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The logic of signalling theory is emphasised in Gambetta’s Codes of the Underworld (2009) and Hamill’s The Hoods (2010), which empirically study violent acts as examples of signalling theory in action. In the contexts of jails and of the... more
This research will focus on the Galilean ministries of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. This paper uses sociological analysis, particularly on the value of altruism. The objectives of this research are (1) to write a paper in the light of... more
In the 1980-1990-ies in the life of Russia there have been cardinal changes in state ideology, the political structure of society, the economy, the consciousness and psychology of people. This period proved to be very fruitful in terms of... more
Migration in 1970s India and Survival of The Main Character As Reflected in Life of Pi by Yann Martel Anggun Tri Pramesti HendraDarmawan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia ABSTRACT This thesis entitled “Migration in 1970s... more
Sociological Analysis Formative Assignment selected as example essay for the class in Week 6 of Michaelmas Term 2020. Diffusion is a powerful tool in the explanation of collective protest; theories on the flow of social practices show... more
Amid the covid-19 epidemic, figures indicating no increase in suicide rates (John et al., 2020), might result puzzling; as a consequence of self-isolation measures, widespread predictions have been made on the number of individuals... more
The classical literature assumes that individuals form preferences and vote for political parties and proposals that are most likely to bring about individual economic gain. However, individuals may hold views that appear to be against... more
For about a hundred and fifty years, it has been continuously expressed that art has been facing a deadly crisis and this crisis roots itself from the reality that there exists no concrete answer to the question of ‘what is art’. However... more
This study investigates the impact of tole problems on the vocational commitment of Protestant min-isters, using a s mple of 667 in the Chicago area. h tests the explanatory power of two approaches-Blizzard's analysis of tole... more
Sociological Analysis Formative Assignment selected as example essay for the class in Week 3 of Michaelmas Term 2020. The classical literature assumes that individuals form preferences and vote for political parties that are most likely... more
Social historians do some of the best sociology of religion today, and Breen is among them. His essays in this volume invite the reader to consider: how did 17th-c Chesapeake & New England colonies differ; why; and what was their... more
... contain an assessment of the justice of Troeltsch's fate at the hands of Barth, Bultmann and ... Faced with this set of 8 Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche (1893/4), III and iv (hereafter ZThK ... one particular case of the... more
For about a hundred and fifty years, it has been continuously expressed that art has been facing a deadly crisis and this crisis roots itself from the reality that there exists no concrete answer to the question of 'what is art'. However... more
The pastoral circle, or spiral, is a four-step process that opens up dynamics for faith and action. The process--insertion, social analysis, theological reflection, and pastoral planning--can be applied to the life and actions of small... more
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... Ritual criticism: Case studies in its practice, essays on its theory. Post a Comment. CONTRIBUTORS: Author: Grimes, Ronald L. (b. 1943, d. ----. PUBLISHER: University of South Carolina Press (Columbia, SC). SERIES TITLE: YEAR: 1990.... more