Coast Guard Traditions, Flags, Emblems & Seals Historical Bibliography

Claflin, Jim. "Life-Saving Service Pennant." Lighthouse Digest (Jan-Feb, 2008), p. 12.

"The Coast Guard Emblem." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 89 (Nov-Dec, 1954), pp. 61-63.

"Coast Guard Ensign Now Nearly 150 Years Old." Coast Guard Bulletin I I, 10 (Apr 1943), pp. 123-124.

"The Coast Guard Flag." Coast Guard Magazine (Jan 1929), p. 42.

"The Coast Guard Flag." Coast Guard Magazine (Sep 1933), p. 30.

"The Coast Guard Flag." Coast Guard Magazine (Aug 1939), p. 9.

"The Coast Guard Flag Changes." Coast Guard Magazine (Mar 1930), p. 4.

"Creed of the United States Coast Guardsman." Coast Guard Bulletin V, 10 (Apr 1950), p. 272.

"Echoes from the Surf: Primary Source Material From America's Life-Saving Past [ Office of the General Superintendent of the Life-Saving Service, Sumner Increase Kimball's logo ]. Wreck & Rescue 7, No. 2 (Aug 2004), p. 23.

"Efficiency Pennants." Light House Service Bulletin(1912-1939) [ column published monthly ].

Friedenberg, H.A. "The History of War Streamers and Their Adoption by the United States Coast Guard." The Bulletin (Mar-Apr 1973), pp. 49-53.

Grupp, George W. "Coast Guard Flags and Pennants, So Proudly They Wave." Coast Guard Magazine (Jan 1957), pp. 10-11.

Kern, Florence, & Barbara Voulgaris. "The Ensign." Article in Traditions: 200 Years of History. Washington: Coast Guard Historian's Office, July 1990, pp. 3-4.

________.________. "The Jack and Commission Pennant." Article in Traditions: 200 Years of History. Washington: Coast Guard Historian's Office, July 1990, p. 5.

________.________. "Seals and Emblems." Article in Traditions: 200 Years of History. Washington: Coast Guard Historian's Office, July 1990, pp. 7-8.

________.________. "Semper Paratus." Article in Traditions: 200 Years of History. Washington: Coast Guard Historian's Office, July 1990, p. 6.

________.________. "The Slash." Article in Traditions: 200 Years of History. Washington: Coast Guard Historian's Office, July 1990, p. 6.

________.________. "The Standard." Article in Traditions: 200 Years of History. Washington: Coast Guard Historian's Office, July 1990, p. 2.

Norris, B. W. and Truman R. Strobridge. "Long Has It Waved On High." Naval Institute Proceedings 100 (Sep 1974), pp. 40-43.

"Official Flags [ of the Lighthouse Service ]." Light House Service Bulletin I, No. 27 (Mar 1914), p. 105.

"'SEMPER PARATUS' The Coast Guard March [ by CAPT Francis S. Van Boskerck ], To Be Published." Coast Guard Magazine (Mar 1928), pp. 16-17.

"'SEMPER PARATUS' The Coast Guard March by Captain Francis Saltus Van Boskerck, U. S. C. G.  Music Arranged by Wm. R. Sima." Coast Guard Magazine (Apr 1928), pp. 33-36.

Silverstein, Judy. "U.S. Coast Guard Battle Streamers." U.S. Coast Guard Reservist 54 Issue 7-07, pp. 30-35.

"Sinbad."  True Comics 50 (July 1946), 3 pgs.

Smith, H.D. "The United States Revenue Cutter Flag." Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly 39, No. 3 (March, 1895) , pp. 340-347.

Smith, M. "Military Protocol-An Important Part of our Naval Tradition." The Bulletin (Sep-Oct 1985), pp. 28-30.

Strobridge, Truman R. "Coast Guard Emblem and Official Seal: Carrying on the Old Revenue Cutter Service Tradition." Coast Guard Engineers Digest No. 179 (Apr-May-Jun, 1973), pp. 46-51.

________. "The Coast Guard's Motto: Semper Paratus." The Bulletin (Nov-Dec 1973), pp. 49-50.

"The Story of the Coast Guard Seal." Coast Guard Bulletin VIII, 6 (Dec 1952), pp. 117-119.

"War Streamers Authorized for Display..." Commandant's Bulletin (Aug 2 1968), p. 5.

Watson, George M., & Truman R. Strobridge. "Resolving the Identity Problem: The Story of the Coast Guard Slash." Shipmates Magazine (Fall 1975), pp. 10-15.

Books and Government Publications

Harral, Brooks J. and Oretha D. Swartz. Service Etiquette. Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute 1965.

Harris, Mary V. Guide Right: A Handbook of Etiquette and Customs for Members of the Women's Reserve of the United States Naval Reserve and the United States Coast Guard Reserve. New York: The MacMillan Company 1944.

Kern, Florence, & Barbara Voulgaris. Traditions: 200 Years of History. Washington, D.C: Coast Guard Historian's Office, July 1990.

Lovette, Leland P. Naval Customs, Traditions, & Usage. Annapolis: U.S. NIP, 1980.

McElligott, R.T. Service Etiquette and Courtesy. New London: Cadet Store, U.S. Coast Guard Academy 1942.