sideline Germany’s expansion into and growing military and technical influence in the Ottoman Empire, as exemplified by the Baghdad Railroad and training and modernization of the Ottoman army by Prussian officers.

    Germany (formerly Prussia) had a great deal to offer the Ottomans in terms of military know-how, public health, administration, education, advanced technologies, etc.

    The Milner group were determined to break up this affair, and planting the Jews in Palestine, compliant with powerful financiers and Zionists in Britain, was part of this plan.

    Just my 2 c/ worth.

    • Replies: @Laurent Guyénot
  104. @RadicalCenter

    This muzzie is super arrogant and is only running circles around himself.

    Yes, human nature is sinful, because we exist in a fallen world where Satan rules.

    It is only by choosing Jesus Christ, that we are able to put the sin, the fruit of the tree of knowledge, back onto the tree, through the perpetual sacrifice of Jesus Christ and acknowledgement of our intrinsic Satanic desire.

    The Trinity is perfect in its mystery and no other religion/myth can explain so perfectly the hidden hand that rules the world and God’s revelatory message through the Holy Spirit and His Son.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  105. Skeptikal says:

    Interesting point.
    But was there the law of primogeniture also in France (as in England)?

    I believe John K. Thornton (A Cultural History of the Atlantic World) points to this characteristic in the background of many of the Spanish adventurers who went off with the conquistadors to the Americas.

    Thornton also highlights the importance of silver from the New World that enabled European monarchs to pay the modern armies that emerged after the breakup of the feudal system, who had no feudal obligation of military service and had to be paid in cash.

  106. Kukulkan says:
    @emerging majority

    Vikings , the ancestors of Greta Thurnberg , Stultemberg ….

  107. Dumbo says:
    @Kevin Barrett

    The Crusades were good. And they had nothing to do with current American policy, which doesn’t even pretend to be “Christian” (It’s all about satanic “Demo(n)cracy”).

    The Crusades helped to stop for a while the Islamic invasion of Europe. (Sometimes the best defence is to attack). The Normans, for instance, took back Sicily for Catholicism, otherwise it would be like Tunisia today.

    Unfortunately, it was all meaningless, as now the Muslims are being invited in by the millions and a few European countries will turn Muslim in this or next century. A disaster from my point of view, but I guess a positive thing to Kevin Barrett and Guyenot and others who don’t care about historic Europe and don’t care if it becomes Muslim.

    • Replies: @Laurent Guyénot
  108. Kukulkan says:

    Then why white europeans back white ukrainians to kill white russians ?? extrange situation .

    The scandinavians , baltics , polacks and other nazis are fervent backers of nazi Ukraina .

    • Replies: @Iris
  109. Skeptikal says:

    No problem finding the lyrics online for “Onward Christian Soldiers marching as to war/with the cross of Jesus going on before” (this much I recall from my childhood)


  110. “…each new wave of Crusaders carried with it the pope’s policy of “normative hostility” against Muslims, which in turn radicalized Islamic hatred of the West, and revived the spirit of jihad.”

    “…radicalized Islamic hatred of the West…”

    Islam has ALWAYS had this hatred —for everybody! Islam operates on the Semitic code “Convert or Die”. Jewish Messianism, ensconced in Communism, Communism is the platform of Jewish Messianism, has also this “Convert or Die” dogma!

    For people who write on the “evils” of the Crusades—it is interesting to note, that they do NOT talk about the Muslim Crusades that developed the Islamic world!!!!

    There were some 400 bishoprics in North Africa—ALL wiped out by the Muslim.

    20,000 monks in the Thebaid region of Egypt were massacred.

    250 monasteries in and around Jerusalem—wiped out. And there were all other sorts of violence committed by Islam! Muslims operate on “Convert or Die”. Which was modified late when they created the jizya tax for infidels they “”””allow””” to live!!!!

    The Crusades was about RECONQUEERING WHAT WAS ALREADY CHRISTIAN to begin with!

    If the Muslims incured violence—Well, that’s Karma! Karma is a bitch! I shed not one tear. Sorry.

    Muslims, like the those that slaughtered 50 Coptic Christians on that beach in Libya–they are monsters and barbarians — oh, yeah, their nice people to your face–but turn your back–they’ll slaughter you in a heartbeat! They’re animals. Their religion is barbaric!

    So before anybody writes on the evil of the Christian crusades–they should write a blurb on the atrocties of the Muslim conquests! — and slavery of Christians for that matter! (Let’s not forget the Muslim slave raiding parties that attacked Christendom!) Animals. Just plain Animals.

    • Replies: @Druid55
    , @Anon
  111. @roonaldo

    Records show that there was another similar version in WW2 UK.
    Naming the Jewish anti-heroes who caused the war.


    Onward conscript army
    You have naught to fear
    Isaac Hore-Belisha
    Will lead you from the rear.
    Clad by Monty Burton
    Fed on Lyons pies
    Fight for Yiddish conquests
    While the Britons die.
    Onward conscript army
    Marching on to war
    Fight and die for Jewry
    As we did before.

    You must die for Poland
    Pay your debt of thanks
    To your benefactors
    International banks.
    To place again the Germans
    Beneath the Jewish star
    Onward towards the shambles
    Goy cattle that you are.
    Persecuted Jewry
    Will finance war again
    Forward towards the slaughter
    For the Hebrews’ gain.

    Driven towards the shambles
    Like a flock of sheep
    By lying propaganda
    By their plans like these.
    So for Israel Moses Sieff
    You must fight and die
    That Marks and Spencer’s neon signs
    May still light up our sky.
    Forward on to Poland
    10 million men shall fall
    The Jewish reign of terror
    May hold us all in thrall.

    • Thanks: roonaldo
  112. @Xander Pendable

    You do understand that your people requested the Pope’s help, because you were getting your asses handed to you by the Muslims?

    And as another poster has already observed, your Byzantine shitbird’s had already massacred the Latin population of Constantinople years before.


    Cry me a river.

  113. Gerry says:

    no argument from me on that point. The Rabbis added to the law things which God never intended. Jesus even said so did he not?
    there is an interesting account of the missionaries who encountered the Indian people of North America. upon communicating with the Indians they told them that they shouldn’t kill, rob, steal etc etc to which the Indians replied and what do you think we are ignorant of such things? why don’t you go to your own people and say such things for who are bigger thief’s and murderers than your own? when the Moravian’s showed up it was different for they didn’t talk law but just relayed the story of Jesus and his death. what soon followed was a true work of salvation among them.


  114. JPS says:

    You could argue “Laurence Guyanot” (whoever this person really is) is motivated by the Crusader mentality to join with all the groups in society attacking the legacy the Catholic Church in Western Civilization, with all the fervor and in actuality no better reason or knowledge than a Seventh Day Adventist enthusiast. That’s what happens with fixed ideas. Sophomoric bigotry of this sort arises from the consciousness of illegitimacy. What is the motivation for making a bugbear of the Catholic Church through history? What is the motivation for the massacre of the Latins in Constantinople, for making religious controversies about azymes, for the massacres in the 17th Century wars against Poland, or for the Penal Laws, for the policy of depopulating Ireland, for the murder of Franz Ferdinand and his wife, who “swam in Catholic waters” according to Princip? Or for John Brown’s “terrible swift sword” used to slice apart his Catholic Tennesean neighbors who spoke with a drawl? Or the motives for the increasing intensity of tendentious story-telling about the Catholic Church, increasing again and again even as the influence of the Faith on society sinks lower and lower. I take it the answer for this, as well as the true motive for support of Zionism, is the heritage of the CRUSADES. It is truly ridiculous.

    The true motives can be found to have evolved into the judeo-masonic JEHAD against Christendom.

    This is why we must take a balanced view of Russia. Russia has many of these problems because its leaders like Putin are constantly on the phone with the kikes in Tel Aviv asking what he’s allowed to do and keep their approval.

  115. Thim says:

    The author cannot fathom why America changed around the time of World War One, and spent the past century pursuing wars globally. The precise element is the following. At that time, and for the subsequent hundred years, America was no longer controlled by Americans, it was and is controlled by Jews..

  116. Michael Korn [AKA "Singvangelist"] says:

    IMHO one of the biggest proofs of the satanic nature of Islam is the fact that there is no singing or worship music. There is eerie mournful depressing chanting. But there’s no tradition of rejoicing in song that you see in the Hebrew Bible’s Psalms, and in modern Christian praise and worship music. Even Catholic Gregorian chants are more musical than anything Islam offers. In fact Islam believes music is from satan and therefore does not incorporate it into worship. Even the ancient Jewish Temple had a Levitical choir and orchestra.

    Islam is a dark and satanic faith for people living in darkness. It even has the chutzpah to deny that Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead, in defiance of a large volume of historical testimony not to mention the spiritual experience of millions of people over the past 2000 years living in the power of the Holy Spirit.

    I invite Kevin Barrett and anyone else reading this thread who’s involved with Islam to come out of the darkness and into the light.



    • Replies: @Michael Korn
  117. Benchmark says:

    The Jews, the Muslims, the Orthodox, the Roman Catholics, the Lutherans, the Calvinists, and most Evangelicals all believe that it is possible to establish a religious government, a Kingdom of God upon the earth.

    I think that they are all wrong.

    Why did Jesus say, “My kingdom is not of this world”?

    • Replies: @HT
  118. If you want to understand revolution in the West, Prof Matthias Reidl has written an excellent paper on that:

    Intelligentia Spiritualis: Apocalyptic Knowledge and the Secret of Revolution

    All revolution stems from the Apocalyptic literature of the Bible. It is called “immanentizing the eschaton” which is a core value of Gnosticism. All revolution is Religious. The American and French Revolutions were religious. But also were wars conducted by America, the Spanish American War, WWI (to make safe for ‘democracy’, i.e. communism), WWII, the Serb Airwar, the Iraqi War, the war in Ukraine—all of it is religious based.

  119. Iris says:

    The scandinavians….

    This is unfair. Scandinavians, the Swedish in particular, highly value fairness and equality and used to be at the forefront of the European opposition to colonialism and imperialism… Until the complete reversal of global geopolitical balance that happened around the 1980’s Globalisation, when the (((Financial Industry ))) acquired more power than the nation-states and made them obsolete.

    • Replies: @Kukulkan
  120. Odyssey says:
    @Michael Korn

    It is obvious that you only know a counterfeit version of Christianity. For example, do you know where the first Christian bishopric was founded?

    A brief history of the negotiations between the Orthodox and the Latins at the Council of Florence (1439), or, de facto history of the capitulation of the Orthodox. The Orthodox had to accept the teaching of the Latins known as “filioques” about the descent of the Holy Spirit and His descent from the other two hypostases. And then they had to declare that the filioque, as an addition within the Creed, has always been canonical and blessed. With this alone, all the objections of the Greeks since the time of Patriarch Photios, as well as all the works of St. Mark of Ephesus, and all the decisions about not changing the Creed that were made at the Third and Fourth Ecumenical Councils.

    It should be emphasized that not all Roman popes approved the filioques, and a few considered the introduction of an addition to the Creed completely uncanonical.

    Furthermore, the Orthodox were required to accept the Latin teaching regarding the consecration of the Holy Gifts and to reject their own teaching, which was presented during the performance of the Holy Liturgy of the Eastern Church. In addition, the Latin attitude was also expressed in their statements regarding the liturgical practice of the Eastern Church.

    And finally, the Orthodox had to sign and accept the declaration on papism, formulated as follows:

    “We declare that the Holy Apostolic See and the Roman Pontiff have primacy on the whole earth, and that the Roman Pontiff is the successor of the blessed Peter, the leader of the Apostles, and that the vicar of Christ, head of the whole Church, shepherd and teacher of all Christians; and that our Lord Jesus Christ in the image of St. Peter gave full authority to guard, direct and manage the entire Church, as stated in the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils and in the holy canons.”
    The Orthodox were forced to accept purgatory in the same way.

    And so Orthodoxy should have ceased to exist. Even more painful was the fact that Orthodoxy was sold, not just betrayed. When the majority of the Orthodox delegates learned of the completely unacceptable demands of the Vatican, some of the supporters of the Union asked the Pope to openly inform them what advantages Byzantium would have from the Union. The Pope came out with the “business” side and offered the following:

    The Vatican will find and arrange a way to send the Greek delegates back to Constantinople.
    300 soldiers at the Pope’s expense in Constantinople to defend the city against the Turks.
    Two ships in the Bosporus to defend the city.
    The Crusaders will pass through Constantinople.
    The Pope will rally the Western rulers to help Byzantium.

    The last two promises were only theoretical. However, when the negotiations came to an impasse, and when the emperor himself was ready to break off further negotiations, the whole matter was resolved by the four Metropolitans, the promoters of the Union; and everything ended with a celebration given by the Pope; theological disagreements over the privileges of the Roman see were settled over glasses of wine.

    And finally, the end of the Parliament came. The Decision on the Union was written in which the Orthodox rejected Orthodoxy and accepted all the Latin formulations and innovations that had recently appeared among them, such as the doctrine of purgatory. An extreme form of papism was also accepted, thus rejecting the basic ecclesiology of the Orthodox Church. All the Orthodox delegates accepted and signed the Union, either in their own name, or in the name of the Eastern Patriarchs, whom they represented.

    The signing on July 5, 1439, was accompanied by a triumphal service, and after the official announcement of the Union, read in Latin and Greek,
    the Greek delegates kissed the Pope’s knee.

    • Thanks: Laurent Guyénot
  121. @roonaldo

    What you have done here is, first, settle on an answer and then hunt about for secondhand data that support your preferred but still undemonstrated conclusion. Among logicians and others who reason with care, this tactic is referred to as the post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy.

    • Replies: @roonaldo
  122. Odyssey says:
    @Michael Korn

    Wiki: The Council of Florence was convened by Pope Eugenius IV and approved by the Byzantine Emperor John VIII Palaeologus. The Council was attended by Patriarch Joseph II of Constantinople, plenipotentiary representatives of the Patriarch of Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem, Metropolitan Isidor of Moldova, Kiev and All Russia and Bishop Avramije of Suzdal, two representatives of the Georgian Orthodox Church (bishop and nephew of the Georgian Emperor Alexander[1]), bishops of Ephesus, Trebizond, Iraklia, Cyzicus, Sardis, Nicomidia, Nicaea, Thorns, Monemvasia, Lacedaemonia, Amasia, Mytilinia, Stavropol, Rhodes, Malenika, Dramia, Ganca, Drastria, Anchiale [2] and seminaries, a total of about 700 people.

    The Council examined in detail the differences between the Western (Catholic) and Eastern churches. Emphasis is placed on the differences in dogmas, especially on the so-called filioque (lat. filioque) — an addition made by the Roman Church to the Symbol of Faith. Other dogmatic questions were also discussed – about purgatory, the primacy of the Pope in the Universal Church, the celebration of the secret Eucharist.

    The Assembly was declared ecumenical (Vaseljenski). Already at the beginning of the parliamentary sessions, the Latins did not fulfill the agreement on the timely holding of the Byzantine delegation, so the Orthodox had to make a pledge and sell their belongings for food.[3] The relocation of the assembly from Ferrara further from the border, in Florence, was not connected with the plague (which ended two months earlier), as it was officially announced,[4] but the patriarch, emperor and pope wanted to prevent the representatives of the Orthodox delegation from escaping to Byzantium before the end of the session.[5] At the internal meeting of the Byzantine delegation, the emperor advocated moving to Florence due to the lack of funds from the Pope and the willingness of the Florentines to provide them for him.[6]

  123. HT says:

    The Jews, the Muslims, the Orthodox, the Roman Catholics, the Lutherans, the Calvinists, and most Evangelicals all believe that it is possible to establish a religious government, a Kingdom of God upon the earth.

    That is not correct. Christians believe Christ will come again at the final judgment and create the final place for believers to reside with him forever but in no way do Christians believe mankind can create that type of kingdom. As for Jews, since they have denied Christ, they are still waiting for their messiah who is never going to come. They will rot in Hell as unbelievers unless they repent and believe.

    • Replies: @Gerry
    , @Benchmark
  124. Very interesting Mr. Guyenot. I agree that the excesses of ideological thinking among our elites is dangerous. Ideology is the easy path to follow and it is a powerful tool used to control the passive majority. Critical thinking based on facts requires more work and may be dangerous to your career. So is it the end of the crusading spirit really? How can the Washington crusading spirit be contained is another interesting question.

  125. Odyssey says:
    @Michael Korn

    Why does the Vatican hate the Serbs and why since Florence council organised several genocides against Serbs?

    In the 15th c., during the invasion of the Turks, the Orthodox countries were the first to be attacked. Since they could not defend themselves, they asked Western Christians for help. Instead of helping them, the Vatican greeted them with blackmail – they were promised help on the condition that they sign a union with the Catholic Church, that is, that the Orthodox Church recognize the supreme authority of the Vatican.

    The Council was scheduled in Florence in 1439. According to sources, all Orthodox patriarchs and representatives came, even Russian ones. All, except Serbian. According to historical sources, the ruler of Serbia at the time, told the Serbian church leader that he would hang him if he went to Florence.

    In the mentioned year, the union with the Vatican was signed by all Orthodox religious leaders, except for the Serbian one. After learning that Serbia had opposed the powerful Vatican, because of the shame it had caused to Russia, the Grand Duke executed his patriarch.

    It should be noted that only the Metropolitan of Ephesus (1437-1445), Marko Evgenikos, was fiercely opposed to the union and was the only Greek envoy who refused to sign.

    Sources say that there were also riots in Constantinople after it was learned that the Serbs had not signed the union. At the request of the people, the Ecumenical Patriarch had to step down, and because of the collapse of the union, the Vatican never forgave the Serbs.

    Since then, the age-old hatred towards Serbs begins. The fact that only the Serbian Orthodox representative refused to come to that gathering had a great resonance in the Orthodox world and the people.

    From previous two comments can be concluded that the Serbs saved Orthodoxy from destruction. It was such a historical moment when the Vatican managed to gather all the signatures (including the Russian ones) so that the Orthodox accepted Catholicism and its doctrine and de facto renounced their own existence.

    It was obvious that the Byzantine emperor, the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Vatican Pope were on the same task. All the signatures, except the Serbian meant renunciation of the Orthodox faith and support for the Vatican to rule the whole world. If the Serbs had signed like everyone else, now all Orthodox countries, including Russia, would be Catholic.

    • Replies: @Odyssey
    , @Michael Korn
  126. p38ace says:

    The Crusades were a just war for the Christians. That is all you need to know.

    • Replies: @Odyssey
  127. roonaldo says:
    @Pierre de Craon

    Nope, it is you that engages in “hand-waving” and attempts to impress with a Latin phrase, since you argue from a weak position (known as engaging in “horseous puckeyus).

    • Replies: @Pierre de Craon
  128. Anon[364] • Disclaimer says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    This is obviously not true, and a stupid oversimplification. Plenty of vital states have seldom been expansionary (see ancient China), and several non vital states seek to expand (see modern China and Russia). The white world is not “collapsing” — it is still the best place on Earth to live and white countries still rank out on top in almost every metric of civilizational development.

    • Replies: @Mosafer Hastam
  129. @Kukulkan

    From what I have read the Vikings and ofher Nordic people were a great civilization that extended their presence from Greenland to the Dnieper and the Black sea area. They brought their knowledge of ship construction to France along with many words fhat come from old Norse. They had a code of law. They led to the Norman civilization that eventually defeated the English at Hastings and extended herself East to the south of Itally, Sicily and even some coastal cities of North-Africa. Not bad for a failed civilization.

    • Replies: @Michael Korn
  130. Odyssey says:

    PS: There were several versions of what was the fate of the representative of the Russian Church who signed the capitulation before the Vatican. One was that he was executed, but it is more likely that he was exiled and that he found refuge with the Catholic Church.

  131. Michael Korn [AKA "Singvangelist"] says:

    It was obvious that the Byzantine emperor, the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Vatican Pope were on the same task. All the signatures, except the Serbian meant renunciation of the Orthodox faith and support for the Vatican to rule the whole world. If the Serbs had signed like everyone else, now all Orthodox countries, including Russia, would be Catholic.

    That would indeed be a blessing. There would be no war in Ukraine right now were Russia Catholic. Also the eastern Catholic churches recognize the authority of Rome but retain Orthodox worship practices and doctrines, proving that union with Rome would not have obliterated the Orthodox faith. It would have simply subsumed it under a single authoritative figure and would have preserved the unity of Christendom. The Protestant Reformation was possible only due to the schism of the Orthodox away from Rome. That opened a breach in the unity of Christendom that since then has only gotten much worse.

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  132. @roonaldo

    I am sorry for offending you by using a Latin term that I learned in high school. As for the weakness of my position, it is something I had failed to spot. Your elegantly reasoned, carefully worded, and high-minded explanation helps me to see its inadequacies.

  133. Odyssey says:

    The Vikings were mostly Slavs (which genetic research has confirmed) and were not the cruel warriors that the stereotypes portray. They were more traders and protectors of trade routes.

  134. Michael Korn [AKA "Singvangelist"] says:
    @Michael Korn

    This is a good example of how a Muslim can be transformed by Christ’s Holy Spirit into something beautiful and inspiring to the whole world:

    Video Link

  135. Michael Korn [AKA "Singvangelist"] says:

    This lecture supports what you have written. I also have read that the Northern Scandinavians were converted to Catholicism and became warriors for the faith conquering countries like Denmark that were holding out against Christianity:

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  136. Odyssey says:

    The Crusaders looted, pillaged, and vandalized Constantinople for three days, during which many ancient and medieval Roman and Greek works were either seized or destroyed. The famous bronze horses from the Hippodrome were sent back to adorn the façade of St Mark’s Basilica in Venice, where they remain.

    As well as being seized, works of considerable artistic value were destroyed for their material value. One of the most precious works to suffer such a fate was a large bronze statue of Hercules, created by the legendary Lysippos, court sculptor of Alexander the Great. Like so many other considerable artworks made of bronze, the statue was melted down for its content by the Crusaders for surplus profit.[11]

    Wiki: Despite their oaths and the threat of excommunication, the Crusaders systematically assaulted the city’s holy sanctuaries, destroying or seizing all that is deemed remotely of value; little was spared, and the tombs of the emperors inside the St Apostles church fell victim to such looting as well[12] Of the civilian population of Constantinople, it is estimated 2,000 were killed.[3] The Crusaders, with poor leadership, also sacked churches, monasteries and convents.[3]

    The altars of these churches were smashed and torn to pieces for their gold and marble by the warriors.[12] Although the Venetians engaged in looting too, their actions were more restrained.[citation needed] Rather than destroying all around like their comrades, the Venetians stole religious relics and works of art, which they would later take to Venice to adorn their own churches.

    It was said that the total amount looted from Constantinople was about 900,000 silver marks.[13] The Venetians received 150,000 silver marks that was their due and the Crusaders received 50,000 silver marks. A further 100,000 silver marks were divided evenly between the Crusaders and Venetians. The remaining 500,000 silver marks were secretly kept back by many Crusader knights.[14][15]

    • Replies: @Druid55
  137. Mr. Guyénot,

    There’s a book titled The Might of the West that I think you’d be interested in. It’s available at https://archive.org/details/mightofwest0000lawr/ . Originally printed in 1963, I think it’s near impossible to find a hardcopy now. It’s an obscure book, somewhat dated, but I think you’d appreciate it. The author shares a similar perspective as you regarding history and civilization, but his book is never mentioned by anyone. The only reason I’m aware of it is because Revilo Oliver reviewed it favorably decades ago in one of his editorials, and I happened to read that review by chance. But that’s the only reference to The Might of the West that I’ve ever encountered. Anyway, I think the book is erudite and compelling and my entire view of Western Civilization is based off of it. If you do read it, I’d be interested in your opinion of it.

    • Thanks: Laurent Guyénot
  138. Alden says:
    @Michael Korn

    Constantinople was sacked and looted by the Venetias and their other European mercenaries during the fourt crusade for one and only reason. Loot of Constantinople’s treasures. Not for religious reasons.

    • Agree: Odyssey, Kukulkan
  139. Alden says:

    This is te second worst of Guyenot’s driveling nonsense articles. He’s not a Greek or Russian orthodox cleric. He has his own little sect on himself and himself only. That he claims is the one and only true version of eastern Christianity.

    BLM and Antifa are crusades aka causes. The January 6 2021 protest against the fraudulent election was a crusade. Civil rights for all but Whites was and still is a crusade or cause.,
    Mandatory vaccination against smallpox diphtheria pertussis and polio were crusades AKA causes. The current crusade against vaccines is a crusade. Gay marriage and sex change surgery for children is a crusade or cause.

    The 650 to 1452 AD conquest of the Middle East N Africa parts of Europe Anatolia Persia etc by the Muslims was a crusade. For those of you who think the crusades were so imperialistic and the epitome of evil Roman Catholicism transport yourself back in time and become a Christian European slave captured by Muslim pirates and enslaved in a Muslim country.

    BTW; there was never an Islamic Golden Age. The primitive Arabs from what’s now Saudi Arabia conquered and occupied the most advanced and oldest civilizations in the west. Mesopotamia Egyptian Greek Roman and Byzantine. The Arab later Turk Muslims were no more responsible for the glories of those civilizations they conquered than the Spanish conquerors of the Americas were responsible for developing tobacco potatoes and corn. After about 300 years everything fell apart and hasn’t really recovered.

    Here’s a question. Why did the Middle East and Spain fall to the Muslim invasions 650 to 700 AD? The religious fanatic with no followers Guyenot doesn’t know why. Neither do any of the commentators know. Hers a clue. 2 words 15 letters.

    The wall around the Vatican was built in 800 AD. Before the wall the Vatican was just a normal civic center. Where anyone could come and go. The wall was built because Muslim pirates and raiders used the Tiber to maraud loot and slave raid Rome and the surrounding metro area.

    Consider the source. Laurence Guyenot an obscure religious fanatic not even a cleric.

  140. @Looger

    I completely get your message about the Canuckistani cities. Here in Minnesota some three-fifths of the population lives within the multi-county agglomeration surrounding the Twin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. There are even two or perhaps three Wisconsin counties who are closely connected to that Megalomania.

    Back in the 70’s when I controlled a platform, I called for the northern third of this state to combine with northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to secede from our respective states and form the state of Superior. The largest city would be Duluth and surrounds, in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. All rolled into one ball, the current population of which Duluth is the center would maybe add up to 150K.

    Urbanization, centralization and sub-urbanization have ruined American culture. It’s all about the rat-race in those places. From what I know of the land of the Maple Leaf, the situation there may be even worse…as the mass of the population is heavily urban…and also multi-ethnic in large numbers. I’m thinking of places such as New Westminster, B. C. with its heavy load from India. Of course, the U$$A also has its Black ghettos, where a deeply deracinated and culturally devolved population tends to mess up the whole scene. For years, I’ve advocated for a return to the slower paced rural South for such Afros who have woken up to smell the coffee.

    Best of luck with restoring Canuckistan back into something more traditionally Canadian.

    • Replies: @Looger
  141. @Anonymous

    lol. Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, little heathen.

    Repent and believe in the Gospel, as your ancestors did before the Satanic-led Muhammed forced Islam upon them by the sword.

    • Troll: Druid55
  142. @Michael Korn

    The Norwegian people, as the prime example, were forcibly converted by Hellig Olaf, aka friggen SAINT Olaf. With the money he had accumulated and with full support from the Vatican, he set about with his bullies to conquer previously free Norwegians and convert them to Catholicism. When he outnumbered bands of freeholders and defeated them in combat, he would seize the leader, if he had survived, or his #2 or 3, now in charge, then had him stripped and staked down to the ground with all four limbs immobilized and then had his henchmen set a pan of hot coals on his stomach.

    It was amazing, Grace, how many of the defeated folk suddenly decided they should convert to the religion of Hellig Olaf and his Vatican advisors.

    Denmark, if memory serves, was also forcibly converted by their king. I believe at that time that man was Harald Bluetooth.

    The ONLY Scandinavian land to voluntarily become Christian was Iceland. During the Millennial year of 1,000 Anus Dominated, the XTIan minority was going nuts as they believed that this would be the “Second Coming”. So at the outdoor “parliament” of all adult males in that tiny land, the majority Pagans, in order to avoid a bloody civil war, agreed to make their land officially Christian. Today, a number of Neo-Pagans are very upset about that historical devolution.

  143. @Michael Korn

    Utterly ridiculous that Russia should convert to the evils of the Vatican. Of all the Christianisms out there, Russian Orthodoxy is far the closest to having a spiritual foundation. During the schism, the Orthodox people retained spiritual elements and practices. This was not the case with Vaticanism at that time and even with most Protestant sects today, most particularly the Evangelicals…and of course the damnable Calvinists, who are all about the Old Testicles and do not pay much attention to the spiritual teachings of Jesus.

    It is highly obvious that you, Singvangelist, have been remiss in your exegetical studies.

    • Replies: @RUR
  144. Gerry says:

    i always felt that the single greatest political statement ever made by anyone at any time in any period of history is none other than the Lord’s prayer. in it we have everything that concerns mankind yes?
    and that brings up the late Dr. Rushdoony who said the best political government is that of a theocratic monarchy. i would tend to agree with that. we were never meant to be separated from our Creator Father and that man chooses to reject Him in favour of their own political machinations is why we are in the mess we are in yes?
    all we have really are kingdoms in conflict. beyond all of this though the way a theocracy works is by way of climate change and why academia doesn’t understand this is shocking?! PERPLEXING??? The ignorance of Biblical historical knowledge is a travesty and that the Church, the very Church buys into the BS that what is occurring is because of industrial pollution is the true travesty! believe me the world of education is in for quite a shock!!! the lies, O the lies. God can be observed to exist folks and so do you like being lied to that is the question of the hour? yes indeed that we blew it this bad in this country will render a great many speechless and stupified?
    lastly, know what the UN and the one worlders want need? a political ruler with the ability of a god almost and guess what we are going to get it in the form of the jewish false saviour termed the antichrist who is going to solve the economy by QR Coding you and implementing a ration system. there may even be a robinhood type of moment where this false king will redistribute wealth by taking from the rich and giving to the worlds poor though the wealth remains under its control thereby looking like a great saviour and gathering to itself the multitudes. It will demand to be worshipped however, and that is what Jesus called the Abomination of Desolation!
    Everything Is Written!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Agree: wlindsaywheeler
  145. @Wade Hampton

    Americans invaded Canada in 1812 and raided North Africa in the Barbary wars, as well as fighting the Seminole wars in Florida, all before the Mexican – American war.

  146. Druid55 says:

    You’re an idiot. Study a bit before you spew!

  147. Druid55 says:

    Right, and the crusaders so weakened Constantinople that it was made possible for the turks to conquer it, though they still had a difficult fight. By then, most of the moneyed class had fled, leaving mostly ordinary and determined people to defend. And as the turks advanced, many christians preferred to live under their rule than under the crusader conquered lands in Anatolia. I believe these are facts

    • Replies: @Alden
    , @Alden
  148. @wlindsaywheeler

    I think you forgot to define what you mean by Gnosticism. Without doing so, whatever you say is irrefutable. Unless you speak of the gnostic sects of the early Christian centuries (about which we know little anyway), the term has no specific meaning. Gnosis is a cool word for some (especially is in New Age circles), or an ugly word for others, but often neither of them know what they are talking about. So what do you mean?
    I’ll certainly try to read Voegelin’s book.

  149. @Protogonus

    Guyenot misses the chief thing about Louis IX, namely, his order to prosecute talmudic rabbis for ultimate criminality in advocacy of genocide and assassination (1242 A.D. in Paris).

    Is this article not long enough that I should have added to it irrelevant points?

  150. GMC says:

    Yep, I agree ! And President Putin has addressed to the public that staring in your phone for hours is not healthy and needs to be limited. At the same time he reiterated that we need high tech engineers for the future, which is totally different from staring in the phone for hours. What do the US Presidents preach ? Lies and War Mongering – from the America’s to Asia.

  151. @Skeptikal

    However, I agree that you don’t give adequate weight to the Moslem conquest.

    Perhaps. But the Moslem conquest is not my topic. The Moslem conquest happened 4 centuries before 1095. What is important to understand the crusade is the situation in the Middle East at the time. And the two important events relating to Islam then were:
    1) the relative good neighborhood relation between the Fatimids and the Byzantine, showing that relationship between christianity and islam could have evolved quite differently from what it did.
    2) The Turkish conquest.
    From what I have read in recent scholarship, the notion that the crusades imitated the jihad is not true. It does seem to make sense, but the evidence is lacking. Jihad was a thing of the past in the 11th century, and was revived by the crusade. There is no evidence of the Roman papacy or crusaders having been influenced by the Muslim jihad.
    Thanks for your thoughts anyway

    • Replies: @lucskye
  152. @Anon

    Great comments by you and GMC.

    I would only add that none of what you describe came by accident but through a thorough process of planned dumbing down of society by the elites who are a combination of Jewish supremacists and Freemasons with the Vatican playing second fiddle to those two powerful competitors in a Catholic Church that has strayed from her core beliefs over centuries when it gradually slipped into accepting and legalizing usury with Vatican II being the momentous event that sealed the fate of Catholicism into an enabler of a gnostic revolt against God and the Moral Law.

    The one huge deficit in today’s education is a that of history which has been totally co-opted by the PTB in a way that most public ( puppet) decision makers cannot get any lessons from a free and least biased field of history studies. Putin on the other hand has proven through his speeches to have a great mastery of the field of history and that explains his overly cautious approach in the current military conflict. Compare Putin to people like George W and the presidents that followed, and the blunder of the Iraqi war becomes ever more exposed to the degree of absurd incompetence and mediocracy that is in charge of the Western world.

  153. @Dumbo

    The Crusades helped to stop for a while the Islamic invasion of Europe.

    The best way to stop it was to stenghthen the Byzantine empire. The crusades weakened the Byzantine empire.

    • Agree: Arthur MacBride
  154. @Thim

    I do “fathom”. But the Jew explanation is always insufficient. Dig a little deeper and you will see that the Jewish Question is the Christian Question: What made Christians vulnerable to Jewish influence? Please read my article “the Holy Hook”: https://www.unz.com/article/the-holy-hook/

  155. @Laurent Guyénot

    Voegelin was a voluminous writer. His discussions of gnosticism in the modern world was in a huge volume set called The History of Order. What brought gnosticism to my attention was the series Prof. Thomas Bertonneau did some 20 years ago on The Brussels Journal.

    Gnosticism from a Non-Voegelinian Perspective, Part I
    Gnosticism from a Non-Voegelinian Perspective, Part II
    Gnosticism from a Non-Voegelinian Perspective, Part III (Gnosticism in Modern Scholarship)
    Gnosticism from a Non-Voegelinian Perspective, Part IV (Revisiting Voegelin)

    There is another resource that collates all of this in Philip Lee’s book Against the Protestant Gnostics where he remarks that ALL of American Protestantism is Gnostic.

    Gnosticism is the hatred of Nature. (In ancient gnosticism, this is marked by the Manicheans that said sex was bad, but in modern times it is the hatred of hierarchy; Nature puts all things into hierarchy.) Hatred of Particularity. (nations/races are particularities; the genders are particularities; class and caste is particularity; gnostics hate all of that and seek to destroy all distinctions of whatever.) Hatred of tradition and history. Gnostics push for and engage in “immanentizing the eschaton”. Gnostics also consider themselves ‘elite’ since they have ‘gnosis’ which the Übermenschen do not have; they have the air of elitism. The whole communist platform, especially Cultural Marxism, has all of the above!

    • Agree: Kukulkan
    • Thanks: Arthur MacBride
  156. Kukulkan says:

    the moron swedish are masons at the service of the new world order

  157. Anonymous[543] • Disclaimer says:

    You lost any credibility you might have had when you said “muzzie”. You sound like that neocon General who said something like “Today we witnessed that my God was bigger than their God” (after killing many Arabs and wasting exorbitant amounts of US taxpayer money in the process).

    If you have an argument to make, do it without crude insults and petty triumphalism. Besides which, Islam is doing pretty well now. Its proving itself to be resistant against modernity, while Christianity is proving itself to be a disgrace.

    • Agree: Druid55
  158. JFYI

    A small indication that the Crusade really is winding down.
    Not for any reasons of goodwill, but simply because the pederast Great Satan is being outplayed on the world stage, and is going broke.
    Looks like Gay Parades aint what they used to be.

    How many Americans know that their warmongering Mad Dog criminal agency for judeo-masonic power has troops based in Niger ?
    For what possible purpose ?
    ie that is beneficial to anyone other than “merchant bankers” ?

    The US has begun “repositioning” its troops in Niger and plans to cut their number “nearly in half” over the next several weeks, Politico reported on Friday, citing two Defense Department officials.


    • Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  159. @Anon

    Hahaha, you Muslims always lie and do the propaganda. If any people use cunning and deciet, they are cowardly Muslims only. Even their Mohamed (so called prophet) was a cunning man and coward. From that time on, Muslims have used cunning and deceit in battle so that they can loot and rape and destroy.

    The Bravery of Prophet Muhammad and the Battle of Uhud
    Yes, Mohamed was a coward, that is why Muslims use the most deceit and cunning of all the peoples.

    Mohamed also made up Quranic verses so that he could get a hot woman he desired, so he used cunning and sent away the husband of the woman to fight in distant war by making up a “saying from God”. LOL.

    Prophet Muhammad and Zainab and Zaid ❤ Islamic Love Triangle

    Prophet Muhammad and Hafsa and Maria Qubtia – Islamic Love Triangle
    Mohammed made up “Quranic verses from God” to have sex with maximum women. LOL. That is why most Muslims are rapist kind and have the longest history of rape and sex slavery.

    Stop fooling us non Muslims.
    Jai Shree Ram
    Mehool Bhai, Mumbai, Bharat

    • Troll: Druid55
    • Replies: @Druid55
  160. Anonymous[294] • Disclaimer says:

    The crusades were just under The Christian Faith and The church, but this is just pure satanism of the satanic American and British, who have always Been servants of Satan and Gods enemies, freedom and The Faith. They have a long history of raiding Christian monasteries and churches, lies, deception, manipulation, robberies, theft, interfering everybodys elses businesses, selling white people, Black people and Chinese as slaves, doing openly proud drug trade etc. nothing is sacred to American and British. Everything goes and with any means necessary.

    Civil wars in The USA and mass migration to The USA and UK all serve greater good and allow normal and healthy white nations to start to become free and healthy of American and British destruction, corruption and degeneration of their so called democracy, values, moral and culture. This progress allows all of us normal people to start to heal and become free of their enslavement. They have a long way to pay everything Back to their former slaves and vassals. We are becoming free of hundreds of years of Satans rule.

  161. @wlindsaywheeler

    Just an extract from first paper for any interested.
    The disaster of judeo-bolshevism/”useful idiots” urgently needs correction.
    The current stasis in the West may indicate that Left trend has bottomed out and corrective measures may start to be applied. One may hope/pray.
    The (well deserved) contempt in which western “leaders” are held is itself a hopeful sign, though as they seem incapable of repenting there is a query as to how they might be removed. Especially as so many continue to give them credibility.
    Even against their own best interests.
    And the known current/recent past records of such “leaders”.

    … Voegelin’s argument that liberalism and its Leftwing metastases constitute an evangelical religious movement, mimicking and distorting Christianity, has gained currency. The pronounced irrational character of the “Global Warming” cult and the obvious messianism of Barack Hussein Obama’s presidency have together sharpened the perception that contemporary Leftwing politics shares with history’s specimen-type doctrinally intransigent sects an absolute intolerance for dissent, even for discussion, along with a conviction of perfect certainty in all things. The sudden experience of Leftwing triumph attests that, indeed, utopian radicalism draws its strength from a deep well of resentment that puts it in conflict, not merely with those whom it regards as heterodox, but also with the inalterable structure of reality …

  162. lucskye says:

    AND IT HAS TO STOP!!!! The Christian Church especially has to immediately repudiate the error of demonizing the innocent nations of Germany and Russia as being the nations of Gog and Magog!!!

    who in your opinion is Gog and Magog if not Russia/Germany?

  163. Anonymous[360] • Disclaimer says:

    This idiot Lurent is spewing propaganda. The Crusades were just military actions taken in response to a far worse Islamic expansions.

    Well explained in this video by Mr. Bill Warner

    An Education on Political Islam with Bill Warner: The Crusades and Jihad

    This picture explains it all
    Also the Arab Scholar Ibn Jubayr wrote that Muslims lived far better lives under the just rule of Christian Crusaders then under their on Muslim Lords who were prone to injustice.

    Through the Crusades, North-Western Europe made a place for itself in history.

    More garbage. Northern Europe took a much more prominent place in Western Civilization precisely because of the actions of invading Muslims. Earlier the Center of Gravity of Western Civilization was the Mediterranean Sea, with the Western part of North Africa (Magreb) solidly a part of Western Latin Culture. But the conquests of these lands by Arabs meant that the Center of Gravity of Western Civilization went North towards North Western Europe.

    • Agree: Brosi, Alden
    • Replies: @Francis Miville
  164. RUR says:
    @emerging majority

    The Orthodox spirituality is that atheism practiced with the exception of Greece in the 20th century in Russia and other Orthodox countries? The Orthodox spirituality always serves the state, the Russian Orthodox spirituality is a good example here, because the church hasnt condemned the war in Ukraine

  165. @Laurent Guyénot

    Since you live in France and of course speak the language, I’m interested Roger Gougenot des Mousseaux (1805–1876) Le Juif, le judaïsme et la judaïsation des peuples chrétiens (1869).

    Wikipedia has this:

    argued that Jews had manipulated the ideals of the Enlightenment to subvert and destroy Catholic France, and held them responsible for the French Revolution.[1] Gougenot des Mousseaux maintained that Jews engaged in ritual murder and conspired with Freemasons to control the world, and that the French Revolution was wrong to grant them equal rights.[2] Pope Pius IX blessed the work and Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg edited and published the first German edition in 1921.[2] It was also heavily cited in Édouard Drumont’s popular anti-Semitic screed La France juive

    I would love to have an English translation of this. And the title is right–for George Cornwallis, Mason, who lead the British Crown’s forces against the revolution said:

    “Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”

    It is unbelievable that these two people, Cornwallis and Washington, made prophecies that have come to pass!! Both living at the same time, engaged in opposite sides of the same conflict have both made prophecies that are exactly true and how the modern world would look. I consider ALL the churches, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant to be so corrupted with Cultural Marxism, hence Judaism. For ‘Rabbi’ Harry Waton said, “The Soul of Communism is the Soul of Judaism”. Completely right! –we are in such a mess.

    • Thanks: A B Coreopsis
    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
  166. @wlindsaywheeler

    Now you are conflating Gnosticism, of which you have only delved into one-sided commentaries on that phenomenon, with Communism. How the hell can some of you people continue to go on with such nonsense, I simply cannot understand. But you do get encomiums from a pair of the usual suspects of extreme religiosity…minus any spiritual context.

  167. Alden says:

    The reason the Turks finally conquered Constantinople was because of their cannons. Not what the Venetian sacking 200 years before. It was a Hungarian foundry owner who had a beef with the Byzantines Empire. He sold his huge bronze cannons to the Turks. Who used those cannons to knock down the walls of Constantinople.

    The Turks had already conquered most of the Arab lands of the southern Mediterranean shore. They had already conquered most of the countries around the Black Sea. Like the Roman invasions resulting in their empire, the goths Germans mongols Arab Muslims, Huns Europeans in America , India, etc and their Empires the Turks were an unstoppable force and their time had come.

    The 1452 fall of Constantinople was just a very small part of the more than a thousand years of Turkish expansion into Europe Middle East and N Africa.

    About 700 AD the Han Chinese began to push back the mongols. The Turks then a small tribe fled west to escape the Mongols. They became stronger and stronger as they mov d west, all the way to Morroco.

    The Turkish empire was no different from other empires. Incredible expansion and power. A truly great empire Like the Roman Empire, built on enslaved conquered peoples. Since it’s against Islam for a Muslim to enslave another Muslim; the Turkish Muslims enslaved European Christians. Got all the way to Iceland and Greenland for slave raiding.

    The Turks had lots of black African women slaves. And used them for sex. But all the Arab Persian and European visitors seeing all those black women wondered” where are the mulattoes and quadroons? Answer was simple. Abortions and killing the babies if the black slave at birth. Unlike the practice of the Arabs and Europeans in the Caribbean and Americas.

    Turk was a very great conquering empire. A great empire for centuries before they finally conquered Constantinople. Because a Hungarian cannon manufacturer sold the most advanced weapons in the world, his enormous cannons to the Turks. Who knocked down the defensive walls of Constantinople.

    Those cannons were the medieval equivalent of the atom bombs America dropper on Japan.

    This entire thread ; the ignorant going back and forth to the ignorant.

    All of you, including Guyenot need to get yourselves to the nearest college library and read about the Turkish expansion and empire. Instead of babbling about Venetian and German Catholics.

    • Replies: @Druid55
  168. @Laurent Guyénot

    I said that “The Jews are natural gnostics”. I came to that opinion when reading some NS literature and the author brings up Kadmi Cohen who in his books, I didn’t keep a reference to this nor the book he is quoting from, that remarked on how his own kinsmen had a deep revulsion towards hierarchy. Cohen didn’t understand this. This revulsion towards hierarchy is gnosticism. Nature puts all things in hierarchy which is order. Order also expresses itself in repetition and homogeneity.

    This is another task that should be investigated. I’m wondering if you, Mr. Guyenot, could do a little investigating here and tie it down. Because the modern republican movement starting in the Renaissance was about creating this “classless republic” which in all other words is democracy. This is why Marxism classifies all things as “oppressor”/”oppressed”—all hierarchy seen by the Jews is Oppression! That is how they attack and then “””level””” any society they live in. With this hatred of hierarchy indemic to the Jewish race and then their Messianic ideology of “immanentizing the eschaton” and the other core value of Gnosticism as alienation–then what I said, “the Jews are natural gnostics” is very true.
    Communism A Jewish Talmudic Concept
    Willie Martin

    Western Imperative Network

    “The principle of human equality prevents the creation of social inequalities. Whence it is clear why neither Arabs nor the Jews have hereditary nobility; the notion even of ‘blue blood’ is lacking. The primary condition for these social differences would have been the admission of human inequality; the contrary principle, is among the Jews, at the base of everything. The accessory cause of the revolutionary tendencies in Jewish history resides also in this extreme doctrine of equality.

    How could a State, necessarily organized as a hierarchy,subsist if all the men who composed it remained strictly equal? What strikes us indeed, in Jewish history is the almost total lack of organized and lasting State…Endowed with all qualities necessary to form politically a nation and a state, neither Jews nor Arabs have known how to build up a definite form of government. The whole political history of these two peoples is deeply impregnated with undiscipline. The whole of Jewish history…is filled at every step with ‘popular movements’ of which the material reason eludes us. Even more, in Europe, during the 19th and 20th centuries the part played by the Jews in all revolutionary movements is considerable. An if, in Russia previous persecution could perhaps be made to explain this participation, it is not all the same thing in Hungary, in Bavaria, or elsewhere. As in Arab history the explaination of these tendencies must be sought in the domain of pscychology.” pg 255

    Kadmi Cohen, pp. 76-78; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, pp. 192-193

  169. Benchmark says:

    “That is not correct.”


    This article was about Roman Catholic governments fighting Crusades against Orthodox and Muslim governments.

    Am I missing something here?

  170. Joe Wong says:

    Only a cult, its bible cannot be questioned, every word in the bible of a cult has to be defended no matter how ridiculousness it is. The West’s democracy and freedom are the dogma of a cult, the West has been bombing and killing on the fabricated WMD as humanitarian aid to defend their democracy and freedom facade, typical behaviour of a cult.

  171. Alden says:

    The author is a fanatical anti Roman Catholic He has his own version of Rastern orthodox Christianity. He blames all the ills of the world on Roman Catholicism. He’s a religious fanatic Frank

    • Replies: @Guibus
  172. Anon[201] • Disclaimer says:

    I said that “The Jews are natural gnostics”.

    Yes many claim that Kabbalah is a form of gnosticism.

    You and your detractors like Guyenot and Emergent Minority are arguing at cross purposes. You are rightfully denouncing gnosticism as a form of anarchy that subverts organized community. And they are arguing that anti-Gnostic structures like the Roman Catholic Church becomes a tool of the administrative state and suppresses human freedom.

    I would say you both are correct and there is no resolution to your debate.

    • Agree: Arthur MacBride
    • Replies: @emerging majority
  173. A spectacularly stupid piece.

    WHY was the first crusade called?

    Thus polemicist will not tell you – it was because for over 300 years Mahometans had been killing Catholics and taking their and and people and possessions


  174. Looger says:

    The very idea that 1000 AD warfare has to be “justified” in the eyes of Academia IS THE PROBLEM AT HAND. Come on this is during the Viking age as well and there was constant low-level raids, looting, rape etc. happening all the fuck over.

    Any and all discussion of Islamic expansion, slavery, kidnapping, etc. is apparently off the table when it comes to historical context.

    The author and everyone like him is showing EXACTLY where his mind is at and where his talking points come from

    WEST = BAD


    You sir are fascinating.

  175. Kukulkan says:

    wlinsaywheeler ,

    very interesting your comment that ” The Anglicans called the Puritans “demi-jews” . When I was in England I was surprised that many calendars ended the week in saturdays , like the sabbath i Imagine , not in sunday like catholics . What percentage of judaism would you atribute to anglicans and other branches od protestantism ?
    Thank you

  176. @Arthur MacBride

    Further indications (various tg) —

    1. UK Telegraph reports “West must prepare for humiliation” re Ukraine.

    2. Russia’s Medvedev proposes cutting all diplomatic ties with EU.

    3. USAF Sec says “Not as ready as could be, by a significant margin.”

    4. DPRK’s Pres Kim Jong-un on official visit to Russia. Meet Pres Putin in Vladivostock. Agenda unknown, prob arms/trade. Likely virtual end of UN sanctions on DPRK

    5. ~35% Mexico under Drug Cartel rule. Some US pols want direct war incl blockade Mexican seaports. “A convoy of vehicles crossing into Mexico from the US was attacked by armed civilians early Saturday, and nine people, including American citizens, were wounded with gunshots.”

    • Replies: @Joe Wong
  177. @RUR

    WHY should the Russian Orthodox Church “condemn the war in Ukraine”. It all started with the Maidan coup d’ etat, where the legitimate, duly elected government in Kiev was overthrown on the basis of $5 BILLION from U$$A taxpayers…and who knows how much from the likes of George $oro$, the primary minion of the Rottenchild Crime Clan.

    WHERE do you get such uninformed notions?

    • Replies: @RUR
    , @emerging majority
  178. Michael Korn [AKA "Singvangelist"] says:

    Catholics have always considered Sunday to be both their day of rest and the first day of the week. They say that the Catholic church under the authority of the Pope has the authority to change the Sabbath from the 7th day of the week to the 1st day of the week. All Christian countries have calendars where the week ends on Saturday and begins on Sunday. Did you just come here from some other planet?

  179. @Anon

    In all truth, Gnostic realizations “subvert” top down rulership by a Theocratic elite along with the current rationalist/materialist mindset. What do you not understand about that? Are you an R.C. priest or monk…or perhaps connected with the evil Opus Dei or even the successors of Ignited Loyola?

  180. Michael Korn [AKA "Singvangelist"] says:
    @MIck Jagger Gathers No Mosque

    Thanks for the linked article. It was excellent!

    I think a better way to look at the sacking of Constantinople is to consider that when the Eastern Church separated from Rome in 1054 whether that incurred the anger wrath and disfavor of God? And if so that would leave the Eastern empire bereft of Divine protection. And sure enough we see a cascade of evil events afflicting them: from the predations of the Muslims leading to the Crusades, to the sacking of Constantinople by the Latin crusaders.

    In separating from Rome the Eastern churches broke the unity of the body of Christ and made Christendom vulnerable to further fractioning such as following the Protestant Deformation. And surely God cannot be pleased with such a thing. And therefore the Eastern churches have only themselves to blame for all the afflictions that fell upon them subsequent to 1054 AD.

    IMHO this is a better approach to the whole problem.

  181. @RUR

    Ukrainian Banderites and Jews (the Kievan junta is 2/3 Jewish) have been harassing the Russian Orthodox priests and desecrating the ancient Russian churches and cathedrals.
    As for synagogues, they have been safe. Banderites know their masters.

    All opposition parties are canceled in Ukraine. The Kievan junta murdered many journalists and opposition figures. Have you ever heard about Mirotvoretz?

    The Kievan junta burnt millions of books by Russian authors.

    Why are you not condemning the Judeo-Fascists who rule Ukraine locally and from DC?

  182. RUR says:
    @emerging majority

    But Russia recognized the president elected after the Maidan coup d’ etat, so what are you talking about? The official reasons for the invasion are false ones…

    • Replies: @annamarina
  183. @emerging majority

    In response to RUR @ 183

    Invasion!!??? My heinie. The SMO ab initio was all about stemming off an attempted invasion by the UKIES of the two oblasts of the Donbass region. Well over a hundred thousand enemy forces were massed at the border and artillery strikes on Donetsk and other urban centers had metastasized to a high level.

    Preventing attempted genocide was and is a righteous cause. Ever hear of the U$$A sponsored R2P, or “right to protect” which was used against the Serbians by the U$$A and its NATO minions (primarily Britain, from whence in City of London, the orders for the Agency emanate). That semi-official doctrine was all the highly legalistic Vladimir Putin needed to activate the SMO.

    • Agree: Odyssey
    • Replies: @RUR
  184. @Michael Korn

    The Orthodox had somewhat of a concordat with the Vatican up to the point of the schism, which was totally instigated by Rome. The evil emperor Constantine, in order to buttress state power over individuals, gave his powers as Pontifex Maximus to the friggen bishop of Rome. At that time, Rome was fast giving way to Byzantium, which due to that imperial edict, became Constantinople.

    Though there have been good individuals who have come under the umbrella of the Vatican over the centuries; the papal infrastructure is about as corrupted and corruptive as an institution can be.

    Please do not speak for the ancient Hebrew WarGod, Yahweh/Jehovah. That entity is the polar opposite of Jesus, the Great Spiritual Teacher. Simply go to the First Commandment and you will read something like this: “I thy god am a jealous god. Thou shalt hold any other gods before ME.” The writer…or rather re-writer of that telling tale openly admitted that Yahweh/Jehovah is but an impostor. He apparently was one of the Elohim, an openly admitted plurality of “gods”.

    Creator speaks to our hearts, not to our febrile minds. Creator has no need for manmade books or for interceding individuals who claim to be speaking for “God”.

    Catholicism is essentially dead throughout Europe, with the general exception of Poland. Perhaps I should not be beating on a dead horse.

  185. Anon[176] • Disclaimer says:

    I’m descended from the early Christians; Syrian Christians. What you say about Muslims is not true. Or I would not exist as a Christian today. That Christians had to pay a tax in a majority Muslims land, allowed them, both Muslims and Christians to maintain their religion and way of life. Unlike secular societies where, like here, religion goes by the wayside and the nation state becomes the idol, and it’s acceptable to legalize abortion and sex change operations and gender dysphoria indoctrination on kids. The Christians have also committed atrocities on each other in Europe and on non -Christians.

    • Thanks: Druid55
  186. Druid55 says:
    @Mehool Mehta

    And yet india is the rape capital of the world

  187. Druid55 says:

    I agree with all you say. I just think that constantinople had been weakened by then as well

    • Agree: Alden
  188. RUR says:
    @emerging majority

    what genocide ? and what a righteous cause? I have never heard about such things… Can you at least give a link to some evidence, to, for example, the photos of the supposed genocide… btw genocide applies to mass murder of ethnic groups… and there are tens/hundreds of thousands or probably even millions of Russians still living in the Ukraine controlled areas of the country… And Prigozhin clearly stated that the official reasons for the invasion were false… which is true…

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  189. @RUR

    In 2014, Nuland-Kagan ran a putsch in Kiev in collaboration with the local Nazi party. The founder of the Ukrainian Nazi Party, Andrij Parubij, was a commandant of the putsch. Nuland-Kagan is Jewish and belongs to a rabidly Russophobic Kagans clan of warmongers. See PNAC signed by Kagans, neocons, and neo-Nazi Dobrianski. Dick Cheney (the traitor) features among the signatories: http://www.takeoverworld.info/pnac_signers.html

    The Nazification of Ukraine was a joint project of Jews (possessed by the supremacist idea of “full-spectrum dominance”) and the dishonorable MIC. The 2014 putsch in Kiev was followed by a civil war, during which Banderites (self-proclaimed Nazis supported by American ziocons) killed some 16,000 civilians of all ages in Donbas. Jewish oligarch Kolomojsky (the prez of the Jewish Community of Ukraine) personally founded and funded four nazi battalions, including the Azov battalion, adored by the Israeli and US Jews.
    Mother Russia lost 26 million of her citizens during WWII against fascism. Jews are not impressed. A rabid Jewish Russophobia turned the ADL/Jewish Lobby and all 37 members of the US Congress into Judeo-Fascists. The global Jewish community at large stands with Banderites.

    “Jon Stewart honors Azov Battalion at Pentagon-funded Disney World event:” https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/09/06/aque-s06.html
    This is how the world knows that “ovens,” “soap,” and “6 mln.” are inventions by the profiteering Jews.

    “‘Israel’ welcomes, honors Nazi Azov battalion:” https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/israel-welcomes-honors-nazi-azov-battalion

    The delegation said: “When today in Israel we talk about the defense of Mariupol, the Israelis, understanding, first of all, the military differences between the war 2,000 years ago and today, constantly repeat: ‘Mariupol is your Masada.’ And we will definitely return there.”

    Stepan Bandera and Banderites turned out to be your Jewish Heroes. Mazel Tov!

    Keep posting your Russophobic stuff. Some facts about Jewish depravity need to be reminded about again and again.

    • Replies: @RUR
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  190. @Kukulkan

    Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus to Christians had the utmost importance. Remember, the vast majority of early Christians were Europeans, Greeks, Romans and others who had NO idea of the religious sabbath of the Jews. It didn’t cross their minds, nor was it in their cognitive horizon–it was then natural that Christians in their enthusiasm turned to Sunday, the day of Christ’s resurrection as the holiday du jure.

    Judaizing is a heresy. The Puritans adopted as literal the OT and used that to create their religious value system. Voegelin outs them out as Gnostics–They are truly. Look for the links of Thomas Bertonneau in this thread. It will explain that.

  191. lucskye says:
    @Laurent Guyénot

    There is some truth to what you say regarding jihad being a thing of the past which became revived with the crusades of western Christianity. Infact there even treaties between Islamic world and Eastern Christianity or Byzantium. The Byzantines were coerced to ally with the crusaders to topple the muslims something which they felt uneasy to do and didn’t want to as they being honourable meant something to them. We can see this in the handy work today vis a vis Iraq/afghan/Mideast versus Ukraine. Who operated with restraint and without, very telling.

    When the Turks came along and took the reigns of the Caliphate they had far more ambition and were imbued with less sentiments like honour and treaty obligations; but then again the Turks were the same people who murdered family members so they could be next in line for the throne and they weren’t exactly the originators of Islam, the arabs were. They mostly adopted islam due to rising from the ranks of slavery and seeing as the religion held some prestige being synonymous with power which they adopted for strategic and reputation. I’m not saying the Turks were imposters but they had both good and bad in their rule however they were quite accommodating to various ethnicities in the region and did try to maintain the various cultures under them under the

    Ottoman Caliphate umbrella; atleast until towards the end of their reign when they went totally skin to something now affecting the west at this present time. Yeah we’ve got so many example of previous empires of their rise and decline so if we don’t learn from them including eastern ones like the Ottomans then I guess we deserve what evers coming, as tragic as that would be.

    With the encroaching of the crusaders the Ottomans were forced to defend and I guess they just got the conquering bug in them so when crusader apologists try to use “oh no they’re at the gates of venice” just remember who started that bug, it was conquer or be conquered in that time at least overtly, now its mostly overt.

    There is a metaphysical analysis to this story which is playing out as we discuss these in a geopolitical, worldy sense but you have to be religious or non-atheist to have such an appreciation. I don’t know where you lie on this spectrum but perhaps you could do a hypothetical metaphysical perspective analysis in a future article if you’re able. And it should be prefaced by its hypothetical role so as not to annoy the avowed atheists on here.

  192. RUR says:

    But Russia recognized the president elected after the Maidan coup d’ etat, so what are you talking about? The official reasons for the invasion are false ones… And Putin or Moscow has never accused any Jew for anything… why? and stop your silly Russian habit of labelling the opponent As for WW2, the USSR and the 3d Reich concluded the Pact with the secret protocol and both without any previous declaration of war attacked Poland, which was the beginning of the war… WWII…

  193. Most definitely not over, the Jew abortions of Christianism and Islamism have billions of adherents. Actually, Chinks and Russkies have joined the USEUNATO terrorists in crusading under plandemic and “sustainable development” banners, so we’ve devolved further, into “multipolar” crusaderism.

  194. Odyssey says:
    @Michael Korn

    In one of previous comments I mentioned some of the methods that the Vatican used in their mafia strategy of conquering new territories around the world. In addition to carrying out genocide using genocidal groups (like Croats), the most primitive circumcised Muslim goatbangers, the Inquisition, Jesuits for destroying existing and creating new artificial identities (Romanians), etc, let’s also mention the brainwashing (sometimes complete brain removal).

    It seems that you are in this category, which cannot understand that the Catholic mafia sect that neither then nor now had anything to do with Christianity, like Wojtyla’s show ponies, the cartoon duo rurlek & fuflek, who even consider that mafia structure as civilization.

    • Replies: @Druid55
  195. @RUR

    What genocide? You mean to tell me that you are ignorant of the fact that some 14,000 Donbass residents died due to shelling and rocket attacks, primarily on the city of Donetsk. The plan of attack for February of ’22 was to be a mass killing of those ethnic Russians, with many also fleeing into the R.U. proper.

    Photos? I don’t do photos, as I’m technicollogelically challenged as nearing birthday #79.

    As for the ethnic Russians “still living in Ukraine controlled areas…how many of them were press-ganged and conscripted as cannon-fodder for the blood-sacrifices demanded by the ones who give them their marching orders? Ethnic Hungarians in the Carpathian region were also selected out as human sacrifices.

    Strikes me that either you are a media-mesmerized moron or a Ukie yourself, or descended from such and live in the U$$A or Canuckistan.

  196. Odyssey says:

    It can be noted that Catholicism is strongest in the most primitive (and dumbest) layers of South America, (among the physically almost exterminated and mentally destroyed natives) and Poland, not even Ireland or Italy are what they were, not to mention France.

    Catholic church, which started as a schism or cult and became a monster. For example, we still remember when a Catholic William the Conqueror came to England in 1066, England was an Orthodox country. Orthodox bishops refused to crown him, and they were replaced by Catholic priests. The last Orthodox bishop, who casted anathema on the Pope, was taken to prison, where he died in 1072. This period was remembered as terror and robbery against England’s population.

    • Replies: @RUR
  197. @Anonymous

    Many scholars having known both regimes stated the opposite : the Muslim powers at that specific time were less abusive, in particular as regards taxes : they were limited to a moderate definite amount by the Islamic law whereas the European custom fixed no limits to what the commoners owed. It must be noted that the Crusading powers were not led by Christians but by esotericists like the Templars whose descendants are rather the Masonic orders of today rather than the Catholic orders as we know them. The Templar order was a system of financial extorsion in both France and Holy Land.

    Your map comparing Muslim conquests compared to Crusaders’ battles is very wrong : first of all the Holy Land was not at all the main theatre of the Crusaders’ most important albeit always temporary conquests : why are the Byzantine cities including Constantinople itself not indicated in red despite the fact that they were a more important military objective and suffered more military defeats and pillages at the hands of the Crusaders? Why are the battled waged by France under Louis IX in Tunisia not indicated as the state they founded around Carthage was as long-lasting as that one around Jerusalem? Why no mention of the Spanish Reconquista which was the Crusade that succeeded in the long run?

    The map mentioning the Muslim conquests under the Ummayads and Fatimids is also misleading in the sense it supposes that the Muslim Empire came as a bringer of war and militarism in a landscape up to then peaceful. Nope. Northern Africa in particular was in a state of perpetual feudal warfare among small warring kingdoms and the success of the Muslims was quite like Napoleon’s would be later : they brought in an organized state. The most realistic map should show red arrows pointing in all directions being replaced by red arrows pointing in the same.

  198. Anon[291] • Disclaimer says:

    I suspect that the link between the French and American revolutions can be found in John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, published in 1536 and addressed to king Francis I of France.

    I have a vague memory of Calvin’s original name being that of ‘Cohen‘.

    • Replies: @CCG
  199. @Laurent Guyénot

    Oh my goodness! A coherent and reasonable comment on the internet. Mr. Guyenot, you have earned a fan.

    “…don’t you think the Catholic medieval crusade created a dynamic that did have a lasting influence on Yankee mentality?…”

    The connection between the two is as simple as Chesterton’s “…when men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything…” Both the Catholic Crusaders and the Calvinist Yankees were driven, as all humans are, with a desire to find meaning in our evanescent lives.

    But to jump from the Crusaders to the French Revolutionaries to the Calvinist Yankees is two jumps too many. The Crusaders believed in the Triune God of St. Paul and the Nicene Creed (as I do). The French Revolutionaries decapitated Catholics. (One of my daughters is named after Blessed Charlotte of the Resurrection, one of the victims of the Terror). And the Calvinist Yankees despised both Catholics and French Revolutionaries. All that the three groups had in common was a certainty that their faith was the one true faith.

    If all three groups has anything in common, it is the monomaniacal certainty that their belief is the correct one and everybody that doesn’t agree with them should be exterminated.

    Aș a practicing Catholic, I’m inclined to allow any believers in pre-Enlightenment religions the space to believe what they want. I think this is what Alexander Dugin believes. Everything “Enlightenment and after” is garbage. Everything pre-Enlightenment should be allowed.

    Best regards.

  200. @annamarina

    But it’s true. Mariupol IS Masada. The psychos extirpated by the Romans were zealots, ‘sicarii’, butcher assassins who murdered Romans, Greeks, even other Jews, with daggers secreted upon their person. Just near Masada they wiped out an entire village of Jews, before running off to their ‘impregnable’ redoubt. Just like the murderous Azov rats in Mariupol, they underestimated their enemy.

    • Thanks: annamarina
  201. @wlindsaywheeler

    “ For ‘Rabbi’ Harry Waton said, “The Soul of Communism is the Soul of Judaism”.

    It does conflate with Rabi Stephen Wise when he said about the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia: it looks to me more like Judaism than Bolshevism (From Douglas Reed’s The Controversy of Zion)

    • Replies: @wlindsaywheeler
  202. @wlindsaywheeler

    You bring an issue of immense importance in this post that relates to the long struggle permeating civilized society with respect to equality among people.

    While IMHO republicanism has proven itself to be the worst kind of governance, as argued by Hitler in Mein Kampf, for under a republican parliamentary system, the lack of clear responsibility is the salient feature, where any decision maker’s alibi is that the majority has voted for bad decisions and therefore any participant in such decisions gets his/her immunity.

    While the bestowing of special rights, privileges and authority to claimants of blue blood does seem reprehensible to many people simply by looking at the British Royal Family, I think the worst nihilist assault on hierarchy is the trashing of Meritocracy through Affirmative Action, inclusion and diversity. Looking around me to many countries that have ditched meritocracy, the inevitable outcome has been mediocracy with its nefarious side effect of decaying societies.

    Arabs and Jews have more in common than most analysts convey, for both ethnicities have preserved strong elements of tribalism throughout the ages, but Arabs have had a stronger tendency than Jews to abide by hereditary rule which they protected more by iron and blood rather than by subject consent. That is why the transfer of power in Arab dominated societies has been far bloodier than in Christian European societies.

  203. @wlindsaywheeler

    BTW, I think transgenderism and the incessant promotion of homosexuality are an assault on the authority of nature.

  204. RUR says:

    Unlike the Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism is based on philosophy, especially that of Thomas Aquinas, the Dominican philosopher… Thomas provided a critical philosophical framework for natural law and Catholic doctrine that would shape centuries of Catholic and scientific thought.

    Cracow Circle Thomism (named after Cracow) has been called “the most significant expression of Catholic thought between the two World Wars. The Circle was founded by a group of philosophers and theologians that in distinction to more traditional Neo-Scholastic Thomism embraced modern formal logic as an analytical tool for traditional Thomist philosophy and theology.

    The doctrine of Thomism is not so much a teaching about the dogmas of faith, but rather a teaching about ways to comprehend this teaching through reason.

    Odysey, in Ireland and especially in Slovakia Catholicism is stronger… and I envy them
    The Eastern Orthodoxy doesnt use philosophy as doctrine and instead highly unsophisticated every day language is used and each priest provides his own interpretation often primitive in form and essence. So the Orthodoxy in this respect is non-uniforn as Protestantism

    Evident that Odyssey himself is an oversimplified product of the highly unsophisticated Orthodox culture…

    • Replies: @Odyssey
    , @Alden
  205. @wlindsaywheeler

    I said that “The Jews are natural gnostics”.

    I’m not sure if I can agree with that statement, but, interestingly, recent scholars of early gnosticism conclude that gnosticism is a Jewish movement predating christianity. For example: Gilles Quispel in Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica, Brill, 2008. But in my view, Jewish gnosticism was a reaction to Jewish materialism, as extreme as what it sought to reject. But gnosticism also has a strong Platonic influence.

  206. @Joe Levantine

    Thanks for the comments, Joe. I read all of them. I rather like this form of Rabbi Stephen Wise’s comment: “Some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism”. He is absolutely right! Communism is the complete platform of Jewish Messianism.

    Jewish Messianism is about rebuilding the Tower of Babel, establishing a Utopia, Peace, destroying Amalek, destroying idolatry. The Russian Revolution exhibited all of that! The Jewish led Soviet began ethnic dilution agendas in their sphere by moving half of populations out of their homelands and bringing in other nationalities; they killed millions of Christian Russians slaughtering over 200,000 Russian Orthodox clergy and monks–that is “destroying idolatry” (Christianity is idolatry to the Jews), and then the genocide of the Russian Royal family and the killing of a lot of Russians is about “destroying Amalek”—ALL and Any nation that harms/hurts/oppresses the Jew is Amalek and all Amalek has to be destroyed! The Russian Revolution is all of that. Communism is Jewish Messianism to the fullest; it is it’s manifestation! We see this now in America; we are undergoing a Marxist takeover of America. It’s amazing to behold Jewish power, intrigue and mafia tactics!

    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
  207. Odyssey says:

    We have already discussed something on that topic under Laurent’s previous text.

    We agreed that Orthodoxy is the continuation of several civilizations that existed in that area for several thousand of years – from the oldest European civilization in Vinca, the cradle of European culture and language, through the Aryan, Persian, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Etruscan, so-called ‘ancient Greek’, Roman, the so-called Byzantine, etc.

    You thought that all that civilizational and historical heritage was something negative. We also concluded, and you indirectly confirm it here, that the so-called Western civilization has no roots and sometimes tries to artificially stretch ‘ancient Greece’ to Troy and then appropriates and declares it as its own roots.

    Christianity and the first Christian diocese were also formed and developed in the Roman capital Sirmium (40 km from Belgrade), and the Serbian-Roman emperors played a key role in this – Diocletian (persecuted Christians), Galerius, Licinius and Constantine (issued edicts on tolerance), Constantine (legalized Christianity), Justinian (built the largest church). We should also mention the Serb – St Gerome, who was the first to translate the Bible into Latin and it is still in official use.

    And what does Western Christianity have – none of the original Christian principles, a mafia-type corporation based on the philosophy of one man as you have said (Thomas Aquinas). A religion based on one man’s philosophy is meaningless. It is the same as Scientology which rests on the Dianetics (or so?) philosophy of one man – Hubbard. Another example is – Marxism.

    In order for something like that to work, fierce indoctrination, inquisitional terror, the Jesuit Gestapo, secret services, genocides, the conquest of new territories for mafia activities are necessary, and this is best achieved by strict control over the private lives of individuals and brainwashing of entire nations, as in the Polish case, and you, Rurlek, did an excellent job in demonstrating that.

    • Agree: annacat
    • Replies: @RUR
    , @Alden
  208. RUR says:

    We agreed that

    I dont know who agreed with your nonsense… but it wasnt me…

    And what does Western Christianity have – none of the original Christian principles, a mafia-type corporation based on the philosophy

    It is much better to have a cultivated for several centuries philosophy based doctrine than an arbitrary set of interpretations made by neophytes brought up in the atheistic societies… and the amoral development of the mafia-type state structures in Ukraine and Russia resulted in the military crisis… As far as I remember, we agreed – or at least your didint deny it – that the Orthodox countries appropriate/take for their own use many civilizational achievements originated in Catholic/Western/European societies – the Orthodoxy is highly imitative…

    As for civilizations, the Byzantine civilization as it is clearly seen in the word combination:’Byzantine civilization‘ – wasnt a continuation of any other civilization because it was a new civilization… sure, in spite of Mr. Kaldellis and Mr. Guyenot’s heroic efforts, the Byzantine civilization isnt a continuation of the previous ancient Greek traditions… A for Catholicism, its evident that the ancient Rome and pre-Byzantine Greek traditions are cultivated in art, in legal systems, theology Thomas Aquinas philosophy was influenced by Aristotle etc etc.

  209. @Gerry

    Germany is not Gog and Magog. Russia is all that alone. Simply stating the facts is not “demonizing.”

  210. Joe Wong says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Americans believe the USA is safe haven from wars, Mexico is their Achilles’ heel. Mexico is way better than Cuba to bring wars to the USA, and render the thousand of US overseas military bases moot, as well as put the USA on the fate of Roman Empire.

  211. Scotlyn says:

    Dear Mr Guyenot, thank you for this and other thought-provoking essays.

    If you have not yet encountered it, I think you might find it interesting to look at the work of Vine Deloria Jr – especially the book “God is Red” – where he examines the Christian religion and record from the point of view of one of the crusade’s targets. He was of the Standing Rock Sioux people and was also a historian and theologian, whose career spanned Native American activism as well as professorships at the Universities of Arizona and of Colorado, if I remember correctly.

    His “other side” perspective cast upon the Christian doctrines deeply informed by his education in theology, as well as by his experience of European colonisation, is rivetting.

    Be well.

  212. Anonymous[232] • Disclaimer says:

    If you give a Pinky finger to any American or British, before you know it, they bash your skull with an M16, bomb and burn your country and home to Stone age, rape your children and women, Rob and Steal everything you have and everything you Will ever have, torture, spy and interfere to everything you do on your country. This is The American and British way and always has Been. Not to forget huge double standards, thinking that everybody Else is a primitive barbarian or evil and they have to run everybodys businesses, they have to teach and educate others to their very primitive, barbaric and satanic ways. All their history they have always Been this way and always Will Be. Its all they are. Just pure, primitive, sick and aggressive Animals.

    • Replies: @Malla
  213. Malla says:

    Something is wrong with your head.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  214. @Scotlyn

    As I am now reading it, I am reminded of another good book: Weston La Barre, The Ghost Dance: The Origins of Religion, 1970

  215. @Scotlyn

    Thanks, found it on archive.org I like the chapter 10 on “death and religion”

    • Replies: @Scotlyn
  216. Anonymous[232] • Disclaimer says:

    In that case most people in The World would have something wrong with their heads. Most people in The World have always hated and fought against American and British. They are our mutual Enemy, but we Will drive them out for once and for good.

    • Replies: @Malla
  217. Druid55 says:

    Sometimes when i read your stuff, I don’t regret that you were bombed for 3 weeks. And if you serbs are all like you, i say we do it again

    • Replies: @Odyssey
  218. Anonymous[387] • Disclaimer says:

    The “Catholic” Church.

    And you guys inarguably caused that.

  219. Alden says:

    Odyssey is another weirdo fanatic. His main thing is that all eastern central and Western Europeans are actually Serbians. Like the author of this driveling nonsense article, Odyssey is also a fanatic Eastern Orthodox Christian of the Serbian sect.

  220. @RUR

    “Jewish Bankers Were the Cause of Both World War 2 and the Armenian Genocide:” https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/jewish-bankers-were-cause-both-world-war-2-armenian

    by David Sims

    IT SHOULD be no secret to any educated person that wars are usually instigated for financial reasons.

    The Armenian Genocide (1915), often blamed on Turkish nationalism, was actually triggered by the Rothschild banking family, through their agent, a Jew named Emanuel Curasso. He was part of the group that led the Young Turks, whose membership was a mixture of Muslims and Jews.

    The Rothschilds owned the Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company, which extracted oil from fields near Baku, in Azerbaijan, and shipped it to their refinery in Fiume on the Adriatic.

    The products were then sold throughout the Middle East.

    The Rothschilds wanted to eliminate ethnic conflict along the trade route, and since the Armenians were the weakest party in those conflicts, the cheapest way for the Rothschilds to get what they wanted was to eliminate the Armenians.

    Likewise, the Second World War began because Germany broke away from the Jewish banking houses (including the Rothschilds).

    The Jewish bankers had expected Hitler to place Germany in debt with loans from their banks as his means of bringing about Germany’s economic recovery. Instead, Hitler found other means — including international barter and alternative financial systems in which the Jews didn’t have any usurious fingers in the pie.

    This fact was well-understood at the time, and it was summarized by Viscount Lymington: “If we have a period of peace for only three years, the financial system of Messrs. Frankfurter, Warburg, and Baruch, and most of Wall Street, will topple of its own accord.” (Source: The New Pioneer, May 1939.)

    That was the actual reason for the Second World War.

    Hitler was about to yank the Jewish vampire off the back of Western civilization, and that vampire did not want to be deprived of its prey. So it began a war to defend the parasitical status quo.

    The invasion of Poland was a pretext. If it had been the real reason for the war, then the simultaneous invasion of Poland’s eastern half by the Soviet Union would have been just as objectionable as Germany’s invasion of Poland’s western half.

    • Agree: Odyssey, A B Coreopsis
    • Replies: @RUR
  221. Alden says:

    Crusaders never went to Anatolia. Their objectives were always Jerusalem. Thi total ignorance on this site never ceases to amaze. Get yourself to a university library and read books about the crusades. Books written from various points of view. From the enlightenment Masonic Jew Protestant view that everything done by the Roman Christian’s was always wrong evil and bad. To the truth that the Muslims first invaded Europe kept invading Europe right up to 1830.

    And that the crusades were nothing more than a defensive war against the invading Muslims. Similar to Russia invading west into Poland to meet the Germans invading Poland.

    And you ignoramuses who know no thinging but Guyenot’s lies don’t know that the Roman Pope, not the Byzantine emperor and chief bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church was widely recognized as the defender of mid East n African and central Asian Christians of whatever sect.

  222. Alden says:

    St Jerome was a Dalmatian. And Dalmatia in his time was part of Croatia; then as now, Germanic people culture and language and Roman Catholic. Not Serbs.

    • Replies: @Odyssey
    , @Adolf Smith
  223. Odyssey says:

    It must be very frustrating when you can’t find one thing wrong in my comments. It is even worse when you are ashamed and hide your own background. Unlike Catholic countries, Orthodoxy has an influence such as Red Cross and people feel free because no one interferes in their private life. This is not possible in the Catholic mafia system. You are probably still carrying trauma from your early childhood and your experience with Catholic priests as an altar boy.

    Your ignorance is catastrophic. Dalmatians were Serbs and no Croatia or Croats (or Croatian language) existed at the time of St. Jerome (Gerome). The Western Roman Empire still existed. The dividing line between the mother church and the apostate Catholic sect ran through the middle of the Serbian lands.

    You didn’t find any objections to the mentioning of the Serbian-Roman emperors (e.g. Diocletian, Constantine, Justinian), so I assume that you agree with me at least on that point. Yes, St. Gerome is one of the 4 greatest Catholic saints and he was the most serious candidate to be the pope, but he was not chosen only because of his grumpiness and because he was a non-conformist.

    That alone is enough to suggest that he was a Serb. Dalmatia never belonged to Croatia. In fact, the Croats never had their own state until 1941, when their genocidal creation was formed, and after that only in 1992, Dalmatia was given to them by the communists after WW2.

  224. Juanisaac says:
    @Xander Pendable

    You forget the Massacre of the Latins in Constantinople years before. Also Constantinople has been besieged about a dozen times and you can’t blame the Latin Church for those: Sassanids, Arabs, Bulgars, Avars, Seljuks, Lombards, Huns et. al. were outside those walls over 1,200 years

    • Agree: Alden
  225. Juanisaac says:

    I disagree with the thesis. The facts are all factual but not the conclusions. This guy makes the Crusaders like the Conquistadors in wanting plunder. I am sure some did. The Crusades were the counter attack against the Muslims after 500 years of raids and offenses. About 600 raids were carried out by Muslims seeking slaves and plunder in Europe. The Saracens even sacked Rome and almost conquered France. The Muslims caused the Dark Ages by ceasing trade in the Mediterranean with their pirates.

    • Agree: Mosafer Hastam, Alden
    • Replies: @IceFalcon
    , @Alden
  226. Activate auto-subs:

    “Few would have expected this scenario: Another Gaddafi fighting for power. Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi, the second son of Libyan dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi, who was killed in 2011, is running in his country’s presidential elections. Statements from relatives and political players paint a portrait of an unpredictable and fiercely determined man.

    Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi’s presidential election bid poses a major challenge for Libya. The second son of Libyan dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi, he has been convicted several times in Libya and is being prosecuted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi has a unique career: in his first life, he grows up in a clan that smells numerous conspiracies. He leads a playboy existence in Europe and presents himself to the world as a reformer.

    In his second life, which begins with the Libyan revolution in 2011, he represents the oppression that comes from his father’s regime. He is captured by anti-Gaddafi militias. He is put on trial, in which he is only allowed to participate via video link. His fate is a concern for the Libyan people, all kinds of rumors are circulating, his life is threatened.

    They say he is a crazy, sick mystic who has taken to the desert. What makes him run for president despite death threats? What does he know about the secret machinations of his father’s regime? What chances does he have of coming to power?

    His eventful life reflects the current chaos in Libya: the country is divided, there is a government in the east and one in the west, rival militias are vying for power, and foreign states are exerting influence on the conflict. With testimonies from relatives and political actors, ARTE paints a portrait of Saif al-Islam – an unpredictable and fiercely determined survivor who is trying to make his way.”


    • Replies: @emerging majority
  227. Rabbi Harassowitz knows: “Early practice makes perfect what wants to become a full-grown world plague!” But the small cap does not grow along, under which (supposedly) “gigantically superior IQ” is hidden. https://odysee.com/@Sasquatch:6/aabbshalllllllllllllllllllllll:8

  228. @Benchmark

    As I understand it, Calvinism is a creed in which it is determined from the outset on whom God’s blessing rests and on whom it does not. The former are rewarded by success, the latter must fail. Calvinism is traditionally widespread in Switzerland and the Netherlands, and there is of course no reason to justify one’s actions as long as one is materially successful, since this is proof of God’s blessing. In this sense, any good business, be it human trafficking, arms smuggling, production of narcotics or environmental destruction, would be legitimate.

  229. @Anon

    How will you know that China is not expanding? In the past, neighboring peoples were simply assimilated. Meanwhile, New Zealand and Australia are teeming with Chinese. They are also present in Africa, predominantly where there is timber, minerals and other resources. The Gulf of Guinea, once one of the richest waters for fish, is now at the point of no return in terms of regeneration. The beaches of New Zealand have been dredged for cement in China. Likewise the drinking water supplies, are all shipped to China. If that’s not expansion, tell me what is.

  230. RUR says:

    Thanks for you effort but i have already heard more or less about this, however we have been talking about Putin.. the fact remains that Putin/Moscow as far as i know have never accused any Jew for any Jewish plot… instead Putin prior to the war declared on several occasions – victory day, Auschwitz liberation etc – that antisemitism, fascism would be stopped by him… Putin made obvious allusions to Ukraine… so he had been plotting long before the war broke out… he was hoping to find some understanding/support among Jews… difficult to say how successful he was, but its evident that all this isnt so simple as you think…

  231. @Xander Pendable

    Is this article saying that Christianity was spread by the sowrd for over 9 centuries?

  232. @Californian_21

    The seventh century, and the rise of Islam, the World was at war. The Bizantinian and Persian empire were at war. Both taxed excessively and mistreated their populations.
    Islam, spread under abolishing hight taxes and paying for whatever the army needed.
    They did not persecute the indigenous population and allowed and protected freedom of worship.
    The problem was simply that the Byzantinian empire was loosing tax revenue. The real threat, was Islam did not require or allow organized religion. It didn’t require “gatekeepers” to forgiveness or absolution. The middle man, the Priest was no longer necessary.
    As long as we, in the West, continue to keep believing that our materialism is superior to everything else, the more we will continue to worship ourselves.

    • Replies: @Alden
  233. Scotlyn says:
    @Laurent Guyénot

    Please enjoy. I know you will put it to good use.

    I have just this afternoon received my copy of “Yahweh to Zion”, and am looking forward to reading it.

    I would just note that your translator, Kevin Barrett, in his preface, refers to the Girardian idea that “monotheism’s anti-idolatry impetus stems largely from it’s half-conscious understanding that polytheistic ‘religions’ are, in the final analysis, cults of human sacrifice.” I think that the work of Vine Deloria Jr (among others) throws this preposterous statement in a different light, which I think you will appreciate.

    Best wishes.

    *goes off to keep reading*

    • Replies: @Laurent Guyénot
  234. Anonymous[232] • Disclaimer says:
    @Mosafer Hastam

    American and British always, always find excuses for everything and see expansion and influence of others as a problem on The other side of The World, within and around their Borders. American and British always believe and see that they are better, morally superior, right, cultured and sivilized and everybody Else is wrong, evil, barbaric, primitive etc. They see that they should take over societies and all resources to their own pockets because remember, only American and British know how to run everything, only they have The right to do it, only they are good, moral, cilivilized, educated and everybody Else must submit to them, their sick values, their sick moral and their sick sense of The Christian Faith etc. Do not blame jews for EVERYTHING, when American and British have always Been sick on genetic level. Its The cause of most events and repetition of everything.

    • Replies: @Malla
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  235. RUR says:

    Martin Luther’s perfectly reasonable Ninety-five Theses, and one of his reasons for later calling the pope “the real Antichrist who has raised himself over and set himself against Christ” in his Smalcald Articles. Indeed, it is hard to deny that, by some Luciferian hubris, the popes undermined their own credibility and the unity of European Christendom, and plunged Europe in its bloodiest wars ever.

    To begin with, some German lands were forcibly Romanized, then the Church wasnt Latin/Roman in the name only and finally Germany experienced a tremendous oriental influence – the Byzantine influence… so they developed a permanent hostile attitude towards Rome and this was the real cause for calling the pope the real Antichrist…

    And in addition, the Germans themselves conducted starting from the 10th century the most cruel crusades using dirty methods and cunning deceit in the area between the Elbe and Oder rivers then populated by the Pagan Western Slaves – Obodrites, a people of the Polabian group – and later in Eastern Prussia too till they were crushed in the Grunwald battle (15 century) by Poland… Martin Luther wasnt perfectly reasonable – it was the manifestation of the typical German hypocrisy…

    • Replies: @Odyssey
  236. IceFalcon says:

    If that is the case why did the West conquer Jerusalem but the Orthodox (Eastern) Roman Empire did not try to conquer the Holy City after they signed it over in the 7thC? Why was it a post-schismatic West that had this obsession?
    If it was about protecting Westerners from being enslaved by pirates why conquer Jerusalem? Was it Jerusalem they were operating from?
    If it was about protecting Western Europe from military invasions then why Jerusalem? Jerusalem was not the launchpad for these invasions.
    The author is correct that these Crusades were Western Europe’s first experiment in colonialism. They only came to an end in 1917 with General Allenby’s conquest. And note in a few decades a state of Israel is (re)born. How curious?

    • Agree: Odyssey
  237. Salvation by War or Money

    The Crusade introduced a new way of individual salvation: penitential warfare. God, speaking through His vicar on earth, now granted full remission of sins (thence a place in Heaven) to whoever would swear to travel to the Holy Land and kill infidels or be killed by them.

    I would like to insert into this discussion at completely new viewpoint about the Crusades. There is no salvation, salvation is a ruse, earth is a prison planet, a hell planet, where souls have already been condemned to reincarnate over and over – with no escape. All theologies, about getting saved by prayers, murdering infidels, believe in the one true Jewish man (Jesus), or any other belief are all made up and false.


    Soul Trap Theory (sounds plausible but may be just more bullshit)

    No one ever gets saved or gets off this shit hole, heaven doesn’t want you back, you have already been condemned by heaven (which means the rulers in the heavens above). Faith is in vain, what you believe while incarnated in a fleshly body makes no difference, when you die, your soul gets caught and is forced to incarnate again.

    The source of this information is the soul trap hypothesis, after death your spirit leaves your body and goes to the light, which is a soul trap, then your soul is erased, you lose all of your data from the life you just ended, and you start over again, on earth, tabula rasa.

    A good read on this theory is found in the book ‘Alien Interview’ by Lawrence Spencer, free online.


    Malevolent Ai and Earth as a Virtual Holographic Reality

    Basically with this theory you live on a Holodeck, this world is a simulation just like a video game, you, being your character, is animated and lives and dies, just like in a game. The movie ‘The Matrix’ addresses what you are – a coppertop, or a battery, an energy source for the matrix.

    The Matrix theory is similar to Loosh theory, that Archons runs earth to create and harvest negative energy. That is why humans society is always in stress, war, why suffering is rampant and always has been with us. The owners want it that way. The owners have been said to be Reptilians, who employ the little Greys as EBE robots to manage earth.


    Thus, in conclusion, the Crusades were a gigantic waste of time and money, just another manipulation by the higher mind to abuse us. Humans have been brainwashed by the Bible to believe they must get saved, get right by God to get into heaven. It’s not true, there is no singular God, its the gods, and they are not gods, but aliens with high tech, advanced societies which seeded earth with humans. The ancient alien theory is popular on television and Sitchin books.

    Humans are not from earth so says Dr. Ellis Silver. The evidence is clear, humans do not fit into earth’s biosphere, we sunburn, need glasses, have thousands of diseases no primate has, …

    Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence Paperback – September 28, 2017
    by Ellis Silver (Author)

    The Neanderthals had brow ridges to keep the sun out of their eyes, but why don’t we? When a leading scientist walked into a wall and broke his nose, he decided to find out. In this fascinating and wide-ranging book, Dr. Ellis Silver examines the evidence that’s all around us … and discovers that we evolved on a world distinctly different from the one we live on today.

    When you read that God created humans in his likeness and image, that means in modern terms, the gods, the Elohim, or the Anunnaki, created humans using their DNA. We look like them, because we have their DNA.

    And if so, why in the hell did we go to the Jerusalem to wage war because of some desert demon religious beliefs? The answer is disturbing, humans are a delusional specie, a self aware specie that desperately seeks salvation from this hell reality. We don’t belong here.

  238. Odyssey says:

    Rurlek is completely lost. ‘German lands’? Which German countries and since when? The Germans took the land from the native Serbs. And they were Romanized? What does that even mean and who did it? Who were those Romans?

    Western Slavs – Obodrites? You are probably thinking of the Serbian tribe Bodrići (and Ljutići) as well as the Serbian tribes that founded Berlin and lived around the Elbe (is it difficult to put some a non-Serbian label on them?).

    Martin Luther was originally from the tribe of Ljutići (just like Leibniz the founder of the German Academy of Science). As a convert to Catholicism, he was known as a big Serb hater, but he also hated other ‘Slavs’, Czechs and Poles, calling them collectively drunkards and thieves.

    That’s how it is when Catholicism eats your brain and all that remains is hatred of your origin and denial that it ever existed.

    • LOL: Alden
    • Replies: @RUR
    , @Commentator Mike
  239. Odyssey says:

    I made a bet with myself (and won) that someone would be caught and would recognize himself as a ‘circumsized muslim goatbanger’.

    First, the NATO bombing of the Serbs did not last 3 weeks but three months, after which NATO did not know what to do (because they were cowards to send ground troops) and asked Yeltsin to help them and mediate. He sent Chernomyrdin to Belgrade and later stated that Milošević did not know that Chernomyrdin did not come to help him but the Americans to somehow get out of that hopeless situation, since they could not defeat the Serbs and also there was nothing left to bomb.

    An agreement was signed that accepted international law and Serbian demands (including that NATO soldiers can come to Kosovo only as members of the UN blue helmet troops). Of course, the Americans, as usual, did not live up to a single thing they signed.

    But all that has nothing to do with you circumcised Muslim goatbangers. You are not and will not bomb anyone. You wandered into Europe where you spent most of your history as Ottoman bashibozuks and terrorizing Serbs Christians for centuries until you became the leading narco-dealers in the world. You can only bomb the Serbs with your goat droppings.

  240. @Once And For All

    Muamar Gadhaffi could be described as an authoritarian leader, but calling him a dictator is a bit over the edge. Led in this instance by France, fronting for the Rottenchild Crime Clan, the various puppet regimes in NATO viciously assaulted Libya and the Wicked Witch of the West, Hillary, cackled on live teevee when she heard that the hero of most of Africa was murdered with insane violence by one of the “freedom fighters” sponsored by the collective West.

    For starters…and ending his life, ultimately, Gadhaffi established a Gold Dinar for all of Africa, which was backed by Libyan oil revenue. Old man Rottenfeller once remarked that “competition is a sin”. All the 8 crime clans who own the Feral Reserve and most all of the major central banks of the West feel the same way. That is the primary reason why Muammar was taken down. Talmudists utterly despised the man because his projected loans to other African lands would NOT include usurious terms.

    So how’s a Talmudist bank$ter to rake in the $hekel$ without charging usurious interest on their loans?

  241. ignotus says:
    @Laurent Guyénot


    Great article by the way, as usual; As for your speculative hypothesis, I think it is perhaps a factor, and I share the desire to understand the world primarily as a dance of ideas, but perhaps simple opportunism and perhaps corruption were critical factors as well, patent with Wilson and then FDR. The more recent use of the crusade aesthetic maybe just that, aesthetics for propaganda purposes. The ground has to be fertile, but the seeds have to be sown.

    As for Latin America not inheriting the crusader ethos, I might also point to its different ethnic composition as a potential factor in most of its countries.

  242. Malla says:

    and see that they are better, morally superior, right, cultured and sivilized and everybody Else is wrong, evil, barbaric, primitive etc.

    Yup Muslims look at the World that ways, Hindus look at the World that way, Chinese look at the World that way………most Third World populations ESPECIALLY look at the World that way. You are basically describing human tribe nature!!!
    The only thing is that while most civilizations stick to themselves in practice and invade and take over neighbouring spaces (with extreme brutality), Anglos believe they have a mission to improve the World. And Anglos had the power to project that power across the World. And many a times they screw up. The Communists too see the World in the same way as Anglos, their ideology is the only saving grace for all mankind and needs to be spread.
    But when Anglo power decreases, it is not that the World will see an era of peace and love. Other civilization powers will try to take over the vacuum and the bullshit will continue but the World will most likely will be broken up into various regional shitshows instead of the Global Anglo shitshow..

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  243. @Mosafer Hastam

    Lying racist thug. The sort of abortion that thinks that China is another Grenada.

    • Replies: @Mosafer Hastam
  244. @Anonymous

    The Anglos are the greatest curse that ever afflicted humanity. For every Newton, they produced a Churchill, for every Shakespeare a Thatcher. Their crazed, racist, hatred of China will end their reign of terror over humanity, but possibly humanity as well.

    • Replies: @sb
  245. RUR says:

    Odyssey, the word has the meaning area too, you do not use translator applications, learn English instead, in addition, you have evident difficulties even with you precious Byzantine/Orthodox/Turkish history, the area between the Elbe and the Oder rivers is a faraway land, very distant from Serbia… and the Balkan Serbs have nothing to do with the history…

    • Replies: @Odyssey
    , @Odyssey
  246. @annamarina

    Judea declares war on German Jews, too.

  247. @wlindsaywheeler

    Ran out of agree options. Great comment. Thanks

  248. @Odyssey

    So the history of the world is the story of some Serbs becoming self-hating and disassociating themselves from the other Serbs to create new nations, a process still going on today and that will no doubt continue into the future, is it? So what is so great and worthy about Serbs that all these nations of the world, who were once Serbs, decided to become non-Serbs and anti-Serbs?

  249. Sadly no more Viking invasions of our Germanic cousins
    from their (unsuspected) north to be expected for a long
    time. What a contrast on the coasts of southern Europe!


    • Replies: @Magnus The Older
  250. @Scotlyn

    In my view, Girard is the most interesting case of a complete fraud being hailed as a genius (in France, and by a little sect). None of his theories are worth anything. And I’ve read about everything he wrote. So if Deloria disagrees with him, it is a good sign. Enjoy from Y to Z!

    • Replies: @Scotlyn
  251. @Magnus The Older

    Incidentally, it is not only interesting for Americans to observe that in Cuxhaven, which represents the northernmost tip of Lower Saxony, and thus the original homeland of the Saxons (the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons), the tide comes in naturally twice a day, and recedes again.

    North Sea was named Germanic Sea. From here most Germans emigrated to America in the last century. In contrast to the swelling, never diminishing indigestible and never to be mastered onslaught tsunami from permanently regrowing “human material” from sub-Sahara.

    • Replies: @Magnus The Older
    , @Odyssey
  252. sb says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    And yet you choose to live in an Anglo created society

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  253. @Magnus The Older

    “From this location the last ENIGMA-code encrypted message of the war was transmitted on 7 May 1945. It reported the arrival of British troops and ends: ‘Closing down for ever – all the best – goodbye.’” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuxhaven#History

    For those who have not yet deciphered this “Enigma”: it meant “Europe is lost (and with it the entire white race)”. Although the first signs were already symbolic in the case of the “Titanic”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_(1943_film)

    • LOL: Alden
    • Replies: @Magnus The Older
  254. @Magnus The Older

    For people interested in “onomatology”:
    The name Tiedemann (Tideman) still do-
    minant today in the Elbe catchment area.


  255. Anonymous[232] • Disclaimer says:

    British and American arent white people. They are admixture of Northern African, middle-eastern, jewish and some white. Multiculturalism has always Been their strength and significant trait.

    • Replies: @Magnus The Older
    , @Alden
  256. @Anonymous

    It is not very tactful to insult these poor people.
    Sometimes too much truth can also be hurtful.

    Schadenfreude is misplaced because, unlike
    Europe, they will surely survive (as always!).

  257. Alden says:

    Guyenot is a fanatic anti Roman Catholic. He blames every problem that occurred in Europe Middle East Central Asia n Africa on the Roman version of Christianity. Nothing he writes is true. I don’t know why his driveling nonsense is published on the site.

    The Byzantine empire and Constantinople were continually raided by Muslims both naval and land forces from 650AD to the conquest of Constantinople in 1452.

    The Turkish empire was a great empire stretching from Central Asia to Morocco and north into Europe. And it was probably the biggest slave empire since the Romans. They even slave raided to Iceland and Greenland. In 1630 the Pilgrims of Plymouth had a ship carrying a load of timber and beaver pelts to England attacked and captured by Turkish pirates. That’s the north Atlantis thousands of miles from Turkish possessions.

    The sheer lies of the author Guyenot the religious fanatic and incredible ignorance and gullibility of the commenters mindlessly accepting his lies is contemptible. Get off the internet and learn about the Arab Beduín Turkish Muslim invasions of Christendom aka Europe before displaying your abysmal ignorance.

    I can’t wait for liar vicious bigot Guyenot to write his version of the Roman Catholic league’s victory at the naval battle of Lepanto over the Turkish navy. And the commenters who never heard of Lepanto before reading Guyenot’s driveling bigotry anger that the Turks lost.

  258. Alden says:
    @One Nobody

    You are so absolutely ignorant of Muslim countries that you don’t know that there were two taxation systems. One for Muslims; no or very little taxes. And another system for non Muslims; the non Muslims paid all the taxes. It was a carrot and stick method of easily converting the infidel. In every Muslim ruled country the government eventually had to put a moratorium on conversions to Islam. As those Muslim governments needed a critical mass of infidel taxpayers.

    Guyenot knows he’s lying. The commenters should be ashamed to display their ignorance of Muslim vs Christian Europe for 1,200 years, 650AD to 1830AD when the French occupation of slave raiding pirating Algeria finally allowed the Mediterranean coast of France to repopulate after 1,200 years of piracy deviation and slave raiding by Muslims.

    • Replies: @One Nobody
  259. Alden says:

    So who are the real White people? Germans latins Slavs Scandinavians ????? FYI, Americans are a mixture of every race on earth from indigenous natives to Africans to Europeans to East Asians.

    • Replies: @Magnus The Older
  260. @Alden

    I truly make funny comments, but the one you now think you have to “LOL at” had absolutely nothing “amusing” about it! Please explain to me (or better to all of us) the “universal reason” for your joy!

    You understand: We all are only stupids who want to participate in your outstanding intelligence! This could perhaps even save the whole world (if probably also unfortunately not the white one).

    If you meant to express “Wonderful!”, your apology is accepted in advance. But please try to generate a somewhat “clearer” response in the future! Best thanks and very warmest greetings from me.

    • Replies: @Alden
  261. Anonymous[232] • Disclaimer says:

    Everybody knows that after The American and British Will Be wiped out from face on The earth, when their tyranny finally ends, prosperity, peace, happiness and freedom can eventually return and we white nations can start to heal from their sickness and infection.

    “Making The World better.” Is just their false and deceptive strategy to move in, Rob, Steal and take over what you have and infect The Land with their own seed. Everybody knows that and everybody has always seen that. Dont worry, we have always done Well and always Will. We know what we are doing, we are cultured and knowleable ourselves. We do not need and we havent ever need germanic infection and invasion on our lands. We want this infection purged and off our lands.

    • Replies: @Malla
  262. We northern Germans are aversive to anything that disturbs our view. That’s why we despise inhabitants of ravines. Of course, we don’t tell them, “You are idiots!” It is unimaginable for us not to have been born on the coast.

    This little Scot girl has taken the gamble of taking a riverboat trip on the Rhine, biking and looking at the castles. Scots are probably closer to Rhinelanders (due to geological conditions) than we are.

    In contrast to Emma, the North German man prefers a cruise on the open sea, which would bore Emma, while at the same time allowing him to examine in detail the technicalities of his means of locomotion.


  263. Odyssey says:
    @Magnus The Older

    It is not true that the name of the Baltic Sea was the German Sea. Try to correct yourself and if you fail I will help you. And maybe you can tell us what the term ‘German’ means? You probably also know the original name of the river Elbe? And I’m sure you know who lived there before the ‘Germans’ came? Was Empress Catherine a Saxon? Was she German?

    Maybe the question about the white race is too difficult for you since nobody (here) knows where its source is and very few know where the cradle of its civilization, culture and language is, which is really a shame for all Europeans and their derivatives. A nice story about a Scottish girl on a bicycle traveling on the Rhine. You probably also know the meaning/origin of the word ‘Rhine’?

    • Replies: @Magnus The Older
  264. Odyssey says:

    Unable to find any material error, Rurlek corrects my synonyms and punctuation. It’s a shame that the Poles piss on their own history (including the fuflek who indirectly says that the Russians actually came from the Poles, from whom they also took the language and then moved all the way to Japan). By the way, what is the meaning of the name Poles? People from the fields? Very catchy!

    It was not the primary thesis that firmness in Catholicism is proportional to stupidity, but it is being imposed more and more. It is not accidental, but the aspiration towards global control of people is hundreds of years old. The system is actually very simple. It starts from the original Christian tenets that are attractive to a large number of people (and later to be imposed by force on those who still do not care to spend the rest of eternity in paradise).

    Then a group that seeks to materialize that original Christian energy splits off and establishes mafia control over their territory, which they are constantly trying to expand. They use ‘philosophy’ (e.g. Thomas Aquinas) as a theoretical basis and justification for their activities (inquisition, burning, Jesuitism, Crusaders) and declare one of their own to be infallible (e.g. Wojtyła Corleone, Francisco Gambino).

    He actually becomes greater than Christ since only he can interpret what Christ said and wanted to do and any resistance is punished, heretics are burned. And so, it is until today. How is it possible to maintain that system in perpetuity? Only if you keep the masses stupid and don’t let them see. Now, an even more compact group appears, infiltrating Catholic governance structures and taking over the entire system of control for themselves.

    It has a different strategy in America, but the goal is the same. They use the media, celebrity culture, Coca-Cola and junk food to make morons out of 90% of the population, whose stupidity neutralizes the remaining 10% with brains. Perpetuity is achieved by constantly convincing them that they are exceptional in every way (some even get a doctorate in physics). Even the smallest glitches (e.g. a change in Twitter ownership) that threaten to disrupt that chimera are brutally stifled.

    Stupidity is a cosmic force.

    • Replies: @Magnus The Older
  265. @Odyssey

    Before you “enlighten” me (as a German) about your personal conception of “Germanness”, you should at least immediately undergo the minimum effort and read up there again whether I actually meant your Baltic Sea or my North Sea (Cuxhaven!).

    Otherwise you are worthy of no intellectual attention. And don’t even get me started on the “white race” or you’ll be in for a personal Furor Teutonicus, you … “wannabe” (whatsoever so what not)!

    I give you a good advice: better stay as a self-defined “odisseyist” on the Black Sea, where you belong and come from. There you can “sail” together with your profound ignorance as long as it pleases you (and does not bother any other connoisseur).

    • Replies: @Odyssey
  266. @Odyssey


    Of course, the Baltic Sea was also called the Germanic Sea. Just as a side note. Which is no wonder, because apart from the Hanseatic League, the Baltic Sea was primarily frequented by Germanic tribes. From Sweden to East Prussia.

    Even your “St. Petersburg” is the product of the German mind. But that should not play a role here, because I am not dealing with historically knowledgeable Central Europeans here. But rather with … Huns who pretend to be “Europeans”.

  267. Odyssey says:
    @Magnus The Older

    Quite disappointing. I just thought, here is a thinking German, but now we see – another panzer brigadier. Recently there was one here who wrote about the history of Berlin from the 14th century not knowing that Berlin was founded and named in the 6th century and people lived there almost 7-800 years before the Germans came. What is the name of the part of Germany around the Baltic Sea (Pomerania) and what does that name mean? When did the Germans come to Europe from their Asian homeland and who gave them that name?

  268. @Odyssey

    You are unmistakably a Slav: you jostle people and then even demand to be engaged by you in a “conversation” that you yourself determine. Impudence! It is really a sign of your uncivilization and unculture – and that until today. To think about it is abhorrent to your tribal ideology. And that alone speaks volumes for itself. You are sitting on oil, gas, wheat and gold without ever having contributed ANYTHING to Western civilization!

    The only thing you take the liberty to do is to risk a cheeky mouth! According to your communist conditioning. But this game is not running here. If you think your Mongol leader PooTeen is the next world ruler, you are damned wrong (just like Anglin with his moronic Asia mania). One day soon this will be finally over, and then you will lead again the life that is according to your kind: dwelling in a mud hut and riding on a donkey.

    • Replies: @Odyssey
  269. Odyssey says:

    So, Rurlek, now you have a Central European Catholic brother from other side of Limes Sorabicus (Serbian border) as an ally against ‘Huns who pretend to be Europeans’. I hope fuflek will join you, too.

    Your intelligence levels are similar and I am sure you will work well together. By the way, ask him when they will pay the first instalments of those trillions of dollars that Poland is demanding from them.

    • Replies: @Magnus The Older
    , @RUR
  270. Odyssey says:
    @Magnus The Older

    You’re obviously new here and have a long way to go. I don’t need to communicate with you since you obviously have no knowledge except empty arrogance and stupidity which have been seen here many times before you and is compounded collectively with every new panzer.

    CM is a witness that I react to every Panzer arrogance and ignorance. I ask litmus questions (eg the meaning of the name ‘German’) that confirm the correctness of my first impression and that next time you think carefully before again spouting something stupid.

  271. @Odyssey

    Narcissism is a peculiar disease; it makes everyone sick except the one who is afflicted with it. Btw., IMHO Catholicism is Judaism of second degree.

    German compass: reason, without denying any kind of devine force. But our faith is active not passive, confidence not hope, grasping not praying.

  272. We Germans believe to lead a “godly” life, if we live up to our principle: “Help yourself, then God will help you!” Apparently, however, this (only and actual) truth has not penetrated even to the East of Europe until today.

    First comes the performance – then the celebration!
    (Not the other way around, like with you, Odyssey!)

    That is why these people have always been so incomprehensibly backward in thinking, feeling and acting. We Germans expect God to consider us worthy of Him for our independent thinking, feeling and acting. God curses cowards.

  273. @Odyssey

    I certainly use the word “Panzer” less often than you do (I can’t even remember ever using it except now). That alone should make it clear to you: You project your own deficits onto your environment, Mr. Slavic megalomaniac! Without even noticing it up to now! And that again is astonishingly ridiculous for a (supposedly) “thinking” human being that you pretend to be!

    No real-time therapy will help you except a “fateful” mallet – namely when you have to make your “divine” living with your own two hands for the first time ever in your life and stand on your own two little legs instead of permanently extorting “historical indulgences” from Germany with hypermoral hypocrisy! https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-48256318

  274. @Odyssey

    …apart from the incredibly simple fact that the alledeged “long way I would still have to go” (as you “Slavic Mastermind” presume to assert precociously) was at least twice as long as yours so far, I might be (judging by your mental maturity) twice as old as you, Mr. nine times wise verdigris.

    Unlike you, our generation has not only sent mean troll activities as “short messages” via the Internet under anonymous nicknames, but for decades still read real books made of paper. I don’t know when in the last decades Gutenberg’s letterpress was even introduced as a teaching method in your realm of high civilization Slavistan, for that you are probably rather the suitable “expert” here.

  275. @Odyssey

    German is an English word, do you mean the meaning of “Deutsch”?

    Could Germans be the Asiatic Huns your interlocutor is accusing you of being?

    • Replies: @RUR
  276. @sb

    It’s where I was born, silly. Love of one’s native land is no crime. There are still many decent people here, too, amidst the HORROR.

  277. Very interesting.

    At least a portion of the Crusades was a reaction to the expansion of Islam into the Occident and the Orient. Though the expansion into Europe was halted at the Battle Of Vienna, the depredations in the Orient continue to this day.

    The following extract from Wikipedia illustrates the depredations of Islam as late as 1753:


    In his new role as governor for the Afghans, Mir Mannu was able to resume his persecution of the Sikhs. Moreover, he had arranged for new artillery to be forged and a unit of 900 men assigned especially to the hunting down of the “infidels”.[18] In the words of an eyewitness:

    “Muin appointed most of the gunmen to the task of chastising the Sikhs. They ran after these wretches up to 67 kilometres (42 mi) a day and slew them wherever they stood up to oppose them. Anybody who brought a Sikh head received a reward of ten rupees per head.”[19]. According to that same account: “The Sikhs who were captured alive were sent to hell by being beaten with wooden mallets. At times, Adina Beg Khan sent 40 to 50 Sikh captives from the Doab. They were as a rule killed with the strokes of wooden hammers.”[19]

    -Mir Mannu explicitly ordered his troops to seize and torture Sikh women and children.[12] [16] The women were seized from their homes and forced to grind grain in prison with the detainees forced to grind about 1.25 maunds of grain[20] (46 kilograms of grain) in a day.

    According to a Sikh account, “Many of the women were given merciless lashings, working all day exhausted from thirst and hunger, and while they plied their stone-mills they sang their Guru’s hymns. The Hindu or the Muslim, or in fact anyone who saw them and listened to their songs was utterly astonished. As their children, hungry and thirsty, wailed and writhed on the ground for a morsel, the helpless prisoners could do little except solace them with their affection until wearied from crying the hungry children would go to sleep.”[21][22]

    Mir Mannu’s cruel reign, however, did not stop the spread of Sikhism. According to a
    popular saying of that time “Mannu is our sickle, We the fodder for him to mow. The more he cuts, the more we grow.” The continued persecution by Mir Mannu only helped strengthen the numbers and faith of the Sikhs.[23] [24]

    Though the Occident has evolved into a stage of benign Post-Christianity, the same cannot be asserted off Islam which is still mired in medieval brutality and irrationality. This makes Islam an existential enemy of the Occident as well as the Orient.

  278. RUR says:
    @Commentator Mike


    The Hun speech was delivered by German emperor Wilhelm II on 27 July 1900 in Bremerhaven, on the occasion of the farewell of parts of the German East Asian Expeditionary Corps (Ostasiatisches Expeditionskorps). The expeditionary corps were sent to Imperial China to quell the Boxer Rebellion.

    The speech gained worldwide attention due to its incendiary content. For a long time, it was considered to be the source of the epithet “Huns” for Germans, which was used by the British to much effect during World War I.


    The “Hun speech” had a great impact during the First World War, when the British took up the “Hun”-metaphor and used it as a synonym for the Germans and their behaviour, which was described as barbaric. For a long time, the speech was considered to be the source of the epithet (ethnophaulism) “the Huns” for Germans. This view was for example held by Bernhard von Bülow,[26] but it no longer reflects the state of academic debate, as the “Hun”-stereotype had already been used during the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871).[27][28]

    BTW, WW2 CONFIRMED the epithet …

    • Thanks: Commentator Mike
  279. Malla says:

    Will Be wiped out from face on The earth, when their tyranny finally ends, prosperity, peace, happiness and freedom can eventually return

    You are very naive and childish, you need to grow up. Before the British went and created their trade networks and later their Empire, say before 1500 AD, was the world full of prosperity, peace, happiness and freedom? LOL LOL, the exact opposite. It was a world full of poverty, disease, brutality and mass killings, tyrannical rulers, slavery, wars where brutality on commoners was considered normal and even glorious. Life in those days was far far far worse then life for the majority of humans now.

  280. JFYI
    ref End of Crusade.

    Withal, and whatever about spits and spats, emotion-driven opinions and muh feels, it seems that the Dementia Hegemon is concerned about the DPRK-Russia connection. The current visit will be reciprocated, apparently.

    It may be, in fact probably is likely that DPRK will seek “payback” (in whatever form) from USA for the “Korean War” (plenty of debate material right there …).

    There have been various hicks on UR who have sought to mock Kim.
    But just check out the body language in this brief report from Arirang.

  281. @Malla

    That’s relative. They may have been throwing stones at each other or hacking each other with swords but they didn’t have all these atomic bombs and weaponry of today or all these global climate change impacts that could bring an end humanity, if not life on earth.

  282. Looger says:
    @emerging majority

    Best of luck with restoring Canuckistan back into something more traditionally Canadian.

    Once I realized and moved past the idea that this country is a goner, I’ve been a lot happier.

    Real question is: what’s next?

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  283. Porn Star says:

    Why do we have a MORZE POLNOCNE in place of our present English Channel and North Sea on this map?

    The descriptions of the peoples adjacent are correct: NIDERLANDY and SAKSONOWIE, but why refer to the sea as Polish on the western side of the Danish paeninsular?

    I am aware that the Danish for German is TYSKIE, as the Baltic (Sea) is referred to here.

    Maybe those flat earth Tartarians, and other history re-writers have a real point here!

    Curious, and curiouser, said Alice!

    • Replies: @Odyssey
  284. Porn Star says:

    And Denmark is referred to as DANCYZY, as in Danzig, as in the Danzig Corridor, of WW2 fame? When it is clearly not the same place?


    In Lechitic languages the prefix “po-” means along; unlike the word “po”, which means after. Pomorze, therefore, means Along the Sea. This construction is similar to toponyms Pogórze (Along the Mountains), Polesie (Along the Forest), Porzecze (Along the River), etc. Pa(a) in Daniaf meas on,but I was not aware that Daniash was a Slavic language.


    Something is very odd here. Maybe there has been much history re-writing?

  285. @Benchmark

    Culturally and religiously America is the new Kingdom of Israel.


    Thank you.

  286. RUR says:

    Both German Catholicism and Lutheranism were heavily influenced by your precious Byzantinism, so that German is your brother, no doubt

    German Otto I declared himself “Roman Emperor of the German nation” in 962 and asked for the hand of the daughter of Basil II the Bulgarian, the Byzantine emperor, for his son Otto II. Her name was Theophano and she came to the German court with a huge number of lawyers in order to introduce Byzantine law in Germany, where over time the German cult of power and official hierarchy arose. The end of the plague of religious wars in Germany confirmed the principle of “cuius regio eius religio” in the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 (whose rule, religion applies to his subjects) in the Byzantine caesaropapist style/tradition. This principle was not recognized in Poland… So, dear Odyssey, sorry but thats your problem….

  287. Anonymous[232] • Disclaimer says:

    Thats just a complete myth and what American and British, as Well as other germanic invaders always falsely state and how they try to justify their rule over their slaves and subjects. We WERE cultured, prosperous etc. before germanic invaders. Our lives were just fine and we did Well before them. We never needed them, we never Will need them and we are very capable to live on our own. Deceptive and false myth of American, British, swedish and other germanic intruders and enemies is that before them there wasnt culture, education, prosperity etc. and only after them and only because of them there was. They see them as morally superior, better than others, More educated, More cultured and that everybody Else is unmoral, uncultured, uneducated, More primitive, wrong and evil and others need to take down their throats what they have and everybody Else needs to assimilate to them and they are not guests in a country, but populating, belonging etc.

    Like now American, british and swedish germanic people who and whos Offspring have deceptively and falsely got to Finland in past decades and centuries see that also Finland is theirs to take and it belongs to them. They have to Be fought legally to get them and their Offspring all out from occupying our country. They all refuse to leave after they have deceptively, falsely and criminally got to our lands, just like they have stolen everybody elses lands and resources. They are cancer people and an infection.

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @Malla
  288. @Looger

    If it makes you feel any better, your country is hardly the only one with problems. Stuck with Dominion status and being right next to the U$$A doesn’t help much. But I do suspect that particularly in the Prairie provinces, the awakening keeps growing. That was pretty obvious as the truckers were convoying towards Odd Oh Wah.

  289. @Anonymous

    Don’t forget that India had many universities in antiquity, some even attended by visiting Chinese students. Africa too had universities long before the European colonisers arrived. Of course these are not recognised by modern Whites who consider Bologna the oldest university.


    • Replies: @RUR
  290. RUR says:
    @Commentator Mike

    and…? … and all these institutions have more or less successfully been reorganized after the fashion of European/Western – originally Catholic – universities… Western/European science has created so a tremendous body of knowledge in different branches/areas of science – intertwined and interacting with each other – that the rest of the world can only join and follow the trend… BUT…
    the non-IndoEuropean languages are ill-suited to modern scientific activities… many nations have never developed and practiced philosophy… even if that’s not the case, their philosophical systems dont provide a safe and reliable ground for the modern scientific activity… there are some other serious obstacles as well…

  291. Malla says:

    Nah, life 400 years ago was full of brutality, shit, poverty, Thag Sultans, exploitation, slavery, hunger etc for most humans beings. Only the local elites lived good lives. Commoners lived like shit but they were happy with their lot, I guess. Today most humans live far better lives than what their ancestors lived, even the slum dwellers of Nigeria.
    It is just that non-Westerners out of jealousy and butt-hurt egos have created a utopian version of their history, many a times based on the lives of their elites. I can guarantee you that if you could transfer them 500 years back via time machine, most of those Third World nationalists would scramble to escape to the present age. All this romantization of the past is just that, fake wishful thinking. The only things better than was better relationships, less pollution and healthier food. But life was still harsh for most humans before the age of Colonialism.

    I know this because, we Indians are big Daddies in hyping up our past, something nearly all non Westerners do, but we are your Daddies in this. This was driven by arrogant nature of Indians combined with envy of the British. So they made up myths of golden ages before British Empire, all fake and extrapolation of the lives of elites to commoners. This is something all non Westerners are doing too, making up fake golden pasts, but in this, we Indians are the big daddies of yall.

    But it is all a lie. As a great historian D.N. Jha concluded, India never had a Golden Age, it was fake B.S. made up by nationalists.

    ‘India never had a golden age’
    So was for Muslims, Chinese, South East Asians etc…commoners, they never had a golden age except very recently and this age will come to an end fast.

    For commoners, their golden age only came with the rise of the West. And as the West becomes weaker, it will end. Life will become miserable again for most non Westerners. Brutality, shit, poverty, Thag Sultans, direct Jew-rule, exploitation, slavery, hunger…it is all coming back. And they deserves it.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  292. Anonymous[232] • Disclaimer says:

    Most likely these are just pure lies and a complete myth also in India, but at least everywhere Else these are just complete lies and myths of dishonest, hostile and manipulative lies of The germanic people, American, British and swedish mostly. Lives and societies in Europe have Been just fine, we had good lives, educated people thousands of years before our germanic enemies. Then they finally broke through and sneaked their ways in and now to this very Day, they claim this same Life and myth how they and only they brought education, Well-being, culture etc. to lands of Finno-ugric people and on lands of many other nations. These are all complete narcistic lies of our invaders and enemies. Now they are starting to Loose their Power everywhere in The World, they are loosing their slaves, vassals and easy, fat lives. They are afraid of us everywhere in The World and their Axis of Evil is collapsing.

    God Will wipe out these false satanists and manipulators from The face of the earth.

    • Replies: @Porn Star
  293. Porn Star says:

    God Will wipe out these false satanists and manipulators from The face of the earth.

    false satanists

    I’m cheated as always, why can’t we get the real fucking satanists?

    Dammit, I paid good money for this gig!

  294. An interesting situation has developed as USA seeks to prolong its Crusade on behalf of zionist Jews (and stealing oil) in Syria. Looks like some “moderate rebel” proxies are now fighting each other. Kurds, eternal dupes of USUK, are involved of course and at a time when Iraq and Iran are moving to eradicate them in N. Iraq.

    Rival US-backed militants went to battle in northeastern Syria in a conflict originally sparked by ethnic tensions.


    The author of this RT piece directed the YT vdo “Steal of the Century” abt zionist agent Donald Trump doing his very best for his masters.

  295. Handel says:
    @Michael Korn

    ‘All Saints Day’ is indeed a Catholic Feast Day, so the day before it is, by definition, All Saints Eve.
    But ‘Halloween’ as people know it today is a purely American thing, and an American export, hardly known anywhere in genuine Catholic circles, except perhaps here or there as a tolerated indigenous insert.
    And ‘Jan 6th Shamen’ was obviously a Deep-State circus clown there for the camera-men.

    Try harder please.

    • Replies: @Alden
  296. Odyssey says:
    @Porn Star

    The map is Polish and probably the Poles are trying to increase their role a bit even before they became a group with separate name. The point is that the Serbian border (Limes Sorabicus) was established because all the so-called ‘Slavs’ were considered Serbs because they spoke the same Serbian language, although Serbs also lived west of that border.

    Some Serbian tribes can also be seen on the map (the mentioned Bodrići and Ljutići). We have the case of Magnus the Elder (according to his knowledge, he is very young) who has no idea that this part of Germany was Serbian and that the Germans came much later. My estimate is, he himself is probably 90% converted Serb. Perhaps he could study the origin of the name (he has not yet attempted one) of the town of Ratzeburg in his neighborhood (or the origin of the name of Pope Ratzinger). Also, he points on St Petersburg, not knowing that ‘berg’ and ‘bourg’ are not German words but Serbian.

    Perhaps the CM could tell him what the official name of the English royal house (which is not Windsor) is and that real one originated from Magnus’s area. Maybe he could find the original maps instead of the ones he showed us where the original toponyms before the arrival of the Germans can be seen. By the way, Swedes are not Germanic cousins as someone mentioned a couple of times.

    I think two standards of stupidity can be established. Let’s call one ‘Polish’ illustrated by demanding trillions of dollars from the Germans but retaining Stalin’s territories and demanding nuclear weapons with the obvious intention of using them against the Russians. It is difficult to understand this desire for suicide and willingness to kill (as soon as the Ukies are done) for the ZIO rulers in America, who according to surveys are their most favourite foreign nation (probably not referring to the cowboys who throw the lasso every day).

    Let’s call the second standard of stupidity ‘Panzer’ – illustrated by the anti-Russian propaganda adopted from the same ZIO rulers who themselves said (Friedman) that the goal of those circles for centuries was to separate Germany from Russian resources. The Russians saved the Germans from the destruction of the Morgenthau Plan, they (not the West) allowed their unification and the German economic miracle happened thanks to cheap Russian energy. In that we can also count the blindness to the mining of the North Stream, which leads to the suicide of the German economy. Anneline Baerbock, who did not finish high school, is a model of that stupidity.

    • Replies: @PornStar
  297. Curle says:
    @Michael Korn

    “by a Catholic dominated political and judicial class in DC.”

    The Supreme Court Catholics are not, and have not generally been, judicial supremacists in matters related to the exercise of state powers; i.e., they’ve generally been exercisers of judicial restraint.

    McCarthy is nominally Catholic. Pelosi even less nominally Catholic. If the Jews in Congress were as nominally Jewish as the Catholics are nominally Catholic this country would have few problems.

    Border invasions and the porno/tranny industry have put southerner Evangelicals on notice that the Jews are not the friends they may have thought they were and that Catholics aren’t the enemies they may have imagined. I’ve witnessed former Israel worshipping Evangelicals do a 180 on the Jewish Question when brought up to speed regarding Jewish support for border invasion policy and the Jewish role in the porno industry. It also doesn’t hurt to educate them regarding the differences between the Israelites of old and the current era Babylonian Talmudists. It is the former, not the latter, the Evangelicals love and the former no longer exist in any real sense.

  298. PornStar says:

    That is very interesting, thanks.

    berg (mountain) and bourg (town, city, French?) are originally Serbian words, and Swedes are not Germanic cousins.

    That is a surprise to me. You could well be right.

    I have been interested in the question of the origin of the Germans (or at least their language) for some time.

    It must ‘av come from the frozen north (Scandinavian region) and moved down into the Central German Plain ultimately being stopped by the Alps; a later? derivative of (Sanskrit-derived) Lithuanian, Latvian etc.,

    … or quite the reverse … that German has its ultimate origin as a bastardized Slavic (Serbian, Serbo-Croat etc.), because it certainly ain’t no Latin or Italic.

    I’m interested to know what you think further on this one.

    • Replies: @Odyssey
  299. Odyssey says:

    I hope your interest is genuine because they have disappointed me several times already and did not want to follow at least common logic, causality and timeline. First, we need to establish where the cradle of European civilization, culture and language was. Who were the natives of Europe?

    The current mainstream, so-called ‘Indo-European’ theory is incomplete, illogical, which means inaccurate and confusing. German is a young language just like English (after 15th and 12th century AC). Latin is also a young and artificial language created from a provincial dialect (province of Lazio) which was later adopted by the church but was not spoken nor did some languages emerge from it as some claim (e.g. Spanish, French or even the so-called Romanian-lol).

    Yes, ‘berg’ and ‘holm’, which are present in many European toponyms and surnames, have Serbian origins (forget the Croats). Next time we will see where Sanskrit came from.

    By the way, the so-called Byzantine law mentioned above is actually ‘Roman law’ introduced by the Serbian-Roman emperor Justinian and it is still the basis of legal systems in all of Europe (including Poland and excluding England). Catholics who live in tightly controlled systems where the church invades everyone’s privacy and imposes its mafia organization on states and governments cannot understand the position of the Orthodox Church in their countries.

    It is similar to the position of a semi-senile 90-year-old grandfather in the family who gives advice and everyone listens and respects him because of his age, life experience and state of health, but everyone does what they think is best for him (and his family) without paying attention to his advice. That is why people in Orthodox countries feel free and not mentally trapped in the Catholic Zio-proxy, Kafkaesque system.

    • Replies: @PornStar
    , @RUR
    , @Alden
  300. PornStar says:

    Where does Sanskrit come from?

    • Replies: @Odyssey
  301. RUR says:

    Justinian and it is still the basis of legal systems in all of Europe (including Poland and excluding England).

    your Byzantine version (inferior to Roman) was introduced in German lands only… thats why it is almost Byzantium… the difference between your Oriental law and the Latin law system is simple: it is priority of private law over public law… for example, Property law/Land Law (addresses the legal mandates set forth by a country in regards to land ownership) in Germany is public while in Poland it is private… that was discussed here (see previous Guyenot’s articles) many times…, but as i can see, the Turks really have exceptional abilities to beat brains out of some small skulls….

  302. jsigur says:

    Wouldn’t one expect a secret Jew, Calvin, to advocate old testament preference to that of New? It’s impossible for any Christian to read that the old testament had the same relevance once Christ came as a fulfillment of the law
    That’s why my pastor taught that the old testament was for our learning but whose commandments therein were no longer relevant to “believers”

  303. Slav says:

    Are you going to write something about the Moon Hoax mr Guyenot? I have seen your french video on this topic.

    • Replies: @Laurent Guyénot
  304. Odyssey says:

    We will present the mainstream version first. It says that Sanskrit arose from ‘Indo-Iranian’ languages. They were brought from the border of Poland and Belarus by separating from the so-called ‘Balto-Slavic’ languages. Sanskrit is younger than 2000 BC and is a local version of the language of the Aryans.

    What does the mainstream not say that can be logically deduced? First, all four names (Indo, Iranian, Balto, Slavic) are backdated and did not exist. The greatest confusion was created for a long time by the naming of ‘Indo-Iranian’ languages which was brought from Europe at a time when neither ‘Indo’ nor ‘Iranian’ existed. The intention was to present that those languages originated there, not i Europe.

    What else do we have?
    It means that there was one common language in Europe that split into the two mentioned branches. That language could not have originated in today’s Poland because it was under ice and uninhabited. Its creation from pra-language took several thousand years. The only place where this could happen was Vinca, where people lived for thousands of years during the Ice Age and then several thousand years after the melting of the ice.

    After the first industrial revolution and the melting of the ice, people from Vinča moved in all directions starting from 5000BC. The Italian linguist Alinei established the continuity of that language from the Paleolithic to the present day. So, that Vincha language went to Southeast Asia and became Sanskrit.

    Today it is called the Serbian language and it can be determined since when the Vinča language can be called Serbian. The fact is that modern Serbian is most similar to Sanskrit (Tagore’s great-granddaughter found 22% identical and 11% very similar).

    In this regard, we have previously asked questions that remained unanswered – what is the connection between the English language and Sanskrit (sometimes called its grandfather) if the time distance between them is over 3500 years. We also did not get an answer to the meaning of the Sanskrit word ‘Bharat’ which has already become a new name for India.

    • Replies: @PornStar
  305. Odyssey says:

    I believe that one of Laurent’s future themes will be the fall of the Western Roman Empire, which will present a different picture than the one we know from Hollywood. By the way, those who call Laurent anti-Catholic are wrong, he actually demystified the mafia organization of the Vatican and the role that medieval popes played in it.

    So, the fall of the WRE did not happen in the city of Rome because almost 200 years before that, from the time of the Tetrarchy and Diocletian, the capital of the unified empire was Sirmium, not far from Belgrade, where dozens of emperors were born. The city had the largest Colosseum, 12 mints for the entire empire that worked even after the invasion of the Avars and minted money for Alexander the Great.

    The first Christian diocese was founded in it and Saint Peter first stayed in Sirmium before going to Rome where he was later hanged in Nero’s garden. The first independent Serbian state was created on the foundations of WRE, which can be considered the legal successor of the Roman Empire.

    Justinian tried with all his might to remove the Christian church from independent Serbia and put it under his control. The struggle (and peaceful coexistence) of Serbia with the Eastern Roman Empire lasted for almost a thousand years. Justinian introduced Roman Law and neither Latin nor so-called Byzantine laws existed since Rome had almost no role after the fall of the VRE.

    • LOL: Alden
  306. @Alden

    You are the one who showed an absolute ignorance of Islam. Having worked and lived in Muslim countries, I have had the opportunity to discuss this issue with so many Muslim scholars. The only tax leveled on any non Muslim was the tax of defense or joining the army against an invader or oppressor.
    It is time that ignorant people such as yourself to educate themselves and know your enemy, if you consider Muslims to your enemy. A benefit of learning the truth about others, is to humble your sense of superiority and learn the truth about others, you might discover you disagree but happy enough to realize you don’t need to turn others into enemies.
    After all, the ethics of Islam caused its civilization to last 1400 years, the ethics of Western Christianity look like they will not complete 600 years of civilization.

    • Replies: @RUR
    , @Alden
  307. Just read in Ane L. Bysted, The Crusade Indulgence: Spiritual Reward and the Theology of the Crusades, c. 1095-1216, Brill, 2015, p. 2, how Paris theologian William of Auvergne, around 1230, explains the use of indulgences, by comparing it to the wages of a soldier:

    “If a king or prince is going to war he gives his commanders the power to seek out and recruit honourable warriors and give them good wages. Therefore, because the king of kings, the ruler of rulers, Christ, has been waging wars from the time when the Church took up war, not just spiritual wars, I say, but also literal or corporeal or material, against heretics and other enemies of the Christian religion, that is the heathen, and after the time of Muhammad, Saracens, he necessarily granted his commanders, that is the prelates, the power to seek out material warriors and to recruit them and give them proper wagers. What is it, however, to preach indulgences and give promises for such warriors if not to seek them out and recruit them for the king of kings, Christ the Lord? And what is it to remit their enjoined penances if not to give them a share in the wages? For whereas the wages of sin is death, as it says in Romans 6, thus the wages for the greatest and most noble portion of such warriors will be the eternal wages. Furthermore; what king who is going to war does not open his treasury in order to spend on the warriors and to do other things which are required by the war; therefore the king of kings, Chirst the Lord, opens his treasury and spends on his warriors: his treasury contains, however, the treasure of indulgence, grace and glory.”

    Isn’t that beautiful. There is no better illustration of the legalistic and commercial drift of the papacy initiated with the crusades. Most popes during the crusade era were legists. This has never happened in the Orthodox tradition.

  308. RUR says:
    @One Nobody

    By the early fifth century, the Roman senatorial aristocracy had almost universally converted to Christianity. The Roman aristocracy occupied the most important position in the Church, that is the Roman Empire transformed itself into the Roman Catholic Church, which created great culture and more or less universal/unified territory from Italy to Norway and from Lithuania/Poland to Britain, that is, The Church created Europe (made it possible to create EU), evident that the Byzantine countries have experienced a tremendous European cultural influence and even willingly imitate and follow Catholic/Western patterns… eager to join the Union… As for private/public law, Unlike Poland, severe restriction on the unvaccinated people were put in countries with the public law priority/ Byzantine tradition – Serbia was ahead of the European Union and Western Balkan countries in the vaccination, in Germany the tough restriction were introduced and these countries wanted to introduce mandatory vaccination, in Germany this measure was discussed in parliament… Unlike, for example, Germany, in Poland the state cannot to make the owner of land to sell his land property against his will, private land ownership in Poland existed even under communism :

    in Poland, collectivisation was attempted, but met with strong resistance on the part of farmers. The main factors holding the process back were attachment to land – which had not in fact come into the ownership of peasant families that long before; as well as a lack of experience with joint/collective management. Thus, when communism in Poland was at its peak, 76% of all agricultural land continued to be under the management of private farm

    The above illustrates some difference between the different legal traditions

  309. PornStar says:

    This is very interesting, but I think it is perhaps time for a reality check on my understanding.

    Are we saying that Serbian was the language of Vinca, and that all the other ‘Indo-European’ languages of ‘Europe’ : Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Gaelic, Welsh, German, Danish, Swedish, Russian, other Slavic…, Iranian, did not then exist, that they are all subsequent derivatives of Serbian?

    Where do we believe that this Serbian language itself came from, and the Vinca people?

    Could we believe here in an early remnant of the break-up of language at the Tower of Babel, or perhaps post Noah’s Flood? Or might we think more esoteric of materialised spirits or colonisers from other worlds or further away parts of a flat earth)?

    Or might the ‘Tartarians’ be right, after all? And that our whole chronology is off?

    • Replies: @Odyssey
    , @Kak
  310. Alden says:
    @Magnus The Older

    Guyenot’s every word is a lie. He’s a fanatic of some obscure offshoot of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. He might be the only member of the very obscure sect. He writes about forgotten events a thousand years ago. He creates falsehood and outright lies.

    You; who know nothing about the crusades and the 650AD to 1830 AD invasions of Europe by Arab and Turk Muslims believe Guyenot’s driveling lies. If you knew anything at all about the 12 hundred years invasions of Europe by Turk and Arab Muslims you would not be so woefully ignorant that you believe Guyenot’s lies.

    Because you are totally ignorant of the 1,200 years of Muslim invasions of Europe you believe Guyenot. Too bad your European ancestors weren’t slave raided and sold into Turkey, Morocco Algeria or some other Muslim country. Then you’d be a happy Muslim in a Muslim country. Or, an unhappy, disgruntled Muslim immigrant in Europe living off European welfare and hating the European country you live in.

  311. Alden says:
    @One Nobody

    I don’t consider Muslims my enemy.

    You’re absolutely so wrong about the old tax set up in Muslim countries that I don’t believe you ever lived in a Muslim country or have even the most superficial wikepedia level knowledge of the Muslim tax structure.

    Muslims paid little or no taxes. Non Muslims paid most of the taxes. It was an excellent carrot and stick method to convert non Muslims to Islam. As a quick and simple method of avoiding taxes. Your comment is an excellent illustration of your absolute total ignorance of Muslim countries 650 AD to 1923 AD. You don’t know what happened to the Arab muslim countries after about 1920, do you?

    Probably the most important thing that happened in the Arab countries since the earlier 650AD invasion from what’s now Saudi Arabia. But you don’t know because you’re ignorant of muslim Turkish and Arab history. And because of your total ignorance believe Guyenot’s nonsense. Guyenot’s not pro muslim. He’s just an anti western Christianity religious fanatic.

    • Replies: @Looger
  312. Alden says:

    Halloween was a medieval Irish celebration. It arrived in America very early, in the seventeenth century with the Irish slaves and rebels deported by Oliver Cromwell. The Irish brought it to America. It stayed in America until recently. When the candy manufacturers of Europe saw Halloween as a way to market sales of candy.

  313. For me as a Catholic, this provides no interesting information. Just like Hitler Germany, the Crusades were a push back to Jewish dominance, control, and decadance.

  314. Alden says:
    @Laurent Guyénot

    Do you also believe the earth is flat? Do you believe the earth and everything on earth was created in 6 days 6,500 years ago by a grouchy old Jewish man floating about in the sky?

    I bet you do.

    • Replies: @PornStar
  315. Alden says:

    Justinian was a Greek born in the Greek province of Macedonia of Greek parents. He was not Serbian.

    He didn’t introduce Roman law. Byzantium Anatolia which the Romans conquered from Greece Constantinople had numerous emperors of Byzantium for more than 300 years before Justinian became Emperor. Justinian did codify and re write some of the old Roman Greek laws. As every state has to do occasionally. But Anatolia was a Roman province for hundreds of years before Constantine decided on Byzantium and it’s city of Constantinople as capitol of the eastern emperor.

    • Replies: @Odyssey
  316. Jerusalem may have looked lush and beautiful two thousand years ago, yet today under occupation by the illegitimate apartheid state of Zionist Israel, it resembles another shtetl like all the other shtetl’s that become overrun by Heebs.

    Note: “shtetl” is Yiddish, meaning “Jewish ghetto” aka shithole.

  317. PornStar says:

    Why what do you believe, that we’re on a random sphere created ex nihilo spinning at a thousand miles an hour ?!

  318. Odyssey says:

    It’s just amazing that you have 25000 comments so far. I can only imagine the amount of nonsense that is and wonder how many gigabytes it takes up in Ron’s databases. In addition to being ashamed to speak about your background, you are slowly coming to the surface as one of the more stupid ones here (sorry Sarita) who doesn’t even have a little bit of shame.

    There is not a grain of knowledge in your nonsense addressed to Laurent, which confirms another thesis of mine that I discovered on this blog. The more Catholic someone is (i.e. a member of a mafia, inquisitorial, brainwashing organization) it is proportional to the amount of nonsense they can produce. This primarily refers to the Catholics (whom you invented a few hundred years before that sect separated from the mother church) because of their concern to prevent the penetration of Islam into Europe. (Earlier you mentioned stupidity about Croatia at the time when the Western Roman Empire still existed).

    By the way, another thesis is that the artificial identities implanted in the brainwashed brains of certain groups are stronger than their original identities.

    Here you broke the stupidity that not a single Greek (as far as I have seen) has declared – that Justinian was Greek from a Greek father and mother and from Macedonia. Let’s ignore for now that ‘Macedonia’ is a Serbian name and that in that (Greek) Macedonia up to a hundred years ago, 85% of the population were Serbs.

    It is known that Justinian (and his uncle Emperor Justin) was born in a remote mountain village in Serbia and that his original name is known. In that village, he later built a city, Justinian Prima, in which he placed the centre for the prefecture of Illyricum, to which also the whole of Greece belonged.

    In the Roman Empire, the Greeks were not in combat units (why?) and did not produce a single emperor, while the Serbs were the iron fist of the Roman army and produced 28 Western Roman emperors (40 in total), including Justinian, Diocletian, Constantine, Maximian, Galerius, Licinius, Probus, Decius, Jovian, and others.

    At the time of Justinian, the centre of the Christian church was in Sirmium in the young Serbian state, and he built Justiniana Prima as a parallel centre because he wanted the church to be under his control. So, before the Catholic and Constantinople churches, there was an Illyrian (Serbian) church where the first Christian diocese in the world was founded and where the Serbs were the first people to accept Christianity.

    We have already talked about the role of the Serbian emperors in the development of Christianity (including the first translation of the Bible into Latin by St. Jerome). You could tell us something about the Avignon captivity of the Catholic popes, and I will show you the reconstruction of Justinian’s city (Empress City) which Justinian built in his native remote mountain village in Serbia. Btw, his main general Belisarius, was also a Serb.

  319. Odyssey says:

    Reality check is a good suggestion. We haven’t gotten to your question yet.
    First, we will see what the mainstream means by the term ‘Indo-European’, which in my opinion is meaningless and without content.

    Also, due to centuries of brainwashing, there is some animosity towards the term ‘Serb’ even among those whose ancestors were ancient (or more modern) Serbs. That’s why we will call that language, which was directly derived from the Vinča language, the XYZ language.

    In the end, we will see if it is justified or not to call that language – Serbian (to avoid uncertainty, I will tell you right away that it is justified).

    • Replies: @PornStar
  320. Looger says:

    I don’t consider Muslims my enemy.

    The tragedy here is that Muslims, by very definition, consider ALL non-Muslims to be the enemy.

    Our women are theirs to take. Our countries are theirs to enter slowly at first so their descendents will take.

    I didn’t understand this until working with enough Muslims who, after a year or two, will either try to convert you, or otherwise spill the beans.

    I was given a Q’uran.

    I read it.

  321. RUR says:


    With the fall of Constantinople and the end of the Byzantine Empire in 1453, the Grand Dukes of Muscovy came to see themselves as the successors of the Byzantine heritage, a notion reinforced by the marriage of Ivan III to Sophia Paleologue (hence the expression “Third Rome” for Moscow and, by extension, for the whole of Imperial Russia). Ivan adopted the golden Byzantine double-headed eagle in his seal, first documented in 1472, marking his direct claim to the Roman imperial heritage and posing as a sovereign equal and rival to the Holy Roman Empire.[citation needed] In 1497,


    Before the mid-13th century, the Imperial Eagle was an Imperial symbol in its own right, and not used yet as a heraldic charge in a coat of arms.

    An early depiction of a double-headed German Imperial Eagle in a heraldic shield, attributed to Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, is found in the Chronica Majora by Matthew Paris (circa 1250).

    No doubt that the double-headed German Eagle appeared in Germany long before it was depicted… and is an imitation of the Byzantine imperial family symbol… and dates back/relates to Otto II and his times of Byzantine influence.


    For most of its history, the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire did not use heraldry in the Western European sense of permanent motifs transmitted through hereditary right.[1]

    The emblem mostly associated with the Byzantine Empire is the double-headed eagle. It is not of Byzantine invention, but a traditional Anatolian motif dating to Hittite times, and the Byzantines themselves only used it in the last centuries of the Empire.

    the double-headed eagle was used as a symbol of the senior members of the imperial family. It was mostly used on clothes and other accoutrements,

    So the Russian, German and Serbian etc double-headed eagles as the state symbols are borrowings deficient in originality and creativity (carbon copy of each other ) and have the Byzantine origin (with time the right head of double-headed German Eagle fell off)

  322. PornStar says:

    You never get to the question, that’s the problem.

    You’ve got nothing to say here, but dream-up fantasies about how you wish a Serbia might have been when in reality it has been a wholly unimportant land of melodramatic slobs who spend their whole day in adidas track pants.

    The Serbian language is too late on the linguistic tree to have any great value.

    Can’t you learn to play dominos or cards instead of all this dangerous hysterical guff?

    • Replies: @Odyssey
  323. Odyssey says:

    Enough of pretending, Porno star decided to show his real ugly face and serbophobia. It’s sad that you don’t have any knowledge and you can’t show us anything except your fatty porno ass and ugly Serbophobia.

  324. PornStar says:

    There’s no pretence involved. I’ve asked you kindly on three occasions for more information on the extreme claims you make about Serbian, each time you fobbed me off. First with irrelevant opinion about Anneline Baerbock of Germany, the second time with some sentimental guff about how your grand-father knew everything, and a third time with a statement of absurd patronising inference.

    I have nothing against Serbia at all; adidas is a good match. I just like to get good data to my fair and reasonable questions. You’ve not given anything. Serbian might well have some claim to linguistic importance but you don’t seem at all capable of making it; just the cheapest form of bar-room nationalism.

  325. RUR says:

    In a few days, the Armenian Karabakh will no longer exist. The ethnic-Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh will be disbanded and completely disarmed. Armenia will share the
    destiny… It is no secret that the Armenian Apostolic Church has ever been and still is closely connected with Armenian nationality and especially Armenian state. The Church supported the utterly corrupted and rotten Armenian state apparatus as it has always been in the Orthodox Orient, No doubt that that Church served as a model for the Byzantine Orthodoxy… what future is waiting for Byzantinism and Byzantine Orthodoxy?

  326. Kak says:
    @Passing by

    I agree. I’ve always seen the crusades as large raids into Muslim territory. The express purpose as always, wealth and if possible, land.

    I see no difference between the crusades and the conquests of Alexander the Great or Rome. The Middle East was a productive and rich region then. Crassus became the richest man in Rome by bleeding Syria dry.

    The crusades had many functions for Europe, to deplete the overpopulation of men (as we see today), to get rid of criminals, to bring Muslim wealth into Europe and even to steal other Christian wealth. The crusader filth backstabbed fellow christians in Constantinople because they were savages and greedy scumbags.

  327. Scotlyn says:
    @Laurent Guyénot

    Ha! Ha!

    Yes. I have friends who think the world of Girard. Myself, I could never figure out how (apparently) mimesis = rivalry. It could equally equal admiration, appetite for role models, etc. Presuming it is even possible to observe the inward state of another (ie – desire). As I understand it memesis allows us to model within ourselves what we see others DO, not what we cannot see in the interior of the minds of others.

    Even worse, since I did do a graduate degree in anthropology myself – many, many decades ago – I could not understand why he was being called an “anthropologist” when he was not doing anthropology, and was instead (as best I could make out) doing violence to the ethnographic accounts actually written by anthropologists that he was using, so as to compress everything into his procrustean theoretical bed. He wanted to equate “culture/religion” to “sacrifice/scapegoat”. That strikes me as facile, and also seems to entail a bit of projection, the capacity to see “sacrifice” and “scapegoating” everywhere and not realise that these are incredibly judeo-christian themes that you are trying to write large.

    Anyway, I do not know if Deloria ever spoke to Girard as such.

    Still, what Barett took from Girard in the quote I cited, seems to have led Barrett to make these mischaracterisations of polytheist or animist worldviews, which Deloria both ENcountered, and also (IMHO beautifully) countered, in his work.

    Anyway, I am now 2/3 of the way through the book, and it has been a good read. Again, thank you.

  328. Kak says:

    Oddyessy is an agent provocateur and likely works for the Serbian state on disinformation online warfare because the manure he posts is either that or genuine mental retardation. There are loads of the them on the internet in comment boards: from YouTube to 4chan. Serbs don’t have a history in the Balkans or any great claim to antiquity like Odyseey purports. Genetic evidence alone debunks everything he states with conviction. I have debunked him multiple times on Unz. There is no connection with modern Serbs and their Slavic genes to the early European farmer genes of the Vincans. Serb male ancestry descends mostly from the swamps of Pripyat Ukraine, about a quarter is Albanian and the rest a mixture of different tribes including non Europeans.

  329. Odyssey says:

    What is a pre-modern, circumcised, Muslim goat-banger looking for among Christian commentators again? A member of the most primitive group without history, language, culture and religion, which accidentally wandered into Europe and terrorized the Christians there for hundreds of years until today, and now because of its primitivism have become the leading narco-trafficking group in the world, even giving assessments which Christianity is correct (Arian) and which was not (Constantine’s).

    And goat-banger has something debunked? He probably meant to say ‘banged’ (another goat?). I’m a little afraid for Djokovic. I would really like to see if a coalition of circumcised goat-banger with a passing by porn-girl star and a super-smart rurlek will form.

    That best describes the Serbs to an independent observer when he looks at the kind of scum that has united against them and their history.

    Kosovo is 90 km in diameter and has 2,000 Serbian churches, monasteries, monuments, some of which are 1,000 years old, the Shiptars (Albanians) do not have a single monument.

    In Jonathan’s video bellow (@4m25sec), we can see stabbings with knives by the Shiptars (Albanians) who tried to destroy the Christian frescoes in the Kosovo monastery.

    In 2004, Kosovo Shiptars (Albanians) burn Serbian churches and settlements, UN troops save Serbian civilians from being killed (2 min):


    • Replies: @Kak
  330. Guibus says:

    totally agree with you. as a french guy, having read his writings in original language, I could see he’s gradually lost ground, taking more and more his own conceptions as truth, making him a fanatic who destorts facts to present them in a way that always corroborates his ideas.

    • Disagree: Odyssey
  331. @Alden

    St. Jerome was a Dalmation?? Come on now! What next? Thomas Aquinas was a Chihuahua??

  332. Kak says:

    Serbs have no history in Kosovo. Its like saying every Chinatown in the west is a testament to ancient Chinese civilization in San Francisco. Your obsession with goat rape is a common facet of the Serbian mind, obsessed with goat sex, pig sex, sex with males as is the chetnik custom. All foreign and not belonging in the balkans. Your homeland was always there pripyat or anywhere east. Time to admit it.

  333. Odyssey says:

    Admirers of the old cultural history of Europe can look at the civilizational, cultural and Christian heritage of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, which is also a world cultural heritage. On page 47, for example, there is a map with the main Serbian churches and monasteries in Kosovo.

    Those who can see beyond their own noses and have higher cognitive abilities than Brandon, already know that Serbs are natives of the Balkans (and Europe) and that they have lived in Kosovo since the beginning of the world.

    In the course of history, they witnessed the arrival in Europe and the Balkans first of nomads from the Russian steppes, much later the future Greeks, much, much later the Asian proto-Germans, Bulgars and Hungarians, and only recently various Shiptarian tribes originating from Azerbaijan/Armenia who arrived to the Balkans via S.Arabia and Muslim Sicily.

    Serbian speaking tribes also migrated in all directions, all the way to India (Aryans), the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Baltic and North Africa, bringing their language and the oldest European culture and civilization.


    • Replies: @Kak
  334. Kak says:

    > know that Serbs are natives of the Balkans (and Europe)

    50 IQ post by 50 IQ nation. Serbs do not have the native Balkan genes, Albanians on the other hand have it and this must make you mad.
    Just to educate you on the balkans and genetics ie ydna (chromosome of father that passes down to son):
    j2b-l283 were found in cetina culture gravesites dating to 1500 bc croatia and E-V13 found in Lengyel culture circa 4000 bc hungary and R1b-z2103 found in vucedol culture gravesites circa 3000 bc “serbia”. All these genes are found in over 70% of Albanian males but less than 25% of Serbian males (who have Albanian forefathers). Serbian genetics ie the genes I2a-L621 and R1a (Slav) were never found in the balkans or central europe before 500 ad. I’m familiar with this stuff and it’s well known to the genetics community. Recently some fake results have been put in, one by a Czech author that put i2a-l621 gravesite dating to the Bronze Age in Croatia circa 1500 bc, however upon further inspection the maternal lineage only ever formed in 1300 AD meaning that person couldn’t have possibly lived in 1500bc! So we have even people in these communities of similar genetic stock as Serbs pushing a narrative and falsifying the evidence for one express purpose. To give Serbs the right of land when they have NO RIGHT OF land. Thankfully a lot of these clowns have been exposed, another Bulgarian did the same thing. The Slav genes are not European at all. They came here and stole land and have the gall to say it was always there. Notice that Serbs, Czechs, poles, Croats, bulgars, Slovaks, Slovenes, Romanian Slavs, Hungarian Slavs all live on stolen land, all claim it’s there land. They need to go back to Russia; their homeland. They’ve done enough damage as is! There’s a reason Hitler hated Slavs just as much as jews, even more so.

    Heres my sources you;

  335. Click Here says: • Website

    It’s interesting to see how the Crusades evolved from a religious quest for salvation through warfare to a more commercialized practice of buying indulgences, which eventually contributed to the Reformation and significant changes in the Catholic Church. This historical perspective sheds light on the complex interplay of religion, power, and human behavior throughout the centuries.

  336. hillaire says:

    I think you might find Calvin was a jewe..unsurprisingly a Cohen..and much is made of the Catholic battles with the chosen…by Catholics..who it seems are a confused lot.. even the jewe Jesuits..who have now taken over the palace of Mithras…

    But presumably the jewes have always looked after the Holy See’s Ackers and were given dispensation to fleece the locals and collect ridiculous tythes and taxes…even when the locals were off Crusading.. and who often came back to find themselves immiserated…

    the little children even had one..a child paupers crusade.. but that of course didn’t end so well… and they all died…no doubt for Jesus.. but it sorted out the urchin population splendidly…

    which one must admit sounds eerily familiar…

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