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Involvement of nitric oxide (NO) in the episodic secretion of prolactin was studied in conscious freely moving adult rats. Prolactin secretion was pulsatile in all animals of either group during the bleeding period (from 10:30 h to 13:30... more
In this paper multivariate spontaneous EEG signals from three broad groups of human subjects--control, seizure, and mania--were studied with the aim of investigating the possible effect of these pathologies on the degree of phase... more
Data are lacking regarding regional morphological changes among women after prolonged physical training. This study employed dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry to assess changes in whole body and regional (i.e., trunk, legs, arms) fat mass,... more
In mammals, daily rhythms in behaviour and physiology are driven by a circadian timing system comprised, in a hierarchical way, of a master pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus and of peripheral oscillators in... more
The design and implementation of conservation plans for marine mammals is a matter of public concern. However, very little is known about the role of parasites in the dynamics of marine mammal populations. This is probably due to... more
Community structure and assembly are determined in part by environmental heterogeneity. While reef-building corals respond negatively to warming (i.e. bleaching events) and ocean acidification (OA), the extent of present-day natural... more
Jet lag is a travel-induced circadian rhythm phenomenon that afflicts healthy individuals following long- distance flights through several time zones. The typical jet-lag manifestations - insomnia during local sleep time, day fatigue,... more
The presence of ultradian rhythms in the mobility and behavior of rhesus monkeys was explored in eleven animals equipped with mobility FM transmitters and placed alone or in pairs in a laboratory cage situated in a sound proof,... more
Clonidine disrupts the NREM/REM sleep cycle and reduces the incidence of rhythmic masticatory muscle activity (RMMA) characteristic of sleep bruxism (SB). RMMA/SB is associated with brief and transient sleep arousals. This study... more
Imagery-rehearsal therapy for chronic nightmares was assessed in a randomized, controlled study of sexual assault survivors with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Nightmares, sleep quality, and PTSD were assessed at baseline for 169... more