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The existence of a knapped stone industry using several volcanic and metamorphic rocks during the Late Neolithic south of the Upper Rhine plain (first half of the 4th millennium), in particular in Basse Alsace (Michelsberg and Munzingen... more
This article describes an excavation of a quarry area and associated workshop, located at Oturehua in Central Otago, for the production of prepared-core prismatic blades made from silcrete using a hard hammer-stone. Of the 290 m 2 area... more
Lithic Studies: Anatolia and Beyond aims to show networks of cultural interactions by focusing on the latest lithic studies from Turkey, Greece, and the Balkans, bringing to the forefront the connectedness and techno-cultural continuity... more
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία χωρίζεται σε δύο αλληλένδετα μέρη: Το πρώτο μέρος είναι μια βιβλιογραφική προσέγγιση και αφορά επιφανειακές έρευνες που έχουν διεξαχθεί διαχρονικά στην περιοχή της Ηπείρου και σχετίζονται με την Παλαιολιθική... more
At the present stage, research in archaeology is inextricably linked with the testing and verification of various methods. One of these methods in archaeology include experiment. At the same time, in the process of research work there is... more
Data do século XVIII a talvez mais antiga descrição de um artefacto neolítico de pedra lascada encontrado em território português. Trata-se de uma lâmina de sílex recolhida numa anta dos arredores de Ruivós (Sabugal), cuja descrição... more
The Late Pleistocene sites from Ushki Lake (Kamchatka) are among the most important sites for the understanding of the early archaeology of Beringia. This article presents a descriptive technological analysis of the stone-tool productions... more
2018 yılı “Denizli İli Prehistorik Dönem Yüzey Araştırması” proje çalışmamız, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü’nün izni ve Türk Tarih Kurumu’nun maddi destekleri ile 31.08.2018- 11.09.2018 tarihleri... more
Between 2005 and 2007 in the wide plato of the Olad Hill in almost 5 acres two bigger Neolithic settlements were excavated from the LPC and the Lengyel Culture. The examination of the excavated chipped stones and their chaine operatoire... more
The article investigates and reconstructs the strategies of primary splitting in the industry of the Upper Paleolithic layer 1 at the Kara-Bom site in the territory of the Altai Mountains Altai (UP1, radiocarbon age within 30-34 thousand... more
The aim of this thesis is the study and analysis of a part of the lithic assemblage from the site of Dispilio, a lake settlement located in northwestern Greece. The lithic artifacts that analyzed come from the “building b” in the western... more
Auf Einladung des Landkreises Landshut fand die 23. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mesolithikum vom 21.–23.3.2014 im Landratsamt Landshut statt. An der Tagung nahmen mehr als 60 Wissenschaftler, Studierende und an der... more
Auf Einladung des Landkreises Landshut fand die 23. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mesolithikum vom 21.–23.3.2014 im Landratsamt Landshut statt. An der Tagung nahmen mehr als 60 Wissenschaftler, Studierende und an der... more
The phylogeny of pressure flaked points. Central Swedish stone technology from a cultural evolutionary perspective During the late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age of eastern central Sweden pressure flaked projectile points were produced... more
Stránská skála represents an important geological and archaeological site. It is also known for its rich deposits of Jurassic cherts that were utilized in various ways during different stages of Moravian prehistory. The substantial Early... more
Altamura F., 2020. L’archeologia sperimentale di Alberto Carlo Blanc: appunti inediti di un pioniere della Preistoria italiana, in Archeologie sperimentali, 1, pp. 28-35. ISSN 2724-2501 Riassunto: Due documenti inediti dell’archivio... more
(...) Vértes László 1965-ös régészeti kézikönyvében azt vetette fel, hogy a „Herman Ottó-barlang moustéri származéknak tűnő korai felső paleolit leletei problémáját csak egy hasonló leletanyagot szolgáltató, korszerű módszerrel feltárt... more
L’existence d’une industrie lithique taillee sur diverses roches volcaniques ou metamorphiques dans le Neolithique recent du sud de la plaine du Rhin superieur (premiere moitie du IVe millenaire), notamment en Basse Alsace (cultures de... more
In 2019 a collection amassed by the now deceased amateur archaeologist and collector Milan Daněk (1958–2019) from Dolní Němčí was passed on to the Museum of Moravian Slovakia in Uherské Hradiště. This collector focused his archaeological... more
En este trabajo retomamos los datos provenientes del análisis de los conjuntos artefactuales líticos del sitio agroalfarero Soria 2 (Gaál y Carbonelli 2009a), perteneciente cronológicamente al Período Temprano, y de los sitios Rincón... more
In Asia, the Initial Upper Paleolithic refers to blade-based lithic assemblages that display a specific suite of features and date back to the beginning of the MIS3. Previously we reported strong similarities between examples from the... more
Na dvije lokacije nedaleko od Tešnja, Grič-gradina i Grič-potkapina, pored materijala iz finalnih faza kasnog bronzanog doba otkriveni su i nalazi artefakata od okresanog kamena. Prikupljeno je ukupno 166 komada. Kako nalazi potiču iz... more
Stránská skála is a limestone hill in the eastern part of Brno, Czech Republic. Local Upper Jurassic cherts, referred to as the Stránská skála type, were used as raw materials in various prehistoric periods, especially at the turn of the... more
Auf Einladung des Landkreises Landshut fand die 23. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mesolithikum vom 21.–23.3.2014 im Landratsamt Landshut statt. An der Tagung nahmen mehr als 60 Wissenschaftler, Studierende und an der... more
In this paper we analyze the polished and knapped stone artefacts discovered in the Noua Culture layer of Negrilești "Curtea Școlii" archaeological site in Galați County. The archaeological site is situated in Negrilești village, on the... more
The surroundings of the village Mistřice (district of Uherské Hradiště, south Moravia) is, represents, from the viewpoint of current knowledge, the only locality along the river Morava with the occurrence of flint daggers (cf. Šebela... more
Cambay is one of the very rare places in the world where the stone-knapping technique still responds to the principles of the conchoidal fracture. The technique practised is an indirect percussion by counter-blow and is used for making... more
R E S U M O O conjunto de utensilagem de pedra lascada do sítio arqueológico do Neolítico Antigo da Lajinha 8 foi alvo de um estudo petrográfico com vista à sua caracterização e compreensão das estratégias de aprovisionamento de matérias... more
The retouching and resharpening of lithic tools during their production and maintenance leads to the production of large numbers of small flakes and chips known as microdebitage. Standard analytical approaches to this material involves... more
Abstract: The recent investigations at the late Neolithic settlement at Vinča-Belo Brdo (1998–2007) in Serbia provided an opportunity for a detailed study of the special disposition of artefacts, and work operations from the latest phase... more
R E S U M O O conjunto de utensilagem de pedra lascada do sítio arqueológico do Neolítico Antigo da Lajinha 8 foi alvo de um estudo petrográfico com vista à sua caracterização e compreensão das estratégias de aprovisionamento de matérias... more
Auf Einladung des Landkreises Landshut fand die 23. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mesolithikum vom 21.–23.3.2014 im Landratsamt Landshut statt. An der Tagung nahmen mehr als 60 Wissenschaftler, Studierende und an der... more
Ha a hazai őskőkorkutatás kezdeteit és azon belül is annak legelső jelentős eseményét keressük, akkor azt a XIX. századi Miskolcon, az Avas északi lábánál találjuk meg. (...) A XX. században már legalább 24 különféle kutatási eseményt... more
Neslovicko administrativně náleží západní části Jihomoravského kraje, z geomorfologické-ho hlediska pak leží na pomezí brněnské kotliny a Vysočiny. Členitý reliéf, poměrně hustá síť vodních toků a blízké zdroje kvalitních surovin zřejmě... more
Auf Einladung des Landkreises Landshut fand die 23. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mesolithikum vom 21.–23.3.2014 im Landratsamt Landshut statt. An der Tagung nahmen mehr als 60 Wissenschaftler, Studierende und an der... more
The Tiwai Point site in Bluff Harbour, Murihiku (Southland) was occupied early in the first century of New Zealand settlement (∼1300 AD). The site was the largest production center of Bluff argillite adzes that supplied settlements up to... more
Resumo: Neste trabalho apresentam-se os resultados da análise tecnológica e classificação tipológica realizadas sobre a componente de pedra lascada dos Monumentos Funerários 1 e 2 do Complexo Arqueológico dos Perdigões, ambos datados do... more
Page 1. e-Terra ISSN 1645-0388 Volume 16 – nº 16 2010 Revista Electrónica de Ciências da Terra Geosciences On-line Journal GEOTIC – Sociedade Geológica de Portugal VIII Congresso Nacional de Geologia ...
Stranska skala je vapencový kopec ve východni casti Brna, Ceska republika. Mistni svrchnojurske rohovce, oznacovane jako typ Stranska skala, byly použivany jako suroviny v různých prav ěkých obdobich, zejmena na přelomu szředniho a... more
At this moment majority of specialist in archaeology of stone age have a common view, that a nature of variability of tool morphology could not be determine without understanding of lithic reduction processes. Up-to-date researchers use... more