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We review basic concepts and methods of stimulus equivalence research and suggest applications in teaching rudimentary language arts skills in the classroom. We describe methods of establishing equivalence-based networks of... more
La creatividad es un término que desde las perspectivas tradicionales del comportamiento se describe como una entidad a la que se le atribuyen propiedades causales. Sin embargo, un análisis lógico conceptual del término así como un... more
The most extensively employed paradigm for the analysis of relational behavior is the transposition task. Nevertheless, it has two important limitations for its use in humans. The first one is the "ceiling effect" reported in linguistic... more
"This study investigated if children with difficulties in writing two syllable words would learn do so through games that teach relations among written word and CRMTS, written word and figure, figure and CRMTS, written word and manuscript... more
Se contrastaron los efectos de tres condiciones de entrenamiento (Lingüístico Explícito, Interferente Lingüístico y Condición Estándar) sobre la dominancia funcional de cualidades perceptuales (color y forma... more
Concept learning is considered to be a higher-order cognitive operation. In vertebrates, this is thought to require the cortex, imposing a form of executive control on less complex learning processes. The capacity of non-human animals to... more
Variation in baseline controlling relations is suggested as one of the factors determining variability in stimulus equivalence outcomes. This study used single-comparison trials attempting to control such controlling relations. Four... more
A program teaching to read words was evaluated in a study with 17 students (5-6 years old) in collective situation. Cards and the letters were used to teach and test the conditional relations between stimuli. The procedure included three... more
Estudios recientes sugieren que las diferencias de ejecución observadas bajo tareas de igualación de la muestra de segundo orden con estímulos selectores instruccionales y estímulos selectores discriminantes pueden deberse a factores... more
Los estudios sobre equivalencia en humanos con habilidades verbales generalmente utilizan el procedimiento de igualación a la muestra e incluyen estímulos arbitrarios. En la gran mayoría de los estudios publicados no se observa un... more
The effect of the functional content of instructions on the acquisition, transfer and description of performance in a second order matching-to-sample task was evaluated. Twenty undergraduate students were assigned to one of four... more
Available studies on categorization in autism indicate possibly intact category formation, performed through atypical processes. Category learning was investigated in 16 high-functioning autistic and 16 IQ-matched nonautistic... more
Stimulus equivalence is widely accepted as a model of semantic relations. However, few studies have used methods other than matching-to-sample to assess whether equivalent stimuli are semantically related. This article describes that... more