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This article looks at the impact of the novel coronavirus crisis and increased remote work on cybersecurity and the priorities for EU action. Actions should include improving the cybersecurity of businesses, critical infrastructure and... more
A single Muslim authority is slowly developing in Europe today. The author discusses the preconditions for such an authority and the advantages it might bring both to Muslims and to Europe as a whole.
Ex-post investigations of major terrorist attacks in Europe have highlighted the contradiction between the seemingly free movement of terrorists across Europe and the lack of EU-wide intelligence sharing. In response, EU policymakers have... more
For centuries the Western Balkans region has been a place of origin for migration into Europe as well as a transit route to Europe for migrants coming from other regions of the world. The 2015–16 migration crisis brought the region into... more
This article argues that similarities between jihadism and far-right radicalism are increasing, particularly with regard to the spectacularisation of violence. Spectacularisation means representing and performing violence in the form of a... more
The author presents an in-depth examination of Turkey’s development. This essay briefly covers the history of secularism in Turkey, the secular revolution of the early 1920s and today’s multi-party system. The Turkish model has both... more
This article examines the possibilities for negotiating the UK–EU health-security relationship after 2020. Health security, in the sense of measures to prevent and mitigate health emergencies, had played a marginal role in the UK–EU... more
Since the launch of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) in 2009, the scope and content of democratic reforms has varied significantly across the six partner countries despite the EU’s increased interest in and commitment to differentiated... more
This article argues that ethics need not be toothless or side-lined in the technology governance debates. Rather, moral evaluation is necessary, even when legal compliance is already possible. Moral evaluation supplies answers not only to... more
The gains made by the European People's Party (EPP) in the 2009 European Parliament elections have given the party a new opportunity to advance its message. In the face of the weaknesses of current social models made apparent by the... more
The European Union has witnessed substantial changes in religion and politics since the advent of eastern enlargement. Religion continues to affect ethical convictions and the exercise of political power in spite of the functional... more
Online platforms are drivers of innovation, growth, employment, creativity and information exchange. But new advantages can also bring new risks, or further entrench existing issues. Europe’s current rules have enabled the birth and... more
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected the countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in different ways, and the varying political structures, economic conditions and civil-crisis preparedness of the... more
Travis Bradford explores different policies which have proven to be successful in stimulating the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies, in particular photovoltaic (PV) electricity. Case studies from Asia, Europe and... more
This article analyses the potential benefits and drawbacks of artificial intelligence (AI). It argues that the EU should become a leading force in AI development. As a goal that captures the public imagination and mobilises a variety of... more
The current international situation presents significant security challenges to Europe and its allies. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has served as the linchpin of Europe–US security cooperation over the last 60 years and... more
This article discusses whether Christian social thinking is obsolete in the age of globalisation or whether it continues to provide answers to the challenges of the modern world. Some people believe that the heydays of a Christian social... more