Textile Artists

Discover talented textile artists who create stunning and unique artwork. Explore their techniques and styles to get inspired and add a touch of creativity to your space.
Action, Textile Artists, Textile Fiber Art, Creative Textiles, Textiles Techniques, Mixed Media Textiles, Textile Art Projects, Textile Art Techniques, Fiber Art Projects

In your journey to becoming a textile artist, the most important thing you can learn is to trust your artistic instinct. Have belief in the inherent quality of your work, and celebrate where you are now. Recognising where you fit in the Four Stages of Textile Art Mastery can help you on your way. When

Peg Sperlin
The Eames Office celebrates art of the 21st century in 10 Mind-Blowing Textile Artists You Should Follow on Instagram Right Now - Dwell Embroidery Stitches, Embroidery Patterns, Embroidery Designs, Embroidery, Sewing, Patchwork, Embroidery Inspiration, Needlework, Embroidery Art

A close up of Tessa Perlow's embroidered faces. Photo 7 of 10 in 10 Mind-Blowing Textile Artists You Should Follow on Instagram Right Now. Browse inspirational photos of modern homes. From midcentury modern to prefab housing and renovations, these stylish spaces suit every taste.

Charles and Ray Eames
Louise Watson - Textile Artist: Dappled light on the grasses by the canal- finished. Quilts, Textile Art, Patchwork, Grasses, Quilting, Landscape Quilts, Textile Artists, Fiber Art Quilts, Textile Fiber Art

I finished it yesterday- close up of 'grasses by the canal' 11cm x 31cm. Paint and dye on calico. Hand stitched. 3 layers of fabric. Whole thing- but long and thin so difficult for photos. I tried to capture the bright light of summer and dappled shadows - something to work on ( next time, next time) I am pleased with it but always there is knowledge that it could be better and that is the drive that keeps me working! Hot summer days here- no rain for the garden. Meals eaten outside on the…

Northern Pine Designs