Thanksgiving Turkey

Impress your guests with mouthwatering Thanksgiving turkey recipes that will make your feast unforgettable. Discover easy and flavorful ways to cook the perfect turkey for your holiday celebration.
Garlic Herb, Roasted Turkey, Dry Brine Turkey, Roast Turkey Recipes, Moist Turkey, Roast, Delicious Turkey Recipes, Whole Turkey, Herb Butter

“To brine or not to brine?” Now, I am a fan of brining and have had some great success with both wet and dry brining. But truth be told, I’m not always as planned and thoughtful as required, to get an early jump on brining the bird.So, option number 3 (for me), is to dry rub the bird and put it in the fridge uncovered (on a rack, over a sheet pan) for about an hour. From the fridge, it goes straight into the convection oven at 390°F for 20 minutes to really dry the skin.


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