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AI symposium on 'Ethics and morality in non-human agents' presentation AAAI-16 Spring Symposium. Slides as pdf. Robot Priest was demonstrated, chasis, costume, hybrid raspberry pi/sermonator. Details of present science around biology... more
A short essay prepared in light of Social & Professional Issues of the Information Age, questioning the ethicalities of cyber warfare, compared to traditional warfare.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the fundamental and one of the most frequently used protocol involved in computer communications. Within a LAN, ARP messages are used to resolve IP addresses into corresponding MAC addresses.... more
The essential difficulty about Computer Ethics’ (CE) philosophical status is a methodological problem: standard ethical theories cannot easily be adapted to deal with CE-problems, which appear to strain their conceptual resources, and CE... more
Recuperando contraseñas de un sistema Windows accediendo desde un SO externo.. Kali en este Caso usando bkhive, samdump2 y John the Ripper
This is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to join The Alan Turing Institute. The Alan Turing Institute (ATI) is the UK’s new national institute for data science, established to bring together world-leading expertise to... more
Esta guía está pensada para todo aquel que quiere iniciarse en el Hacking, pero que no sabe por donde empezar. Los conocimientos que se requieren para comprender todo de lo que se va a hablar aquí son: conocimientos de informática en... more
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Through this presentation you will learn how hackers manipulate networks and system and how we can diffuse their efforts.
The legality of ethical hacking has been a topic of debate. Over the years, malicious hacking has given hacking a bad name but from the beginning hacking was not intended to be a criminal activity. Though hacking could be malicious, it... more
Hacking has become an extensive trouble with the beginning of the digital age, almost worldwide access to the internet and other digital media. It is significant for individuals, corporations, and the government to guard them from being... more
The number of programs teaching ethical hacking in higher education and the number of ethical hacking professionals entering the information security field is growing, yet cyberattacks on the public and private sectors continue to... more
Software used to perform Cyber Crime are the most emerging subject in the field of Forensic Science. Today, the demand of computer and other electronic devices have increased. This creates an increase in Cyber crime and its awareness.... more
The debate on government access to encrypted data, popularly known as the “going dark” debate, has intensified over the years. On the one hand, law enforcement authorities have been pushing for mandatory exceptional access mechanisms on... more
Hacking is a set of practices with code that provides the state an opportunity to defend and expand itself onto the internet. Bringing together science and technology studies and sociology scholarship on boundary objects and boundary... more
In Short, Ethical hacking, performed by white hat hackers, is a term used to describe defense hacking for companies and organization, which involves the identification of potential threats on a computer or network.
La plateforme Cyberini est basée sur un constat inquiétant : de plus en plus de cyberattaques nous visent tous les jours, avec des piratages de plus en plus nombreux et des pertes de données de plus en plus couteuses pour les victimes (en... more
Arguably the best media coverage of the student strike in Montreal is coming from an unexpected source – CUTV, or what is now called Community-University TV (formerly Concordia University TV). Live streaming nearly every protest,... more
An ethical hacker is the network specialist & computer who pounce some security systems on the behalf of its possessor seeking amenability that could be exploited by a malicious hacker. The Internet's explosive growth has conduct many... more
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
Blockchain technology has seen adoption in many industries and most predominantly in finance through the use of cryptocurrencies. However, the technology is viable in cybersecurity. This paper looked at several use cases of Blockchain in... more
In recent years security and becoming secure with regards to web applications has come to the forefront of the minds of owners and users of web applications. Daily in the news we hear of websites that have been hacked for whatever agenda... more
I have objectives from my good work done, i hack and spam which is the sole reason i can guarantee remmiting valid Cc's,valid spamming tools, running multiple transfers. As you all knows i work from anonymous off shore server, I have... more
An ethical hacker is the network specialist & computer who pounce some security systems on the behalf of its possessor seeking amenability that could be exploited by a malicious hacker. The Internet's explosive growth has conduct many... more
Le mode d'apprentissage CEH eLEARNING respecte scrupuleusement la totalité du cursus de formation officiel EC-Council. Le cursus eLEARNING aborde de manière successive chaque module tel le cours présentiel BOOTCAMP avec des exercices, des... more
You have no idea how good you have it. In 1998, I was an up-and-coming hacker, co-founding one of the earliest professional white hat hacking teams. We were kids, really, with dream jobs, paid to break into some of the most secure... more
This article addresses a neglected class of cases of civic resistance involving the anonymous and covert disruption of institutions and practices. Such cases have become more commonplace in the first decades of the twenty-first century... more
Bu el kitabını CEH içeriğine uygun olarak modüler bir yapıda hazırlamaya çalıştım. El kitabı, daha çok bir saldırı klavuzu olarak nitelendirilebilir. Penetrasyon testi sırasında “hangi işlemleri, hangi sırayla ve nasıl uyguluyoruz?”... more
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
Code Injection techniques in Application Security enables an attacker/ a malware artist or a hacker/ethical hacker/ penetration tester to leverage advantage of missing security controls over JavaScript Execution on top of the application... more
Actualmente las tecnologías de la información constituyen un elemento indispensable para el funcionamiento de organizaciones y empresas de todo tipo. La ubicuidad de medios informáticos, combinada con el crecimiento imparable de Internet... more
Hacking, Programming. Python, Author: Justin Seitz