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In the early decades of the Soviet Union filmmakers sought to create a cinematic map of the new state by portraying its land and peoples on screen. These films – at the time referred to as kulturfilms – served as experimental grounds for... more
This article explores the issue of building international political structures in the High North area from the perspective of international regimes theory. The first section develops theoretical framework for analysis of regime in the... more
Introduction: Difficulty of access to and use of decent latrines is one of the major concerns of our century. This, as it affects more than one billion people, particularly in the developing world. Even more, it affects the health of... more
This article considers the way in which the development policy for the Extreme North during the post-Stalin era influenced criticism of living conditions in Arctic cities. With reference to periodicals published in Vorkuta, Norilsk, and... more
Игарка ― первый советский город за Полярным кругом ― строилась как город-эксперимент с 1929 г. Она возводилась как строительный эксперимент в условиях неизученных и непредсказуемых вечномерзлых грунтов, как социальный эксперимент в... more
Статья посвящена анализу институциональных изменений экономических исследований советского Севера в середине 1950-х гг., благодаря которым меняется концепция северных районов СССР. На примере деятельно- сти Комиссии по проблемам Севера... more
Industrialisation and social transformations changed the landscapes of the Soviet Arctic and stimulated discussions about the models of its domestication. Numerous industrial towns in the Soviet Far North in the 1930s were established... more The paper analyzes the roots of present-day condition of Igarka – the Far North port, built on the unpredictable permafrost. Formerly symbol of the... more
Introduction: Difficulty of access to and use of decent latrines is one of the major concerns of our century. This, as it affects more than one billion people, particularly in the developing world. Even more, it affects the health of... more
Introduction: Difficulty of access to and use of decent latrines is one of the major concerns of our century. This, as it affects more than one billion people, particularly in the developing world. Even more, it affects the health of... more