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In this paper we will attempt to classify Lindenmayer systems based on properties of sets of rules and the kind of strings those rules generate. This classification will be referred to as a ‘parametrization’ of the L-space: the L-space is... more
На примере сочинительных конструкций русского языка демонстрируются основные понятия и возможности анализа синтаксической структуры в терминах синтаксических групп по А. В. Гладкому. Показывается, что в рамках исходной редакции аппарата,... more
В дипломной работе предлагается ряд уточнений в формальный аппарат синтаксических групп, разработанный А. В. Гладким. Приведен ряд конструкций, для которых не удается провести адекватный анализ в рамках исходной версии аппарата.... more
L'articolo propone: 1) Un paragone tra linguistica computazionale e Natural Language Processing. Dovrebbero essere campi di ricerca diversi: lo sono ancora? 2) Gli esiti generati da un parser basato su un sistema a regole per una frase... more
Greenberg (1963) establishes, from studies on a set of languages, a series of rules (predictions) applicable to all languages of the world. Among these axioms is the Universal 20. It prefigures in languages, the possible order of... more
While matrix clauses pronouns are almost never dropped in matrix clauses in Russian, silent pronouns are licensed in almost all kinds of embedded clauses. Null pronouns in such positions share similarities with PRO, but they also differ... more
Este manual pretende dar uma visão diferente de língua e ensino nas aulas de português. Na primeira unidade, mostramos que essa perspectiva não aparece nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o ensino de português. Trata-se, portanto,... more
1972. Weak and Strong Completeness in Sentential Logic, Logique et Analyse 59/60, 429–34. MR0337476 (49 #2245) This is another study illustrating the fruitfulness of thinking of “logics” as three-part systems composed of a language, a... more
The constructional literature has encouraged us to see words as constructions (both constructions and words combine syntactic, phonological and pragmatic conventions) and constructions as words (constructions license phrasal signs that... more
This is a book in progress. First it is an attempt to refresh the foundational concepts and definitions of classical physics. Building on this is attempts to clarify the syntax and semantics of classical physics. Finally it attempts to... more
Esta coletânea apresenta alguns artefatos expostos ao público na Feira de Linguística, no dia 23 de fevereiro de 2019, atividade com a qual encerramos a extensão “O saber científico no espaço escolar: construção de gramática e olimpíada... more
Bantu languages, which are spoken throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa, permit wh-questions to be constructed in multiple ways, including wh-in-situ, full wh-movement, and partial wh-movement. Shona, a Bantu language spoken by about 13... more
Este material impresso foi elaborado para dar suporte didático à disciplina Sintaxe do Português, ministrada a distância. Ele está fortemente baseado na seguinte obra, que deverá estar disponível nos polos: MIOTO, Carlos; SILVA, Maria C.... more
In this talk I propose a terminological revision of the terms "cleft", "pseudo cleft" and “reversed pseudo cleft” traditionally used for Spanish cleft constructions in Hispanic linguistics. Departing form the traditional classification, I... more
This book explores relationships and maps out intersections between discussions on causation in three scientific disciplines: linguistics, philosophy, and psychology. The book is organized in five thematic parts, investigating connections... more
Cet article est une enquête sur la syntaxe et la variation paramétrique du verbe ‘avoir’, à partir du domaine empirique de la variation dialectale et diachronique du breton. Nous introduisons tout d’abord le système d’accord celtique... more
صدر للدكتور طارق المالكي عن دار النابغة للنشر والتوزيع كتاب "أنطلوجيا حاسوبية للنحو العربي: نحو توصيف منطقي ولساني حديث للغة العربية" ، تندرج الدراسة ضمن مجال اللسانيات الحاسوبية وتسعى إلى تجديد الدرس النحوي القديم في صورة أنطلوجيا... more
Barayin is an East Chadic language spoken by around 5000 people in the Guera region of the Republic of Chad. This dissertation examines a particular type of syntactic construction in the language, serial verb constructions, from the... more
This is the complete text of Haack's first book, plus a hole bunch of other papers on related topics, including her famous critique of fuzzy logic.
This paper presents an analysis of sentences featuring superficial coordinations of unlike categories in English, such as John is a Republican and proud of it (NP and AP) and Pat is stupid and a liar (AP and NP). We argue that, despite... more
К читателю: данную серию очерков может читать любой желающий, однако написана она, прежде всего, для тех, кто уже имеет некоторое представление о тибетском языке, а также для лингвистов. Поэтому, если Вы — новичок в тибетологии и... more
В данной главе обсуждается проблема соотношения коммуникативно-нерасчлененных (thetic) и коммуникативно-расчлененных (categorical) предложений в рамках формальной модели синтаксиса и просодико-синтаксического интерфейса. Применяется... more
In this paper, the researchers particularly investigated the subject verb agreement in Sindhi and English languages. English and Sindhi are two entirely different languages. There are differences in their phonology, morphology and syntax... more
Syntactic category seems to be the more reliable criterion, it classifies the lexical words into two groups major (content words usually used as heads and placed in the position of obligatory) and minor (function words usually used as... more
In questo articolo presenteremo le linee generali della teoria del controllo elaborata da Noam Chomsky nell’ambito dei suoi studi di linguistica generativa, focalizzando l’attenzione su due casi che si propongono all’attenzione del... more
This chapter provides an overview of theoretical issues and core empirical findings in cross-linguistic research on the acquisition of syntax. Section 1 identifies key issues in syntax acquisition research: (i) the respective contribution... more
This paper examines the functional-head theory in syntax, i.e. the claim that grammatical meanings are represented as heads in syntax, in much the same way as contentive heads (verbs and nouns). It starts out from the presumption that the... more
Classical Armenian displays a curious type of subordinate clause formation characterized by the addition of a cliticized anaphoric pronoun to the end of the first constituent within the subordinate clause. Meillet (1897-1898) first... more
NB: For a revised and condensed version of this overview, see the article Serial Verb Constructions in Annual Review of Linguistics 7 (2021).... more
LAWS OF FORM CONFERENCE 2022 Submissions for papers, panel sessions, interactive presentations, workshops, performance sessions, and creative contributions inspired by George Spencer-Brown's work and life - and particularly his key work,... more
The dissertation deals with Russian morphosyntactic phenomena involving adpositions. It is mostly devoted to a study of the distribution of the so-called pripredložnye ‘adprepositional’ pronouns in Russian. Their seemingly chaotic... more
This paper aims at investigating the ditransitive constructions of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). It argues that the two variants of ditransitive constructions in MSA, i.e. Double Object Construction (DOC) and Prepositional Object... more
What have traditionally been described as imperatives in Bangla need to be recharacterized as subjunctives in certain cases. The line of demarcation between the imperative and subjunctive values is not morphological but scopal.... more
This paper examines Minimal Search, an operation that is at the core of current Minimalist inquiry. We argue that, given Minimalist assumptions about structure building consisting of unordered set formation, there are serious difficulties... more