
"Embrace her, she’s the best," the president said. "I know yesterday’s news is surprising, and it’s hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do.”
The Republican's tweet became the subject of many snarky remarks ― all because of her choice of words.
The remarks came barely a week after Trump, who has stoked political violence for nine years, was nearly assassinated at a Pennsylvania rally.
Vice President Kamala Harris is now heavily favored for the Democratic nomination now that President Joe Biden has abandoned his reelection bid.
The presidential candidate said she's familiar with taking down "predators who abused women."
The historic fundraising haul "represents exactly the kind of grassroots energy and enthusiasm that wins elections," Harris' campaign said.
“I had a Diet Mountain Dew yesterday, and one today — I’m sure they’re gonna call that racist too,” Vance said Monday during a rally in Middletown, Ohio.
Reproductive rights groups were worried about an “enthusiasm gap” for many voters and Joe Biden. They’re feeling hopeful now that he has stepped aside.
Vance called Harris a liar while praising Donald Trump's supposed powers of foresight and good judgment.
The AFL-CIO labor federation and major unions announced their support for the vice president after Biden's withdrawal.