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PII: S0021-8502(98)00046-9 J. Aerosol Sci. Vol. 29, No. 10, pp. 1199—1211, 1998 ( 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 0021-8502/98 $19.00#0.00 DETERMINATION OF AEROSOL OPTICAL THICKNESS FROM MEASUREMENTS OF SPECTRAL SKY RADIANCE C. Sánchez Oliveros, F. J Olmo Reyes and L. Alados-Arboledas* CRYTIS, Departamento de Fı́sica Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, Fuentenueva s/n, 18071-Granada, Spain (First received 12 September 1997; and in final form 12 March 1998) Abstract—Simultaneous measurements of spectral optical thickness and path radiance are used to test the relationship between path radiance and aerosol optical thickness for a given geometry of illumination and observation. The selected geometry is representative of satellite remote sensing conditions. The measurements have been accomplished in an urban location with a slightly polluted atmosphere. Ground-based measurements were made with a device that combines sun-photometer and sky radiometer functions. The measurement sequence includes measurements of transmission of the direct sunlight in order to retrieve the aerosol optical thickness in nine spectral bands between 440 and 1030 nm, followed by measurements of the sky radiance in the solar almucantar on both sides of the sun in the same spectral bands. For this purpose we have used a set of radiances acquired around 60° solar zenith angle in the antisolar direction of the solar almucantar. The results obtained show that aerosol optical thickness estimates are possible from path radiance measurements. On the other hand, it seems feasible to derive the atmospheric correction in a given spectral band from information acquired at another wavelength. The aerosol optical thickness (radiance) in one spectral band allows appropriate estimates of aerosol optical thickness (radiance) in another spectral band. In this sense, we also obtain a relationship between the spectral dependencies of aerosol optical thickness and path radiance. ( 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights rserved 1 . I NT RO D UC T IO N Knowledge of the parameters that determine the optical properties of atmospheric aerosols is essential for the determination of their climatic effects, development of techniques for remote sensing of aerosols from space, or the necessary correction of atmospheric effects in satellite imagery. During the past decades, remote sensing of the earth from a satellite has grown to become a fundamental tool for climate and environmental studies. The use of images acquired from spatial sensors to characterise the earth’s surface requires a correction process of the atmospheric effects, especially the effect of aerosols. This is due to the difficulties associated with their radiative effect as well as by the absence of measurements of their concentrations and characteristics. In fact, due to the short life of tropospheric aerosols, their properties vary in space as well as in time. Their concentrations and their properties depend on the intensity of the sources, on the atmospheric processes that affect them, and on the particle transportation from one region to another. Thus, to determine their characteristics the measurements must be accomplished with a given frequency in places with different types of aerosols and for assorted meteorological conditions. Then the remote sensing of aerosols appears as an important tool considering both their global coverage and their frequency in time. In order to use the reflectance observed by a spaceborne sensor to characterise the earth’s surface properties, we must consider gaseous absorption and scattering by molecules and aerosols. Generally, the absorption by aerosols is small, and satellite sensor channels have been selected in order to avoid the molecular absorption bands. Therefore scattering is the most important effect. Figure 1 describes the radiance reaching the satellite sensor. It includes the photons coming from the sun, which do not reach the surface and are backscattered towards space, * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. 1199 1200 C. S. Oliveros et al. Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the satellite and ground based observation geometry. ¸ . This must be included in our radiative balance, although it is an interference term that 16 does not carry any information about the target. A second contribution is due to photons scattered by the atmosphere into the path from the surface to the satellite, ¸ . This D component must be carefully considered if the surface has a patchy structure. Finally, ¸ represents the radiance reflected by the target that is not absorbed or scattered on its way S to the sensor. This signal carries information about the target surface. In this way, the radiance that reaches the satellite sensor is obtained by the sum of these components: ¸"¸ #¸ #¸ . 16 4 D (1) This expression can be written as (Chandrasekhar, 1960) F o ¸"¸ # $ ¹ 16 6 n 1!so (2) ¸!¸ 16 , o" (F /n) ¹ !s(¸!¸ ) $ 6 16 (3) and, finally, where F is the incoming irradiance at the surface, o the reflectance and s represents the $ atmospheric albedo. Since the atmospheric albedo, s, is normally small, the atmospheric correction consists mainly in estimating the upward path radiance ¸ , the radiative flux 16 F and the upward atmospheric transmission ¹ . For surfaces of low reflectance the $ 6 difference ¸!¸ is quite small, therefore an exact determination of o depends mainly on 16 an exact determination of ¸ (Gordon, 1978). To carry out the atmospheric correction, 16 a radiative transfer code can be used. In this way, ¸ , F and ¹ can be estimated from 16 $ 6 aerosol optical thickness measured from the ground or directly deduced from satellite data (Tanré et al., 1988). A different approach uses a surface of low reflectance to obtain directly the path radiance in one or two channels that can be used to deduce the optical thickness, and consequently F and ¹ (Kaufman and Sendra, 1988). $ 6 The aerosol optical thickness can be obtained from satellite images in the visible and near infrared spectral bands (e.g. Kaufman, 1993; Soufflet et al., 1997). Kaufman and Sendra (1988) have developed a technique to deduce the aerosol optical thickness in different spectral bands using the radiances observed via satellite. The method which the authors applied to Landsat TM and NOAA AVHRR images, requires observations over surfaces of low reflectance. In this way, the radiance observed by the sensor on board the satellite corresponds substantially to the component dispersed by the molecules and atmospheric aerosols (path radiance). In their original proposal, the retrieval of the aerosol optical thickness was based on look-up tables generated through simulations of the atmospheric conditions by means of a radiative transfer code. In a recent work, Kaufman (1993) proposed the use of simple relationships to obtain the optical thickness from the radiance measured by the satellite over a low reflectance surface. These relationships have been Measurements of spectral sky radiance 1201 obtained through simultaneous observations of downward atmospheric radiance and optical thickness accomplished from the ground. For the proposal of these relationships, Kaufman (1993) has used measurements made in different localities with different loads and type of aerosols. He obtained good results in all cases excluding those cases in which there is atmospheric dust. One objective of this work is to measure the relationship between the path radiance ¸ , 16 which ‘‘contaminates’’ satellite observations of the Earth’s surface, and the aerosol optical thickness, q . When the observation from space is accomplished over a low reflectance A surface, the net effect due to the aerosols prevails over the other contributions. The path radiance is the result of backscattering of aerosol particles and molecules in the atmosphere towards space. The downward path radiance, ¸ , which can be measured from the ground, 1$ shows a relationship with the upward path radiance, ¸ , measured by the satellite sensor. 16 This correlation between both radiances is valid for a variety of aerosol optical thicknesses and a variety of surface’s reflectances. Kaufman (1993) has studied this relationship with the help of a radiative transfer code. For the case of surfaces of low reflectance, in which the difference between ¸ and ¸ is small and their correlation thus strong, Kaufman 16 1$ proposes the following relationship, assuming equivalent geometric conditions in both radiances (Fig. 1): ¸ !0.01 ¸ + 1$ , o)0.4. 16 1.7#o (4) In this paper, we use simultaneous measurements from the ground of spectral optical thickness and path radiance in order to test the relationship between path radiance and aerosol optical thickness for a given geometry of illumination and observation. The selected geometry is representative of satellite remote sensing conditions (Kaufman, 1993). We check the feasibility to carry out the atmospheric correction in a spectral band from the information acquired in other specific wavelengths. For this purpose, the aerosol optical thickness as well as the radiance in one spectral band are used to estimate both quantities in other spectral bands. We approach this task by analysing the relationship between aerosol optical thickness (path radiance) values measured in different spectral bands. Additionally, we analyse the relationship between the spectral dependencies of aerosol optical thickness and path radiance. 2 . ME ASU RE ME N TS The purpose of the experimental campaigns carried out at the University of Granada (Spain) is to obtain a set of measurements of aerosol optical thickness and sky radiance. These last measurements have been made in the solar almucantar and have been restricted to solar zenith angles around 60°. In this way, we could measure the scattering phase function for scattering angles up to 120°. All the measurements have been carried out from the roof of the Physics Faculty building of Granada University (36.18° N, 3.6° W, 688 m), in the urban centre of Granada city characterised by a slightly polluted atmosphere. The measurements cover a full year from February 1996 to May 1997. The abnormally high frequency of cloudy and rainy conditions during 1996 winter has restricted the number of observations during this season. The measurements have been accomplished with a portable LICOR spectroradiometer LI1800. This device is equipped with an adjustable telescope that can measure both the sky radiance and the solar direct irradiance in selected spectral bands. The field of view of the telescope can be regulated to choose values of 0.8, 1.6, 3, 4, 8, 15°. For the present work, we have used a 3° field of view for the direct irradiance measurements and a 0.8° field of view for the sky radiance measurements. We have used the measurements made from 440 to 870 nm in 10 nm steps with a spectral half-bandwidth of 6 nm. All of them were taken under cloudless conditions. Each experimental sequence includes measurements of the solar direct irradiance to obtain the aerosol optical thickness in a set of relevant spectral bands. In order 1202 C. S. Oliveros et al. to avoid exceeding the response range of the device a neutral filter is used. These experimental values are completed with measurements of spectral sky radiance in the solar almucantar at both sides of the sun. In this way, the symmetry in the almucantar with respect to the sun’s position is used as a test for the homogeneity of the sky’s conditions during the measurement process. For the present work we have exclusively used measurements of optical thickness and sky radiance in the antisolar direction, i.e. measured in the solar almucantar with an azimuth at 180° from the sun’s position. The choice of this observation geometry and the limitation to solar zenith angles of about 60° implies scattering angles about 120 that are representative of a great number of satellite observations (Fig. 1). Concerning the wavelengths analysed we have focused on the effective wavelengths for the visible and near infrared channels of the AVHRR radiometer on board the satellites NOAA-12 and NOAA-14, i.e. 630 and 840 nm. These wavelengths have been completed with those centred at 440, 520, 560, 620, 670, 780 and 870 nm. The aerosol optical thickness was derived from the total optical thickness by subtracting the Rayleigh optical thickness and O and NO absorption optical thicknesses. For this 3 2 purpose we follow a procedure similar to that described by Schmid and Wehrli (1995). By selecting constant solar and view direction we assure rather constant molecular scattering and absorption effects. Periodic calibrations of the experimental device were performed by two different methods for each analysed wavelength: (1) for the solar direct irradiance measurements used for the estimation of the optical thickness; (2) for the sky radiance measurements. For the first calibration, we have obtained the spectro-radiometer calibration constant from a Langley plot technique following the procedures described by Schmid and Wehrli (1995). High mountain measurements have been used for this purpose (Sierra Nevada Range, 37.1°N, 3.38°W, 2690 m. a.m.s.l.). Then the measured aerosol optical thickness with an error $0.01 to $0.02 was computed using the appropriate calibration constant and subtracting the contributions due to Rayleigh, O and NO . The O column contents were 3 2 3 taken from measurements performed in El Arenosillo (37°6@N, 6°44@W, Dobson spectrophotometer n.120). The NO column contents were obtained from the mid-latitude model 2 atmospheres in LOWTRAN7 code (Kneizys et al., 1988). Generally, in the Langley method the optical air mass for the different radiatively active atmospheric components is approximated by the Rayleigh optical air mass. We have proved that the use of a specific expression for the optical air mass of each constituent reduces the standard deviation in the computation of the calibration constant. Thus for the optical air mass of O we use an 3 expression that has been obtained under the assumption that O is concentrated in 3 a narrow layer located at an altitude about 22 km (Iqbal, 1983). On the other hand, the use of the O optical air mass to approximate that of NO does not introduce a significant error 3 2 due to the small contribution of this constituent in the atmosphere. Some authors (e.g. Schmid and Wehrli, 1995) propose a hybrid expression for the optical air mass of the aerosol. Nevertheless, in our case the best results are obtained using the same expression that has been used for the Rayleigh optical air mass (Kasten and Young, 1989). The second calibration was carried out in the laboratory with a 200 W standard lamp of known response. An absolute accuracy of the path radiance measurements better than $5% is expected. The wavelength accuracy is $2 nm and the wavelength repeatability is $0.5 nm. 3 . AN AL YSIS AN D R ES UL TS Table 1 shows a summary of the accomplished measurements. The data are grouped according to different intervals of aerosol optical thickness. We have not corrected the path radiance for the effects of molecular scattering and the absorption of gases. For this reason, the data have been interpolated to solar elevation angles of 30°. Second and third columns include the average optical thickness and the normalised radiance for 630 nm. Another averaged parameter included in Table 1, is aq which represents the spectral dependency of Measurements of spectral sky radiance 1203 Table 1. Average results for groups of the aerosol optical thickness Range of q (630 nm) A q (630 nm) A ¸ (630 nm) 1$ 0.06—0.11 0.11—0.13 0.13—0.25 0.095 0.120 0.155 0.0329 0.0351 0.0375 a q !1.20 !1.19 !1.13 a !a q! q" !0.15 !0.08 !0.28 a L !2.57 !2.43 !2.12 the aerosol optical thickness q . This well-known Angström exponent was calculated as the A least-squares fit slope of the logarithm of the aerosol optical thickness as a function of the logarithm of the wavelength. This computation was made including all the analysed wavelengths. In addition we have included the difference a !a , where a is the slope q! q" q! calculated using the wavelength interval 440—630 nm, while a has been computed for the q" wavelength interval 630—870 nm. Finally, a represents the radiance spectral dependency. L a has been obtained as the slope of the radiance logarithm versus the wavelength L logarithm. Inspection of Table 1 evidences the existence of a relationship between the averaged optical thickness q and path radiance ¸ for each group. An increase in q leads to an A 1$ A increase in atmospheric scattering and thus in ¸ . Kaufman (1993) presents similar results 1$ for a wide range of places, covering four continents. We can see that for our experimental data set the parameter aq increases slightly as the aerosol optical thickness increases. This means that as the aerosol optical thickness increases there is a slight increase of the contribution of larger particles. Non zero values of the difference aq !aq imply the existence of a curvature in the spectral dependence of the ! " optical thickness reflecting a deviation from a power-law size distribution. In our case this difference presents negative values, i.e. the slope decreases with the wavelength. In this sense, the effect of two separate particle modes is evident (Kaufman and Fraser, 1983). On the other hand it can be seen that as the aerosol optical thickness increases, the path radiance spectral exponent, a , increases, thus indicating a lower spectral dependence. Therefore, this L reveals a positive correlation between the spectral dependencies aq and a . L 3.1. Relationships between optical thickness and path radiance The relationship between upward path radiance and aerosol optical thickness is of great interest for two main reasons. The first is related to the capability to compute the atmospheric correction for radiances acquired by spaceborne devices from available aerosol optical thickness data. The second reason is connected with the retrieval of aerosol optical thickness from satellite images that has been acquired over surfaces of low reflectance. Both topics are related representing a very important task in climatological and environmental applications of satellite remote sensing. Our measurements could be used to study these relationships considering the correlation between upward and downward path radiances (equation (4)). Obviously, considering the geometry selected for both illumination and observation, the results are limited to a satellite geometry shown in Fig. 1, which in any case could be considered as representative of a great number of satellite observations. In this section, we test the correlation between the path radiance and the aerosol optical thickness for different wavelengths. The results for several of the analysed wavelengths will allow a direct comparison with previous results obtained by Kaufman (1993). Kaufman (1993) has shown that the best fits between path radiance and aerosol optical thickness are obtained using parabolic functions. Due to our narrower range of aerosol optical thickness, we have found that the best fit for our data set is better represented by linear functions. An increase in the correlation between path radiance and optical thickness can be observed for higher wavelengths (Kaufman, 1993). This is the result of the prevailing effect of the aerosols on the molecules in the scattering process for higher wavelengths. 1204 C. S. Oliveros et al. The empirical relationships obtained for the range of q analysed are: A ¸ "0.0618#0.034 * q , 1$520 A520 r2"0.26, (5a) ¸ "0.0280#0.082 * q , 1$620 A620 r2"0.60, (5b) ¸ "0.0242#0.093 * q , 1$630 A630 r2"0.65, (5c) ¸ "0.0219#0.111 * q , 1$670 A670 r2"0.65, (5d) ¸ "0.0133#0.146 * q , 1$780 A780 r2"0.75, (5e) ¸ "0.0088#0.125 * q , 1$840 A840 r2"0.84, (5f ) ¸ "0.0075#0.150 * q , 1$870 A870 r2"0.82. (5g) In these expressions the radiance is expressed in terms of apparent reflectance, obtained by normalising to the available solar flux at the top of the atmosphere in the associated wavelength interval (n¸ /Fo). The extraterrestrial solar spectrum used has been that of $ Fröhlich and London (1986) interpolated at 1 nm intervals. The use of these relationships provides estimates of the normalised radiance with a maximum root mean square deviation, RMSD about 0.002, that is 8% over the average value. For practical applications in remote sensing atmospheric correction, this expression will be used in conjunction with equation (4). Considering the interest in the retrieval of the aerosol optical thickness, from satellite radiances measured over surfaces of low reflectance, we have obtained the following functions, applicable to the channels 1 and 2 of the AVHRR sensor (NOAA-12 and 14): q "!0.126#7.0 * ¸ , A630 1$630 r2"0.65, (6a) q "!0.044#6.7 * ¸ , A840 1$840 r2"0.84. (6b) These expressions yield estimates of the aerosol spectral optical thickness from path radiance measured in the same wavelength with a maximum root mean square deviation of 0.02, that represents 14.5% over the average value. Figures 2a and b show the relationship between path radiance and aerosol optical thickness for the wavelengths 630 and 870 nm. These figures display the experimental data and the fitting function obtained. For 870 nm we include the model developed by Kaufman (dotted curve). Table 2 includes statistical results concerning the validation of the expression obtained by Kaufman for the closer wavelengths to those used in our study. For this purpose, we use the root mean square deviation (RSMD) and the mean bias deviation (MBD). These statistics allow the detection of both the differences between experimental data and model estimates and the existence of systematic over or under-estimation tendencies, respectively. Our results show the convenience of the functions developed by Kaufman for the wavelengths coincident with our experimental measurements. The MBDs are negligible and the RMSDs are below 11%. Kaufman (1993) claimed that his expressions provide a relationship between path radiance and aerosol optical thickness that includes the effect of different types of aerosols. Our study confirms their validity for the urban aerosol that characterises the location of our experiments. Figure 3 shows the relationship developed to obtain the aerosol optical thickness from path radiance for 630 nm wavelength. 3.2. Spectral relationships As indicated previously, an appropriate procedure for atmospheric correction is the use of the path radiance (aerosol optical thickness) obtained at a particular wavelength to estimate the path radiance (aerosol optical thickness) corresponding to other wavelengths. For these reasons, we have tested both the relationships between aerosol optical thicknesses at different wavelengths and those of path radiances for different wavelengths. In order to Measurements of spectral sky radiance 1205 Fig. 2. Relationship between aerosol optical thickness and atmospheric path radiance. ( a) Path radiance as a function of aerosol optical thickness for 630 nm. (b) Path radiance as a function of aerosol optical thickness for 870 nm, where we have added comparison with Kaufman function for 872 nm (dotted curve). Table 2. Validation of Kaufman expressions validation ¸ "¸ (q ) 1$520 1$520 520 ¸ "¸ (q ) 1$670 1$670 670 ¸ "¸ (q ) 1$780 1$780 780 ¸ "¸ (q ) 1$870 1$870 870 MBD RMSD 0.0076 0.0029 0.0015 0.0016 0.0087 0.0036 0.0026 0.0024 (11%) (9%) (9%) (11%) extend the aerosol optical thickness information to other wavelengths we have also tested the use of the exponent aq . Thus, we have analysed the relationship between this wavelength exponent for the aerosol optical thickness and a , which expresses the spectral dependence L for the path radiance. On the other hand, considering the apparent correlation between aq and the aerosol optical thickness, evidenced in Table 1, we have modelled this dependence. 1206 C. S. Oliveros et al. Fig. 3. Aerosol optical thickness versus path radiance for 630 nm. Using data acquired for the solar zenith angle ranging from 75 to 50°, we have analysed the correlation between aerosol optical thickness for different wavelengths. The following relationships are obtained for the aerosol optical thickness corresponding to 440, 630, and 840 nm: q "!0.010#1.60 * q , A440 A630 q r2"0.89, (7a) q "0.029#1.70 * q , A440 A840 r2"0.71, (7b) q "0.046#1.81 * q , A440 A870 r2"0.72, (7c) "!0.004#0.79 * q . A840 A630 r2"0.89. (7d) Obviously, the applicability of these expressions is limited to the urban type of aerosol analysed in this study. By using these relationships we can obtain the aerosol optical thickness in a wavelength from the aerosol optical thickness measured in another wavelength without previous knowledge of the aerosol size distribution. These estimates have a maximum RMSD about 0.03 and a MBD close to 0.02 that represents an overestimation close to 15%. This is an interesting result for the atmospheric correction of satellite data. In this process, the aerosol optical thickness in a wavelength is calculated from aerosol optical thickness measured in another wavelength (Kaufman and Sendra, 1988), thus allowing the atmospheric correction in different spectral bands. In Figs 4a and b we have plotted equations (7c) and (7d). For the wavelength of 440 nm we have also included the function proposed by Kaufman (1993) (dotted curve) for the closest wavelength (441 nm). As can be seen in Fig. 4a, there are some differences between our model and that proposed by Kaufman (1993). The MBD and RMSD associated with the use of the expression proposed by Kaufman for 440 nm with our experimental data are about 0.04. Thus, the use of this equation could imply an overestimation by about 20%. The atmospheric corrections of satellite imagery can be carried out using directly measured radiances from space over dark surfaces, for example the oceans (Gordon, 1978), Measurements of spectral sky radiance 1207 Fig. 4. (a) Aerosol optical thickness at 440 nm versus aerosol optical thickness at 870 nm. Comparison with Kaufman function at 441 nm (dotted curve). (b) Aerosol optical thickness at 840 nm versus aerosol optical thickness at 630 nm. or the dense vegetation zones (Kaufman and Sendra, 1988). The atmospheric correction in different spectral bands requires an estimate of this path radiance in the corresponding wavelength. In this way, it could be of interest to estimate the path radiance in a wavelength from path radiance measured in other spectral interval. In our case, we have tested the correlation between the measured path radiances at the effective wavelengths of AVHRR visible and near-infrared channels. The best fit corresponds to parabolic functions: , ¸ "0.010!0.1 * ¸ #10.5 * ¸2 1$630 1$840 1$630 r2"0.90, (8a) , ¸ "0.006#0.11 * ¸ #8.5 * ¸2 1$670 1$870 1$670 r2"0.91. (8b) 1208 C. S. Oliveros et al. A similar correlation is obtained for a wider spectral range: , ¸ "0.038!1.12 * ¸ #15.1 * ¸2 1$560 1$870 1$560 r2"0.81. (8c) Equations (8a)—(8c) are plotted in Fig. 5, including the comparison with the functions proposed by Kaufman (dotted curves in Figs 5b and c). The use of equations (8a)—(8c) provides estimates of path radiances with low values of RMSD. The maximum RMSD corresponds to the widest spectral interval (equation (8)). For this case, we obtain a RMSD close to 0.003, which represents about 13% over the average path radiance. Furthermore, the equations (8a)—(8c) are obtained with determination coefficients, r2, about 25% better than that obtained when we analysed the relationship between path radiance and aerosol optical thickness (equations (5a)—(5g)). Thus, for the atmospheric correction of remote sensing imagery, it could be better to obtain the path radiance in a wavelength from that measured in another spectral interval than to deduce it from the aerosol optical thickness measured in the same wavelength. This result is in accordance with Kaufman’s (1993) previous results. Using the relationship proposed by this author for radiances at 870 and 560 nm we obtain an overestimation below 20%. Figure 5b shows the results for the radiances at 870 and 670 nm, in this case the use of Kaufman expression implies an underestimation by about 10%. We have analysed the spectral dependence of the path radiance a . This coefficient has L been computed as the slope of the path radiance logarithm versus the wavelength logarithm. In all cases, the fits computed to obtain this coefficient have determination coefficients, r2, about 0.9. This could be considered as an evidence of the goodness of a power-law spectral dependence for the path radiance. As evidenced in Table 1 the spectral exponent for the path radiance a presents a tendency with aerosol optical thickness similar to that found L for the Angström exponent aq . Thus, we have analysed the correlation between these spectral coefficients aq and a . The best results are obtained with the following parabolic L expression: aq!a "!3.6!3.1 * a !0.45 * a2 , L L L r2"0.74. (9) This expression provides a method to predict the spectral dependence of aerosol optical thickness, aq , from the spectral dependence of path radiance, a , with an error less than L 14%. Thus, from measurements of path radiance in different spectral bands we can obtain information on the aerosol size distribution, considering its relationship with the Angström exponent, aq. Figure 6 shows that the differences between both spectral dependencies, aq and a , decreases for lower spectral dependencies in both variables. That is, for stronger L contributions of larger particles there is a better accord between both spectral dependencies, while for larger contributions of smaller particles the difference between the spectral exponents, aq!a , tends to a value about 1.75. L 4 . CO N CLU SI ON S We have analysed a set of simultaneous measurements of sky radiance and optical thickness affected by aerosols of urban type. These data were obtained with a portable spectro-radiometer in the range 440—1030 nm with constant illumination and observation geometry, resulting in a fixed scattering angle of about 120° typical for a great number of observations carried out from space. We have used these experimental data for testing different steps in the atmospheric correction of remote sensing imagery. We have checked the feasibility to compute the optical thickness from the path radiance. We have also tested the reliability of using the path radiance or the aerosol optical thickness that has been obtained in a particular wavelength to estimate the values corresponding to other wavelengths. Our results show that for an urban aerosol typical for the location of our experiments, the radiance measured over low reflectance surfaces can be used to obtain the aerosol optical thickness using an empirical model with an error of about 0.03. Measurements of spectral sky radiance Fig. 5. (a) Path radiance at 840 nm versus path radiance at 630 nm. (b) Path radiance at 870 nm versus path radiance at 670 nm. (c) Path radiance at 870 nm versus path radiance at 560 nm. 1209 1210 C. S. Oliveros et al. Fig. 6. Relationship between the spectral dependency of the aerosol optical thickness, a , and the q spectral dependency of the path radiance, a . L The results indicate a high correlation between the aerosol optical thickness measured in different wavelengths. Consequently, it is possible to extrapolate the aerosol optical thickness to other wavelengths without previous knowledge of the aerosol size distribution. We have shown that the path radiance presents a spectral dependence of the power-law type. The corresponding spectral exponent has an acceptable degree of correlation with the Angström wavelength exponent, describing the spectral dependence of the aerosol optical thickness. This fact could be used to obtain information about the aerosol size distribution from spectral radiance observations. The atmospheric correction requires extrapolation of path radiance from one wavelength to another. We have shown that for urban aerosols this could be done by empirical functions. It is also shown that it would be better to obtain path radiances at one wavelength from path radiances at another spectral interval, rather than deduce them from the corresponding aerosol optical thickness measured at the same wavelength. All these results are conditioned on the type of aerosol present in our measurements; thus, a wider field campaign is now planned. In any case, our results confirm previous developments obtained by Kaufman (1993) using a data set collected from different places around the world affected by different types of aerosols. Acknowledgements—This work was supported by La Dirección General de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a from the Education and Research Spanish Ministry through the project No. CLI95-1840 and the Grant IN94-0563. We appreciate the comments and suggestions of Yoram J. Kaufman and two anonymous referees. REF ER E NCE S Chandrasekhar, S. (1960) Radiative ¹ransfer. Dover, Mineola, New York. Fröhlich, C. and London, J. 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