Textiles techniques

Explore a variety of textile techniques to add creativity and uniqueness to your DIY projects. From embroidery to tie-dye, find inspiration for your next crafting adventure.

by Heidi Emmett Some days I need to re-pin my musings that I have found on Pinterest. SOME DAYS!? I do it everyday, ha, ha. But, as I have said in the past, 1/2 hour is my limit. Enjoy some of my &…

Bevilacqua sofia
Scrumptious Textiles: City and Guilds final piece mounted Gcse Textiles Water, Seaweed Textiles, Textiles Final Piece, Textiles Layers, Beach Textiles, Ocean Textiles, Water Textiles, Textiles Samples, Wave Embroidery

Finally finished my City and Guilds Level 2 and was fortunate enough to get a distinction with my final project being my large coral reef picture. It turned out to be more purple than I imagined with more of the mount showing than I wanted but I like purple so no harm done. There are many techniques used including heating lots of chiffon, Tyvek, Lutradur and 3D medium with a heat gun as well as hand stitching and beading. I have extended this work into different colours mounted on a canvas.

Louise Watson - Textile Artist: Dappled light on the grasses by the canal- finished. Collage, Patchwork, Quilting, Grasses, Quilts, Textile Art, Landscape Quilts, Fiber Art Quilts, Textile Fiber Art

I finished it yesterday- close up of 'grasses by the canal' 11cm x 31cm. Paint and dye on calico. Hand stitched. 3 layers of fabric. Whole thing- but long and thin so difficult for photos. I tried to capture the bright light of summer and dappled shadows - something to work on ( next time, next time) I am pleased with it but always there is knowledge that it could be better and that is the drive that keeps me working! Hot summer days here- no rain for the garden. Meals eaten outside on the…

Northern Pine Designs