Post-Vietnam Conflict Era through 2000 Historical Bibliography


Adams, Michael R. "Coast Guarding the Caribbean." Naval Institute Proceedings 108 (Aug 1982), pp. 61-65.

Adams, Mike. "Surface Warfare's Weak Leg." Naval Institute Proceedings 111 (Oct 1985), pp. 133-147.

Alcott, Paul. "PSUs 'Always Ready' to Uphold Democracy [ Haiti ] and Go Far From Home." Commandant's Bulletin (Feb 1995), p. 11.

Althaus, David S. "Gunning Up the Cutters." Naval Institute Proceedings 115 (Oct 1989), p. 123.

Appleton, Kenneth D. "The Coast Guard in the Quadrennial Defense Review." The Bulletin (Aug 1997), pp. 37-39.

Balunis, T.G.M. "The Coast Guard Port Security Mission." Proceedings of the Marine Safety Council 45 (Nov-Dec 1988), pp. 215-216.

Beaston, Steven D. "The Storis and Coastal Defense." Naval Institute Proceedings 116 (Dec 1990), p. 69.

Bennett, R.F. "The U.S. Coast Guard--Armed and Ready." Naval Institute Proceedings 98 (Jun 1972), pp. 35-42.

Blando, Steve. "Security in Coast Guard Hands." The Officer (Oct 1990), p. 23.

Blore, Gary T. "Point / Counterpoint--Point--The Coast Guard and Naval Warfare; An Inappropriate Mission." The Bulletin (Aug/Sep 1987), p. 30.  [ See also Steven L. Harvey's article listed below ].

Booth, Rick. "Working Together Wins Desert War." Commandant's Bulletin (Apr 1991), pp. 4-5.

Cadigaan, J. J. "The Navy - Coast Guard Mesh In a Future War." The Bulletin (Nov-Dec 1980), pp. 32-36.

"CG Team Aids Navy Capture of Iraqis." Commandant's Bulletin (Mar 1991), p. 5.

"CG Heads Oil-Assist Team to Assess Persian Gulf Damage." Commandant's Bulletin (Mar 1991), p. 4.

Chatfield, Tom & Jeff O’Connell. "Our Man in the Gulf." Focus 41, No. 2 (Summer 1991), pp. 21-22.

"COGARDRON TWO Joins NATO Exercise." Commandant's Bulletin (Sep 28 1981), p. 5.

Costello, John D. "Guarding the Coast: An Old Problem...A New Approach." The Bulletin (Sep/Oct 1985), pp. 20-27.

Costello, John D., & D.N. Wood. "Guarding the Coast." Naval Institute Proceedings 111 (Aug 1985), pp. 66-71.

Creedon, Gregory. "Chase, Gallatin Join NATO Forces [ NATO Ops 1983 ]." Commandant's Bulletin (Aug 19 1983), pp. 14-17.

Crissy, Paul. "High Tech Gear Makes 378s Ready [ Harpoon missiles ]." Commandant's Bulletin (Dec 10, 1987), pp. 26-27.

"Cutters to Patrol Grenada Waters." Commandant's Bulletin (Dec 16 1983), p. 4.

Delaney, Marshalena. "Setting a Gulf Course." Coast Guard (May 1998), pp. 12-15.

DeLost, Frank A. "Ports for National Defense." Translog (Feb 1990), pp. 2-3.

Fargo, Thomas & Ernest Riutta. "A 'National Fleet' for America." Naval Institute Proceedings 125 (Apr 1999), pp. 48-51.

"The Fifth Armed Service: The U.S. Coast Guard." National Defense (Feb 1984), pp. 17-20.

Fitzgerald, Carmond C. "Answering the Call [Persian Gulf]."  Naval Institute Proceedings 118 (Dec 1992), pp. 94-96.

________.  "The Coast Guard Patrols the Persian Gulf." Naval Institute Proceedings 117 (Apr 1991), pp. 100-101.

Flynn, Stephen F. "Covering Our Six." Naval Institute Proceedings 115 (Oct 1989), pp. 124-128.

Forando, Christopher. "Special Ops Needs a New Player."  Naval Institute Proceedings 123 (Oct 1997), pp. 44-47.

Freeze, Ken, & S.D. Genovese. "Harpoon: CGC Mellon is the First Coast Guard Cutter to Fire the Harpoon Missile." Commandant's Bulletin (Mar 1990), pp. 1-3.

Fremont-Smith, Richard, & David Pearl. "Not Just Buoy Tenders." Naval Institute Proceedings 109 (Sep 1983), pp. 115-117.

Gillespie, Tom. "Assignment: LEDET Duty in the Red Sea." Commandant's Bulletin (Jun 1993), pp. 34-37.

________. "Operation Desert Storm." Commandant's Bulletin (Feb 1991), p. 2.

Golden, Paul C. "Don't Ignore the SLOCs." Naval Institute Proceedings 115 (Oct 1989), pp. 129-131.

Griggs, Richard. "War Games In Boston." Commandant's Bulletin (Oct 25 1985), pp. 14-15.

Hanley, Robert T. "Welcome Home: The First Coast Guard Reservists Return from Duty in the Persian Gulf." Commandant's Bulletin (Apr 1991), pp. 2-3.

Harvey, Stephen L.  "Point / Counterpoint--Counterpoint--Naval Warfare and the Coast Guard; Just One More Mission For a Multi-Mission Service."  The Bulletin (Aug/Sep 1987), p. 31. [See also Gary T. Blore's article listed above.]

Hayes, John B. "We Have a Great Deal More to Offer as the Fifth Armed Force Than Perhaps was True in the Past: An Interview." Armed Forces Journal International CXVIII (Mar 1981), pp. 33-34.

Hessman, James D. "The U.S. Coast Guard: A New Emphasis on Defense Readiness." International Defense Review 20, no. 2 (1987), pp. 191-194.

Hindle, Alexander J., Jr. "Coast Guard Is Joint." Naval Institute Proceedings 124 (Dec 1998), pp. 30-33.

Hoon, Lim Kwong. "A Model for Small Navies." Naval Institute Proceedings 106 (Oct 1980), pp. 136-137.

Hull, James D. & Michael D. Emerson.  "High 'Seize' Maritime Interdiction Works!" Naval Institute Proceedings 125 (Jan 1999), pp. 64-67.

Ivanov, Iu. "MILITARIZATSHA BEREGOVOI OKHRANY SSHA [Militarization of the U.S. Coast Guard]." MORSKOI SBORNIK [USSR] 2 (1988), pp. 79-83.

Jones, Bob. "Combat Readiness--Another Coast Guard Mission." Profile XXV (Feb 1982), pp. 4-7.

Kalanbach, Chuck. "Operation Desert Storm." Commandant's Bulletin (Mar 1991), pp. 2-3.

Kennedy, Mark M. "Invading the Coasts for Ocean Venture '93." Commandant's Bulletin (Jul 1993), pp. 5-7.

Kenny, Brice. "RIMPAC-84: Coast Guard Units Performed Well as They Played Their Roles in a Five-Nation Military Exercise." Commandant's Bulletin (Aug 17 1984), pp. 10-11.

Kern, Mark S. "Restoring Democracy in Haiti." The Bulletin (Apr 1997), pp. 24-25.

Kiley, Edmund I. "The Naval Employment of the Coast Guard Medium Endurance Cutter." Naval War College Review (Oct 1980), pp. 13-22.

Kilvert_Jones, T.D. "An Active and Acceptable Presence: The U.S. Coast Guard and International Engagement." Sea Power (Dec 1999), pp. 47-49.

Korroch, Robert K. "Calling Cutters to the Gulf." Naval Institute Proceedings 114 (Sep 1988), pp. 58-61.

LaMarche, Mark A. "CG and Army-Training in Survival." Commandant's Bulletin (Mar 31 1988), p. 28.

Larzelere, Alex R. "Future War and the U.S. Coast Guard." Naval Institute Proceedings 105 (May 1979), p. 186.

Legg, William E. "Reserve Sails Into Action." The Officer (Oct 1990), pp. 20-23.

Leonard, John N. "The Coast Guard, Readiness, & the 'NBT.'" The Bulletin (Aug/Sep 1988), pp. 17-22.

Loy, James M. "The Coast Guard is Maritime Security." 124 Naval Institute Proceedings (Dec 1998), pp. 26-29.

________. "The United States Coast Guard: A Unique Instrument of U.S. National Security." Sea Power (Dec 1999), pp. 8-13.

Lyons, Tod. "CG Instructor [Alvaro O. Crespo] Helps Navy with Blockade." Commandant's Bulletin (Feb 1991), p. 4.

Maldonado, Fred. "To Grenada and Back [ CGC Mobile Bay ]." Commandant's Bulletin (Mar 29 1985), pp. 18-19.

Matt, A. Robert.  "Maritime Terrorism--Unacceptable Risk."  The Officer (Sep 1981), pp. 18-19.

Miller, Eric.  "Coast Guard is a Partner in Caribbean Security." Naval Institute Proceedings 125 (Dec 1999), pp. 58-61.

Montonye, J. Terrance. "Let's 'Turn On' to Our Military Responsibilities." The Bulletin (Jul-Aug 1977), p. 5.

Moore, Robert G. "The Coast Guard's Role in Future Wars." Sea Power XX (Aug 1977), pp. 24-31.

________.________.The Bulletin (May/Jun 1978), pp. 32-40.

Moritz, Edward A. "Coastal Defense." Naval Institute Proceedings 111 (Jun 1985), pp. 43-48.

"Navy/Coast Guard Board Created." Commandant's Bulletin (Dec 22, 1980), p. 4.

"Navy Secretary [ John Lehman ] Testifies for Coast Guard." Commandant's Bulletin #10-82 (Apr 12 1982), pp. 12-16.

Norman, Stanley J. "Prepared for Mine Warfare?" Naval Institute Proceedings (Feb 1983), pp. 64-69.

Norton, Dee. "Coast Guard Isn’t the Navy, but . . ." Naval Institute Proceedings 122 (Dec 1996), pp. 56-60.

O'Neil, C.T. "LEDETs, NATO Unite to Enforce U.N. Embargo [ UN Resolutions 713 & 757 -- Serbia & Montenegro ]." Commandant's Bulletin (Apr 1993), p. 7.

Papp, R.J., Jr. "Coast Guard Participation in Desert Shield/Desert Storm." The Bulletin (Aug/Sep 1991), pp. 15-16.

Pierson, J.A. "The Military Readiness Capability of the Coast Guard 270 Foot Medium Endurance Cutter." The Bulletin (Jan/Feb 1984), pp. 16-21.

"Port Security Units Move Out For Middle East Deployment." The Coast Guard Reservist (Nov 1990), pp. 4-7.

Pratt, Chuck. "Port Security Operations and Operation Desert Shield." The Bulletin (Dec 1990/Jan 1991), pp. 20-21.

Price, Michael R. "Expeditionary Warfare Forces." Coast Guard Reservist (Apr 1997), pp. 10-11.

Price, Mike, & Steve Blando. "PSUs Join Middle East Operation." Commandant's Bulletin (Nov 1990), pp. 2-3.

Prina, L. Edgar. The Fifth Arm of Defense." Sea Power (Aug 1984), pp. 12-18.

________. "Roles and Missions Study Reaffirms U.S. Coast Guard's Defense Responsibilities." Sea Power (May 1982), p. 16.

Prokop, Paul J. "SITREP 1: We Led the Way!" The Bulletin (Dec 1991/Jan 1992), pp. 18-21.

Pruitt, Randy. "Reservists in the Persian Gulf..." Commandant's Bulletin (Jan 1991), pp. 2-3.

"Ready in the Red Sea." Commandant's Bulletin (Oct 1994), pp. 24-25.

Ressler, Robbin. "CG Leads the Way to Restore Democracy [in Haiti]: PSUs Activated to Ensure the Safe Return of Haiti's Elected President." Commandant's Bulletin (Feb 1995), pp. 10-11.

Rogers, William J. "Toward a Doctrine of U.S. Naval Power." Naval Institute Proceedings 112 (Dec 1996), pp. 58-60.

"The Role of the Coast Guard in National Defense." The Bulletin (May/Jun 1981), pp. 26-28.

Ross, William L. "Semper Paratus? The Coast Guard is Not Equipped to Fight." Naval War College Review (Winter 1990), pp. 113-130.

Rybacki, Richard I. "Maritime Defense Mission." The Bulletin (Dec 1990/Jan 1991), pp. 17-19.

Sadowski, Brodie. "Any Mission, Anytime, Anywhere: Battle Roster Port Security Unit 302 Takes Shape." Commandant's Bulletin (Jan 1996), pp. 6-7.

Sawhill, Steven G. "'Semper Paratus' in the Persian Gulf." Commandant's Bulletin (Jan 22 1988), pp. 50-51.

Scarborough, Robert H. "Sea Power and the Coast Guard." The Bulletin (Jan/Feb 1981), pp. 24-26.

Schemmer, Benjamin. "Strategic Initiatives to Bridge a Budget Chasm Too Big for Dollars Alone to Cure." Armed Forces Journal International (Mar 1981), pp. 42-51.

Sennott, Alice. "Full Speed Ahead: The CGC Midgett Left Its Home in Seattle June 18 to Sail With the USS Constellation Battle Group." Coast Guard (Nov 1999), pp. 24-31.

Shelly, Marke R., & Wayne C. Dumas. "Redefining Coastal Warfare." 124 Naval Institute Proceedings (Aug 1998), pp. 66-68.

Silva, Dave. "Triumph in Haiti." Coast Guard (Oct 1999), pp. 24-25.

Stavridiss, Jim. "Beyond Joint: The Interagency Action." Naval Institute Proceedings 119 (May 1993), pp. 94-99.

Stubbs, Bruce B. "The Coast Guard's Trident." Naval Institute Proceedings 112 (Jun 1986), pp. 50-55.

________. "A Defense Doctrine for the Coast Guard." Naval Institute Proceedings 115 (Oct 1989), pp. 120-122.

________., & Richard R. Kelley. "Technology, ASW, & the Coast Guard." Naval Institute Proceedings 106 (Oct 1980), pp. 29-35.

Stickney, Christopher J. "'Are You Derby? - No, We're Coast Guard.'" The Bulletin (Aug/Sep 1991), pp. 17-20.

Summy, Alan. "Low Intensity Conflict-Our Role." Commandant's Bulletin (Jun 1989), pp. 5-6.

Tabor, James A. "It's Time for Patrol Boat Squadrons." Naval Institute Proceedings 125 (Dec 1999), pp. 62-63.

Tennent, John V. "Navy-Coast Guard Confer: Wartime Roles Examined." Surface Warfare VI (Jul 1981), p. 39.

________. "Navy-Coast Guard Co-operation Continues--MDZ and Cutter Upgrades Discussed." Surface Warfare VII (Mayu, 1982), p. 23.

Thamm, Gerhardt B. "Shallow Water Antisubmarine Warfare." Naval Institute Proceedings (Feb 1991), pp. 93-95.

Thomas, Cari B. "Testing Our Mettle: Operation ABLE MANNER." The Bulletin (Apr 1997), pp. 30-31.

Thompson, Dale R. "The Coast Guard in Grenada." Naval Institute Proceedings 110 (Nov 1984), pp. 65-69.

Tousley, Brian R. "Are We Teaching Officers to Defend America?" The Bulletin (Apr/May 1988), p. 4.

Townley, James R. "Guarding Our Coasts: The Coast Guard's Role." The Bulletin (Aug/Sep 1988), pp. 23-28.

Trainor, John C. "Naval Option for the Caribbean: The U.S. Coast Guard." Naval War College Review 36 (Mar-Apr 1983), pp. 31-39.

Trumble, John; Zendan, Chris & Jeff McSpaden. "Ready in the Red Sea." Commandant's Bulletin (Oct 1994), p. 25.

Wagner, George H. "Readiex 1-78."The Bulletin (Jan/Feb 1978), pp. 18-19.

Wallace, Sidney A. "The Role of the Coast Guard Within the Maritime Strategy Must Not be Overlooked." Sea Power 31 (Jan 1988), pp. 20-30.

Waterman, Ty G. "Can-Do Is No Longer Enough." Naval Institute Proceedings 121 (Dec 1995), pp. 52-55.

Watts, Robert B. "Coastal Defense: More Than Ever." Naval Institute Proceedings 116 (Dec 1990), pp. 66-70.

________. "The Coast Guard Goes Joint." Naval Institute Proceedings 122 (Dec 1996), pp. 61-64.

________. "Creating Deployable Harbor Defense." Naval Institute Proceedings 119 (Dec 1993), pp. 45-47.

Woods, Rick. "Brim Frost '85: Coast Guard, Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps Forces Teamed Up for a bit of Serious 'Playing' in the Wilds of Alaska." Commandant's Bulletin (Mar 15 1985), pp. 11-15.

Young, Wayne. "Maritime Defense - A Revolutionary Concept." The Bulletin (Nov/Dec/Jan 1985-86), pp. 24-29.

Zollars, Chris E. "Middle East Boardings: LEDETs Team Up With Allies..." Commandant's Bulletin (Mar 1992), pp. 16-18.

Books and Government Publications

Berry, Russell E., Jr., & Roger W. Bing. Wellington Cafe, A Joint Navy/Coast Guard Approach to Surface Mine Countermeasures. Newport: Naval War College, 1975.

The Commemorative Group. The Shield and The Storm. Pt. Pleasant, NJ: The Commemorative Group, n.d.

Hayes, Margaret Daly, & Gary F. Wheatley, eds. Interagency and Political-Military Dimensions of Peace Operations: Haiti - A Case Study. Washington: National Defense University, 1996.

Kalnbach, Chuck, & Tom Blake. The United States Coast Guard [ Desert Shield/Desert Storm ]. Washington: US Coast Guard, n.d.

Marolda, Edward J. & Robert J. Schneller. Shield and Sword: The United States Navy and the Persian Gulf War. Washington: Naval Historical Center, 1998.

Matthews, James K., & Cora J. Holt. So Many, So Much, So Far, So Fast: United States Transportation Command and Strategic Deployment for Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Washington: Joint History Office, Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Research Center, United States Transportation Command, 1996.

Pokrant, Marvin. Desert Storm at Sea: What the Navy Really Did. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999.

Stocker, John J. "Military Readiness and Mobilization." In: U.S. Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service. The United States Coast Guard: Prepared for the Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation, United States Senate. 97th Cong., 2nd sess. Washington: GPO, 1982, pp. 211-218.

Turner, Eldon A., & Joseph E. Turchech. U.S. Coast Guard Wartime Capabilities Study (U). Alexandria: Center for Naval Analyses, 1980.

United States Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Coast Guard Oversight, Part II: Military Readiness and International Program Management Problems and Procedures, Roles and Mission Study by the Executive Branch: Hearings. 97th Cong., 1st Sess. Washington: GPO, 1981.

United States Navy. Review of Coast Guard Wartime Tasking: A Report. Washington: U.S. Navy 1981.

Unpublished Papers, Theses and Dissertations

Gaffney, Henry H., Jr. "Relations With Russian Counterparts: Coast Guards and Navies." CIM 491, Alexandria, Virginia, Center for Naval Analyses Issue Paper, December 1996.

Kohout, Richard D., O. Kim Malmin, & John J. Nelson. "Future Coast Guard Cutter Study: Candidate Cutter Contributions in National Defense Scenarios." CRM 96-92, Alexandria, Virginia, Center for Naval Analyses Issue Paper, November, 1996.

________. "USCGC Dallas Med/Black Sea Deployment: Regional Engagement and USCG-USN Interoperability." CRM 95-183, Alexandria, Virginia, Center for Naval Analyses Issue Paper, January, 1996.

Stubbs, Bruce. "USCG, The U.S. Coast Guard's National Security Role in the Twenty-First Century." Thesis, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, Jun 1992.