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The first chapter of the paper elaborates the question of whether one of the constitutive elements of the internationally wrongful act and a precondition for responsibility could be embodied in an existence of damage that has to be... more
Punitive damages are one of the most controversial aspects of tort litigation and have been the subject of various theoretical, empirical, and experimental studies. One criticism of punitive damages refers to the effect that they have on... more
I danni punitivi
Tavola rotonda - Cagliari 9 maggio 2018
a cura di Cristiano Cicero
Introduzione di
Vincenzo Cuffaro
A presente obra tem por objetivo discutir a reparação não pecuniária dos danos morais no direito brasileiro. A partir da constatação da predominância, no campo práti-co, de um modelo exclusivamente monetário de compensação de danos... more
Aborda-se a problemática envolvendo a obrigatoriedade ou não do elemento dano para configurar a responsabilidade civil, mostrando a visão clássica da responsabilidade civil e a contemporânea, assentada nas exigências constitucionais da... more
A lo largo de su vasta historia, el movimiento feminista ha pensado, como problema político y como parte de su estrategia de lucha y sobrevivencia, las diferentes facetas del aparato represivo del Estado. En diversos contextos el... more
These new discoveries (in part) are related to evidenced legal arguments brought by the Federal government – Ref. “THE UNITED STATES v ACE CORP, et al” Docket No. 0:2013cv00464 and the sworn testimony of Nationally recognized Fraud Expert... more
Harm and loss in the French law of civil liability after the Projet de réforme of March 2017. Pure economic losses and pure non-economic losses (wrongful life and wrongful death). Punitive damages. Vindicatory damages. Functions of civil... more
Il lavoro tenta di trasmettere alla comunità scientifica l’idea che l’impostazione attuale del private enforcement, volta ad attuare il riconoscimento a chiunque del danno antitrust mediante la ‘responsabilizzazione verso chiunque degli... more
Mi trabajo “Un primer acercamiento, con perspectiva de Género, a la problemática del ‘Pink Tax’ y su análisis a los ojos del Derecho del Consumidor argentino”, que forma parte de la obra ´Género y Derecho del Consumidor´ tiene como origen... more
The compensatory damages remedy afforded in Mosley v News Group Newspapers Limited [2008] was inadequate, but also that no remedy could ever, in principle, be adequate, in misuse of private information/breach of confidence cases where the... more
Diverse aspects of Damages in Project Contracts and EPC in particular-special focus on  consequential damages including "Profit & Opportunity Loss"-transformation in outlook of Courts over the period regarding award of Damages.
In Campbell v MGN Ltd, the House of Lords endorsed an expansive interpretation of the breach of confidence action to protect privacy interests. The scope and content of this transformed cause of action have already been subject to... more
A recent judgement of the Tribunal of Rome assessed compensatory damages for pecuniary losses due to a copyright infringement by increasing them by half in comparison with the 'price of consent'. The judgement provides an opportunity to... more
This paper refers to a breach of contract which means failure to keep the promises or agreements of a contract and as a result of that breach, the one party suffers damage. First of all, this paper highlights the correlation between... more
As part of the government response to the Leveson Report, the Crime and Courts Act 2013 (UK) introduces new provisions on the availability of exemplary damages for media torts. This Act creates a statutory bar to the awarding of exemplary... more
Court of Cassation, Joint Sessions, no. 16601/2017 has opened the doors to the recognition of punitive damages, thus sparking a debate about the role of punishment in private law. The idea lying at the heart of the judgment is that it is... more
The essay investigates the compatibility of punitive damages with the Italian legal order and emphasizes their contrast with the Italian public order, understood as the regulatory framework given to the community. It examines the... more
Στην παρούσα εισήγηση θα επιχειρήσουμε να αναπτύξουμε τον θεσμό της «τιμωρητικής αποζημίωσης» εξ απόψεως Δικονομικού Διεθνούς Δικαίου, με σκοπό να εξετάσουμε κατά πόσον μία απόφαση αλλοδαπού δικαστηρίου με την οποία επιδικάζεται... more
At the core of the paper is the problem of legal indeterminacy and judicial shamanism illustrated with the just satisfaction case law of the European Court of Human Rights, and approached with the Critical Legal Studies (cls) methodology.... more
This handout accompanies the lectures on damages as a remedy for breach of contract delivered as part of the Commercial Law module at the University of Sussex in January 2015.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is studying the implications of preventive legal protection through the Tort Law. It will be developed a brief summary of the discipline's evolution, which morphed from focusing compensation as a sanction... more
1 RESUMO: 1. A natureza punitiva no Direito (Público e Privado). 2. Fins puni-tivos e fi ns coativos: alguns critérios de distinção. 3. A cláusula penal. 4. As cláusulas penais e a sanção pecuniária compulsória: critérios de... more
This work explores and compares the treatment that the idea of punishing civil wrongs receives in the American, English, and French laws of torts. For this purpose, the chapter considers only tort remedies that pursue punishment as their... more
Este trabalho monográfico tem como escopo discutir a possibilidade de aplicação das indenizações punitivo-pedagógicas aos casos em que a publicidade enganosa gerar danos morais. A indenização deve ser relacionada à conduta ilícita, e... more
O artigo tem por objeto a discussão acerca da aplicação de meios não pecuniários de reparação do dano não patrimonial no direito brasileiro. Partindo-se da constatação da predominância, no campo prático, de um modelo exclusivamente... more
Aunque la mayor parte de la doctrina considera que los "punitive damages" son ajenos a la tradición jurídica continental, pueden encontrarse en Derecho clásico y en el ius commune suficientes antecedentes que justificarían su asimilación.... more
El 17 de abril del 2012 la Cámara 3ª de Apelaciones en lo Civil y Comercial de Córdoba dictó sentencia en los autos caratulados “Teijeiro o Teigeiro, Luis M. v. Cervecería y Maltería Quilmes S.A.I.C.A. y G.”1, mediante la cual revocó el... more
SUMARIO El trabajo realiza un análisis comparativo en seis etapas en base a la propuesta metodológica del Dr. Mauro Cappelletti, sobre la figura del daño punitivo en Argentina y Estados Unidos. Se examinan las soluciones jurídicas de un... more
El artículo busca determinar cuál es la verdadera finalidad que persiguen los daños punitivos desde una perspectiva deontológica, y sus consecuencias prácticas, puntualmente en torno a su cuantificación
This group of annotations focuses on issues of timely relevance to an insurance practice. As of January 16, 2009, it includes updates from the Arkansas Insurance Department which regulates in some of the areas discussed in the... more
1. Introduzione. - 2. Precisazione dell'interesse giuridicamente protetto. - 3. Immagine e beni giuridici immateriali. - 4. Riconoscibilità del ritratto. - 5. La raffigurazione di cose. - 6. La c.d. maschera scenica. - 7. Il sosia di... more