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Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64 (2003) 847–853 www.elsevier.com/locate/jpcs Diffuse phase transition in Sr5RTi3Nb7O30 (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm) M.R. Ranga Raju, R.N.P. Choudhary* Department of Physics and Meteorology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721 302, India Received 13 June 2002; accepted 13 September 2002 Abstract Polycrystalline samples of Sr5RTi3Nb7O30, (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm) compounds were prepared by a high-temperature solidstate reaction technique. The formation and structure of the compounds were checked by preliminary X-ray studies. Detailed dielectric and electrical properties of the compounds as a function of frequency (1– 100 kHz) and temperature (150– 650 K) were studied. The temperature dependence of dielectric constant suggests that the compounds undergo ferro – paraelectric phase transition of diffuse type. Measurements of conductivity as a function of temperature suggest that the compounds have negative temperature coefficient of conductivity above 373 K. q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: C. X-ray diffraction; D. Ferroelectricity 1. Introduction Since the discovery of ferroelectricity and related properties in BaTiO3 in 1945 [1], a large amount of research work on oxides, in search of new materials for industrial applications, has been done. High performance dielectric ceramics act as key materials for resonators and temperature compensated capacitors. Some ferroelectric oxides are also very important due to the rapid progress in microwave telecommunications, satellite broadcasting and other related devices [2 – 5]. Among many ferroelectric oxides, especially some oxides with tungsten bronze (TB) structural family of a general formula (A1)2(A2)4(C)4(B1)2(B2)8O30 are in the forefront both in the area of research as well as in industrial applications. A wide variety of cations substitution is possible in the TB-structure because of the presence of many interstices A, B, and C [6]. The distribution of metal cations in different interstices can improve physical properties, such as electro-optic, nonlinear, elasto-optic and pyroelectric properties [7]. It largely depends on the crystallite size, morphology of the specimen and the method of synthesis. Singh et al. [9] studied the structural properties of Ba2Na3RNb10O30 (R ¼ rare earth) series by using Naþ * Corresponding author. E-mail address: crnpfl@phy.iitkgp.ernet.in (R.N.P. Choudhary). metal cations in A sites. Panigrahi et al. [8] extended the systematic studies for the series Ba5RTi3Nb7O30 by varying R3þ cations and reported the phase transition of diffuse type over a wide temperature range, and relaxor properties. More recently, Li et al. [10] modified the dielectric properties of TB structured compound by cosubstituting Sr2þ cations at the Asites and Ti4þ at the B-sites. Chen and Yang [11] studied the BaO– Nd2O3 – TiO2 –Ta2O5 system and reported its dielectric properties. Chen et al. [12] also studied the TB structure compound of BaO – Sm2O3 – TiO2 – Ta2O5 system and reported the dielectric properties of the compound. Xu and Chen [13] studied the effect of Ca and Sr substitution on the dielectric properties in Ba3Sm3Ti5Ta5O30. Extensive literature survey on TB compounds reveals that, even though a lot of work has been done on the compounds of the family, not much has been reported on the titled compounds. Hence, we have extensively studied structural and some ferroelectric properties of Sr5RTi3Nb7O30 (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm) compounds. In this paper, we report preliminary structural and detailed dielectric/electrical properties of the compounds. 2. Experimental Polycrystalline samples of Sr5LaTi3Nb7O30, Sr5NdTi3Nb7O30 and Sr5SmTi3Nb7O30 were prepared by a high-temperature 0022-3697/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 2 2 - 3 6 9 7 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 4 1 7 - 1 848 M.R. Ranga Raju, R.N.P. Choudhary / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64 (2003) 847–853 Fig. 1. Comparison of X-ray diffraction profile for Sr5RTi3Nb7O30 (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm) recorded at room temperature. Table 1 Comparison of lattice parameters, a, b and c (nm), volume (nm3) and other related dielectric data in the compounds Sr5RTi3Nb7O30 (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm) Parameters Sr5LaTi3Nb7O30 Sr5NdTi3Nb7O30 Sr5SmTi3Nb7O30 a b c V Ea (eV) g Tc (K) 1RT 1max tan dRT tan dTc 1.4462(02) 0.8026(02) 1.1293(02) 1.3108 0.73 1.21 283 514 531 0.011 0.024 1.4463(02) 0.8026(02) 1.1291(02) 1.3107 1.15 1.27 459 320 331 0.015 0.002 1.4452(02) 0.8023(02) 1.1290(02) 1.3091 1.43 1.67 512 387 458 0.031 0.002 solid-state reaction technique using high purity starting raw materials: SrCO3 (99.9%, M/s B. D. H Chemicals), La2O3, Nd2O3 and Sm2O3 (99.9%, M/s Indian Rare-earth), TiO2 (99.9%, M/s Sd. fine Chemicals) and Nb2O5 (99.9%, M/s Loba Chemie. Co. India). The stoichiometric mixture of ingredients was thoroughly mixed and grounded in wet medium (methanol) for 1 h, and in dry condition for 1 h in an agate mortar and pestle. Calcination was done in an alumina crucible at 1150 8C for 15 h in air atmosphere. The calcined powders were mixed again and recalcined in the same condition. The process of calcination and mixing was repeated until the formation of the compound was confirmed by XRD. The fine and homogeneous powders of the compounds, Sr5RTi3Nb7O30 (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm) were mixed with polyvinyl alcohol (as binder) to reduce the brittleness and compacted into cylindrical pellets of 10 mm diameter and 1– 2 mm thickness by applying a pressure of 6 MPa in a hydraulic press. The pellets were sintered at 1200 8C for 15 h in air using alumina crucible. The organic binder was burnt out during the process of sintering. The sintered pellets were then polished by fine emery paper to make both faces flat and parallel. The pellets were then electroded with high purity silver paste for electrical characterizations. For preliminary structural analysis XRD spectra were taken on calcined powders over a wide range of Bragg angles (208 # 2u # 808) at room temperature using a Philips (PW 1710) X-ray diffractometer (Cu Ka radiation, l ¼ 0.15418 nm). The dielectric constant (1 ) and dielectric loss ðtan dÞ of the compounds Sr5RTi3Nb7O30 (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm) were obtained by measuring the capacitance and dissipation factor of the samples as a function of frequency (1 – 100 kHz) and at different temperatures (150– 650 K) using HIOKI 3532 Table 2 Comparison of dobs and dcal values with relative intensities ðI=I0 Þ of some reflections Sr5RTi3Nb7O3 (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm) Sr5LaTi3Nb7O30 dhkl Sr5NdTi3Nb7O30 I/I0 Obs Cal 0.3866 0.3406 0.3164 0.2983 0.2889 0.2743 0.2560 0.2113 0.1959 0.1935 0.1836 0.1814 0.1741 0.1723 0.1626 0.1589 0.1491 0.1386 0.1296 0.1239 0.3866 0.3406 0.3164 0.2980 0.2892 0.2745 0.2562 0.2113 0.1959 0.1935 0.1837 0.1813 0.1741 0.1722 0.1625 0.1589 0.1492 0.1386 0.1296 0.1239 19 39 63 70 29 100 21 14 20 24 14 14 20 16 17 27 07 08 08 07 hkl 120 013 411 222 500 023 131 431 514 531 720 721 533 802 144 051 920 445 162 247 dhkl Sr5SmTi3Nb7O30 I/I0 Obs Cal 0.3867 0.3408 0.3164 0.2983 0.2889 0.2743 0.2560 0.2113 0.1959 0.1935 0.1836 0.1811 0.1738 0.1720 0.1626 0.1586 0.1491 0.1386 0.1296 0.1239 0.3867 0.3408 0.3164 0.2980 0.2892 0.2743 0.2562 0.2113 0.1959 0.1935 0.1837 0.1811 0.1738 0.1719 0.1625 0.1589 0.1492 0.1385 0.1296 0.1239 18 39 66 62 30 100 21 15 29 13 15 16 14 20 26 08 04 07 07 05 hkl 120 013 411 222 500 023 131 431 514 531 720 703 515 243 144 051 920 445 162 247 dhkl Obs Cal 0.3868 0.3407 0.3164 0.2983 0.2889 0.2743 0.2560 0.2113 0.1959 0.1935 0.1836 0.1811 0.1738 0.1718 0.1626 0.1588 0.1491 0.1385 0.1296 0.1239 0.3865 0.3407 0.3163 0.2979 0.2891 0.2745 0.2561 0.2111 0.1958 0.1934 0.1836 0.1810 0.1737 0.1719 0.1627 0.1589 0.1492 0.1386 0.1296 0.1239 I/I0 hkl 19 38 61 60 33 100 22 15 24 13 15 18 16 18 27 08 08 08 08 10 120 013 411 222 500 023 131 431 514 531 720 703 515 243 144 051 920 445 162 247 M.R. Ranga Raju, R.N.P. Choudhary / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64 (2003) 847–853 LCR Hitester along with a laboratory-made sample-holder and heating arrangement. Chromel – alumel thermo-couple and AGRONIC-161 digital millivoltmeter were used to measure the temperature. The resistivity measurement was done using a programmable electrometer (Model Keithly617) at a constant applied field (4 V/cm) and a laboratorymade heating arrangement. 849 electronic component. Therefore at higher frequencies 1 becomes almost constant and frequency independent. The tan d increases with frequency, which is shown in Fig. 4. The values of 1 and tan d at different temperatures (175– 650 K) at 10 kHz are shown in Fig. 5, respectively. It is observed that La, Nd and Sm containing compounds 3. Results and discussion In Fig. 1 we have compared X-ray diffraction profiles of Sr5RTi3Nb7O30 (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm) recorded at room temperature. All the three diffractograms are almost same with small variations in the relative intensities and/or peak positions. The sharp and single reflection peaks of the X-ray diffraction profiles suggest the formation of new compound in a single-phase. All the observed peaks are indexed and the unit cell parameters were calculated in different crystal systems and cell configurations using a standard computer program package POWD MULT [14]. On the basis of the best agreement between dobs and dcal, a suitable unit cell of the compounds was selected in orthorhombic crystal system. The least-squares refined cell parameters of Sr5RTi3Nb7O30 (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm) are given in Table 1. The observed (dobs) and calculated (dcal) values of reflections along with relative intensities are given in Table 2. The crystallite/ particle size of the powder samples was calculated from the broadening of reflections using the Debye – Scherrer’s equation [15], Dhkl ¼ 0:89l=ðb1=2 cos uÞ; where b1/2 ¼ half peak width of the reflection. As the powder samples are used, the broadening due to strain, instrumental error, beam divergence and other effects are ignored. The average crystallite/particle size were found to be 28, 40 and 41 nm for La, Nd and Sm containing compounds, respectively. To study the surface morphology of the sintered pellets, the surfaces were made flat and parallel. On the flat and clean surfaces gold coating was done by a sputtering technique to improve the resolution of the image. The surface morphology was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM. JEOL JSM-5800). The average grain size was determined by the linear intercept method. The SEM micrographs show the uniform distribution of the grains on the entire surface. The grain size calculated of the compounds was found to be in the range of 3 – 3.5 mm. The SEM micrographs of the compounds are given in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the variation in the dielectric constant (1 ) and dielectric loss ðtan dÞ as a function of frequency (1 – 102 kHz) at room temperature. A decrease in 1 has been observed with increase in frequency. At low frequencies and temperature, all types of polarizations (viz. interfacial, dipolar, atomic and electronic polarizations) contribute to the this value of 1. At higher frequency (.105 Hz) the contributions from interfacial, dipolar and atomic polarization become zero, and hence we have only left with Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of Sr5RTi3Nb7O30, (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm). 850 M.R. Ranga Raju, R.N.P. Choudhary / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64 (2003) 847–853 Fig. 3. Frequency dependence of 1 of Sr5RTi3Nb7O30, (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm). Fig. 4. Frequency dependence of tan d of Sr5RTi3Nb7O30, (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm). M.R. Ranga Raju, R.N.P. Choudhary / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64 (2003) 847–853 Fig. 5. Variation of 1 and tan d of Sr5RTi3Nb7O30 (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm) with temperature. Fig. 6. Temperature dependence of s in Sr5RTi3Nb7O30, (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm). 851 852 M.R. Ranga Raju, R.N.P. Choudhary / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64 (2003) 847–853 Fig. 7. Variation of lnðð1=1Þ 2 ð1=1max ÞÞ with ln ðT 2 Tc Þ in Sr5RTi3Nb7O30, (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm). undergo the ferroelectric – paraelectric phase transition of diffuse type. The transition temperature (Tc) of La containing compound is below the room temperature (283 K), where as that of Nd and Sm containing compounds show the transition temperature well above the room temperature (i.e. 459 and 512 K). The broadening of the dielectric peak was due to disordering and defects present in the system. The difference in the values of dielectric peak of Nd and Sm containing compounds is smaller (D1 ¼ 31 and 102) compared to that of La containing compound (D1 ¼ 186). It was found that the Tc increases with increasing atomic number (Z ) of R3þ cations. The tan d value of all the compounds shows the same behavior. The tan d changes considerably at low temperature as well as at high temperature. But the change in tan d values is relatively smaller in the temperature range from 350– 550 K. The temperature variation of conductivity (ln s with inverse of temperature (1/T )) is shown in Fig. 6. It follows the usual Arrhenius relation s ¼ s0 expð2Ea =2kTÞ; where k Boltzmann constant, Ea activation energy, s0 the conductivity at absolute zero temperature. As temperature increases the value s increases, showing the semiconductor behavior of the compounds. From the slope of the curves the activation energy for all compounds was calculated. The value of activation energy was found to be 0.73, 1.15 and 1.43 eV for La, Nd and Sm containing compounds, respectively. It was interesting to observe that the Ea value also increases with increasing atomic number (Z ) of R3þ cations. The degree of disorderliness or diffusivity (g ) in Sr5RTi3Nb7O30 (R ¼ La, Nd and Sm) compounds was evaluated using an empirical relation lnðð1=1Þ 2 ð1=1max ÞÞ ¼ g lnðT 2 Tc Þ þ constant [16], where 1max is the maximum 1 value at T ¼ Tc : The value of g for all the compounds at 10 kHz is obtained from the slope of the curve lnðð1=1Þ 2 ð1=1max ÞÞ Vs lnðT 2 Tc Þ (Fig. 7). The value of g for R ¼ La, Nd and Sm was found to be 1.21, 1.27 and 1.67, respectively. The value of g ¼ 1 obeying Curie– Weiss law and 2 for completely disordered system. It indicates that the compounds exhibit some characteristics of diffuse phase transition. 4. Conclusions Finally, it is concluded that inspite of some similarities in the crystal parameters of the above compounds, there is a marked difference in their physical properties at room temperature. All the compounds have orthorhombic crystal structure even after changing R3þ cations and show diffuse phase transition. Also we found that the transition temperature increases with increasing atomic number (Z ). We also observed low activation energy and increase in the conductivity with rise in temperature, which indicates the semiconductor behavior of the compounds. M.R. Ranga Raju, R.N.P. Choudhary / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 64 (2003) 847–853 References [1] B. Wul, L.M. Goldman, C.R. Acad. Sci. URSS 46 (1945) 139. [2] J.K. Ploude, D.F. Linn, H.M. O’Bryan, J. Thomson, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 58 (1975) 418. [3] D. Kolar, S. Glaberscek, Z. Stadler, D. Suvorov, Ferroelectrics 27 (1980) 269. [4] X.M. Chen, Y. Suzuki, N. Sato, J. Mater. Sci: Mater. Electron 5 (1994) 244. 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