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Том содержит публикацию свода памятников среднего палеолита Донбасса. Рассчитан на специалистов в области первобытной археологии и истории, студентов и преподавателей ВУЗов, краеведов. Утвержден к печати Ученым советом Института... more
The purpose of this article is to bring awareness to fluted points of the Gainey form (see Don Simons et al 1984) present in the Rummells & Maske collections from an Early Paleoindian locality in eastern Iowa (see Morrow and Morrow 2002).... more
In this article, chipped stone raw materials from the Garrett Allen site are discussed, with emphasis on the stone tools. As indicated by Eckles (2013), who discussed the history of investigations and chronology, this is one of several... more
Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene sites in Alaska have obvious ties with the Siberian Late Paleolithic based on the presence of pressure microblade production. The study of these sites and their corresponding lithic assemblages is... more
12 original articles concerning the Paleolithic development of woven-fiber technology and its use in early civilizations. This 300+ page eBook is illustrated with over 250 photographs and pictures. More than 100 years ago Gustave Chauvet... more
This paper attempts to add a few more localities among the Paleolithic sites of Delhi NCR. The depth of the site in variety and quality of tools makes it a textbook site for the students of prehistory and the commoner. One can have a... more
Like many other parts of the world, India had a stone age and there is not much known about the history of these early natives of India, except through the existence of cave painting and stone tools they left behind. The site surveyed... more
Abstract – The lithic assemblage from “Rieger Busch” was recovered in the 1980s by volunteers of the Hohenlimburg Museum as part of a rescue excavation. Among the finds and besides the lithic artefacts were pieces of charcoal which... more
From the Middle Upper Paleolithic of the Old World, and the New World Upper Paleolithic (Paleoindian) and Early Archaic, the number of non-utilitarian lithic caches is few in the vast lithic record of North America. This is a... more
Vorgelegt werden prähistorische Siedlungsmaterialien aus dem östlichen Waldviertel (Niederösterreich). Fundorte: Frauenhofen, Strögen, Großburgstall, Mühlfeld, und Poigen (alle Bezirk Horn). Zeit: Neolithikum, Kupferzeit, Eisenzeit.
Pressure flaking to produce microblades was first identified in Siberia by J. Flenniken (1987) and has been suggested for most of the Paleolithic microblade material from northeast Asia and North America. However, different modes for the... more
Donbas comprises two large geographical areas – elevated (Mohyla Mechetna – 368 m above sea level) Donetsk Ridge and the plain of the North-East Azov region. The outskirts of the Ridge contain numerous deposits of flint of the Cretaceous... more
The choice of Alpine jades Up to the present, superlatives have always been used to describe Neolithic axeheads made of jade: the toughest rock, the finest-grained, the most luminous green colour that catches the light of the sun, the... more
Zusammenfassung – Dieser Beitrag enthält eine kurze Auswertung der Felsgesteinartefakte der bandkeramischen Siedlung Aldenhoven 3 im Rheinland. Das Material hatte man seit 1959 bei Baumaßnahmen und während einer Grabung in den Jahren... more
This article introduces the results of the functional analysis of the scraping tools of the late Ushki culture (Central Kamchatka). A collection of stone artefacts includ­ing a series of end-scrapers and side­scrapers was received due to... more
The high-altitude site of Karmir Sar is located around 2850 m a.s.l. on the southern slopes of Mt. Aragats (Armenia). Numerous stone structures (including vishaps, cromlechs, stone enclosures) are found all over the 40 ha-sized meadow,... more
Местонахождение среднего палеолита Марьева Гора в бассейне р. Миус (Северо-Восточное Приазовье) расположено на южной окраине села Кульбаково Матвеево-Курганского района Ростовской области и приурочено к меловой возвышенности — источнику... more
Vorlage von neolithischen Plastikfragmenten und Felsgesteinsartefakten aus dem Horner Becken ( Waldviertel, Niederösterreich). Linearbandkeramische Gesichtsdarstellung von einem Gefäß und Rest eines Tiergefäßes sowie Vorlage eines... more
The Ustinovka Complex encompasses a number of sites located in the Ilistaya River Valley (western Primorye) and in the Zerkalnaya River Valley (eastern Primorye) that are grouped under one complex based on the presence of pressure... more
Neste artigo apresentamos os resultados das escavações e do estudo da coleção lítica do sítio de caçadores coletores RS-C-61: Adelar Pilger, pesquisado no âmbito do Projeto Arqueológico do Vale do Rio Caí (PACA), Rio Grande do Sul... more
Aus Stein geschlagene Artefakte stellen eine wichtige Quelle für die Erschließung der nach ihnen benannten "Steinzeit" dar. Sie spielten nicht nur in den Epochen des "geschlagenen Steins", dem Paläolithikum (Altsteinzeit) und dem... more
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of the Chalcolithic flint production in Donbas. Donbas region started as a biggest European center of mining and working of mineral resources in the Neolithic – Chalcolithic Age. There are... more
This book covers the unpublished stone artifacts from 1970s, taken from a trench from the excavation at Rug Bair, and today housed in the Museum and Institute for protection of Stip, Macedonia. Through the stone material, an attempt was... more
Flaked-tool technology can provide insights into social and cultural changes and interregional connections. This study of changing tool production covers the Upper Palaeolithic to the Late Neolithic in the Yakutia region of eastern... more
The most numerous category of artifacts in the collection of the Upper Paleolithic site Radomyshl’ I are those of primary reduction. However, the full cycle of both primary and secondary stage of lithic production, from raw materials to... more
Stone Tools in the Ancient Near East and Egypt: Ground stone tools, rock-cut installations and stone vessels from Prehistory to Late Antiquity' is about groundstone tools, stone vessels, and devices carved into rock throughout the... more
В неолитическую эпоху Донбасс окончательно формируется в качестве одного из крупных европейских центров по добыче и первичной переработке кремневого сырья. В основе формирования такого крупного экономического района с особой... more
From the Middle Upper Paleolithic of the Old World, and the New World Upper Paleolithic (Paleoindian) and Early Archaic, the number of non-utilitarian lithic caches is few in the vast lithic record of North America. This is a... more
This paper presents the results of the analysis of the lithics from the Palaeolithic layers of Mavri Spilia, excavated during the field season of 2013. For the most part, these lithic assemblages were associated with hearth formations,... more
This thesis examines the prehistoric organisation of stone artefact technology in a gibber plain area of the Roxby dunefield, arid South Australia. Gibber plains are stone covered desert landforms, and the study area gibber provided... more
Настоящий том полностью посвящен публикации материалов позднепалеолитической кремнеобрабатывающей мастерской Висла Балка, расположенной на правом берегу Северского Донца в Славянском районе Донецкой области. Раскопки памятника... more
Dieser Artikel fasst eine Dissertation zusammen, die 2019 verteidigt wurde. Grundlage dieser Doktorarbeit bilden die fast 6200 Fundstücke von lithischem Material aus der Fundstelle Alsónyék-Bátaszék, Ungarn. Diese werden mit einer... more
Projectile points are one of the most common items used as temporal markers in the American Southwest. This artifact type is characterized by a significant degree of variability over the last 13,000 years, which presumably reflects... more
The Neolithic period bore witness to the emergence of novel engagements between humans and the material world. In the Middle East, these interactions were important components of broader social and ritual developments which came about... more
Excavations and surface collections at Yombon (formerly Yambon) in February 1991 produced flaked chert and obsidian artefacts numbering around 3150. Several radiocarbon dates and new stratigraphic evidence spanning some 6000 years are... more
Scrapers are one of the important tool types of Paleolithic period. It survived from the Lower Paleolithic to Upper Paleolithic and also in Neolithic period. In Eastern India scraper is dominant tool type in the Paleolithic period.... more