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OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free map of the world which can be edited by global volunteers. Existing studies have showed that completeness of OSM road data in some developing countries (e.g. China) is much lower, resulting in concern in... more
Volunteered geographic information (VGI) has been heralded as a promising new data source for urban planning and policymaking. However, there are also concerns surrounding uneven levels of participation and spatial coverage, despite the... more
As the world is digitizing fast, the increase in Big and Small Data offers opportunities to enrich official statistics for reporting on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). However, survey data coming from an increased number of... more
Society and economy are only two of the dimensions of vulnerability. This paper aims to elucidate the state of the art of data sources, spatial variables, indicators, methods , indexes and tools for the spatial assessment of socioeconomic... more
Digital social data are now practically ubiquitous, with increasingly large and interconnected databases leading researchers, politicians, and the private sector to focus on how such ‘big data’ can allow potentially unprecedented insights... more
This article explores starting points for spatial citizenship education and discusses fields of competence needed for active spatial citizenship. The use of geoinformation systems at the secondary-school level has been considered mainly... more
Within ecological research and environmental management, there is currently a focus on demonstrating the links between human well-being and wildlife conservation. Within this framework, there is a clear interest in better understanding... more
This paper is an Editorial for the Special Issue titled “OpenStreetMap as a multidisciplinary nexus: perspectives, practices and procedures”. The Special Issue is largely based on the talks presented in the 2019 and 2020 editions of the... more
Дисертаційну роботу присвячено проблемі забезпечення умов соціально-педагогічної діяльності студентських волонтерських груп. У ній здійснено ретроспективний аналіз волонтерського руху в зарубіжній та вітчизняній соціально-педагогічній... more
The research project “Critical Infrastructures Resilience as a Minimum Supply Concept” (CIRmin) examines which requirements and possibilities exist on municipal level to overcome and to be prepared for large-scale and long-lasting outages... more
"Cette thèse se veut une première approche du rôle des technologies de cartographie en ligne à l’ère du Web social (géoweb) dans le domaine de la planification urbaine participative. Son ambition est de proposer, par la prise en compte... more
Geotagged photos on social media like Flickr explicitly indicate the trajectories of tourists. They can be employed to reveal the tourists’ preference on landmarks and routings of tourism. Most of existing works on routing searches are... more
Analysing Active Mobility through Participatory Urbanism deals with the practical application of emerging trends in participatory urbanism, as applied to the understanding of the urban environment issues of active mobility in Malta.... more
This thesis presents an analysis of the nature of volunteered geographical information (VGI) and on its applicability for use in a spatial data infrastructure (SDI) to supplement official and commercial sources, particularly given the... more
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are computer-based tools used to collect, store, manipulate and display spatially-referenced information. They are used to support decision-making in a wide variety of contexts, including spatial... more
Mapping, and more generally geopositioning, has become ubiquitous on the Internet. This democratization of geomatics through the GeoWeb results in the emergence of a new form of mapping based on Web 2.0 technologies. Described as... more
In Italia la continua espansione ed evoluzione della rete distributiva commerciale combinata alla crisi dei consumi, hanno determinato una forte competizione territoriale tra punti vendita generando fenomeni di saturazione del mercato che... more
Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2016. © 2016 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any... more
In the past few years, crowdsourced geographic information (also called volunteered geographic information) has emerged as a promising information source for improving urban resilience by managing risks and coping with the consequences of... more
Big data is increasingly seen as a way of providing a more 'scientific' approach to the understanding and management of cities. But most geographic analyses of geotagged social media data have failed to mobilize a sufficiently complex... more
Information has always had geography. It is from somewhere; about somewhere; it evolves and is transformed somewhere; it is mediated by networks, infrastructures, and technologies: all of which exist in physical, material places. These... more
Recent disasters, such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake, have drawn attention to the potential role of citizens as active information producers. By using location-aware devices such as smartphones to collect geographic information in the form... more
Models of public governance are changing profoundly due to global and digital transformations and various context-specific societal pressures. One direction of development is the increased utilisation of ICTs (Information and... more
Personal GeoServices are emerging as an interaction paradigm linking users to information rich environments like a university campus or to Big Data sources like the Internet of Things by delivering spatially intelligent web-services.... more
This thesis addresses crowdsourcing applied to urban planning. The Brazilian legislative framework points to the inclusion of the citizen in the process of decision and territorial management thus social media opens opportunities for... more
This book features contributions stemming from the activities of the ENERGIC (European Network Exploring Research into Geospatial Information Crowdsourcing: software and methodologies for harnessing geographic information from the crowd)... more
State of the Map featured a full day of academic talks. Building upon the motto of SotM 2019 in "Bridging the Map" the Academic Track session was aimed to provide the bridge to join together the experience, understanding, ideas, concepts... more
This chapter will introduce the concept of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) within practices of mapping and cartography. Our aim is to provide an accessible overview of the area, which has grown rapidly in the past decade, but... more
This paper presents results from the application of a methodological framework developed as part of an ongoing research project focused on understanding inequalities in the healthcare access of slum residents of cities in four countries:... more
In the last decade, volunteers have been contributing massively to what we know nowadays as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). Through the research that has been conducted recently, it has become clear that this huge amount of... more
The terms user-generated content, volunteered geographical information, crowdsourcing, citizen science and neogeography are elucidated. The purpose is to expose the range of meanings associated with these terms, and to promote consensus... more
As emerging sources of so-called 'big data' are increasingly utilized in order to understand social and spatial processes, so too have these new data sources become the subject of harsh criticism from more critically-oriented geographers... more
Disaster risk information is spatial in nature and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) play an important key role by the services they provide to society. In this context, to risk management and governance, in... more
This article addresses the emergent phenomenon of carto-vandalism, the intentional defacement of collaborative cartographic digital artefacts in the context of volunteered geographic information. Through a qualitative analysis of reported... more
A Spatial Data Infrastructure contributes remarkably to the development of the country, but because it is something relatively new in Brazil we have to consider a range of issues for this to be effective. One aspect that needs to be... more
The usage of OpenStreetMap (OSM), one of the resources offered by Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), has rapidly increased since it was first established in 2004. In line with this increased usage, a number of studies have been... more
The theory and practice of participatory mapping (PM) has expanded significantly over the last two decades with proliferation of a wide range of methods and applications. The potential for synthesis and integration across four broad... more
(Un)intentional geographies. – The article deals with the innovative topic of user generated geographic information, that is, information created more or less intentionally by Web users, a revolutionary source of information generally... more