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This presentation outlines the role played by ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites), which is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the conservation of the world's cultural monuments and sites,... more
In the past three decades, there has been increasing research carried out on the role of heritage and its processes in achieving broader sustainable development objectives beyond heritage conservation. As part of this movement,... more
Land use/land cover (LU/LC) is an important component in understanding the interactions of the human activities with the environment. Pulicat Lagoon is the second largest brackish water body in India and it is a home for many migrant... more
The International Committee on the Underwater Cultural Heritage (ICUCH) is one of ICOMOS’ (International Council on Monuments and Sites) International Scientific Committees. It was founded in 1991 to promote international cooperation in... more
Compilación de Documentos de ICOMOS en versión española entre 1965 y 2011. Publicado en coedición entre el Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales y el Comité Chileno de ICOMOS, Cuadernos del CMN, nº 111, 2015.
This paper explores the contradictions of the advent, dissemination and use of the terms 'intangible value' and 'tangible value'. We examine their logical and grammatical incoherence, and the 'work' that these strange terms, so often used... more
This study focuses on how heritage interpretation can be planned and operated as an integral part of a site management process. The ICOMOS Charter for the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites, which was initiated by... more
The purpose of the Management Plan of the Historic Centre of Florence is the management of the UNESCO site with a view to preserving its Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) over time. As already intended in the frst Plan of 2006, the second... more
De acuerdo con la Resolución Suprema N° 2900-72-ED, el Teatro Municipal de Trujillo posee la condición de Monumento Histórico del Perú desde el 28 de diciembre de 1972. El presente artículo analiza al teatro como espacio físico y la vida... more
This paper outlines the role played by ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites), which is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the conservation of the world's cultural monuments and sites and... more
Com'è noto, a partire dal X sec. il Tirolo è stato teatro delle discese dalla Germania dei Sovrani del Sacro Romano Impero, che con i loro eserciti erano diretti a Roma per l'incoronazione papale o scendevano nella peni-sola per... more
this is a report summarizing the ICOMOS activities arouds the world, of 2018's year. ICOMOS is a unique non-governmental, democratic, not-for-profit, international organisation committed to furthering the conservation, protection, use... more
In the past three decades, there has been increasing research carried out on the role of heritage and its processes in achieving broader sustainable development objectives beyond heritage conservation. As part of this movement,... more
This paper aims to present the educational programmes that have been taking place at the new Archaeological Museum of Pella (inaugurated in 2010), after the implementation of the new structure of the Ministry of Culture and Sports... more
DIMITROVGRAD: IDEAS AND INTERPRETATIONS D. Zheleva-Martins Abstract: The paper will analyse the two town-planning projects of Dimitrovgrad, the first from 1947 of a team headed by Architect Lyuben Tonev, and the second, from 1951, of a... more
El 12 de enero de 2021 se constituyó el Comité Científico Nacional de Arte Rupestre de ICOMOS-España (CCNAR ICOMOS-España) como un grupo de grupo de expertos en estas manifestaciones culturales con el objeto de dinamizar una reflexión... more
El presente artículo se refiere a la situación del mantenimiento y la gestión del sitio de Patrimonio Mundial “Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas” en el marco del desplome del corredor cubierto N° 5. Después de describir el carácter... more
El 12 de enero de 2021 se constituyó el Comité Científico Nacional de Arte Rupestre de ICOMOS-España (CCNAR ICOMOS-España) como un grupo de grupo de expertos en estas manifestaciones culturales con el objeto de dinamizar una reflexión... more
this paper presents the objectives, activities, and achievements of an on going international initiative in the field of heritage documentation for conservation. This partnership was established by the Raymond Lemaire International Centre... more
RESUMO Um meio de comunicação e uma forma de arte, o cinema é capaz de traduzir, por meio de imagens em movimento, ideais, épocas, histórias e sentimentos. Responsáveis por veicular diversos símbolos, registrar espaços e exportar... more
Documentation and preservation of widespread rural heritage are today possible only if you can activate processes of conservation headed by local communities, thereby recognizing the link between the communities and their culture. The... more
Despite covering most of the Eurasian continent and recently reclaiming its position as a geopolitical heavyweight, the (world) heritage agenda of the Russian Federation remains relatively unexplored. In an effort to fill this gap, this... more
Demesticha, Stella, and Anna Demetriou. 2020. "Ancient shipwrekcs in Cyprus: reaching out to the public." In Heritage Under Water at Risk. Threats - Challenges- Solutions. Heritage at Risk, Special Edition, edited by Albert Hafner, Hakan... more
Ateliers du management du patrimoine méditerranéen, Carrousel du Louvre, 25 mai 2010 "Le dossier des “Villages antiques” (improprement appelés ”Villes mortes”) indique que “situés dans le vaste massif calcaire au nord-ouest de la Syrie,... more
Our exercise began with the literature survey on impact assessment methodologies applied in the heritage context. It revealed that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to assess the impacts of CH investments. However, the complexity and... more
Ξενάγηση για ενήλικες στην ομώνυμη ενότητα της μόνιμης έκθεσης του Μουσείου. Παρουσίαση: Δρ. Νικόλαος Β. Παππάς, Αρχαιολόγος __________________________________________________________________________________________ A guided tour... more
In the past three decades, there has been increasing research carried out on the role of heritage and its processes in achieving broader sustainable development objectives beyond heritage conservation. As part of this movement,... more
Εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα για μαθητές Ε΄-ΣΤ΄ Δημοτικού. Οι συμμετέχοντες είχαν την ευκαιρία να κατανοήσουν τη λειτουργία ενός δημόσιου κοινωνικού χώρου, της μεγαλύτερης αγοράς του αρχαίου κόσμου. Μέσα από την καθοδήγηση, την παρατήρηση, τις... more
The paper outlines the general conservation problems and needs for the archaeological bronzes at the museum in Rabat Morocco. It also describes the preventive conservation measures that were taken in order to improve the environmental... more
Publications, Presentations, Trainings and Workshops from 1999 till 2016. Please get in contact with me if you are serching for one of the published papers.
Silk heritage belongs to the so-called integral heritage type, which means that tangible and intangible elements can be found in one piece. Moreover, silk is a living heritage strongly connected with its community. It is paradigmatic... more
Το Ελληνικό Τμήμα του ICOMOS εκδίδει τέσσερις φορές το χρόνο Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο, το οποίο περιλαμβάνει ενημερωτικά άρθρα και ανακοινώσεις που σχετίζονται με θέματα καταστατικού ενδιαφέροντος, δράσεις ελληνικών και διεθνών φορέων (UNESCO,... more
In one sense, all cultural uses of astronomy are indigenous, whether past or present. In practice, though, the term ‘indigenous’ is commonly taken to apply only to people outside the ‘Western’ framework of thought, given the global... more
La incorporacion del discurso de la sustentabilidad en el campo del patrimonio cultural ha marcado la agenda de organismos internacionales en los ultimos anos. Sin embargo, la vinculacion entre sus...
Water has served and sustained societies throughout the history of humankind. People have actively shaped its course, form, and function for human settlement and the development of civilizations. Around water, they have created... more