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The limits of the planet and of natural resources impede pursuing the modern project based on permanent growth and represent a major challenge for humanity. Drawing on an agency-centred approach, this paper... more
Si la « nature » semble aujourd’hui constituée en bien commun dans la ville, les modalités de « l’alliance entre nature et ville » représentent un enjeu de luttes. Prenant l’exemple de deux controverses dans l’agglomération de Dijon, où... more
In September 2019, the third Global Climate Strike organized by the Fridays For Future (FFF) protest campaign mobilized 6000 protest events in 185 countries and brought 7.6 million participants out ...
Tout autant que le contexte historique dans lequel se déroule l’action collective, le contexte spatial est amené à jouer un rôle central non seulement dans la détermination de l’action elle-même, de ses modes et de son issue, mais aussi... more
In September 2019, the third Global Climate Strike organized by the Fridays For Future (FFF) protest campaign mobilized 6000 protest events in 185 countries and brought 7.6 million participants out onto the streets. This report analyses... more
В монографии исследуются леворадикальные, популистские режимы Уго Чавеса в Венесуэле и Эво Моралеса в Боливии, ставшие составной частью «левого поворота» в Латинской Америке в конце ХХ — начале ХХI в. Отталкиваясь от определения понятий... more
Voici la première étude sur la guerre civile syrienne faite à partir d’entretiens réalisés en Syrie même et dans les pays voisins. 2011 : des centaines de milliers de Syriens de toutes confessions et origines ethniques manifestent... more
Uribismo, which refers to the political movement organized by, and around, the former President of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe Velez (2002–2010) and his political party Centro Democrático, is the most important political force in Colombia... more
Publikace analyzuje vývoj českého alterglobalizačního a protiválečného aktivismu mezi lety 2002 a 2009. Zaměřuje se při tom především na období útlumu alterglobalizačního hnutí a jeho transformaci na alterglobalizační subkulturu na straně... more
Cette introduction du dossier dresse un état de l’art des recherches internationales sur l’engagement en ligne, notamment partisan. Ce passage en revue de la littérature illustre une focale portée sur le dispositif technique et non les... more
Based on the case-study methodology this research considers causes and consequences of public protests during 2011-2012 electoral cycle in Russia. Wide range of instruments was used for research purposes: public opinion polls, participant... more
Syllabus du séminaire donné conjointement avec Assia Boutaleb dans le M2 recherche de science politique Etudes africaines, UFR 11, Université Paris 1
Sebastia˜o Salgado’s work is not for the faint of heart. His photographs deliberately provoke and disrupt; they are not easy to look at because they are not supposed to be easy to look at. With a clever combination of distance and... more
Distribution électronique pour DICEN IdF. © DICEN IdF. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions... more
Although Social Media Activism has been widely investigated following the latest social uprisings worldwide, the processes through which online-based protests are brought offline did not catch scholars' attention. Therefore, this study... more
L’articolo esplora la rete di relazioni politiche che si sviluppò intorno al democratico meridionale Casimiro De Lieto, dai primi scambi epistolari - nel 1833 - sino alle cospirazioni per la liberazione del Mezzogiorno del 1854-56.... more
The growing influence of new information and communication technologies (ICTs), in particular mobile phone technology, on many aspects of life has been noted, but detailed analysis of possible effects on politics has begun only recently.... more
This article examines a couple of Arabic-language songs about the death of the young Muhammad al-Durrah on the second day of the Second Intifada, September 2000. The songs as well as the videos that have been uploaded confirm the iconic... more
The prevalence of anti-Asian and anti-immigrant rhetoric throughout the 2016 election season provides an opportunity to examine the factors shaping Asian Americans’ emotional responses to a threatening political environment. Comparing... more
In addition to a citizen initiative to launch a criminal lawsuit against Tepco and Japanese state executives over their responsibility for the Fukushima nuclear disaster, more than thirty collective civil actions have been launched across... more
This is the pre-print working paper version, see the full printed version: The protests that began in Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv on 21 Novem- ber 2013 and became... more
This paper explores the impact of the Internet on offline social movement mobilization from the perspective of identity building. It is based on a case study of a women’s group in Hong Kong, the Queer Sisters, and the bulletin board it... more
This is a taste of our forthcoming book with Bloomsbury University Pres The French Revolution brought momentous political, social, and cultural change. Life in Revolutionary France explores how those changes affected everyday life in... more
Ambedkar stood with the most downtrodden and deprived sections of the Indian society; the sections which had no voice in public life. The social mobilization of these sections by Ambedkar helped in the national freedom movement. As the... more
Политические мобилизационные технологии как отдельный вид политических технологий только формируются и в этом статусе не всеми признаются. Скорее можно говорить о мобилизационной составляющей некоторых давно известных технологий,... more
In this chapter, I develop the critical framework of moments of political gameplay using an approach informed by radical relationism, microethnography, and performativity, in order to produce detailed readings of how video games and... more
In recent years, undocumented youth have come out of the shadows to claim their rights in the United States. By sharing their stories, these youth gained a voice in the public debate. This article integrates insights from the literature... more
The presence of protests, sometimes during violent conflict and civil war, across the globe, seems to contradict the common view that civil war and protests are mutually exclusive episodes and do not belong to a continuum. Instead,... more
The chapter argues that two modes of political coalition-building, sandwich coalitions and anti-hegemonic alliances, characterize Indian political mobilization efforts in the modern era. Both provide flexible templates for addressing... more
This paper analyzes changes in regional electoral behavior and attitudes towards separatism and foreign policy orientation in Ukraine after the “Orange Revolution” and the “Euromaidan,” which turned into a violent internal conflict and... more
While Western reactions to ISIS are commonly situated in a 'politics of fear', there has been surprisingly little reflection on what role fear plays in disciplinary arguments central to International Relations (IR). I argue this absence... more
"This paper uses the lens of Neo-traditionalism to elucidate the largely unexplored political aspect of the Chollima (or Flying Horse) Movement of North Korea. With its widespread use of a mythical, speedy horse from China as a rallying... more
Depuis quelques années, le PKK turc et le PYD syrien sont au centre de l'attention des gauches mondiales. Certains observateurs, comme l'anthropologue David Graeber, l'historien Immanuel Wallerstein ou le linguiste Noam Chomsky les... more
On August 9, 2020, presidential elections were held in Belarus. Despite blatant electoral fraud and procedural violations, the official results declared Aleksandr Lukashenka reelected for a sixth term. While in the past, even the most... more
After conquering large swaths of Syria and Iraq, the IS undertook an aggressive sectarian campaign in which they not only enacted horrific violence against the Shia people, but also damaged or destroyed several key Shia mosques and... more