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I’m Glad There Is a Race War in France (Even If Whites Aren’t Fighting)

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At some point, the chickens come home to roost. That is an eternal truth.

All of these immigrants that white people have agreed to flood their countries with are going to roost mercilessly. The brown folk, the refuse of the world who we wanted to play daddy to, are harrowing and apocalyptic chickens.

In France, the reckoning has come.

A collection of clips from Thursday night. Just to give you a general idea of what is going down.

Earlier this week, the cops killed some Arab “youth” who was “fleeing the scene of a traffic stop.” His mother filmed it, and demanded a revolution, and the collective brown population obliged her.

A revolution they have now.

Though the riots center around the suburb of Nanterre, the entire city is on fire, in what can no longer be called “riots.” The immigrants are killing cops and seizing their weapons. This is now a war.

Of course, this is the age of total censorship, so we can’t really confirm what is happening on the group, beyond what we see on video. (And even with the video, I highly expect fake video to be put out – video from another event – and then debunked, so as to make people believe that all the real video is also fake.)

The global Jewish media is largely refusing to comment, showing only pre-approved clips, and pushing the narrative that this is France’s George Floyd. It is very similar to George Floyd, in that it is a dumb race hoax drummed up by the media to push hatred and violence against whites.

But the Moslems in France are not like American blacks. They are, instead, capable of a high level of organization. The blacks will just do violence because it is personally fun, they will loot for personal profit. They do not have a collective agenda, and even if they did, they couldn’t organize it.

The Arabs in France have the clear goal of conquering France and forcing whites to submit to them. What’s more, there are quite a few blacks in France, and even if the Arabs can’t really organize their violence, they can control the chaos that the blacks create.

From what we are seeing, this is by far the single worst “race riot” ever in all of history, and as I say, because the Arabs are organizing directly against the cops, and because they have a clear military goal, it is much closer to the first battle in a war.

It visibly looks like a war. The videos are more intense than what you see out of the Ukraine.

More importantly: there are two clear sides. Whites are being targeted by nonwhites. It’s not only the cops they are fighting. They are wearing all black – a uniform – and attacking their racial enemies: you.

Here’s a crane on fire.

Everything is on fire.

The entire city is smoking.

Buildings are collapsing from the fires.

The buses are a prize for vandals, because they’re all (or mostly) electric, and it’s virtually impossible to put the fire out with water. (You pretty much just have to let them burn, if you don’t have heavy equipment with that foam stuff.)

The buses are the main thing that the Arabs appear to be telling blacks to target, because that creates an endless distraction while the Arabs get the guns and other equipment from the cops.

They have police vehicles.

They are looting police guns.

They also have a lot of fireworks.

Although some of the blacks are no doubt engaged in the violence, many are doing the other thing.

But even the looting feeds the chaos that the Arabs are promoting.

Some of this more organized looting probably isn’t blacks. I’ve never seen blacks use a semi-truck to steal an ATM.

(You’ll note that they are also in uniform in that clip.)

It appears to be blacks using the buzzsaw on the ATM.

Probably blacks in the Apple store too.

They are lynching white truckers.

Fittingly – they released the gorillas from the zoo.

The lions as well – for good measure.

They also just burned down the largest public library in Marseille.

The mall is also on fire – it looks like a big mall.

People on Twitter are framing some of the race attacks as “uncovering undercover cops.” This is an obvious lie that should just be disregarded.

They are very obviously just attacking white people.

Right now, the cops are fleeing the brown people. That is to say: they’ve already completely fled. They fled on their faggot little scooters to leave the city to burn.

I’m sure some of that is not wanting to be accused of racism for using deadly force – which is the only force they could possibly use here. But they also simply do not have the resources to engage in urban warfare with an army of thousands of men, armed with their own weapons.

The other thing about the Arabs – they’re not going to get bored and go home like the blacks in America do.

Because there are no cops and no journalists left in the part of the city that the war is taking place, no one knows how many fatalities there have been. There must have been several at this point, just by looking at the videos.

This guy looks like he’s probably dead.

That’s not a serious government target, but it’s getting close.

Macron is probably going to have a problem. He was cheering them on earlier in the week, talking about the “injustice” of the “teen” at the traffic stop. But who knows – he’s such a weirdo, he might switch it up and start racially insulting them.

Wednesday night, when the riots were heating up, he went to see Elton John with his granny wife.

Today, he called some kind of emergency meeting. Then he blamed the internet and demanded more extreme censorship.

The most amazing thing about this is the media narrative. A race war is not at all amazing. Anyone with any common sense would have expected that – you can’t just force-integrate two totally different populations and expect them to coexist; everyone knows this is just idiotic nonsense.

But who would have thought the media would be capable of covering up something this massive, of making the international population sympathetic to the murderous mob of vicious criminal gangs?

Personally, I’m glad this is happening. It was going to have to happen some time. It’s better it’s happening now.

My hope is that whites will see this, and they will remember it. My hope is that moving forward – at least in France – there is clarity about this relationship that Europeans have with the Moslems and the blacks.

Thus far, I’ve only seen one video of a Frenchman fighting back – driving through the smoke, smoking a cigarette, and plowing the bastards with his car.

These people are going to Europe to conquer. That is the goal. They have done this before, throughout history. For 1,500 years, these people have been trying to conquer us. This is in no way new, and it is unfortunate that it could possibly be a surprise. But this is the situation we live in: our morals and values are determined by the whims of women, and men have been beaten into submission, to the point where they actually believe this gibberish that women spout about “vibrant diversity.”

We need to remember that it was women who wanted this. Of course the Jews came up with the idea, but this was enforced by women.

The first thing we need to do is stop listening to women. Then, we need to find a solution to the immigrant problem. After women, the biggest obstacle is the government, which is controlled by the Jews. But that is a minor obstacle, after we stop listening to women.

One way or the other, this is going to end. Either we win or we lose, but it will end.

Good luck and Godspeed, brothers.

Remember who you are.

(Note: Sorry I didn’t write about this yesterday. It’s been a busy few days for me. I’ll keep you up on the happenings from here on out.)

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. White people in urban France voted for Macron and hate nationalism. Rejoice when they get attacked, just like blacks attacking whites in blue cities in the US is cause for celebration.

    Apple Stores. I say loot them all. Apple and Nike needed to be looted at every turn.

    Star Wars? More like Tar Wars.

  2. peterAUS says:


    I’ll start paying attention when see first units of National Gendarmerie being deployed there.

  3. Rich says:

    At least they didn’t vote for LePen. That would make them “racists”.

    • Agree: Gvaltar
    • LOL: Pastit
    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Vito Klein
  4. FTB says:

    An allegory written by a retired SEAL back in 2016 predicting this very scenario.


    • Replies: @lavoisier
    , @Wokechoke
  5. fnn says:

    I recall the photos of crowds of happy smiling idiot whites celebrating the crushing defeat of JMLP in the 2002 runoff election. They thought they were fighting another battle in WW2, but it was another war altogether.

    • Replies: @Alexandros
  6. bjondo [AKA "wormssnakesbrain"] says:

    Haven’t paid much attention.
    Maybe this is a get back event
    for Libya/Gaddafi and Yemen.
    And probably few other places.

    Sign somewhere sez, “You gotta receive what you give.”


    “You gotta lose what you stole.”

    Yid, read much? Other than your own horseshit?

    If you voted for Sarkozy, Macron, Biden, the Canadian zero,
    what you get is what you deserve.


  7. Do the rioters actually care about the dead teen or was it just an excuse to do this. The people that want the immigrants are usually upper middle-class whites. When you are wealthy and well off it’s easy to be Mr. and Mrs. Magnanimous with high morals. When you don’t have to live in the same neighborhood as the immigrants it’s easy to strut around proclaiming how much more moral and superior you are to working class slobs who are accused of being racist by the libtards.

    • Replies: @JM
    , @Wokechoke
  8. I’ve never read so much shit as in the above article. The author equates his own hatred with proper research.

    • Agree: Iris
    • Replies: @Iris
    , @chuck lowe
  9. Jabber says:

    The Talk of the Town Trailer Estates Park Sociology Round Table comments as follows:

    Granny Yiddell (Bitter retiree) – Unz readers are always commenting badly about Israel’s treatment of rock throwing Arabs. Well……….

    Mother (Real mother) – Those boys obviously have no real fathers and their mothers refuse to provide leadership. Rowdy scum.

    Jabber (Shut-in) – An Elton John concert for the boy President. Well considering that he is a PTSD survivor of abuse by his teacher. Elton makes sense.

    Father O’Hair (Wannabe priest) – The French lost their way with their drooling over Josephine Baker. Lusty, immoral people!

    Bozero (Latino clown) – And Trumpsters complain about us Latinos.

    Fiona (Park fun lady) – The President attends an Elton John concert during a national emergency. Hard to believe. I’ll tell his teacher, I mean wife…you know that old lady who looks like she’s had way too much surgery.

    • Replies: @Badger Down
  10. @peterAUS

    So.. yesterday, then?

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  11. And we’re supposed to believe that Russians are the enemy.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Kat Grey
  12. @fnn

    No, it’s the same war.

    • Agree: EyeEye, Lurker, boynkin
    • Replies: @fnn
    , @Wokechoke
  13. It is beautiful…absolutely beautiful…to watch Macronistan burning.

    By the way:

    Macronistan should have no objections if the Russian ambassador goes around handing out biscuits to the rioters,  right? 

    Macronistan should have no problems if Russia arms the rioters, right?

    Macronistan should have no problems if Russia brokers a “peace deal” to give the rioters time to build themselves up into a regular army, should it?

    What’s good for the gander…

    • Thanks: FTB
  14. Sulu says:

    I think we can all agree that the complete collapse of White Western Civilization, and all the comforts that go with, it is a small price to pay for not being called racist. I for one welcome our stone age overlords.


    • LOL: Franz, Old Prude, Jim H
    • Replies: @in the middle
  15. anonymous[376] • Disclaimer says:

    White European females getting all that vibrant diversity. Somehow, they’ll still blame White men for it.

    • Replies: @Speermann
  16. Anonymous[957] • Disclaimer says:
    @Reverend Goody

    And we’re supposed to believe that Russians are the enemy.

    Yeah, this is a people who developed higher mathematics, composed classic music, wrote the best novels, and were building electric cars in 1899*. This is this kind of people which civilization needs. And it wasn’t they who were behind the Bolshevist Revolution.


    Hippolyte Romanov (1899) with his electric cars in Saint Petersburg. Nb: the car (top) had a regenerative braking system that recharged the battery power every time the car slowed down.


    • Agree: Kolya Krassotkin
    • Thanks: Emslander, Arthur MacBride
    • Replies: @Simon D
    , @Charkes the Bald
  17. @bjondo

    You reap what you sow.

    Canadian Zero–are you refering to Justin “Jackboot” Trudeau and his Edith Prickly Look alike–Chrystia Freeland??

  18. @Priss Factor

    There’s some schadenfreude to be enjoyed here because it’s of their own making. But I fear the rape of young women and teens may follow.

    • Replies: @Speermann
  19. @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist

    I got no enjoyment watching Notre Dame burning.
    I get the karma angle of your enjoyment.
    But the tingling you’re enjoying atm , I would hope ceases, once the raped bodies of young White women and teens start turning up. They didn’t vote for this.

  20. HbutnotG says:

    Those Frenchies got what they deserve. First they take over Algeria and Tunisia and in doing so, treat the natives like shit. When the natives had just about enough and started kicking up their heels, France, after considerable deliberation, finally let ’em go. Then stupid France decides to pay them back for like, you know, modernizing their shithole countries and stuff, and I think in the process, made them dual citizens. So lots & lots of N Africans came to live in lovely France. Less scorpions, less heat, better food, etc., and as one would expect, they developed North African ghettos – particularly around Paris and Marseilles. Migration continued and as white Frenchies’ stopped making babies, those moslems naturally outstripped the place because they just make a lot of babies. It’s what they do. Culturally out of place in France they of course formed a bigger & bigger (that’s “bigger” with a “B” – and yeah, I know, “N” is right next to “B” so always use that as your excuse “I mistyped”)…anyways I digressed. …and when you get too many of them together they act just like what you see – Niggers. I was in Paris 30 yrs ago and you could tell when you wandered into a N African neighborhood. It was like night & day.

    Tsk, tsk. They asked for this. Frankly I’m surprised it took so long.

  21. But hey, Jews pushed diversite on France.

  22. peterAUS says:
    @Tallest Skil

    I stand corrected.

    Around 40,000 police and gendarmes – along with elite Raid and GIGN units – were deployed in several cities Thursday night, with curfews issued in municipalities around Paris and bans on public gatherings in Lille and Tourcoing in the country’s north.

    Still, my take is that this is a Clown World chimpout, not a race war. Will soon fizzle out, as all of them do.
    Till next time. And next…..

    It’s a feature, not a problem.

    • Agree: Old Prude, Thim
  23. Pastit says:

    France is falling. Import nigas and muzzies and you will eventually pay the price.

    • Agree: AceDeuce
  24. Anonymous[386] • Disclaimer says:
    @Priss Factor

    Thermonuclear war is the only hope for the West.

    • Thanks: Old Prude, AceDeuce
    • Replies: @Philip Owen
    , @Ed Case
  25. The French are now Americans who speak French. Even the social violence there is an imitation of the American kind. Macron is like a vulgar American elite, and French darkies are like American darkies.

  26. @Priss Factor

    I’m not rejoicing.

    Our people didn’t vote for massive third world immigration, and I’m not sure the French did either.

    The same Bolsheviks run every western nation, so it’s rather doubtful that any elections are legitimate.

    Maybe the darkies running amok will harden the French. At least the French seem to take to the streets more than lazy fat scared Americans.

    • Agree: Druid55
  27. Robertson says:

    The whitest nation left in about 20-25 more years will have millions of whites trying to immigrate there if nothing changes. This will probably be Russia, thus why Clownworld is trying so hard to destroy it.

    They can’t let whites have any place to run to because when it gets unbearable, they know that generation’s white youth will try to flee.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @russian_deplorable
  28. Speermann says:

    Did the French apologize when they unleashed that onto other white Europeans?

  29. Speermann says:

    Rammstein are the problem. 😉

  30. Anonymous[245] • Disclaimer says:

    Rioters looting of an Apple store in France.

    I was under the impression that Apple can easily disable missing or stolen devices because any phone, tablet, or laptop you buy in the 2020s has both GPS and a unique device ID.

    Is this not the case?

    • Replies: @Blondie Callahan 1970
  31. It will eventually come down to former Chicago Mayer, Richard Daley’s response to arson and looting.

  32. doctorb says:

    I don’t mean to be overly conspiratorial, or engage in “4-D chess” type thinking, but is it possible that ‘they’ are letting things get out of hand in this manner so that when ‘they’ come back with more draconian policies (constant surveillance, police not subject to restrictions based on ‘rights’ and whatnot), people will accept it because a police state is better than anarchy?

    I think about how our power elite have most of their their money in real estate (it’s the bulk of net assets, believe it or not, once you factor in that a lot of financial wealth is also geared to real estate, either as loans against it, REITs, etc.). And at least in America, defund the police, let the blacks burn what they want, let the homeless go nuts, etc. is leading to the rather rapid de-gentrification of many of our cities, and a rapid decline in the value of that real estate, especially the commercial property. I don’t see how this really benefits the power elite, in a first order sense, anyway, so I’m trying to come up with a motivation for making it happen.

  33. FTB says:
    @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist

    Some of the Chechen faction fighiting on the Ukraainian side have undoubtedly skimmed some of the western arms off and sold it to the Chechen Mafia clans in Europe. Though, I believe this insurgency might be hurting their dope trade, if the Muslims gather enough money, the Chechens might be willing to get into the gunrunning biz.

    Closer to home, we got bigger worries. Some of the rocket launchers we sent to Ukraine has been resold to the Mexican cartels.

  34. FTB says:
    @Priss Factor

    Tommy Sotomayor is totally spot on about the small hats.

    Video Link

    • Thanks: Rumpelstiltskin
  35. Mr. XYZ says:

    I supported Le Pen in 2022 but ambivalently due to her squishiness on Ukraine. We need a pro-Ukraine French nationalist, unlike both Le Pen and Zemmour.

    We are currently witnessing the Israelification of France, unfortunately. Hopefully French whites will come out by the end of it as nationalistic as Israeli Jews currently are.

    • Disagree: YetAnotherAnon
    • Replies: @Dumbo
    , @Druid55
  36. Mr. XYZ says:
    @Priss Factor

    Macron’s biggest sin is being childfree. The future belongs to those who actually show up there. Macron is certainly rich enough to pay for several egg donors and surrogates, however icky it might be. Would be highly eugenic, certainly.

    • Replies: @Dumbo
  37. Dumbo says:
    @Priss Factor

    America should be renamed Satanistan, or simply the Great Whore of Babylon. The destruction it caused and it is still causing with the export of its “culture” and its mentality is horrific. “Melting pot”, “nation of immigrants”, now the homo stuff, all these poisonous, American-born things.

    Still, the French are snob and think, “we can do multiculturalism better”, from Josephine Baker on. They are paying the price for their stupidity. Paris is burning, and it ain’t Hitler who’s doing it, but their beloved Africans.

    • Replies: @RockaBoatus
  38. USA1943 says:

    Time to call the French Foreign Legion or has France already surrendered? LOL

  39. You invite the apes in then don’t complain when they act like apes.

  40. Mr. XYZ says:

    France should have let Algeria go immediately in 1954 rather than wait until 1962 to do this and subsequently shut its doors to Muslim immigrants. Maybe an exception could have been made for the harkis, though even then, only if they actually support having “Islamophobic” speech be legal. Else, they should have been resettled in Tunisia, Morocco, et cetera.

  41. France is Islamic territory. Time to kick France out of NATO and be done with them.

  42. Dumbo says:

    Well then, whites need to start fighting, and now.

    The problem, is that it’s a two-front war for whites, against their governments/globalist/ Jew owned traitors, and against the riffraff that was brought in the Great Replacement.

    Also, most white people are old. Still… Perhaps if women shut up and stay in the kitchen, and Jews are removed from power, white men can organize and try to save what they still can.

    • Agree: mark green
    • Replies: @Haxo Angmark
    , @July Hunter
  43. FTB says:

    This dude does a great job of drawing parallels between the dynamics of rampaging riotous, primitive minorities here and the ones raging in France right now. And how the MSM is complicit in causing these outbreaks.

    Hopefully, the Arab insurgents will burn down some buildings housing these fucking MSM smear merchants and they get roasted alive.

    Maybe their military will stage a coup against President Maricon and declare martial law.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @showmethereal
  44. lavoisier says: • Website

    Anyone with a functioning central nervous system could have predicted this.

    You don’t need to be Cassandra to anticipate serious problems from importing Muslims and blacks into white countries in large numbers.

    Not good for the Jews either. Their hatred for whitey is so great they think bringing in blacks and Muslims is a grand idea.

  45. Atle says:

    Honestly, I think we should all stand back so that France alone can enjoy this.

  46. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:

    algeria and tunis were some of the richest nations before france brought debauchery, degeneracy, filth, and looting. most of history is falsified lies, it’s surprising how foolish most unz readers are.

    • Thanks: showmethereal
    • Replies: @Dragoslav
  47. Robertson says:

    Another thought………

    Clownworld may have found France to be insufficiently enthusiastic about sending all its weapons to Ukraine and not shutting down all its nuclear power-plants quickly enough, and thus Clownworld media has been instructed to blow a police shooting way out of proportion by showing the footage 24/7 on French television, and having some agents provocateur get things going on the ground providing caches of weapons and incendiary devices and advice to the rioters, force multiplying their effect. Clownworld no doubt can listen to French police communications and let the rioters know the most unguarded places to attack. Clownworld can let the French establishment know they are doing this about a week in and make it clear to them that they can be hassled right up to the point of regime change if they don’t get with the program in Ukraine/China.

  48. What happened to this France?

    • Replies: @Emslander
  49. FTB says:

    Lots of white cucks are clashing with the French police in “solidarity” with the Islamic insurgents.

    Video Link

    • Replies: @lavoisier
  50. @Catdompanj

    I don’t give a damn whether the French are white, brown, black, green, purple or whatever. Screw France, the worst of the colonial regimes. They make the Brutish look good in comparison.

  51. GMC says:

    Wake me up when they get to South France and Monaco. That’s where this should be taking place in order to get down to the nitty gritty.

  52. The thing is the immigrants hate the government and are willing to fight it while whites expect the government to defend them. And if the government fails to defend them what then?

  53. Simon D says:

    Elon Musk, eat your liver. I want one!

  54. @peterAUS

    Yes, but with each passing year the immigrant population grows in number while the white population shrinks, so that eventually the immigrants will be able to take over even without a civil war, through democracy.

  55. Kat Grey says:

    You allow yourselves to be transformed into a society where negroes and Muslims are having most of the children and the few indigenous white women who do, think it they’ve won the genetic lottery by birthing a brown baby, so this is the result. National and ethnic annihilation France could have voted for Marine Le Pen instead the white people chose Macron and multiculturalism. This is the Final Countdown, Baby. For France and western Europe.

  56. Dear MrAnglin I usually like your articles

    I learnt reading them that many white working and middle class Americans are very upset about what is happening in USA and Europe.

    However, for me, it was very surprising to find out how little these white Americans understand why all these things are happening.

    American and European oligarchs are making a big mess, they are not very smart or cultivated and they care very little about white working or middle class problems.

    It appears that a very large number of American oligarchs are jews.

    What really surprises me is that many high IQ white people think that the problem is because they are jews and not because they are oligarchs!!!

    Do they really think that WASP oligarchs are different?

    But what do I know, I’m just a low IQ latino.

    Many white working and middle class Americans also hate brown immigrants like me (in my case not in USA), we are guilty of many things, it seems. Even you, don’t like us.

    You seem to believe that all the problems that we cause are our fault and not the fault of the oligarchs that destroyed our countries and forced us to emigrate.

    Never mind that the minions that did and do that control the USA government because white working and middle class whites keep voting for them!

    And yes, Trump also continued the policy of destroying other countries and is as guilty as Biden of the current situation.

    You seem to think that the problem is that liberals or jews or whoever you don’t like let us enter in your countries and not that your governments destroyed our countries for the sake of the power and fortunes of your oligarchs, with the total complicity of white people everywhere because they were fighting against “communism” or for “democracy” or whatever stupid argument you, highIQest people seem to believe.

    Give us our countries and our natural resources back and, believe me, we would leave your countries with a big smile in our faces.

  57. What did they expect when they invited these subhuman pos into their homelands? Rainbows, flowers, scientists, inventors?
    What we are experiencing is the best of all possible worlds invading civilization and destroying it faster than any global government could even imagine.

    That is the way they do it.
    Btw, if this was any red state, guns would be popping and these rats would be annihilated instantly.

    • Replies: @Marina Kirchen
  58. Kat Grey says:
    @Reverend Goody

    Russia is the last bastion of white Christian Europe

    • Agree: YetAnotherAnon
    • Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
    , @Anonymous
  59. maskazer says:

    White people better wake up now. They must stop mimicking the role of the ideal citizens in Klaus Schwab’s futuristic world 2030 agenda i.e. shut up, eat insects and ultimately own nothing but be happy nonsense, before it’s too late. They should join demonstrations against the Neoliberal finance crime syndicate and EU’s incurably corrupt political establishment and puppets like Macron.

  60. Kat Grey says:
    @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist

    Instead of arming Zelensky, Macron needs to arm his citizens as this chaos will soon become a conflagration with white casualties piling up at a higher rate than Ukrainian civilians. This is a civil war.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  61. @Priss Factor

    Fires —Canada — “I can’t breath!!” USA should sue Canada for being incompetent–
    France — It has been burning hot over pensions –cost of livng and finally 17 year old punk.
    Who will be next in the Fire Line–Spain–Italy – Portugal- Germany???

  62. Shouldn’t the Russians be arming these “French” youths? At least with some of those captured NATO weapons.

    But then why aren’t the French deploying swarms of suicide drones against these rioters. In fact the police should move out permanently from these areas and just cover them with surveillance drones, loitering munitions, and suicide drones.

    • Replies: @Charkes the Bald
  63. On the outside it is „white cops vs migrants of color“.
    The root of it is Jew & hyena like poofter Macron coupled with the dishonesty and nastiness of migrant suckers.
    Jew, interior minister, convicted criminal Nikolouse Sarkozy incited and started this type of open destruction against French life years ago.
    E.g. Algerians should live in Algeria.
    Algerians kicked the French out of Algeria.
    They did not want to be with the French.
    Then they run after the French and send their kids to France.
    Very very dishonest migrants.
    They should all be kicked out together with their sponsors of violence and destruction, the Jews.

    • Thanks: Pat Kittle, Zyklon BB gun
  64. @peterAUS

    Wake me up when any organized groups starts targeting public figures in politics, media, and police.

    • Thanks: Liza
    • Replies: @peterAUS
    , @peterAUS
  65. @HbutnotG

    Fifty years ago, already in the early eighties, fifty years ago, from first hand experience, the “zone” around the Gare de L’Est in Paris was already Magreb territory. Funny then, Blacks and Maghrebis [Algerians, Moroccans] had their own differcences.

    • Replies: @Telimektar
  66. Levtraro says:

    One way or the other, this is going to end. Either we win or we lose, but it will end.

    It will end with the genocide of North Africans and Middle-Easterners in Europe, but I stand by my prediction that the Great Brown Genocide of Europe will start in Sweden. It will be one of the less expected consequences of the fall of the USA after de-dollarization crosses a critical threshold and USA forces retreat to America.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  67. anonymous[127] • Disclaimer says:
    @Priss Factor


  68. Watching these French films is so sad. The idiot frogs destroyed one of the glories of the world.
    They had it all and just threw it all away.




    Such is Jewish Logic.

    • Replies: @GomezAdddams
  69. Petermx says:

    I sincerely hope the Jews leading role in the destruction of the European peoples though mass migration of non-Europeans to the continent and encouraging miscegenation, and at the same time legalizing abortion and doing everything they could to wipe the whites out will become more widely known. The names of the people most responsible for this are known, a group of Cultural Marxists from Germany, and Freud and others made the west into the degenerated filth it is today.

    It is very easy to explain why the poorest countries in the world are now the most technologically advanced and the countries that led the world for centuries are now backwards shitholes. This will have to come out when Europe elects governments to try to undue the damage that Jews did. World War II will also need to be discussed. By successfully spreading the myth of the holohoax the Jews achieved power over everyone in all the countries in the west.

    • Agree: Dragoslav
  70. BA2023 says:
    @Adolf Smith

    The Arabs will rape white woman and gas the Jews. So it kinda works out

    • Replies: @Alexandros
  71. @Rich

    In the 20s, V. Choulguine summed it up as follows: “At that time [a quarter of a century before the revolution], the Jews had taken control of the political life of the country… The brain of the nation (if we except the government and the circles close to it) found itself in the hands of the Jews and was accustomed to think according to their directives.” “Despite all the ‘restrictions’ on their rights, the Jews had taken possession of the soul of the Russian people.”

    From Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years Together

    And now of us, too.


    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  72. Goodbye Poland.

    • Replies: @Charkes the Bald
  73. @Adolf Smith

    And who are you to make such a child lke statement?

  74. Nanterre is adjacent to La Défense, Paris’s City of London, a whole district dedicated to Mammon, with the Grande Arche symbolizing the all-seeing masonic eye whose sight goes into a straight line down to the Arc de Triomphe on top of the Champs-Élysées, to the obelisk of the Concorde on the other end, where the Tuileries begin and where Louis XVI was beheaded, to the column of Bastille, on top of which Lucifer stands, looking westward. To anyone who doesn’t believe in the power of free-masons or that they worship the devil, I suggest a visit to the Grande Arche and from there a stroll down to Naton. It could be eye-opening. If only the riots could spill over to La Défense…

    • Thanks: Thim
  75. Franz says:

    Macron watching Elton John while France burns?

    Eat your heart out, Nero!

    • Replies: @Calin
  76. The rioters seem to enjoy making what in the UK are called “monkey noises”, the kind of noise that is condemned by all right-thinking people when directed at a black soccer player.

    Here the poor mother of the deceased revs up a motor-cycle to the noises of the crowd.


    • Replies: @cueh
  77. So France is burning and we are told that Macron (codename Oedipus) went to see Elton (the singing backdoor man) in concert.

    Was this a deliberate insult to the indigenous French? Like “who cares about you? Suck on it whitey”.

    I will not be surprised to see copycat riots in the UK follow shortly. And the whites are remaining passive. We already appear to be in the opening stages of WWIII and this is happening

    . Consider the violence and deaths meted out to the (white) yellow vests. Did they riot loot and burn? No!

    If the indigenous French do not respond to the rioters with violence of their own to suppress this, then France is lost.

  78. padre says:

    So, the revolt has nothing to do with pension reform, living standard, social injustice,killing of teenager,police brutality? It’s just those godles Africans nad Asians?

    • Agree: Iris
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  79. JM says:
    @abbra cadaver

    True, with one rider. These “anti-racists” are happy to live with the upper end of wealthy immigrants, but would move if public flats were erected where they live, so they’d have to live among the “wretched of the Earth”. Actually, they’d either move or have armed guards with sub-machine guns on guard in their streets 24/7. I’ve seen the latter, with a large shanty town two rows of houses away from huge, luxurious homes of the well to do, with several pillar boxes along their streets.

    In a sense, with these bastards, it’s almost purely a class question – this is because, in that position, money is the decisive motivator, not race. Before mass immigration they hated “their own” working class and more, its organised strength, more than anything else. After all that was their prime motivation for supporting the flood in the first place. They were successful too.

  80. Any of the shithole countries that fought against Germany and enabled communism deserves to burn and drown under the brown tide.

    • Replies: @Rumpelstiltskin
  81. neutral says:

    Like all civil wars or revolutions, this will go no where because there is no elite support, no change in government has ever come about without at least one faction of the elite supporting it. This is why the jews are not worried about this, they have already captured all the elite as loyal ZOG supporters. This will gain them a useful distraction as the patriotards complain about Muslims and the old school leftists are further sidelined as they ramp up both their police and war state.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  82. anon[169] • Disclaimer says:

    Rioters are Chechen?

    • Replies: @John Noughty
  83. Mr. Anglin should just call himself Mr. Pander Man and be done with it, because that is what he does.

    Rather than being a Real Man, that is, being judicious, responsible, careful with his assertions of fact, Anglin boy genius of operant political conditioning panders to the midwit contingent here on Unz and boy his fellow boys sure eat it up! They’re not LIKE trained monkeys they ARE trained monkeys. Anglin knows exactly how to trigger their banana groping reflex, of course he’s providing a certain form of porn and what they are groping only looks like a banana. More! They say. Yes! They say. Give me more of this pornish stuff that excites my preconceptions to the edge of midwit delight!

    For example, every fact in this sentence are easily debunked lies:

    “His mother filmed it, and demanded a revolution, and the collective brown population obliged her.”

    The Anglin monkey boys will of course not be man enough to do their own research because they are monkeys responding to stimulus.

    Here’s another lie:

    “The immigrants are killing cops and seizing their weapons.”

    Like most professional liars Anglin knows how to ‘mix it up’, mix up some accurate statements with his stimulating lies. But the monkeys eat it ALL. Yum yum they say, give me more, more and more! And be sure of this, he will oblige. And be sure of this, there are other man-mind manipulators watching him and watching his monkeys and learning, collecting data on how to manipulate midwit monkeys.

    • Agree: Iris, peterAUS
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  84. @Priss Factor

    He’s moving to “Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting”, surely a highly apt tune if not a Presidential one.

  85. JM says:

    I’d agree with your general outline but you need to attribute blame more carefully.

  86. anonymous[410] • Disclaimer says:


    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  87. Good post Andrew but you’re only showing half of the picture. For months, if not years, Darmanin (Minister of Interior) has basically said that it was “open season” on protesters (against the 65 year retirement age), and cheering on cops brutalizing 85 year old white people, left wing “green party” times and a lot of other ACTUAL peaceful protesters. They (Macron’s clique) literally grinned when shown footage of their thugcops beating the elderly on the streets of Paris, who were just protesting for better wages, no war in Ukraine, etc…

    Now they popped a “coloured” …. who, I’m sure everyone knows, are much less “peaceful” than the protesters that have been opposing Macron’s regime since months (if not years).

    I say you reap what you sow.

    This is basically a Wagner vs Russian military coup except done right.

    French police are Macron #1 team.
    Immigrants are his #2 team.

    His dream was that they would both cooperate and “terminate” the “far right” / “anti-NATO” / “prole” crowd. Didn’t happen that way lol.

    Let them fight each other.

    The very LAST thing Marine Le Pen and the RN should do is show their faces on TV and “take sides” thus providing an “enemy of my enemy” situation where the coloured & cops would cease hostilities and go back to their #1 sport: brutalizing the elderly French middle-class.

    Macron made his bed, let him sleep in it. I doubt he has the negotiating skills of Putin to put the fires out like the Motherland did with Wagner.

    And for all the talk about “race war”… actually – not to say that hate crimes against whites aren’t an issue in France, or elsewhere in Europe – but Darmanin’s cops & Macron’s economic policies (licking the bawlz of Blackrock/Vanguard/McKinsey/Zelensky) were doing more damage to the French populace than the Maghrebins ever could.

    The cowardly position of French cops – who spent months spitting on the local populace (the indigenous) – and now hiding behind them as if yesterday’s target practice was today’s meat shield is just disgusting.

    Down with Macron. He may be a good person, but his policies are shit and I really don’t want to pick a side between his trained goons (cops) and his imported goons (foreign legion “migrants”).

    I haven’t watched Alain Soral in a while but he probably has the best take on the situation (as is often the case). Let’s just wait and see.

    BTW: I am also known on the internetz as Tyrone J. Trump. and this is my first time posting here. I live in France (Paris suburbs) about 8 months per year so I have a bit of insider knowledge of what’s going on.

  88. Wokechoke says:

    America kinda did this.

    Btw meanwhile in Kazan, capital of Tartarstan…

    City Center.

    • Thanks: Gvaltar
  89. Iris says:
    @What Drivel..

    The author equates his own hatred with proper research.

    One of Andrew Anglin’s most noticeable drivel and outright lie is “the immigrants are killing cops and seizing their weapons”

    No policeman has been killed during any of the last periods of mass social unrest, not a single one.

    No policeman died even during the 18-months long “Yellow Vests” protest, lead by working and middle-class regular French people. Conversely, as many as 11 demonstrators were killed as a result of the “security” forces’ actions. Many more thousands demonstrators have sustained terrible injuries, losing an eye or a hand to explosive gas grenades and other disproportionate war weapons used in urban areas.

    Apart from some hunting rifles for sports, the French people are not armed and can hardly “kill any cop”.

    Conversely, they get treated like hunting game by the government’s attack dogs, which are always covered by the shroud of impunity. It is unfortunately a French tradition going back centuries, and is nothing but anti-popular fascism.

    As for the fires and sometimes looting, which at least are real, any person who has taken part to French demonstrations knows that there are special brigades of “cops”, dressed as demonstrators or extreme-left “Black Blocks”, who initiate these excesses to quell any protest by portraying negative images in the Zionist-controlled media.

    This is obvious because these “protesters” don’t get stopped by their colleagues in regular uniforms, and use equipment such as battering rams, which are available only to the police.

  90. Wokechoke says:
    @abbra cadaver

    America kinda did this.

    Btw meanwhile in Kazan, capital of Tartarstan…

    City Center.

  91. Wokechoke says:

    The French voted for this. The riots you see are core EU. Also I might add this will happen in Warsaw, Riga, Lithuania etc.

  92. France presents to the world the democratic farce in all its splendor, clearly showing the dark side of voting democracy; a supposedly elected government brutally confronting its constituents.
    There are no people-government links. And how many have they killed so far?

  93. Altai3 says:

    They are looting police guns.

    They may be but that video is a weapon obtained through the Balkan route which has become easier as the neocons demanded the EU and Schengen zone expand to include all more and more of Eastern Europe. Lost in the suggestion that Hungary is “saving Europe” with it’s fence is that if Hungary and other nearby countries weren’t in the Schengen zone there wouldn’t be attempts to storm it’s borders to get to Western Europe in the first place.

    Since the Balkan wars were fought with a lot of unregulated militias a lot of the weapons were never retrieved at the end of the wars. When the Balkan diasporas (The first true ethnic asylum seekers who paved the way for other groups to make similar claims not based on who they specifically but just being a certain ethnicity or even from a certain place originally) began to foment mafias and gangs they were able to use contacts in the old countries to buy and smuggle in assault rifles and grenades to their new homes, they then also sold them to others there.

    The guns for the Bataclan massacre were bought in the Balkans and driven back to France across all the open borders in the “new Europe” of the East has with the West.










    You get the picture.

    Since then the Balkan weapons dealers having matured a market have begun to branch out from just leftover weapons from the Balkan wars to sourcing weapons from other places. Early on in the war in Ukraine there was video of a guy selling Javelin and LAW rocket launchers out of the back of a car with Albanian licence plates.

    And now recently somebody sighted a guy from a Mexican cartel parading around with an AT4. Given the connections between the Albanian mafia and the cocaine cartels in Colombia (Through which the Albanians now dominate the cocaine trade across Europe) it seems like it validates the original video and that the Mexicans got it through Colombia. It’s not possible to tell if it came from the Swedish or American stocks of AT4s sent to Ukraine.

    What’s incredible is all the “fact checking” going on about this.


    They think the anchor misidentifying the AT4 as a Javelin is the gotcha but then admit both have been sent to Ukraine and then without any way of them knowing how it got there, say it can’t have been from stocks sent to Ukraine because… just because. Has anyone seen a Mexican cartel member with such weapons before? Of course the other source of such weapons might also be from stocks sent to the “Syria Democratic Forces”.

    • Replies: @Iris
  94. paulo says:

    I’m french
    There is no war going on . This is all Anglin’s fantasy .
    Only young thugs seizing the opportunity to loot and have a good violent time.
    North Africans did not come here to overthrow “White France” , they came here for jobs first with the blessing of the french industrial ruling class who used them to keep wages low, and then to take advantage of one of the best welfare systems on the planet .
    Various socialist governments have cattered to their needs because these good folks all voted for the Socialist Party
    19th century France had no business colonizing North Africa , and the french extreme right once again proved its historical stupidity by supporting french Algeria and opposing independance movements, thus denying the arabs the very nationalistic sentiment on which they base their own political stance
    If the french ruling class had had a minimum of intelligence they would have encouraged more portuguese or italian immigration instead of a population that had little to share with the french cultural values . But that would have meant paying low qualified jobs a reasonable amount , which the french ruling class was and is not prepared to do , because like all ruling classes, they are motivated by greed and have little concern for working class frenchmen .
    Unless this ruling class is replaced by a more competent and less selfish one , and that’s for Europe as well , nothing positive will happen here except bouts of rioting and race conflicts that will keep the police fit and the said ruling class happy .

  95. Anon[173] • Disclaimer says:

    So Muslims prosper in America and in Britain, while they riot in France.. wonder why

    • Replies: @geokat62
  96. anon[152] • Disclaimer says:

    This wouldn’t happen in eastern europe and russia. Why? The white people in those places are still awake. The young men and boys of western europe have been castrated by feminism. The result is plain to see. When you wake up from your feminist nightmare, tell me again how “diversity” is our strength. Fuck the eu, along with the cucks and whores that have destroyed europe. Russia is our enemy? Please. Our enemies are much closer to home. Fuck Biden, fuck Macron, fuck the city of london financial district, fuck Brussels. White people worldwide need to wake the fuck up before its too late. The guillotine for any politician who preachs diversity. Don’t like what I’m saying? Fuck you too.

    • Thanks: Emslander
  97. @BA2023

    Arabs are natural subjects of the jews. In Europe the jews have been thrown out hundreds of times, but in the Arab world they have lived in comfort for most of their history.

    Why do you think the jews are promoting this development?

    • Agree: Dragoslav
  98. fnn says:
    @An American Frenchman

    They (Macron’s clique) literally grinned when shown footage of their thugcops beating the elderly on the streets of Paris, who were just protesting for better wages, no war in Ukraine, etc…

    Similar to the J6 nonsense-whereby we are supposed to believe that a crowd of mostly middle-aged and elderly White people launched a deadly riot (for the first time in history) and then intended to seize control of the US Government.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  99. DogZ says:
    @Adolf Smith

    Correction: Goddamn women and jews.

  100. Wokechoke says:

    Arabs and blacks are more or less indolent non working. Very large numbers present in French cities.

    • Agree: Dragoslav
    • Replies: @AceDeuce
  101. Dumbo says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    He’s a faggot, moron. He sucks black dick. His “wife” is a beard, and some say she’s a tranny. His biggest sin is being a Rothschild banker, I don’t care if he has children or not.

    • Replies: @DaveE
  102. Z-man says:
    @Priss Factor

    A little good news from France.

  103. Dumbo says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    We need a pro-Ukraine French nationalist

    WTF?? No, we need a pro-French French nationalist. Screw the Jewcraine.

    We are currently witnessing the Israelification of France,

    Israelification?!? Muslification. Although France is also controlled by Jews, so there’s that.

    Hopefully French whites will come out by the end of it as nationalistic as Israeli Jews currently are.

    Sure… Well if they manage to expel their Jews first, and their Muslims second, I suppose.

  104. @Adolf Smith

    This is all natural and inherent fruit of The French Revolution. This was coming eventually if France did not repent of The Revolution and humbly begin to rebuild France as eldest daughter of the Church.

    It is either Christ and Christendom or Chaos in which Jews are the principal string pullers and beneficiaries.

    And the Anglosphere is long the worst offender. The WASP empire is Anglo-Zionism, and it is both Orwell’s Oceania and Tolkien’s Mordor.

    • Agree: Emslander
    • Replies: @PsychelonB
  105. Dumbo says:

    I’m french
    There is no war going on . This is all Anglin’s fantasy .
    Only young thugs seizing the opportunity to loot and have a good violent time.

    Wow, then it’s alright then. What a relief…
    I was watching a Jacques Tati film from the 1950s, though, and there were no riots, in fact, there was not a single Black or Muslim to be seen. Now they are in every little village all over France.
    But yeah, let’s just accept what’s going on as the “new normal”. Enjoy la France Noire, then!

    If the french ruling class had had a minimum of intelligence they would have encouraged more portuguese or italian immigration instead of a population that had little to share with the french cultural values .

    It was not about lack of intelligence. They are smart, but evil. They are bringing Muslims and Africans because they want to destroy France, didn’t you get it yet?

    Unless this ruling class is replaced by a more competent and less selfish one , and that’s for Europe as well , nothing positive will happen here except bouts of rioting and race conflicts that will keep the police fit and the said ruling class happy .

    Yeah, vote harder…

    What France needs is a new Jeanne D’Arc and White Armies prepared to fight to the death.

    Sacré bleu!

  106. @Commentator Mike

    NATO is just a tool of Anglo-Zionism, and WASPs have long weaned to utterly obliterate all things French, including the language. Brown Mohammedans and blacks are the tools the Anglo-Zionist Empire now uses as its ‘Brownshirts.’

  107. Iris says:

    The guns for the Bataclan massacre were bought in the Balkans and driven back to France across all the open borders in the “new Europe” of the East has with the West.

    The Bataclan massacre was organised by Mossad-supervised French “intelligence”, after it underwent proper “re-organisation” under Nicholas Sarkozy.

    All French “Islamist” terror attacks of late were false flags supervised by Mossad. Not one single subsequent investigation or trial has answered any key question, how the “terrorists” were transported, let in, allowed to escape before convenient execution, tipped of highly-confidential information such as the day and time of the “Charlie Hebdo” bi-monthly editor meeting…

    This wave of terror attacks against the French people was conducted by Israel and its associates in the war on Syria.

    Around 2015, and in view of the failing results of “Operation Timber Sycamore”, the billion-dollar US-led secret war on the Assad government, then-French President Francois Hollande decided to withdraw French forces from Syria; his decision unleashed a wave of pretend-Islamist punishment, to teach France a lesson.

    Macron has learnt the lesson and is actively supporting yet another US-Israel war in the Ukraine.

    • Agree: Druid55
    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  108. Anonymous[245] • Disclaimer says:

    And at least in America, defund the police, let the blacks burn what they want, let the homeless go nuts, etc. is leading to the rather rapid de-gentrification of many of our cities, and a rapid decline in the value of that real estate, especially the commercial property. I don’t see how this really benefits the power elite, in a first order sense, anyway, so I’m trying to come up with a motivation for making it happen.

    My guess is that, rather than already owning any of the real estate adversely affected by de-gentrification, the elite are, instead, standing by to snap it up at bargain prices when the value plummets due to a sudden outbreak of vibrancy.

    Sure, there were some wealthy areas that were trashed during the Summer of Floyd (NYC and Beverly Hills leap to mind). However, my impression was that, for the most part, the blacks were free to burn their own neighborhoods, but that the cries to “defund the police” swiftly evaporated when the blacks tried to export the carnage into majority white neighborhoods.

    While it is comforting to think of the elite being hoist on their own petard, I do not see that happening when the #1 occupation of the elite is protecting their wealth.

  109. BuelahMan says:

    Unz features Anglin here BECAUSE he is the king of clickbait.

    • Agree: follyofwar, Justrambling
  110. Wokechoke says:

    The killing of this Arab was just pretext for Arabs to attack whitey. There is no technical solution just a final solution.

    • Replies: @FTB
  111. @Anonymous

    You are not supposed to know any of that, much less spread it. The Anglo-Zionists hate all things Russian. Therefore you are expected to hate all things Russian. The world cannot be safe and free until the WASP empire rules every square inch.

    • Replies: @James Scott
  112. shahnameh says:

    La Haine, 1990s splainer of what was and is:) Perhaps some Cheb Mami and truth and reconcil over the Pied Noir. Demografics they win:(

    • Replies: @Druid55
  113. Wokechoke says:

    I await the usual suspects and how they downplay such events. Don’t think this won’t be a byproduct of NATO basing 100,000s of American troops in the Baltic’s and Vistula river area.

    Paris is core EU values. While France might not be core NATO it’s certainly core North Atlantic.

  114. Emslander says:
    @Priss Factor

    I didn’t see one woman wearing pajama pants and a tee-shirt in that video. What an oppressed people they were back then.

  115. No doubt, after France has fallen, the pussified faggot Brits will be “giving the knee” and welcoming the invading hordes with open arms… before getting their dumb fkin heads kicked in!! 😂

  116. Anonymous[968] • Disclaimer says:
    @Priss Factor

    About that defaced memorial, who handed out the paint? Chances are it’s like the Floyd riots in Minneapolis where a car with two middle-aged Jewish couples was videoed pulling over and the occupants trying to hand out bricks to the rioters.

  117. Bring back the Patriarchy if you want to live.

  118. Richard B says:
    @Priss Factor

    Two things that stuck out from this article.

    1. Trump saying they’ve defeated the West. Pretending to mourn while celebrating in an attempt to demoralize the one group his handlers hate the most.
    2. AA ending the article with a drawing of AH.

    You’d have to have rocks for brains not to see people like Anglin and Trump for what they really are – employees.

    • Agree: Dragoslav
  119. Wokechoke says:
    @Vito Klein



    For a Massacre:

    Action: Upon the rising of the curtain, the little spirits of the forest are dancing, leaping, twirling about… It’s the world of the imps, the goblins, and the elves… Their chief is an imp wearing a crown, the King of the Imps, nimble, agile, and always on the lookout… They are playing…leap-frog… With them, in this joyous circle…a frail and timid doe…their little companion… And also a large companion, the great owl… He also dances, sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right…but quietly, always somewhat retiringly… He is the little band’s counselor, its sage…always a bit of a stick-in-the-mud… The little rabbit is there as well…with his drum… The shoutings of a joyous band can be heard… Young fellows and young ladies…who are approaching the clearing…the foremost of these young ladies appears between the bushes: Evelyne… A very beautiful, very joyous, very gay, very scintillating young lady. She happens to catch sight of the very last of the little imps…who flee upon her approach…being afraid of humans…

    The persecuted surge forth, pale and gaunt, from the ages of darkness, from the centuries of torture… Here they are, the phantoms…remorse…suspended to either side of us…Léon Blum… Hayes… Zukor… Litvinov… Levitan… Braunschwig… Bernstein… Bader… Kerensky…a hundred thousand Levys…the crucified Chaplin…the tragedic Marx Brothers… We have made too many martyrs… How to atone for all of our crimes… We have made them suffer too much… Quickly, we must give them all of our jobs, all of our little wad of dough… Our last little farthings. We must be bled some more…to the end…with two…three…ten wars. All of the frontiers must be beaten down using our vile Aryan flesh… At present, there are too few pogroms…for us, By Yehovah! Only for us!… They haven’t organized enough of them. They’re a blessing from Heaven! I will get myself a tattoo of Golgotha, I will, in order to make myself forgiven.

  120. SteveK9 says:

    WASP oligarchs were absolutely different. They were not without faults but they built America. The most important change in America has been switching WASP oligarchs for Jewish Oligarchs. If you like what America has become, then you should applaud the change.

    • Replies: @Thrallman
  121. Notsofast says:

    why has no one mentioned the obvious gorilla warfare aspect of this? that gorilla’s name is ceasar and he organized this whole war. don’t underestimate him as he is a darpa project, that has gone rogue and plans on joining prigozhin, as they conduct a classic pincer movement and roll over the european continent.

  122. Wokechoke says:

    Quite the trick there.

    All this footage of African monkeys smashing up France. And that’s what you respond with?

  123. @Priss Factor

    Everything that does not war, at least culturally, against all things WASP will become this. Ireland remained morally and culturally healthy until after its ‘peace’ with the Anglo-Zionist Empire. WASP culture is Zionist poison. It needs to be warred against and then quarantined.

    The baseline is pagan Germanic culture, which began to revive with the successes of The Reformation. Add to that horror the fact that Anglo-Saxon Puritanism was a Judaizing heresy, which means that the growth of WASP empire would spread philo-Semitism. All that shaken well and repeatedly stirred has led us to this point: the Gotterdammerung, in which all those who have imbibed fully have become suicidal, waiting, then wishing, for death of the culture.

    And Poles have a long history of telling themselves fanciful nonsense that justifies their craving to rule all of Eastern Europe and most of Central Europe. Polish leadership will knowingly choose Anglo-Zionism in order to be allowed to serve as pretend rulers of a large part of the worldwide WASP Empire. To get that, Polish leaders will allow the country to be owned preponderantly by Jews and to be filled and overflowing with blacks and brown Mohammedans.

  124. Notsofast says:

    if the mockingbird media is calling this a george floyd event, then you know that means they will need an a.l.m., that thought might make the israeli’s a little nervous. i’m sure the adl gave blm, a sizable contribution to help aid in their civil rights struggle, wonder if they’ll do the same for alm, you know alms for the alm?

  125. @Iris

    I don’t remember there being French forces in Syria at that time. Around the same time, due to the efforts of Nick Griffin, British MPs voted against British involvement in a war in Syria, and there were no major terrorist attacks in Britain like the ones in France.


    I find it hard to believe that Arab youths in France or Belgium would accept orders from Mossad. Or you mean they’re not smart enough to find out who was grooming them for the attacks but smart enough to carry them out while bypassing the surveillance of all the security services and the police. There’s much that is odd about those attacks but in the end they did not lead to France joining or leading any war in Syria. So the French state did an inside job, with Mossad, to blame the Arabs and go to war against Syria and then didn’t go to war against Syria anyway. So why do the attacks in the first place?

    • Replies: @Iris
    , @Iris
  126. Anonymous[318] • Disclaimer says:
    @Priss Factor

    Here lies the problem. Most whites live their lives with the belief they are so special and so superior to others that they fail to see that their oppressor is also white. When will they notice that white people are victim/slaves of a system they blindly support and do something about it?

    But it seems they really want entire control over their lives. It surely appears most are asking for it. If the rest come to the realization that we too are being deliberately mis-led by OTHER WHITES then maybe change will begin.

    • Agree: Son of a Jedi
    • Replies: @anonymous
  127. @paulo

    Lmao, have fun in your Arabic/Negroid mulatto paradise? France is a failed state, as are the other Western ZOG superstates… look at any American, UK, German, French urban center. It’s a parody. You have 10 years, maybe 15 of maintaining any semblance of rule of law and order. This is your future. You invited these people into your homes, to blow your daughters and sisters backs out and breed an entire underclass that hates you. It’s a level of idiocy only befit for a people who deserve annihilation. You won’t be mentioned in future history books. Bye!

    • Agree: fnn, Zyklon BB gun
  128. @Iris

    No policeman has been killed during any of the last periods of mass social unrest, not a single one.

    You have identified the problem with the peaceful protesters. They keep getting beat down by the morons in costume and take it. There will come a time when that will no longer be the case as things deteriorate further. The hunting rifles in Europe and the private arsenals in the US will eventually fire on the judas types known as street cops because they implement every new policy designed to produce feudalism 2.0 .

    If you haven’t figured it out yet, street cops are not your friend. They are the traitors in the society that work for your continued enslavement by the oligarchy erroneously referred to as the gov’t. You are ruled by a criminal mafia that uses street cops as the first line of defense for themselves.

    • Agree: Zyklon BB gun, Realist
    • Replies: @Iris
    , @Zyklon BB gun
  129. bj0311 says:

    Nothing to see here.

    The Gauls always riot over something and that is why France never changes for the better. Politicians just send in the cops and ignore the current protest issue because they know next weeks protest will be about something else.

    • Troll: Robertson
  130. @PetrOldSack

    They still do, especially about the blacks taking the Maghrebis’s women, but they sure as hell are united against whitey, and there’s some antifa/black block type embedded with the “rioters”, you can see it in some videos, plus the cuck white leftists are 100% siding with the Blacks and “Arabs” (they aren’t even Arabs, Maghrebis are considered as lower class my middle eastern Arabs.)

  131. geokat62 says:

    All of these immigrants that white people have agreed to flood their countries with are going to roost mercilessly.

    “White people” did not agree to destroy their own homelands. We have traitorous Shabbos goys, like Tony Bliar (note spelling) to thank for that. He sold out his homeland for 30 pieces of silver shekels.

    It is very similar to George Floyd, in that it is a dumb race hoax drummed up by the media to push hatred and violence against whites.

    The people who orchestrated this race war are desperate to take the spotlight off themselves for being primarily responsible for creating the conditions for said race war.

    … to the point where they actually believe this gibberish that women spout about “vibrant diversity.”

    The normie will soon discover that saying Diversity Is A Strength is like saying Rat Poison Is Good For You.

  132. Bernie says:

    “Thus far, I’ve only seen one video of a Frenchman fighting back – driving through the smoke, smoking a cigarette, and plowing the bastards with his car.”

    May there be many more …

  133. The whole point is that all those other European countries will do nothing to stop the flow of the immigrants. Absolutely nothing. Or just something minimal for show, if even that, then back to normal – an uninterrupted flow of immigrants to Europe and most probably an ever increasing flow of them with no end in sight.

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  134. @Iris

    Well, at least if the immigrants were killing French taxfeeder pension bums, that would be beneficial for the indigenous French whites.
    An enemy of an enemy ,is an ally. Ironically, that is an Arab saying.





  135. Wokechoke says:

    ww2 never ended as Charlie Manson pointed out.

  136. Thekid says:

    Gee, weapons meant for Ukraine wouldn’t be showing up in France would they?

    • Thanks: Robertson
  137. AxeGryndr says:

    It is painful to watch strong men being forged.

  138. Why is Macron blaming video games for the riots? He should claim that Russians are behind the riots so that he can justify sending more money, weapons and mercenaries to the Ukraine.

    • LOL: Avery
  139. geokat62 says:

    I’m Glad There Is a Race War in France

    Race war? But, but, I thought Jewish Supremacist Organizations said “race” was nothing more than a “social construct?”

  140. Dear Andrew,
    I usually tend to ignore your diatribes, but since you’re writing about events taking place in my birth country, I was drawn to “reading” your “essay” (more a collection of videos interlaced with your usual racist rants, without providing any context, or analysis).

    So let me provide some (incomplete) context.

    First and foremost, france has a well documented colonial past, preceding the french Revolution (the girondins were in large part wealthy slave traders based around Bordeaux, and the Gironde estuary, who financed a counter-revolution against the montagnards of Robespierre and the sans-culottes, to kill the very notion of liberty, equality and fraternity, which threatened their business and livelihood).
    During the first and second world wars, france drew on its colonies to provide much needed cannon fodder (e.g. the tirailleurs senegalais). Those men, having fought and died alongside many young frenchmen, returned to their lands, for the most part to work on plantations exploited by colons, who treated them often no better than cattle.
    This led them to demand better conditions, demands violently crushed by the colonial army. The standoffs grew into organised independence movements, which eventually prevailed.
    Meanwhile france was in the process of re-industrialising, and needed workers. Men of working age having been decimated by the 2 successive world wars, the state heavily promoted immigration. These first generation immigrants worked in factories like the Renault ones in boulogne billancourt, and lived in rapidly built housing estates which dot the parisian periphery, the so called banlieues. This cheap workforce essentially rebuilt the french industrie, but were not integrated in french society, the government expecting them to return where they came from. They were not given french citizenship and therefore did not qualify for many benefits (healthcare, pension,…).
    In those banlieues, their children were schooled about their “gaulois” ancestors in public, laic schools,… and their parents could not support with homework. This 2nd generation saw the contradictions between what they learnt in school (liberté, égalité, fraternité) and their daily life, and became first disenfranchised. This culmilated first in clashes with police (often routine identity controls), in the early 80’s. This led the socialist Mitterrand government to introduce the “droit du sol” laws (a child whose both parents are foreigners but lived more than 5 years in france could apply for french citizenship).
    Discrimination, both in the workplace, as well as incidents with police continued, however, and also spilled into french public schools (the principle of separation between state and church, the laicity introduced by Jules Ferry in the late 19th early 20th century explicitly banned religious signs in public schools), the still ongoing Hijab debate, again singling out 2nd and 3rd generation kids (but crosses or kippahs were never really a problem, double standard).
    The victory of the french football team in the 1998 world cup, l’équipe bleu-blanc-beur (beur = slang for Arab) did start to bring some late recognition and diversity in the media, but the situations in the banlieues were far from over, drug gangs taking control and police no longer patrolling.

    The actual violence has therefore absolutely nothing to do with the latest waves of illegal immigration resulting from the post-9/11 conflicts, but a consequence of french colonialism, post-wwii re-industrialising, combined with the double standards of french laicity laws.

    There is a lot more to add, and ive probably made several inaccuracies here and there, so cut me some slack if that’s the case.

    Finally, this in no way justifies the current spate of violence, but i hope it puts it at least in historical context which is sadly lacking in this article.

    Best regards

    • Agree: Dragoslav
    • LOL: Thim
  141. geokat62 says:

    So Muslims prosper in America and in Britain, while they riot in France.. wonder why

    It comes down to numbers.

  142. Wokechoke says:

    I assume you can’t vote in French elections.


    I’m afraid that Ze French will have to pogrom these Africans. There is no other solution short of butchery. And le Pen with her Fascist background is the nearest thing they have to a Pogromist. which isn’t saying much.

    “In the second round, Macron beat Le Pen with 58.5% of the vote to her 41.5%, a narrower margin than in the 2017 election. Turnout was 72.0%, the lowest in a presidential election run-off since 1969. Le Pen conceded defeat after exit projections became available. The presidential election was followed by the 2022 French legislative election, held on 12–19 June, to elect the 577 members of the National Assembly, the lower house of the French Parliament.”

    It’s also very difficult to find male and female voting patterns in France. I’d guess that soft liberal women deliver Macron his majority, with relish.


    “(CNN)At his final campaign event before the first round of the 2022 French presidential election, Emmanuel Macron told a packed stadium that gender equality would be the “grand cause” of his second term if he won. It was also the grand cause of his first.

    Gender equality has otherwise featured little in a campaign dominated by the war in Ukraine and the cost of living, but feminist organizations and academics are nonetheless working to highlight the major challenges women in the country face over the next five years, including femicide, gendered Islamophobia, pay inequality and precarious employment.”


    Women were only enfranchised in 1944. It only took 70 years to get to this point with “Niggers in Paris”. Core EU values and all that.

  143. Wokechoke says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Macron’s been snookered.

    the only people who are rioting are his own voting base. The folks who voted for LePen/Putin in 2022 are the cops, right wing blokes down the pub and the army.

    • Replies: @Wielgus
  144. @Commentator Mike

    It is quite obviously a form of suicide.

    Few people seem to ask the question “Why?” …. Why are European leaders allowing all this immigration?

  145. Wielgus says:
    @Commentator Mike

    I suppose because the “Russian fifth column” propaganda message won’t fly. I mean, this isn’t the Cold War, and even the French Communist Party has adopted a pretty anti-Moscow line re Ukraine.

  146. @HeebHunter

    You’ve gotta be one of the most worthless commenters at Unz. Have you ever made a single constructive comment? Ever shared any info of any use to anyone? Venting like a little bitch is all I’ve ever seen you do.

    As your handle indicates, you come off as a hate-filled Heeb.

    • Replies: @Dave Bowman
    , @HeebHunter
  147. Notsofast says:

    sir elton was joined on stage for a rousing encore, by none other than zelensky. the two played a spirited duet, of “dueling banjo’s” on the same piano. the dueling pianists, brought down the house, much to macron’s delight.

    they said nero fiddled while rome burned, while zelensky will go down in history, as the man who played with his penis while kiev and paris burn.

  148. Iris says:
    @Commentator Mike

    I don’t remember there being French forces in Syria at that time.

    But how could you have known, since the US$ billion-worth “Operation Timber Sycamore”, led by the US starting from October 2011 in order to illegally bring down the Syrian government, and largely funded with American taxpayer money, was never known even to the American public?


    This covert regime change action, another brainchild of Nobel Peace Prize Obama and of David Petraeus, was planned and conducted in total secrecy for years, including who was funding it and who was involved, which included KSA, Qatar, the UK and France.

    This criminal operation was only partially revealed to the public by timid articles in the WP and the NYT from end-2016, perhaps because of its failure on the ground, the necessity to create public sympathy for the “Syrian rebels”, and to put pressure on an incoming and recalcitrant Trump administration for further .


    The French involvement in Syria in 2011, and her subsequent withdrawal decision around 2015, in view of the failures encountered by the proxy “Islamist” legions, was well documented by journalist Maxime Chaix in his book ” La Guerre de l’Ombre en Syrie”.

    It was never a coincidence that so many very implausible “Islamist” terror attacks coincided with France withdrawing from Syria.


    • Replies: @Telimektar
  149. Fantastic news. Also, in Sucksembourg (Luxembourg)—tribunals/ courts are overrun with refugee seekers/asymlum seekers many from the us empire endless wars. Many “judges” urinate on themselves /trip over themselves to grant them residency/visa permits etc. No whites allowed. And few asians too.

    Black/middle east is what matters to Luxemsuckers.

    Tons from afrikan sht holes—including—nigerians, cameroonians, ethipians, ghanda, north africans, it’s a hodge podge of shit etc. They say no to white folks, but roll the red carpet out for africans. Hear the howling, screams, loiterating, graffitis, shitting/pissing in streets, stealing, knifing, etc.etc.etc. The Euro weanies seem to love that “diversity” and “culture”….

    Come to sucksembourg and revel in all that “diversity”….

  150. Gregabob says:

    The French need to man up and channel their inner Napoleon to take care of this out of control immigrant problem.

  151. “Personally, I’m glad this is happening. It was going to have to happen some time. It’s better it’s happening now.

    My hope is that whites will see this, and they will remember it. My hope is that moving forward – at least in France – there is clarity about this relationship that Europeans have with the Moslems and the blacks.”

    So, when I see this, I come to an almost parasympathetic response, I would get my rifle in the dark of night and kill as many as I could.

    It actually would thrill me to no end as I headed out into the night.

    Every single bullet would have to count and I would remind myself to gut shoot as much as possible.

    I almost want to move there.

    Gonna get on Zillow now and see if I can get property cheap. After they are all dead (Gentrification), I make a killing. Pun intended.

    God bless Charles Martel.

    Jesus, what fun!!!

  152. Anonymous[400] • Disclaimer says:

    Your conclusion about consequences is correct, but they have been expected for quite some time.

    People on Unz.com like to think that it is the Jews that are solely responsible. They are partially correct, the Jewish coalition within the United States has certainly been very destructive, has made things much worse. Theirs was much of the asset stripping of US companies and theirs was the strategy of winning the Cold War by offering access to US markets and global free trade to China and anybody else who would ally with the US is historical record: Henry Kissinger talked Nixon into implementing that strategy.

    However. The fall of the Anglo-Saxons who industrialized early 1900s America was not effected by Jewish groups. The New Deal was a coalition of the post-1840s immigrants and the Deep South, led by a recrudescent Dutchman who apparently hadn’t gotten over the loss of New Amsterdam (now NYC) to the Anglo-Saxons. I exaggerate a bit for effect, but not by that much; FDR’s maneuvering the US into WW II showed both contempt and hatred for the US. New Deal’s victory was also a product of Anglo-Saxon overreach in trying to re-organize the US as if it were a corporation with a corporate headquarters, a product of splitting the Republican Presidential vote just before WW I, a product of establishing the Federal Reserve (FR) that was responsible (FR says) for the 1929 stock market crash.

    Further: The US after WW II awoke to find that was now ruler of the industrialized world (save for USSR and Warsaw Pact). The US destroyed what was left of the British and French Empires (Suez crisis), and tried to protect its domination by fighting the USSR (which acted aggressive but had lost so many people in WW II that, after Stalin, USSR was a spent force).

    The US has been losing its 1945 dominance ever since 1945, and every military action it has taken has been an effort to retain its dominance. (Again, see von Creveld, “Fate of the State”, Parameters, 1996 for a description of this loss.) Earlier US actions were to prevent USSR expansion, later US actions to secure resources for global trade.

    The most recent US action, Ukraine, has attempted to save the last bastion of US dominance by preventing an alliance between Russia and Germany, which would develop into an alliance between Russia and Europe. Trump said as much when he said that Germany would become dependent on Russian energy. As I said, US policy to incorporate Russian resources into the US sphere of dominance has been in effect for a long time, dating at least back to the NATO alliances creep to the East.

    The failure of the US’s Ukraine initiative, probably by the end of this Summer (2023/10), will mark the end of US world dominance, as you said.

    One interesting twist in this is that the Russian Federation (RF) might not ally with Germany, leaving Europe to de-industrialized for lack of resources, and might deliberately end its engagement with Europe, an engagement that has turned out so badly for Russia since the Napoleonic Wars.

    As for the French riots — when US dominance is lost, France and Germany will elect new governments. These new governments will favor descendants of the base population of France as of, say, 1945, and will find their only sympathetic ally to be RF.

    This summer, and the 2024 elections, are going to be historic markers of the end of the WW II system. As with most historic markers, they will not have caused the change (which has taken decades and will take decades more), but will serve as a convenient division for historians. Maybe not so convenient for those who live through the marker, however.

    Oh, and as for the Jewish Coalition. It has no friend anywhere that I can see, only power, and won’t make out well when the power goes. Nor will anybody else. When the Roman Empire failed, the population of Europe fell by about half, more in England. The Earth’s population is ~8 billion. In 1960, before current levels of world trade, it was about 3 billion. When the US goes, so does world trade — the world will revert to spheres of influence.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Levtraro
    , @jsigur
  153. “The brown folk, the refuse of the world who we wanted to play daddy to, are harrowing and apocalyptic chickens.”

    Do “the brown folk” include your beloved Chinese, whose yellow arse kissing you seem to excel in? Are the dirty pandas, emblematic of the colors black and white, to be sent packing after the mayhem in Paris?

  154. @HbutnotG

    Great news for France and the entire EU (the us empire’s subordinates/vassals). It’s exciting to see such passion and diversity that was/ is welcomed by euro weanies.

  155. Iris says:

    They keep getting beat down by the morons in costume and take it

    This is perhaps the most interesting point in all this discussion.

    Macron and the Banking oligarchy standing behind him must and will continue supporting the most appalling police brutality and most fascistic law enforcement violence, whatever it takes.

    Otherwise, who will beat up and tame the future retirees and pensioners, the working-class Yellow Vests, the nurses, the truck drivers, the civil servants, the college pupils, the rail personnel, almost each and every section of the French society which has been and will be rebelling for socio-economic reasons?

    This is how the Usury cartel enforces debt-slavery: by beating and killing under the guise of the “State”. And even with some ideological help from the Andrew Anglins of the world.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @RoatanBill
  156. @CelestiaQuesta

    Whites/asians need NOT apply. Only blacks please. That’s the EU courts/ tribunals etc.

    The courts/tribunals are filled with free lawyers to afrikans, middle easterners welcoming them with red carpet treatment–visas, permanent residency permits, etc.

    The euro weanie “judges” are very happy to allows these wonderfully accomplished, intellectual, financially stable persons into the EU.

    Third country national Whites are shown the door with rejections left and right.

    • Agree: CelestiaQuesta
  157. @What Drivel..

    Hate is a good thing.

    It’s the lubrication necessary to grease the wheel of justice which has rusted shut over these last several decades.

    If you are looking at the videos above and thinking it is a “Fiery, but mostly peaceful demonstration” you are, as Stokely Carmichael once said, “Part of the problem”.

    Seeing the incessant, ongoing attacks on whites all over the world and bending the knee to Nietzsche’s executioner is a Pavlovian response generated by, during those same decades, millions of hours of agitprop from the Joo apparatchiks in charge of the media.

    In other words, you are a fucking idiot with the IQ of inbred bacteria.

    HATE! Read the book, see the movie, eat the ice cream and wear the T Shirt proudly.

  158. Anon[426] • Disclaimer says:

    That’s right, there can be no escape for you whites, only submission. The end of white supremacy and white pride and the birth of white subservience.

    • Replies: @Robertson
  159. Dumbo says:
    @Ben Affleck's mum

    Are all French such cucks? Look, whatever. If France wants to survive, France needs to repel White Guilt, to start having white babies, to expel the brown invaders, and to repel everything about the (((French))) Revolution. Becoming a Catholic monarchy again would be a good start. Then perhaps part of France will be able to survive. Otherwise, it becomes Africa.

    Countries are their people, not their geography or the “constitution”. I wonder since when have people become so dumb and no longer understand such basic facts? (Perhaps, that’s also a sad fruit of the French Revolution.)

  160. lavoisier says: • Website

    White cucks really are the main enemy, after the Jewish pied pipers of course.

    • Agree: Trinity, FTB
  161. Wokechoke says:
    @Ben Affleck's mum

    Ben Affleck’s Mum

    Are you an Ethnic Frog? or Juif?

    you introduced yourself and mentioned “my birth country” rather than saying “I’m French…”

    Reminds me of an ungrateful child saying “My Biological Mother” then rattling on about what a stinking pair the biological parents were. Then we come to find out you’ve got a Trustfund and a PhD with no student debt too.

    • Replies: @Ben Affleck's mum
  162. This happened before in 2005 and 2007. Is it worse this time? Or does this happen every 15-20 years with peace and quiet between?

  163. Wokechoke says:

    To a point you are correct. However, eventually these are not socioeconomic reasons for resistance but are instead racial clashes. Macron will hang this white cop out to dry for shooting a darkie. He gave the anti-yellow vest Cops a free pass as these people were mostly whites getting the shaft.

  164. Thim says:

    There will be no refuge in Russia. Millions of Musselmans are pouring into Russia, central Asians, and have been for 20 years. Russia is far more Islamic than France.

    As “Putin” said last month, “diversity is our strength.”

    This guy “Putin”, or the guy Strelkov says is “some guy that somewhat resembles the President of the RU”, hates Russians, hates Christians, and loves Musselmans and Judahites. What a shame that the leader of the Coup attempt, General Surovikan, got arrested the first day, and so the liberation of Russia failed. The Judahites at the KGB won again.

    This goes beyond body doubles. But you might remember Peskov squirming as he tried to explain how “Putin” was scheduled to be in three places at once, and was seen at three places at once. Presumably the scheduler for the day fell off a balcony the next day.

    Who is really in control, in Washington or in Moscow? In Moscow Shoigu is in control, with his numerous “Putin” fakes. What they did with the real Putin is probably not pretty. But no one has seen the real Putin since 2014.

    And still the Musselmans pour in by the millions every year, as Russia continues to be ruled by a Russian hating Tuvan/Siberian Shaman.

    There will be no refuge in Russia. Some places in South America are more promising

  165. Wokechoke says:

    The Suez Crisis included the Jews. They IDF occupied Sinai and the Britain claimed they were getting in the middle of an Arab Jew war by seizing the Canal Zone.

    what Suez Crisis did was to split English and French alliance that had held for around 50 years. The Jews did come out on top in Sinai then they got nukes as a reward from the Americans for compliance and a job well done.

    • Replies: @Ben Affleck's mum
  166. @Iris

    The average person has been propagandized to believe, without thinking, that he must obey all laws. Does the average person ever seriously reflect on who makes the laws, the political class? Isn’t the political class regarded as being lower than crab shit and that’s at the bottom of Challenger Deep? Why should we be under the thumb of the criminal class and their made up out of nothing laws that legalize stealing our labor under the guise of ‘taxation’ where we have little to no say over how the money is spent, what wars get started and what new edicts we are supposed to obey?

    I have no moral responsibility to obey the oligarchy’s edicts and neither does anyone else. The only laws I’m obliged to obey due to conscience are those of natural law which is summed up nicely in the golden rule. The State’s laws are designed to further their interests at our expense and they use the scum in the society to oppress us by giving the dumbest a badge, gun and whistle to blindly ‘follow orders’ as though that’s a noble thing to do; ditto the dreg volunteers in the military.

    Cops are our natural enemies because they are unthinking beasts that receive their 30 pieces of silver for the traitorous work they do. They do not protect the citizenry, they do not prevent crime, they are the gestapo for the oligarchy and should be shunned and insulted with the truth at every opportunity.

    • Thanks: Zyklon BB gun
    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  167. Americans will not be coming to liberate France from the parasites they allowed to burn loot murder and rape.
    I expect this to spread soon to US and beyond.

    Lock and load.

    • Agree: RockaBoatus
    • Replies: @Hrw-500
  168. Iris says:
    @Commentator Mike

    I find it hard to believe that Arab youths in France or Belgium would accept orders from Mossad. Or you mean they’re not smart enough to find out who was grooming them for the attacks but smart enough to carry them out while bypassing the surveillance of all the security services and the police

    You are very correct that Arab youths are, in majority, politically smarter than the rest of us, probably because Islam keeps them on more traditional tracks.
    In general, they don’t fall for Israel’s multi-faceted bullshit, or the LGBTQ nonsense, or other social-engineering machinations invented by the Liberal New World Order to destroy civilisation.

    But like any other communities, they have their minority of (1) black sheep, (2) fallen and (3) greedy idiots.

    Mohamed Merah, who allegedly killed Jewish kids in Toulouse, belongs to category (1).
    He was a long-term, petty grass of (((French))) intelligence, used to infiltrate Arab youths groups, portrayed as an Islamist but authorised to travel several times back and forth to Israel.

    The Kouachi brothers, who were used for the Charlie Hebdo false flag, belong to category (2). Orphaned young, they were since the age of 10-12 sponsored and monitored by intelligence-linked organisations.
    The Charlie Hebdo killing was a glaring Mossad operation, as is his then-director Philippe Val, a notorious Mossad asset. (He was miraculously absent and spared, similar to Larry Silverstein and family’s 9/11 miracle lucky escape).

    Tunisian petty criminal Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, who allegedly was responsible for the 2016 Nice Bastille Day truck attack while he was sat and killed on the passenger site, is of category (3). He was given a lot of illegal money just to sit in a truck, and did not make any of it.
    In the Nice attack, due to the regional demographics, about one third of the victims were Muslims.

    Ultimately, what matters is what the France-based Muslim community and clerics themselves say about those events: they overwhelmingly reject the use of terror attacks, and the smarter minority among them unequivocally points at the “Islamist” jihadis’ collusion with Israel.

  169. @An American Frenchman

    Why the hell are Africans and Muslims in Europe. Who The fuck let them in. They should be living in their own countries and not Terraforming Europe. This will come to no good.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @showmethereal
  170. @Ben Affleck's mum

    Hope you are trolling hard, the “banlieues” were built by French, Italians, Portuguese and other working class Europeans, sure they were a few Algerian workers I’m sure but stop the BS, the “banlieues” had almost no problem when they were populated by French and European immigrants, your average French citizen didn’t benefit at all from colonization, they fucking paid for it, the Empire was mainly built by paid colonial troops firing on “their own”, the Algerian Jews were the dominant class in French Algeria, not the French.

    Yes colonization is bullshit, 99% of people had nothing to do with it, guess we should demand reparation from 14 centuries of Muslim piracy and slavery, the invasion of Algiers was justified, the Army should just have occupied the ports indefinitely or burned them yearly, no need to go farther, remove the Black and Arab cocks from your mouth.

  171. @Iris

    Are the daily stabbings and rapes all organized by Mossad Iris ? Terrorism isn’t the main problem, replacement of our people and being stabbed because you don’t want/don’t have a cigarette to give a Muslim “youth” is, you can shill for them if you’re white they’ll still hate your guts.

    • Replies: @Iris
  172. France?

    I do not ever want to travel to that violent shithole.

  173. Gerry says:

    I cant get that picture of the gorilla standing on the rooftop staring at the humons and wonderingvwhat must be going through its head? Maybe what france needs is CAESAR!!!!!!!

  174. @Dumbo

    True. The White man’s racial ‘pets’ are coming home to roost. That this would eventually occur (and has in the past) should have been evident to every White person with an ounce of common sense (which, admittedly, is not too common these days). Yet the deception runs so deep among modern Whites that they cannot see the obvious. They have neither the eyes nor the ears to hear the Truth.

    Even when Blacks and Browns openly declare their hatred for ‘whitey’ and riot within the streets, Whites still do nothing about it and continue as if things are perfectly normal!?

    This is why I have said for many years that Whites will not wake up from their racial slumber until the filth of diversity is rubbed in their faces, and until they receive constant beatdowns from their ‘pets.’ And even then, there are no guarantees.

  175. Wielgus says:

    Election turnouts have been declining, hardly surprisingly – I suspect rioters are from that rather large section of society which does not vote. Though the cops will be Le Pen voters.

  176. @Charkes the Bald

    @charkes the bald, yeah, resist jews by bowing down before the jew on a stick.

    Worked great for Rome (back when it was still Roman).

    The great source of leftism aka egalitarianism, the literal death cult from judea that preaches soul equality & brotherly love.

    The death cult which demonizes ancestor veneration.

    The death cult which is still the dominant cult.

    You’re shocked at what’s happening? A death cult that worships weakness & sickliness?

    Sure seems like we just live in a world dominated by a death cult (((islam))) is another one, also created by jewry).

    And you demand we quadruple down with the death cult to help remedy that which the death cult created?

    You should be ashamed of yourself

  177. To the author.. are you sure these pics and videos are not of burning neighborhoods in Iraq, Libya or Syria?
    Why are the muslom hordes in Europe to begin with?
    And to ask the orange baboon, why are South Americans at our borders? Could it be financed death squads, regime change? or was it weapons of mass destruction found in Venezuela! (Why are sub Saharan Africans are on our Southern Boarder. They had to take an airplane ride.)
    Or; was it the moral and religious decline of Western populations intoxicated with their sense of exceptionalism and invincibility demolished in the Ukraine?
    When you fear whipping the horse, whip the saddle. When you fear facing your demons, find them in someone else.
    When you are afraid to face up to your puppet masters then beat up your fellow puppets.
    The author is nothing more than an employee.

  178. Dragoslav says:
    @Ben Affleck's mum

    Well, this website is laggy and I of course Don’t agree with this lying carcass of Ben Affleck born in France from Morocco or Cameroun stock. Every single word he wrote is a lie.

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  179. Yama says:

    I wonder if from a race critical perspective, this can be seen as a potential boon to the 2SLGBTQ+ community, given the intersectional affinity between this community and the BIPOC community versus their shared white patriarchal colonial enemy.


    Greedy French Frog Geezers in France were the ones who made sure that mass immigration booster Macron beat Marine Le Pen in 2022.

    Mass immigration increases housing costs and it stifles AFFORDABLE FAMILY FORMATION for young people.



    Marine Le Pen knows damn well that the greedy treasonous French Baby Boomers and the French geezers are the ones benefiting from the asset bubbles created by the globalized central banks and the ECB.

    In the 2022 French presidential election, Marine Le Pen won almost every age cohort except for the French Baby Boomers and the demented French geezers and she did it by focusing on immigration-driven multicultural mayhem and monetary policy-driven inflation and the rising cost of fuel, housing, food and the like.

    Non-European Muslims and non-Europeans and money-grubbing, demonic French geezers born before 1965 swarmed into the treasonous voter camp of Rothschild McKinsey puppet tart rat Macron.

    Macron Is A Puppet Tart Rat For Evil And Greedy Globalizer Plutocrats!

  181. Levtraro says:

    Your conclusion about consequences is correct, but they have been expected for quite some time.

    Really? Most people I’ve talked to about this and TUR commenters seem to believe the opposite, that there is a White genocide going on and/or that that is the plan. What I see in my projections is a Brown genocide and a posterior underwhelming White revival.

    Theirs [Jews’] was much of the asset stripping of US companies and theirs was the strategy of winning the Cold War by offering access to US markets and global free trade to China …

    Yes, I’ve said that promoting China’s entry into WTO was the grossest, stupidest, most narrow-minded error committed by USA elites in the last few decades.

    However. The fall of the Anglo-Saxons who industrialized early 1900s America was not effected by Jewish groups.

    Agree. I got the coveted Ron Unz Golden Frame by explaining that Jews are a small symbiont living in the brain of the Anglo-Saxon (and less so French) body politic. As the Anglo-Saxon stamina softens and becomes senescent, the Jews in their midst become more prominent.

    I disagree with your vision in some details. Up the 80s the USA was the largest creditor of the world and the main producer of new scientific discoveries, so I don’t see her decline starting right after WWII, as you do. I see USA decline starting with the coming to power of the neolibs and then accelerated by the fall of the Soviet Union.

    The failure of the US’s Ukraine initiative, probably by the end of this Summer (2023/10), will mark the end of US world dominance, as you said.

    I don’t recall saying that. I think the end of US world dominance will happen for economic reasons, probably by 2027, long after Russia had prevailed in the Ukraines, and it will be brought about by crossing a de-dollarization threshold that will unleash US$ devaluation and subsequent inability to keep military assets abroad (among other major economic sufferings).

  182. @RoatanBill

    Recently, from


    Orban stated that Hungarians “are living in times when the foundations of the world are shaking,”

    He pointed to the hostilities in Ukraine to the east, noting that “tens and hundreds of thousands of migrants from the south are besieging our borders.”

    Against this backdrop, Hungary needs to have a strong government, economy, army, and law enforcement agencies, Orban said. “We must train and arm ourselves… strong people are greatly needed, because the truth is worth little without strength.”

    The time will come when weak nations will be lost and the strong will remain. Therefore, we must strengthen our own defense lines and law enforcement agencies every single day,” he added.

    I don’t know what to say. On the one hand I really hate the state and all its institution and this kind of talk sounds extremely fascist, but on the other hand when I hear something like this it rings true. Weakening or destroying such a state would, under these circumstances, destroy the nation and open the flood gates to those who would unleash an apocalypse upon the people. Is this what we really want?

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
    , @neutral
  183. Dragoslav says:

    Remember when Andrew Predicted that the great ISIS Muslim warriors would conquer Jerusalem in a month?
    Isis being a Mossad creation but whatever…

    Andrew is funny but His information on what’s going on in France is just as valuable : the Muslims don’t control anything. They’re all from the Maghreb, massively negrified, with an IQ not much higher than that of the sub-Saharans.
    Their riots are the same as BLM’s in the USA : arson, looting, destroy for the sake of destroying. Out of jealousy of whitey and because the complicit authorities ( neocons and their puppets ) allow them total impunity.

    That’s all.
    That’s why Macron is enjoying old faggot Elton John. Nobody cares.
    When it is time to collect welfare checks ( or the highly organized Muslim would starve to death } it will be finished.

    • Replies: @Telimektar
  184. anonymous[337] • Disclaimer says:

    White women need it good and hard and often. We don’t have this dystopia without White women.

  185. @Robert Dolan

    The grandchildren of the people who forked up Russia with the Bolshevik Revolution have been in the West forking it up, too.

    (Recognize patterns and speak about them honestly and openly, before doing so is made illegal.)

    The lefties went along with the influx of foreigners because they wanted diverse political foot-soldiers.

    The capitalists on the right wanted cheap labor. Same as in the US. But cheap labor is never, finally, really cheap, so the lefties got the better deal.

    • Replies: @Robert Dolan
  186. Hrw-500 says:

    Now then you mention it, I saw that tweet via this article on ZeroHedge.

    And I quote the last paragraph from the ZeroHedge article.

    “Predictive programming?
    What’s alarming is that French police unions threaten to protest if the government refuses to clamp down hard on the rioting. France is in a state of near anarchy. French police said they were “at war” with “savage hordes of vermin.” This is further decay and one step closer to societal collapse. It will be a long summer in Europe. Are these organized rioters attempting a ‘color revolution’ in France?”

  187. Skeptikal says:
    @Kat Grey

    One caption to a Twitter video:

    Rioters are shooting submachine guns and unarmed civilians are defenseless.

    These events in France should be “nudge” factor in the USA for civilians to arm themselves and for the govt probably to try even harder to prevent exactly this.

    The govt wants a monopoly on violence; civilians should accept this, regardless of the circumstances.

    Seems like maybe those NATO arms headed for the Ukraine should turn around and head for France . . .

    • Agree: FTB
    • Replies: @Joe Stalin
    , @Anonymous
  188. Had a look at how the WSWS covered this.


    I always laugh at the persistent delusion of these Trotskyites, as they never give up and keep playing the same record over and over again. To every problem … the only solution is “the working class must …” and of course under the leadership of the Fourth International, even though they hardly have a presence in any of these events they cover and the various protagonists in world events don’t even know who the hell they are.

  189. Avery says:

    {What I see in my projections is a Brown genocide and a posterior underwhelming White revival.}

    I don’t see how.

    Genocide implies extermination.
    If Whites start pressing non-Whites in Europe before the latter become some percentage at which point they will have the numbers to fight back, the non-Whites will simple flee to the lands where they (ancestrally) came from. Even if they were born in Europe.
    No genocide: just ethnic cleansing.

    But it is hard to imagine Western European Whites acting that way, i.e. trying to push the non-Whites out.

    Right now they are wealthy, fat and happy: they will retreat to their own White enclaves and hope the problem goes away. It won’t, and by the time Whites are pinched enough to realize what’s coming — it will be too late for them to do anything about it. Most likely scenario in that case is the breakup of, say, France, into 2-3 separate countries: Christian White, Muslim, other.

    At least that’s the way I see it.

    • Replies: @Telimektar
    , @Levtraro
  190. @Commentator Mike

    What I want is my and your natural right of self defense restored using any weapon I and you desire and can afford, including all the military weapons taxes have paid the development of. I don’t give a shit about the police and military because they are nothing but paid murderers so stupid that they kill on command without thinking about their actions and are the root cause of today’s problems.

    It’s the fucking cops and military that underpin the oligarchy, jews, zionist, neocons, call them whatever you want. I don’t trust the State and their enforcers to ever look out for my interests because my life experience tells me they never do.

    I want the people to be armed to the teeth to ward off any and all encroachers on their liberty and that includes the State sponsored thugs that the morons of the society thank for their service or put stickers on their cars to back the blue. I want the citizenry to be their own police force, their own military force because the current regime wants us all disarmed to victimize us at their pleasure.

    It’s when push comes to shove that a POS like Orban wants to increase the power of the State and its paid for enforcers while sounding like he wants to restore people natural right of self defense. If I see him distribute the weapons stashed in Hungary’s armories to the people is when I’ll take that blow hard seriously. He’s just another bullshit politician that manages to say the right things for the weak of mind to rally around.

  191. @Dragoslav

    You can easily change “agree” to “disagree” by going back to his comment and pressing the other button.

  192. Stewart says:

    I don’t see how this really benefits the power elite

    solve et coagula

    While western politicians have been studiously avoiding even mentioning the population problem, the “elites” have been quietly publishing (and then implementing) their own solutions since at least the 70s – see e.g. “Limits to Growth” (1972)

    Force women into the “workplace”
    Destroy the Family
    Destroy religion
    Divide the sexes
    promote homosexuality, drugs, youth “rebellion”
    etc etc etc

    These are the so-called “soft” methods of population control.

    I fear they may have decided that a “hard” method was necessary with the forced mRNA injections.

  193. Iris says:

    Are the daily stabbings and rapes all organized by Mossad Iris ?

    Mass stabbings and mass rapes? In France?

    When did that happen? Other than in Hasbara propaganda handbook, that is? Please provides figures and facts.

  194. Thrallman says:

    To the extent that your comment is true, it is because some of those WASP (Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestant) oligarchs were self-made men from an era when opportunity was something real to be seized on the frontier or workshop, not something a Human Resources department decides to give or withhold. These men earned their success and were not harried by White guilt.

    The blossom of New England were proto-woke. The Radical Republicans were a forerunner of Antifa. If all the Jews went to Israel and stayed there, it wouldn’t solve the problem of self-hating antiwhites.

    • Replies: @jsigur
  195. polaco says:

    One Pole managed to scale a skyscraper in Montparnasse ( a French quarter in Paris? , under strict curfew? ) , à la Alain Robert:

    Marcin Banot, using the name BNT on the Internet, climbed the Montparnasse tower in Paris on Friday evening:


  196. Anymike says:

    The other thing is what I have called “the crisis of the Golden Rule.” When people are making war on you and want you to make war on them, they are doing unto you as they want you to do unto them.

    Meanwhile, I don’t see what the value of making concessions would be. The benefits that derive from the concessions primarily reach only those who are most assimilable, notably those who already have gone, are going or will go the university. These already assimilate although there is within this population a coterie of career hothead and career malcontents.

    These people are too deeply involved in a religion cum social ideology which will keep them from ever assimilating, As with racial minorities in North American, a key factor is their social ideology promises them a higher station and more power than they would have with assimilation, if only they could make their social ideology prevail. Islam multiplies the issue many times over.

    • Agree: RoatanBill
  197. Rubicon says:

    As of 7/1/23 10:00 am West Coast time: Twitter people in France and even in Thailand are being blocked by both Twitter and Facebook.

    Speculation is growing: one UK journalist suggested that the WEF and its Elites are frightened by what is happening in France. (Since when is the WEF afraid of anything?)

    Others are saying this whole frackus in France is an effort to overthrow Macron. The riots, the looting of 200 banks, the closing of some commerical ports, the massive urban damage in Marseille, Nantes, Paris and elsewhere……. may be a ” counter attack.”

    People are perplexed today in trying to understand what is going on today.

    • Replies: @Iris

    Upper middle class French rats voted for Rothschild Banker Boy Macron.

    Muslims and other non-European invaders voted for Banker Boy Macron.

    Government bureaucrats and other unpatriotic French government workers voted for Macron.

    Evil and Demonic French Geezers born before 1965 voted for Treasonous Rat Macron.

    Macron will be the Lincoln of France. Macron will precipitate a civil war in France.

    Proud patriotic Frenchmen and Frenchwomen voted for Marine Le Pen.

    The police and the military and other patriotic government workers voted for Marine Le Pen.

    The TRUE FRENCH ANCESTRAL CORE born after 1965 voted for Marine Le Pen.

    Marine Le Pen is the Joan of Arc of present day France.

    Marine Le Pen is not afraid of the globalizers nor the bankers.

    Marine Le Pen was born to save the great nation of France.


    • Replies: @Francis Miville
  199. @Kat Grey

    Russia is actually pretty multicultural, being a multiethnic and multireligious empire as was. The deal there is “be a patriotic Russian and we don’t care what your religion is”.

    Poland bothers me – red-pilled in so many ways but with an idiotic trust in the US and an understandable (see the history) but nonetheless idiotic hatred of Russia.

    They should realise it’s not the 19th or even 20th century. No longer are NY tower blocks illuminated with the Cross at Christmas. The US is now the Godless Empire and Russia is no longer Communist.

  200. @Iris

    Are you leaving in France, I believe you do, yes the press lies, but they cover for them, unless you’re Muslim stop covering for them, I agree with you that France was neck deep in the destabilization of Syria, and of course Libya, but the murders and rapes are real, or do you also believe that the “grooming” gangs in the UK are an Israeli psy-op ?

    • Replies: @Iris
    , @showmethereal
  201. Mark Dankof says: • Website


    Vive la Perversion en France! Les Arabes brûlent la France et Paris! Il est maintenant temps pour Tous Les Patriotes Français De Prendre les Armes pour se Battre en Ukraine pour Zelensky!

    Elton John with Emmanuel (centre left), his wife Brigitte Macron and John’s husband David Furnish backstage at the Accor Arena. 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠



  202. @Iris

    One here, two there, and over space and time it does become “mass”.

  203. Iris says:

    People are perplexed today in trying to understand what is going on today.

    What is going on is that there will be riots upon riots upon riots, for any possible reason, until finally the European political systems collapse under the weight of their multi-faceted failures and of their submission to the Usury Cartel.

    The riots are the symptoms, not the cause.

  204. Wokechoke says:

    Tell you what, myself and a fellow European were chased through Marais by a Senegalese with a knife. That’s back in the 1980s. So it’s personal.

    • Replies: @Telimektar
    , @Iris
  205. @Dragoslav

    That’s why they NEVER burn the CAF (Caisse d’Allocation Familiales), that’s where you get your welfare checks from (especially since you get bonuses the most kids you have).

  206. neutral says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Hungary has only one chance, it needs to leave the EU, invade Ukraine from the other side, join BRICS and host nuclear weapon on its land pointing at ZOG. Anything else and its fate is easy to see, it will become yet another “open society” ZOG state where the native Hungarians will be overwhelmed by foreigners.

    • Thanks: FTB
  207. @Avery

    Christians whites are mainly over 65 years old (or more) in France, the rest are mainly Africans.

    • Replies: @Levtraro
  208. @RoatanBill

    I agree with you but I don’t know if most people are ready for that. Isn’t that what Zelensky did? He handed guns out to everyone (remember Anglin disapproved saying it would just promote criminality) and then still press ganged them to go die on the fronts. None of them did what Solzhenitsyn said people should do when cops come around to take you away.

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  209. One day, though, women will be fed up with being raped by Muslims, and demand that their menfolk seek revenge on their behalf.

  210. According to the National Socialists, of Germany, Jewish men could not keep their hands off of German women. If so, Jews are not too different than their Muslim enemies.

  211. Iris says:

    Are you leaving [sic] in France, I believe you do, yes the press lies, but they cover for them,

    Ok, I get it. You don’t have ANY data about ANY mass stabbings or ANY mass rapes in France, but you still claim this “opinion” as a “fact”?

    • Replies: @Telimektar
    , @Wokechoke
  212. CIA Spook Admits “Hip-Hop” Was A PSYOP Designed To Corrupt America.

    Video Link

  213. MarLuc7 says:

    What in the mother hell is going on in this World?

    Is this really White’s against Blacks? Muslims against Christians? Refugees flooding into Europe and taking revenge 30 years later? “The Chickens coming home to Roost”?

    The Middle East Wars after 9/11 (Israel) displaced millions of refugees. All of Europe was cracked opened by Jewish Immigration Lawyers and “Woke” Politicians ( Most installed by Jewish Oligarchs and their 95% control of all Media). Twenty years later you have social Chaos; competing tribes, competing religions, socioeconomic war = all of it equals DIVISION. Not unity. DIVISION.

    I see the entire Race Hustling Industry….the entire Grievance Industry as State Sponsored Propaganda to control the idiot Masses. Give them something to do with their useless easy lives. And leverage the eternal racial divide every election cycle. So stupid. So easy.

    Instead of Nations at peace and a population untied we have racial chaos everywhere in the world. A untied people expect MORE out of their elected officials. A society distracted and polluted with porn, gay pride, pedophilia, transgenderism, drugs, crushing taxation, crushing inflation….has little time or energy to unite and fight against their enslavement. They become docile and actually enjoy being fleeced:

    A debauched society loses its way….and allows all of their inheritance to be stolen by those debauching their society. The same was done to Germany in the 1920s (after WWI). The same was done to Ukraine from 2000 on. And now BlackRock sweeps in to STEAL generational wealth from the prostrated Ukrainians —-and the controlled MSM will blame those damn dirty Russians.

    The events in France mirroring the riots in America seem familiar because it is the same Template for social unrest. The same controlled Mainstream Media Propaganda. The same pacified woke police force. The same idiot self hating white race who squirt tears for the poor displaced refugees, only to be ganged raped by the same once their numbers grow.

    The same racial hatred propaganda was used to foment the Rwanda genocide –“In just 100 days in 1994, about 800,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda by ethnic Hutu extremists. They were targeting members of the minority Tutsi community, as well as their political opponents, irrespective of their ethnic origin.”

    Think on that. Blacks hacking each other to death with machetes’. Same color of people, undistinguishable from outsiders….hating each other so much, they slaughter man, woman and child with machetes’. 800,000 people hacked to death with machetes.

    After the Genocide The Hutus extremist rotting in prison blame their insanity and madness on the Government Propaganda that hyped them into a frenzy. Imagine that.

    The same racial hatred is used all around the world to justify the murder and elimination of one population by another. Both usually competing for the same resources needed for survival.

    Back in the 1800s US hatred was focused on Chinese Immigrants. Then the Irish Immigrants. Then the Hattian Immigrants. The Puerto Rican Immigrants. All waves of immigrants into the United States have taken their turn at the bottom social economic rung of the ladder. All suffered racial slurs and discrimination from ruling ethnic tribes /competing people fearful of displacement.

    I ask what is the real underlying —true nature of mankind.


    When the Jews take over the middle east and their populations grow. It will be factions of Jewish people killing off each other. Same race EATING itself.

    Just like the Protestant and Catholic wars of Europe. Same White Europeans EATING themselves:


    A lot of White Nationalist up here on Unz.com -promoting White Hatred against Blacks. That is low hanging fruit. Easy to provide ample evidence of different cultures not easily assimilating. But what happens when we are all of one race, one religion and the resources for the survival of our families and loved ones dry up?????

    What is the True Nature of Mankind. I think We Eat our Neighbors:

    Constant Wars prevent Cannibalism. The Human race periodically culls the heard. We Americans call it “Fighting for Democracy” . Every populations will resort to the same when population density reaches a flash point. The weaker will be eaten.

    The key to survival is to recognize the patterns of competing for resources, the escalating violence, the State Propaganda and leave that geographical flashpoint before it ignites.

    The key to survival is the careful study of human population data: Per Capital Income, Daily Caloric Intake, Living Space available, Socio Economic Stratum…..If any of these are not favorable —-Pack up your family and get the hell out.

    Or end up like this poor bastard:

  214. Jean Raspail was far, far more correct than anyone realized when he wrote “Camp of the Saints” and now even recognizing his perspicacity no one wants to acknowledge his prescience. The logical thing for France to do would be to round up all non-citizens who are biting the hand that feeds them and send them back to the land from where they came. Those miscreants who are citizens ought be prosecuted and given a choice: imprisonment or exile to anyplace that will take them.

    • Agree: Miro23
  215. @anon

    No, he is referencing the call for Chechens to revenge the murder of a fellow Chechen by Arabs in 2020.

  216. @loner feral cat

    LOL. He’s flashing the OK sign which is supposedly a White Nationalist KKK identifier. Others are Satanic and Masonic symbols. Anyone can say anything on the Internet. Maybe they did, but why would they want to attack and weaken the US?

  217. @Wokechoke

    I see you only managed the first few sentences then your ADS kicked in.

    I’ll nevertheless answer what you tried to pass for a question, but really was typical keyboard bully blabbering which adds nothing to the debate.

    Both my parents were french, but i no longer live there, since my whole family died in a car accident caused by a highly inebriated “ethnic frog”.

    My father served in the military, and probably turns in his grave at the sight of what france has become, but although he had a lot to say about immigration, he also had the intelligence to respect and admire the non ethnic french who gave their lives for his country, and those who helped rebuild it.

    Had France showed this kind of rightfulness, things would be much different today.

  218. @An American Frenchman

    Does the Soros open society charity fund minority political activism in France?

  219. Anonymous[381] • Disclaimer says:

    Notice that Synagogues and American NGO buildings and facilities all remain unscathed in these riots, while churches including Notre Dame are reduced to ashes. This latest ‘muslim’ riot is one more escalation in the American jewish takeover of France and Europe similar to what happened in the USA when many large American cities were burned and looted by blacks in the 60s blacks are the proxy warriors of rich American jews. The result? The total takeover of the USA by super rich American jews. American blacks remain poor and the fools and stooges of rich jews. The same fate awaits brown muslims of France. The French police will do whatever the super rich American jews who own the global MSM tell them to do.

  220. @Iris

    Yes, just “trust the science”, we need statistics, as if they aren’t falsified, you know I meant living not leaving, not every crime committed (daily) by Maghrebis and Blacks are fake news engineered by the Jews, they tell us it’s all in our mind, and yes murders and rapes do add up over time, I never claimed there were 500 people stabbed or raped every day you are being disingenuous, but they happen pretty much daily and you know it.

    You want official stats here’s one :


    And that’s the last year the government made it public, because the number is exponential.

    • Replies: @Iris
  221. AceDeuce says:

    Arabs and blacks are more or less indolent non working. Very large numbers present in French cities.

    When I was in the Netherlands in the 1990s, a Dutch guy commented on the local Turkish population. He said there ways a saying among the White Dutch–Turks are like sperm. Out of every million, one works.

  222. dogismyth says:

    Im loving every minute of it. Of course I would rather see this violence directed at the government and the architects of this hate-filled world we live in…..the khazar scum jewbags.

  223. @HbutnotG

    I have no pity for those Frenchmen. Most Frenchmen who resisted the neo-liberal policies, the yellow vests, were not even attacked by the police but by suburban ghettoes youths called for the circumstance with the police just benevolently standing by up to the statutory end hour of permission when the Arab or black youths are thankfully let get away back to their hoods while the wounded they make are charged into police patrol wagon to be driven to standing custody for variable terms. Most of the well to do French applaud those Arab or Black delinquents whom they call “chance factors for France” while French workers are called “retardation factors for France”.

  224. @Wokechoke

    He was just a Mossad agent mate, he dindu nuffin.

  225. @Commentator Mike

    I thought of Zelensky when I wrote my comment. He was in a tough spot where he needed the average persons help to fend off a mafia larger than his own. Of course it didn’t work because the people have been propagandized to be passive allowing the criminals to take full advantage. You can’t do this during an emergency since the people have been dumbed down to such an extent that most won’t take advantage of the opportunity presented to them. Gov’t wants passive sheep to shear.

    That’s why I want shed of useless street cops. I want to revive the proper attitude in the population that would get them to kill off the predators in the society instead of allowing some jerk prosecutor / judge to send them to criminal training school at public expense. The people must be armed to take care of themselves because it is utterly impossible for cops or anyone else to do that job. When some cretin tries to yank you out of your vehicle to steal it, you shoot the POS instead of exiting and waiting for the cops to waste your time. If some POS enters a business to rob it, he should only exit as his body is cooling off to atmospheric temperature. That’s the way to lower crime rates, by burying the predators, not by coddling them to allow them to become repeat offenders.

    Relying on street cops is easily one of the stupidest things people have ever put up with while allowing themselves to be disarmed. I carried an illegal 22 pistol while in high school (Brooklyn, New York) after being shot and stabbed by the spooks in the area. I carried going to college in the same general neighborhood. I carried working in Manhattan. I carried the entire time I lived in Texas (45 || 9mm) and not once did I ask permission. Only once in New York and twice in Texas did I have to brandish my weapon to stop an incident before it could get going. Had they persisted I would have killed them without giving it a second thought. That’s the attitude that needs to be reintroduced to the sheep in the population and would put the fear of god into the political class. No more taking orders from the political class and putting up with their shit.

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  226. Anonymous[381] • Disclaimer says:

    Anarcho terrorism is a favorite method of the American deep state. Urban race riots and perpetual street crime long ago transformed large blue cities in the USA into captive zones of the American deep state. These captive and terrorized blue cities made it easy for the American deep state to perpetrate massive vote fraud, as in the 2020 election. The 2011-13 Arab spring was another anarcho terrorist project of the American deep state. The Ukraine war is another American project and now France.

  227. Iris says:

    Tell you what, myself and a fellow European were chased through Marais by a Senegalese with a knife

    In the 1980’s, the Marais was already the Number 1, the quintessential, rich Jewish and well-off Gay (homosexual) neighbourhood of Paris.

    There are zero Arab / Muslim / Black communities living there, and there were none in the 1980’s either. So indeed, your story is very “personal”.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  228. @Telimektar

    I don’t believe I wrote that the banlieues were built by north african immigrants, but as an immigrant myself, I know all too well how it feels to be told to go back to the shithole i came from by uneducated morons like yourself, likely unemployed.

    France has been repeatedly invaded by so many people, romans, wisigoths, ostrogoths, vikings, huns, arabs, saxons,… The Gauls themselves came from what is now Bavaria, Austria and Switzerland. So feel free to define what an “ethnic french” is or should be.

    I also don’t think I ever talked about paying reparations, so don’t put words, or black cocks, in my mouth, and learn to disagree without resorting to insults, it shows you for the pathetic excuse of a human being that you are.

  229. @Charles Pewitt

    Muslim and other invaders don’t vote for Macron : they generally vote for radical communists asking for the outright suppression of all western liberties. They are actually the last ones in Europe to vote for the Reds who are ever more radical and are not afraid to praise what the Khmer Rouges were. They will stoop to vote Macron as a bad second choice only to bar the road to a patriot, but since patriots are generally eliminated by fraud at first run-off that situation doesn’t happen very very often. Macron is for austerity measures while these invaders wants generous social programs tailored to them and to be used to convert locals to their Islam. Macron is hated through the Arab world and considered the worst anti-Black racist by all Africans as he is known to love Blacks only as child age sexual preys.

  230. @FTB

    Are the Chechens anything like the Roof Top Koreans (RTK) in LA? I would prefer going into battle with a Chechen than a Korean. Chechens are meaty and proficient with firearms. Once you strip the rifle from the RTK what’s left is skinny arms and a pipe cleaner neck.

    • Replies: @FTB
  231. @Commentator Mike

    Putin/Trump{choose one} is behind the riots.

    • Replies: @Twin Ruler
  232. Here is the truth.
    Here is the problem.
    And here is the lesson for all nations.

    Most of the arsonist destroyers are descendants of Algerians who were let in by De Gaulle, after De Gaulle decided to leave Alger. Large part of it were those who cooperated with French rule.
    The idea was that they will be assimilating into French society and French culture.

    After some seventy years they did not assimilate and they hate French even more than their ancestors.
    European nations should learn something from it.

    Only Hungarians have some Brains.

  233. peterAUS says:

    Or starting to create autonomous enclaves, Kosovo type from ’98.

    This is collusion by TPTBs and “minority” in France. Works well for both.

    The majority in between is confused, incoherent and losing. Like everywhere in the Clown World.

    • Replies: @PetrOldSack
  234. peterAUS says:

    Like all civil wars or revolutions, this will go no where because there is no elite support, no change in government has ever come about without at least one faction of the elite supporting it.

    You’ve been reading Burnham and Francis, looks like it. Nice.

  235. Iris says:

    You want official stats here’s one :


    And what have the statistics that you posted of sickle-cell anaemia prevalence among Black and North African population to do with your totally unsubstantiated claims of mass rapes and mass stabbings in France?

    • Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
  236. Kumbaresu says:

    Maybe this is a get back event
    for Libya/Gaddafi and Yemen.
    And probably few other places.

    Exactly, they are getting A Taste of Their Own Medicine.
    Next time, they want to destroy a prosperous country in Africa (or elsewhere) and lynch her leader, they might think twice. Having said that, it is too late for the next time.

  237. anonymous[312] • Disclaimer says:
    @Priss Factor

    The Bukele approach..MASS arrests..Any terrorists in the country illegaly must de deported, as well as temporary residents. People with holds, warrants, mideminors, felonies must go to jail.

  238. Perhaps, it is too late. Most Whites are too self hating to fight back!

  239. CS says:

    This is similar to the destruction which occurred in major US cities during the summer of 2020.

    A small local event occurs, which under normal circumstances, would remain local. Such events have traditionally been handled by local authorities and no crisis occurs.

    However, if there is an opportunity to promote the globalist agenda, a coalition of cut-outs and secret advertising agencies is activated. They send out tens of thousands of emails and text messages which ‘activate’ the normally “inactivists.” The messages tell the recipient to riot. They also activate the news media to expand coverage. Their masters then tell the local authorities to stand down. Hence, the a local event spreads into a widespread conflagration….

  240. “But the Moslems in France are not like American blacks. They are, instead, capable of a high level of organization. The blacks will just do violence because it is personally fun, they will loot for personal profit. They do not have a collective agenda, and even if they did, they couldn’t organize it.”
    Really, then explain why you craven, circle jerking, cucked Murican’ white mEN are run in circles, and easily beaten by the Globohomo left, that coterie of faggots, dykes, and Statist leftists. Easily LOSINGGggg to them time and again…..LOSERRRRRS!
    Moreover your “women” are overwhelmingly shameless sluts, frenetically (and proudly) whoring for black men, or whatever shiny baubles they can use their pussies to buy.

    Roddy’s Rowdy Piper

    • Replies: @GomezAdddams
  241. @Kolya Krassotkin

    “The grandchildren of the people who forked up Russia with the Bolshevik Revolution have been in the West forking it up, too.”


    The reason for the massive third world invasion is not cheap labor. That’s what the jew news wants you to believe. The west has no need for millions of unskilled low IQ foreign men of fighting age who wind up on welfare.

    No, the single reason for the invasion is that organized jewry wants to disempower and dispossess white Christian people, to make white people a hated minority in their own countries. Jews are more “comfortable” in a diverse society. Organized jewry is simply making the west more “user friendly” for jews. They believe that they have to destroy white people to avoid another “holocaust.” So, diversity is a tool they are using to holocaust-proof the western world.

    What does this mean for white people?

    It means GENOCIDE.

    • Agree: Wokechoke, GomezAdddams
  242. FTB says:

    Yeah. The Chinese figured that out in the 9th Century when they killed off tens of thousands of Arabs and Jews in one of their port cities.


    Too bad Christians were among the dead.

    At least the modern Chinese who brokered a peace deal between the Sunnis and Shiites are smart enough to conduct trade deals with them while having them remain in their own countries. Ditto for the Russians.

    We in the West can learn a lot from them.

    • Replies: @JM
  243. eah says:

    >(Even If Whites Aren’t Fighting)

    Hungary and Poland block EU accord regarding migrationViktor Orban, Hungarian prime minister:

    “The European Union wants to force Hungary to build migrant ghettos and accept tens of thousands of migrants every year.”

    • Replies: @eah
  244. The French are famous for their staged riots. Jealous of all the BLM charades that stole their shine.

    When white cops start getting shot in the back of the head then you can werry. But that never actually happens except on the internet and television screens.

    Enjoy the show.

  245. @peterAUS

    Indeed, this type of outbursts can be usurped either way, all ways, one way then the other and back. White noise.

  246. FTB says:
    @Corpse Tooth

    The Chechen factions in Europe are mostly anti-Russian and heavily involved in organized crime unlike the Kadyrov ruling clique that is a close ally of Russia. The RTK, are mostly law abiding normies.

    But, at least, the Chechens are not insurgents seeking conquest.

    As a side note, I’m glad all my buddies have retired or resigned from the military. Because if we get into direct conflict with the Rus Federation. they will be facing Chechen warriors who are just one element of the Russian’s state of the art combined arms strategy. Not a great omen.

    As for the Koreans……..all my buddies who were Marines and deployed to South Korea had nothing but praise for the toughness of their Korean counterparts. Look up a dude named Michael Echanis. He trained with some Koreans and was one of the most bad assed mercenaries who ever existed in modern times.

    Video Link

  247. @An American Frenchman

    Great post. Real insights. Thank you.

  248. Wokechoke says:

    Teenage Students in hostels all around the area too. The Louvre and Pompidou center are right there.

  249. @Dumbo

    Dumbo seems a very apt name indeed.

    If France wants to survive, it must frexit, leave Nato, and start thinking for itself and not be the lackey of anyone.

    And stop with the whole woke, me too and other bullshit that are dangled before their noses to distract them from the real issues of who is in charge, and attempts to divide opinion to rule.

    Just like the US and UK need to do, it needs to wrestle its sovereignty, institutions and capital from the jewish cabal that took control, starting with Fabius, BHL, or their enablers like Bolloré… Send them to the Israel they love so much, after confiscating their capital.

    And those who think Marine LePen or Melenchon represent a viable alternative need to wake up to the fact that they are as much part of the system which muzzles and limit debate.

    And pointing the finger on blacks, browns or whoever is flavor of the month just plays in the hands of the elites who control the media and therefore the debate.

    As ive pointed to in another post, what is now france has been invaded by so many people, raping and pillaging, sometimes settling, so what makes one “french”? France was and still is a melting pot, and it sure was not always white, nor catholic.

    Or are you so Dumbo to think so? Was britain always anglo-saxon and protestant? Pleeeeease.

    • Replies: @Iris
    , @Dumbo
  250. @Dumbo

    there will be no “white uprising” in ‘Murka.

    the time for that was the 1990’s, when the militia movement peaked.

    that’s all gone now. Whites in ‘Murka, France, and

    most everywhere else

    are old and tired and just want the Jews to let them die off quietly.

    which they will. Unless

    the Jews get bored and decide to administer a final shove.

    NB: Macron is an “ex”-(((Rothschild))) banker.

    • Agree: Marina Kirchen
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  251. @Iris

    Claims of disproportionate rapes or stabbings by a given ethnic group in France can NEVER be substantiated even if every other North African there happened to be a rapist and stabber.

    Because the French government, the people who record crime, prosecutions and imprisonments, don’t monitor ethnicity, as a deliberate policy.

    • Replies: @Iris
    , @Wokechoke
  252. @Skeptikal

    These events in France should be “nudge” factor in the USA for civilians to arm themselves and for the govt probably to try even harder to prevent exactly this.

    Earlier this year, our Jewish Illinois Governor “Jelly Belly” Pritzker delivered on his promise to destroy the Second Amendment.

    Unknown money (to me) was spent on anti-gun ads on television to shephard this gun control legislation through passage.

    This WGN-TV clip illustrates EXACTLY who is trying to disarm the American people. The lady wearing the Moms Demand Action shirt shows the money that Billionaire Micheal Bloomberg uses to finance his gun control Cat’s Paw organizations. The Jewish woman from Highland Park talking exemplifies Jewish suburbia’s monolithic monomaniacal focus on destroying gun rights. They’ve been doing this for at least FORTY years in the Chicago area. Morton Grove’s handgun ban in 1984 was delivered via their village trustees Neil Cashman and Martin Ashman.

    One of the few references to this was in the Daily Mail Online, where they actually mentioned Highland Park, IL being heavily Jewish after the July 4, 2022 parade shooting. One of the Great Unmentionables, except by Jews For the Preservation Firearms Ownership (JPFO.org)

  253. Ohio Man says:

    France should pay the Arabs to return home, mostly to Algeria. The upfront cost will seem high, but most of the Euros will come back in trade, and it will be the best money they ever spend.

  254. @Ben Affleck's mum

    Then you can understand our position, France has had some pretty heavy shit that happened to her in history, hell I’m not even French so to speak I’m a Breton and the French state treated us like vermins and killed our native language, they tried to genocide our Vendéens neighbors during the Révolution, enough is enough, we were never asked to receive massive wave of non-European immigrants who are becoming a majority, yes defining an “ethnic French” is complicated, I would say the people who were part of the French Kingdom before 1789, willingly or not, if the Han Chinese can define who are qualified to be part of the historical country so should we.

    And yes i am “uneducated” as you say, I don’t need a university to decide for me what I should believe or not, but you seem to be parroting the exact same falsehoods that those sefl-declared “scholars” say are the truth, you seem to believe the Révolution was a righteous uprising of of the common people against the corrupt aristocracy, well they were used, we ended up with a worst system.

    While I do not agree with all this guy says by far it’s an interesting view of who exactly enacted that “revolution” :

    • Agree: Wokechoke
    • Replies: @Ben Affleck's mum
  255. And yet none dare mention the Jews, who are funding the illegal alien terrorist invasion across all Western Countries!

  256. ghali says:

    What a racist rubbish? This kind of hate crimes should be enough reason to shutdown the despicable UNZ.

  257. Oui. Quelle dommage. Triste.

    Just thinking that the fight-to-the-death soldiers that prevented Soviets from taking the Hitlerbunker on 1 May 1945 were French and Swedish SS.

    Some children of those outstanding warriors formed Generation 68, led by Jewish pederast Daniel “le rouge” Cohen-Bendit.
    In Sweden mass depravity was promoted by feminists, who perceived that pornography was a means of “power”. Jewish values have been further promoted by Barbara Lerner-Spectre, founder of Paideia, the European Inst for Jewish Studies in Sweden.
    She is on record as saying “Europe will not survive …”

    Pied Pipers leading the hypnotised masses.
    Same ethnicity as that reputed to the original one in Hamelin.
    Abducting their children.

    Is there a lesson to be gained ?
    Is it too late to gain it ?

  258. Anonymous[176] • Disclaimer says:

    What makes you think whites are not fighting? CIA DO has put binary time bombs into those restive wogs, and we shall see if they set them off to exterminate the French resistance. We can see CIA’s medical experimentation clearly in the Danish outcomes:

    The inert control is yellow. The standard SARS-2 antidote is green. The 2/4/8 dosing or lethality testing is blue. All lots indicating medical experimentation are subject to rigorous QA.


    Since CIA whacked Eleanor Mondale to prevent pillow talk, everybody’s onto ANXA2. So CIA needs new and unsuspected murder weapons. So anyway, look on the bright side – if you’re not dead yet, maybe you got the placebo!

  259. JM says:

    Not so. Putin recently invited Indian “Entrepreneurs”(!) in on mass (as recently quoted approvingly by the non-Russian Poupon Marx).

  260. Daniel H says:
    @Robert Dolan

    The same Bolsheviks run every western nation, so it’s rather doubtful that any elections are legitimate.

    They are not Bolsheviks, or their heirs. Let’s not blame this on the commies. They are descendants of the Jacobins, that political ideology that valorizes capital, efficiency, managerialism, elitism, “science”, “meritocracy”, globalism, universal brotherhood, the “Citizen”, hatred of Christianity (especially the Catholic strain)…the one exemplified by the American Democrat/Republican uniparty, the one that has captured the imagination of so many Americans and westerners, people that, unfortunately, have little grounding in the past or a sense of belonging to a nation. Know the enemy and define and name him correctly.

  261. Wokechoke says:

    Looks like the Algerian kid was known unto the law. 17 driving without a licence in a car he did not own. Made good. But aside from that technical or legal question the French will have to somehow eject these Africans and beat back the police that will try to stop the pogrom under orders from which ever Leon Blum the system imposes upon them. Or perish.

    • Replies: @GomezAdddams
  262. Iris says:
    @Ben Affleck's mum

    or their enablers like Bolloré…

    Just a quibble, as the gullible here get their information about France from authors like Guillaume Durocher, another hardcore Zionist sucker.

    Bollore, one of France’s richest media tycoon, controls many of the media portraying France as they do now, on the brink of collapse under the assault of hordes of Arabs and Blacks, and just waiting for the Knight Macron to save her.

    Despite his Breton-sounding name and pretence Catholicism, Vincent Bollore is Jewish. His mother’s mother was Nicole Goldschmitt, from the Goldschmitt-Rotschild banking dynasty.

    Nicole Goldschmitt is said to have joined the General De Gaulle “France Libre” authority in London during WW2. After the war ended, she worked for many years as a SDECE secret agent, where her job was essentially to facilitate the activities and collaboration with MOSSAD.


    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  263. @RoatanBill

    We’ll, I’d never go and fight in any army for any government as I’d be fighting to defend corrupt politicians and profits of their rich bastard sponsors which isn’t my interest. And why should I go and fight against some other soldier who never did me any wrong as my disputes tend to be with people I live amongst, as your examples show, and not some people from another country? Now I understand that certain nations can be pushed into a corner and have to defend themselves, but still I’d only participate if it was an armed people fighting for themselves and not for any government of politicians or exploiters who stand above them. Otherwise, let those who want to fight fight.

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  264. @Anonymous

    Powell started the importation of Commonwealth immigrants. He spoke fluent Urdu.

    • Replies: @Badger Down
    , @Lurker
  265. The Arabs in France have the clear goal of conquering France and forcing whites to submit to them. What’s more, there are quite a few blacks in France, and even if the Arabs can’t really organize their violence, they can control the chaos that the blacks create.

    They have less chance than in Israel.

    Hence- zero.

  266. Wokechoke says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    This is why I’m now suspicious about Merrick Garland planting the OKC bomb. That one attack was blamed on Whitey Whiteson McWhite at a critical moment. The suspicion is no worse than that aimed at Putin and the Moscow Apartment bombings that happened at roughly the same time.

    Maybe he did both OKC and Moscow! Who could say otherwise.

  267. @Ben Affleck's mum

    Yeah sure, so why did the Algerians kick out the French? If it’s so great to be colonised why did the Africans kick out the whites from their continent? But Europeans have to accept to be colonised because well it’s the way it always was.

    And what the hell, Hungarians weren’t even European, they were invaders, so now they should let all those immigrants they try to keep at bay invade the.

    • Replies: @fnn
    , @Ben Affleck's mum
  268. Iris says:

    It is simple enough to understand: NO mass stabbings and NO mass rapes were ever reported in French crime statistics, sociology and criminology surveys, or media, over the last decades.

    Whether caused by Blacks, by Arabs or by Martians, excessive rape or stabbing figures would have been made public anyway, especially that everything now is measured and compared against common EU standards. But they were not reported, because they never happened.

    I realise that these facts shatter you inner beliefs and worldview, that a country with a large Black/Arab immigrant population does NOT have excessive stats of rape and stabbing must be distressing.

    But hopefully you understand the difference between FACTS on one hand, and your sexual fantasies on the other.

  269. Levtraro says:

    If Whites start pressing non-Whites in Europe before the latter become some percentage at which point they will have the numbers to fight back, the non-Whites will simple flee to the lands where they (ancestrally) came from. Even if they were born in Europe.
    No genocide: just ethnic cleansing.

    That’s a valid, more positive way to look at the resolution.

    But it is hard to imagine Western European Whites acting that way, i.e. trying to push the non-Whites out.

    It’s always hard to imagine something going contrary to currently observed trends. But the world is non-linear. It has feedback mechanisms that make things reverse direction after a critical threshold.

  270. Anonymous[386] • Disclaimer says:

    launched a deadly riot

    without weapons.

  271. anon[386] • Disclaimer says:

    Who The fuck let them in

    the White men!

  272. @Catdompanj

    If you voted for government you deserve what governments create.

  273. @Commentator Mike

    The next real war between major powers will terminate all the surface Navies, will largely get rid of the concept of soldiers and just use missiles and rockets to do all the dirty work. There was no reason for Russia to put a single boot on the ground in Ukraine if their goal was to just liberate the Donbas. They could have decimated the Ukraine military and destroyed the seat of government with airpower alone. Boots on the ground are only needed to hold territory once captured and for the most part countries no longer want new territory and the problem peoples that go with it.

    Russia did want territory and will eventually take the entire Ukraine coast along the Black Sea to control the northern part of what will be their lake. This was possible because the people there are friendly toward Russia.

    My argument when I refused to be drafted for Vietnam was that I had no quarrel with the Vietnamese and there was no way I was going to kill people I didn’t know and had never done me any harm. I made it quite clear that my enemy was the US military and giving me access to weapons should they kidnap me as they threatened would not be a good idea from their perspective.

    • Replies: @anonymous
    , @showmethereal
  274. Wokechoke says:

    Exactly. And this deceitful bitch knows that they don’t collate such data.

  275. Anne Lid says:

    Hungary has maybe 2 million gypsies. I don’t want them to have weapons because most of them are low IQ, many of them look down on Hungarians and many are criminals.
    Perhaps they could be weeded out from possession by making it hard to get a permit.
    I don’t have statistics but I don’t think many non-gypsy Hungarians are desirous of gun ownership at the moment. We are not Switzerland, we don’t yet have the gun culture for widespread distribution.

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
    , @Gerry
  276. fnn says:
    @Commentator Mike

    I agree completely-except for the parts about the Algerians kicking out the French and the Africans kicking out the whites. There was no Dien Bien Phu type of battle in Algeria where the FLN defeated the French-De Gaulle just decided appeasing the European population of Algeria was no longer worth the expense and the trouble. And of course Black Africans never kicked White colonialists out of any country, unless you count Haiti. What happened was the Americans wanted the old empires dissolved
    and they shared a hypocritical anti-imperialist ideology with the other big power of the time, the Soviets. The Portuguese were reluctant to go along, but the cost of the colonial wars was breaking them and eventually a left-wing revolt overthrew the right-wing Salaza-Caetano regime and the colonies were abandoned.

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  277. Wokechoke says:


    “Samira was first gang-raped when she was 14, when her boyfriend handed her over to three of his friends. They beat her viciously, raped her all night, and then made her breakfast. A month later, the most violent rapist, K, dragged her off a train by her hair, while other passengers looked the other way, and she was gang-raped again. These events made her, if not typical of a young woman of immigrant background in the suburbs, then not exceptional either.“


    “Samira was born to Algerian parents in Algiers, but her family soon moved to the Parisian suburb of Seine-Sainte-Denis. Her father was sent to jail almost immediately for what Samira later described as “stupidities”, and she was fostered by a family in Belgium for five happy years, before being summoned back to her parents “like a parcel”. She found her father violent and distant, and her home life was not happy.“

    There are around 6,000 gang rapes…a year in France. The spill over into the white population is starting to be noticed obliquely by highlighting cases like Samira’s.


    It’s a minority practice.

    “In the Hell of the Tournantes
    Dans L’enfer Des Tournantes.png
    Cover to French paperback edition of Dans l’enfer des tournantes.
    Author Samira Bellil
    Original title Dans l’enfer des tournantes
    Language French
    Genre Non-fiction
    Publication date October 9, 2002
    Media type Print
    Pages 307
    ISBN 2-07-042990-3
    Dans l’enfer des tournantes (In the Hell of the Tournantes) is a book by French activist Samira Bellil.
    The book focuses on life in the banlieues, where Bellil says that she and countless other young girls have been victims of organized gang-rapes known as tournantes. Banlieue literally translates as “suburb”, but in the context of modern France, refers to the poorer housing estates, often populated by immigrants and their children, that ring the big cities. The book was first published on October 9, 2002.”


    • Replies: @Iris
  278. Anne Lid says:

    Dear Iris, you must have scales on your eyes. Maybe Muslims are much more peaceful in their own countries where punishments are harsh for misbehaviour and there are established local cultures with unwritten rules. But Europe? Yes, many are nice and decent, but the ones that aren’t are too much of a burden.

    Where blacks proliferate, crime proliferates and the unwritten rules get shredded.

    I think about the Reconquista a lot. If the Spaniards could do it, it can be done again. First, a return to Christ.

  279. Levtraro says:

    Christians whites are mainly over 65 years old (or more) in France, the rest are mainly Africans.

    According to official statistics, 18-21% of French are over 65 yr old. You say that most White French are compressed in 18-21% of the French population. Not what I see in French streets. Official counts by race are forbidden by law in France since 1978 so you just don’t know shit.

    • Replies: @Telimektar
  280. @Priss Factor

    Imperialists reaping what they have sowed. France–England–USA —they had the good times but now comes payback time –long overdue. However, it these entitleds are so knowledgable —perhaps take these non Whites and send them en masse to Canada.
    Justin needs Diversification —and like France is burning–scared to fight fires so South Korea sends 150,000 fire fighters. The 2,000 troops in Estonia–ready to take on Russia. Stay tuned—there is more burning in Canada than a few Christian churches.

  281. Anne Lid says:

    Forgot to add: it does not have to be mass anything – neither stabbings nor rapes. It is enough that these immigrants bring more violence and trouble especially to whites. We have no honour in their eyes. It can only get worse and in the end we either disappear or send them home. They have a home to go to, where can whitie go? To Antarctica? No. We have to make a stand where we are.

    • Replies: @Ben Affleck's mum
  282. @Wokechoke

    What wouild it take to exit the car –address the police officer and perhaps address him as “Sir” –and after the conversation–either retunr to car OR most likely be hancuffed –hauled to jail for driving a stolen car- being in possession of dope and skipping school —

  283. @GomezAdddams

    “Imperialists reaping what they have sowed.”

    Says the hate filled anti-white bigot POS.

  284. @Telimektar

    Charlemagne who is credited with unifying the Frank Kingdom was crowned in Aachen, Germany.

    I already spoke about the Gaulois

    Balzac was a mulato.
    Marie Curie was polish.
    Napoleon was corsican.
    De Gaulle’s mother had irish, scottish and german roots.

    Most of the french titles in sport are due to immigrants (Platini, Zidane, Marie-josee Perec, Yannick Noah, Teddy Riner, Kilian Mbappé, Thierry Henry, Nikola Karabatic, Tony Parker, Victor Wembamyama, to name just a few). I don’t hear much calls to return all those medals and titles, so it’s highly hypocritical to say the least.

    Most of what i learnt in french schools I had to unlearn when I left. The education system in any country is indoctrination. I know many “uneducated” people who have vastly better understanding of the world and geopoltics simply because they escaped this indoctrination. I simply used this word to show you how internet bullying ist based on stereotypes, we jugde someone based on 3 sentences one person wrote, instead of treating them with respect. Would you tell me to go suck black cocks if we met at a festnoz? I don’t believe so.

    Napoleon rose in military ranks due to financial and political support from the girondins, the slave traders, who instructed him to take the sans culottes defend our borders in order to weaken Robespierre and stage a coup.
    De Gaulle helped Israel obtain atomic weapons as a quid pro quo after Israeli scientists worked on the french bomb.
    DuPont and Rothschild financed Hitlers regime well into the war, hoping he would crush Russia.

    But you still accuse me of “parroting academic falsehoods” based on 2-3 posts on this site, and expect to get respect from me in return? How presumptious and condescending of you. Learn to disagree without resorting to insults and you might earn respect.

  285. @Anne Lid

    If you don’t want anything to protect yourself from the gypsies, africans, and other primitives, that’s your business. I know I want weapons if for no other reason than the cops are worthless when it comes to fighting crime and it becomes my responsibility to protect myself.

    Do as you please. Good luck to you.

  286. Karim T says:

    During its’ rise in the sixties and seventies, France welcomes the African work force. The white author describes the Browns and Arabs as thugs and trash but the truth is those peoples are second class citizens in France even if they were born there and lived there all their lives. This is the reason why such riots have recurred in the last 2 decades

  287. These people are here to conquer Europe? The question is: Who coercively caused this mass immigration? Who in the name of human rights encouraged countries to open their borders? Where are the tenors of human rights and humanism? Hey, the BHL, Clucksman, Attali,and company… These are the real scum!

    • Agree: Ben Affleck's mum
    • Replies: @Badger Down
  288. Iris says:

    Ok. You make fake claims, and therefore quickly lose the debate.

    Next step, you retort to gratuitous and unwarranted insults (“bitch”), and to anecdotic nonsense about one immigrant teenager who was gang-raped in 2002.

    I advise you also look at the meaning of the word “statistics” in your Wikipedia bible.

    The upshot of this sterile exchanges is that, contrary to your illusions, there is no mass rapes and no mass stabbings in one of the largest European countries, comprising one of the largest African/Arab immigrant population.

    I know, it is horrible and distressing to finally have to face reality.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  289. @Dumbo

    EU courts dance to the us empire’s tune. And euro weanies love this swill. The diversity, the culture, the pr marketing propaganda to appeal to the wasps etc. it makes them feel to do a lil’ bolly wood time in sucksembourg.

    They need a place to put all these refugees/migrants from the us endless wars. No whites allowed. The tribunal ‘judges” are paid by the EU state and it’s red carpet to Afrikans, North Afrikans, Middle east etc. Coursts are filled on any given day with blacks represented by free advocats (lawyers) and many times the tribunals trip over themselves to let em in.

    In Luxembourg, many cities are taken over by afrikans , of course the euro weanies hide in their appartments/houses discretely shop and then go home. They do not dare question the narrative-bc they’re euro wimps and do what their govt/us empire master’s tell to.

    So enjoy the sht show. Looting, burning, screaming, violence, graffitta, trash everywhere, they’re turning EU into their native shit houses. And us masters are happy bc they have a compliant/obedient place to put all their migrants/asylum seekers from their non stop wars.

    It’s a win, win!

    • Agree: Pastit
  290. @Iris

    You literally say truthfully that our media is dominated by Jews but then you ask for (((official))) murder and rape statistics for their Black/”Arabs” Golems, do you understand the level of cognitive dissonance you are on woman ? They’ve been saying they are oppressed angels for 40 Goddamn years. you have to be a PAN/PAB.

  291. @Commentator Mike

    Where did i write it was great to be colonised and why do i even bother answering morons with reading difficulties?

    The actual borders of france exist since WWII, corsicans want their independence, so do the basques. There was a Breton independence movement. Kanaks in new caledonia want out, Guadeloupe and Martinique frequently riot, but tahitians are obviously ethnic french, right?

    But looking how unevolved commentators on this site are, you probably have more in common with Cro magnon and Neandertal, so maybe that’s the kind of Europe you dream to return to?

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  292. @Anne Lid

    You probably wont believe it but stabbings and rapes did not start in france with immigration.

    Id suggest watching l’été meurtrier.

  293. Robertson says:

    I’m glad you can be honest about your aims. I clicked a hyperlink via fluke to Vdare about 25 years ago, late 1990s, and found out about how Sweeden had a growing population of Muslims from both the Middle East and North Africa and how there were suddenly an increase in rapes in Stockholm. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why Sweeden, which has enough labor and tech know-how, would allow this. I initially figured out that left-wing politicians needed this vote to win, but it would push Sweeden’s native voters further right, which would require more immigration still. The logical end to this would be that Sweeden, considering it’s generous welfare policies, would end up paying to slowly buy surely make its own populace a minority. The adult Sweedes wouldn’t notice it as much because it was mostly manual labor and children in the public spaces, and the immigrant poor would be hidden away in housing projects in poor parts of town the upper classes never saw anyway. It occurred to me that before this group was hassled by the immigration, the youth of Sweeden would be substantially non-Sweedish, and the demographic victory would be won for the Left for all time, at the price of turning Sweeden into what I then called ‘Not-Sweeden’. A popular right wing blogger picked up the (not-) prefix I used and popularized it, which is fine with me.
    I then learned via Vdare, that much of Europe was doing this same thing. This floored me. I knew America and Canada were moving in this way, but not Europe.
    This only leaves Eastern Europe and Russia as historical-homelands available for this soon-to-be minoriticized people if policies didn’t soon change. Well, the policies haven’t changed and what would have been unthinkable in 1990 is starting to really happen.

    Russia will in all likelihood be the last white space. The current Epsteined/bought-off leaders of the West will be despised by their own descendants someday.

    Don’t br too happy though pal……..the Malthusians and Banksters running the show are anti-human, and my guess is that when A.I. robots are ready to serve them in mass, they will release genetically-targeted diseases and conditions to pretty much kill those they don’t like. You don’t really think these Jewish and White traitorous elites actually like YOU do you? How many African and Indian women have frontman Bill Gates made sterile?

    Invade the world, invite the world, in hock to the world, $Welsh on the world, digitally-then-medically-enslave the world, then CULL the world of all who refuse to worship Satan. That would be their plan. You ready to do that to live?

  294. Why did us empire puppet macron attended a reginald dwight concert (“elton jons”)? The swaying and slight fake smiling-likely could barely understand the wasp lyrics maybe he has a thing for mr reggie dwight light loafers.

    Did britshit rothchilds pay for his concert attendence? Ex banker with them-he’s owned. Saturday, schatterday. Doesn’t matter.

    the EU was and is a us empire project. Control is key.

  295. @Jabber

    Granny Yiddell has a point. The zionist invasion and genocide in Palestine was and is a terrible thing. Perhaps France can learn from that, but I doubt it.

  296. Wokechoke says:

    Balzac? I think you meant the other guy who wrote Three Musketeers. Dumas perhaps?

    A slip but forgivable.

    Louis-Ferdinand Celine was a better writer in several respects. His original authorship still holds up.

    Three Musketeers was an early modern bit of racial agitprop as D’Artagnan was a stand in for Dumas’ Haitian dad. Even then the story was heavily ghostwritten and edited by Auguste Maquet.


    The editing process, the unseemly end of this story reminds me of Harper Lee’s editor who radically reworked the manuscript to create the Atticus Finch of “To Kill a Mockingbird” out of several rather more impolitic stories she definitely wrote about her real father. Here is the first Dumas/Maquet collaboration:


    eventually Maquet realized he’d been conned into doing so much work without a proper credit.

    • Replies: @Ben Affleck's mum
  297. @fnn

    They didn’t necessarily say that the Whites should leave after independence but they sure made it very difficult for them with attacks, murders, property seizures, etc. Anyway, Whites had few settlers in the colonies as they were just concerned with extracting resources and were not going to do race replacement, except in the Americans and Australia. Colonisation by immigrants could well become permanent as their numbers grow and it involves race replacement.

  298. Wokechoke says:

    Oh I see “excessive” rapes…well that’s alright then.

  299. @Levtraro

    No I’m saying that Christians in France are mainly 65 and older, or Africans, the “La Croix” newspaper (which is a Christian newspaper) admits that only 25% of French “citizens” identify as Christian (which mean basically nothing, they may just baptize their children and that’s it, or not even that). You just have to go to Mass in France if you don’t believe me.

    Most white French under that age are Atheists/Agnostic and couldn’t tell you the first thing about the Bible, I know absolutely no one from my generation that where married in a church or baptized their kids, France is a fiercely anti-Christian nation, you know since 1789, the President never celebrate Christian Holidays but does celebrate the Jewish and Muslim Holidays though.

    • Replies: @Levtraro
  300. FTB says:

    Czar Vladimir, like most Orthodox Christians, have a mutually respectful relationship with the Muslims because they know that while Orthodox Christians will not wage wars of aggression they are utterly ruthless when it comes to wars of defense and counter attack.

    There’s a reason why the small Orthodox and Maronite Christians have been able to survive in the Islamic MidEast for all these centuries.

    Video Link

  301. @Robert Dolan

    I would suggest you re read the 1st sentence of this glorious article by Andrew Anglin:
    “At some point, the chickens come home to roost. ”

    I guess we can finally agree on something: Andrew Anglin is a “hate filled anti-white bigot POS”

  302. @Ben Affleck's mum

    Well you are bringing up all this history (which we all know very well and have heard such arguments so many times – way of the world, c’est la vie) as a way of excusing what has been happening in Europe since WWII – the invasion of immigrants from other continents. I don’t recall you mentioning anything negative about it. Perhaps you don’t consider it to be “colonialism” but the immigrants are colonists.

    why do i even bother answering morons

    you probably have more in common with Cro magnon and Neandertal

    I thought you just mentioned that commenters should refrain from using insults.

  303. @Philip Owen

    Never mind how educated he was. Read what he said about immigration:

  304. Anne Lid says:
    @Ben Affleck's mum

    Mbappe kicks a ball around, earns a fortune for it (mostly from whitie) and tweeted sympathetically about the young criminal who got smoked.

    I despair.

    One can live without ball kicking rioters, I think.

    You mixed up Balzac (who was not a mulatto) with Dumas, who was a quarter African.

    • Replies: @Telimektar
  305. @Ben Affleck's mum

    Don’t take it personally, this is just my Breton frankness so to speak, we are on the internet, this is literally not serious business to me, and I wouldn’t go to a festnoz nowadays, too much leftists, immigrants and LGBT “people”

    Charlemagne was surrounded by court Jews and he and his descendants let Christian children be sold into slavery to the Muslim in Spain, Napoleon decimated the male population of France and was funded by Jewish bankers anyway, De Gaulle was a nobody who “liberated” us via his allies who bombed huge parts of France to ruins and let the communists partisans kill far more French people than the Germans ever did, included relatives of his subordinates in the “Free French Army”.

    I couldn’t give a crap about sports, I don’t care who wins or lose, it literally has no value to humankind in it’s present commercialized and cosmopolitan form.

    Montagnards or Girondins mean nothing to me, those people were unhinged and massacred us in Normandy, Brittany, and especially the Vendée, because the people wanted to retain their priests and so had to turn to form Royalists armies even if this wasn’t their goal, the Revolution was a disgrace, which doesn’t mean the Ancient Régime was perfect or even good, but in retrospect it certainly was the lesser evil.

    • Thanks: fnn
  306. Rurik says:
    @Ben Affleck's mum

    The actual violence has therefore absolutely nothing to do with the latest waves of illegal immigration resulting from the post-9/11 conflicts, but a consequence of french colonialism,

    I’d like to imagine you being the one who get ass-raped by Muslim immigrants, instead of a ten year old Austrian boy.

    He didn’t deserve it. You do.

    the only problem is you’d likely enjoy it, even if you’re not gay, but just to expunge your unbearable ‘racism’

    reading your comment, now I know why the French voted for this guy

    • Replies: @Iris
  307. @Fayez Chergui

    “Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.” – Barbara Lerner Spectre

  308. @Wokechoke

    Yes, Dumas lol

    I found Camus, the 3rd generation settler in algeria, who’s mother was spanish (another ethnic french nobel prize lol), a much better read, you’d like l’étranger, white man killing an arab.

    Tho la chute has to be my favourite of his books, followed by le mythe de sissyphe.

  309. Wokechoke says:

    Balzac? I think you meant the other guy who wrote Three Musketeers. Dumas perhaps?

    A slip but forgivable.

    Louis-Ferdinand Celine was a better writer in several respects. His original authorship still holds up.

    Three Musketeers was an early modern bit of racial agitprop as D’Artagnan was a stand in for Dumas’ Haitian dad. Even then the story was heavily ghostwritten and edited by Auguste Maquet.


    The editing process, the unseemly end of this story reminds me of Harper Lee’s editor who radically reworked the manuscript to create the Atticus Finch of “To Kill a Mockingbird” out of several rather more impolitic stories she definitely wrote about her real father. Here is the first Dumas/Maquet collaboration:


    eventually Maquet realized he’d been conned into doing so much work without a proper credit.

  310. @Anne Lid

    Mbappe is the most famous “Frenchman” here in France and it’s not even close, tells you how we have fallen, at least Zidane looked (and mostly acted) white, and celebrity worship is just extremely unhealthy anyway.

    • Replies: @Anonymous8
  311. Rurik says:
    @Ben Affleck's mum

    I guess we can finally agree on something:

    Anglin is right, it is a pleasure to see France in flames.

    At least, the ones who voted for Macron.

    I just wish you where there! To enjoy all that diversity, up close and personal.

    Let it burn. If the French people are represented by the likes of you, good riddance.

    • Replies: @Telimektar
  312. Wokechoke says:

    You somehow mixed up Balzac and Dumas, my er um er…Gallic friend. At least Balzac definitely wrote his own stuff. Unlike Dumas. When I watched Django Unchained I hoped that Calvin Candy had replied to the German Dentist: “Dumas was a hack who exploited his co writer…

    …and was sued for taking authorial credit where none was due.”


  313. Sarita says:

    There are three things that the writer of this article AND posters at this great site forget:

    1-France (ZOG France that is) killed 300 million people in Africa and starved most of central and northern Africa so these people emigrated north looking for greener pastures but they still hate the French Fries country so as soon as the police start “reminiscing and practicing” what those fascists in the past did to the non-white grandparents of the 10% Muslims they’ll burn the French Fries out of the stupid Eiffel tower.

    2-Charlie Hebdo magazine are a bunch of cynical bastards who push the buttons of Muslims every once in a while so Muslims react with anger and they never forget and use every opportunity to seek revenge and payback.
    Macron (Maricon) who is married to a Rothchild ugly woman laughs and laughs about those funny cartoons and caricatures. Well, there.

    3-The nazis here who should be hating France for betraying Hitler forget about that and upon hearing that “whites” are being attacked, react with anger and bring back the never ending mantra, “kill them mazlems, damn it” “where is George Bush when we need him”…they say as they look for the white KKK robe and hood (when wearing these items they type shit better).
    Those who defend Putin forget that France is attacking him and immediately switch sides “kill em! Kill them ayrabs” “we are whites, we can’t let that happen to “our” people”.
    but but sir France is a ZIO regime one would say, “we don’t care , them French Fries people are whites and we must do something “.
    So, it’s a lost cause and ZION, as usual, rules.


    • Replies: @Telimektar
    , @Pastit
  314. @Ben Affleck's mum

    Andrew Anglin is a “hate filled anti-white bigot POS”

    I think he, like many others here, hates what whites have become. He doesn’t think there is much worth defending. Like defend what: the Jews, the LGBT+, the feminists, the sellout politicians, the bankers, the media, the censors, the current “values”?

  315. Wokechoke says:

    Jews are more than likely a Neanderthal holdover hybrid. When Jews 23 and Me they often get back 6% neanderthal results. We really ought to rename Neanderthal’s something like Rosenthal Man. Or Ron Pearlman Man.


    Northern Europeans and Western Europeans have very different trace elements of Neanderthal as it turns out averaging 2%.

  316. anonymous[129] • Disclaimer says:
    @loner feral cat

    Lyor Cohen pure Yid and Israeli.

    Don’t necessarily find CIA under every turd.
    And not every turd is CIA.


  317. Iris says:

    I’d like to imagine you being the one who get ass-raped by Muslim immigrants, instead of a ten year old Austrian boy.

    A terrible ordeal happening to one Austrian boy, as revolting as it is, is not a demonstration.

    So let me tell you another “anecdote” about dozens or hundreds of Iraqi boy.

    When Iraq was invaded by the USA doing the bidding of Israel, the Iraqis rebelled and organised an insurgency that lasted several years.

    Many Iraqi insurgents went into hiding, with their wives secretly supporting them with material supplies, transporting messages and communication, etc..

    Those women were identified, apparently beaten/tortured but did not tell the whereabouts of their husbands. To make them talk, they were taken to the notorious prison of Abu Ghraib, and their children sons were sodomized in front of the mothers, to break the mothers.

    This was reported by Seymour Hersh:

    Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape

    Hersh gave a speech last week to the ACLU making the charge that children were sodomized in front of women [their mothers] in the prison, and the Pentagon has tape of it. The speech was first reported in a New York Sun story last week. We transcribed the critical section here (it starts at about 1:31:00 into the ACLU video.) At the start of the transcript here, you can see how Hersh was struggling over what he should say:

    “Debating about it, ummm … Some of the worst things that happened you don’t know about, okay? Videos, um, there are women there. Some of you may have read that they were passing letters out, communications out to their men. This is at Abu Ghraib … The women were passing messages out saying ‘Please come and kill me, because of what’s happened’ and basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. And the worst above all of that is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking that your government has. They are in total terror. It’s going to come out.”


    This child rape was state-sponsored, carried at a large scale, by White American soldiers (only whites on the Abu Ghraib photos), with the approval and knowledge of their Ministry of Defence.

    What should one conclude, by your very own standards? That in average, White American military men are sadistic rapists who sodomise defenceless boys?

    • Agree: Zyklon BB gun
    • Troll: Pastit
  318. @Rurik

    I have doubts that the guy is French to be honest but I can’t know for sure, if he is he represents the middle-class to upper-middle class who virtue signal, us proles are nothing like that, but we also don’t have a political party who represent our interests (don’t say Le Pen please, she is full on “legal” immigration nowadays), I would just want to be left alone in this world….

    • Replies: @Rurik
  319. @Telimektar

    For La France, the African empire was above all Revanche
    (read: overcompensation) for the disgrace of 1870/71; they recruited Senegalese
    with the promise of raping and looting Germans, and deliberately used them
    as occupation troops after WWI (i.e. my pity is somewhat limited) –
    and they are still exerting their mini-seigneurage (the CFA franc, a petro-dollar
    sans petro) over the “erstwhile” possessions
    (The North African parts were more of a true settler colony and never truly
    separate, but that´s a different story).

  320. @Sarita

    No you’re wrong, France killed 600 millions Africans by firing squad, and gazed 6 billions (or is it trillions), that’s why Africa experienced a gigantic baby boom since then which doesn’t stop, the gas must have made the “survivors” more fertile. Such a shame that most “French” troops in Africa were… Africans.

    Oh and nationalists French hate Charlie Hebdo even more than you do, we didn’t shed a tear let me tell you.

    • Thanks: Gvaltar
  321. @Thim

    you know, you might just have something there. Losing Ukraine was a blunder NO REAL LEADER worth his salt would make. I couldn’t believe Putin was so dumb and inactive. Unless he is also controlled behind the scenes by the small hats and this whole thing is a kabuki theater for our benefit. And he barely agreed to help Syria before that. Putin began to worry me around that time. Was that guy for real or what?! 51

    As for the French riots, I hate the phony French and their phony intellectualism; it was easy to be “French” looting Africa for centuries. This has been the best 2 days of the past year, I cant stop laughing and enjoying myself, seeing France burn. I just HOPE it continues and doesnt eventually die out. The more the France burns and the French shops get looted, the more I will laugh. Burn baby, burn!

  322. Wokechoke says:

    I’m pretty sure I pin pointed Africans. Niggers in Paris, or a generic sort of offhand lament about Darkies colonizing Paris.

    Muslims per se? Not a real issue with them as a religion. However, I’d support Serbia over the Bosnians and Albanians. If the CIA got to work and started a war on Russia fought using the Chechens or Tartars I’d support Russian Muscovy. I think it was good to push the Turks out the Balkans and Greece. I’d support the ethnic French killing every darkie among them.

    I do not think it’s worthwhile making Cartoons about Mohammad. I’d not bother with Jesus either. Or Buddha. Any Jewish character like Moses or Jacob are fair game.

  323. Gerry says:
    @Anne Lid

    weapons and gypsies?

    My father, a Croatian, told us a story about the Gypsies and WW1. When the Germans attacked the trenches the gypsies would point their rifles straight up into the sky and fire. When asked why were they doing this and not firing at the approaching Germans the reply was O, we hate the Germans so much so terribly much, that we can’t stand even to look at them that is why point our rifles into the sky and fire.

    My father would then start cursing and saying $%%^@!#)* gypsies?

    • LOL: Anne Lid
  324. @Iris

    I can’t represent everyone but I think you know that most of us think those people deserve a long and painful death, in BOTH cases.

  325. Ed Case says:

    Powell was importing West Indian Nurses when he was Health Minister in the late 1950s.
    Oswald Mosley said that in an interview around 1970 when asked his opinion of the Rivers Of Blood speech.

  326. Anonymous[292] • Disclaimer says:

    Out of this chaos will eventually come the WEF prescribed DICTATORSHIP, and the velvet glove will be removed to reveal the IRON FIST.

    Schwab was in China this past week at the “SUMMER DAVOS” hootenanny, heaping accolades on the CHICOMS for developing and implementing a “state of the art” repressive totalitarian dictatorship that he (Schwab) believes to be THE model for the WEF to implement in ALL the western countries were they and their membership (talmudic zionist globalist billionaire/trillionaire oligarchs) already have ownership of every important monopoly, including the stooges in all these “governments”.

    These A-HOLES will grind you into fertilizer if not stopped.

  327. Rurik says:

    What should one conclude, by your very own standards? That in average, White American military men are sadistic rapists who sodomise defenceless boys?

    what are you implying?

    that because I’m a white American man, ‘my standard’ is sodomizing boys? Because some sadists working for the CIA/Mossad did so?

    is that your point? Because I’m a bit at a loss here..

    To make my standard clear, it is that any white Frenchy, (or anyone else) who advocates for the immigration of significant numbers of non-French into France, are the ones who deserve to enjoy the the ‘blessings’ of that diversity, personally. Including rape and gang rape and hatred and strife and the destruction of their way of life, like going to the local park and getting a knife in the neck.


    I hope that makes my standard quite clear.

    Not, the innocent French people who do not want the diversity, (and in all likelihood, were against the wars and torture and other evils of ZOG).

    • Replies: @Telimektar
  328. AceDeuce says:
    @Ben Affleck's mum

    Balzac was a mulato.

    That was Dumas, dumbass. He was 1/4 nigro.

    And mulatto is spelled with two t’s.

    • LOL: Zyklon BB gun
  329. Rurik says:

    middle-class to upper-middle class who virtue signal,

    yes, I think you’re right

    and those who’re insulated from the harms they so arrogantly advocate for others, (even their own countrymen and women and children – if, a few social strata below them), are those who I wish would be the ones to ‘enjoy the blessings of all that diversity’.

    When some orc ‘knock-out games’ some person walking down the street, I hope the person was a shitlib, advocating that blacks and browns can do no wrong, because of ‘racism, blah, blah..’

    I enjoy seeing such a person get his face bashed in, if they’re a shitlib, who loves seeing it all happen to the white working class. What a great Karma when they get it once in a while.

    Burn Paris, burn!

    I was there once, I didn’t dare park my rental car unless I could keep an eye on it, for all the orcs wandering around. And that was twenty years ago. I hardly saw a French person in whole sections of Paris.

  330. Wokechoke says:

    Yes. American prisons are suspected to be places where niggers rape everyone else who gets incarcerated right under the warden’s NOSE. It’s part myth part truth depending on which inmates you talk to. So that spilling over into the Military prisons makes a great deal of sense. Although it can be argued that Iraq was invaded to buckbreak Saddam’s people on behalf of Israel. Crashing Iraq did make Israel safer.

    The overseers of the Iraq war, the people who keep their hands clean while administering jails like Abu Graib are often Jewish. Here’s Janis Karpinski top jailer. She’s probably Anglo originally, even though she married some kind of Ost type…


    …and was Paul Wolfowitz’s subordinate.

    • Replies: @Anymike
  331. @nokangaroos

    As a luxemsucker, luxembourg is finished too. many cities/villages look like afrika/north afrikans. thank the tribunals for rolling out red carpet to them. Euro weanies love diversity and cultural things. that’s why they listen to the us empire masters telling them what to do and how to do it.

    • Replies: @nokangaroos
  332. @Robert Dolan

    Take a good look boy–Ireland was hammered the same way you spud muching dimwit.

  333. anonymous[294] • Disclaimer says:

    Well don’t leave us hanging. Was the military persuaded by your logic or did you go to Canada or find a sympathetic doctor?

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  334. @Robert Dolan

    USA made this entire mesxs—-since WWII it has been war war war –over there—-taking on any nation who has no miltary and then make refugees—millions of refugees because after the wars USA snactions these nations __FACT

    Now look at Ukraine—they are fortunately losing thousands of men thanks to the Nazi scum leadership and NATO.

    USA sponsors NATO —USA has a miltary budge 1 trillion per year for the past decade so dimwits along Mainstrett can how about anything BUT the TRUTH,.

    Mankind’s Enemy resides in DC.

    • Agree: Marina Kirchen
    • Thanks: Iris
    • Replies: @Robert Dolan
  335. DaveE says:

    Well put. The world is not exactly SCREAMING for more people, Mr. SFB. And Macron certainly is something very debauched.

  336. @anonymous

    Research my comment history.

  337. @Roddy's Rowdy Piper

    Great comment Rowdy Roddy Piper and again—you did a great job when the dimwit Manager Al Tomko took over from Fenton and Seigfried ( eye monicle) Steinke ( the one man German Fighting Machine) ringside telling Ron ( and a big Hello to all you shut-ins out there!) Morrier that ” He ( Roddy Piper) has been listening to too many re-runs of the Silent Man ( starring John Duke ( Marion) Wayne —–

    I believe the next match was Canada’s Greatest Athlete and his partner —Bulldog Brown taking on the Bushwhackers from New Zealand via Australia —- ended in a disqualification?

    As Ron ended the class production ” See you all next week–the Good Lord Willing!!”

  338. Lurker says:
    @Philip Owen

    And then, later, he realised what a bad idea it was.

  339. Skeptikal says:


    Have you seen the actual videos of what is going on?

    YOu may be right about this lady,

    but I have seen the vids, and the situation is extremely serious.

    The fact that many of the rioters shows on socisl media vids are basically wearing uniforms raises the obvious question of who is paying for this somewhat organized mayhem?

  340. @Rurik

    Well the public attending the concert at the Bataclan during the “event” were almost surely primarily middle-class at least, and very probably liberal open-borders types, these ones did enjoy the “fruits of multiculturalism”, it doesn’t seem to have changed the mindset of the survivors one bit.

    I went to Paris once in the mid 90’s, it was pretty okay, but then I hate big cities, the city itself wasn’t really too “diverse” at this point (the “banlieues” were, they didn’t used to be but they literally forced the French to vacate by making their life miserable), the only problem was that it was fool of Parisians ! (just an harmless French inside joke, French hate Parisians because they think they are the center of the world, Parisians call the whole of France outside Paris “the province”, the joke doesn’t really mean anything nowadays because well Parisians didn’t use to be born in Bamako).

    • Replies: @Rurik
  341. FTB says:

    Yeah, it’s an Asian broad singing it but check out the stirring music the French were capable of making when they were still a western civilization. Enjoy because it will be lost in the dust of history.

  342. @nokangaroos

    Oh I know about the deliberate used of black troops in the Rhineland after WW1, France ceased to exist after that war, we lost all our human capital who was already pretty much decimated by the Napoleonic Wars, we never recovered hence the result of 1940 (and good that we folded quickly, another static prolonged war would have been terrible), the “Empire” certainly is exercising it’s revenge right now.

    To be honest I don’t know if the franc CFA is that significant, trade between France and the whole of Africa was below 4% of the total volume last I checked, but I didn’t check in a while. What is absolutely crucial for France is of course the African Uranium, and I know the terrible conditions of those mines, but there’s not a lot I can do about it, I can understand those kids hating us forever.

    • Replies: @nokangaroos
  343. @Rurik

    Basically 90% of French regardless of race, religion or political affiliation was against the war in Iraq, all political parties were against without exception, and so was the media, quite a bizarre thing because the media told us the official US 9/11 story to the letter, it was a weird turn of event.

    Oh of course France still let the US use his airspace for preparing the 2003 invasion anyway, I could remember the B-52 flying in the morning en route to their Middle Eastern airbases.

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Marina Kirchen
  344. @Iris

    A proper analysis. the problem with the Kabuki Theater on the Seine is that the insanity level, while well gamed by the best, still are the products of extreme desperation, in a very asymmetrical time in world history….a sacking of Rome by the Barbarians…as caused by the degeneracy of the oligarchy, then and now.

    The dangerous times come with analysis of the situation that must take into account the flooding of the black markets with weapons for the Eastern Front, as in the Ukraine.

    A few Stingers in France, and things get serious while the Frogs boil in their own pot…and the French Army has given its shit to the Wehrmacht’s last stand, as was always the plan.

    Of course this is the course that was the ennui of the 68’ers in a Dionysian frenzy back into consumerist culture and the redecoration of degeneracy, when the Republic should have recovered, but the neocons coned.

    And the way out, Jean D’Arc would know how to deploy, or is she been so lost to those who might in the last hours perhaps…..

  345. Found a wife yet Adolf. Perhaps some Pajeetnee will take pity and marry you. But I am not optimistic, it’s going to be tough to find a Pajeetnee willing to marry a bald five foot five inch Hitler frothing at the mouth.

    If we could find someone to love you, you could stop howling for total war like some mangy mixed-breed critter gone totally rabid.

    Most likely the easiest solution is to turn you over to Dr. Freud for some psychotic therapy.

    Shalom, Enjoy the karma bitch.

    Sub-saharan African with an IQ of 75 signing off.

    • Replies: @caeser's ghost
  346. @GomezAdddams

    You stupid faggot pedophile…..the American people never voted for any of it.

    Neocon jews run the US government.

    You are dumb af.

  347. @Sulu

    I told my neighbor to grow some… and when called anti this or anti that, to say ‘yes I am anti such and anti such!” I was called antisemite once by a co-worker, and I asked him, what was a Semite to know what I was against. He did not know what a Semite was, or at least refused to answer. A regular ignorant white could not have asked him that question. So, inform yourself, whenever you are called a racist, defend yourself. My best friend response is ‘I hate everyone equally’. Whites are intimidated so easily by panicking whenever someone calls you racist. Please, if you dislike another person of your same race, are you self-racist? man, let’s be real. I don’t like several persons, especially Vietnamese, blacks, Cubans, etc. I don’t distinguish race, just the people and their behavior. So, what am I? Several whites, I don’t like at all, so I have dislike Ness for several people across races, and so what about it.

    • Agree: FTB
    • Replies: @Sulu
  348. Dumbo says:
    @Ben Affleck's mum

    And pointing the finger on blacks, browns or whoever is flavor of the month just plays in the hands of the elites who control the media and therefore the debate.

    Do you realize that until the 1950s, France was like, 98% White? Sure they want to “divide us” — literally, by bringing in lots of random foreigners with high aggressiveness and low intelligence, putting them on welfare and telling them they are “French”.

    As ive pointed to in another post, what is now france has been invaded by so many people, raping and pillaging, sometimes settling, so what makes one “french”? France was and still is a melting pot, and it sure was not always white, nor catholic.

    Well, they had the Normans (Vikings) which were a better sort of pirates than the current Somalis.

    Anyway, it’s pointless to argue with people who cannot see it. I advise you to visit South and Central America — perhaps the poor Northeast of Brazil would be a good start — to see up close the results of 500 years of multiculturalism and race-mixing, and the future of “melting pot France.”

    • Replies: @FTB
    , @martin_2
  349. Xavier says:

    Probably a false flag to get rid of those pesky protesting unions.

  350. @Iris

    those women who were arrested with young boys, children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. And the worst above all of that is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking that your government has. They are in total terror. It’s going to come out.”

    If this does not make your blood to boil in anger, and hatred for those who did this, then we have not a shred of humanity or conscience. I am an ex-AF airman, and we always were instructed in the law of armed conflict, and code of conduct. When I saw pictures of that prison, in Iraq, I was flabbergasted. I could not believe such cruelty, a horrible cruelty unimaginable in my trained AF behavior and training, and I was unable to comprehend such horrible doing by our military. I never trusted those civilian ‘contractors’ who did the dirty work, anyway.

    • Replies: @Iris
    , @Commentator Mike
  351. @Ben Affleck's mum

    Go back to the shit hole you came from!

  352. Pastit says:

    You’re ignorant beyond imagination. Everywhere blacks and Muslims go crime skyrockets. Do your homework before posting bullshit cause most of us are tired of it.

  353. Pastit says:

    You’re an ignorant jackass to state that France killed 300 million Africans. That’s ludicrous.

  354. The French deserve to be conquered.

  355. @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist

    Paris is burning and Canada is on fire and Greta Thundberg is in Sweden—ready to join NATO-yingle yangle AND

    USA–“Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”—Nat King Cole or perhaps The Platters.

    Conclusion: Can you smply imagine the rhetoric in USA if this smoke was coming from China???

    Seems odd —but were these forest fires in Canada perhaps caused by Chinese spy balloons or sparks from Justin Trudeau’s twirling sparkling battons riding his elevated Unicycle???
    “Canada doesn’t have a lot of firefighting resources,” Gray said. “Individual provinces have their own contracting crews, but they have brought in thousands of folks from outside the country to help.”

    One factor contributing to the lack of resources, evident in the current fight against the out of control fires, is funding, Gray acknowledged.

    “They don’t typically appropriate a lot of money upfront for firefighting,” he continued. “But once the fires break out, the governments can certainly find all the money necessary to suppress them.”

    “International groups keep saying, you need to shift the focus to upfront mitigation and prevention so you’re spending less money on response and recovery,” he added. “It’s ridiculous. We spend billions of dollars once the fire breaks out, but we don’t invest the money upfront to mitigate the fires from happening in the first place.”
    Translation: Canada is fast going down the scale to skid road—many immigrants arriving–the top criminals are non White on any police list and rents are going through the roof and knifing is new way of life with a Black handle.

  356. KenH says:

    Europe needs to expel its Muslim and African population. Just as the Algerians gave French colonists the option of the suitcase or the grave Muslims in Europe should be given the same option.

    France should start by launching a nationwide anti-Muslim pogrom to put them on notice.

    There can be no coexistence with people who subscribe to a religion of conquest and domination. Converted white muzzie Kevin Barrett can shove his propaganda about peaceful Islam where the sun doesn’t shine.

    • Thanks: Pastit
  357. @Levtraro

    Yes, I’ve said that promoting China’s entry into WTO was the grossest, stupidest, most narrow-minded error committed by USA elites in the last few decades.

    What if the opposite had happened. ?

    What if the USSR attempting to overwhelm the USA, made good with China?

    If the USSR transferred its technology to China and together they built up a military industrial and economic alliance. What would the world be like today?

    Wasn’t this the very reason why Nixon decided to turn on its charm offensive on China? and that WTO entrance was only one of the carrots that the US dangled in front of China to persuade it to join its camp, and thus depriving the USSR of a future ally?

    The US, in the 70s after making its calculations made its bet. The bet paid off in the short term, causing the collapse of the USSR. It was the right decision for the right time.

    The fault, if there is any, is that the US became drunk on euphoria and self congratulation and hubris after the fall of the USSR.

    • Agree: FTB
    • Replies: @Levtraro
  358. @Levtraro

    I should append to my last paragraph:

    The fault, if there is any, is that the US became drunk on euphoria and self congratulation and hubris after the fall of the USSR.

    The fault, if there is any, is that the US became drunk on euphoria and self congratulation and hubris after the fall of the USSR….. Thus wasting the long term benefits of the bet the US had made decades earlier.

    The oft quoted “globalist greed” of US corporations trying to make yet more profits by benefiting from lower labour costs in China, thus OFFSHORING jobs…. was really only a symptom of the hubristic atmosphere of the times. The US had thought it had already won the war….it was alone at The End of History. They took their eye off the wheel and allowed their industry to be hollowed out.

    If, after the fall of the USSR, the USA had remained sober and not allowed its economy to be hollowed out, Americans today will not be feeling the despair that they do now.

    The problem is not the WTO or the Chinese. It is that America has become drunk with hubris, and still has not yet sobered up.

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  359. FTB says:

    Well, they had the Normans (Vikings) which were a better sort of pirates than the current Somalis.

    You guys might enjoy this as much as me. Can;t watch it enough times.

    Video Link

  360. @Iris

    Thank you.

    This “discussion” you are having highlights a very Yank tendency….to PROJECT their own beliefs on everybody else.

    Instead of asking you what is the situation in France, and humbly what are your views on this and that, they arrogantly assume that they know France better than a French person. Worse, they are event trying to FORCE DOWN a French person’s throat what is really going on in France.

    Be strong my sister
    (or brother….LOL)

    • Thanks: Iris
  361. geokat62 says:

    Let the record show that it is Organized Supremacist Jewry that is chiefly responsible for what is currently transpiring in France.

    They are the ones who created the bogus concept of civic nationalism and convinced the French that keeping out foreigners was a blatant act of racism and an unbridled violation of the fundamental Jewish value of “Welcoming the Stranger.”

    The kicker is they marketed this nonsense as being something that would benefit the dumb goyim in the long run – ie they were Tikkun olamming the world!

    Now that the chickens have come home to roost, they’re desperately trying to distance themselves from the blatant lie they’ve repeatedly propagated – i.e., diversity is supposedly a humongous strength.

    We must now return to our senses and realize that our true strength has been and will always be ethno-nationalism.

  362. anonymous[951] • Disclaimer says:

    Yes, I’ve said that promoting China’s entry into WTO was the grossest, stupidest, most narrow-minded error committed by USA elites in the last few decades.

    I think the worst mistake had to be yielding to Jewish power. Losing 2 million factory jobs, what is that compared to losing the souls of the next generation to gender transition ideology? Jewish power is using gender transition to poison minds against Christianity. Without Christianity nothing opposes them.

  363. anon[673] • Disclaimer says:

    But what really matters is that the native White French, who are losing everything literally – their entire country/homeland, their culture, their historic buildings, being set on course to be a minority in their own land + losing their ethnic identity – what REALLY matters is that they bent over and grabbed their ankles with no lube and said nothing raaaacccist. That’s what really matters! Or at least that’s what the ((media)) tells me.

  364. @Rurik

    Believe me Brussels was a lot worse. I went to both recently and I expected Paris to be worse but I was pleasantly surprised that there were more whites in central Paris than in central Brussels, quite a lot more.

    I don’t rejoice when anyone is attacked without a reason, even those others. Anyway when the immigrants attack their victims could well be those who are not responsible for bringing them over.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  365. @Marina Kirchen

    When I learned some two decades ago that Straßburg is bilingual again
    my first thought was that Europe might work after all – then I got to
    the fine print (it´s French-Arabic 🤬).
    Europe is dying because its foundational principle is holding Germany down;
    Aesop (“The Belly and the Members”) was right.

  366. @Telimektar

    I´m no economist either but Marianne is managing their foreign reserves
    and exchange rates so we can be pretty sure they´re being dealt a fast one;
    and if it wasn´t deemed important the late great Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi
    would still be providing entertainment (and stem the fugee flood).

  367. Let them eat shrimp.

  368. So fkn funny reading yanks, french, brits and jews complain about colonialism, oh the irony

  369. @Ben Affleck's mum

    DuPont and Rothschild financed Hitlers regime well into the war, hoping he would crush Russia.

    Absolute nonsense. Did a jew tell you this?

  370. Anonymous[210] • Disclaimer says:
    @Robert Dolan

    i remember in the good ole days of 2003-2006 all the ameritards with their support our troops memoribilia everywhere. now that they see how much of a failure their military campaigns were, they hate the system.

  371. Twitter now requires a login to see tweets, this is current as of a day ago. Maybe my tin foil hat needs adjustment, but what a Cohen-incidence as most people won’t bother to sign in and won’t see the carnage that the diverse and ALWAYS enrichment bearing people of color brought to France!

  372. @Telimektar

    barbary piracy never happened.

    • Replies: @Telimektar
  373. @Telimektar

    white is a fake term that devils like you invented to try and divide people based on superficial reasons. you’re a genocidal maniac like your ancestors

    • Replies: @Telimektar
  374. Iris says:
    @in the middle

    Thank you, and God bless you.

  375. martin_2 says:

    Anyway, it’s pointless to argue with people who cannot see it. I advise you to visit South and Central America — perhaps the poor Northeast of Brazil would be a good start — to see up close the results of 500 years of multiculturalism and race-mixing, and the future of “melting pot France.”

    I have posted the following many times on various sites. (The country in this case is France, since it is in the news, but it also applies to, say, the UK or USA.)

    France, by becoming “diverse”, isn’t pioneering some brave new multiracial world. Brazil has been multiracial for centuries, with Spanish and Portuguese, Africans and native Indians in the mix, and it makes sense to look at what conditions are like in Brazil to see where France will most likely end up.

    Brazil has huge wealth inequalities. The Gini coefficient, a statistical index of wealth inequality, shows that Brazil is one of the most unequal societies in the world, and quite possibly the most unequal of all outside Africa.

    Brazil has minimal welfare provision, the shantytowns or “favelas” testify to this.

    Brazil has a phenomenally high crime rate. Here are some figures.

    Brazil in 2016 registered a record 61,619 murders, an average of 168 per day! (The number of violent deaths last year in Brazil is approximately equal to the number of people killed by the atomic bomb the US dropped on Nagasaki.)

    The number of civilians killed in police operations was 4,224 in 2016.

    The number of police officers killed was 437.

    The number of robberies in which the victim was killed was 2,514.

    To provide some perspective, the UK has roughly one third of the population and has roughly 600 murders in total in a year.

    Despite centuries with the different races living in the same country, Brazilians are not all one chocolate colour. And the Races are, to some extent, segregated, with blacks and multiracial individuals tending to live in the North and whites in the South. Brazil’s political and business elite appears to be almost all white. Brazilians celebrate the classical white Western standards of beauty, if their celebrities and beauty queens are anything to go by.

    Political corruption is an issue in Brazil. Brazil lies in 76th place out of 168 countries on the “Transparency International” corruption index. For perspective, India and China rank one and two places below them.

    Brazil has a strong patriarchal culture. There is pressure for men and women to behave according to (Catholic) societal norms. Men are expected to be strong and powerful. Women, in contrast, are considered weak, and are expected to defer to men. There are many articles on the Internet written by young white women who have visited Brazil and who describe the shock of being accosted and even physically assaulted by men who won’t take no for an answer. Brazil has the sixth highest rate of female murders in the world. In 2016, 4,657 females were murdered.

    It seems at least to be a reasonable hypothesis that Brazil reveals to us how a multicultural society will evolve over a sufficiently long period of time. De facto racial segregation. High levels of corruption. Massive disparities in wealth, with the most affluent living in secure, gated communities, and very high rates of crime, especially violent crime, affecting the quality of life of everybody else. Brazil has not given much to the rest of the world in the way of technology or invention. They don’t have any great universities, and have never won any Nobel prizes in the hard sciences. (They do have a successful football team , however.)

    • Agree: peterAUS
    • Thanks: fnn
    • Replies: @showmethereal
  376. @Adolf Smith

    This woman is a nationalist and is prepared the best I can be for this same garbage to happen in America.

  377. Tucker says:
    @Priss Factor

    These recent riots in France triggered my memory of being required to read the book by Charles Dickens titled ‘The Tale of Two Cities”, originally written in 1859, in one of my junior high or high school English literature classes. I doubt this book or any of the other famous works of literature that were once required reading have survived the vicious, anti-White subversion of American public schools by the Cultural Marxist Communists.

    Anyway, I have only a vague recollection of what that book was about – but, I do remember that it was a story that took place before and during the French Revolution and at the end of the book one of the main characters was sent to be executed by the guillotine.

    Would it not be ironic if the French people were to drag Macron out of his mansion and give him a similar introduction?

  378. 1jonny says:

    It appears that the current oligarchs, be they WASPs, J’s or whoever, have it in for us white working and middle classes. I think that’s the difference between the current over-class and previous. It seems they ARE actively, systematically, working to replace us demographically. They also, using a seemingly coordinated media, seem to, again actively, work at disparaging our culture. If they are successful at this, and they, again, SEEM to have the momentum, they will, before long, turn us into a despised and degraded minority underclass. You may be experiencing schadenfreude at our discomfiture. We may deserve that from you. I don’t know. You have to understand that we are not experiencing this same sense of pleasure.

  379. @in the middle

    I remember they released only some of the photo material from that prison to the public but Bush himself was shown a lot more and a lot worse and was shocked. The worst was kept away from the public eye.

  380. @Robert Dolan

    You indeed are a real dough headed twit —-I assume you KNOW faggots First Hand from Confession or were you an altar boy being altered by Father McGuire or any of the League of shanty Irish trash that was dumped in America ===

    Shanty Irish —Father Fitzgerald and Father Fitzpatrick and the Irish congregation slightly brighter than today’s Black Rappers–but not by very much.

    Lucky Charm Leprachauns –a faggot festival —

  381. @Ben Affleck's mum

    Robert Dolan is an Irish would be Kennedy from Boston however his 92 IQ has held him back.

  382. @Rumpelstiltskin

    lol Yep, I think you’ve got his number pretty much off by heart. Tedious, repetitive, anti-British (who he in his stupidity and ignorance calls “Negro-Saxon”) pathetically-immature, laughably-stupid, historically-inaccurate hate-filled garbage, from a guy who sounds like the very embodiment of a fat, stupid pasty-faced incel sitting in his mother’s basement surrounded by pizza boxes, porn mags – and with his prized filthy, stinking illegal Wehrmacht overcoat hanging in the cupboard behind him.

    That’s what happens when you drown yourself for years in the minutest details of the worst injustices ever perpetrated by our Talmudic friends – like the end of the second world war and all that followed.

    • Replies: @HeebHunter
  383. Ben dover says: • Website

    The U.S. will be taking all black refugees in 1,2,…,

  384. @Wokechoke

    You should read the Samson option by Seymour Hersh.

    Israel got the bomb with help from France, as french scientists had been excluded from the us-british research during WWII, although francis perrin had been in 1939 the first to publish the formula to calculate the critical mass of uranium (the amount needed to sustain chain-reaction). The US, probably rightly, suspected that the french research was riddled with soviet spies. Israeli scientists worked at the experimental reactor at Sarclay, and in return, france helped build dimona and donated a reactor. Dimona was largely populated with north african jews from algeria.


  385. Anon[871] • Disclaimer says:

    We need to remember that it was women who wanted this. Of course the Jews came up with the idea, but this was enforced by women.The first thing we need to do is stop listening to women.

    Well the women, the majority shunned by their own white men, of course wanted it. Better black cock than no cock. One just has to travel to an African or Caribbean resort to see all the white hoes hustling the black boys. In Jamaica the airport is jammed with niggers waiting for the tourist plane and the white female hunters. Locals call them milk buckets and the Jamaican women consider these white ladies the biggest sluts out.

    The nightclubs are full of worn out white women flouncing with the black boys. They pay for everything, buy clothes and food for them and even pay their rent. Some get married and bring their love to the G7. However, how does a semi literate black man with no skills (other than putting down pipe) fit into a highly industrialized society.

    In the African resorts Community Elders especially in the Moslem areas complain these used up white women are using up and polluting the black fellows.

    Doctors in the Islands claim that an alien from outer space can tell when the tourist season is done. HOW ? The black boys line up for their VD injections and medications. The white hoes return to their countries full of indignation and of course GERMS, STDs and all too frequently deadly strains of tuberculosis. If a white guy looks at their tits or makes a suggestive comment, the HR department or even the Police might be summoned LOL. In the meantime the lady might be riddled with disease and be somewhat bowlegged from a week of black meat.These days, to save themselves the airfare the Cracker hoes have imported their studs. No need to travel for a taste of exotic fare.

    And so here we are. Where one rarely saw a nigger or darky, now one strains to see a white face ! So Honkies, if you are dating a white woman and she tells you she is going to or just got back from the Caribbean, rubber up, make sure you are packing the equipment but whatever you do, dont fall in love LMAO.

    Enjoy the video. Watch what the black boys are doing to your holier than thou female trash, the ones who demand to be treated with dignity and respect LOL.

  386. @Iris

    “It is simple enough to understand: NO mass stabbings and NO mass rapes were ever reported in French crime statistics, sociology and criminology surveys, or media, over the last decades.”

    What’s this then?


    I didn’t say there were, although I’d be surprised if there wasn’t some UK-style “grooming” going on, when our hero finds some gullible 14 year old then pimps her out to his mates, uncles etc As US rapper Nate Dogg puts it:

    “I need a bitch like I need my crew; I need a bitch to pass on as soon as I’m through”


    “I realise that these facts shatter you inner beliefs and worldview”


    ” your sexual fantasies on the other”

    Someone’s fantasising here, that’s for sure.

  387. Rurik says:

    Bataclan during the “event” were almost surely primarily middle-class at least, and very probably liberal open-borders types, these ones did enjoy the “fruits of multiculturalism”, it doesn’t seem to have changed the mindset of the survivors one bit.

    I took a quick look


    For Jean Pierre Albertini, whose son, Stéphane, was killed at the Bataclan, the real issues lie elsewhere. Author of the book ‘Mourir au Bataclan’, written as a tribute to his son, he also questions the actions taken to combat Islamic radicalism.

    Umm.. how about not letting them flood into your country?

    This threat puts the domestic intelligence services on the front line. In France, they have doubled in size since 2015.

    those ‘intelligence services’ are the one’s who’ve been going after the Yellow Vests.

    Nothing will change as long as France is ruled by ZOG. ZOG will never rest until the last antisemite Nazi racist, (all white French) are either in the ground, or subjugated by orcs.

    if you check out the link, you’ll see the obvious truth in the comments. But none of that matters when your country is ruled by ZOG.

    The tragic thing is, before your typical Frenchman will ever grow the balls to speak that simple and obvious truth, he’d rather see his children raped, or stabbed in the park, because of his racial cowardice.

    I only wish it were those people, (the ones saying France needs more refugees and immigrants) who were the ones getting raped and stabbed, because if you don’t have the dignity to defend your own ancient nation and culture and people from invasion and colonization, then you, (like Macron, and those who voted for him) are the ones who deserve to be paying the price, not the good people of France.

    The sad thing, is that millions of people who don’t want this, and would fight in the streets to prevent it, are being beat-down by ZOG’s goons, the French police. Same as they do here in the States if the Deplorables protest somewhere.

    No way out but through ZOG.

    • Replies: @anon
  388. Rurik says:

    Basically 90% of French regardless of race, religion or political affiliation was against the war in Iraq,

    I remember. I’ve never been so proud of the French people, as when our media were slamming them for not going along with the illegal and immoral war.

    all political parties were against without exception, and so was the media,

    I have no explanation for this, except to acknowledge that this tack was considered somehow ‘good for the Jews’.

    • Replies: @Telimektar
  389. Rurik says:
    @Commentator Mike

    I don’t rejoice when anyone is attacked without a reason, even those others.

    I can’t say I rejoice, so much as feel a satisfying sense of Karma at work.

    at post 381

    Ben Affleck’s mum says:
    July 2, 2023 at 8:55 am GMT • 5.4 hours ago ↑

    So fkn funny reading yanks, french, brits and jews complain about colonialism, oh the irony

    he tosses in ‘jews’ to be cute.

    But if this person, would get raped by a half dozen orcs, instead of say some teenage French girl, then perhaps, there would be some part of me that would rejoice.

    Like seeing Tony Bliar or George Bush getting the ‘treatment’, instead of those guys in Ukraine.

    Anthony Blinkin being the one who steps on an anti-personnel mine, and get his leg blown off, rather than some working class guy from Russia or Ukraine.

    Hunter Biden being the one inside the tank when it gets hit, and the hydraulic fluid catches fire inside the hull.

    Not that I’d even wish that on Hunter Biden, but if it has to be somebody, well…

    And guess how long these wars would last if it were people like Biden or Blinkin who were doing the suffering and dying? A day? An hour? Not even that?

    Or how many ‘refugees’ and immigrants would be pouring in from the third world, into all white nations, if those ‘refugees’ were slated to live with Macron and Trudeau and Biden? Rather than in the middle and working class neighborhoods of France and Canada and the U.S. (and everywhere else antisemites -white people- live).

    It’s always the scumfucks who toss everyone else under the bus, to suck shekels, while the victims of their policies always do the suffering. I’d just like to see that reversed for once.

    • Replies: @Ben Affleck's mum
  390. @Anon

    Love your post. I hope you become a regular here!

    • Replies: @Anon
  391. Alden says:

    Chechen are extremist Muslims. And more of a warrior culture than the Algerians softened by 3 generations of welfare in France. Bet they’re out there destroying White French neighborhoods.

    • Replies: @FTB
  392. Bruno says:

    Double errors:

    1) the habitation building burning is not in France

    2) French Arabs aren’t like American elite Arab migrants. Their average IQ is around 83 like Afro-Americans. They don’t have the manager to organise their Mosques and have to recruit them outside France. They’re not able to build up. Egyptian Muslim brotherhood has this capacity though

  393. @littlereddot

    Ask anyone why corporations went off shore and the answer is for cheaper labor. Then ask why labor is cheaper off shore, a question that is usually studiously avoided.

    The US Fed Gov sucks too much money out of the economy to spread democracy and other bullshit along with death and destruction throughout the world. Billions to trillions are spent on fighter jets that no longer fight, on aircraft carriers that are just floating coffins, on missiles and system everyone is or should be afraid to use, etc. That causes high taxes which results in increasing wage demands just to be able to survive. Labor is comparatively high because cost in the US are high because there’s too much waste and abuse.

    Cancel the Fed Gov, terminate the bulk of the military and all the intel agencies and the cost structure inside the current US states could easily compete with the rest of the world and bring jobs and opportunity back to the US. With the Fed Gov gone, shitholes like California would actually have to shape up because all the corruption money disappears that currently funds their dystopia. All the ridiculous social science and humanities colleges would wither and die since all they produce are people with basket weaving degrees that will no longer be fashionable. Without the support from DC, Big Pharma and the rest of the corporate oligarchy loses its muscle.

  394. @Anon

    Most of these guys are scamming the White women just to get money from them and to get into their countries, then it all changes. Then the jilted women write to various forums complaining about their experience. Not sure if they ever learn or just go back to get scammed again. For these guys it’s just a con and a racket, they don’t give a damn about these women, except in very few cases.

  395. @Iris

    Whether caused by Blacks, by Arabs or by Martians, excessive rape or stabbing figures would have been made public anyway,

    This is a very naive assumption.

  396. @An American Frenchman

    Alain Soral has just been deprived of French citizenship and deported to Switzerland since he has relatives there. He cannot circulate in the Schengen zone. In Switzerland his troubles are far from being over. Even though Swiss Jews have concluded he is not an antisemite of malignant type the NAMBLA (Boy love association) have judged that his opposition to pedophilia is a graver form of antisemitism than attacking Jews as such for statistical reasons : it has been observed statistically that militants that combat pedophilia, even Jewish ones, cost more on the average in judicial fees to various Jewish interest groups that declare themselves offended. Alain Soral might be compelled to go to Iran or to Afghanistan.

  397. @Anonymous8

    “White” just mean Europeans, it’s not really a skin color thing to us Europeans, it’s just a “where are you from” thing. Races are different in how they want to live and behave, it’s not just a melanin content thing. My ancestors were all poor farmers as far as I can tell, so the only thing they “genocided” were the occasional pig I guess.

    • Agree: Sarita
  398. @RoatanBill

    With the Fed Gov gone, shitholes like California would actually have to shape up

    Are you mellowing Bill? You used to be a hardcore Anarchist. Do I detect that you might now tolerate the existence of state governments?

    LOL….I am only teasing of course.

    Everything you said is true. Each state is big enough to run its own affairs perfectly well on its own. I should know … I come from an independent citystate.

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  399. FTB says:

    Why would they destroy the neighborhoods of the customers for their dope? I’m sure the Chechen Diaspora in Europe are Islamic extremists but the majority of the ones in the Chechen Republic are allies of the Orthodox Christian just like Syria under Assad.

    Video Link

    Chechnya’s President is even building Orthodox Churches in their capitol for both their resident and visiting Christians.


  400. teo toon says:

    So, the battle has been resumed; and the Jews have played their part:
    Charles The Hammer At Tours
    An army of fast-moving Muslim raiders collided with a phalanx of Frankish heavy infantry under Charles “the Hammer” Martel at Tours in ad 732. It would be the highwater mark of the Islamic tide in Europe.

  401. @kenneth smith

    Well I’m always open to historical revisionism, do you have links talking about that ? Maybe the name of a book ?

    I’ve never heard Muslims or Maghrebis in general denying it’s existence at all, but you could be true I’m not an expert on that subject or anything.

  402. @littlereddot

    The individual states as new countries would have to compete with each other for residents and businesses to support an actual economy as opposed to the largely financial faux economies now. The laughable ‘consumer economy’ canard would disappear since it’s an impossibility in the long run. The US would actually have to build stuff and sell it once the exorbitant privilege of the US Dollar vanishes.

    These smaller countries wouldn’t be unable to bully their neighbors and the political class would have to look inward for support to remain relevant. This would be a reasonably fertile ground for a limited gov’t that wouldn’t get corrupted for quite some time.

    I’ve stated multiple times that I don’t expect anarchism to take hold, just for the ideas within anarchism to change the slave mentality that most people have to actually produce a society that functions. The US stopped really functioning a long time ago and is coasting toward an abrupt stop with only the Dollar’s weight providing momentum. Change is coming and people’s perceptions need to be ready to produce a shift in priorities or else they end up with a dystopia and in your face totalitarianism.

    • Replies: @InnerCynic
    , @littlereddot
  403. Alboboss says:

    Chechens tried to set a truce with Arabs after the riots. Chechens would be wiped out by Arabs because of the high numbers of Arab population

  404. Anonymous[123] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ben Affleck's mum

    I’ll repeat it.

    Go back to the shithole where you came from.

  405. @Rurik

    Very unlikely to happen, no orcs or anything else for miles, i’m what yanks would probably call “free men”, i trained and still learn every possible skill i need to live as far away from human society as possible.
    Already bought my land, freed myself from debt and live with my pack of dogs.
    I get the odd visitor and welcome them as long as they don’t encroach on my space.
    I thought i’d try this site after reading articles from Laurent Guyenot, but you guys reconfirmed once and for all why i live like i live, and why i have no faith in organised society.
    This is my last contribution to this site, i’ll return to my hermit lifestyle happier than ever to know ive made the right choice.
    Fvck you all, hope the jews wipe every one of you as programmed.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  406. Anonymous[123] • Disclaimer says:

    Like Andrew Anglin, I’m glad, ecstatically happy that this is occurring.

    It serves the cunts right for not voting in Le Pen.

    The more ethnic French butchered – the better!

    No punishment can be too hard for them – it might, just might possibly instill some intelligence into the pea brains of the European political elite, even an intelligent act like torpedoing an invader boat and gunning down the turds that float up out of if it in the sea.

    But don’t hold your breath. The European political class – the shit cunts will continue to shit cunt until the day they are liquidated. Wholesale.

  407. Rurik says:
    @Ben Affleck's mum

    fuck off and good riddance

    go jerk off to some more French people being menaced by your orcs

    I only wish the orcs were there with you, and not in Paris.

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  408. peterAUS says:

    ….the home of a Paris suburb mayor was rammed by a car and set alight. Vincent Jeanbrun, mayor of the southern suburb of L’Hay-Les-Roses, said in a statement that his wife and one of his children were injured. Jeanbrun, from the conservative Les Republicains party, was not at home but at the town hall during the incident. The regional prosecutor has opened an investigation for “attempted murder…

    Could be personal, criminal re “attempted murder”.
    TPTBs always assign “terrorism” when they suspect being target of political violence.

    Then, again, the later could be inflaming. The objective appears to be keeping all this under low key. Not much in MSM here.

    If/when more of similar happens then we’ll know….

    • Replies: @PetrOldSack
  409. @RoatanBill

    The US is the modern day Byzantium. Just like every other human empire in the past it’ll do what it has to do in order to survive but in the end they all die.

    • Replies: @James Scott
  410. Josef says:

    Andrew Anglin,

    You are an a criminal and vicious bastard.
    You wish anarchia in France, i wish anarchia in your cerebrus.
    Get beck to the hell, son of the devil.

  411. Anon[315] • Disclaimer says:

    Well I will remain Anon as I only have time for 2 posts. Otherwise it is easy to spend a lot of time on this site.

    Now, I started to look at the clips of rioting in France and I had to stop. It was all too good. I went to the kitchen and made myself a nice noodle soup with spinach, onions, garlic, shrimp and potatoes and THEN came back to take in the show. It was very entertaining LMAO !

    As for my post, I am glad you appreciated the White Elite enjoying themselves, hunting black bamboo in the tropics. You will note there are no Asian women around. This type of fuckery is exclusive to the white trollops. You also dont see any G7 blacks. They are back in the Ghetto looking after their 10 + bastards, checking for their welfare checks and food stanps, the fathers are too busy robbing and dope dealing but in spite of that they dont have the money for the trip, you know, $600 for one week where the food is shit, you get treated like shit and you get the shits !! You also get to mix with the dregs, the scum of the tourist crowd.

    There are a lot of Chinese in Cuba BUT they are usually in family groups even Grand Parents included. The Cuban Government does not allow Cubans on the resort beaches and tourists of any colour are not allowed on any beach besides that of their own resort. This keeps the local Niggers and the few Canadian Dindoos penned up in their resorts, usually the ones at the bottom of the scale. Beaches are usually patrolled by 3 man Cuban Security Police and the disobedient are led away. There is a lot to be said for strong leadership and a firm heavy hand.

    In the other Islands one sees the same Chinese culture. In restaurants its always the family and since many of the local politicians. Police and Army are corrupted, being nasty to Asians results in unpleasant consequences. You will never see 2 Asian women on vacation by themselves hunting nigger cock.China is moving into the Caribbean and fucking with them especially in Cuba is a long term prison sentence

    Whites in essence have nothing to hold on to and are getting the same medicine applied to the blacks and browns. Disintegration !! Once the family unit is broken down, once they dishonour their ancestors and elders, the end is near.

    Whites , the superior race will rule the world LMAO x 100! As an Asian I advise you to make up your wish list. When we take over, these people and their had breeds will become our slaves. The way I calculate it every 4 Asian will be entitled to one black and 3 whites, maybe a half breed or two.

    I intend to get mine young and female and have them medically inspected before I buy them just in case they are diseased with the plague or some other germ scientists have not yet discovered. LOL.

  412. Sulu says:
    @in the middle

    My comment was meant to be pure sarcasm.

    Calling White people anti-Semitic, or racist, or homophobic is nothing more than a trick used by the Jewish establishment to shut down fair discussion of a topic they don’t want discussed. Such as the fact that the Jews are purposefully destroying the White race. Or that fact that blacks are, for the most part, low I.Q. violent, criminally prone animals that have no place in White civilization. Or the fact that homosexuality is frequently associated with mental illness and that homos are degenerates that will happily fuck your 4 year old kid if society would simply allow it.


  413. Niggers, Jews, Bad News

    • Replies: @Pastit
    , @Sweet Dick
  414. anon[157] • Disclaimer says:

    I only wish it were those people, (the ones saying France needs more refugees and immigrants) who were the ones getting raped and stabbed, because if you don’t have the dignity to defend your own ancient nation and culture and people from invasion and colonization, then you, (like Macron, and those who voted for him) are the ones who deserve to be paying the price, not the good people of France.

    Many of the “French” who voted for Macron are the Black and Arab colonizers. This is by design. The 3rd world hordes that are destroying the French people get to be weaponized on top of it to vote for open borders, more “free stuff”, more restrictions and hate crime laws to silence the native White French people.

    The sad thing, is that millions of people who don’t want this, and would fight in the streets to prevent it, are being beat-down by ZOG’s goons, the French police. Same as they do here in the States if the Deplorables protest somewhere.

    France’s hate speech laws were put into place for that exact reason. Many of the people who would fight it, and quite a few have, are either in jail now or have been beaten into submission / poverty via constant fines and jail time. In the USA, there are subtle attempts to bypass Free Speech and get hate speech laws put into place to do the same thing to Americans. Ron DeSantis did only his Jew donors a favor when he flew to Israel and signed that bill that bans putting fliers on people’s lawns. If he wasn’t compromised then he would have simply said – big deal, toss it in the trash if you don’t like it.

    • Agree: Rurik
    • Replies: @Deep Thought
  415. Anonymous[107] • Disclaimer says:

    The end of the US Empire, based on a US/European alliance dominated by the US, was anticipated by the AUKUS alliance, signed 2021. That is “some time ago” in my estimation. Note that the AUKUS alliance came at the cost of infuriating France ( https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/sep/16/what-is-the-aukus-alliance-and-what-are-its-implications ). AUKUS, and the subsequent change in Japan’s attitude towards and legal framework for warfare ( https://www.npr.org/2022/12/16/1143017026/japan-defense-spending-weapons-buildup-rearming ) permitted a Japan/US coalition against China.
    Support for the above changes by the US make no sense unless the US State Department anticipated the end of the US/European alliance, and the retreat of the US line of defense to the blue water oceans (Atlantic, Pacific).
    That is, the State Department thought there was a good chance that the US would lose the Ukraine conflict.

    Second: Take a look at von Creveld’s article, link in my original post, it’s a classic that everybody interested in this subject should read. Creveld established that the decline of the West’s control and influence started at the conclusion of WW II.

    Third: What I meant to say was that we both think that US dominance will fail, and here are my reasons for that. I did not intend to say that the reasons given were your reasons, although apparently I managed to do so.

    Of course, we’re dealing with a process of history, and it is seldom that, to paraphrase George R. R. Martin “a bell rings, and a fully vital society immediately falls into dust.” Decay is slow, as is rise.
    I believe that the US right now has no enforceable economic power, and is bluffing. Example: failure of sanctions on the Russian Federation. Loss of the Ukraine conflict violates the basis of EU/USA alliance, which are: no more mechanized warfare in Europe, no more nuclear warfare, moderate prosperity for industrialized Europe. To paraphrase another author “The US done broke the Hell out of all three!”. An attempt to support a long Ukraine guerilla war against Russia would simply make the break greater. While the EU/USA alliance might not vanish overnight, vanish it will. Of course, the changeover you cite might take until 2027 — historic processes take time.

    Alternately, I might be mistaken and the Russian engagement with the West might be terminated completely, replaced by engagement with China and India. I think it unlikely, but the Russians are apparently considering it. Can’t really blame them after the fraudulent Minsk Accords.

    • Replies: @Levtraro
  416. France is burning while Macron is having anal sex with Elton John. Elton my brother, you are older than me, do you feel the pain?

  417. Calin says:

    Reginald Dwight is the real name-not the fake Britsht name

  418. chowfun says:

    The clash of civilizations is now in your face and is being fought along ethnic lines and the whites did not start it, they only blindly welcomed it with open arms in their naïveté to promote a multicultural utopian fantasy in the insane notion that “the lamb would lie down with the lion.” Now in order to preserve France’s European (white) cultural heritage, restore order and protect French citizens, drastic actions will have to be taken and these actions will have to be race based in nature starting with the roundup, detainment, and immediate expulsion of all non-European migrants back to their ancestral homelands along with the harshest of penalties for those native-born French who would resist such actions by declaring them enemies of the Republic. It’s a monstrous thing to suggest that a government be given that kind of power (baring in mind that the French government would be far too cowardly to enact the aforementioned measures anyway) as so many are loth to relinquish it once obtained but when the situation has deteriorated to this extent what other choice is there. France went too far too fast with open immigration policies and this is the result, they are now in a fight for their very life. We in the U.S. are not too far behind.

  419. @Telimektar

    bc the french and france is OWNED by the vile us empire.

    • Agree: littlereddot
  420. @Robert Dolan

    The usians ARE the problem. They want this crap. They participate and willingly gleefully cheer on wars, imperialism, capitalism, colonialiasm, etc.. plus 98.7% of usians are morons and dumber than stale dogsht.

    Why america FAILED by Morris Berman

    • Agree: GomezAdddams
  421. @Priss Factor

    well mannered european wimps the girl with the bike slowly moving with timid gesticulations. you’re us owned. bow to your us empire masters. eye eye captain USer

  422. @Priss Factor

    Yes–Germans are americans who speak German, and French are american who speak French. The EU is owned by the us empire. NATO is the enforcer–all those war mongering/military us bases. It’s not fo sho’. It’s to influence and coerce submission/compliance to the european cowards who are OWNED by the us.

  423. @anon

    Many of the “French” who voted for Macron are the Black and Arab colonizers.

    So, which of the whites who voted Biden, Trump, Obama or Bush, wasn’t a colonizer?

    • Replies: @anon
  424. Luís says:

    Like with all other ‘immigration’ issues, the engineers of it are never mentioned: international jewry.
    Since the birth of islam in 600 AD that the jews have been supporting and financing muslims actions in order to undermine christianity, to undermine western nations because these nations – although most aren’t christian anymore – have a christian heritage.
    So the goal is nothing about “race”, but SPIRITUAL… it’s about undermining christianity, and when I say christianity, I’m talking about true christianity: catholicism! Their ‘messiah’ can only come when western nations will be all in total chaos… only then they’ll be able to create a “new world”, a “new order”!
    = = Israel Cohen [1879-1961], anglo-jewish, zionist leader, writer, and journalist, who served as secretary of the World Zionist Organization: “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions.”
    = = Rabbi Baruch Efrati, 2012, on the role of islam: “Jews should rejoice at the fact that christian europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years were in exile there… And now, Europe is losing its identity in favour of another people and another religion… Even if we are in a major war with the region’s arabs over the land of Israel, islam is still much better as a gentile culture then christianity.”
    = = Georges benjamin Clemanceau, french stateman and former french prime minister, during the first world war; in a little book entitled “A Pied Sinai”, he wrote

    : “The semitic race has a programme for the extermination of other races and the peopling of the whole earth with their own blood. Their zeal for this cause is such that in comparison with this, nothing else matters at all. To this cause no sacrifice is too great, no suffering too terrible.”
    = = Barbara Lerner Spectre, jewish founder of Paideia: “I think there is a resurgence of anti-semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned hot to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.”

  425. @Charkes the Bald

    When WASP’s were in charge of the USA it boomed. Jews replaced the WASP’s and now we are going down hill. You are a low IQ person who has a blind hatred of WASP’s. I think you are probably a jew trying to muddy the waters.

    The same illogical BS out of you on every thread. Hopefully a non white will end you soon.

    • Replies: @Gaspillage
  426. @InnerCynic

    The Byzantine laws did not allow jews positions in public life. The USA is nothing like Byzantium.

  427. anon[190] • Disclaimer says:

    I believe the Ashkenazim will win this race war. First, as the Ashkenazim slowly eliminate the French Europeans, they will need to replace the white-collar European workers with relatively high IQ individuals from the Asian races. The Ashkenazim need to bring in millions of relatively high IQ Asian-Indians, Taiwanese, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and other non-Europeans with IQs of 120 or higher. Once the Ashkenazim successfully complete this, there will no longer be a need for ethnic Europeans in France. Keep in mind that the French Europeans will never ethnically unite to take back their Race, Culture, Land, and G-d, because they have completely genetically deteriorated, as described by Dr. Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie: https://michaelwoodleyofmenie.co.uk/

    The Ashkenazim can systematically use the Muslim races to euthanize all the French Europeans. The French Europeans, knowing what is coming for them, may want to choose to preemptively euthanize themselves in order to prevent a torturous death for them at the hands of the Muslim races. For example, the Muslim races will carry out mass rape of all French European females. This is very painful. All the French European females may want to consider preemptively euthanizing themselves to avoid the rape.

    With all the problems in France, Marine Le Pen still does not have 100% support from all the French ethnic Europeans. This validates the theory of Dr. Woodley of Menie that French Europeans have all genetically deteriorated.

  428. Von Rho says:

    Anglin is the typical right-winger redneck, that is, an asn who repeats Dixie’s slogans without knowing that he is playing the game of the Martinist cryptomuslims.

  429. @Rurik

    fuck off and good riddance

    Did you not say that you hate rudeness?

    • Replies: @Rurik
  430. @RoatanBill

    We may disagree on the merits of government, but I will have to admit that I like you, Bill. Your heart is in the right place, and that is what matters.

    If you are ever in Singapore, give me a shout. I would love to buy you lunch.


    • Thanks: RoatanBill
  431. @doctorb

    Watch former US Secretary of Housing (or some similar sounding title) Catherine Austin Fitts…

    Video Link

    She describes from a real estate grab perspective, how the BLM riots work into the hands of the gentrifying elites.

  432. @Anon

    I take back what I said. I don’t want you to be a regular commenter…. I want Ron to give you your own regular column! LOL

    Cuba is fascinating. One day I must brave the bloody long flights and pay a visit. I want to see what makes it tick.

    Damn, so many places on my list, Rwanda, Venezuela, Namibia, Peru. Time to get off my butt.

    I calculate it every 4 Asian will be entitled to one black and 3 whites, maybe a half breed or two.

    I will trade you two whites for your black. I find them affable and likable.

  433. @RoatanBill

    Or in so many words, Federalism and Separation of Powers. We are rediscovering both, though you can forget Negroes, with their eighth grade math skills and vocabulary of an embryo. If Republicans can regain the White House and both houses of congress, appointments to Federal Courts can finally achieve a multi decade achievement: repeal of the blatantly unconstitutional Civil Rights Act. Whole Federal departments like education, commerce, homeland security, would be eliminated. The FDA would become advisory only and countless regulations would be rescinded. BATFE and the IRS would be eliminated. State governments, through the electoral college (many negroes want to play for its basketball team) would return the Presidency to its former limited role. Heck congress might get the balls to require declarations of War before another 150K US soldiers die in third world ratholes.

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  434. anon[267] • Disclaimer says:
    @Deep Thought

    Did Arabs and Blacks found the country of France? No. Did Whites found the USA? Yes. Your feeble attempt at making a point fell flat on it’s face.

    • Agree: Lurker
  435. @Rumpelstiltskin

    I’m done with trying to speak the truth to Sub-Humans. I checked your commenting history and you are still attempting to argue with Colon Writ over whether 6 million or 5 million kikes “died” in the Holohoax, while the only unironic answer is “it never happened, it should have happened, and it will happen”.


    Article 19.
    The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence. It shall adopt and apply to the greatest possible extent expeditious and nontechnical procedure, and shall admit any evidence which it deems to be of probative value.

    Article 21.
    The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof. It shall also take judicial notice of official governmental documents and reports of the United Nations, including the acts and documents of the committees set up in the various allied countries for the investigation of war crimes, and of records and findings of military or other Tribunals of any of the United Nations.


    This is their basis for “truth”. It would be insanity to think these Sub-Humans have ever been interested in the Truth. Where do you even start with them? Amerimutts like Colon and Texan and other trashes have been here for YEARS spewing Holohoax bullshit. It is evident that they want to keep up the charade for pure sentimentality.

    i.e You are a Fag.

  436. @anon

    The Arabs and Blacks are only learning from the example set by the USA.

    If the USA can found a new country on lands stolen from the Amerindians, then so can the Arabs and Blacks.

    The only question is, what will they name it? Will it be

    United Emirates of France?
    Le Union du New Congo?

    Please pardon my bad French.

    • Replies: @Telimektar
    , @Miro23
    , @anonymous
  437. @Dave Bowman

    from a guy who sounds like the very embodiment of a fat, stupid pasty-faced incel sitting in his mother’s basement surrounded by pizza boxes, porn mags – and with his prized filthy, stinking illegal Wehrmacht overcoat hanging in the cupboard behind him.

    It just makes you seethe that I’m literally the very opposite of that. Your shittish mind literally can’t get over the fat, (((neo-nazi))) kike trope. Protip: (((neo-nazis))) are certainly to be pro ((the ukraine))) and (((NATO))) at this point. About eating kike slop, watching porn, and owning an “illegal” “Wehrmacht” coat, that sounds like something that would happen on the Shittish Monkey Island. I mean, where else but Negro-Saxon shitholes do “people” even brag about eating processed goyim feed?

    Imagine being as reviled as the yids. The Russians called out your Sub-Human race by name several times since the start of the liberation campaign last year. How does it feel, the sword of GOD hanging over your head, for all your crimes against humanity? The only refuge for your kind would be on UNZ comment section with braindead boomers or vile jew media like (((Breitbart))). Literally, everyone else hates you like they revile the Synagogue of Satan and faggots.

    Burn in hell, golem.

  438. @caeser's ghost

    OK you septuagenarian howlers. Your bald five foot five inch octoroon Adolf needs a wife. I was finally able to find a Pajeetnee who is willing to marry the poor bugger but she has a condition. She wants to see Hitler’s dick. She says that she has heard that Adolf doesn’t have one. I told her that I had personally measured Adolph’s weenie and it is on the gay side and the greasy little curb-stomper always keeps it well-lubed for Rainbow Action. Somehow she is still not convinced that the coon has a pecker.

    Can I please have testimonials from all of you fan boys who enjoy sucking on Adolph’s Aryan weener.

    Resondez S’il Vous Plait.

    Louisiana Negra with an IQ of 75 signing off.

  439. @James Scott

    Most people hate wasps.we all know this bro. just have some matza ball soup and enjoy the us empire in free fall –it’s been that way for 400+ hustling war mongering imperialistic years.

  440. This story and this sick evil fucker of a writer are nothing anal anal anal scum

  441. Levtraro says:

    What if the USSR attempting to overwhelm the USA, made good with China?

    If the USSR transferred its technology to China and together they built up a military industrial and economic alliance. What would the world be like today?

    I wouldn’t have worked. The Soviet Union was going to fail for internal reasons no matter what. Their productive system was corrupted by widespread mediocrity due to lack of competition in the economic arena, due to not allowing the accumulation of income (i.e. the formation of capital), as dictated by their stupid Marxist theories.

    Wasn’t this the very reason why Nixon decided to turn on its charm offensive on China? and that WTO entrance was only one of the carrots that the US dangled in front of China to persuade it to join its camp, and thus depriving the USSR of a future ally?

    That’s silly. USA promotion of and China’s entry into the WTO happened much AFTER the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

    USA elites promoted the entry of China into WTO for internal reasons, to further weaken their working classes and thus increase their margins, which they achieved, to the ultimate detriment of USA position as hegemon.

    • Replies: @littlereddot
    , @Miro23
  442. Druid55 says:
    @Mr. XYZ

    God, what a stupid comment and sentiment

  443. Levtraro says:

    Support for the above changes [AUKUS + militarization of Japan] by the US make no sense unless the US State Department anticipated the end of the US/European alliance, and the retreat of the US line of defense to the blue water oceans (Atlantic, Pacific).
    That is, the State Department thought there was a good chance that the US would lose the Ukraine conflict.


    A small variation of your vision is that earlier (in the ~decade of Barruk Obembe + El Trumpo), USA elites considered the decline of their empire and started to retreat to the Oceans, but then the latest administration, being the stupidest of them all, forgot about the “pivot” and engaged in a fool’s errand in Europe.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  444. kevin117 says:

    All immigrants should be offered the choice….sterility or return home…
    Citizenship/passports etc…the same choice…
    Anyone landing/invading uninvited etc…should immediately be sterilised.

    I,m sure this will cure the problem.

  445. @Levtraro

    I wouldn’t have worked.

    Who knows? China at that time had bad relations with the USSR because it considered the USSR not Marxist/Stalinist enough.

    If China, the more extreme of the two, later in the 1970s, could decide to make a course correction, to use market mechanisms and other reforms to great success,….would the USSR looking at China’s good results, decide to make reforms of its own?

    USA promotion of and China’s entry into the WTO happened much AFTER the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

    WTO entrance was the culmination of the economic carrots dangled in front of China. The earliest being granting of Most Favoured Nation status by Congress in 1980.

    and thus increase their margins

    This I agree with you.

    to further weaken their working classes

    This I do not agree. It would be like a farmer deliberately starving Daisy, his milk cow, thereby depriving him of his own steady income.

    If the American working class suffered, it was a side effect of the focus on quick profit margin increases that could be gained by offshoring.

    The farming analogy would be: The farmer discovered that another cow could produce more milk and give him much more profits and focused on it, inadvertently neglecting trusty old Daisy.

    • Replies: @Levtraro
  446. Apparently Whites have organised to patrol the streets of Lyon but the police have chased them away. You can find the latest on site of Anglin’s friend, in French: dempart.wtf.

  447. @Cyclingscholar

    You’re probably getting closer to where I stand, but you’re not quite there yet; it appears you still believe in the possibility of good gov’t; I don’t.

    Nothing is going to fix the Fed Gov. It doesn’t want to be fixed. The criminality it represents took many years of effort and they’re not going to allow anything to change what they worked so hard to produce. The Fed Gov is the end point of all mafia organizations that start out as the fiction known as government. It will continue until it can no longer continue due to the theft and corruption, the strip mining of the country that will leave behind just a hollowed out husk.

    After the international Dollar loses its status due to lessened use, all those no longer needed Dollars flow back into the US to raise price inflation to astronomic levels. The US public will no longer be able to afford foreign goods and there are no domestic substitutes for many if not most things since the US only manufactures Dollars, death and destruction as its primary output. This will cause rebellion from the small, the riot, to the large, cities burning. The Fed Gov will institute martial law which is what they are waiting for; it’s part of the plan. Thereafter, the decade of internal dystopia begins.

    The Fed Gov will lose its international playground to concentrate on its captive tax cattle for whatever is left to be squeezed out of them. What the Fed Gov did to Iraq and Afghanistan it will do to the US itself by killing rebellious USians using the morons in the military or possibly flown in foreign troops. This has already been war gamed, just like the pandemic was. The ground is being prepared now with the advent of ‘white supremacists’, ‘domestic terrorists’ that the media will trumpet as the troublemakers to be snuffed out. This will unleash an actual war on US soil, the gov’t against the people and vice versa.

    Get out while you can as I did, before they institute the CBDC, currency controls, gun confiscation, ammo unavailability, passport controls and lock the current open air prisoners into a more secure arrangement.

  448. @peterAUS

    Thanks, noticed the snippet as well. Discriminate vielence is a footnote of organized resistance, if such “oporations” become a pattern and are scaled, it will be then a tale of the ambition of agency.

    • Replies: @PetrOldSack
    , @peterAUS
  449. Whites rejected left and right for PR/visas in tribunals.

    Afrikans and middle easterners shown red carpet, free lawyers, juges kissing their asses, no economic questions, ties/link to EU–nothing….come right in, step right up!

    EU vassals-Go euro weanies– Luxembourgers, Germans, and French, etc..etc.. obedient/compliant drones following their us empire masters. All those refugees from america’s endless wars need a dumping ground-EU of course!

    Anglos need not apply. Not wanted. Judges rejecting left and right. They know where their bread is buttered, and where their pension comes from…

    Enjoy EU afrika –Euro weanies, Keep paying taxes and writing op eds to “news” papers–that will show em. Maybe take ride on bric a brac oceangates.

  450. @GomezAdddams

    Let them all enjoy the burning, violence, the passion!

    Brit, USer, Frenchies–one of the same. They voluntarily, gleefully want what is being offered.

    The usual superficial banter is some “top down” coercion model that the populace is getting “duped” wool over eyes, govt ‘screwing’ their citizentry, etc.etc. NOPE. Maybe some propaganda, but that ‘s only a small%, the vast % is consensual “sex”.

    The citizens willingly participate in the sht show. They gleefully /voluntarily WANT what is being offered.

    It is not “rape”. It’s consensual ‘sex’- Not coercion.

  451. geokat62 says:

    Gab comment posted by Lauren Witzke:

    In 5 years, America will be come France.
    And just like France, not a single elected official will stand up and defend their country by doing the obvious.

    Mass deportations is the ONLY way save these countries.

    Our values don’t align, or convictions don’t align, and they will kill us without remorse because they have been radicalized by Anti-White indoctrination.

    They have to go back. All of them!


    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @eah
  452. @geokat62

    America was already France. During the BLM riots more people were killed than during the French riots. And it was during the pandemic.

    • Agree: Hulkamania
  453. eah says:

    She’s right of course — the removal of statues, monuments, etc via whatever pretext was the ominous beginning of the physical elimination phase of ‘diversity’ — it won’t stop there.

  454. Achtung! Achtung! Warning to everyone.

    Mossad tracking foreigners in Türkiye – media


  455. Twootah says:

    Please realise that twitter isnt open anymore to unsubscribed viewing, …..and to stipulate the obvious “it has no use to link to twitter posts !” because very many people can not view it anymore. find a new way to post ?

  456. Nat X says:

    Our Roland unit of dindoos is performing beyond all expectations!

  457. anon[410] • Disclaimer says:

    As an ethnically Brown person, I am a Race Realist who understands all the data of people like Richard Lynn, J. Philippe Rushton, and Kevin MacDonald. However, I would like to make a subjective moral pondering – even though the Ashkenazim organized all the wars on the homelands of the Muslims/Arabs, the ethnic French fully participated in these wars on the Muslim/Arab nations either through NATO or by independently providing material support to the war efforts. France also has provided ample material support to the Israeli war on Muslim/Arab nations. Take note of the dozens of millions of Muslims/Arabs that have torturously suffered and died in their own nations partly as a result of France. Thus, one subjective argument that some may choose to make is that it is morally justifiable for Muslims/Arabs to kill off all the ethnic Europeans in France.

    Second point: I wonder if Russia and China are covertly organizing these riots as a way of helping to bring forth the collapse of the West, after-all, the West, lead by the Ashkenazim, are at war with Russia and China. I think it would be quite effective for Russia and China to do as such, and they do possess the resources to carry out such an operation.

    • Replies: @littlereddot
    , @backspin21
  458. @littlereddot

    “Emirats Unis de France” or “Union du Nouveau Congo”.

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  459. Han says:

    The Jews created Christianity AND Islam, the Abrahamic religions, and Communism to conquer the world and succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. They wrote the Torah/Bible, The Quran and The Communist Manifesto.



    Rabbi Rav Touitou: “So I ask you: Is it good news that Islam invades Europe? It is excellent news!
    It means the coming of the Messiah.”

    Video Link 34 second video

    Rabbi Rav Touitou at the 1:40 minute mark of this video:
    You Will Have No Place To Run. Islam Is The Broom Of Israel.

    “You will be paying dearly for it Europeans! To such an extent! You have no idea! And you will have no place to run.

    “Because all the evil you have done to Israel, you will pay for it a hundredfold. Islam is the broom of Israel, you have to know it, so instead of having us do all the job, He sends Ishmael (= ISLAM) to solve the problem.”

    Mashiah the messiah that the Jews have been waiting for… Every Jew works to get him to come.
    When all the enemies have disappeared in wars or through miscegenation, then great peace will reign (SHALOM, and the Messiah (Mashiah) will come.

    Jewish activist Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of European ethnic societies:

    She is the founding director of Paideia, created in 2000 through grants from the Swedish government. One of Paideia’s goals is “supporting cultural diversity”.

    The Jews created Catholicism: Rabbi Yom Tom Glaser:

    Video Link

    Jews themselves are saying that Judaism = Communism.
    “Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
    Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935


    Rabbi, Mizrachi: “Goyim, at least 6 billion of them are idol worshippers and according to the Torah do not have the right to live and deserve the death penalty”.

    Newsweek 1/15/2018 – Russian President Vladimir Putin has compared Vladimir Lenin to a saint and declared that Soviet communist ideas come from the Bible.
    Lenin was Jewish and so is Putin.
    The Torah/Bible and the Communist Manifesto was written by the Jews and since they admit that Judaism = Communism it only makes sense that Putin is right: Communist ideas do come from the Bible.

    Christianity was a clever Jewish ploy to bring the Goyim worldwide under the Jewish spell of Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ and above all: The Fear Of God. That is the Jewish god, the genocidal Mr. Yahweh, worshipped by Christians and Muslims.

    The word Torah is mentioned 18 times in the Quran in 16 verses.
    Jesus is the most mentioned person in the Quran by reference; 25 times by the name Isa, third-person 48 times, first-person 35 times, and the rest as titles and attributes.
    The Torah and the Gospel are integral to the Quran.
    Barbaric male circumcision is practiced by Jews and Muslims.

    In 2003, Walter Williams, in his ‘The Historical Origin of Islam’, asserted that Muhammad is the brainchild of Arabian scholar Ibn Arabi (1165-1240) who was the main individual involved in the morphing and mythologizing of the making of the prophet Muhammad; he also shows that the Quran is a mixture of Jewish literature, put together by Jewish scholars to include the Torah and the New Testament Gospels.

    About 2.2 billion Christians and about 1.7 billion Muslims, half the world population pray to the Fictional and Genocidal Jewish god, Mr. Yahweh and are therefore totally mind-controlled by Judaism.

    The Jew Marcus Eli Ravage author of ‘A Real Case Against the Jews’ published in Century Magazine, 1928.

    Full text: https://archive.org/details/2018-real-case-against-the-jews-a-marcus-eli-ravage/page/8/mode/2up


    Marcus Eli Ravage:
    “Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.

    “But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it all without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind. We did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.

    “We made you the willing and unconscious bearers of our mission to the whole world, to the barbarous races of the world, to the countless unborn generations. Without fully understanding what we were doing to you, you became the agents at large of our racial tradition, carrying our gospel to unexplored ends of the earth.

    “Our tribal customs have become the core of your moral code. Our tribal laws have furnished the basic groundwork of all your august constitutions and legal systems. Our legends and our folk-tales are the sacred lore which you croon to your infants. Our poets have filled your hymnals and your prayer-books. Our national history has become an indispensable part of the learning of your pastors and priests and scholars. Our Kings, our statesmen, our prophets, our warriors are your heroes. Our ancient little country is your Holy Land. Our national literature is your Holy Bible. What our people thought and taught has become inextricable woven into your very speech and tradition, until no
    one among you can be called educated who is not familiar with our racial heritage.

    “No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep of our conquest over you.”

    • Thanks: Rurik
    • Replies: @Pastit
  460. Han says:


    Dr. Alan Sabrosky: “100% CERTAIN THAT 9/11 WAS A MOSSAD OPERATION”

    9/11 started the Jewish driven wars in Afghanistan, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

    America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars

    Israel’s wars and interventions in the Middle-East, working through its US proxy, were the direct catalyst for the European refugee crisis which boiled over in 2015 and has led to violence, terrorism, rape and political repression against native Europeans. The two major points of entry for refugees and migrants to Europe are Greece and Italy.

    The US/Israeli orchestrated fall of Qaddafi in 2011 opened up a major route for refugees from the Middle-East and Africa to flow into Europe. According to the Washington Post 400,000 migrants from the Middle-East and Africa flowed into Italy from Libya between 2014 and 2017 due to the overthrow of Qaddafi.


    There is much more to this crisis than can be covered here, but everywhere you look, you can see the footprint of Israel, Jewish organizations and Jewish activists. Whether on the foreign policy front in urging the United States to engage in more war, or on the “humanitarian” front in using NGOs to facilitate refugee movement and permanently resettle Arabs, Africans and Iranians in Europe.

    Nationalist activists in America and Europe must confront this reality head on. We must resist calls from shills and right-wing Jewish organizations that try to use the natural resentment of Islam created by the migrant crisis to whip up support for Zionist aggression against the Syrian, Iranian and Palestinian people.

    Such conflicts will only result in more misery and more refugees flowing into Europe, where Israeli and Jewish NGOs will be waiting to welcome them, using the language of humanitarianism to turn the West into a dumping ground for people displaced by Jewish wars.

    Staying silent on matters relating to the Middle-East conflict is not an option. The conflict in the Middle-East is directly related to the future of Europe and America. Silence is equivalent to support for the status quo, which only favors Israel.

    Both the right and left heads of the Zionist serpent must be severed. Arab and Muslim migrants in Europe and America must be returned to their homelands where they can live in peace and security, free from Zionist aggression. European and American nationalists must work together to dismantle Zionist power structures in our native countries and to build a just and peaceful world, free of Jewish wars and population displacements.


    The Jews are deliberately destabilising and creating tensions in Europe by driving the refugees there in the millions. The Jews instigated the current War in Ukraine and there are now 7 million refugees in Europe.

    Jewish billionaire George Soros tells Europe to take in “at least a MILLION” refugees every year:

    The Europeans, unfortunately, blame the refugees and NOT Israel and their own NATO for destroying Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Balkanising the Middle East to one day realise Israel’s wet dream of ‘Eretz Israel’.

    Everybody is too scared to point the finger at the Jews. Or unaware of the insidious role of the Jews in all this thanks to the Jew-controlled mainstream media. So much easier to blame the victims. The Muslim refugees and the Christian Europeans are to the Jews the Goyim and the Jews love to see them fight and kill each other.

    Geert Wilders, the well-known rabid anti-Muslim Dutch Parliament Member, is a Jew:

    He has been investigated by the Dutch Secret Service for alleged ties to Israel:

    Extremist Jews & Israelis Funding Racist Geert Wilders To Fight Muslims

    Geert Wilders is also funded by American Jews: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/09/11/geert-wilders-funding-us-groups-financing_n_1874238.html

    THE JEWS ARE OUR ENEMY. No Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) Wars = NO Muslim of African refugees in Europe and other Western countries.

    Over 170,000 Illegal Immigrants Flood the US in March, Most in a Decade: https://mishtalk.com/economics/over-170000-illegal-immigrants-flood-the-us-in-march-most-in-a-decade

    Who is responsible for that if not the same crowd doing it to Europe?

    The Europeans are Amalek to the Jews, their Eternal Enemy to be destroyed.
    When Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany visited Jerusalem (1898) during his journey to the Holy Land almost all the religious leaders of Jerusalem came to the city gates to greet him.
    Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (d.1932), the spiritual leader of Ashkenazic Jewry in Israel at that time, did not go. When asked about his refusal he answered that although the Kaiser himself was deserving of the honor bestowed upon him, “I have a tradition that Germany is Amalek.” – Yossi Katz

    Therefore, when Hashem your God grants you safety from all your enemies around you, in the land that Hashem your God is giving you as a hereditary portion, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget! Deuteronomy 25:19

    This commandment requires killing all the men, women, and children, anywhere and at any time.

    All Europeans are Amalek for expelling the Jews from their countries or regions over the past 2 millennia: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/expelled.htm

    “I have a tradition that Germany is Amalek.” – Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld

    Look what the Jews did to Germany in 31 years, from 1914 to 1945. They completely destroyed Germany and it lost about one third of its territory. Compare the maps from 1914 to the post 1945 maps of Germany, how the Jews redrew the map of Europe:

    Not only Germany is Amalek, ALL Western nations are Amalek. Look at how successful the Jewish Banksters have been over the centuries to destroy the West with their wars. Look at how the Jews created Cultural Marxism after WW1 and how it has been successful at destroying the West over the past century.

    They worked out how to destroy Western societies: Destruction of the family unit, the cornerstone of human society: https://www.conservapedia.com/Destroying_the_family

    The world with the JEWISH CREATED LGBTQ RAINBOW BS is now experiencing Weimar Republic Mark 2.


    • Agree: Pastit, Druid55, Rurik, lavoisier
  461. @PetrOldSack

    Sorry for the spelling errors, typing on a phone is not my fingers.

  462. @anon

    Reddot has replied for me. whites will become foreigners in their own ancestral land one day– just like the feather “Indians” did.

  463. peterAUS says:

    ….if such “oporations” become a pattern and are scaled…..

    I doubt it, VERY much.
    Random acts, probably. Well managed by the state.
    Organized, on wider scale, simply can’t happen in foreseeable future.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  464. Levtraro says:

    Ah ok, but being Christian doesn’t matter much in the coming violent conflict between Whites and Browns in Europe, which is the topic Avery and I were discussing when you intervened. In France, all three major political leaders and all chiefs of armed and security forces, are White. Whether they are Christians or atheists/agnostics is irrelevant.

  465. Levtraro says:

    This I do not agree. It would be like a farmer deliberately starving Daisy, his milk cow, thereby depriving him of his own steady income.

    For the farmer, the optimum is the maximum positive difference between the revenue from the herd’s yield and the cost of sustainance of the herd per time step.

    In developed capitalist societies the main cost of production is the workforce. Bringing women and foreigners into the workforce (and soon teenagers as well as more machines) is the easiest way to raise margins by increasing the maximum positive difference between costs and revenues.

    If the American working class suffered, it was a side effect of the focus on quick profit margin increases that could be gained by offshoring.

    One of the policies that came into effect in the capitalist world together with offshoring was the weakening of labour unions.

    The suffering of the American working class was not collateral damage. They were the target.

    USA elites could not attack their working classes while the communist model was spreading through Africa, Asia and LatAm. But once the Soviet Union collapsed, all the stops were removed.

  466. peterAUS says:

    Something different. And boring, actually for majority here.

    Now, I guess that a couple of people here do skim through my posts here, every now and then.

    So, what’s your take on:

    • Replies: @PetrOldSack
  467. @GomezAdddams

    When you are oppositionally defiant, and high on huffing up Allah hu akbar, it is very difficult to remain civil when under the gaze of les flics.

  468. @anon

    Take note of the dozens of millions of Muslims/Arabs that have torturously suffered and died in their own nations partly as a result of France. Thus, one subjective argument that some may choose to make is that it is morally justifiable for Muslims/Arabs to kill off all the ethnic Europeans in France.

    I too am non white, and I too consider myself a realist. And while I have sympathy for those who suffered under colonial rule, I believe it makes not point, and is indeed counter productive to continue the eye-for-an-eye destructive cycle.

    Was it not Gandhi who said “an eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind”?

    I think it would be quite effective for Russia and China to do as such, and they do possess the resources to carry out such an operation.

    While I might even have a sense of satisfaction that the Russians and Chinese may be doing these things, I doubt it. Especially the Chinese.

    I believe they know that the Western security agencies would just relish the chance of finding evidence of Russian or Chinese meddling. The Western security agencies may in near future very well fabricate “evidence” to show exactly that. But I don’t think that Russia and China want to make it any easier for them.

  469. Pastit says:

    The Jews are a pox upon humanity, specifically the White race. They must be stopped and jewland (Israel)terminated.

  470. cueh says:

    The Jews and the Hindus are working together, I see.

  471. Anonymous[107] • Disclaimer says:

    A small variation of your vision is that earlier (in the ~decade of Barruk Obembe + El Trumpo), USA elites considered the decline of their empire and started to retreat to the Oceans, but then the latest administration, being the stupidest of them all, forgot about the “pivot” and engaged in a fool’s errand in Europe.

    The Federal government was, until quite recently, a coalition, and was able to do different things simultaneously.

    My theory of current US politics is that former Pres. Obama, during his time as President, seeded the Federal bureaucracy with incompetents that are loyal to Obama personally, probably people he has a hold on (as he has on the current President, J. Biden). That would explain Obama’s ability to rule through executive order (“I have a pen and I have a phone.”) after his two responses had been unable to reverse the 2008 financial debacle. It would also explain the “never Trump”, tthe FBI and Russiagate, and the subversion of Trump’s actions as President. Further, it would explain J. Biden’s and Kamila Harris. Obama now has two puppets in place and controls the Executive Branch.
    Pres. Clinton did much the same thing, installing political appointees that had the real effective power to control the Agencies etc., but only while in office. All Obama had to do was to continue his control after office.
    If Obama really is, politically, a Third World Anti-colonialist (https://archive.nytimes.com/opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/27/obama-dsouza-and-anti-colonialism/), and using standard African theories of politics (which amount to an Executive branch of government and no other branches), then he would have acted as described above, and would see no reason to dismantle his shadow government after leaving office.

    Variants on that say that some other entity seized Obama’s network, with “the Jews” being the usual candidate. I think that the Jewish coalitions have lost too much to make that plausible. Right now most of the Jewish population lives in the large cities, and are so physically unsafe that it’s plausible their neighborhoods will be looted in the near future. Further Jews have been legally classified as Whites, as oppressors, under the Civil Rights Act. I have no doubt that some Jews are acting as if they control everything. “Jewish phony” is a common phrase, and almost a tautology, for a reason.

    So we have a State Department setting up a fallback position in case the US loses Europe, and Obama continuing a subversion/war because the African pure executive form of government has a poor retirement plan – Chiefs who fail usually don’t survive the experience. Essentially, the US is locked in a struggle to the death and Obama won’t back down. If you look at his record, all he has is aggression, trash talk, no respect for European/English forms of government or their laws, and treachery. That’s standard Left wing procedure, goes back to the WW I Italian Futurists, but it’s the African variant with a leader in the Chieftain tradition).

    Digression: if you look at things from an African POV, Obama is dominating proxy rulers, a White man and a woman. Further, he has picked and promoted a White man who is as close as you can ask for to a zombie — so utterly dominated that he is not even rational. Symbolically, Obama has demonstrated complete mastery of the Whites and their political powers, the same thing that the first generation of Black leaders did after the Europeans left. This gives Obama immense prestige among Blacks everywhere.

    The above position is also consistent with Col. McGregor’s recent statement that there will be no 2024 elections, that “Washington will implode” first. (see clip at https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2023/07/02/col-macgregor-u-s-will-implode-no-2024-elections/ , please excuse the ominous background music, which was not in in the original podcast. ) Obama does not realize how vulnerable his system is to attack from the legislative branch, and how difficult it is to rule a declining hegemon, hence McGregor’s scenario is a distinct possibility if the Russian Federation can somehow end the Ukraine conflict before the Ukrainian rainy/muddy season returns.

    The above theory would tend to predict that the Black coalition will suffer a severe reverse for which it is not prepared (a Chief does not plan for events after he loses office, as he will be dead then and a New Chief will change everything). The US will lose Europe, and be thrown back on its own resources.

    • Replies: @Levtraro
  472. @Adolf Smith

    The white man’s hegemonic world is falling! So funny to see white devils frantic and yet impassioned response to the destruction of your world. Quite entertaining!

  473. The war is over. 900 million Euros of damage. Two people dead.

    Andrew Anglin headed for new sensations, elsewhere, I’d assume.

    To make it explicit: There was no war in France.

  474. @GeneralRipper

    So sorry about your disdain for niggers, and their elephant cocks. I sure hope and pray that your “pure as driven snow” white daughter,niece, sister, or mother does not get slutted out by them damn niggaz. You will enjoy a sick reminder in the form of a mixed breed baby! I’ll be praying that some of my young niggaz bust your rotten crotch daughters pussies wide open and use her as the “Cum Dumpster” that she truly is!

    The Salvation of the White Devil.

  475. @Rurik

    I vaguely remember a Neo-Cohen visiting France at the time, and he ended up on a popular trashy late night show (I’m pretty sure it was Bill Kristol but don’t quote me on that), he wanted to make his case for why the US had to invade Iraq and France should support it, the audience would constantly interrupt him, it was actually annoying, I wanted to hear his BS reasoning, but yeah different times.

    The media was also fairly critical on Israel in that era, so you know maybe different Jewish factions in play, who really knows..

    • Replies: @Rurik
  476. geokat62 says:

    Gab comment posted by DevonshireDan:

    How to fix France? Mass deportations
    How to fix Britain? Mass deportations
    How to fix Sweden? Mass deportations

    The solution is clear.
    The strength of the people to carry it out isn’t.


  477. Wokechoke says:

    They niggers and Arabs will rename it Al Farangia or something ugly. Maybe Nahal Al Arab.

  478. @bjondo

    Of course it is… But most people don’t seem to believe in the principle of reaping what you sow. You have to pay back one way or another… one day or another… one century or another

  479. @FTB

    Those people are not ethnically Arabs though… They only speak the language. But they aren’t actual Arabs… Closer to Berbers.

  480. Rurik says:

    The media was also fairly critical on Israel in that era, so you know maybe different Jewish factions in play, who really knows..

    and yet France led the bombing of Libya

    and continues to give support to ZOG’s war in Ukraine.

    So for me, it’s all back-room deals, and once they decide on their particular course, depending on a thousand different metrics, (provided the ultimate outcome will be ‘good for the Jews’), then the media and politicians all march in lock-step.

    But as you mention, there are the different Jewish factions. If De Shabbos ascends, it will be because the neocons (war loving Jews and their shabby goys), have prevailed over the woke, Obama-loving Jews- who get both wars and anti-White actions.

    I just wonder how much the French people will take. Will they actually give their ancient nation away to ‘refugees’ and immigrants, who hate them, because to oppose it, would be to be called a ‘racist’.

    Is there any point, perhaps once she or her child has been mugged or raped, that a typical suburban French woman would refuse to vote for Macron, (and more of the same), if voting for a ‘right-wing’ alternative, would be ‘racist’.

    • Replies: @Telimektar
  481. @europeasant

    They are there because the French colonized them and sucked their lands dry of resources…. Stir up hornets nests and you get stung…

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Anonymous
  482. @Telimektar

    Yes I don’t know why people let France off for the destruction of Libya. They worked very intricately with Hilary Clinton and Obama to destroy Libya…. That actually let a lot of the flood gates for illegal migrants to leave Africa for Europe. Ron Paul would call it “blowback”

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  483. Avery says:

    {That actually let a lot of the flood gates for illegal migrants to leave Africa for Europe}

    In fact Gaddafi, very presciently predicted exactly that in 2011.

    [Gaddafi’s Grim Prophecy Comes True: Countless Refugees Swarm Europe] (2015)
    [In March 2011, Gaddafi warned that without unified and stable Libya there would be no one to control countless migrants from Africa and the Middle East from fleeing to Europe. Unlike Western leaders, he apparently understood that millions, not thousands will come, should Tripoli fall.]*

    Despite his odd behaviour and antics, Gaddafi was a visionary, and a benevolent dictator.
    He started an irrigation project that would have brought fresh water to those in need in Libya.
    The Euro-American imperial invasion wrecked it.

    Pox upon the French colonialist filth for causing all that death and destruction in Libya.
    Including the savage murder of good leader.
    (French fighter jets attacked to column taking Gaddafi to hi hometown, which allowed the psychopaths on NATO payroll to savagely murder him).

    [How Rivers Were Built In Libya Right Under The Sahara]


    NOTE: this article is from Sputnik, a Russian source. But European MSM also covers the subject.


    • Thanks: littlereddot
    • Replies: @Avery
  484. @RoatanBill

    A lot of the fighting in Donbass is being done by DPR and LPR militias. The Russian Army (and Wagner and Chechen militias) went to back them up because although the LPR and DPR were holding their own over 8 years of fighting – Ukraine with NATO’s help had built up an army to crush them. So Russia wasn’t going to let that happen.

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  485. Avery says:

    Come to think of it, maybe the aftereffect of Libya’ s destruction resulting in flooding of Europe with millions of “refugees” was not a bug, but a feature.

    Maybe (((European))) SorosaLeaders’ plan all along was to de-Europeanize, de-Christianize/Islamize (Western) Europe.
    And the plan worked wonderfully.

    • Agree: Gvaltar
  486. @peterAUS

    The net is closing. This was in-avoidable. To escape the trap, there is only insiders then the rest of us. Deadens any opposition, fish in a bowl analogy. It will be supported by the numb populations, adds will market it as “convenient”, “sexy”, that is all it takes. The possibilities for better data gathering, and thus confined policies resulting, utmost control by the insiders. In short “autonomy” any kind of autonomy is stifled.

    The moke blow is better prepared and planned, tested then Covid et al. Glad to see super-tramp Lagarde is well and alive.

  487. geokat62 says:

    They are there because the French colonized them and sucked their lands dry of resources…. Stir up hornets nests and you get stung…

    Nice try!

    But, as Barbara Lerner Spectre disclosed to the world, the invasion of Europe (and European-derived countries) is a 100% Jewish affair.

    Telegram comment posted by Mike Peinovich:

    List of Israeli and Jewish Refugee organizations. None of these organizations settle refugees inside of Israel. This list is not complete or comprehensive, but it gives you an idea how much Israel is involved in global migration and how interested they are in moving third world people into Europe.

    Mosaic United
    Project TEN
    Tevel B’Tzedek
    Hashomer Hatzair
    American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
    American Jewish World Service
    B’nai B’rith
    Committee for Jewish Refugees (Netherlands)
    Ezras Torah Fund
    German Jewish Children’s Aid
    Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society
    International Auschwitz Committee
    International concentration camp committees
    Jewish Agency for Israel
    Jewish Colonization Association
    Jewish Council for Racial Equality
    Jewish Transmigration Bureau
    Jewish United Fund
    Michael Cherney Foundation
    National Refugee Service
    United Service for New Americans
    Vaad Hatzalah
    World Jewish Relief


    You’re right about the hornets nest and stinging, by the way.

    • Thanks: GomezAdddams
    • Replies: @showmethereal
  488. @martin_2

    A lot true… But don’t forget Brazil is one of the few countries that builds commercial planes.. Not sure about now but they were once pretty strong in manufacturing…

  489. @showmethereal

    That’s all fine, but if Russia had decided to start seriously bombing the shit out of the gov’t buildings in Kyiv and all the military headquarters, airports, rail lines, highways, etc then orders would surely have been given to move the Ukraine murderers away from the Donbas to protect the mafia in Kyiv. Does this not make common sense to you?

    Boots on the ground are only needed if you want to hold territory. His initial stated intentions required nothing but air power. That’s why he’s a scumbag liar that has now annexed territory that puts ‘Russia’ closer to NATO than before his stupid police action. Putin is just another scumbag politician willing to kill his own people as well as his neighbors for some pissing contest with the US and NATO scumbags. The people lose.

    Putin seriously screwed up by not doing a shock and awe. I was rooting for him until he turned out to be an incompetent. When he decided to intervene, I thought that he would surely go after command and control at the gov’t and military level, but he wasted the element of surprise by fighting the war the Ukrainians wanted. He went and fought in the east when the obvious prize was far west.

    Putin is to blame for this two week war turning out to be a near two year war and it’s still ongoing. Putin is a monumental fuck up and has caused untold numbers of people killed, military and civilian, due to blatant stupidity. He should be strung up by his heels and left to rot for all the death and destruction he unleashed.

  490. @Anon

    Didn’t realize that was still “a thing”. In the 1980’s in Jamaica – Rastafarians were the rage with white women (mainly European)… They men were derisively called “rent a dread”. Easily seen riding around on 250/350 cc motor bikes with a white woman riding on the back.

  491. @Rurik

    To be honest I had my TV connection cut in 2003 not long after the Invasion of Iraq, my only access to Internet was a Dreamcast console with a 33.6kbps theoretical speed (I only got half that so you know.)

    I was also very young, only 15 in 2003, I almost didn’t pay attention to the news unless I visited my Grandma, so I saw glimpses of the 2008 financial collapse but couldn’t really grasp the consequences, and when the whole Libya thing happened in 2011 I learned about it on overclock.net, a website dedicated to PC Hardware (I had a PC finally, yes I’m poor like that), and my first reaction was “We’re bombing Libya,WTF ?”

    I couldn’t understand the reasoning back then, now I do, every piece of “culture” and “entertainment” that I hold dear back then was very Jewish,, and the pitiful state of my country made sense.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Rurik
  492. @Priss Factor

    USA color revolution hits France “I can’t drive~”
    USA usses social media to rally the usurpers and remove Macron—USA wants a Biden diaper sucker like Le Pan—-to re-inforce NATO and the USA way of life

    Remember Freedom Fries —-

    ” French media reported that the government had met with representatives of social media due to unrest in the country. In particular, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin and Minister Delegate for the Digital Transition and Telecommunications Jean-Noel Barrot reportedly warned platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter of their responsibility and asked for support identifying users involved in committing offenses.
    France has been gripped by unrest since June 27, when a 17-year-old boy was shot dead by a police officer for failing to stop his car when ordered to do so in Nanterre, a suburb of Paris. The officer who pulled the trigger on Nahel M. has been taken into custody for voluntary manslaughter, but that has not deterred the protesters.”

  493. @RoatanBill

    Study Afghanistan BUT here Putin is slowly “bleeding” Ukraine-NATO-USA and within the next 18 months when the Nazis are out of stock—the Big Hammer will indeed drop.

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  494. @Robertson

    I don’t think we will be delighted by the European immigration after the inevitable war with NATO.

  495. @Anon

    Chinese have been in Caribbean countries for over a century (since the late 1800’s). They were almost all from Guangdong. The new Chinese business people are from different areas of China. I can’t say what they will do in terms of marriage choices. But for the old guard – the women usually had husbands imported by the family from China. Same with men – but many of the men had children with black women and in a fair number of cases – also married them. A lot of them migrated from the “old guard” to Toronto – NY – Miami… The new Chinese didn’t face the social destabilization of past generations so are more settled. If they leave its back to China – rather than North America.

    • Replies: @Anon
  496. @GomezAdddams

    Would you trade your life and livelihood so that Putin can have his gains against the west? What would you think of Putin if his troops were sending tanks through your backyard and murdering your family?

    Everyone is quick to forget about all the innocent lives lost so Ukraine, US, NATO, Europe and Russian mafias can have their pissing contest. Hundreds of thousand dead, millions displace, billions in infrastructure lost, environmental devastation and for what? Russia has the largest nuclear stockpile and the best delivery systems, so Putin’s encroachment reason is bullshit. Has he threatened to nuke London, Warsaw, Berlin or DC if NATO isn’t rolled back? No, he hasn’t. That’s because this is kabuki theater, a feigned problem so Putin can display the size of his dick on the world stage.

    I expect the US to drop Ukraine like a hot potato before the end of the month along with the rest of NATO and Europe. Many politicians will lament this with crocodile tears for brownie points, but they know Ukraine is lost. The US has bigger challenges ahead, specifically the August BRICS meeting where it is expected a gold backed currency will be announced. That is the end of the dollar, although it will linger on its deathbed for quite a while, should it happen. Who is going to sell things to the US or the west in general for colored pieces of paper when they can sell it to the east for a gold backed version. China is already offering to exchange yuan for gold at the Shanghai exchange.

    That cow, Yellin, is headed to China to beg them to not pull the plug on the US economy by a reported dumping of 800 billion of US debt. Just the fact that she’s going ought to tell people that these mafias all work together and just jockey for momentary position while crushing the little people they don’t give a shit about. It’s all about the Benjamins baby, and China will play ball if it’s in their best interests because the size of their personal bank accounts is all that matters to these sociopaths in the end. Should there be no gold backed BRICS currency by end of august, you will know that China has decided to play ball with the US for a while longer.

    • Thanks: Mark G.
    • Replies: @eah
  497. @geokat62

    So are you claiming that France didn’t have North and Sub Saharan colonies – of whom they let in to France as a form of some sort of “reparation”? Are you also saying that France didn’t help the the US destroy Libya – which is where many flood in from (the illegal ones)?

    • Replies: @geokat62
  498. geokat62 says:

    No, I’m saying CRIF and other Jewish Supremacist Organizations laid the groundwork that gaslit the French people to reject the valid concept of ethno-nationalism in favour of the bogus concept of civic-nationalism, softening them up to the idea of opening their borders to the non-French.

    The gullible French bought into the preposterous idea that Diversity really was a strength. They are, unfortunately, finding out the hard way that was one big fat lie.

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  499. @geokat62

    When would you say the Jewish Supremacist Organisations started their work? Was it in the 90s?

    • Replies: @geokat62
  500. Anonymous[270] • Disclaimer says:

    Were they not invited in by the French themelves?

  501. Anonymous[380] • Disclaimer says:

    Were/are not the “illegal” migrants invited into Europe/the US?

  502. Lahdahn says:

    For a country that’s been looting African Nations for 3 centuries, it’s about time France gets their just due Reward….
    For a country that had assassinated more African Presidents than any other European nation in the world, it’s about time France gets their just due Reward….
    For a country that’s still demanding 60% of wealth from African Nations for enslaving them, France gets their just due Reward…..

    • Thanks: Showmethereal
  503. Anonymous[265] • Disclaimer says:

    Burn French scum. Payback for destruction of Libya and murdering gadaffi. Same gadaffi gave 50 million euros to that short scum sarcozy for his election campaign.
    Also payback for supporting ongoing oppression of Palestinians.

  504. Tunisians are protesting against sub-Saharan migrants.


    Meanwhile in France the public are donating through GoFundme to the cop who shot the Arab kid. They’re actually paying him for the murder after the event, but hardly any show their face in the street to confront the rioters. No organised protests by the French against the rioters, but behind the back paying the guy who killed the Arab. Maybe they can start paying before the event and ordering the kills.


    It’s actually nearly two million by now, but will he be allowed to collect?

  505. @RoatanBill

    I agree that Russia should have been far more decisive in the SMO. They haven’t yet cleared the neighbourhood of Donetsk city and civilians are dying daily from the Ukrainian bombing, yet the whole point of the operation was to protect the civilians and stop their murder.

    I have no idea who is in charge of the SMO operations. Do you think that Putin is actually meddling with the way the military campaign is being run, like Hitler did, or is he leaving it up to the generals? Hitler was known to often go against the decisions of the generals and to mess things up so they even plotted against him. Could Putin be doing the same, and could there be dissatisfaction among the military which was expressed through Progozhin’s faux coup?

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  506. Levtraro says:

    You raise many interesting issues. Your view of the African Chieftain ideology and on-going dominance is intriguing and worth close examination IMO.

    I disagree with the timing though. Collapse of the US$ before the 2024 electioneering cycle (as predicted by MacGregor and Video Rebels’s Blog) is too soon, in my reckonings. The US$ has the € as buffer so when the US$ starts to sink it will float some more by hanging on to and dragging down the € with itself. This will give some time to gasp some air before the sinking. The ECB + Brussels (both originally proposed and currently remote-controlled by the USA) will make sure that that happens.

  507. Anonymous[107] • Disclaimer says:

    Your view of the African Chieftain ideology and on-going dominance is intriguing and worth close examination IMO.

    Two sources if you want to dig a bit deeper into this.
    1) Naipaul, A Bend in the River, 2010.
    2) NewAfrica staff, “How Mobutu Conquered Congo | The Complex History of the Leopard of Zaire”,

    see esp: time hack 23:00 and following.

    The above give some idea of what happened after the Europeans pulled out. The second, about Mobutu, has a real howler in it: It points out that the bureaucracy of the Belgian colony was almost entirely Belgian, and implies that such a predominance was monstrously unfair. It the proceeds to describe the horrors that followed Belgian withdrawal, the horrors caused by the exit of the Belgian administrators. There’s a bit of unconscious irony in that.

    I disagree with the timing though.

    And you may very well be correct. I’m doing contingency planning, and in contingency planning the early bird gets the worm. Being too early is bad, agreed, but being too late is much worse, so I tend to be early.

    There’s another consideration: politics is prone to sudden changes. WW I, WW II, the Korean war, even the more recent Wagner affair are examples.
    Here’s a video that gives some insight into whence the instability:
    Tom Luongo; “‘The Great Game of Politics is Not What You Think’ – Tom Luongo at RPI Houston Conference”; The Ron Paul Liberty Report 2022-08;

    Essentially, Luongo is very experienced in games that try to emulate multi-player politics. He has both noticed that these games are highly unstable and (being a winning player) has some idea of why the game’s players make them unstable. In Luongo’s terms, you can bet that behind the scenes deals are being made between Russian Federation and EU members. If the US seems to be failing, European nations will suddenly switch sides.

    I count such a switch as a possibility, but, again, I’m biased towards being early.

    • Thanks: Levtraro
  508. @Commentator Mike

    I’ve always thought that the idea of some general being some kind of military genius was hokum. There’s no such thing. Where do they get their experience from and how do they know what the opposition will do ahead of time? These swine just guess and sometimes they’re right. These are low life loser with a mean streak that get lucky should things turn out in their favor and afterwards, they are declared some superior murderer but not phrased as honestly as I just did.

    No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.
    Helmuth von Moltke

    If one has a huge number of morons in costume to throw at a situation, there’s no need to do lots of planning. Try this and try that while those stupid enough to be in uniform die.

    All the killing before the SMO is attributable to the Ukraine mafia. All of it after the SMO is the fault of the Russian mafia. Something had to be done, so people were going to die doing it, but to be as stupid as Putin has been is criminal negligence in any other situation. Because air power alone could have decimated the Ukraine political leadership and their military headquarters, that should have been done day one but it still hasn’t been done. Putin put boots on the ground for a land grab; all of Ukraine’s east coast at least. In the process ‘Russia’ is now closer to NATO than before this stupid war.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  509. Goonty says:
    @Priss Factor

    As a Portlander I hear this sort of argument all the time. It’s not that simple. There’s usually a huge chunk of the population against these policies who get ignored. Elections get stolen, people who dissent are deplatformed.

  510. profnasty says:
    @Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist

    “What’s good for the gander.”
    We’re talking about France here. Get it right.

    ‘What’s sauce for the goose,
    Is sauce for the gander.’


  511. Anonymous[510] • Disclaimer says:
    @Kat Grey

    Russia does not want to be White, does not like White ethnic consciousness, is pro-Khazar and is pro-Muslim. If Russia is our hope, White Christianity has already been defeated.

  512. geokat62 says:

    When would you say the Jewish Supremacist Organisations started their work? Was it in the 90s?

    Yes, the 1790s.

  513. Anonymous[107] • Disclaimer says:

    I’ve always thought that the idea of some general being some kind of military genius was hokum. There’s no such thing.

    There may not be any military genius, but there can certainly be military idiots.

    First, consider that the sponsoring State is keenly aware that the head of the Army could displace them at any time.

    Build up political credit with properly placed units, give this “how to” manual to your Operations officers:
    Edward N. Luttwak , Coup d’État: A Practical Handbook, Revised Edition 2nd Edition, Harvard University Press, 2016 (first edition was 1978).

    Then give the “go” order and you’re in.

    Something much like that happened under both Presidents Clinton and Obama, only with bureaucrats rather than soldiers.

    In consequence, governments are apt to promote above Colonel rank (field rank) on the basis of political reliability. Rumor at the time had it that under Pres. Obama promotions above Major required Obama’s personal approval.

    And now you can see how Gen. Milley was promoted.

    Alexander the Grape (purple and conquered the known world to his East) was both Chief of State and general. So was Napoleon. Patton, quite possibly assassinated for unreliability, was not a Chief of State.

    The US is ruled by a descendent of the New Deal coalition, which was a descendent of Tammany Hall class organizations. It is thoroughly opposed to anything military, and has arguably destroyed any competent General Officer that dared cross it.

    So: Military geniuses. whom none may stand against, may well exist. They are often simply competent people who first learn to use a new methodology of warfare, such as the Levée en masse that swamped Napoleon’s enemies, or the superb combined army/cavalry that Alexander’s father (Phillip II) left him.
    However, military geniuses can find themselves passed over for high command if they aren’t Chief of State, or killed off/discredited (Patton, McArthur) if they are given Army level troop commands.

    In the US of 2023, any kind of competence has been killed off. There is some question as to whether the US has enough trained/educate personnel to continue industrial society, and enough Western socialized people to govern an industrial society.

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
    , @Anymike
  514. boynkin says:

    Finally. Everyone with any sense knew this would be the fate of the entire European continent (later to arrive at the US). It’s now an open war. In war, it’s o.k. to shoot your enemies. I await better news. As for whites allowing, letting, encouraging this to happen, it’s been in (((their))) playbook for centuries. Dumb ass whites, and corrupt ones, allowed this to happen.

  515. boynkin says:
    @Priss Factor

    To think votes are actually counted.

  516. boynkin says:

    Are you referring to the 10% of voters who actually voted for those aholes?

  517. @Anonymous

    Your post reminded me of how Major General Smedley Butler was offered the opportunity to lead a rebellion, a coup d’etat, against the FDR administration in 1933 but turned it down and exposed the plotters that were never really punished. I suspect the lack of significant prosecution was due to this being a mafia family affair where the family members were just having a disagreement among themselves and there’s no point airing their dirty laundry in public.

    I think that incident is what caused a deal to be made among the major plotters to work together instead of trying to muscle each other out. The result is the MIC and the endless wars and currency printing.

    I’ve long considered the US a soft military dictatorship with the congress, supreme court and executive knowingly approving of it and fully cooperating with it. Since DOD has never passed an audit and Rumsfeld announced that the military couldn’t account for $2.3 Trillion dollars the day before the 9/11 inside job, it appears no one is interested in finding out where that money went which has now ballooned to over $21 Trillion. Add in the fact that the Navy team investigating that missing money was the exact spot where the missile impacted the Pentagon to destroy their records and building 7 that never sustained a hit was also destroyed and was the Navy’s only data backup site should tell everyone everything they need to know about the ethics of the gov’t.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  518. Gore 2004 says:

    European colonization was a disaster and a grave mistake. Period. Period.

    Blacks belong in Africa, Whites belong in Europe. Period, end of story.

    When whites stop watching soccer, basketball, football, baseball, hockey, etc., all these integrated-run sports, then we will see major changes in the world’s society.


    • Thanks: Zyklon BB gun
  519. geokat62 says:

    Telegram comment posted by White-Papers:

    Le Pen said the following before the French National Assembly:

    “At a time when our country has just been ransacked and pillaged, I would like to ask you the question that all French people are asking: what have you done with France?”

    “… In the face of security, economic and judicial chaos, will you admit that the only possible response is a nationalist one?”

    Madame Le Pen must surely realize that the woman she is lecturing, the Jewish Prime Minsiter of France, Élisabeth Borne, will never allow any sort of nationalist response to the rioting.

    Le Pen, as a nationalist who purports to love France, should be honest about the threat at the core of France’s fight for survival: Jewish power

    Only by removing this threat can France hope to survive and quell the chaos.


  520. Anon[144] • Disclaimer says:

    Chinese have been in Caribbean countries for over a century (since the late 1800’s). They were almost all from Guangdong. The new Chinese business people are from different areas of China. I can’t say what they will do in terms of marriage choices. But for the old guard – the women usually had husbands imported by the family from China. Same with men – but many of the men had children with black women and in a fair number of cases – also married them. A lot of them migrated from the “old guard” to Toronto – NY – Miami… The new Chinese didn’t face the social destabilization of past generations so are more settled. If they leave its back to China – rather than North America.

    Marriage choices of the new Chinese =Chinese marry Chinese regardless of which part of China they are from.

    In some 23 years living and working in the Caribbean I have only seen 5 Chinese men married to black women. The women tend to be the more refined Blacks and not the coarse market type fish mongers. Their offspring are not bad looking and colloquially called “black chinese”

    Yes many shifted to Toronto and especially Ft Lauderdale and Miami. However they still maintained their tradtions and clustered in their own areas. Outsiders had to be really trusted and respect the culture to get into these cliques.

    Yes, I know of several from Trinidad who left and moved to N/America, made money and then moved back to China !

    Many Chinese arriving in the Caribbean back when arrived with nothing and set up laundries, shops and restaurants. They were helped by Chinese Associations throughout the region.

    You seem to know a lot in this regard.

    • Replies: @showmethereal
  521. Anonymous[381] • Disclaimer says:

    France in flames; Another American deep state psyop that will encourage more political control, a larger police force and numerous hate speech laws and more anti-Catholic multiculturalism.

  522. Wokechoke says:

    I wish I’d listened to the anti Zionist trolling back then. It did occasionally show up in feeds and I tended to think that Israel might not have desired Iraq to be invaded, that they were ambivalent. Almost nothing would have broken through at that age though. There wasn’t a radical critique, no counter Semitic discourse that could be easily accessed.

    Iraq invasion was 100% about securing the Middle East for Tel Aviv.

    Knowing would have saved me the profound confusion about why it was happening both home and abroad.

  523. @Anonymous

    Yes they can, but POC is too stupid to understand this.

  524. @Catdompanj

    Those black buzzaboos will go for the pre teens also. Male & female, as long as they are white. Rape is a weapon of war, just like WEAPONIZED MIGRATION is. What does Mrs. Specter from Sweden have to say about all this, I wonder ? Feed her to black buzzaboo, they will think she is white.

  525. @LowIQlatino

    You seem to believe that all the problems that we cause are our fault and not the fault of the oligarchs that destroyed our countries and forced us to emigrate.

    Incredible how such a simple fact escapes most white racists. Leave foreign countries alone, secure your own borders and they can’t come BUT we know why that can’t be done….the “pirates” thrive on stealing and looting in foreign countries.

    Give us our countries and our natural resources back and, believe me, we would leave your countries with a big smile in our faces.

    Don’t forget “sanctions”. The colonialists use bombs or sanctions to destroy/choke target country of “basic needs” making life impossible.

    • Replies: @Zyklon BB gun
  526. @Dumbo

    In order to fight back, you need a Second AMMENDMENT, like here in America. Right now, only the blacks have any guns because they just stole them from the cops. All you French Whiteys better arm up real quick, before they line you up against the wall and blow your brains out !!!!!! And that goes for the rest of WHITE EUROPE, also. Why did you let the Joos talk you into disarming. No doubt it was for “the safety of the children” or some other nonsense !!!

  527. @dogbumbreath

    Don’t forget “sanctions”. The colonialists use bombs or sanctions to destroy/choke target country of “basic needs” making life impossible.

    Yes indeed. Throughout Latin America, for example. Washington DC-based neoliberal ,”vulture” capitalists were responsible for the jingoistic and highly interventionist foreign policy that overthrew one democratic , socialist regime in the region after another from Arbenz in Guatemala to Allende in Chile. Venezuela is held up by the neoliberal and neoconservative frauds as a poster child for failed socialist economics, but they never mention the devastating effects of the artificial economic sanctions that have wrought havoc for the petroleum rich nation. Same with Cuba and Nicaragua. The largely Jewish blood sucking parasites who run the United States State Department and Commerce Department never miss the opportunity to drain the life’s blood of goyim overseas, while anally fucking white working and middle class Americans simultaneously.

    Read The Failure of Laissez-faire Capitalism, by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.




    • Replies: @Anonymous
  528. Anonymous[125] • Disclaimer says:
    @Zyklon BB gun

    neoliberal ,”vulture” capitalists



    neoliberal ,”vulture” capitalists


    You mean

    Read The Failure of Laissez-faire Capitalism Central Planning, by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.


  529. eah says:

    That cow, Yellin, is headed to China to beg them to not pull the plug on the US economy by a reported dumping of 800 billion of US debt.

    Looking at it another way, it’s actually China who has a problem, assuming they used their hard won dollar earnings to buy US Ponzi debt.

    The basic productive elements of the US economy will survive — hopefully what won’t survive is the current obscenely corrupt federal government, which abuses its access to virtually unlimited fiat dollars to grow its domestic power and enrich its hangers-on, as well as to maintain the American empire by projecting US political and military hegemony, while spreading grotesque moral corruption.

    Key to putting an end to all of that is doing away with the status of the USD as ‘the world’s reserve currency’ — this will ultimately benefit ‘little people’ everywhere, including America.

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  530. @eah

    You are taking the parochial view of how debt works. When gov’ts are involved, the rules are completely different.

    Gov’ts invent fiat currency as a replacement for money and force their tax cattle to use it for all transactions within their open air prison. They manufacture currency from nothing and therefore currency has no actual value. Purchasing another mafia’s bonds with currency created from nothing has no cost to the gov’t. The transaction is made to keep commerce flowing between the mafias so that the bond purchaser can tax the output of his own tax cattle. If commerce were to slow or even stop, his tax cattle would be negatively affected and the gov’t extortion commonly known as taxation would be lessened. Interest on bonds denominated in artificial money is just a bookkeeping function. Gov’ts know its not real since they are in the counterfeiting business.

    The US seized several hundred billion of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves. All this did was inconvenience Russia that was playing by the artificial rules up to the point the rules were violated by the US. Russia then decided to implement new rules and start playing by them. The currencies involved don’t mean anything to the gov’t because they get whatever they want via theft, extortion, fraud and general violence. Violence is the real currency for every gov’t that gets them whatever it is they want.

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  531. jsigur says:

    The Jews, who used whites to bring down almost all other civilizations, are now using “the previously conquered” to cause havoc in the west. Many of these Muslims, for years, watched US bombs fall around them in their original homelands, many losing loved ones in the process.

    Jews then went out of their way to invite these desperadoes into the west knowing the rest of the world would have little sympathy for the white victims who were now experiencing something akin to what they have experienced their whole lives.

    I called this “reverse colonialism” back in 2015. Can you see it now my brothers?

  532. @bjondo

    An old pied-noir (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pied-Noir) in Montpellier once told me bitterly: „tout ce que touche un arabe tombe en ruines“ (= everything an Arab touches falls apart). If Judaism/deutonomy is to humanity like gangrene to a living organism, Islam is like smallpox or the plague. My Iranian in-laws told me that muslim conquest was the greatest misfortune for Persia.

    • Replies: @bjondo
    , @anonyms
  533. Rurik says:

    “We’re bombing Libya,WTF ?”

    I couldn’t understand the reasoning back then, now I do, every piece of “culture” and “entertainment” that I hold dear back then was very Jewish,, and the pitiful state of my country made sense.

    You can certainly be forgiven for now knowing, as it’s the best kept secret in the world.

    Not because people don’t know, but because they’re too cowardly and venal to tell the truth.

    Like Steve Sailer saying it was Arabs who did 9/11

    Or, I just watched this video of Glenn Greenwald and John Mearsheimer discussing the terribly folly of Ukraine, and Greenwald pushes Mershieimer to say who’s responsible, and Mearsheimer explains (at 14:35) that it was/is the ‘foreign policy establishment’ that has blood on its hands.


    He mentions the foreign policy establishment often, and then says basically that they hate Russia, and they hate Putin, and he’s now Hitler, even tho that is beyond absurd.

    But what he doesn’t say, is the word Jew. He very carefully avoids saying the obvious, because he lives in terror of ‘the wrath of the Jews’.

    Then, in the second video, he names names! (I didn’t watch the whole thing)

    Well, at least one name. A “Michael Mcfaul, who’s living comfortably in Palo Alto”. (I wonder if our host knows him).

    So finally we have a name and a face for the motivation behind this war.

    The man with blood on his hands, because he hates Russia and has forced the issue of this war.

    He did it. A face and a name that could not be more goyish.

    not Victoria Nuland, not Blinken or Kristol or Boot or Kagan or all the other Jewish supremacists who’re forcing this war.

    Mearsheimer come up with one name, for who has blood on their hands. That’s how our brave intellectual explains it all and tells the hard truth to the American people.

    With “truth-tellers” like that, how could you or others be blamed for not knowing what’s going on, when every single person explaining things is a rotten liar or a sniveling coward, far more worried about the next invitation to a D.C. cocktail soiree than all those people dying, and the disastrous foreign policy that will go on indefinitely, until people start telling the truth. Even if it means less invitations to schmooze with the powerful.

    • Agree: OilcanFloyd
    • Replies: @marylou
  534. jsigur says:

    I see a lot to quibble with but this will do
    “who apparently hadn’t gotten over the loss of New Amsterdam (now NYC) to the Anglo-Saxons”
    Jewish elite bankers moved from Amsterdam to London and was likely the reason why the Netherlands went from being the top colonial power to an also ran in 50 years
    England had virtually no interest in colonization until those world conquering obsessed bankers moved into the city of London and turned the English king into their puppet.
    The Glorious Revolution occurred in the same year about when that fake war between the Netherlands and England forced the renaming of New Amsterdam to New York.
    Immediately after this England getz obsessed with world exploitation.
    Why do you think its remembered as “The Glorious Revolution”
    Incidentally, few kids are aware where the first great revolution occurred
    The English Revolution changed England from a Monarchy to a democracy
    That was pretty huge and worth remembering but its ignored as is “The Protestant Reformation” which was equivalent to a revolution that went beyond state boundaries.
    Who really profited from undermining the Pope
    What difference does it make which version of the Bible you believe? The ppl end up believing the version their favorite orator espouses.
    Who really benefitted by having a million interpretations of Christianity out there in the public to fight over
    Only your relatives

  535. jsigur says:

    “If all the Jews went to Israel and stayed there, it wouldn’t solve the problem of self-hating antiwhites.”
    It would over time assuming you were able to keep the Jews quarantined.
    It is Jews who come into a community with intention to disrupt and it is Jews that 90% of the time invent the list of grievances that the target group (in this case, women) use.
    Jews are experts in creating discontent when there previously was none being contemplated

  536. c matt says:
    @Priss Factor

    Well, he already ponied up for the Elton tickets before the riots broke out. Them tickets ain’t cheap.

  537. @Anon

    Yeah it’s funny because there isn’t as much racial “war” in the Caribbean… Yes I do know a lot and I see you do too…. Though your references are much more recent – LOL. Mine are more from the previous generations. But one thing I will say is even though Chinese kept their culture and traditions – they did blend in. For instance most of the first “Jamaican” bakeries in NY or Toronto or Miami – were “Chinese Jamaicans”. Black Jamaicans then started opening them after. Even Jamaican ska and reggae music…. Many of the most influential music producers were “Chinese Jamaicans”. See men like Leslie Kong. Even many of the younger ones – walk the rope of being Chinese and being Jamaican… Such like (ironically that hotel is owned by a white man living in Jamaica):

  538. Anonymous[133] • Disclaimer says:

    Your comments on Major General Smedley Butler and the absorption of the surviving Progressives into the Republican Party makes more sense the longer I think about it. Tammany was always willing to make deals of that sort, and the Progressive survivors had a fair amount of political assets to offer the New Deal in Butler’s time.

    This also explains the Uniparty that we see today, and the seeming ease with which the Republicans became the party of slowing down but not stopping Democratic initiatives, the party of great promises but now actual accomplishments. The crucial absorption took place around 1934, and was undertaken with balance of advantage to the New Deal.

    In a way, the current ruling coalition is attempting the same sort of absorption under legal threat that you hypothesize occurred back in 1934. The difference is large: the offense today is not substantive, but rather process crimes or violation of ambiguous regulations of questionable legal validity. The process is the same, however. The American readers of this message have probably committed an average of three Federal felonies a day during their adult lives. https://www.mic.com/articles/86797/8-ways-we-regularly-commit-felonies-without-realizing-it

    The above is consistent with the Tucker Carlson quote:

    We asked this person directly, “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy, an American President? And here’s the reply we received verbatim. Quote, “The answer is yes. I believe they were involved. It’s a whole different country from what we thought it was. It’s all fake.”


    Kind of like the cabin crew getting on the PA and saying “The passengers would like reassurance that the flight is proceeding uneventfully” and the pilot replying “To Hell with the passengers, I’m up to my neck in trouble!”

  539. Hahahaha says:

    How can the west compete now ?

    • Replies: @Poupon Marx
  540. Bhai Log,
    Everybody knows that Muslim evils are backstabbers par excellence. Our grandparents would teach us, never to trust the Muslim, who is like the snakes kind, they will always take advantage and backstab. Muslim evils are experts in lying and cheating and backstabbing. Most Hindu grandparents teach the same, because they are respected elders and have experience and old wisdom. Foreign Muslim invader was defeated by brave Hindu Rajput king Prithvi Raj Chauhan, the Muslim evil invader fall at the feet of Hindu King, lick his feet and beg mercy. Raja Prithvi Raj Chauhan naively let him go, but the Muslim evils returned with bigger army and destroyed his kingdom, looted, raped every woman from child to grandma, enslaved many, burned and destroyed like they now destroy the Paris city. Truly animals only.

    Major Gaurav Sir of Indian Army warning that what is happening to France will happen to India also and many other countries. That is why Shri Modi ji is needed to save nation.

    Immigrants Have Set Fire To France & India Is Headed In The Same Direction (Chanakya Dailogues)

    Hindus had warned English about Muslim evils, but West did not listen and fully support the Muslim evils against innocent Hindus in past. Now your pet Muslim evil snakes bite you with painful venom.

    Mehool Bhai,
    Mumbai, Bharat.

    • Replies: @anonymous
    , @anonyms
  541. @RoatanBill

    Since they print money why do they need to get in debt?

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  542. Well the cop full name, picture (he was a soldier in Afghanistan) and his address have been leaked by the press, his family is going to need protection for sure otherwise they are dead, I would move out of Europe entirely if I were them, they’re gonna need those 1.5million € from GoFundMe now, of course the state is taking almost 1 million for itself.

  543. @Commentator Mike

    Gov’t don’t print money, since that’s impossible. Gov’ts print currency, a completely different thing. I refer you to Mike Maloney’s ‘Hidden Secrets of Money’ series on YouTube.

    Price inflation gets noticed by the tax cattle. It’s imperative that price inflation be kept to a small amount over a given period of time so the cattle don’t notice an abrupt change. This requires taking currency back out of the market after the oligarchs get some benefit from its first use and is why the IRS exists. That was the primary IRS mission at its inception, but is now one of several missions.

    The Fed’s interest rate hikes do nothing to lower inflation except to spread out its effects over a longer time frame. Only removing currency from the market can actually lower price inflation and it’s the Fed’s $95 Billion/month scheme that actually works toward that goal.

    Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.
    Milton Friedman

    Likewise, the effect of borrowing is similar to printing where the oligarchy gets the immediate benefit and the borrowed currency eventually filters through the market and it fuels price inflation. For many countries (Argentina, etc) it provides the opportunity to stiff the stupidest creditors, usually foreign, periodically that lend their currency to profligate govt’s. To the gov’t, printing and borrowing are largely the same thing and both fuel price inflation if the borrowed funds aren’t paid back as has been the aggregate case for the US for decades. Borrowed funds are just rolled over so the debt is never paid off. As Dollars are no longer needed for foreign exchange due to de-dollarization, those Dollars flow back into the US to fuel price inflation the Fed has absolutely no way of controlling.

    The US will renege on its debts in the not too distant future since arithmetically that is the only possibility. They will probably do it by massively debasing the currency by printing and nominally paying the debt off, but that approach destroys the purchasing power of the Dollar and is the dishonest route which means it is the one to be employed. From every possible angle, the Dollar is heading to worthlessness and in a hurry. When it goes, so does the Euro, Yen and every other pure fiat play.

    Social Security, pensions, annuities, stocks, bonds, etc denominated in fiat become essentially nullified. People depending on those sources will get wiped out.

    • Replies: @Corrupt
  544. bjondo says:
    @Mosafer Hastam

    Not sure how related to my comment.

    Old pied-noir must miss his servants.

    The West is falling apart and Israel is
    pure evil and will collapse from hate.

    Iran, united and strong by Islam, fine.

    Iranian in-laws suckled by Pahlavi?


  545. anonymous[869] • Disclaimer says:

    NO…WHITES unlike Blacks/Mexicans/Asians/ do not see themselves as a racial BLOCK..in fact Whites are socially,m politcally culturally repress/opress/ prohibited from seeing themselves as a racial group..with RACIAL CONCIOUNESS..

  546. Anymike says:

    I’m pretty good at constructing dictums. This one I came up with just a few days ago.

    The old war crimes defense: I was only following orders.

    The new war crimes defense: I was only giving orders.

    Better yet, though, is to construct a situation wherein certain things inevitably will occur without ever giving any overt order at all.

  547. anonymous[898] • Disclaimer says:

    France and every albinonig civilisational entity should burn. Who best to do the burning than their centuries old victims.

    It is also hilarious that this pagan godless albino nigger fag is quoting dotnigger vermin. Would this loser love to be flooded with them rabid pagan nigs? You all have a secret love for those who worship phallic symbols?

    It is clear why those rabid nigs are treated more favourably than Muslims in albino lands. After all, you share a common pagan “brotherhood.” Yeah?

    • Replies: @Rurik
  548. anonymous[898] • Disclaimer says:
    @Mehool Mehta

    Hey pajeet dotnigger, you again. Such delusional vermin. Muslims were defeated by the rajput cunts, but they continued to rule India until the albinonigs arrived.

    Should I remind you the following about how batshit demented you all are:

    1. Worship of faggot deities. Shiva and Vishnu fornicated to create another child deity.

    2. Worship of rapist deities. Vishnu had to rape a demons wife because his strength was in her chastity.

    3. Worship of shivas phallus and his how’s vagina. The lingam and yoni.

    4. Worship of deities who need to take a medical vacation every year, because they have fallen ill. Jagannath.

    5. Worship of the naked devil kali.

    6. The list of these abominations are endless.

    So, mehwhore kuthwa (ugly dog dick), you should ease up a little. 😀

    • Agree: Druid55
    • Replies: @Mehool Mehta
  549. anonyms says:
    @Mehool Mehta

    mehwhore kuthwa, for a demented dindoo nationalist dotnigger, who rants against “evil” Islam and Muslims, one would think your accursed godless kind has established this beautiful prosperous utopia, which is the pride of every dindoo on earth.

    But, no!!!

    You dindoo bastards have had over 75 years to achieve it. It does not matter if those 75 years were ruled by dindoo nationalists or not. They were all dindoos. What have you nationalist vermin done in the last 10years, except regressed in every human and economics index? Even the “lowly” Bangladesh has a higher per capita GDP now than your kind. If your rabid kind had had 75 years of rule, then India would have resembled Ethiopia at present.

    Mind you, most of the Muslim hordes in euRape, they all happen to be from wretched nations which have been wrecked by the albinonigs. Have you heard of the adage… you break something, you own it? Does your insane pagan entity have the same excuse?

    You don’t think we follow the constant news streams of dotnigs murdering, chopping, killing, lynching, raping & maiming, minorities, dalits, animals and their own kind too.

    The latest is this brahmin vermin raping a cow, a creature they consider their mother;

    Bestiality and Incest in one video. The sorry nightmare of the dindoo creature.

    • Agree: Druid55
    • Replies: @Mehool Mehta
  550. anonyms says:
    @Mosafer Hastam

    Lol! With a handle name like that, you sound like a rabid ex-muslim apostate (probably Shia background, and probably a faggot or dyke). When you are burning in Hell, may our spit be further fuel for your torment. God willing.

    Ultimately, “Islam is like smallpox,” blah blah makes no sense, at least compared to all other religions the world has ever known. How can True Monotheism, which has liberated mankind from the abominations of pagan polytheist mangods & animalgods worship, be such a curse?

    Perhaps you find meaning and logic in worshipping of phallic symbols like the insane dot-dindoos? If yes, indeed, you can collaborate with Mehwhore Kuthwa (aka “Mehool Bhai” here) in your Islamophobia journey. He can explain the many batshit mysteries of Dindooism to his dear godless friend… you!

    Or, since you don’t mention Chrispaganity in your rant, is it possible that you find some logic in it too? If yes, that is good, because as you await Hell, it is nice to imagine what your demented mind is trying to reconcile every single day…

    100%man100%god, ice/water/vapour, only begotten son, 3persons in 1god, god died(!) for our sins, i have the holy spirit, partake in the flesh and blood of Christ… 😀

    My Iranian in-laws told me that muslim conquest was the greatest misfortune for Persia.

    Iranians are deviants. As long as they hyper-venerate men and call (Oh Ali Help!!!) on those who themselves are at the mercy of the One God of all existence, they will remain cursed, and on the path to apostasy.

    The truth has been made clear. Those who reject it, you have been warned.

  551. Rurik says:

    France and every albinonig civilisational entity should burn. Who best to do the burning than their centuries old victims.

    don’t you mean ‘centuries old enemies


    who enslaved Spain for seven centuries?

    this from the kosher and anti-white wiki

    The Battle of Tours followed two decades of Umayyad conquests in Europe which had begun with the invasion of the Christian Visigothic Kingdom of the Iberian Peninsula in 711. These were followed by military expeditions into the Frankish territories of Gaul, former provinces of the Roman Empire. Umayyad military campaigns reached northward into Aquitaine and Burgundy, including a major engagement at Bordeaux and a raid on Autun. Charles’s victory is widely believed to have stopped the northward advance of Umayyad forces from the Iberian Peninsula and to have prevented the Islamization of Western Europe.[14][15]

    pretending that Arabs have been the historical victims of Christendom is a pathetic lie.

    Christendom’s greatest disaster has been its charity and kindness, to people who consider such things a weakness.

    One day, the Saxon, (or Gaul, as the case may be) had better learn to hate. If burning their cities, and murdering their children, does not get the job done, then the French do not deserve to survive.

    flooded with them rabid pagan nigs?

    at least the Muslims and Arabs of old, would come in bearing swords and attempting to conquer like well, conquerors.

    Unlike the ones today, who mewl their way in holding out their nigger-like helplessness as a way to tug on the French women’s (of both sexes) heart-strings. ‘Please, we’re like niggers too! We can’t survive without whitey feeding and clothing us. We’re more nigger than even niggers! Please, please let us all in.’

    As ZOG is slaughtering their families in their homelands, they come crawling to whitey land to beg for sanctuary, while their families and villages are destroyed.

    I have a thousand times more respect for the Muslim Arabs of the Syrian Army, who stayed to fight ZOG’s armies of ISIS, and who serve alongside Putin’s soldiers in defiance of evil, and to protect Syria and their families from harm. That’s what men do. They protect their families and villages and nation from ZOG’s eternal aggression, as the Syrian Army, (and Hezbollah and others whom I have unlimited respect for) are and have been doing.

    Rather than the crawling sand-niggers, (yes, in a very few cases that name is more than well-deserved), who come like worms to France, (and Sweden and Germany and so many others..), begging and holding out their brown skin as proof that they are niggers too! And need whitey to feed them.

    • Agree: Zyklon BB gun
  552. Anymike says:

    Don’t worry. The USA is just going through a rough spot. When the situation matures and the post-1970 non-European immigrants and their progeny are ready to take over everything, then the situation will even out. This group, composed of several principal nationalities and racial groups, will be able to supply all of the skilled workers, health professionals, middle and upper managers, academic faculty members and university adminstrators, STEM professionals and military officers, government worker. Eventually, even farming will become a job legacy Americans won’t do anymore.

    Considering the possibilities, the replacement process is going pretty smoothly. When it’s all over, things will be better than ever. Maybe not for you. But for somebody. Who knows? We might even see the final stage of the dialectic.

  553. Miro23 says:

    The Arabs and Blacks are only learning from the example set by the USA.

    If the USA can found a new country on lands stolen from the Amerindians, then so can the Arabs and Blacks.

    The only question is, what will they name it? Will it be United Emirates of France?
    Le Union du New Congo?

    Please pardon my bad French.

    Political power and settlement usually go together but not always. For example Arabs and Blacks are settling France but they don’t hold power. Jews hold the power (and they’re not settling the place). France is included in the Jewish Empire (US/UK/AUS/NZ/Western Europe) for purposes of exploitation.

    The Jewish Empire is analogous to the Roman Empire. For example the Romans took power in Britain (1 AD) with a view to exploiting it rather than settling it.

    The Romans were happy to adopt Britain’s existing name “Pritani”, modify it to “Britani” (Britain). From the Welsh word “Brython” meaning ancient Britons. Some Old British kept their language in Wales (Welsh) and others emigrate taking their language with them – for example to Brittany -France (Breton), and even Patagonia – Argentina – the Y Wladfa.

    The fundamental change for Britain was the arrival of the German speaking Angles/ Saxons who invaded and settled after the end of Roman rule. The settlers took power and the national language changed by degrees to English (Anglish).

    Following this line, if Jews exit France, the North African settlers will probably remain and grow as a proportion of the population. The question then is one of political power and identity. Many Arabs may not in fact want to build an Arab state. Many already adopt French culture and prefer to speak French. Same as many ethnic Celts and Old British (Welsh) switched to the English language and accepted Anglo Saxon dominance.

    The question for the US is whether the Latinos want to recreate Mexixo in the US or become Americans.

  554. Miro23 says:

    USA elites promoted the entry of China into WTO for internal reasons, to further weaken their working classes and thus increase their margins, which they achieved, to the ultimate detriment of USA position as hegemon.

    It looks like that. For the last 40 years the US has been run by a ZioGlobalist elite more interested in profit opportunities for themselves than the well being of the American people.

    The US is only a market, and Americans are “consumers”. It doesn’t go further than that. Digitalization and the internet combined with Asian manufacturing capability (and prices) was for them a once-in-a-lifetime massive profit opportunity. Agreed that they sold out the US’ future.

    • LOL: Gvaltar
  555. Reaper says:

    Article tries to push an US narrative.

    First of all this happens is Europe, not the US.
    That is for sure strange for Americans but in Europe the main concern is not with race as a very misleading and broad characteristics, but with nation and culture and the origin of that (like: the broader terms, such as: Germanic, Balcan, Baltic, East Slavic, Arabic, Turkish, etc…).

    France is a mess, but also the French population is a mess.
    Just like all the Western/ Northern Europe nowdays, and back till the 90`s.

    This is not a race war, nor it is about the illegal immigrants predominantly.
    It is about the lies false promises disgust and denied opportunities: westerners sold a pink buble dream for migrants since the end of ww2, and ever more since the 60`s, and again since the 90`s and again from 2014-2015.
    Most of the rioters are 2. and 3. generation descendants of invited migrants, not fresh arrivals.

    It is between the so-called natives, like the French, Germans, Englishman, etc… and the ones they called, accepted and lied to, while harass them and spits on them, while their economy, work market, upkeep of their coutries rely on the undesired ones.

    A short story:
    A few years back a documentary film crew visited a particular neighborhood in the Paris area. All the normies advised against that. Crew did arrive, start to pack out cameras, microphones, etc as preparation.
    Residents notice the movement of strangers, so start to grab the whatever what come in their hand, from baseball bats till machetas, or telescopic bats and were ready for a “friendly” welcome.
    BUT: it was not because white people appeared among them as americans prefer to interpret – but because they believed the crew are French – yes in France.
    As soon as turned out that they are not French and as a bonus: not West, but East Europeans: no problem, crew can stay. So residents did walked back to their shops to sell merchandise, bake bred, sit near the hookah in the cafee, whatever.

    Disgust and hatred is mutual.
    The term NO-GO ZONE in West Europe does not means that you cannot go there, nor does it mean that whites are in grave danger because of race.
    It means: natives from that country are not welcome, nor any authorities, especially police, nor do their woke-liberal-lgbt-feminist madness or similars which in the new world order definied as “”European” “values””.

    The term lost territory is proper (don`t know the origanal French term but this is the translation).
    They eat what they cooked.

    • LOL: Gvaltar
    • Replies: @peterAUS
    , @Hulkamania
  556. p38ace says:

    Are you sure the French are not fighting back? You will not see this on social media.

  557. peterAUS says:

    You appear knowledgeable about local events there. A question:
    What’s happening with “Yellow Wests”?
    What’s happening with the “pension” protests?
    And…what’s percentage of those 2/3 gen immigrants in those protests above?

    I guess the question is, apart from how successful those protests are, do disaffected people tend to work/protest together, or each group does its own thing?

  558. French riots exposed

    • Replies: @Rurik
  559. Rurik says:

    at 5:49 into the video

    “the only way to solve Europe’s migration problem is to strengthen the local economies in Africa”

    his message being that if African and Muslims want to come to Europe, then Europe has no choice but to let them all in. Borders are just so 20th century, and racist after all.

    This isn’t just stupid, it’s insane.

    How is it that an adult can be this monumentally, astoundingly idiotic beyond belief.

    I’m not saying Western nations shouldn’t do what they can to help Africa and other troubled regions, like for instance sending tankers full of birth control, for starters.

    But pretending that it’s the West’s duty to create a modern, Western type of economy and society all over Africa, is the depth of complete idiocy. We’ve all seen what happens when you give them a perfectly European-like society and economy, as in Rhodesia and now South Africa. They destroy it. Duh. As many or most of us all knew they would.

    But this asshat thinks Europe has no right to any borders, and anyone who wants to invade should be automatically allow to, unless they build turn the Congo into Switzerland.

    Is it a university “education” that turns someone’s mind like this into mush?

    • Replies: @Anonymousrgc
  560. marylou says:

    Tell the truth….first of all, who will believe you, and second, what will happen to you. Something bad?

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Rurik
  561. Rurik says:

    Tell the truth….first of all, who will believe you

    not who, so much as ‘what’. Insofar as ‘what’ is the collective accumulated wisdom (bs detector, and narrative antenna, and so forth..) of my 62 years, and particularly once I became aware of the Matrix, (for lack of a better word).

    that wisdom tells me that the war with Russia is a Jewish supremacist/neocon motivated affair. Just as all the post-9/11 wars all obviously are.

    and not one in ten thousand academics or ‘leaders’ are willing to say that obvious truth, because their sinecures and invitations to schmooze with “respectable” people is more important to them than telling the truth, and thereby ending these evil wars.

    what will happen to you. Something bad?

    perhaps, if I commented here under my real name. I suppose there would be legions of zio-scum that would like to do me some harm. And yes, if your point is, that if I’m unwilling to speak the truth under my own name, then by what right do I have for condemning people who are using their own name, and are therefor susceptible to the zio-scum doing them harm, and are therefor circumspect about what they say.

    Ok, fair point. (If that was part of your point ; )

    But I’ve commented on John Mearsheimer in the past, and did so favorably. What tweaked me, isn’t so much as not ‘naming the Jew’, per se, but instead naming a guy who seems as goyish as it’s possible to get. He didn’t have to do that. He could have left it as ‘foreign policy establishment’, without naming anyone. But he deliberately chose to name a guy who looks as Gentile as you can get, while refusing to name even one Jewish neocon, who are the actual motivation for these wars.

    The Irish (or Scottish or whatever) goy is just a stooge, doing what he’s told.

    I don’t mind when people blame Bush for Iraq, or Obama for Libya, or Biden for Ukraine. Because they are to blame. But pretending that they are the ones making the decisions for these wars, is beyond dishonest, and it’s beyond vile and contemptible, because doing that would be giving the real scumfucks a pass.

    Yes, Biden is guilty of the war in Ukraine, but implying that it’s his decision, (or Bush’s or Obama’s, etc..) while pretending there is no such thing as a Jewish supremacist neocon, (like Nuland or Kagan or Kristol, et al), would be disgusting. And I said so.

    Do you find fault with that?

  562. Rurik says:

    Tell the truth….first of all, who will believe you


    I read what I wrote, and see that I dyslexic’ec’ what you wrote. And turned ‘who will believe you’, into ‘who will you believe’.

    but to correctly answer your question, (do over ; ), a lot of people would give John Mearsheimer a lot of credibility. He has gravitas vis-a-vis such issues.

    What would happen to him?

    Canceled by all “respectable” organizations, and hailed as a great hero by the remaining principled people left in this world and the millions upon millions of the ‘little people’ who have enormous respect for those few honest people who tell the truth.

    Sort of like Mr. Unz. Whom I wonder if he doesn’t revel in his stature as a brave man of great integrity who speaks truth to power.

    [Sorry for discombobulating your comment the first time]

  563. @anonyms

    Hello Mewhore Katua Bhai, myself Mehool Bhai.

    Mewhore Bhai..yes..Mewhore..see you are right, Muslim-evils are the most disgusting violent types, worse than even animals only. Created by demonic energy and God will destroy them when the time comes. Shri Khrishna, Avatar of Lord Vishnu, God, promised Arjun in battle of Kurukshetra that when Adharma and evil will fill the Earth, he will come to Earth to annihilate evil (including and especially Muslim Evil). God, our creator shall come to annihilate the demonic energies piling up,on our Planet as observed in Muslim-evils.

    Katua, when you observe the Muslim evil what you observing? You observing unclean savages who love killing, looting, raping, enslaving, doing dirty deeds.

    Allegations of sexual abuse at Pakistan madrassas

    Sex Abuse Pervasive in Pakistan Islamic Schools
    Imams doing the sexy with little boys and girls to satisfy their uncontrolled desire to rape.
    Also see
    5 Muslim-evil men in Pakistan rape, kill a goat
    In a not so shocking incident, five Muslim evil men gang-raped raped and later killed (and also ate) a goat in Pakistan’s Okara.

  564. @anonymous

    Katua, your hatred for Hindus is obvious. No shame, your demonic kind came to our peaceful lands and looted its wealth, killed millions, enslaved millions, raped millions. What had our poor peaceful ancestors done to deserve this? Image my poor Hindu ancestors running for his life and evil Muslim horsemen run after him to catch him and make slave, of sharing his wife among themselves, of killing his villages. What did he do to deserve this.? Noo, we will take revenge, we 1 billion people Hindus we are only getting ready. We swear by souls of our ancestors, every evil you did we will do to you. We never came to your shitty land, you came here. Looted our wealth and make your Damascus and Baghdad. Took our Indian knowledge to have your Islamic Golden age. What culture you have in your third rate Middle East? Do you know the greatness of ancient Indian culture? What food you eat with no taste. I have tried your Middle East foods, no taste, no flavour, what culture you have? You looted everything.

    And even before we take revenge, the peculiar and mysterious spiritual forces of ancient India of her great sages will have its effect. Your kind will bleed and burn. Women, children everybody, our million curses to your kind. Curses from the depth of our hearts. You bleeded our women and children, you will face the same. All will drip drip blood. And bombing and fire. Fire God Agni will leach the evil from your kind and purify your souls. There will never be peace in your cursed lands.
    Many centuries ago, heart broken and deep in pain on seeing the destruction to our ancient holy land by your barbarian kind, some holy sage, wi8th bitterness with his heart cursed your kind. And in came Ghenghis Khan, his glorious Mongol Empire whose sword killed and killed millions of your demonic kind. Well deserved, entire cities destroyed by the Mongol Army, when the Universe heard the cries and curses of the holy Indian sage. Baghdad destroyed. But that was only short term effect, the cleansing done by Genghis Khan’s force, long term effects of curses are yet to kick in. That is only spiritual revenge, material revenge, we will take. We are getting ready. Never forget what happened to our hapless ancestors, never forgive.

  565. @Priss Factor

    Well the Dutch government of Rutte collapsed. Yes, where will the riots spread to next? Germany, Sweden, England? Will woke women and girls still spread their legs while holding a sign saying “welcome refugees”?

  566. @Rurik

    A university education? Today an educated person is one who has internalized the values of the wealthy American Jewish oligarchy in defiance of the traditional Christian rubrics of sexual morality, patience, modesty and patriotic nationalism.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  567. Rurik says:

    Ok, but I would call it an “educated” person, with the quotation marks.

    because clearly they’re being indoctrinated, not educated.

    the values of the wealthy American Jewish oligarchy in defiance of the traditional Christian rubrics of sexual morality, patience, modesty and patriotic nationalism.

    I wouldn’t so much restrict it to ‘wealthy American Jews’, because they did the same thing in Weimar Germany, and Bolshevik Russia, when they ruled those nations as well. Rather it’s simply something about the Jewish character. (with very notable exceptions).

    Also, you don’t have to be a Christian to oppose Globohomo. Faggotry is repellent to all religions, or none at all. I’m as disgusted by the push to indoctrinate children into faggotry as any practicing Christian, and indeed, I’d say even more so. Even as I don’t condemn all homosexuals as evil sinners, but when they go for the children, I’d go hard Sharia on em. Muslims know better how to deal with predatory homos sand child rapists than the most rigid Christians I know of.

    This is what they do to homosexual child rapists in Iran

    In Christian countries, they consider the brutal rape and sodomy of children to be a misunderstanding, and pardon the rapist, no matter the damage to the (Nazi) child, (whose life and well-being do not matter compared to a non-white immigrant).


    here in the (putatively Christian) Z.U.S.A., a monster

    gets less than a year for raping a nine year old and a five year old.


    and of course we all know about the Catholic church looking the other way..

    So I’m not sure the solution to what ails our rotting societies in the West, is Christianity. I’d love to be wrong about that tho. Are there some Christian churches you’re aware of that are calling for “patriotic nationalism”, and closing our borders and deporting the invading armies of ‘refugees’? Or demanding “sexual morality”, (harsh punishment – death, if you ask me), for serial pedophiles?

    I’m constantly looking for these kinds of churches, if they’re in anyway mainstream, to gauge the health of American Christianity. So far I’ve been (very) disappointed.

  568. @Reaper

    in Europe the main concern is not with race as a very misleading and broad characteristics, but with nation and culture and the origin of that

    Which is why France is burning. Because Europeans, like yourself, are stupid, naive retards.

    Most of the rioters are 2. and 3. generation descendants of invited migrants, not fresh arrivals.

    Which proves that it is, in fact, a race war, and not about “culture and the origins of that,” as your low IQ hypothesis suggests. These people are culturally “French.” Their origin is France. Their primary language is French. Yet, they are not racially French. Therefore, the important factor here is race.

    • Replies: @CCG
  569. @peterAUS

    A real country would have called out the Army and set the parameters: Fall back, go to you homes and stay inside. Any attempt at violence will be met with rubber bullets. If not convincing, then live rounds of lead. Orders are shoot to kill.

  570. @Hahahaha

    It cannot even if it had the will-which is too late to coalesce and ignite.

  571. A Camp of Saints world has arrived in France and it is now fight or die time. The Great Expulsion is coming after the Great Awakening. A repeat of history that will shake Christian Western Civilization to its foundations.

    • Replies: @OldWhiteMan
  572. Fuck the rules. Fuck playing the game the banksters want you to play. Fuck being the good citizen. Fuck the fake we’re in this together- community blather. Fuck filling out every form, fuck paying every tax. Fuck the government, fuck the banks who own them. Fuck the free-loaders, living rent-free while we pay. Fuck the legal process, a game which only works if you’ve got the money to pay for the parasitic shyster lawyers. Fuck being a chump. Fuck being a stooge. Fuck trying to do the right thing — what good does that get you? What good is coming your way?

  573. CCG says:

    The rioters are NOT “culturally French” in any way. The cheap labour immigrants are not becoming Catholic and raising Catholic offspring, they’re not giving their children traditional French names (his name was Nahel Marzouk, not Noel Marceau), they’re not eating crepes on Candlemas. They are Paperwork French, their primary language is French for economic reasons only. If they could get by without learning French, they would never have bothered with it. (I know of Indian IT workers who have lived in Germany and the Netherlands for over 15 years without learning a word of the local languages because the native cucks happily pander to them in English.)

    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  574. FAnglin says:

    Hey Anglu. The Muslims and Blacks are just following the wealth the the White French took from them. It’s not as if Frenchies never invaded and colonized another country. The Whites deserve everything that is happening to them. Whites are the most bloodthirsty and evil people in this world after the Jew of course. Centuries of looting other people’s resources; still losers like you have the nerve. I hope Whites are destroyed. They are the enablers of Jewish crimes.

    • Agree: Deep Thought
    • LOL: Gvaltar
  575. @CCG

    The rioters are NOT “culturally French” in any way.

    Sure they are.

    The cheap labour immigrants are not becoming Catholic and raising Catholic offspring

    Neither are old French. Papism is a dying cult for everyone except subsaharan Africans.

    They are Paperwork French

    That is what it means to be French. That is French culture.

  576. @anon

    The Ashkenazim opened the gates of Spain to Muslims invaders that wrought the same destruction on a Cristian nation. We can continue to be manipulated into wars against eachother or we can all admit we have been manipulated and unite against root cause.

    Christians and Muslims would not be enemies without the propaganda, malice and meddling of the userious gang of rootless cosmopolitans.

  577. Nowhere, and at no time in history, have Blacks and Whites ever peacefully co-existed.
    The Jews understand this all too well, and have been the major force behind Non-White immigration all over the (formerly) White countries.

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  578. @Wayne Goodfellow

    “Camp of the Saints” was prophecy not only for France, but all of the White world.

  579. @OldWhiteMan

    Nowhere, and at no time in history, have Blacks and Whites ever peacefully co-existed.

    Who have the Whites peacefully coexisted with?

    White countries.

    Like which? USA? Canada? Australia? Stolen from other peoples?

    • LOL: Gvaltar
  580. @RoatanBill

    This is why the Jews and their prostitute politicians want your long guns. They remain the most effective way to deal with the government’s taxfeeder pension bums.

    ” He has erected a multitude of new offices and and sent forth swarms of officers to harass our people , and to eat out their substance.”

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  581. @Zyklon BB gun

    At the rate things are going, soon there will be CBDC digital currency that will be programmed to not cooperate in the purchase of weapons, ammo and other non approved items. Your wealth will be in (((their))) hands and you will only be able to access it if they agree.

    The concept of 15 minute cities, thanks to the enviro wackos, means they plan on stabling their tax cattle in corrals where their funds will work only inside that corral. If one of the tax cattle venture outside the greater feed lot area, the funds won’t work and chances are an alarm will go out to have a street cop rancher taser you to get back to the holding pen where they intend to slaughter you once you get too old to work and become a useless eater. The Covid experiment demonstrated they can kill off the old folks and there’s no down side to that action so that Social Security funds aren’t needlessly wasted on what can simply be killed.

    The tax cattle keep voting for every deep state candidate they offer up and the real owners of the country are laughing their asses off at the morons that never seem to catch on.

  582. Corrupt says:

    “Social Security, pensions, annuities, stocks, bonds, etc denominated in fiat become essentially nullified. People depending on those sources will get wiped out.”

    I’m interested in why stocks denominated in fiat would be wiped out. For instance, if I own shares in Coke, my share of the company remains, whether it is denominated in dollars, yen, gold or silver (granted, the value of the company would be changed, lessened by whatever fiat they held, or increased as any loans they have taken are zeroed out). Thanks.

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
    , @RoatanBill
  583. @Corrupt

    As the US Dollar gets less and less utilization around the world due to de-dollarization and the advent of one or more trading currencies with gold backing, it’s perceived value goes down. Dollars flood the US market once they are no longer needed by foreigners that have found alternatives. Those foreign Dollars become US domestic Dollars to drive price inflation past anything the Fed can handle. Initially this will boost the stock market, real estate, high dollar goods as foreigners convert Dollars to goods, but that spike can’t last.

    This price inflation will ultimately ruin the US economy, slowly at first and then accelerate through an ‘S’ curve, resulting in lots of businesses going bust via a positive feedback loop. The things that aren’t absolutely essential to life won’t get bought at anywhere near the previous rate and this starts a chain reaction throughout the entire economy; a downward spiral that feeds on itself at a time where there is no possibility of the Fed or anyone else coming to the rescue since QE would make matters worse.

    Lots of people are going to end up owning stock in bankrupt companies or companies worth a fraction of what they bought in at. Will Coke make it? Lehman Bros didn’t. Look at all the big names from prior years to decades that have disappeared already. Stock purchased at $X may double, triple etc, but due to Dollar devaluation will be worth less than the day it was purchased in current day purchasing power. The stock market crash of 1929 didn’t recover till 1954. How long can you hold your breath?

    • Replies: @H. L. M
    , @Corrupt
  584. @Corrupt

    Just saw this. Listen to the statistics.

    I hear problems. What do you hear?

  585. H. L. M says:

    Still believe in gold?

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
  586. @H. L. M

    Still believe in gold?

    As opposed to what?

    Something has to be money or else we go back to barter which didn’t work all that well. Barter is why money was invented. No one has come up with a better money than the metals.

    • Replies: @H. L. M
    , @H. L. M
  587. H. L. M says:

    Well, it doesn’t seem to be rising to the challenge. Does it?

  588. @H. L. M

    If they do implement a gold backed CURRENCY, the world will pretend that’s important and decisions will be made to go along with the pretension, but in the end it’s just another fraud.

    All currencies are frauds. They are not money. If the BRICS wanted to be honest and have gold, physical gold as the trading medium, then that would be a development to note. A gold backed currency is bullshit, but it will be treated as though its not, just like the Dollar was treated as good as gold and we all know how that turned out.

    It will either devolve into the realization that it’s a fraud like all currencies and fall apart, or it will evolve into an actual gold money standard and dispense with the currency sleight of hand. What we have here are the leading Dons of the various BRICS mafias that each think they will be able to game the new system, and for a while it will work just as the Dollar worked, but this time it won’t take half a century to expose the flaws.

    All I want out of it is a revaluation of gold and silver which should happen. The rest is typical political maneuvering of the various mafias.

    • Replies: @H. L. M
  589. H. L. M says:


    The banks and the govt. are all steeped in fraud and because of that there can never be a “gold backed” currency. If you didn’t get to the end of the article, that’s the conclusion.

    I think we can both agree that the world is not ever going to function on a physical metal transaction basis. That’s not logistically possible.

    This is what bothers me: There has not been a commensurate increase in gold price with respect to increaase in debt and money supply.

    The point I want to make is that for whatever reasons, a material revaluation gold is beginning to look like a pipedream.

    • Replies: @RoatanBill
    , @RoatanBill
  590. @H. L. M

    Read the clues.

    The gold producing nations want the most value for their gold. Therefore it is in their best interests to pump up the gold price in relation to everything else, especially when their new bullshit currency will be backed by gold via some arcane voodoo. The guy with the most gold can buy the most toys.

    These are the most successful criminals in the world jockeying for position and the only thing that looks certain is that the US will be sucking hind teat. Once the BRICS, SCO, EAEU, LMNOP, WXYZ gets going, that’s when the internal fireworks start. Everyone is going to cheat. One of them will decide to call out the other guy and we have fragmentation just like India is now not playing ball properly within BRICS.

    These master criminals will never play nice with each other for long because it’s not in their nature. What we can do is know ahead of time that this won’t last and think ahead for how we can position ourselves knowing these guys are hardwired to never ever be satisfied with any deal.

  591. @H. L. M

    From Lew Rockwell this morning. We can always rely on Doug Casey to focus in on what’s important to know.


  592. anonymous[956] • Disclaimer says:

    Arabs and Blacks are invited in by the citizens of the countries!

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  593. @anonymous

    Arabs and Blacks are invited in by the citizens of the countries!

    You are correct.
    The citizens of those countries elect their governments.
    Their governments allow the immigration
    Sounds like you are entirely correct. You are a genius.

    Btw, did the citizens of the Arab and Sub Saharan Africa vote to be colonised by the Europeans? How about the natives of Asia, Australia and the Americas, did they too vote to be colonised?

    It all sounds like karma to me.

  594. Corrupt says:

    “Just saw this. Listen to the statistics.

    I hear problems. What do you hear?”

    Are there problems? YES (QE, inflation, govt. spending and debt, etc.). I’m not sure I believe the first video IRT the amount of corporate debt.

    “Lots of people are going to end up owning stock in bankrupt companies or companies worth a fraction of what they bought in at. Will Coke make it? Lehman Bros didn’t. Look at all the big names from prior years to decades that have disappeared already.”

    Look at the DJ for the last hundred years. Companies come and go… this is a normal part of the business cycle, not just something that happened in a few prior years or decades.

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