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SUMMARY - Little is known about the possible contribution of electrostatic forces to pollination processes in nature. Earlier studies have shown that plants and pollinating insects possess surface electrical charges and are surrounded by... more
An electrolyte local composition model is developed for excess Gibbs energy, which is assumed to be the sum of two contributions, one resulting from long range electrostatic forces between ions and the other from short range forces... more
In this paper, the response to the first harmonic component (2f) of the electrostatic force in single terminal driven electrostatic comb-drive and parallel-plate drive was used as a signal to extract device parameters, namely, the... more
The phenomenon of electrostatic attraction between charged materials has been recognized since early Greek times. Despite its long history, the relative importance of electrostatic forces (compared with non-electrostatic forces) on powder... more
In this research we learn about the basic problems about electric charge and fields.
A conventional method of DNA sequencing can determine up to 1000 base pairs at one time. A long piece of DNA should be cut up into many short DNA fragments that are suitable for DNA sequencing. These DNA fragments, however, lose their... more
Zeta potential measurements of silica-induced protein (SIP) Escherichia coli and quartz showed that the former are positively charged under acidic condition and negatively charged under neutral and alkaline conditions, with an isoelectric... more
The adsorption mechanisms of Pb2+, Cd2+ and Sr2+ ions on natural sepiolite and the influence of acid treatment on the adsorption capacity of sepiolite were investigated.The point of zero charge, pHpzc, is 7.4±0.1 for natural sepiolite and... more
In this research we learn about more deeply the problems related to electric field and charges.