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El año 2018 es un momento clave para el movimiento feminista a nivel mundial. En Chile, las estudiantes feministas se transforman en una marea violeta que se toma calles e instituciones luchando por una educación no sexista y terminar con... more
Between the Pillars of Welfare, Cultural Work, Politicization, and Feminism: The Zionist “Circle of Jewish Women” in Lviv, 1908–1939 The Circle of Jewish Women (“Koło Kobiet Żydowskich”), founded in Lemberg/Lviv in 1908 and active until... more
In recent years, the Chilean feminist movement has played an important role in challenging major aspects of national political and economic governance. The question of democracy, approached from a feminist... more
Amid an enduring political deadlock in Parliament, the first civil marriage contracted in Lebanon in 2013 received significant media coverage in a country where the personal status law of eighteen recognized religious sects governs... more
Ao situarmos historicamente a mulher no cenário político, homenageamos Angela Merkel, Chancelar alemã, que por 18 anos liderou 80 milhões de alemães, com habilidade, dedicação, sinceridade e honestidade. Angela Merkel foi denominada "A... more