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The paper is part of the ‘Back Home’ research project carried out by a group of PhD students from the Polytechnic University of Milan within the framework of the Paquebot Laboratory. The goal of the present research is to reveal... more
PDF Word document version of essay published in THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS: NEW YORK AND THE FILMIC IMAGINATION, Murray Pomerance, ed., Rutgers University Press,  2007.
Despite being nearly fifty-years-old, Roman Polanski's 1971 "Macbeth" is the most recent full-film version, and it stands the test of time. Overall, the acting, cinematography, and sets are high quality, and the screenplay, also written... more
An article written for educational screen studies magazine Screen Education. This article investigates the narrative devices implemented by Polanski in his film adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth (1971), with particular focus on the... more
La visione del film “L’inquilino del terzo piano” può essere considerata una vera è propria esperienza all’interno del mondo paranoideo. Per buona parte del film qualsiasi spettatore non può fare altro che condividere con il protagonista... more
This paper examines the objections leveled by semiologist and theoreticians of the visual media against the widely held belief that photographic and cinematographic images may act as realist maps of the extradiscursive world on the basis... more
Five theoretical postulates on the relationship between the practice of torture and: 1) representation; 2) voice; 3) narrative; 4) sexual difference; 5) truth.
Wien, Berlin: Turia + Kant, Dezember 2018, 155 Seiten, ca. 20 Abbildungen – – – Zwischen Alltagsdiagnose, Theoriebildung und philosophischer Essayistik: Siegfried Kracauer (1889-1966) hinterlässt uns am Film geprägte Formen, Gesellschaft... more
How does a unit of space become a home? From a phenomenological perspective, the response to this question has been to accent the lived relations we have with spatiality, both subjectively and intersubjectively. Thus, for Gaston... more
Se hace una revisión de la obra de Luisa Valenzuela a la luz del capítulo, que Jorgelina Corbatta, dedica a ella en "Narrativas de la guerra sucia en Argentina".
"Fearless Vampire Killers" in the light of modern research on vampires. How much Drakula's blood has the main antagonist in his vains? In which cases does Roman Polański's narrative differs from Bram Stoker 's?
Roman Polanski'nin Apartman Üçlemesi'nde kent hayatının bir sembolü olan apartmanlar, dışarısının tacizkar ve ihlalci yapılanmasını içeriye sızdırarak ruhsal aygıtı şekillendiren "tekinsiz" yapılar olarak ele alınmıştır. Apartman... more
W fabule "Noża w wodzie" właściwie nie ma odwołań do czasu akcji czy też osadzenia jej w konkretnej rzeczywistości. Widz przyjmuje, że ma do czynienia z Polską początku lat 60., choć wskazówki są nieliczne – bohaterowie chcą pojechać na... more
Course Description As the title listed in the course catalog suggests, in CLCS 3207, students will view and study films from a variety of genres and will be able to identify the narrative and formal elements germane to certain genres... more
Cinema is the art which is representing existing reality as most accurate and most obvious way. However, sometimes the reality and the screen may be different from each other. In addition to that, it is possible to say that cinema is a... more
An investigation into the processes used to convey Sexuality and Voyeurism in Roman Polanski's 1965 film "Repulsion"
English language version of my conference presentation  "Ponad- i pozaczasowość <<Noża w wodzie>> Romana Polańskiego".
Η παρούσα εργασία πραγματοποιήθηκε στο πλαίσιο του μαθήματος «Εικόνα, βλέμμα και φύλο στον κινηματογράφο» με διδάσκοντες τους Ιωάννα Αθανασάτου, Σάββα Μιχαήλ και Δημήτρη Παπαχαραλάμπους, υπό την ανάθεση και την καθοδήγηση του... more
This course will examine films of director Roman Polanki. We will come to know his body of work as a series of narrative, visual, and thematic preoccupations that have influenced to a variety of film artists. We will also invite a certain... more
Bu makalede, Polonyalı yönetmen Roman Polanski'nin Apartman Üçlemesi psikanaliz kuramın temel kavramları eşliğinde, bilinçaltı süreçler ve kent hayatının bu süreçlere etkisi bağlamında analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada psikanaliz yöntem... more
This essay points out the limitations of the contemporary tendency to analyze social relations in terms of power while ignoring the role of enjoyment. In studying Roman Polanski's film Ninth Gate, the essay discovers a detailed cri­tique... more
The religious landscape in Europe is changing dramatically. While the authority of institutional religion has weakened, a growing number of people now desire individualized religious and spiritual experiences, finding the self-complacency... more
En este artículo, estudiamos cómo se gesta, en la novela "Estrella distante", no sólo el Mal absoluto, sino la figura del monstruo encarnado en el personaje de Alberto Ruiz­Tagle, alias Carlos Wieder. Luego de una incursión en la... more
Pour citer cet article : LANGLUMÉ Diane, « La Grande Prostituée de Babylone à l’écran dans Métropolis (et quelques autres films) » in BARON Anne-Marie (dir.), CinémAction n°160 - La Bible à l’écran Condé-sur-Noireau : Éditions Charles... more
An analysis of Roman Polanski's "Macbeth" in it's portrayal of the leading couple.
This interview I conducted with the late Polish philosopher Leszek Kolakowski would be the final interview he gave before his death in 2009 at the age of 81. It appeared in the Summer 2005 issue of the journal Dædalus, of which I was a... more
The present article compares the famous film adaptation of Shakespeare’s classical work with the tradition of mainly American film noir. The author points out many general and detailed signs of Polanski’s film’s indebtedness to that... more
Cinema is the art which is representing existing reality as most accurate and most obvious way. However, sometimes the reality and the screen may be different from each other. In addition to that, it is possible to say that cinema is a... more
In our confined lifestyle in this period we have to get ready to the locking of all doors and we will be left alone in front of our fear of solitude, our fright in the dark, our angst in front of a futureless world. Horror is the solution... more
Libro #2: "La trilogía del Apartamento de Roman Polanski". Capítulo: "En clave de sol: la música en el cine de Polanski", págs. 267–284. Marta Villarreal y Ricardo Sánchez Ramos (coords.) Solaris, Textos de Cine / Trama Editorial,... more
A Scapegoat and a Flawless Man: The Dreyfus Affair in Roman Polański’s Film “An Officer and a Spy” and Selected Problems of Its Reception The article concerns Roman Polański’s film An Officer and a Spy, whose plot is based on the story... more
Na breve análise que se desdobrará a seguir, discutem-se três longas-metragens e uma minissérie que versam sobre a gestação e as mudanças físicas e psicológicas que acompanham a mulher nesta fase de transformação; as mães dessas produções... more
Here's the text of a talk I gave at ALL THEM WITCHES, a symposium on Rosemary's Baby that took place at The Swiss Institute on 4/9. I'd love to hear thoughts and feedback. And if anyone is interested, I'd be more than happy to share... more
A short essay on the question of reality and illusion in light of Leoncavallo's opera Pagliacci.
Resumo: O presente artigo visa abordar como Marquês de Sade e Leopold Sacher-Masoch foram entes de influência cultural/intelectual no cenário europeu e como essa riqueza antropológica terminou por levá-los a receberem diferentes... more