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Madencilik - Mining, 2022, 61(3), 143-147 www.mining.org.tr Original Research / Orijinal Araştırma Dredging technology of placer deposits in the far north Uzak kuzeydeki plaser tabakalarının tarama teknolojisi Ravil Zinnurovich Nafikov a,*, Victor Evgenievich Kislyakov a,**, Aleksandr Konstantinovich Kirsanov a,***, Ekaterina Vasilevna Shevnina a,****, Anastasiya Olegovna Ivanchuk a,*****, Pavel Viktorovich Katyshev a,******, Umardzhon Riezidinovich Teshaevb, ******* a Siberian Federal University, 95 Krasnoyarskiy Rabochiy Avenue, Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA b Tajik Technical University named after Academician M.S. Osimi, Dushanbe, TAJIKISTAN Geliş-Received: 18 Kasım - November 2021 * Kabul - Accepted: 18 Şubat - February 2022 A B S T R A C T The authors consider the problem of reducing the dredge performance when operating at subzero air temperatures. This problem is particularly relevant for deposits located in the Far North, where the dredging season is limited by climatic conditions. During the period of subzero air temperatures dredge performance decreases significantly due to the icing of dredge structure. In consequence, dredging operations are terminated until the occurrence of favorable conditions for work. In this regard, the authors propose a method for isolating the open-pit mine with a hangar made of contemporary construction materials. Cellular polycarbonate, which has several advantages, was chosen as the most promising material for insulating dredging works. The article offers the technical and technological solutions for the proposed method of extending the dredging season. The costs of a dredge hangar for dredges of different sizes and the annual cost of its movement are calculated. A method has been developed for determining the optimal maneuvering angle of the dredge and the width of the single face, whose values depend on the type of dredge and the gold content in the sand. The areas of dredge hangars are determined by the graphical-analytic method. The article presents an example of the air temperature dynamics in a dredge hangar during the year, as well as determines the duration of the mining season. Keywords: Placer deposit, Placer gold, Dredge, Mining season, Dredging hangar, Winter season, Far North, Productivity Introduction Currently, one of the most promising areas in the mining industry of most countries is the extraction of gold, whose significant reserves are contained in placer deposits. The occurrence conditions of such deposits make it possible to effectively apply relatively simple technologies. The dredging method has the highest technical and economic indicators in the development of placer mineral deposits, which has several advantages, such as high productivity, minimum cost, and the possibility of implementing in complex hydrogeological conditions (Zhuravlev, 2018; Yershov, 2010; Belov, 2011; Talgamer and Chemezov, 2012; Garnett, 2015; Zhang et al., 2019; Ryzhov, 2020; Kashirtseva, 2019; Rafkatovich and Mironova, 2018). A significant part of the world’s placer reserves is located in northern latitudes with severe climatic conditions. At that, the ambient air temperature is one of the main factors affecting the duration of the mining season during the dredge development of deposits. At subzero air temperatures water freezes in the section, as well as the rock freezes on the scoops and the dredge scooping frame, which leads to a decrease in daily productivity (Rafkatovich and Mironova, 2018; Kostromin, Yurgenson and Pozlutko, 2007; Nurok, 1970; Shorokhov, 1973). It is possible to increase the dredging productivity in the Far North conditions by using floating foams, ice-cutting machines, using the heat of deep waters of reservoirs, water circulation in the bottom water area, changing the chemical composition of water, and others. But Corresponding author: ravil.z.nafikov@yandex.ru • https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3969-5332 ve.kislyakov@mail.ru • https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3263-1256 Kirsanov.A.K@yandex.ru • https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0365-3379 **** Shevnina.E.V@yandex.ru • https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7374-9341 ***** IvanchukA.O@yandex.ru • https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4267-8568 ****** Katyshev.P.V@yandex.ru • https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2417-7658 ******* Teshaev.U.R@yandex.ru • https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9318-6147 * ** *** 143 R. Z. Nafikov, et al. / Scientific Mining Journal, 2022, 61(3), 143-147 practice shows that all of the above methods are not widely used due to high economic and energy costs, labor intensity, and environmental damage. The turns of the pile dredgers are carried out using side ropes that are passed through the shore rollers, which reduces their wear when moving on the placer surface, and also reduces the load on the winch engine. In turn, the rollers are attached to the shore through the drawbar. According to the proposed technology, shore rollers should be installed behind the hangar perimeter close to it, then the exposed areas in the hangar structure are minimized. It is necessary to fix the roller on two or three braces, which allows preventing its movement when turning the dredge. The most promising method of extending the dredging season is a proposed method of isolating the dredge section against the effects of subzero temperatures with a hangar made of contemporary construction materials (Shorokhov, 1973; Kislyakov and Nafikov, 2016; Kislyakov et al., 2017; 2018) (Figure 1). One of these materials is cellular polycarbonate having several advantages. At that, the frame of the hangar should be designed using metal structures to strengthen its structure. The excavating of rocks in the vertical plane can be done either layer-by-layer or working of the face from the bottom or the intermediate horizon by sub-working the ledge and then excavating the collapsed rock. In the latter case, the rock slide can affect the stability of the hangar, so it is necessary to use only a layer-by-layer excavation. At that, it provides the best conditions and performance of the dredge. The hangar surface should be sprayed with transparent hydrophobic compositions that have the cryophobic property, i.e. the ability to prevent ice and snow from freezing to them. The proposed technology provides that in the summer season, mining operations are carried out according to any development system. At the same time, the landfills intended for winter mining are opened. Next, the prepared area is protected from freezing. To date, there are many ways of such protecting, for example, laying thermal-insulating coverings, flooding of prepared sites, and others. The most economical type is autumn loosening of the soil. Also during this period, a sump tank should be prepared next to the site intended for winter mining. The sump serves as an additional source of water supply to the dredge section during the period of stable subzero ambient air temperatures. When calculating the sump volume, one should be guided by the necessary inflow of water into the dredge section, which is about 50-200 l/s for different dredge models. It is also recommended to take into account the thickness of the ice cover in winter. Figure 1. Schematic diagram of isolating the dredge section by the hangar during the field development throughout subzero temperatures By the time of the onset of late autumn, the dredge should be approached the prepared area. During this period, the installation of the hangar is carried out. For the rational use of working time, it is recommended to combine repair works on the dredge with the installation of the hangar. The average duration of major repairs on dredges is 30-60 days. To reduce it, it is recommended to carry out work in three shifts, which will allow completing the repair in 10 days. After the completion of the auxiliary work, the prepared area is worked out while mining and processing operations, as well as dump formation in the winter period are carried out inside the hangar. The hangar is mounted on a metal sled to allow it to be transported using mining equipment, such as a bulldozer. The lower part of the hangar on the side of the dredge stacker must be made in the form of folding rubber sheets. In the course of moving the canvas affected by the weight will lean on the dumps and move along them, excluding heat losses from the hangar. The height of the canvases attachment is determined based on the maximum height of the dumps under certain conditions and is adjusted during the entire period using the hangar. The front part of the hangar is also equipped with rubber sheets, whose height should be equal to the height of the sled. Thus, the safe operation of the hangar during its transportation is provided. When applying the proposed technology, it is recommended to plan the works so that one excavation site provides production throughout the winter, which will eliminate the reversals of the dredge and hangar. In this case, the scheme of operation is simplified, while the cost of dredging and preparatory work will be significantly reduced. Therefore, with the proposed technology, it is not advisable to use longitudinal and adjacent development systems. In cases where a turn of the dredge and the hangar is intended for working out the face in mutually opposite directions, it is recommended that the dump formation be carried out on the outer side of the section, which facilitates the installation of the hangar after the turn of the dredge. To allow workers to enter the hangar, as well as for the delivery of goods to the dredge, the hangar is equipped with a door, which is located in its front part at the location of the dredge ramp. All the necessary materials (especially large-sized and heavy enough) are brought to the dredge whenever appropriate before the installation of the hangar structure. After isolation, the passage of transport inside the hangar is excluded, while the delivery of materials should be carried out manually. At that, the distance to the dredge will be only 5-10 meters depending on particular conditions. One can use a crane mounted on the front mast of the dredge. The air temperature inside the hangar allows maintaining the section in a non-freezing state. If it is necessary to clean the section from ice and sludge, one can use winches installed on the dredge with a loading device in the form of a grid. One can also use a crane with a loop as an ice grab, located on the front mast. The ice can be removed with the dredge itself, namely, using scoops. The ice is removed through the barrel and stacker into the dumps. For small volumes of ice and sludge, one can use manual cleaning. 1. Research methods To determine the parameters of the hangar, it is necessary to determine the maneuvering angle and the width of the single dredge face. Consider the possibility of calculating these parameters using the following known formulas: 144 , degrees (1) ,m Annual cost of moving the hangar, thousand dollars R. Z. Nafikov, vd. / Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi, 2022, 61(3), 143-147 (2) Let’s consider how the dredge performance will change when using the proposed technology: , m3/h (3) 𝑄𝑄ч = )D⋅E⋅F GH (4) 3 ⋅ 𝐾𝐾J , m /h where Ku is the labor utilization rate. (3) where n is the speed of the scooping chain, scoops/min; K is the swell factor of rocks; K is the Using the formulas presented above, one can calculate the peraverage fill factor of scoops with rock. formance dredges ofdepends different sizes the traditional The fill factor of of scoops with rock more onstandard the angle of the dredgeat maneuvering. Thus, at an angle of 60 degrees, the fill development factor is 0.95, while at and an angle of 140 degrees, it decreases technology of field the proposed one. to 0.77. p s 6 5 4 3 2 60 70 120 plotting the graphs, equations of the form C=m∙T were While obtained, where C is the profit in million rubles obtained when using the proposed technology, m is the coefficient depending on the type of dredge, and the angle; T is the payback C =maneuvering 1,18∙T 40 While plotting graphs, equations of the form C=m∙T were obtained, where C is the profit in million period in the years. Dredge maneuvering rubles obtained when using the proposed technology, mangle, is thedeg. coefficient depending on the type of 20 dredge, and the maneuvering angle; T is the payback period in years. 0 2001 3 5 7 Investment payback period, years C = 1,48∙T Dredge maneuvering angle, deg. 60 100 180 160 1 Investment payback period, years Cost of the hangar, thousand dollars 250 200 150 100 50 140 Dredge maneuvering angle, deg. 50 80 150 250 5 7 Investment payback period, years 60 9 100 140 Knowing the profit and the coefficient m, the payback period of the investment was found for different dredge maneuvering an5 gles. Based on the obtained values, a curve is constructed whose equation most accurately describes the location of the values on the graph (Figure 5). The point corresponding to the shortest payback period is the most advantageous, and the corresponding dredge maneuvering angle is the most optimal. 300 Scoop capacity, l 3 Figurethe 4. profit Profit cost of am, hangar for aperiod 250-liter dredge atwas gold content in Knowing andand the coefficient the payback of the investment found for different dredge maneuvering angles. Based the sand equal to 0.1 g/m3 on the obtained values, a curve is constructed whose equation most accurately describes the location of the values on the graph (Figure 5). The point corresponding to the shortest payback period is the most advantageous, and the corresponding dredge maneuvering angle is the most optimal. 350 130 140 140 Dredge maneuvering angle, deg. 400 120 9 120 and the coefficient m, the payback period of the investment was found for different Knowing the profit dredge maneuvering angles. Based on the obtained values, a curve constructed whose equation 100 C =is1,38∙T most accurately describes the location of the values on the graph (Figure 5). The point corresponding 80 to the shortest payback period is the most advantageous, and the corresponding dredge maneuvering 60optimal. angle is the most C = 1,18∙T 40 Dredge maneuvering angle, deg. 20 5 0 polycarbonate, metal pipes, sleds, and installation of the structure. 110 380 2. Results When applying the proposed technology, it is also necessary to Knowing the annual performance, it is possible to determine the profit of the enterprise (part of the take into account the cost the hangar and thetheannual cost its results is shown graphically below). Theof calculations will require knowing gold content in theof sands and the cost of mining operations. movement (Figures 2, 3). The cost of the hangar includes the cost of When applying the proposed technology, it is also necessary to take into account the cost of the polycarbonate, metal pipes, sleds, and installation of the structure. hangar and the annual cost of its movement (Figures 2, 3). The cost of the hangar includes the cost of 100 250 Next, the difference in net profit at traditional and proposed technology is determined for different size 100 dredges, different maneuvering angles, and gold content in the sand. an example, Figure 4 shows C =As 1,38∙T the increase80in profit when operating a 250-liter dredge employing the proposed technology. Here horizontal lines show the cost of the hangar. The presented results are obtained at a gold content in 60 to 0.1 g/m3. the sand equal u 90 150 140 Figure 4 shows the increase inmaneuvering profit when operating a 250-liter Dredge angle, deg. 200 dredge employing the proposed technology. Here horizontal lines 180 Scoop capacity,The l 50 80 150 250 obtained 380 show the cost of the hangar. presented results are at C = 1,48∙T 160 3 . a gold content in the sand equal to 0.1 g/m 140 Using the formulas presented above, one can calculate the performance of dredges of different standard sizes at the traditional technology of field development and the proposed one. 80 80 130 9 3 70 50 120 rubles obtained 2 when using the proposed technology, m is the coefficient depending on the type of neuvering angles, and80Tgold content in the sand.120As an130example, dredge, and the is the 90 payback period 60maneuvering 70 angle; 100 in years. 110 140 Knowing the annual performance, it is possible to determine 𝑄𝑄KLMN of = 24the ⋅ 𝑄𝑄J ⋅results 𝐾𝐾P ⋅ 𝑇𝑇, m /year (4) the profit of the enterprise (part is shown graphically below). The calculations will require knowing the gold content in where K is the labor utilization rate. the sands and the cost of mining operations. 60 90 100 110 Dredge maneuvering angle, deg. Scoop capacity, l 10 The average annual dredge performance is determined by the equation: 0 80 Next, the difference in net profit at traditional and proposed technology is determined for different size 6 dredges, different maneuvering angles, and gold content in the sand. As an example, Figure 4 shows the2. increase Results 5 in profit when operating a 250-liter dredge employing the proposed technology. Here horizontal lines show the cost of the hangar. The presented results are obtained at a gold content in 3 4 tothe difference in net profit at traditional and proposed . the sandNext, equal 0.1 g/m 3 the graphs, technology is determined for different dredges, While plotting equations of the form C=m∙T weresize obtained, where C different is the profit inmamillion The fill factor of scoops with rock depends more on the angle of the dredge maneuvering. Thus, at an angle of 60 degrees, the fill factor is 0.95, while at an angle of 140 degrees, it decreases to 0.77. , m3/year 7 Figure 3. Annual costs for moving the hangar for different dredge maneu8 2. vering Results angles 7 where n is the speed of the scooping chain, scoops/min; Kp is the swell factor of rocks; Ks is the average fill factor of scoops with rock. The average annual dredge performance is determined by the equation: 8 Profit obtained when using the proposed Profit obtained when using the proposed technology, and the cost of the hangar, technology, and the cost of the hangar, thousand dollars thousand dollars However, when using the proposed technology, the above formulas do not consider the cost of the hangar, its change at different angles of maneuvering of the dredge, and the gold content in the sand. Therefore, the optimal width of a single dredge face will be carried out using the method presented below. 9 Annual cost of moving the hangar, thousand dollars where is the lateral movement speed of the dredge along the face, m/s; kc is the number of removed rock layers during the layer-by-layer mining of one face; R is the radius of dredge scooping, m; t1 is the time required for one step, h; t2 is the downtime of the dredge in the corners of the face when moving to the excavation of the underlying rock layer, h (Leshkov, 1985). 10 380 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Dredge maneuvering angle, deg. Figure 2. Cost of the hangar depending on the type of dredge and maneuvering angle Figure 2. Cost of the hangar depending on the type of dredge and maneuvering angle Figure 5. Dependence of the payback period for a 250-liter dredge on the maneuvering angle at a gold content in the sand of 0.1 g/m3 Thus, when using the proposed technology with a 250-liter dredge at a gold content of 0.1 g/m3, the optimal dredging angle is 67 degrees. The optimal dredging angles for other mining conditions are shown graphically in Figure 6. 145 Next, the optimal width of a single front bank is determined according to the known dependence (2). The calculated data, as well as the resulting equations, are presented in Figure 7. Investment payb years 8 7 6 R. Z. Nafikov, et al. / Scientific Mining Journal, 2022, 61(3), 143-147 5 Thus, 4when the with150a 250-liter 50 60using 70 80 proposed 90 100 110technology 120 130 140 dredge at a gold content of 0.1 g/m3,angle, the optimal dredging angle is Dredge maneuvering deg. 67 degrees. The optimal dredging angles for other mining conditions are shown graphically in Figure 6. 70 60 Hangar area, thousand m2 Sa = 0,28·β + 21 optimal width a single front bank is ofdetermined Thus, when Next, using thethe proposed technology with of a 250-liter dredge at a gold content 0.1 g/m3, the optimalaccording dredging angletois the 67 degrees. Thedependence optimal dredging (2). anglesThe for other mining conditions known calculated data,are as shown graphically in Figure 6. well as the resulting equations, are presented in Figure 7. Optimal dredge maneuvering angle, degree Next, the optimal width of a single front bank is determined according to the known dependence (2). The calculated data, as well as the resulting equations, are presented in Figure 7. 100 βопт = 107,2·с0,12 R² = 0,99 95 βопт = 96,1·с0,11 R² = 0,97 85 βопт = 73,4·с0,02 R² = 0,95 75 70 65 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 0,4 80 150 250 380 Вопт = 45,8·с0,09 R² = 0,96 50 40 Вопт = 61,7·с0,06 R² = 0,97 Вопт = 40,6·с0,09 R² =0,99 30 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 Gold content in the sand, g/m3 Scoop capacity, l 50 80 150 80 90 100 110 Dredge maneuvering angle, deg. 0,35 250 80 150 120 250 130 140 380 Hangar area for different types of dredgers at different maneu- 3. Discussion Below is considered the change in the annual performance of dredging when applying the proposed technology for dredge isoThe hangarAs must dismantled when a stable above-zero temperature when it lating. anbe example, a conditional fieldambient located in theoccurs, Far orNorth exceeds the air temperature inside the dredge hangar. In the current case, the date of the dismantling whose development is carried out using a 250-liter ofis theconsidered hangar is April 24. dredge. The insulating material for the hangar is 10 mm thick poly20 carbonate with a light transmission coefficient of 0.75. Air temperature, oC Optimal width of a single front-back, m 60 70 Figure 9 shows the calculated data of the annual air temperature dynamics in the dredge hangar. At that, it should be noted that the installation of the hangar is recommended in the fall when the ambient air temperature is below the water temperature in the dredge open cast. This allows using the heat released from the open cast water in the dredge hangar with maximum efficiency. Thus, in the area under consideration, the installation of the hangar must be carried out on September 15. Вопт = 62,6·с0,02 R² = 0,95 70 60 Below is considered vering angles the change in the annual performance of dredging when applying the proposed technology for dredge isolating. As an example, a conditional field located in the Far North is considered whose development is carried out using a 250-liter dredge. The insulating material for the hangar is 10 mm thick polycarbonate with a light transmission coefficient of 0.75. Вопт = 104,5·с0,01 R² = 0,95 80 Sa = 0,02·β + 4,37 Sa = 0,01·β + 4,35 10 Figure 9 shows the calculated data of the annual air tempera0 ture dynamics in the dredge hangar. At that, it should be noted that -10 the installation of the hangar is recommended in the fall when the ambient -20 air temperature is below the water temperature in the dredge open cast. This allows using the heat released from the -30 March May July September November open castJanuary water in the dredge hangar with maximum efficiency. Thus, in the area under consideration, installation In natural conditions Insidethe the dredging hangar of the hangar must be carried out on September 15. 110 90 Sa = 0,06·β + 4,17 3.Figure Discussion 8. Figure 6. Optimal maneuvering angles depending on the dredge type and the gold content in the sand 100 20 50 Gold content in the sand, g/m3 Scoop capacity, 50 Sa = 0,13·β + 5,95 30 0 βопт = 88,3·с0,08 R² = 0,97 βопт = 70·с0,02 R² = 0,95 0,1 40 10 90 80 50 The hangar must be dismantled when a stable above-zero ambient temperature occurs, or when it exceeds the air temperature inside the dredge hangar. In the current case, the date of the dismantling of the hangar is April 24. 0,4 380 When using the technology to isolate the dredge section from the effects of subzero temperatures, it is necessary to solve the following problem. On the one hand, it is necessary to ensure the safe maneuvering of the dredge in the on the other hand, to create a hangar with type the Figure 7. Optimal width of ahangar, singlewhile front back depending on the dredge minimum possible size to reduce the capital costs of its construction. and the gold content in the sand The hangar area can be determined based on the graph analytic method and using the known optimal width of a single front bank. According to the calculated values of the face width, one can build When technology to isolate thesoftware. dredge section from hangars for theusing dredging the of different models employing the AutoCAD At that, the safe gap on eacheffects side equalof to 0.5 m should be taken into account, assuming a one-step movement of the dredge the subzero temperatures, it is necessary to solve the folwithin the hangar, which is an economically feasible option. lowing problem. On the one hand, it is necessary to ensure the safe The results are shown Figuredredge 8. maneuvering ofinthe in the hangar, while on the other hand, to create a hangar with the minimum possible size to reduce the capital costs of its construction.. The hangar area can be determined based on the graph analytic method and using the known optimal width of a single front bank. According to the calculated values of the face width, one can build hangars for the dredging of different models employing the AutoCAD software. At that, the safe gap on each side equal to 0.5 m should be taken into account, assuming a one-step movement of the dredge within the hangar, which is an economically feasible option. The results are shown in Figure 8. Figure 9. Example of annual air temperature dynamics 146 Next, the change in the duration of the dredging season when using the proposed technology is estimated. In all cases, the dredging season is limited to the period when the daily performance of the dredge is greater than the minimum allowable performance. The conducted calculations have shown that when the proposed technology is applied at the considered conditional field, the duration of the dredge season increases by 130 days (Figure 10). Next, the change in the duration of the dredging season when using the proposed technology is estimated. In all cases, the dredging season is limited to the period when the daily performance of the dredge is greater than the minimum allowable performance. The conducted calculations have shown that when the proposed technology is applied at the considered conditional the duration of the Dergisi, 2022, 61(3), 143-147 R. Z. Nafikov, vd.field, / Bilimsel Madencilik dredge season increases by 130 days (Figure 10). References Belov, S. V. 2011. Technogenic gold deposits: state and development prospects. Gold Mining Industry. 4, 14-21. Garnett, R. H. 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