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​“Anyone, at any level,
may be asked to lead a
project team, or be a
project team member.
​Increasingly, there are
aspects of most
people’s “day jobs”
that require project
management skills.”
​Ian Seath, 2014
​© 2014 Improvement Skills Consulting Ltd.
Table of Contents
​I am not wedded to a particular project management methodology. I
help clients identify their improvement goals and then develop an
approach to achieve these; invariably ensuring their people develop the
skills to make further improvements themselves.
7 10 14 17
page page page page page
Today’senvironment of
of change
​Change is all around us and we
work in an increasingly complex
environment. Projects in one part
of an organisation can often have
a major impact on other parts of
the organisation.
​Not so long ago, business
planning was typically based on
assumptions of reasonable
stability and an expectation that
next year would be pretty much
like this year, plus or minus a few
​Predictability underpinned many
management decisions and it was
easy to take “standard”
approaches off the shelf and apply
them to new situations.
​Today’s world is much more
turbulent and unpredictable,
resulting in a need for agility and
rapid learning to ensure “what
works” can be identified and
Anew world of
The “Iron Triangle”
​In the “old world”, projects were
typically managed with an
understanding of the “Iron
Triangle”: Quality, Cost and Time
were the three parameters that
had to be managed.
​Managing projects in the “new
world” is far more complex. There
needs to be a far greater
awareness of the importance of
Stakeholders (those people who
can influence a project’s success).
Projects can no longer be
disconnected from business
objectives; resources are too
scarce and projects need to be
aligned with key priorities.
Time, focus and
​Within this context, we have to be
more focused on delivering
performance improvements, on
time and within budget.
​Anyone, at any level, may be
asked to lead a project team, or
be a project team member.
​Increasingly, there are aspects of
most people’s “day jobs” that
require project management skills.
​The challenge is how to give
people those skills, plus the
confidence to use them and
deliver successful projects.
​People’s time is constantly under
​Project teams may have to be
“virtual”, with no opportunity to
meet other than electronically.
is difficult (not!)
ProjectManagement is
Apractical approach to
Project Management
is not “difficult”
​I firmly believe that learning about
project management should not
be a theoretical exercise, nor
should it become a memory test
aimed at passing an exam.
​I have found there is an enormous
demand across many sectors to
give people, at all levels, practical
skills to manage projects (big and
small), so that changes can be
implemented effectively.
​This needs to be done in a way
that doesn’t stifle creativity, yet
provides some structure and
control – a difficult balance to
​Over the past few years I have
been facilitating projects and
delivering Project Skill Workshops
in a wide variety of organisations .
The one thing that characterises
all these workshops, irrespective
of the client, is the focus on
learning new skills by working on
real, live projects.
Despitewhat many “professional” Project
Managers might want you to believe, it is not
Apractical approach
to Project
​In this document I describe the
approach I have developed and
how it has engaged, motivated
and built project capabilities
across hundreds of people, at all
​My Project Management clients
are in the private, public and
voluntary sectors.
​The approach draws on many
examples of good practice in the
field of Project Management,
adapted to meet specific clients’
​I’m not obsessed with a particular
methodology; I’m more interested
in what is likely to work in a given
situation, recognising the
prevailing culture, capabilities and
improvement objectives.
Terrorist.Q A
What do
people need
to learn?
Creating the learning
Learning Objectives ​All my skill-development
assignments start with a
definition of the desired
Learning Objectives.
​For Project Management, these
usually include the following.
​People should be able to:
• Explain what a Project is and
the characteristics of successful
• Describe the key stages in a
typical Project life-cycle
• Explain the roles and
responsibilities of a Project
Manager and how to manage a
Project Team, within an overall
project governance framework
• Develop a definition and
scoping document for a Project
• Identify key stakeholders and
plan how to manage those
• Apply Change Control and Risk
Management to a Project
• Use some basic project
planning and control tools
Understanding and applying
the leadership and
behavioural skills needed for
projects to succeed is
Creating the learning
​I have one key principle that I
suggest clients should apply as a
pre-requisite for anyone attending
​Everyone should have a live
project to work on, or should be
starting one very soon.
​The design of the learning
process assumes that participants
will be able to work on, and add
value to, their own live projects,
during the workshops.
​A second principle that I apply is
that there should be as much
emphasis on the soft skills
required for successful project
management (e.g. leadership,
communications, teamwork) as on
the “technical” skills (planning,
managing risk, change control).
This means I help clients avoid the
pitfalls of many other “project
training courses” where the focus
often seems to be on “process”
and choosing the right templates
to fill in.
​The challenge is to create a
learning and workshop process
that demonstrates the benefits of
a structured approach to Project
Management by allowing people
to work creatively on their own
​Everyone should come out of the
process having moved their
projects on and with the
confidence to sustain its
momentum through to the point of
delivering tangible benefits.
Principle#1 Principle#2
The Learning
The learning
process for a
approach (with
3 workshop
days) involves
the following
• identifying a current project and
gathering available information on it
1 and 2:
• learning the project approach and
applying some basic tools to define
and plan the project
• a 3-4 week gap, back at work, to
apply the learning to the project
Day 3:
• presenting back the achievements,
building on the soft skills and learning
further tools for managing the project
Return to
• implementing the action plan
developed during the workshop days
and completing delivery of the project
What about
Toolsand techniques
Project Lifecycle
​I always introduce the principles
of a Project Life-cycle - the typical
stages through which every
project progresses.
​I’ve designed 4, 5 and 6 stage life-
cycle models to meet different
client needs.
​The number of stages doesn’t
really matter; it’s the principles
that are important and the
activities that need to be carried
out to progress to a successful
I’ve already said that I’m not
obsessed with a particular project
methodology, but I do adopt
recognised good practices to help
people deliver successful projects.
Initiating a project: taking a project idea and turning it
into something viable
Defining a project: developing a clear statement
of objectives and scope, along with initial analysis
of stakeholders and risks
Planning a project: turning the definition into
a detailed plan, with the help of a team
Implementing a project: turning the plan into
action and actually delivering what is required
Closing a project: ensuring the implemented
solution is handed over to “business as usual”
and that benefits are being realised
Reviewing a project: identifying and sharing the
learning points so that future projects can be run more
Tools and
​In my experience, it’s sometimes
the simplest of tools that make the
biggest difference.
​For example, spending time to
understand the difference
between a project’s objectives,
benefits and deliverables are
always important. I have met
many people who think their
deliverables are actually
objectives or benefits! So, it’s not
surprising then that their projects
fail to identify, or measure, desired
outcomes and real business
benefits. (IT projects often fall
into that trap).
​Within each of the project life-
cycle stages, I introduce relevant,
practical tools and techniques to
help people with the “technical”
aspects of running their projects
and the “people” skills required to
ensure all stakeholders are
engaged and supportive.
I help people cut through the
jargon and get to the heart of
running successful projects.
Tools &
Planning Risk
The benefits Clientbenefits
Client benefits
​It might not be strictly true to say
that “everyone needs to be a
Project Manager”. However, it’s
certainly my experience that
people who have been given
some basic understanding of
project skills and had the
opportunity to apply them can be
significantly more effective in
carrying out their jobs.
​After all, defining what you need
to achieve, setting a plan and
getting people’s buy-in, are
relevant skills in most jobs.
​Because participants come to my
workshops with a current (or
planned) project and make real
progress with it during the learning
process, the feedback is
invariably very positive.
​People feel they have really
achieved something, either in
clarifying what they need to do
and planning to get it done, or
identifying and addressing the
issues that have been hindering
progress so far.
I have been helping
organisations in the private,
public and voluntary sectors to
manage projects and improve
their project skills for over two
Client quotes
​Very good trainer and very
relevant and useful,
participative course content.
Will find it very useful for
improving ability to schedule
effectively and earmark
milestones for projects or where
risks are likely to occur, up-front,
so we can try to prevent
problems on long-running
projects especially.
​Excellent, flexible and Ian was
very entertaining.Turned a
potentially dry subject into
something enjoyable for all the
​I worked with Ian to design the
training for the needs of the
Department. He was extremely
flexible and worked really hard
to deliver the training in the way
our team would best engage
with it.
Client quotes
​Has created a real buzz in the
department - a big success and it
was a good idea to train the
whole team together.
​Brilliantly targeted and wholly
satisfactory training which will
bring immediate and
recognisable benefits to the
whole attending group.
​Project Management
understanding has now been
pushed out across the business
and more readily accepted than
coming from an in-house
resource. Ian has supported our
thoughts on project
management and helped shape
the thinking.
Free resources
​ 2014 Improvement Skills Consulting Ltd.
​Phone +44 (0)7850 728506
It’s no surprise that one of
the programmes I designed
is called “Delivering
Successful Projects”. It does
exactly what it says on the
Project Management downloads

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Everyone needs to be a Project Manager

  • 1. EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE A PROJECT MANAGER ​“Anyone, at any level, may be asked to lead a project team, or be a project team member. ​Increasingly, there are aspects of most people’s “day jobs” that require project management skills.” ​Ian Seath, 2014 ​© 2014 Improvement Skills Consulting Ltd.
  • 2. 2| Table of Contents 3 ​I am not wedded to a particular project management methodology. I help clients identify their improvement goals and then develop an approach to achieve these; invariably ensuring their people develop the skills to make further improvements themselves. 7 10 14 17 page page page page page Today’senvironment of change ProjectManagementis difficult(not!) Whatdopeopleneedto learn? Whatabout methodology? Thebenefits
  • 4. 4| ​Change is all around us and we work in an increasingly complex environment. Projects in one part of an organisation can often have a major impact on other parts of the organisation. ​Not so long ago, business planning was typically based on assumptions of reasonable stability and an expectation that next year would be pretty much like this year, plus or minus a few percent. ​Predictability underpinned many management decisions and it was easy to take “standard” approaches off the shelf and apply them to new situations. ​Today’s world is much more turbulent and unpredictable, resulting in a need for agility and rapid learning to ensure “what works” can be identified and implemented. “Ifyoualwaysdowhatyoualwaysdid,you’llalways getwhatyoualwaysgot.” JosephJuran Anew world of change
  • 5. 5| The “Iron Triangle” ​In the “old world”, projects were typically managed with an understanding of the “Iron Triangle”: Quality, Cost and Time were the three parameters that had to be managed. ​Managing projects in the “new world” is far more complex. There needs to be a far greater awareness of the importance of Stakeholders (those people who can influence a project’s success). Projects can no longer be disconnected from business objectives; resources are too scarce and projects need to be aligned with key priorities.
  • 6. 6| Time, focus and skills ​Within this context, we have to be more focused on delivering performance improvements, on time and within budget. ​Anyone, at any level, may be asked to lead a project team, or be a project team member. ​Increasingly, there are aspects of most people’s “day jobs” that require project management skills. ​The challenge is how to give people those skills, plus the confidence to use them and deliver successful projects. ​People’s time is constantly under pressure. ​Project teams may have to be “virtual”, with no opportunity to meet other than electronically.
  • 7. Project Management is difficult (not!) ProjectManagement is notdifficult Apractical approach to ProjectManagement
  • 8. 8| Project Management is not “difficult” ​I firmly believe that learning about project management should not be a theoretical exercise, nor should it become a memory test aimed at passing an exam. ​I have found there is an enormous demand across many sectors to give people, at all levels, practical skills to manage projects (big and small), so that changes can be implemented effectively. ​This needs to be done in a way that doesn’t stifle creativity, yet provides some structure and control – a difficult balance to strike. ​Over the past few years I have been facilitating projects and delivering Project Skill Workshops in a wide variety of organisations . The one thing that characterises all these workshops, irrespective of the client, is the focus on learning new skills by working on real, live projects. Despitewhat many “professional” Project Managers might want you to believe, it is not difficult! ​Knowledge ​Skill ​Aptitude
  • 9. 9| Apractical approach to Project Management ​In this document I describe the approach I have developed and how it has engaged, motivated and built project capabilities across hundreds of people, at all levels. ​My Project Management clients are in the private, public and voluntary sectors. ​The approach draws on many examples of good practice in the field of Project Management, adapted to meet specific clients’ needs. ​I’m not obsessed with a particular methodology; I’m more interested in what is likely to work in a given situation, recognising the prevailing culture, capabilities and improvement objectives. What’sthedifferencebetween aMethodologistanda Terrorist? Youcannegotiatewitha Terrorist.Q A
  • 10. What do people need to learn? Learningobjectives Creating the learning environment Learningprocess
  • 11. 11| Learning Objectives ​All my skill-development assignments start with a definition of the desired Learning Objectives. ​For Project Management, these usually include the following. ​People should be able to: • Explain what a Project is and the characteristics of successful projects • Describe the key stages in a typical Project life-cycle • Explain the roles and responsibilities of a Project Manager and how to manage a Project Team, within an overall project governance framework • Develop a definition and scoping document for a Project • Identify key stakeholders and plan how to manage those relationships • Apply Change Control and Risk Management to a Project • Use some basic project planning and control tools Understanding and applying the leadership and behavioural skills needed for projects to succeed is essential.
  • 12. 12| Creating the learning environment ​I have one key principle that I suggest clients should apply as a pre-requisite for anyone attending workshops. ​Everyone should have a live project to work on, or should be starting one very soon. ​The design of the learning process assumes that participants will be able to work on, and add value to, their own live projects, during the workshops. ​A second principle that I apply is that there should be as much emphasis on the soft skills required for successful project management (e.g. leadership, communications, teamwork) as on the “technical” skills (planning, managing risk, change control). This means I help clients avoid the pitfalls of many other “project training courses” where the focus often seems to be on “process” and choosing the right templates to fill in. ​The challenge is to create a learning and workshop process that demonstrates the benefits of a structured approach to Project Management by allowing people to work creatively on their own projects. ​Everyone should come out of the process having moved their projects on and with the confidence to sustain its momentum through to the point of delivering tangible benefits. Principle#1 Principle#2
  • 13. 13| The Learning Process The learning process for a typical approach (with 3 workshop days) involves the following stages: Pre-work: • identifying a current project and gathering available information on it Days 1 and 2: • learning the project approach and applying some basic tools to define and plan the project Practice: • a 3-4 week gap, back at work, to apply the learning to the project Day 3: • presenting back the achievements, building on the soft skills and learning further tools for managing the project Return to work: • implementing the action plan developed during the workshop days and completing delivery of the project
  • 15. 15| Project Lifecycle ​I always introduce the principles of a Project Life-cycle - the typical stages through which every project progresses. ​I’ve designed 4, 5 and 6 stage life- cycle models to meet different client needs. ​The number of stages doesn’t really matter; it’s the principles that are important and the activities that need to be carried out to progress to a successful outcome. I’ve already said that I’m not obsessed with a particular project methodology, but I do adopt recognised good practices to help people deliver successful projects. Initiating a project: taking a project idea and turning it into something viable Defining a project: developing a clear statement of objectives and scope, along with initial analysis of stakeholders and risks Planning a project: turning the definition into a detailed plan, with the help of a team Implementing a project: turning the plan into action and actually delivering what is required Closing a project: ensuring the implemented solution is handed over to “business as usual” and that benefits are being realised Reviewing a project: identifying and sharing the learning points so that future projects can be run more effectively
  • 16. 16| Tools and techniques ​In my experience, it’s sometimes the simplest of tools that make the biggest difference. ​For example, spending time to understand the difference between a project’s objectives, benefits and deliverables are always important. I have met many people who think their deliverables are actually objectives or benefits! So, it’s not surprising then that their projects fail to identify, or measure, desired outcomes and real business benefits. (IT projects often fall into that trap). ​Within each of the project life- cycle stages, I introduce relevant, practical tools and techniques to help people with the “technical” aspects of running their projects and the “people” skills required to ensure all stakeholders are engaged and supportive. I help people cut through the jargon and get to the heart of running successful projects. Tools & Technique s Initiation Stake- holders Planning Risk Control Benefits
  • 18. 18| Client benefits ​It might not be strictly true to say that “everyone needs to be a Project Manager”. However, it’s certainly my experience that people who have been given some basic understanding of project skills and had the opportunity to apply them can be significantly more effective in carrying out their jobs. ​After all, defining what you need to achieve, setting a plan and getting people’s buy-in, are relevant skills in most jobs. ​Because participants come to my workshops with a current (or planned) project and make real progress with it during the learning process, the feedback is invariably very positive. ​People feel they have really achieved something, either in clarifying what they need to do and planning to get it done, or identifying and addressing the issues that have been hindering progress so far. I have been helping organisations in the private, public and voluntary sectors to manage projects and improve their project skills for over two decades.
  • 19. 19| Client quotes ​Very good trainer and very relevant and useful, participative course content. Will find it very useful for improving ability to schedule effectively and earmark milestones for projects or where risks are likely to occur, up-front, so we can try to prevent problems on long-running projects especially. ​Excellent, flexible and Ian was very entertaining.Turned a potentially dry subject into something enjoyable for all the team. ​I worked with Ian to design the training for the needs of the Department. He was extremely flexible and worked really hard to deliver the training in the way our team would best engage with it.
  • 20. 20| Client quotes ​Has created a real buzz in the department - a big success and it was a good idea to train the whole team together. ​Brilliantly targeted and wholly satisfactory training which will bring immediate and recognisable benefits to the whole attending group. ​Project Management understanding has now been pushed out across the business and more readily accepted than coming from an in-house resource. Ian has supported our thoughts on project management and helped shape the thinking.
  • 21. 21| Free resources ​ 2014 Improvement Skills Consulting Ltd. ​Phone +44 (0)7850 728506 ​info@improvement-skills.co.uk ​www.improvement-skills.co.uk ​@ianjseath It’s no surprise that one of the programmes I designed is called “Delivering Successful Projects”. It does exactly what it says on the tin! Project Management downloads