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There are many studies indicating the relation between innovation and competitiveness, and the importance of education for both. In addition, such issues are on the United Nations agenda for the millennium goals until 2030. There is... more
Purpose - – The purpose of this paper is to explore how ISO 26000 inter-marries with millennium development goals (MDGs) with a view to demonstrate and recommend how businesses can successfully use this intermarriage to solve society... more
The essential messages of the need for stakeholders' partnership, community benefits and impacts of tourism are some of the pinnacle highlights of the book, written concisely by the authors in line with the economic, sociocultural and... more
Book Review in the Teaching Artist Journal of UNESCO's Educating for Creativity: Bringing Arts and Culture into Asian Education (2005).
Universal healthcare may be defined as any healthcare system that ensures at least basic coverage to most, if not all, citizens of a country. Although it may be implemented in many ways, universal healthcare has been widely accepted by... more
Purpose: – The purpose of this paper is to explore how ISO 26000 inter-marries with millennium development goals (MDGs) with a view to demonstrate and recommend how businesses can successfully use this intermarriage to solve society... more
It is a well-known fact that millions of people all over the world do not have access to food on a daily basis or face hunger, malnutrition and starvation, despite the fact that their governments have ratified international treaties in... more
Students in a 4th year Cultural Studies and English seminar have produced a Study of the Global Citizen Kelowna initiative. Shaped by course readings on humanitarianism, the students analyzed specific components of the local global... more
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) differ from the MDGs in purpose, concept, and politics. This article focuses process and comparison of the predecessor to the SDGs. The identification of Millennium Development Goals and the... more
This is about a new millennium. And my swimming card
Book chapter. To cite: FERREIRA, M. A. S. V. "ODS 16 - Promover sociedades pacíficas e inclusivas para o desenvolvimento sustentável, proporcionar o acesso à justiça para todos e construir instituições eficazes, responsáveis e inclusivas... more
Delivered a lecture on Hygiene and Sanitation Challenges in Pakistan at National Centre for Rural Development on 31-12-2014 in the conference on Field Applications of Safe Drinking Water & Sanitation... 29th-31st December, 2014...
Over the last few decades, the impact of the women’s movements within countries and internationally has been central to raising and tackling gender inequality in social development. Arguments have been made that addressing gender equality... more
Bangladesh has made significant progress in expanding access to pri-mary education, presumably in terms of enrolment, after it became signatory to the 1990 Education for All goals. However, the quantitative gains in enrolment have been... more
The increasing stress on freshwater resources brought about by ever rising demand and profligate use, as well as growing pollution worldwide, is of serious concern. Water, apart from being absolutely essential for life, is also the most... more
Environmental unsustainability is due to both structural features and historically specific characteristics of industrial capitalism resulting in specific patterns of production and consumption, as well as population growth.... more
April 18, 2017 / by Keith Demolder Kristie Holmes Diagnosed with a rare heart condition after delivering her third child in 2016, Kristie Holmes, adjunct associate professor at the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, learned... more
Civil Registration is the most reliable and accurate source of complete, continuous and disaggregated data in any country, fostering the implementation of an effective monitoring and evaluation system in several sector (health, education,... more
The research study was conducted on a public setting, looking at the process public corporation source for its manpower. The analyses of this research revealed that employee resourcing strategies have an impact in influencing an... more
Educația pentru Dezvoltare Durabilă (EDD) determină o reorientare a educației spre motivarea oamenilor pentru a se responsabiliza în problemele cu care se confruntă întreaga planetă. Dar este mai mult decât a învăța despre dezvoltarea... more
This educational policy assessment paper explores the policy trajectory and developmental strategies that turned the dysfunctional educational system in Anambra State around, within a six-year period during the Peter Obi administration.... more
Considering health as ‘one of the fundamental human right of every human being, the WHO defines health as ‘a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’ . Despite this... more
Rights and development confluence at the point of education. Primary education, in particular, lays down the foundation for fundamental rights, freedoms and social development. Motivated by the international Development Partnership (DP)... more
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has caused a shift in the debate on international trade issues and is questioning the basic topdown strategy. Never before has such resistance occurred concerning trade issues. So... more
Determining whether a slum prevention or upgrading initiative has been successful depends on expectation and what the goals of the initiative are. The recent reviewing of some of the poverty alleviation initiatives is a clear indicator... more
Ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeyi ile yakından ilişkili olan yoksul-luk, hem az gelişmiş hem de gelişmiş ülkelerin karşılaştığı bir durumdur. Bu bağlamda yoksulluk sadece Türkiye’de değil dünya çapında ekonomik, sosyo-kültürel ve psikolojik... more
Perkembangan teknologi di dunia, khususnya di Indonesia terus berkembang dan mengalami pembaharuan serta inovasi–inovasi yang mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Perkembangan teknologi menghadirkan sebuah layanan yang dapat dimanfaatkan... more
Abortion is legal in Nigeria only to save the life of the mother. The consequence of the legality of abortion within Nigeria has been contrary to the objective of the millennium development goal- reducing maternal mortality and morbidity... more
Water is an essential resource for life and good health. It is the most common, most widely distributed and most useful liquid on earth. It is the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. As with most developing... more
It is common knowledge within development circle that development involves a physical reality and a state of mind. Through development process, the interactions between social, economic and institutional processes must be continually... more
"How the Youth of the World are Creating Real-World Solutions for the UN Millenium Development Goals and Beyond." My contribution, as a participant in the Design Science Lab is included in Part IV : Global Health for All - Hooked-Up... more
The various demographic generations have been described at large in the media, we all know the babyboomers; the millennials (1980-2000 born) are now the focus of attention, generation Z is next. Correlations within generations are... more
This report provides a comprehensive overview of progress on Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 7, Ensuring Environmental Sustainability based on official indicators and data. The report covers all developing countries to which MDG-7... more
This study was carried out on millennium development project and rural household incomes in Nyakitunda Sub County. The study objectives included contribution of millennium development project towards the improvement of rural household,... more
"This inter-agency document aims to be a modest contribution by the United Nations system to discussion of the sustainable development agenda based on common concerns. The international community is facing the countdown to timely... more
In my dissertation, I theorize global CSR partnerships and the financialization of women’s lives and argue that recipients of corporate aid are defined as valuable insofar as they are vehicles for corporate profit. I show how corporations... more
Sustainable development goals (SDGs) are viewed as extension of millennium development goals (MDGs) and a post-2015 agenda to fight against poverty and hunger, while protecting human rights of people and ensuring inclusive and sustainable... more
Анализът в контраразузнаването притежава своя специфика, която може да бъде разкрита чрез очертаване на обема на понятията разузнавателен и контраразузнавателен анализ. Разузнавателният анализ е насочен към състоянието и промените в... more
About the Book This book is designed for the Personal Development of students in all levels of education. Discover: * How to Become an Outstanding Student- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible * How you can improve your academic... more
In order for a country to properly develop, the citizens of the country must have access to a proper education. The development field realized the importance of education and made achieving universal primary education number two on the... more
Las unidades didácticas que componen esta publicación son el resultado de un trabajo colectivo de investigación desarrollado por varios autores/as. Este trabajo nos sirve para ofrecer un material de referencia a todas aquellas personas... more