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Brazil is one of the largest global producers of genetically modified crops and a center of origin and diversification of relevant species for agriculture and food. Transgenic monocultures occupy around 50 million hectares, whereas... more
In March 2008, the six world leading agro-biotechnology companies, presented a private, international instrument for liability and redress to cover the environmental damage caused by genetically modified organisms. The proposal was... more
The risk assessment of genetically modified (GM) crops for human nutrition and health has not been systematic. Evaluations for each GM crop or trait have been conducted using different feeding periods, animal models, and parameters. The... more
Context: The Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology (INOR) is the leading institution for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cancer in Cuba. The main methods used in cancer treatment are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The... more
Farmers, activists, and the general public have all expressed strong opposition to the draft notification published by the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) on November 27th of last year, questioning the future of... more
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have failed on many levels including: social, political, legal, economic, agronomic and ecologic. After three decades of promotion, promises and contention, 3.8% of global agriculture is GMO... more
The production in genetically modified plants of recombinant proteins for pharmaceutical or industrial use, also referred to as "plant molecular farming", deserves increasing interest due to its potential advantages. However,... more
Hwa A. Lim, "Biotechnology - Past, present and future", Symbiosis, October 2004, pp. 31-34.
Monsanto, the biotech/chemical industry and regulatory agencies worldwide claim that glyphosate/Roundup residues in our food and water within the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) are perfectly safe for human consumption. Both the industry... more
Production of plants and genetically modified food creates a lot opportunities and carries a huge number of potential benefits. Increasingly, however is the subject of numerous debates and controversies. So far, it has not been possible... more
In this short analysis I go over some of the pros and cons of growing GM crops and give my take on whether or not we should grow them or not. In the end, I try to be a voice of reason in the face of a fierce battle pitted between the two... more
Since the Neolithic period and the rise of agriculture along Mesopotamia’s “Fertile Crescent,” greater societies have formed thus requiring laws and governance to ensure their continued preservation. The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi is... more
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been contentious for more than three decades. Only 24 countries grow GMOs commercially. Four countries (USA, Canada, Brazil and Argentina) account for 85% of the global GMO hectares. Four crops... more
Some observers have described the coronavirus pandemic as an 'Anthropocene disease,' thereby highlighting its connection with this new ecological era that is characterised by the considerable pressure human activities are exerting on... more
Transgenic technology has the potential of medical therapy, but it raises questions about these issues:• creation of new life forms and crossing species boundaries• long-term effects on human health and the environment• blending of... more
Public opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) remains strong. By contrast, studies demon- strate again and again that GM crops make a valuable contribution to the development of a sustainable type of agriculture. The... more
The genetics revolution that will transform our healthcare, the way we make babies, the nature of the babies we make, and ultimately our evolution as a species has already begun. It will arrive far sooner than most of us think and will... more
The Organic Food Industry : How can we get to Increase Sales Profits and Reduce Cost of Organic Food Abstract :The aims of the Business Research Project are related to the organic food industry and how can we get to increase organic food... more
Mainstream literature in international relations understands negotiations in terms of power politics and/or bargaining processes between rival national interests to account for states’ negotiating stands. Using definitions and questions... more
There is no satisfactory legal remedy for farmers whose farm has been contaminated by genetically modified (GM) material. This is a deficiency of Australia’s Gene Technology Act 2000 and it has not been remedied. In the Marsh v Baxter... more
The advance of natural science in Western countries of the past 250 years can, to some extent, be traced to a positive attitude of the mainstream Judeo-Christian intellectual heritage to physical creation. Christian theologians and... more
Solicitud para la protección, restauración y manejo sustentable de los ecosistemas afectados por el cambio de uso de suelo derivado de prácticas agrícolas en el territorio del sur del Estado de Quintana Roo.
Makalah ini membahas studi kasus kedelai impor yang melangkahi regulasi keamanan hayati Indonesia, menganalisis dampak positif dan negatif penggunaan kedelai impor transgenik di Indonesia berdasarkan etika bioteknologi, serta merumuskan... more
F. Chateauraynaud (dir) avec Antoine Bernard de Raymond, Marie-Angèle Hermitte et Gilles Tétart Rapport final du programme ANR « Formes de mobilisation et épreuves juridiques autour des OGM en France et Europe » 1 LES OGM ENTRE REGULATION... more
By evidencing and documenting the absence of scientific consensus with respect to the transgenics impacts to the people’s health and to the social-ecological biodiversity, this book brings vast elements for the evaluation of problems... more
¿Cuál es la relación entre el régimen alimentario neoliberal y los cultivos transgénicos en la agricultura de América Latina? En este artículo nos proponemos dos objetivos. En primer lugar, buscamos proporcionar las principales... more
"To a man with an empty stomach, food is God." -- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) // As memorialized in the opening chapter of his book A Moveable Feast, the American writer Ernest Hemingway sets out on one of most renowned... more
Ante el desarrollo de problemáticas que integran cuestiones de diversa naturaleza: social, económica, ambiental y de seguridad, así como la creciente complejidad que se observa en las demandas y necesidades, el Estado se encuentra frente... more
Les maïs des indiens zapotèques des montagnes du Mexique sont « contaminés » par la présence de transgènes échappés des laboratoires biotechs nord-américains. Ce croisement inattendu est bien plus qu’une simple question environnementale... more
Representantes de laboratorios biotecnológicos, asesores científicos gubernamentales y comunicadores protransgénicos insisten en defender la seguridad y efectividad de la tecnología transgénica, argumentando que tales dudas y... more
Este artículo investiga iniciativas de defensa de la soberanía alimentaria, el territorio y la agrobiodiversidad en Colombia, a partir de la recuperación de semillas tradicionales como patrimonio colectivo de los pueblos y la lucha... more
Most (85%) of the global genetically modified organism (GMO) agriculture is accounted for by just four countries in North and South America. The ‘big four’ of the GM world are USA (with 40% of the global GMO hectares), followed by Brazil... more
GMO moratoria are in place in Australia, in some states and not in others. Is co-existence possible between organic farming and GMO farming? And if so, under what circumstances? Australia has more certified organic land than any other... more
Biosafety is a technique by which we ensure the safety of laboratory personnel and the environment from the spread of GMO in an environment which can cause a hazardous effect on human beings, plants, animals and environment.
The land area devoted to the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) plants has increased in recent years: in 2012 such plants were grown on over 170 million hectares globally, in 28 different countries, and are at present used by 17.3... more
The political economy of agricultural biotechnology is addressed in this review through three puzzles. First, why were new crop technologies of the Green Revolution readily accepted, versus today's considerable blockage of genetically... more