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Résumé L’intensification d’un conflit entre responsabilités personnelles ou familiales et activités professionnelles a été mise en évidence dans un certain nombre de travaux mais certains articles ont aussi questionné ce manque de temps.... more
PurposeThis research uses an optimisation model, based on the Six Sigma methodology, which assists marine container terminal operators to minimize trucks' congestions, as a defect in the global containerisation and smoothing the gate... more
Determining accurate assembly cycle times in the car industry is an integral part of efficient production, human and facility planning. Three types of methods are available for determining cycle time for manual processes, including:... more
Blood vessel growth in adult organisms involves the following two fundamental processes: angiogenesis, the proliferation and extension of capillary networks; and arteriogenesis, the growth of functional arteries. We provide a protocol for... more
Annualised hours—the irregular distribution of working hours over a year—allow companies to adapt capacity to demand, thus reducing overtime, the number of temporary workers and inventory costs. To avoid a significant deterioration in... more
Résumé Ce texte critique confronte les théories de l’avènement de la société du temps libre et celle de la Troisième Voie, autour des inférences entre les mutations récentes du travail et les usages sociaux du temps libre dans les... more
The effective management of work and non-work demands can have a significant effect on workers’ health and performance. The last decade especially has seen an explosion of work-life balance research, resulting in substantial theoretical... more
The image of a world in which people are freed from compulsory toil and drudgery has long captured the imaginations of philosophers, visionaries, and ordinary men and women. From medieval folk fantasies to techno- socialist utopias,... more
For the majority of undergraduate dance students, success is the realization of a career in performance; however, given that this will be the outcome for so few graduates, should this ideal be redefned? This paper draws on fndings from a... more
Observations of teams have been made during 3 years of ongoing experiences in several local middle school settings. These observations have occurred in the course of teaching middle school classes as a participant-observer, conducting a... more
Overall job satisfaction is likely to reflect the combination of partial satisfactions related to various features of one's job, such as pay, security, the work itself, working conditions, working hours, and the like. The level of... more
Gender remains strongly associated with women’s and men’s patterns of unpaid work. The amount of time invested in unpaid work as opposed to paid work, the distribution of unpaid work time among specific tasks, and the patterns of care and... more
Freelancers work for companies, but also apart from them - at home, on site, or in shared workspaces. This chapter examines how clients and freelancers manage and organise the employment relationship at a distance. Utilising interview... more
The study, entitled “Decent work in Portugal 2008-18: From crisis to recovery” finds that Portugal's labour market recovery relied on a mix of economic and social policies that helped improve the business environment, public sector... more