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Since 1980s, when globalization has accelerated significantly, financial cri-ses have occurred much more frequently. As a result of financial deepening across markets and as markets become more dependent on each other, regional or... more
Türkiye ekonomisinde iller düzeyinde büyümenin sektörel belirleyicileri, bu çalışmada statik ve dinamik panel veri analizi vasıtasıyla 2004-2015 yılları arasında araştırılmaktadır. Elde edilen sonuçlar büyümenin önemli düzeyde hizmetler... more
The major goal of this research paper is to investigate the relationship among Turkish Economic growth, airway transportation and FDI. Several research results consistent with this papers finding and it has been founded that the economic... more
Turkish Lira lost almost 45 per cent of its value against the U.S. Dollar in 2018. The losses accelerated notably in recent months and particularly in the second week of August, which included the two days in which Lira lost the most... more
Economists have investigated the relationship between output and export in order to explain economic growth for long years. Numerous studies have found very close correspondence between the growth of output and export. It is commonly... more
Bu çalışmada, Borsa İstanbul 100 Endeksi (BIST) ile Dolar/TL Kuru (USD) ve Avro/TL Kuru (EUR) arasındaki dinamik ilişkinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada öncelikle Türkiye Ekonomisinin finansal yapısının dinamikleri tarihsel... more
Sergi küratörü Zafer Toprak'la yapılan söyleşi: Pera Müzesi, yeni sergiyle, ahşap deniz hamamlarından plajlara uzanan dönüşümün ve dolayısıyla özgürleşmenin izlerini fotoğraflar, yağlı boya resimler, efemera, kitaplar ve mecmualar... more
Türkiye’de işlenmemiş tarımsal ürünlerin perakende fiyatları Kasım 2018 itibariyle genel olarak zaten yüksek seyretmekte olan enflasyonun çok ötesinde bir artış sürecine girdi. Yaş sebze ve meyvede dört ay zarfında yüzde 50’yi aşan... more
Bu çalışmada tezinde Türkiye’deki ekonomik grup içerisindeki sermeyenin, ve sermeye bölümü içerindeki menkul kıymetler ve borsacılık alanının geçmişten günümüze kadar gelişimin olumlu ve olumsuz gelişmelerini verilerle incelenip... more
Turkish economic growth depends on capital inflows and access to cheap credit sources. Once the global financial conditions tightened in 2018, Turkey was among the emerging markets that suffered the most. This article analyses the making... more
Kadınların çoğu çocuk düşürmeyi basit, tehlikesiz bir işlem zannediyorlardı. Fakat aldanıyorlardı. Çocuk düşürmek daima tehlike arz ediyordu. Çoğu defa kadının hayatına mal oluyordu. "Çocuk düşürme baca temizlemeye benzemez"di. Artık... more
Memoirs now have a special place in publishing circles in Turkey. In a country where the tradition of record-keeping has been relatively primitive and where literacy, for many years, has developed at a low rate, our people have lived from... more
New Republic of Turkey took over Ottoman Empire with a highly centralized political structure; this structure featured authoritarian management with an economic infrastructure based mainly on agriculture, where commerce and industry were... more
Energy is usually defined as "work ability" in the literature. Energy is in all materials and in everything, in every movement and action. We even need an average of energy for all our vital functions. Therefore, Energy has become an... more
Turkey entered a new phase of recession-cum-real economy crisis starting in the last quarter of 2018. In contrast to the previous crisis episodes of 1994, 2001 or 2009, when the economy had abruptly shrunk with a spectacular collapse of... more
eğişim sürecini anlamak için sermaye birikimine özgü genel dinamiklerin ülkenin kendi tarihsel ve toplumsal dinamikleri dolayında nasıl biçimlendiğinin belirlenmesi gerekiyor. Gerçekleşen değişimler bir yandan sermaye... more
Özgür Orhangazi, neoliberal dönemde Türkiye ekonomisinin geçirdiği dönüşümü yakından inceliyor; yapısal sorunlarına, kırılganlıklarına, kriz dinamiklerine ışık tutuyor. Elbette sıfırdan başlamıyor. Arka planda dünya ekonomisinin Keynesçi... more
In this study, we try to explore the effects of globalization and international integration on developing countries’ external debt in 1980-2010 time period. As known, the developing world consists of countries which desire to reach to the... more
Arguably the most significant transformation of the Turkish economy in the post-WWII era was brought forth by the adoption of the January 24 Decisions. Not simply cultivating neoliberal economy in Turkey, these political economic... more
Despite having the largest share of national income in today's modern economy, the services sector remains in the shadow of industry. Therefore, service sector must be analysed in a more detailed way. The aim of this article is to analyse... more
(EN) This study aims to analyze cooperative option for solving current problems in Turkeys' tea production, by discussing traditional cooperatives, new cooperatives, private companies, and state-owned enterprise comparatively. Another aim... more
This chapter provides a comprehensive analysis of import-substituting industrialization (ISI) experience of Turkey between 1960 and 1980 from a critical political economy perspective. It examines the Turkish case in the context of the... more
Compared to many of its counterparts, which started their privatization adventure at similar levels of economic development, Turkey’s experience with privatization was extraordinarily protracted. Only by the turn of the millennium did the... more
İSMAYIL BEY GASPIRALININ “DİLDE, FİKİRDE VE İŞTE BİRLİK” FELSEFESİ VE TÜRK DÜNYASI Ismail Bay Gaspiraly's "Unity in language, in the opinion and in the work "philosophy and Turkish world Doç.dr. Faik ELEKBEROV Anahtar kelimeler: İsmayl... more
Türkiye ekonomisi 2018 ortalarında bir döviz krizi ile karşı karşıya kalmış, ekonomi yavaşlamaya, enflasyon hızla artmaya ve borç ödemelerinde yaşanan sorunlar yoğunlaşmaya başlamıştır. Bu makalede, yaşanan bu gelişmelerin, 2000'li... more
Economy is a social science that explains how people form an interaction with each other. The countries link each other’s with the help of economic relations and they aspire to keep themselves away from the conflicts. Therefore, trade is... more
İlhan Tekeli – Selim İlkin ikilisinin bu koşullarda sınır tanımayan bir üretkenliğe ulaşmalarının kuşkusuz bir lojistiği, bir alt yapısı olsa gerek. İlhan Tekeli ve Selim İlkin bilgi üretiminin evrensel normlarını Türkiye koşullarına... more
The Public Procurement Law was put in force in 2003 with an objective to improve competition, transparency and integrity. Although it had some limitations compared with the EU directives, its enactment was a positive step in a country... more
II. Dünya Savaşı’nı takiben klasik maliye anlayışının terk edilmiş olması ve devlete yeni sorumluluklar yüklenilmesi ile beraber kamu harcamalarında artışlar gözlenmiştir. Kamu harcamalarının GSYH içerisindeki payları ülkelerin... more
Turkey's inclusion in the Belt and Road Initiative in 2015 has raised the expectations of Turkish businesses and government concerning growth-generating investment from China. Existing studies on Chinese investments in Turkey lack... more
Necmettin Erbakan is one of the politicians marked the recent political history of Turkey. He served as minister, deputy prime minister and prime minister in the different cabinets. Although his economic opinions has back round... more
This study’s ambition is to investigate the effects of Foreign Direct Investment for Turkey at the individual sector level. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first endeavor to investigate the sector-specific effect of FDI on GDP... more
A noteworthy characteristic of the contemporary global economy is the uneven distribution of world foreign direct investment (FDI). While in the first global economy before 1929 most FDI was located in developing countries, currently... more