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Data imbalance is a frequently occurring problem in classification tasks where the number of samples in one category exceeds the amount in others. Quite often, the minority class data is of great importance representing concepts of... more
— In this time, due to fast improvement in communication technology through a internet accessing is easier. The main disturbance of digital content is to protect distribution and unauthorized copying. Audio watermarking has been proposed... more
In this paper, we have introduced few Interconnection Networks, called David Derived Network DD(n) , Dominating David Derived Network DDD(n), Honeycomb cup Network HCC(n) and Kite Regular Trianguline Mesh KRrTM(n). We have given drawing... more
Can soil be considered as just a component of terrestrial ecosystems and agro-ecosystems or is it an ecosystem in itself? The present piece of opinion suggests that we should refer to the original definition of the ecosystem given by... more
'Narrative Theory' is an online introduction to classical structuralist narratological analysis. The sixth section deals with the structural positioning of narrators with respect to the narrative act and the fictional world(s) contained... more
In this paper, we will study dynamics of an important physiological control system—human gait in disease and aging. The investigation of fluctuations overlying periodic motion in human walking may provide valuable information about... more
In the era of modern technology, there is a need of safe and secure communication. The art of impregnable communication through a safe medium like images is known as steganography. The process that detects the embedded data in the medium... more
The Iraq War of 2003 brought unprecedented access to combat operations for journalists who embedded with the military. The popularity of the program—it is estimated that between 500 and 750 reporters were embedded at the height of the... more
This paper argues that we need to re-think the semantics/pragmatics distinction in the light of new evidence from embedding of irony. This raises a new version of the old problem of ‘embedded implicatures’. I argue that embedded irony... more
Nearly all nontrivial real-world systems are nonlinear dynamical systems. Chaos describes certain nonlinear dynamical systems that have a very sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Chaotic systems are always deterministic and may be... more
The starting point for this paper is a critical discussion of claims of psychological reality articulated within Borg's (forth.) minimal semantics and Carpintero's (2007) character*-semantics. It has been proposed, for independent... more
Numerous offices are currently utilizing AI calculations to settle on high-stake choices. Deciding the correct choice unequivocally depends on the accuracy of the info information. This reality gives enticing motivations to lawbreakers to... more
One of the most discussed challenges to metaethical expressivism is the embedding problem. It is widely presumed that the reason why expressivism faces this difficulty is that it claims that moral sentences express non-cognitive states,... more
Students' feedback is an effective mechanism that provides valuable insights about teaching-learning process. Handling opinions of students expressed in reviews is a quite labour-intensive and tedious task as it is typically performed... more
It is almost universally accepted that the Frege-Geach Point is necessary for explaining the inferential relations and compositional structure of truth-functionally complex propositions. I argue that this claim rests on a disputable view... more
Compound figures are a rich, and under-explored area for tackling fundamental issues in philosophy of language. This paper explores new ideas about how to explain some features of such figures. We start with an observation from Stern... more
Willem van Schendel (ed.), Embedding Agricultural Commodities: Using Historical Evidence, 1840s-1940s (Oxford/New York: Routledge, 2017)
More realistic approaches are needed to understand the complexity of ecological systems. Emergent properties of real systems can be used as a basis for a new, neither reductionist nor holistic, approach. Three systems, termed here... more
Outlines the objectives of this book and the reasons for pursuing these. In doing so, it specifies the aim of each chapter and provides a brief account of its contents. It is argued that in order to better assess the nature of our current... more
This paper reports on preliminary findings from an ALTC funded project on how to build curricula that meet the needs of business students and employers of business graduates. The project grew out of an Australian Business Deans Council... more
2008. In World Archaeology, Vol. 40(3): 373–389 Taking ‘tradition’ as the process of ‘handing down’, which encompasses the ideas of duration, continuity, practice and ritual, this paper examines the Neolithic lifeworld at C¸ atalho¨ yu¨... more