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This paper will explore two examples from the design, structure and implementation of the ‘E-learning and Digital Cultures’ Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the University of Edinburgh in partnership with Coursera. This five week... more
In March 2020, populations were forced into home quarantine to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Universities moved the majority of their operations to homeworking, with profound implications for students, academics, and professional... more
In recent years there has been a considerable intensification in practices of producing, analysing, visualising and utilising educational data, though we currently know little about how data practices unfold in the everyday life of... more
A perspectiva sociomaterial visa expor, por meio da observação de micropráticas, o que as coisas “fazem” e como elas materializam ações coreografadas que compõem a dança de relações entre sujeitos humanos e objetos não-humanos. Partindo... more
In this paper a socio-material perspective on education is proposed that takes the local practices of teachers and learners seriously while still accounting for practices that extend beyond the here and now of a given situation. Through... more
In their groundbreaking book, Marcia McKenzie and Andrew Bieler breathe new life into the practice of critical education. Their cogent analyses of criticality through the frameworks of social and ecological education revive the... more
Information technology (IT) and space are sociomaterial dimensions of organizations that Human Resource Management (HRM) often take for granted, discounting how workers enact them in practice. With digital technologies rapidly changing... more
Piccoli e grandi numeri nel mondo dell’education.
Il voto scolastico e il testing su larga scala come
oggetti sociomateriali
A posthumanist practice theory – which grants equal status to humans and non-humans – provides the context for a discussion of the concept of sociomaterial practices. The constitutive entanglement of the social and the material within a... more
This paper aims to advance understanding of information systems (IS) through a critical reflection on how IS are currently defined in the IS literature. Using the hermeneutic approach for conducting literature reviews the paper identifies... more
This paper examines the concepts of Information System (IS) – central to the IS discipline – with the aim to contribute to the debate on the nature of the concept and stimulate broader engagement of the IS community. To achieve this aim... more
Purpose – Affect is relevant for organization studies mainly for its potential to reveal the intensities and forces of everyday organizational experiences that may pass unnoticed or pass in silence because they have been discarded from... more
The concept conduct of everyday life has lately been discussed with regards to how children are engaged with participating in the manifold practices that constitute their daily living. They coordinate their actions with others (adults and... more
We are used to considering human agency as the most important aspect of the educational process. Materials and objects tend to be ignored or dismissed as agents. Technologies, as well, have been considered as inert matter, subordinated to... more
The focus on children’s voices and experiences has been a substantial part of childhood studies. Research with children is closely linked to the idea of children as agents rather than seeing them as passive objects. In this article the... more
The smooth integration of the natural sciences with everyday lived experience is an important ambition of radical embodied cognitive science. In this paper we start from Koffka's recommendation in his Principles of Gestalt Psychology that... more
This thesis examines organizational use of social media. It focuses on developing an understanding of the ways by which social media are used within formal organizational settings. From the vantage point of this thesis such an... more
Meaningful and relevant design of humanitarian technology must be informed by a deeper understanding of information practices found within successful humanitarian fieldwork. Existing largely in geographic isolation and through implicit... more
Linguistic theory has failed to reconcile the social and the psychobiological sides of language. The search for evidence has been oriented either towards the individual psyche or towards social invari-ances. The paper addresses this... more
While recent theoretical debates have foregrounded sociomaterial studies and the interpenetration between the social and the material, practice-based studies have neglected, if not omitted, the place of affect and ideology in work... more
Social coordination and affordance perception always take part in concrete situations in real life. Nonetheless, the different fields of ecological psychology studying these phenomena do not seem to make this situated nature an object of... more
Employing sociomateriality, communicative constitution of organization (CCO), critical discourse analysis (CDA), performativity, and ritual, this article offers a discursive explanation of the economy: that discourse organizes the... more
Das gesellschaftliche Unbehagen an der Digitalisierung liest sich wie ein Re-Enactment der Bürokratiekritik des 19. Jahrhunderts. Dies ist keine beruhigende Nachricht, denn die historischen Parallelen von Bürokratie- und... more
A perspectiva sociomaterial visa expor, por meio da observação de micropráticas, o que as coisas “fazem” e como elas materializam ações coreografadas que compõem a dança de relações entre sujeitos humanos e objetos não-humanos. Partindo... more
Social media technologies are increasingly utilized by patients, leading to development of online social groups where patients share experiences and offer support to their peers on these platforms. Yet, there is limited research... more
Niemimaa (2016) argues that agential realism (Barad 2003) represents a radical form of sociomaterialit y (Cec ez-Kecmanovic et al. 2014a; Orlik owsk i and Scott 2008) and that critical realism (Bhask ar 1979; Bhask ar 1997) represents a... more
Most studies on AC (absorptive capacity) are based on assumptions that are characteristic of viewing knowledge from an epistemology of possession (knowledge is possessed by individuals and is transferrable). However, the literature on... more
Business process modelling has contradictory effects on flexibility: on the one hand, recent approaches to process modelling in organisations have been used to pursue flexibility as a strategic goal. On the other hand, the display of... more
In order to extend its scope, depth and effectiveness, critique should shift from its reliance on humanistic assumptions and be reconceptualised as a sociomaterial practice through which realities are enacted differently as multiple and... more
Situated normativity is the ability of skilled individuals to distinguish better from worse, adequate from inadequate, appropriate from inappropriate, or correct from incorrect in the context of a particular situation. Situated... more
The report begins by defining terms and theoretical definitions of sociomateriality. Then deep dives into a review of current literature spanning across 45 academic journal articles discussing three central concepts: 1. sociomateriality... more
Over the last decade, social media environments have increasingly become an attractive research setting for Information Systems researchers. However, the methodological implications of this research setting for IS studies, are still not... more
Over the last two decades, the cultural and cognitive artifacts that information and communication technologies circulate have become entangled with human and technical actors to the point of inseparability. These entanglements are... more
This paper contributes to an emerging discourse on the meaning of technology in today’s networked society by exploring connectivity as a hallmark of the networked society. Based on an empirical study of professionals, arguably the... more
Despite its dominance in the field of teaching English as a second/foreign language, the implementation of the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach continues to be challenging and problematic. A similar set of... more
The rise of online education has prompted Universities to think about the flexibility of their provision. Within such discussions, spaces such as campuses are frequently framed as problems to be overcome, and technology as the solution.... more
This article presents a study of what affects professional knowledge creation when journalism students have their periods of internship in legacy, yet highly digitized newsrooms. 16 Norwegian j-students are interviewed and 30 internship... more