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The comprehensive production of detailed bathymetric maps is important for disaster prevention, resource exploration, safe navigation, marine salvage, and monitoring of marine organisms. However, owing to observation difficulties, the... more
In this paper, we document lognormal distributions for spike rates, synaptic weights and intrinsic excitability (gain) for neurons in various brain areas, such as auditory or visual cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, striatum, midbrain... more
Neurons rely on action potentials, or spikes, to encode information. But spikes can encode different stimulus features in different neurons. We show here through simulations and experiments how neurons encode the integral or derivative of... more
The analysis of the brain in terms of integrated neural networks may offer insights on the reciprocal relation between structure and information processing. Even with inherent technical limits, many studies acknowledge neuron spatial... more
Understanding the complex brain computations leading to object recognition requires quantitatively characterizing the information represented in inferior temporal cortex (IT), the highest stage of the primate visual stream. A read-out... more
The spatially periodic activity of grid cells in the entorhinal cortex (EC) of the rodent, primate, and human provides a coordinate system that, together with the hippocampus, informs an individual of its location relative to the... more
In terrestrial vertebrates, sniffing controls odorant access to receptors, and therefore sets the timescale of olfactory stimuli. We found that odorants evoked precisely sniff-locked activity in mitral/tufted cells in the olfactory bulb... more
Abstract: Basic principles of the theory of harmony reflect physiological and anatomical properties of the auditory nervous system and related cognitive systems. This hypothesis is motivated by observations from several different... more
Reception of certain environmental energy patterns can allow organisms to successfully respond to present or future environmental conditions. Sensory systems are the means by which this reception occurs. The bioelectric components of this... more
"Sensory input signals can span many orders of magnitude while dynamically changing, and this requires neurons to adapt their bandwidth-limited response behaviour efficiently1,2,3. We derive from first principles a Bayesian model of... more
Neural spikes are an evolutionarily ancient innovation that remains nature’s unique mechanism for rapid, long distance information transfer. It is now known that neural spikes sub serve a wide variety of functions and essentially all of... more
The means by which cortical neural networks are able to efficiently solve inference problems remains an open question in computational neuroscience. Recently, abstract models of Bayesian computation in neural circuits have been proposed,... more
A decision is a commitment to a proposition among multiple options. Often this commitment leads to a particular course of action. It might be said that the life of an organism consists of a series of decisions made in time [29]. Leaving... more
'Filling-in’ occurs when a retinally stabilized object subjectively appears to vanish following perceptual fading of its boundaries. The term ‘filling-in’ literally means that information about the apparently vanished object is lost and... more
The spatiotemporal pattern of synaptic inputs to the dendritic tree is crucial for synaptic integration and plasticity. However, it is not known if input patterns driven by sensory stimuli are structured or random. Here we investigate the... more
Likelihood-based encoding models founded on point processes have received significant attention in the literature because of their ability to reveal the information encoded by spiking neural populations. We propose an approximation to the... more
The comprehensive production of detailed bathymetric maps is important for disaster prevention, resource exploration, safe navigation, marine salvage, and monitoring of marine organisms. However, owing to observation difficulties, the... more