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P. Wesley Lundburg

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P. Wesley Lundburg

Goodreads Author




Anne Tyler, Raymond Chandler, Ernest Hemingway, Dashiell Hammett, Flan ...more

Member Since
October 2016

P. Wesley Lundburg has been an Alaska Charter Boat Captain, Coast Guardsman, college English professor, and professional editor. Wes holds a B.A. in English, Masters degrees in Literature and in Philosophy, and a Ph.D. in Education. He works full-time in higher education, and writes in his spare time.

Wes launched his fiction-writing career in 7th grade with a teacher-acclaimed UFO abduction story, became addicted to writing, and hasn't stopped since. Most of his published work has been creative essays, particularly cross-country skiing and hiking/backpacking pieces, and he has written many outdoor travel articles. He has also published academic papers, and presented papers and workshops in his areas of Literature and Communication. His grea

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P. Wesley Lundburg Here's the advice I wish somebody had given me years ago . . . if they had, I might have started writing novels 2 decades ago:

1. Don't wait for the ev…more
Here's the advice I wish somebody had given me years ago . . . if they had, I might have started writing novels 2 decades ago:

1. Don't wait for the ever-elusive muse. S/he doesn't exist. S/he is a mythological creature that dupes you into sitting around waiting for pedals of genius to waft slowly from heaven into your lap. S/he's a strumpet, a siren, and a tramp. If you're sitting around waiting for some piece of perfection, you're not understanding that your best work will emerge when you keep writing. It won't come by waiting, and it won't come by forcing brilliance or insight. To quote Tom Clancy: "Just write the damn story."
2. Don't expect too much of yourself. Just write. See what comes out. You can always edit and revise. The books I have out there now came when I didn't push myself to do anything in particular. I just had a good story idea, developed deeply human characters, and dropped them into the story to watch what would happen. And guess what?..... it DID happen.
3. Focus on the story, not you writing it. If you can get yourself to a place of being a stenographer, capturing the story as it unfolds, you'll be in a good place.
4. Do NOT get discouraged. Ever. Keep on keeping on. Let the joy of writing carry you, and allow yourself to look upon it and call it good. (And by the way, this is the item I violate the most!)
5. Find readers who will encourage you, and at least one other writer to communicate with regularly. Daily is best... mine is my nephew. We text ideas back and forth, report on the writing of the day, and strategize marketing together. Between my best reader (my wife) and my nephew, I'm actually doing this. I'm not all that sure I would be without them.
6. Be grateful. Grateful for those from #5 above, and grateful that you can even put good sentences together, let alone write creatively. Be grateful for a life that allows you to reflect, observe, and capture in words.

That about covers it, from my view. If you think I might be helpful to you, drop me a message or email me at pwesleylundburg@gmail.com. I love talking about writing!
P. Wesley Lundburg Hi, Bill! Thanks for lobbing me a fun question! Here goes:

Question 1) No, my first book written is unpublished.... and will remain so! It was an actio…more
Hi, Bill! Thanks for lobbing me a fun question! Here goes:

Question 1) No, my first book written is unpublished.... and will remain so! It was an action-adventure book written some 20 years ago. I've been asked if I would revise it for publication, and the answer is no. I think it would take too much work to revise it, and I'd rather focus on the newer projects I have going (I have 3 more, specifically, that I'd love to do if I had more time). But, I did steal a character from that unpublished, dead novel of 20 years ago: Ned Simmons, the notorious poacher in Poacher's End (Mattituck Series, Book 2), was lifted from that previous novel.

Question 2) The Frank Mattituck Series was something I started right when I thought of it. I had started another book and have 3 chapters on that one written, but abandoned it to work on Skipper's Oath. So, the Mattituck case, no, there was no lapse in time from concept to drafting. With the Clayton Chronicles, yes. I had been wanting to work with a hard-boiled detective--a return to Sam Spade and Philip Marlowe--for years. The idea for Rick "Clay" Clayton came about 6 months before I actually started working on Book 1, and all the main characters (Clay, Lionel, Clifford, Mr. Burke and the Tweedles) were all formed before I came up with the story idea for Book 1. That's backwards from how I usually work, but it turned out really well, I think. [Sidenote: Book 2 will be appearing soon--as in 2 weeks or so--in serialized form with a new chapter weekly/bi-weekly on Channillo.com prior to being published as a book... watch for news on that!]

Question 3) Yes, as I mentioned above, I abandoned a novel to start Skipper's Oath. I don't know if I'll ever come back to that one, but I'd like to as it was a great story idea with interesting, deep characters. I also had a collection of stories that were unified in theme (personal self-discovery) that I've abandoned. Interestingly, my novella On Rocks and Clouds was originally much shorter and was in that collection.

Thanks for the great questions! It's fun to think about all this....!
Average rating: 4.43 · 269 ratings · 91 reviews · 7 distinct worksSimilar authors
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If you think about the most intriguing books—the ones that really stick in your memory—you’ll realize that they all had one shared element: Excellent sub-plotting. Having one singular plot in a story makes for a monolith in story-telling, and that can ring a death-toll. Most stories have minor sub-plots that get us interested in the layers embedded in a story. And all good stories have layers. The Read more of this blog post »
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Published on November 24, 2018 13:02 Tags: characters, narrative, series, story-telling
Skipper's Oath Poacher's End Hinchinbrook's Hunted
(3 books)
4.43 avg rating — 196 ratings

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The Desert Throwdown by P. Wesley Lundburg
Rick “Clay” Clayton explains it as all in a day’s work, but TThe Desert Throwdown, P. Wesley Lundburg’s second book in his Clayton Chronicles series, has some rip-roaring, dangerous action. Clay, a private detective who is working for the Doubleday D" Read more of this review »
The Desert Throwdown by P. Wesley Lundburg
"It’s been a long time since I dived into a thriller, but I wasn’t going to miss a new novel by one of my favorite thriller writers. Wes Lundburg is the author of the Rick (“don’t call me Rick”) Clayton Chronicles and the Frank Mattituck Series. Clay " Read more of this review »
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Punk Poetry by W.K. Lawrence
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Punk Poetry is a collection of the kind of poetry I like best. Lawrence writes verse steeped in imagery that makes me think of the imagist poetry of the early 20th century, where the image reigned and took control of whatever message or idea might be ...more
P. Lundburg made a comment in the group A Good ThrillerPromote Your Book Here topic
" [image]

Book 2 in what started as an experiment! Reviews of Book 1 indicated that the experiment was working, so I decided to continue the series..
...more "
" Hello, Drea:

I'm always looking for reviews for my books -- you can take your pick, but the below was just released. It's the 2nd in the series, but st
...more "
P. Lundburg made a comment on his status
P. Lundburg added a status update: Hello, Goodreads Friends!

JUST RELEASED.... and I'm looking for reviewers in exchange for a free copy. Goodreads readers have been among the most quality and thorough reviews I've received on previous books, so I'm hoping some of you will take me up on this! Message me if interested -- you can also email me at pwesleylundburg@gmail.com.


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Stephen R. Donaldson
“Are you a storyteller, Thomas Covenant?"
Absently he replied, "I was, once."
"And you gave it up? Ah, that is as sad a tale in three words as any you might have told me. But a life without a tale is like a sea without salt. How do you live?"
... Unconsciously, he clenched his fist over his ring. "I live."
"Another?" Foamfollower returned. "In two words, a story sadder than the first. Say no more -- with one word you will make me weep.”
Stephen R. Donaldson

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message 6: by Sarah

Sarah Molder Thanks for the friend request, Wes! I would love it if you would check my book out on Wattpad and give me feedback. I'm posting one chapter a week. Thanks again :)

message 5: by P.

P. Lundburg #AlwayschoseKind wrote: "Thanks so much for the friend request! <3 Happy reading! And Happy Writing!"

To you as well, ACK (Always Choose Kind.... a name I LOVE!!! Good on ya!)....

message 4: by P.

P. Lundburg Suzanne wrote: "Thanks for the request, Wes! Happy reading :) Happy writing :)"

Of course, Suzanne! And Happy Reading to you as well!

message 3: by Suz

Suz Thanks for the request, Wes! Happy reading :) Happy writing :)

message 2: by P.

P. Lundburg Donna wrote: "Mr. Lundburg,
Thanks for becoming my friend on Goodreads. I am looking forward to reading your books.

So kind of you, Donna! Thank YOU for being my friend as well. I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of the books. Blessings and good vibes to you as well!

message 1: by Donna

Donna Mr. Lundburg,
Thanks for becoming my friend on Goodreads. I am looking forward to reading your books.

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