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Tiers > SSBU > Cloud | Mario > Cloud vs. Mario

Cloud vs. Mario Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tiers, match-up votes and discussion



SSBU match-up numbers for Cloud vs. Mario

Cloud 6 / Mario 4:
60.3% of the votes
Cloud 5 / Mario 5:
23.3% of the votes
Cloud 4 / Mario 6:
16.4% of the votes

  Total votes for Cloud vs. Mario match-up: 116


Dakai said on October 25, 2020 at 12:34 a.m.

Cloud wins this MU.

Cloud does not like have the long range of Shulk or the faster frame data of Marth and Lucina or Roy’s close range game, while they all have a counterattack those other sword characters lack a projectile and Cloud has limit break.
Cloud’s limit nair uair and dair were nerfed from Smash 4 but he still has bair and fair to space out Mario. Mario is faster than Cloud in the air without limit, and Cloud is faster than Mario on the ground. Cloud spaces with bair in neutral or use cross slash, Mario can reflect blade beam with cape, Clouds dair can spike Mario’s up b recovery more easily than in Smash 4, and in disadvantage Cloud’s uair can juggle Mario and dair can beat Mario’s uair. In neutral Mario is going to be using fireballs to pressure Cloud, Limit blade beam can be used to trade with fireballs. Cloud’s moves outrange Mario’s up b so spacing with them will force Mario to use aerials oos or not punish at all. Cloud’s climhazzard can punish Mario’s fair and dair on shield, uair nair and bair are harder to punish running away and using cross slash may help also up tilt can beat Mario’s dair. However with limit lasting 15 seconds and Mario no longer has a frame 5 jumpsquat so he can keep out with Cloud in the air more easily and Cloud‘s nair is smaller making it harder for Cloud to space against Mario in neutral and fludd can gimp Cloud’s recovering although with patch 7.0.0 this is less likely to happen, Mario’s forward smash Cloud should be careful of its more powerful than in SSB4 and has lean back to avoid and hit Cloud.
However since patch 7.0.0 Cloud’s limit charges faster than in Smash 4 even pre 1.1.5 and had some moves like dash attack up smash from patch 7.0.0, overall Cloud still wins against Mario even with his nerfs from Smash 4.

My Cloud 6 / Mario 4


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