Chile wine

Explore the rich flavors and unique characteristics of Chilean wine. From crisp whites to bold reds, find the perfect bottle to satisfy your palate and elevate your dining experience.
Root:1: Delicious Varietal Wines from Chile for Just $12 — Wine of the Week Wines, Cabernet, Chile Wine, Canning, Cabernet Sauvignon Wine, Cabernet Sauvignon, Wine Cork, Wine, Vino

As most readers know, I have been visiting wineries in Chile and Argentina for the past eight days. I can honestly say that it a long time since I came across such an array of wines that offer both very high quality and incredible value. First up is a range of four varietal wines that you may already be familiar with called Root:1. Suggested retail price is $12 but you often find the wines for less. Here’s what I am enjoying about them.

Venus Head-Cairy
Savoring the taste of tradition, elegance, and the spirit of the season with Escudo Rojo Reserva Chardonnay. An ideal wine to begin your celebration dinner, with a complex and mineral palate with refreshing crisp acidity. Cheers to a holiday season filled with cherished moments! #EscudoRojo #Chardonnay #BaronPhilippeDeRothschild #Maipo #chilevineyard #Heritage #Wine #Grape #Chile #winelovers #festiveseaon #Christmas Traditional, Cheerleading, Christmas, Wines, Wine Lovers, Wine, Chardonnay, Chile, Savor

Savoring the taste of tradition, elegance, and the spirit of the season with Escudo Rojo Reserva Chardonnay. An ideal wine to begin your celebration dinner, with a complex and mineral palate with refreshing crisp acidity. Cheers to a holiday season filled with cherished moments! #EscudoRojo #Chardonnay #BaronPhilippeDeRothschild #Maipo #chilevineyard #Heritage #Wine #Grape #Chile #winelovers #festiveseaon #Christmas

Escudo Rojo