When celebrity exiles try to lord it back home

There is a reason Speke Airport in Liverpool was renamed after John Lennon. Like a lot of the famous, as soon as he had enough money for a plane fare, it was the first place he headed.

I remember interviewing Jimmy Tarbuck for Tiger, home of Roy Of The Rovers, some years ago. Liverpool had made it to another FA Cup final, and Tarby's brief was to bring personal insight to the terrace banter that could be expected, that famous Scouse wit, and he did this with gusto.

The copy had to be sent to him for approval and I dutifully took down his home address. It turned out he couldn't have put more miles between himself and Merseyside without emigrating.

Annie Lennox Annie Lennox

Long lost local: Annie Lennox is opposing a plan to build an 'Italian piazza' in Aberdeen, where she grew up

Nothing wrong with that. Live where you want to live. Live where the work is. Just don't keep banging on about how wonderful Liverpool is from the other end of the country.

Annie Lennox is taking a great interest in the redevelopment of Aberdeen city centre. You can see where this one is heading.

Annie left Aberdeen in 1971. The only reason she didn't leave sooner was she wouldn't have been allowed, legally. She got out at 16, to the Royal Academy of Music in London.

Maybe she suspected it would expand her creative horizons more than a front-row ticket for Rootin' Aboot, the annual folk festival held near Aberdeen's Robert Gordon University.

Presumably, though, things have changed in the Granite City in 39 years. The future of Union Terrace Gardens, a hectare-square public space, opened in 1879, is now under review. One idea is to build a contemporary arts centre, but a local businessman, Sir Ian Wood, wishes to create a grand square. He calls it an Italian piazza, others reckon more of a Soviet concrete monstrosity.


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Annie, who has lived in London since departing, is opposing the plan, which seems a bit like going back after 39 years, finding your first boyfriend and poking fun at his haircut. She may well be right on redevelopment. Most city centres could do with more green, less grey, more places to plant flowers, fewer to ride skateboards. The people to decide this, however, live in Aberdeen.

Annie, by her own admission, is in voluntary exile. 'I guess this counts my voice out,' she admits on her website, with some humility. Yet, being famous, she doesn't then count her voice out, but adds it to the debate from 403 miles away. Being famous, it is currently the only voice being heard by the national media.

This is the microcosm of the macrocosm that ends with George Clooney addressing the United Nations Security Council on the crisis in Darfur. It starts small. Annie gets a platform to influence the design of a city she abandoned 39 years ago, George goes effortlessly from being the voice of Fantastic Mr Fox to that of the United Nations. (And yet, still no solution in Darfur. It is almost as if the politicians are playing at it.)

'It's down to you to stop this happening,' Annie told the people of Aberdeen. It's also down to them if they want it to happen, too. This is the right they earned by not leaving in 1971.


Now, here is a thought. Suppose the technology had arrived the other way around and, instead of printed media, all we had was this thing called the internet, dreamed up by some bloke several centuries ago.

Billions of pages of information, floating around the ether, so that if you wanted to know whether David Beckham would be in Milan's team to play against Manchester United next week, you typed in his name, hit 'search' and 17 million options came up, as happens on Google right now.

His website, naked pictures, the latest news, the oldest inaccuracies, a rogue profile from a former club, encyclopaedic detail of varying consistency, some worrying fan fiction.

Young people are losing the ability to concentrate, according to David Nicholas, director of the Department of Information Studies at University College, London.

No kidding, Prof. Any piece of writing that takes more than a minute to absorb is now considered long, thanks to the web. We live in the age of the butterfly brain. 'Nobody seems to stay anywhere for any length of time,' says the Professor. We do not know the consequences, but they hardly seem promising, intellectually.

Now, imagine into this maelstrom of disinformation comes a man with a plan. I know, he says. Instead of having everybody staggering around blindly looking for clues, why don't we collate everything that has happened the day before, and put it all together in one place?

We could report the news and go to major sports events and tell people what happened there. And theatre shows, and films - we could even tell people which ones were worth seeing.

We could talk to famous people, ones who have interesting stories to tell. And we could speak to people in other countries; see what is going on over there.

And let people know what's on TV tonight. And give them games to play, like crosswords or chess. And we could gather all that information in something like a book and sell it, for a quarter of the price of a cup of coffee, every day.

So instead of developing the information span of an insect, people could sit down reflectively and read something.

Actually, you're holding just that. What a genius, the chap who thought of it. Even smarter than Bill Gates, I'd say.