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Jean's Reviews > The Desert Throwdown

The Desert Throwdown by P. Wesley Lundburg
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bookshelves: mystery, thriller, fiction, read-for-review

Rick “Clay” Clayton explains it as all in a day’s work, but TThe Desert Throwdown, P. Wesley Lundburg’s second book in his Clayton Chronicles series, has some rip-roaring, dangerous action. Clay, a private detective who is working for the Doubleday Detective Agency after a 17-year career with Pinkerton Agency, always has his eyes and ears open no matter where he goes, it seems.

When his good buddy Lionel Freeman invites him to his nephew and niece’s BMX bike races, Clay spots something suspicious and decides to follow up. One thing leads to another; each event circles back to the same source, Antonio Peña. These guys are not to be messed with, at least not by amateurs. Clay is no amateur, however. And he has help. His friend, Clifford, knows his way around a computer and can hack into just about any system anywhere. This proves exceedingly useful time after time. It’s also beneficial to have a friend in the police department, and Lt. Grady Hoffman fits the bill perfectly.

When Clay turns up at Lionel’s restaurant for eggs with peppers and chorizo, he learns that Lionel hasn’t shown up for work yet. This concerns him, so he goes searching for his pal then turns to Clifford. It leads to Antonio Peña – no surprise there. Thanks to Clifford’s information, Clay is well-prepared when he heads out into the desert to rescue his friend Lionel, who has stumbled into something over his head.

Here’s where Lundberg’s writing shines. He’s got his protagonist well prepared for the desert with sand-colored clothing, night goggles, and backup plans. And on the way back out – it’s like Batman on steroids! It’s not my everyday choice for reading, but for those who like action, this book has energy, as well as suspense, in spades.

Thanks to Wes Lundberg for reaching out to me and offering me a chance to read The Desert Throwdown in exchange for my honest review.

4 stars
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Reading Progress

February 24, 2023 – Started Reading
February 24, 2023 – Shelved
February 25, 2023 – Finished Reading
February 27, 2023 – Shelved as: mystery
February 27, 2023 – Shelved as: thriller
February 27, 2023 – Shelved as: fiction
February 27, 2023 – Shelved as: read-for-review

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message 1: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Carden Great review, I shall be looking for it at my library.

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